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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Ace 8095

EviLore said:
Rippetoe SMASH!

I've recently talked to two of my uncles who weight train. One drank a gallon of milk a day when he was playing football for the Air Force 20 years ago. The other drank a gallon of milk a day when he was working to gain weight over 35 years ago. Massive amounts of milk drinking runs in the family it seems.

Just because you gained 22 pounds does not make you an expert on weight gain spetz. I've had novices gain that much weight in 3 months of training with me.


lsslave said:
Most of the girls I meet prefer the style you went than the ripped one, although it might be the girls I spend time with but yeah... the majority I've seen prefer that to the ripped look anyhow.

That makes it a preference worth going for eh ;) haha

Something to keep in mind. If you lift for other people or girls, then you'll never stay consistent. About 80-90% of all people typically workout for a few weeks, get the girl or whatever and then stop, lol. If that's your goal then great, however if you are sincere then it's all about what YOU want out of it. Not trying to be a dick, I'm just sick of people I know who solely lift for this reason...

BTW it must be the girls you hang with cause I think it's usually more like girls want a guy with abs. It'd say it's about 60/40 to girls who prefer abs over big arms. That's from my experience though.


Ace 8095 said:

I've recently talked to two of my uncles who weight train. One drank a gallon of milk a day when he was playing football for the Air Force 20 years ago. The other drank a gallon of milk a day when he was working to gain weight over 35 years ago. Massive amounts of milk drinking runs in the family it seems.

Just because you gained 22 pounds does not make you an expert on weight gain spetz. I've had novices gain that much weight in 3 months of training with me.

I'm not gonna sit here and say I know everything about weight lifting, even the best learn new things all the time. A friend of mine who was a crazy huge bodybuilder once told me it took him 10 years to simply learn his body, I still have a long way to go.

However I know people who are about as intelligent as a gorilla when it comes to lifting and they can put on 10 pounds of muscle a month, it's simply genetics bro. You may like drinking a ton of milk, that's great, I used to do the same, however a gallon a day is too much, that's all I'm saying. Milk has alot of great benefits, however it has its problems with it as well.

And if you want to talk about experience I've been personal training for 2 years now at two different gyms, worked as an off season trainer for my high school, I'm NASM/CSCS certified and I'm currently working on staff as an intern with Texas Tech's Strength and Conditioning with the football team getting my BS in ESS while also getting my cert in NSCA.

---> My advice is try drinking alot of milk, like your results? Then keep using it. Don't like your results or feel like its bloating you? Probably should cut back, or not drink it at all.

Ace 8095

spetz said:
I'm not gonna sit here and say I know everything about weight lifting, even the best learn new things all the time. A friend of mine who was a crazy huge bodybuilder once told me it took him 10 years to simply learn his body, I still have a long way to go.

However I know people who are about as intelligent as a gorilla when it comes to lifting and they can put on 10 pounds of muscle a month, it's simply genetics bro. You may like drinking a ton of milk, that's great, I used to do the same, however a gallon a day is too much, that's all I'm saying. Milk has alot of great benefits, however it has its problems with it as well.

And if you want to talk about experience I've been personal training for 2 years now at two different gyms, worked as an off season trainer for my high school, I'm NASM/CSCS certified and I'm currently working on staff with Texas Tech's Strength and Conditioning with the football team getting my BS in ESS while also getting my cert in NSCA. Do I need to keep going?
It's great that your working with D1 athletes, but that doesn't mean you understand how to train a novice. Novices can gain weight extremely fast because they are novices. 20 to 30 pounds of weight gained and a doubling of lower body strength in the first 3 to 4 months can be expected by almost any young, skinny man. There are many people on this board who have experienced these results. If you want to reply please move this to the fitness thread, as most people here don't give a damn about what we're discussing.


