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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Ignore the goofy facial expressions in both pics. Before on left, After on right.


Basically followed the simple "burn more calories than you eat" method for weight loss. I exercised daily and cut out all fast foods and soda. On the rare occasion that I had to eat out, id stick with salads (dressing on the side) or grilled chicken sandwiches with no sauce. The weight just kinda poured off.

Overall, I went from 313 lbs to 175 lbs. Im 5'7''. I still have a small pouch on my stomach that Im currently working on but its hardly noticeable in pics and with my shirt on. I think some of it might be loose skin but I want to really drop my bf% to be sure.


Thanks for the compliments guys. Its really great to see everyone elses before/after photos, its a shit ton of hard work, but damn, at the end of the day, it pays off ;)

jenov4 said:
Rengoku: Awesome transformation dude. Judging from those pictures, you've started to dress up a lot better too. Isn't it amazing how weight loss gives you a whole different perspective on how you dress? I'm the same.

Totally, granted I had to go through a couple sets of clothing, but for the first time in a long while, I was actually looking forward to shopping for new clothes. Its a great feeling when you realize you can fit into a smaller size, or tighten up another notch on your belt.

Salaadin said:
Basically followed the simple "burn more calories than you eat" method for weight loss. I exercised daily and cut out all fast foods and soda. On the rare occasion that I had to eat out, id stick with salads (dressing on the side) or grilled chicken sandwiches with no sauce. The weight just kinda poured off.

Overall, I went from 313 lbs to 175 lbs. Im 5'7''. I still have a small pouch on my stomach that Im currently working on but its hardly noticeable in pics and with my shirt on. I think some of it might be loose skin but I want to really drop my bf% to be sure.

Dude, that's an amazing job! You look like a different person now. Yeah, stomach fat is the hardest spot to lose, all I can say is keep at it! Just curious, how long did it take you to lose all that weight?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Messi said:
Wow, gaf really has a topic for everything.

So I have been fat all my life but recently I began to notice my eating was getting out of control. I was extemely overweight. So as of 6 weeks ago I have been going to the gym as much as possible and only eating my 3 meals a day.

1) Cereal
2) Small sandwich
3) Regular dinner, no extra portions.

I have seen a pretty significant drop in my weight. I am not the lightest I have been in years. But I am going to keep going. I ant to lose my gut completely. One step at a time.

I am 6'6 and I weighed:

Day 1: 364 pounds
Day 45: 327.6 pounds

I will keep going and post pics as I progress. Some of the pics in this topic make me really hopeful. You guys lost a load of weight.

My only problem is I didnt take a day one photo but I can find a recent one before I stopped eating crap right?

Cut the refined carbohydrates and you'll probably drop 3-4 lbs a week without exercise. Time and time again this has been recorded to happen over the last 150 years. William Banting of the 1860s, Pennington of the 1950s, Atkins of the 1970s.

Seriously, it isn't about the calories. It's about the the effect of the hormone insulin and how it regulates fat.

You're losing weight because your reducing insulin indirectly by reducing all food. You can more effectively target the problem by removing refined carbs.

I bet you're starving...But it doesn't have to be that way. You can get your body to feed most of it's calories on body fat in your condition by eating just fat, protein, and green vegetables, not exercise, and not be hungry or feel terrible.


Insulin controls fat accumulation. Overating doesn't cause you to get fat anymore than overeating causes a child to grow taller. Hormones control this, in the case of fat, insulin, in the case of getting taller, growth hormone.


Then at some point in the future, you can reintroduce carbs, have cake/pizza on rare occasions and balance it with periods of no-carbs.


First tragedy, then farce.

I would suggest cutting the cereal and sandwiches.

Both are going to have a high GI rating which means they won't be as filling as they should be... will convert to sugar quickly and allow you to put on more fat. The lunchmeat is also very likely high in salt which is going to be bad for your blood pressure (I just got that talking to from my doctor)

Whole grain versions of these products will be better but try switching to egg whites/turkey bacon for breakfast and cooking double meals at night for leftovers for lunch.

Obviously you've made huge gains, but you might have a bit more efficiency going this way.

You can eat a similar amount of calories in better foods and wind up much fuller because it takes longer for your body to convert them into sugar which means you don't burn through the food as quickly. High fiber content in your food helps this as well because your stomach takes a long time to break down fibers (and can't even break some of it down completely).

I'm not advocating the Atkins diet because I think that it is unrealistic and most people I know who went on it were miserable. Eat a shitload of fruits and veggies during the day and smaller meals. Focus on lean meats during meals and unrefined carbs with high fiber content.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
StoOgE said:
You can eat a similar amount of calories in better foods and wind up much fuller because it takes longer for your body to convert them into sugar which means you don't burn through the food as quickly. High fiber content in your food helps this as well because your stomach takes a long time to break down fibers (and can't even break some of it down completely)

Yes, but I would encourage to eat high fiber in it's natural forms (whole vegetables, fruit) because there was a study within the last 10 years that had a controlled diet. The controlled group ate one diet, the other group the same diet with supplemented fiber. No difference in risk of colon cancer. It's reasonable to assume that refined carbs with artificial fiber also don't have any weight loss benefits, until proven otherwise. In other words, sweetened yogurt with fiber isn't a fat loss food.


