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Watch_Dogs reviews

wow 82 is pretty decent. seems most people love it. I guess the game turned out great after all! my dedsec ps4 version should arrive any minute now and I cannot wait.

I see eurogamer is turning into edge, low-ballin' a lot of games recently. that review is a load of drivel.
You played the game? I personally took a lot out of that review.




Watch Dogs ist kein Actionspektakel, das den Spieler von der ersten Minute an fesselt. Die ersten ein, zwei Stunden fühlen sich die Abenteuer des Aiden Pearce mehr nach Arbeit als nach Spaß an: Nicht alle Gameplay-Elemente mit ihren Eigenheiten sind intuitiv verständlich.

Nach und nach entfaltet das Programm dann aber immer mehr Sogwirkung. Watch Dogs ist sehr abwechslungsreich: Gerade haben wir eine hochdramatische Verfolgungsjagd überstanden, schon dürfen wir in einem eher ruhigen Abschnitt per Kameraübernahme in einen Gebäudekomplex einbrechen.

Neben der Hauptkampagne lädt aber auch die schiere Masse an klasse gemachten Nebenmissionen dazu ein, in der offenen Welt zu verweilen - egal ob im Onlineduell gegen einen feindlichen Hacker oder bei der Verbrechensbekämpfung im Dienste der Bürger. Nebeneinsätze sind mit viel Aufwand inszeniert. Dazu kommt das interessante Fähigkeitensystem, das ebenfalls motiviert.

Schade, dass das Chicago im Spiel zwar technisch aufwendig in Szene gesetzt ist, aber die Metropole etwa im Vergleich zu Los Santos aus GTA 5 fast ein bisschen langweilig wirkt - wie eine x-beliebige US-Stadt und nicht wie der interessanteste Ort der Welt. Das gilt ähnlich für die Handlung: Sie ist mit schönen Zwischensequenzen und emotionalen Überraschungen gut in Szene gesetzt, aber nicht allzu originell. Und über Hacker oder staatliche Überwachung erfahren wir außer Klischees nichts.

Dennoch, nach dem etwas mühsamen Einstieg hat uns Watch Dogs langfristig für sich gewonnen. Zwar nicht auf allerhöchstem Niveau, aber so, dass wir das Programm mit Überzeugung weiterempfehlen - und das nicht nur Hackern.

Watchdog is not an action spectacle that captivates the player from the first minute. The first one or two hours feel the adventures of Aiden Pearce more for work than for fun at : Not all gameplay elements with its peculiarities are intuitive.Gradually the program unfolds but then more and more suction. Watchdogs is very varied : We have just survived a highly dramatic chase , already we can break into a building complex in a rather quiet section by camera acquisition .In addition to the main campaign but also invites the sheer number of side missions to a class made ​​to dwell in the open world - whether in online duel against enemy hackers or in fighting crime in the service of citizens. Besides stakes are staged with great effort. Then there is the interesting skill system , which also motivated.Too bad that Chicago is indeed technically complex set in scene in the game, but the metropolis is compared to Los Santos from GTA 5 almost looks a bit boring - like an x - any U.S. city and not like the most interesting place in the world. This is similar to the plot : It is well set with beautiful cutscenes and emotional surprises in the scene , but not too original . And about hackers or government supervision we learn nothing except clichés .Nevertheless , after some laborious entry watchdog has won us over the long term for themselves. While not at the highest level , but so that we recommend this program with conviction - and not just hackers.


I see almost nothing but PS4 reviews. Very curious to see what XboxOne Meta ends up at. I 'll make a wild guess that Ubi has sent out only PS4 copies to the media.

Get used to it. PS4 is the lead platform this gen. The Giant Bomb guys already confirmed it. Last gen, it was almost always 360.


Will wait to get it pre owned later on down the line or if and when it hits PS Plus, ever since the delay my hype for it deflated, finding out Ubisoft made a myriad of 'collector's editions' just completely put me off.

I would say the reviews are decent however, does anyone have an idea of what Metacritic Ubisoft were expecting/hoping for?


wow 82 is pretty decent. seems most people love it. I guess the game turned out great after all! my dedsec ps4 version should arrive any minute now and I cannot wait.

I see eurogamer is turning into edge, low-ballin' a lot of games recently. that review is a load of drivel.