Ace 8095 said:
It's great that your working with D1 athletes, but that doesn't mean you understand how to train a novice. Novices can gain weight extremely fast because they are novices. 20 to 30 pounds of weight gained and a doubling of lower body strength in the first 3 to 4 months can be expected by almost any young, skinny man. There are many people on this board who have experienced these results. If you want to reply please move this to the fitness thread, as most people here don't give a damn about what we're discussing.

I'm gonna just leave it be. I don't doubt you know what your talking about one bit my friend.

Most people I've worked with were novices before I got where I am today and I agree with what your saying, large gains always happen in the first 1-6 months, some of the kids I've trained have had huge gains, anywhere from 5-40 pounds! (I gained 10 pounds in the first 6 months) I cannot emphasize the importance of doing legs and lower body. (I neglected this until about 2 years ago)

I am curious though, do you train friends tryin to get in shape? Or do you work at a gym or something like that?


Just started losing weight myself, but it's going easier then I expected. Lost 10 lbs over the last month and a half mainly from cutting down on snacks and eating less meat. Decided to switch from biking to walking to work now as well (20 mins a day by bike, around an hour walking) to speed it up a bit more. Decent start I'd say as the goal is to lose around 30 - 40 lbs in total.


Antagon said:
Just started losing weight myself, but it's going easier then I expected. Lost 10 lbs over the last month and a half mainly from cutting down on snacks and eating less meat. Decided to switch from biking to walking to work now as well (20 mins a day by bike, around an hour walking) to speed it up a bit more. Decent start I'd say as the goal is to lose around 30 - 40 lbs in total.

Awesome bro! Hope it continues going well
I've been actually eating well and in small portions for the past 3 weeks unintentionally. :lol

Off to a good start. I'm just looking to shape up and be thinner for the Summer. I've been doing 30 sit ups every morning when I wake up and since it's Winter, I don't have time to Skateboard, my activity of choice. :D But I do walk to and from work which is 15 minutes one way. Been drinking bottles of water, and water at restaurants for 3 weeks also. I hate green veggies, but I suppose I can try and like them for now. We'll see by March how everything comes along.
Much better pics then the ones I posted before.

First one I was 215.

This one I am 179

I guess my goal will be in the 160's But not to much lower then that... Im hoping to bulk up some more even though my main goal is to get cut. :D


SnakeSlashRO said:
Much better pics then the ones I posted before.

First one I was 215.

This one I am 179

I guess my goal will be in the 160's But not to much lower then that... Im hoping to bulk up some more even though my main goal is to get cut. :D
Not working, fix please :)


Nice job Snake! You were never fat, but you had some "round" on you; now you're cutting and creating good angles.

That sounded very homosexual, so let me change up by saying that I'm both proud and also disappointed in GAF for not posting "dat ass" pics for Koshiba on the last page, who while highly respected on this board, also happens to be one of the prettiest members of the board. Show that woman both respect and desire she deserves! :lol
bengraven said:
Nice job Snake! You were never fat, but you had some "round" on you; now you're cutting and creating good angles.

That sounded very homosexual, so let me change up by saying that I'm both proud and also disappointed in GAF for not posting "dat ass" pics for Koshiba on the last page, who while highly respected on this board, also happens to be one of the prettiest members of the board. Show that woman both respect and desire she deserves! :lol

Oh yeah that pretty girl, I was trying to keep it professional. We all thought it. :lol :lol :lol

And thanks. I still have a little belly fat I wanna knock off.
Doing it all for cosplay! Spoken like a true otaku LMAO I want to cosplay as ACE from One Piece... Yeah I know one day GAF is going to quote me on this, and use it against me.... soon...


I don't know if it's admiration or jealousy that I feel for the posters in this thread.

A little bit of both no doubt.

But which one do I feel more? Probably jealousy. Knowing that they've already travelled the long hard road... while I've just begun.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Without flexing ( A few months back)


Flexing (Few month back )


My body is more beefed up and the musles are getting more toned and bigger ever sinced i moved onto Free weights i'l post my next picture in another month or two when all this hard work pays of.


