I was asking because I don't recall ever seeing that on my receipts (and I always pay with card), not as a measure of authenticity.
It depends on the store, but most restaurants in the US do this.
I was asking because I don't recall ever seeing that on my receipts (and I always pay with card), not as a measure of authenticity.
The worst kind of people. If you're racist just say it to my face
It depends on the store, but most restaurants in the US do this.
Fast food receipts do, but not receipts with tip lines.
I was asking because I don't recall ever seeing that on my receipts (and I always pay with card), not as a measure of authenticity. Though I think skepticism in a case like this is perfectly healthy given the climate we live in. Neogaf is certainly not immune, see: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1305959&page=5
Given the consensus on fake news, it is strange to see so little skepticism in this thread compared to this one: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1209230
Plus usually the customer copy of the receiptFast food receipts do, but not receipts with tip lines.
Plus usually the customer copy of the receipt
I wonder how many people have that church thread bookmarked
You sure? I've known I've seen receipts like the one in the OP in sit down restaurants before.Nah, most customer copy receipts are the same as merchant copy receipts aside from the line stating which is which. You're supposed to fill out both.
So you can post it when you want to call a victim of racism a liar.Why the hell would you bookmark it?
They decided that they wanted to ruin the waitress' day
You sure? I've known I've seen receipts like the one in the OP in sit down restaurants before.
I feel like I've heard this story before..
Its hard not to be skeptical with the influx of "anonymous evil note ---> gofundme blessing" stories on the newsDid they find them for sure and determine that they did it? I just get so skeptical on this stuff. Shitty if true, but I'm always wary to accept it because it seems so ridiculous that people would actually do shit like this.
E: I realize my post comes off really shitty. But I don't mean it as such. I just don't know some people are really that terrible, so my brain just immediately has a hard time realizing it's a real thing to be that garbage of a person.
Why the hell would you bookmark it?
EDIT: I don't have any threads bookmarked. That's a real shitty thing for you to insinuate. And whether this story is or not does not change the fact that not everything you read is true, and using what amounts to a gut check to call for internet justice is almost universally a societal cancer.
Hey, if it turns out to be fake I'll eat crow with non-pandering hot sauce, but I suppose we have to consider why your first instinct is to think this could be fake and why mine is to think it's probably real given what we know right now
This is a pretty low-level instance (and one that happens daily in different forms) compared to burning down a church, so I'm not really skeptical about people going out of their way to shit on a black waitress
The only thing that has me confused is the balance due at $0.00. Never seen that before.
She sounds so upbeat, Black Girl Magic
It's common, I can only assume many folks in this thread don't pay attention. Anyhoo, here is the 'full'' receipt. The blacked out part is an illegible sig, and the last 4 of the CC, so not sure why that site decided to censor.
I'm biased to think fake because I've never met anyone that would write something like that on a receipt. Hell, I don't know anyone that writes anything other than numbers on a receipt. Combine that with the relative freshness of threads that started similarly where the initial report was false. But that's just my experience and I get why other people would be inclined to believe otherwise. Either way, there is no certainty so seeing people call for these people to be "named and shamed", fired from their jobs, etc. is dangerous. Also, Black Mirror.
Lots of various stories stories about black people responded to ugly racism with grace, from Obama to the Charleston church to this. Almost want to ask why are black people expected or even required to respond with their best to white people's worst instincts. "Can we just move on/you didn't have to drag it out/your response is as bad as what they did to you/etc." Jesus...
Everyone in the world acts like just the people you know??? And that people only write numbers, not letters used in signatures, on a receipt???
What kind of bubble are you living in to think that's an accurate rule of thumb. Maybe your rule of thumb should be not to speak on issue of the world until you've gained more experience than what the "people you've met" have provided you.
Must be different in other regions. I always see receipts like this randomly googled one:
What annoyed me about the story was that they bothered to write the note. I mean, are they so dumb that they somehow think "Ah well, she was nice so she deserves to know why we didn't tip her". As if it would somehow be better than just walking out of the bloody restaurant.