Mar10 3D World and Mar10 Kart 8 would like to have a word with you.


Get used to it. PS4 is the lead platform this gen. The Giant Bomb guys already confirmed it. Last gen, it was almost always 360.

Also because of the marketing deal Ubi has with Sony i would say. But yeah, PS4 is the lead platform, thankfully, considering it's the more powerful one and most multi plats will look better on the PS4 so developers/publishers want reviewers to play and showcase the 'best version', with regard to consoles anyway.


Reviews are looking pretty damn solid actually, for the most part. I'm really enjoying my time with it too (my copy arrived on Friday) so this is encouraging to see. There's a great game here imo.


Junior Member
Watching the Giant Bomb quick look and I think it looks pretty cool despite all the "average" reviews coming out.

I guess they overloaded the hype machine on this one.


Right. PlayStation LifeStyle's review is officially live, too. No idea what happened before where it was sent back to pending.


Got a 6.5/10 or equivalent to two dumplings, chicken feet and a bowl of plain noodles to a starving man.

you jerk!!! I had water in my mouth and spit it all over my phone lol!!!!!

these reviews have me worried... I was kind of waiting before I got a midnight purchase. Oh well back to dota 2.


Also because of the marketing deal Ubi has with Sony i would say. But yeah, PS4 is the lead platform, thankfully, considering it's the more powerful one and most multi plats will look better on the PS4 so developers/publishers want reviewers to play and showcase the 'best version', with regard to consoles anyway.
I don't know if that is the reason, reviewers always got PS2 versions of games over Xbox/GC.

Last gen, while most games were better on 360, even FFXIII which was way better on PS3 was given out on 360.

It might just be whatever is easiest to print discs for.
Yeah, under 85 which I called it. Still will get receiving the game for $36. Wish I could cancel, but Toys R' Us policy says no. Oh well!


I don't know if that is the reason, reviewers always got PS2 versions of games over Xbox/GC.

Last gen, while most games were better on 360, even FFXIII which was way better on PS3 was given out on 360.

Wasn't the only different between the 360/PS3 versions of FFXIII the compressed cutscenes?

Dunno if I'd say uncompressed cutscenes makes it "way better".


Please trust the gaming journalism websites reviews (Not every site :p)


Reading the reviews made me facepalm multiple times, i have finished the game, was hyped for it but ended up being disappointed

Driving (as bad as GTA 4)
Main missions (lame/repetitive and feel like fillers)
Story+Characters including the lead are bad
Hacking Mini Game gets worse and worse as you advance through the story
Stealth+Escort missions are annoying as hell

The Core of the game is lacking, you buy watch dogs to mess around with cops, play some mini games and explore the city basically.


"Hacking is just pressing buttons."

Well, uh, this is a game that you play with a controller or keyboard. You input commands with buttons. So, uh, you kinda need to press buttons to do anything in any game.

I respect others' opinions, but that comment is just ludicrous. They'd have been better off just saying they found hacking repetitive.

Watch_Dogs 2 to have keyboard support for hacking confirmed. /s

I agree with your assessment. Any time a game that has been shown as much as this comes out, of course you're going to get some reviews that review based on hype rather than gameplay experience.

It's a big reason why I preordered the game and then walked away from the media surrounding it. I wanted to base my purchase solely on my first impressions of the type of game that I want to play. Obviously if the majority of reviews were calling it a steaming hot pile of trash, then I would save my money, but the near "80%" rating (and I use quotes because its all so subjective) tells me that this is a game I am going to thoroughly enjoy.

Can't wait to pick it up after work today.
Please trust the gaming journalism websites reviews


Reading the reviews made me facepalm multiple times, i have finished the game, was hyped for it but ended up being disappointed

Driving (as bad as GTA 4)
Main missions (lame/repetitive and feel like fillers)
Story+Characters including the lead are bad
Hacking Mini Game gets worse and worse as you advance through the story
Stealth+Escort missions are annoying as hell

The Core of the game is lacking, you buy watch dogs to mess around with cops, play some mini games and explore the city basically.

The stealth missions are great actually, like Splinter Cell Blackilist except you have to kill everyone. The Escort missions besides one aren't annoying because you can log out of the camera you hacked to direct the person around, and just murder everyone while the person you're protecting hides behind cover. The other ones that don't involve cameras are easy as hell so these journalists most likely just have blisters all over their fingers.