Lost another 5-6 lbs since the last post, going smooth. I feel like an idiot now for not even trying earlier :lol

Pics will come when I'm closer to my goal (another 25 lbs to go)
Zaptruder said:
I don't know if it's admiration or jealousy that I feel for the posters in this thread.

A little bit of both no doubt.

But which one do I feel more? Probably jealousy. Knowing that they've already travelled the long hard road... while I've just begun.

I feel jealous of some of the posters in this thread and I've lost 75 lbs. It's ridiculous how far some of the people in here have come.


For the majority of my life I was overweight, and in the below picture, well into obesity. The first picture is me, at 110kg (243lbs) in mid 2007.

Skip forward to around Mid 2009, I was down to 71kg (155 pounds), and looking a little different.


My main aim is to lose weight. So i've been doing cardio pretty much every day with weights every other day. So I have also been eating a lot less and healthier. But for muscle gain you need to eat more than you burn. im eating less and have lost almost 11 pounds in a month. Anyway my question is I know my muscles are getting stronger as I can lift more (almost double) than when i first started . But does it mean they will stay the same size?


lexi: Wow. Impressive. How tall are you?

Just want to say that everyone in this thread are an inspiration to me. Weight loss is not easy.


Jesus lexi, that's fucking awesome. You look great. Congrats

I love this thread. Can't wait till I can contribute in a few months :D


Jew Gamer
Alright guys, been working hard at it. Onto my last 20 lbs.

First shirtless picture in my life (a friend asked... after begging them not to share it I have decided to share it myself to try and gain confidence in my body)

This is me pushing my stomach out as far as I can go. Both shirts that I am wearing are mediums an the pants are medium. I am down to my goal of a 32 waist and just want to get that last 20 lbs to disappear and I will be one happy camper.

With that in mind, here you go, me pushing my belly out.


Edit: Also, I'm glad to see that this thread keeps going :) Losing weight feels fantastic. Every day my confidence reaches a new high and its blowing my mind. I'd like to hit my goal of 150 before I do my video shoot.

It feels FANTASTIC every day and I hope others are motivated to keep going with us! My body hurts, I'm constantly starving, but it is SO worth it to see what I look like compared to what I started with (50 lbs above the before picture in the OP)


Nice job. Sadly, I need to lose about 20lbs again..~ Had major surgery and put on weight. :( Though the crappy thing is I can only do walking exercise for a few months so this is going to be hard.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Koshiba said:
Nice job. Sadly, I need to lose about 20lbs again..~ Had major surgery and put on weight. :( Though the crappy thing is I can only do walking exercise for a few months so this is going to be hard.

Can't do biking?


Jew Gamer
We're still here to support you while you do it Koshiba :) Losing weight isn't easy. My overweight friends are insanely cruel to me after losing the weight, they treat me like a traitor sometimes I think :lol

Regardless of that, even though its hard (and I'm sorry to hear you had a step in the wrong direction but I'm sure the surgery will be for the best in the end! :) ) you have an un-moving brick wall of support from me!

(I know it can be hard... I actually gained a little weight over the past year.. I lost all my confidence and quit music and slunk so far into depression its sickening. I'm back though! With a vengeance!)

Edit: and as a note: When I am not sticking my gut out as hard as I can push my ribs actually pop out of my skin really far now. It is half-cool half-alarming. I might be getting too into this sometimes I wonder lol


Thanks. I felt amazing earlier this year being in shape and healthy. So now having put on 20lbs, I've been feeling soooo crappy and my self esteem has been in the gutter. :( But everyone keeps reassuring me that I just need to focus on healing from surgery and that in a few months they're sure I'll be able to get back in shape easy.. they said I should just take it easy for now and not try anything drastic with losing the weight. I'm just afraid of putting on more weight / or not being able to lose it again. :(


Jew Gamer
Its hard... when I put on weight last year I got so depressed and I gave up on everything in life. I became a shell.