So, a random racist couple is racist and shitty. "Wow, that's awful!" But shouldn't Mod-Bot, who closed the original thread about the 4 black people torturing a white special needs person, also feel the need to close this thread? -- Here was his/her viewpoint on that --
Please don't create threads about news stories whose sole point is to horrify and appall people. This applies equally to stories about horrible events and to random, petty local tragedies of no greater significance. It makes people's experience of our community worse if they have to tiptoe in between threads about mundane atrocities just to participate in the OT. Real news stories of cultural import are fine, even when they're about something horrific happening, but if the right response to a story is mostly just "wow that's awful" it probably shouldn't get a thread.
This seems like a random, petty local tragedy of no greater significance. Racists not tipping is shitty, but a "mundane atrocity" as well.
Like, was it necessary to leave the note at all?
No, and maybe I'll get banned for the post I made. But I'm asking why this hasn't been closed and giving an explicit example of why I'd expect it to be. Maybe Mod-Bot hasn't seen it, as no one is on 24 hours a day. Or maybe there's a difference that can be explained easily for me to learn from.
Did you PM a mod?
No, and maybe I'll get banned for the post I made. But I'm asking why this hasn't been closed and giving an explicit example of why I'd expect it to be. Maybe Mod-Bot hasn't seen it, as no one is on 24 hours a day. Or maybe there's a difference that can be explained easily for me to learn from.
You should PM a mod if there is an issue with a thread. Do you think mods are all knowing all seeing omnipotent beings?
They say constantly: "If you have issue with moderation, PM a mod."
You should do that.
They seem pretty good at participating in or closing threads, yeah.
You're assuming someone didn't PM a mod about those threads, yeah?
Shooting a PM to a mod is more effective than thread shitting.
Is your goal to get the thread closed?
So, a random racist couple is racist and shitty. "Wow, that's awful!" But shouldn't Mod-Bot, who closed the original thread about the 4 black people torturing a white special needs person, also feel the need to close this thread? -- Here was his/her viewpoint on that --
Please don't create threads about news stories whose sole point is to horrify and appall people. This applies equally to stories about horrible events and to random, petty local tragedies of no greater significance. It makes people's experience of our community worse if they have to tiptoe in between threads about mundane atrocities just to participate in the OT. Real news stories of cultural import are fine, even when they're about something horrific happening, but if the right response to a story is mostly just "wow that's awful" it probably shouldn't get a thread.
This seems like a random, petty local tragedy of no greater significance. Racists not tipping is shitty, but a "mundane atrocity" as well.
I gave my opinion on the thread (wow those people are racist and shitty). Adding to it, I'll say that the person exposed to that racism acted really classy about it. My goal isn't to get the thread closed. But I do take issue that the thread I referenced was initially closed. Perhaps, since that topic went on to get a lot more attention, the mod would say they made a mistake at the time. Or, maybe not. Perhaps the mod would close this thread, or explain the difference.
Or perhaps you should PM me, as you and I going back and forth with your thoughts here certainly is derailing the thread.
Once again, your issue and questions can easily be answered by a mod.I gave my opinion on the thread (wow those people are racist and shitty). Adding to it, I'll say that the person exposed to that racism acted really classy about it. My goal isn't to get the thread closed. But I do take issue that the thread I referenced was initially closed. Perhaps, since that topic went on to get a lot more attention, the mod would say they made a mistake at the time. Or, maybe not. Perhaps the mod would close this thread, or explain the difference.
Or perhaps you should PM me, as you and I going back and forth with your thoughts here certainly is derailing the thread.
Like, was it necessary to leave the note at all?
Once again, your issue and questions can easily be answered by a mod.
What does that thread have to do with this one by the way?
Why would I PM you? I don't want the thread closed and you aren't a mod.
The ideology of moderators shouldn't need to be a secret. How are you supposed to know what viewpoints are okay to express or not allowed if people don't ask on this forum publically? A PM to a straight answer should never be needed.
And I already described how I felt this thread related to the other one.
And I suggested you PM'ed me since you were so offended by a thread derail, nothing more. But don't worry, I'd rather not continue our back and forth.
Well this story is currently being reported to me by BBC news here in London so I think the topic is rather far reaching.Perhaps, since that topic went on to get a lot more attention, the mod would say they made a mistake at the time. Or, maybe not. Perhaps the mod would close this thread, or explain the difference.
Or perhaps you should PM me, as you and I going back and forth with your thoughts here certainly is derailing the thread.
The ideology of moderators shouldn't need to be a secret. How are you supposed to know what viewpoints are okay to express or not allowed if people don't ask on this forum publically? A PM to a straight answer should never be needed