The driving isn't like GTA IV
What did Jim give Vanquish?


"Vanquish defenders are cretins sometimes. Patting themselves on the back for liking it like that's a special achievement. It is not."


He played the game like a cover shooter, then criticised it for being a cover shooter. He also gave The Last Story 4/10 because he didn't like the auto combat system, yet ignored the fact that he could change the combat settings to manual in the start menu.

I'm not saying that he's wrong for having his opinions, but he strikes me as very much someone who falls for hype, and reviews games based on their surface elements, not on their mechanics. Nothing about the other reviews for Watch Dogs make it seem like it's an especially polished game, and several have gone out of their way to suggest otherwise, with the AI and driving being noted. I'll happily listen to him go off at EA about microtransactions, but I'd be very wary about his reviews for various games. Chris Carter, Jim's replacement at Destructoid, offers much, much better and detailed analysis, I think.


The stealth missions are great actually, like Splinter Cell Blackilist except you have to kill everyone. The Escort missions besides one aren't annoying because you can log out of the camera you hacked to direct the person around, and just murder everyone while the person you're protecting hides behind cover. The other ones that don't involve cameras are easy as hell so these journalists most likely just have blisters all over their fingers.

The driving isn't like GTA IV

I'm not talking about the stealth concept as optional thing (it's great actually)
I'm talking about the forced stealth missions (once you are discovered you fail the mission) aka forced stealth

Escorts are multiple times and forced besides the one where you can leave.

Driving not identical to GTA4 but as bad which was my point, the Driving is not good and each car has a different handling status


I don't get the complaints about driving. Sure, it's a tad "heavy" at times, but I liked it overall. Didn't the Driver team work on that segment mostly? It's somewhat noticeable. I like it.

I'm talking about the forced stealth missions (once you are discovered you fail the mission) aka forced stealth

I agree this was bad, one mission in particular was very annoying.


I dont know how much should I trust those reviews. Any Ass Creed usually gets high score and its quite a weak game.

It seems to me that I would feel the same with WD. Well... I dunno, maybe I would be surprised.



"Watch Dogs was so well received at E3 2012 not for its looks, but what it promised: a truly new way to play open-world games in which the concept of agency extends beyond choosing where to go and what to do next. And whether you’re on foot, behind the wheel or in combat, Watch Dogs delivers on that promise. Rarely has a single button done so much, and so well."

Good shit. Can't wait to play this.
I'm not talking about the stealth concept as optional thing (it's great actually)
I'm talking about the forced stealth missions (once you are discovered you fail the mission) aka forced stealth

Escorts are multiple times and forced besides the one where you can leave.

Driving not identical to GTA4 but as bad which was my point, the Driving is not good and each car has a different handling status

"each car has a different handling status" <<<<This supposed to be a bad thing? You don't like Sleeping Dogs driving do you?

The Escort missions are so easy I can't see why anyone would complain about them. In the ones with the camera escort beyond one, you can just run in and kill everyone. Even in forced stealth sections, it's easy to just headshot people and hide. Throw proximity IEDs where enemies are coming and that'll thin them all out.


Im guessing it'll be like assassins creed 1. 1 was good, but the sequel was where the magic was at. So I'll like to see how they build on it. Cause ass creed 2 was freaking amazing.


I don't know if that is the reason, reviewers always got PS2 versions of games over Xbox/GC.

Last gen, while most games were better on 360, even FFXIII which was way better on PS3 was given out on 360.

It might just be whatever is easiest to print discs for.

Eh with FFXIII, Enix kinda knew it would sell on PS3, it's a Sony system after all. Idk what the reasons are for that, obviously better sales of the 360 coupled with the ease of developing for it relative to the PS3's cell might have contributed to the fact that many reviews were done on the 360. Also, if i was a reviewer, i'd definitely play most on the 360, cuz the Dualshock 3 is a terrible controller lol. Didn't realise how bad it was until i got the DS4 :D Sorry don't mean to derail the thread.


"Hacking is just pressing buttons."

Well, uh, this is a game that you play with a controller or keyboard. You input commands with buttons. So, uh, you kinda need to press buttons to do anything in any game.