Putting it back on is really hard.

But as I said, you've got a guaranteed support group. Right now they are right, you should worry about your health first. Once the time comes that you are healed up you can burn it all off again no problem.

Feel free to just bitch at me on your bad days, sometimes I wished I could just scream, but in the end I'd rather you heal up and not do anything to hurt yourself than worry about your weight and I'm sure many others feel the same way. Just vent your frustrations and the time will come and it will all go away again. I didn't think I could do it again but today I am a 32 waist and in medium shirts. I am drastically less than I was before I put weight on again!


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Eh well, do your walking and eat right (stay away from junk, but don't starve yourself, it'll just kill your metabolism) and you'll be ready to attack the 20 pounds when you're 100%.


I've went from roughly 300 pounds during May of 2009 to currently about 243 at the present. I was down to about 239, but I've had a bit of a relapse since Christmas. I'm keeping my head above water, but I can't wait for spring to show up so that I can get back to running at the park. I never thought I would enjoy doing it, but I find it to be one of my favorite things to do.


Here was a shot of me from our family vacation in July of last year.


A lovely, flattering shot my sister took of me one evening during previous vacation. She actually posted this on Facebook and tagged it. When I got mad at her, she had no idea why I wouldn't want that on my page. She's 28. :lol


Here's one more shot from July 2009 after seeing Ben Kweller here in town. I chose this one because you get an idea of just how big my gut really was.

In terms of "After" pictures, I don't really have anything great to show you, but I can at least put up these head shots (you can tell I've lost a lot by looking at my face). Maybe when the roomie comes home tomorrow, I can get him to take a picture of me.




Here's one more shot from July 2009 after seeing Ben Kweller here in town. I chose this one because you get an idea of just how big my gut really was.
Cool! Ben Kweller. He is a pal of mine.

I backtracked. My family sent me cheese for Christmas and I gained 10 pounds, so I'm back to 204 :( Want to get back down to 180 ASAP!


Jew Gamer
Awesome job man :) Keep at it and let the weight burn off!

element -> a relapse sucks but just work hard and burn it off again. You lost the weight the first time you can lose it again don't forget that!!
Blakero said:
4 years of hardwork and dedication = 75lbs lost and 5 inches off my waste.

N' u look a lot more handsome because of it :)
Lol maybe "more" isnt the right word.

p2535748 said:
I'm up to running 1/2 marathons (don't think I'll try for full ones). Also, in my experience, Thaedolus is right about plateauing. It just happens (at least to me it did). After a few weeks, the weight loss continues.

Another nice face transformation :D

Thanks for the pics guys, their a nice inspiration.

Weightlifting and cardio go hand in hand for fitness. You won't get big unless you work hard specifically to get big, which means more like doubling or tripling the calories you eat every day and consistently working an advanced program for a long time.

Color me surprised.. so by doing weight lifting without eating like crazy I won't bulk up? Oh thanks god. You just gave me breath of fresh air :D .


Just a bit of a minor update that I've hit a bit of a milestone target, getting below 69kg (152lbs).

Goal weight is somewhere around 65-66kg (143-145lbs)
lsslave said:
Losing weight ruined my sex life, the people who wouldn't give me the time of day before now want to be with me and I look at them like they are fucking idiots thinking I would touch them now... they had their chance when I was fat! lol

Wait, so you didn't like the fact that people weren't as attracted to you when you were overweight. I take it, then, that you've never made a comment on someone's attractiveness before - based on any physical characteristic - and that you literally see no difference in attractiveness based on a person's appearance.

Congratulations, you're a rarity.

Now I'm not saying you're not a great guy, nor that larger people can't be attractive at all, I'm just saying that based on your age and demographic, I'm thinking that it's hardly surprising, nor entirely unfair, that people weren't as attracted to you when you were bigger. I mean, for the most part, most people in western society don't find larger people attractive.