I respect others' opinions, but that comment is just ludicrous. They'd have been better off just saying they found hacking repetitive.
I get where this criticism is coming from. Games like Quadrilateral Cowboy and Hack n' Slash approach the hacking as gameplay concept in unique ways that mimic the real thing, emphasizing player expression and even education over simplicity. Pressing a button for cool stuff to happen and pipe maze puzzles might make for a more accessible system but it certainly sounds like the tried and true video game approach over anything substantial or ground breaking. Cool concepts deserve cool gameplay mechanics.


I don't get the complaints about driving. Sure, it's a tad "heavy" at times, but I liked it overall. Didn't the Driver team work on that segment mostly? It's somewhat noticeable. I like it.

I agree this was bad, one mission in particular was very annoying.

The problem is each car has different feel and control

Handling, acceleration, speed etc each car got each status rated between 1 star to 5 star, i just escaped from the building, stole the first car front of me and trying to run from the cops, oooh this car got 1/5 star handling, lets just drop and pick another car? or try to chase a guy during one of the missions only to discover that he is actually escaping from me in the highway just because my car "max speed" is not as fast as his car and fail the mission.

I'm not hating on the game but some reviews are rating the game simply way too high as if it was flawless , that eurogamers reviews with watch dogs ads blasted everywhere rated it 9/10 some even rated it 100/100 the hell?

Giantbomb gave it what it deserve, 6/10 (maybe 7/10 if i was generous)


Im guessing it'll be like assassins creed 1. 1 was good, but the sequel was where the magic was at. So I'll like to see how they build on it. Cause ass creed 2 was freaking amazing.

exactly. and much like the first AC it is getting largely decent reviews when in hindsight, we all know AC 1 was shit. same will be true for watchdogs, once we get the genuinely decent sequel, we'll allow ourselves to accept the fact that this game is not very good. until then, let the hype fueled praise run free...
The majority of these scores fall exactly in line from what I'd expect from a super-budgeted, hyper-marketed AAA title, while the two outlets I look to the most, Eurogamer and Giantbomb, score closer to what I would expect from a major Ubisoft title.

The Llama

The problem is each car has different feel and control

Handling, acceleration, speed etc each car got each status rated between 1 star to 5 star, i just escaped from the building, stole the first car front of me and trying to run from the cops, oooh this car got 1/5 star handling, lets just drop and pick another car? or try to chase a guy during one of the missions only to discover that he is actually escaping from me in the highway just because my car "max speed" is not as fast as his car and fail the mission.

I'm not hating on the game but some reviews are rating the game simply way too high as if it was flawless , that eurogamers reviews with watch dogs ads blasted everywhere rated it 9/10 some even rated it 100/100 the hell?

Giantbomb gave it what it deserve, 6/10 (maybe 7/10 if i was generous)

Kinda makes you wonder how TF ended up with an 86 on metacritic...
The problem is each car has different feel and control

Handling, acceleration, speed etc each car got each status rated between 1 star to 5 star, i just escaped from the building, stole the first car front of me and trying to run from the cops, oooh this car got 1/5 star handling, lets just drop and pick another car? or try to chase a guy during one of the missions only to discover that he is actually escaping from me in the highway just because my car "max speed" is not as fast as his car and fail the mission.

I'm not hating on the game but some reviews are rating the game simply way too high as if it was flawless , that eurogamers reviews with watch dogs ads blasted everywhere rated it 9/10 some even rated it 100/100 the hell?

Giantbomb gave it what it deserve, 6/10 (maybe 7/10 if i was generous)

I don't understand how it's a problem with the game that the cars control differently and there's no rubberbanding. All recent sandbox games bar Sleeping Dogs have cars with varied handling. You want everything to be the same? Just get a car with the smartphone before the mission and use that for the mission. I had an issue you did on the chase the firetruck mission so I just went and found a better car before I started the chase.


I dont believe in how videogames are review nowadays. (i hope that that phrase explains enough)

Still, on metacritic i see: "based on 41 critics" thats a low number for a game as big as watch dogs, no??. At least i think so (and its not like the xbox one version is getting many reviews, only 5 reviews for now). Give it more time.

For example, mario kart 8 already has 58 critics after less than 2 weeks, and it will have a lot more after some time (same for watch dogs, i guess).
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