It's like being offended if you offered someone a plate of fried grasshoppers and they said "hell no!". It's a cultural/societal norm to have a notion of what is attractive. If you weren't it, then don't blame other people.

And yes, I've lived in that not-so-attractive fringe for years my self, so I'm not entirely unaware of your position.


Jew Gamer
thoughthorizon said:
Wait, so you didn't like the fact that people weren't as attracted to you when you were overweight. I take it, then, that you've never made a comment on someone's attractiveness before - based on any physical characteristic - and that you literally see no difference in attractiveness based on a person's appearance.

Congratulations, you're a rarity.

Now I'm not saying you're not a great guy, nor that larger people can't be attractive at all, I'm just saying that based on your age and demographic, I'm thinking that it's hardly surprising, nor entirely unfair, that people weren't as attracted to you when you were bigger. I mean, for the most part, most people in western society don't find larger people attractive.

It's like being offended if you offered someone a plate of fried grasshoppers and they said "hell no!". It's a cultural/societal norm to have a notion of what is attractive. If you weren't it, then don't blame other people.

And yes, I've lived in that not-so-attractive fringe for years my self, so I'm not entirely unaware of your position.

I should have clarified that, the same people who treated me like dirt are the ones I ignore now :lol

Like, people I had crushes on and etc. I wouldn't touch with a 10 ft. pole because they aren't good enough for me. And yes I am shallow... the more weight I lose the more shallow I get. I don't want someone "skinny" but I want someone "active" ... which sounds weird but I don't know how else to describe it other than I am always walking / doing / etc. and someone who sits around lazy all the time I'd break up with right away because I can't handle inactivity.


there is joy in sucking dick
Such an inspirational thread. I'm currently looking at some footwear for running and cross training. I spent a good couple of months reading about various regimens, I'm also very familiar with weightlifting. I just can't wait till I can start running in good weather and getting back to weightlifting.


So time frame wise I started losing weight around october last year. There's been some fluctuating periods (such as christmas) and for most of december and jan I seemed to have hit a 10kg plateau. But finally I've kicked it and started losing it again.

So october about 100kgs/220 pounds. Now I'm at 87kg/191 pounds. Doesn't seem like much but it's getting there. My goal weight is 65kg/143 pounds. I'm 5'7" and female. No photos until I get to my goal weight. But already I'm not as thick and my face is so much nicer. All I've been doing is eating less, drinking diet soda and avoiding sugars (my brother is a fructose nazi) and he's been motivating me a lot. I have a puppy coming in 2 weeks so he'll need exercise so that will probably get the ball rolling a bit faster.


I started walking the other day again and man it's so depressing how out of shape surgery has made me! I walked once around my neighborhood and was out of breath. :( I hate being this out of shape. I went dancing last night as well but I think that was too much for so soon after surgery (plus I'm also sick now) so I figure it smarter to just rest today. Hopefully I hurt less tomorrow and feel a bit better so I can keep up the walking.
lexi said:
I didn't really want to post this, it's hard, REALLY hard to even look at an old image of myself, but maybe it will serve some use to somebody. There's really a lot more detail to all of this but for the sake of brevity I'll keep it to the weight loss. I'm also a little self conscious about posting a current photo of myself, as a transsexual you deal with a litany of body image issues.

For the majority of my life I was overweight, and in the below picture, well into obesity. The first picture is me, at 110kg (243lbs) in mid 2007.

Skip forward to around Mid 2009, I was down to 71kg (155 pounds), and looking a little different.

Wow, not too shabby at all. You defo look better as a woman (I mean that in a nice way).


Will drop pants for Sony.
SnakeSlashRO said:
Much better pics then the ones I posted before.

First one I was 215.

This one I am 179

I guess my goal will be in the 160's But not to much lower then that... Im hoping to bulk up some more even though my main goal is to get cut. :D

Damn haven't checked this thread in a while, but wow, glad i did. Looking very very cute man. You should cosplay as Jacob from Mass Effect 2.
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