First tragedy, then farce.
teh_pwn said:
Yes, but I would encourage to eat high fiber in it's natural forms (whole vegetables, fruit) because there was a study within the last 10 years that had a controlled diet. The controlled group ate one diet, the other group the same diet with supplemented fiber. No difference in risk of colon cancer. It's reasonable to assume that refined carbs with artificial fiber also don't have any weight loss benefits, until proven otherwise. In other words, sweetened yogurt with fiber isn't a fat loss food.

No for sure. Like I said, unrefined grains are going to be naturally high in fiber. A lot of refined grains are enriched with fiber, but that sort of misses the point.. "we're going to take all of the good stuff out, and then put some of it back in".

The enriched stuff is probably better for you than the unenriched simply because the fiber content will lower the GI number so you'll at least get full faster so you'll probably eat less of the stuff that isn't good for you.

Brown Rice, whole grain pastas, etc. are going to be decent for you in moderation.

White Bread, White Pasta, White Rice, etc should be avoided like the plaugue.. and if you eat enough fruit and veggies during the day as snacks your portion size at meals will regulate itself.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
StoOgE said:
I'm not advocating the Atkins diet because I think that it is unrealistic and most people I know who went on it were miserable. Eat a shitload of fruits and veggies during the day and smaller meals. Focus on lean meats during meals and unrefined carbs with high fiber content.

That's completely fair. It doesn't matter what the diet is, so long as it significantly reduces the average amount of insulin in your body.

For me, I'm doing something similar to Atkins to lose 30 lbs. I'm 5 lbs down in just 2 weeks. Haven't done any exercise, save for squats and lunges to beef up my legs so I can do more long distance running.

A little background...I'm 25 and I've always been a health nut (probably 1000 posts on GAF regarding health). Never had a major problem with body fat, until about 2 years ago. Did P90X last year, lost a little fat at first, and certainly gained lots of muscle, but the fat just wouldn't go. Bought an elliptical trainer, did more cardio, still wouldn't go.

That's when I thought I may not have really understood nutrition and started looking up stuff. I think someone on GAF mentioned good calories, bad calories, looked it up on youtube. I was somewhat convinced, and so I read the book. Now I'm thoroughly convinced. And a little angry, considering insulin and fat loss/gain was figured out by Germans in 1930s, but a few ignorant people in public health didn't understand and demanded low fat diets.

I think my previous diet worked up until recently because as Taubes noted that growth hormone in youth can compete with insulin and mask a high insulin diet until adulthood.

Another thing that's interesting is that since I started loading up on saturated fats from coconut oil and regular beef, my skin on my face looks like I'm 18. I'm not overly concerned about this stuff, but I find it very strange how quickly saggy circles under my eyes went away within days. There's something about skin cell membranes and saturated fat...


Thanks for the help guys.

I do have to say though, I am not hungry at all. Which is wierd, I do eat lots of fruit and veg as I am not a big meat eater, yet I do eat some. Veg all day man :)

White bread, pasta ect, is all gone I used to eat so much white bread.

I will stress again, I am never hungry.


teh_pwn said:
Cut the refined carbohydrates and you'll probably drop 3-4 lbs a week without exercise. Time and time again this has been recorded to happen over the last 150 years. William Banting of the 1860s, Pennington of the 1950s, Atkins of the 1970s.

Seriously, it isn't about the calories. It's about the the effect of the hormone insulin and how it regulates fat.

You're losing weight because your reducing insulin indirectly by reducing all food. You can more effectively target the problem by removing refined carbs.

I bet you're starving...But it doesn't have to be that way. You can get your body to feed most of it's calories on body fat in your condition by eating just fat, protein, and green vegetables, not exercise, and not be hungry or feel terrible.


Insulin controls fat accumulation. Overating doesn't cause you to get fat anymore than overeating causes a child to grow taller. Hormones control this, in the case of fat, insulin, in the case of getting taller, growth hormone.


Then at some point in the future, you can reintroduce carbs, have cake/pizza on rare occasions and balance it with periods of no-carbs.

I'm going too watch this after my exam on Monday. Very interesting.
teh_pwn said:
That's completely fair. It doesn't matter what the diet is, so long as it significantly reduces the average amount of insulin in your body.

For me, I'm doing something similar to Atkins to lose 30 lbs. I'm 5 lbs down in just 2 weeks. Haven't done any exercise, save for squats and lunges to beef up my legs so I can do more long distance running.

A little background...I'm 25 and I've always been a health nut (probably 1000 posts on GAF regarding health). Never had a major problem with body fat, until about 2 years ago. Did P90X last year, lost a little fat at first, and certainly gained lots of muscle, but the fat just wouldn't go. Bought an elliptical trainer, did more cardio, still wouldn't go.

That's when I thought I may not have really understood nutrition and started looking up stuff. I think someone on GAF mentioned good calories, bad calories, looked it up on youtube. I was somewhat convinced, and so I read the book. Now I'm thoroughly convinced. And a little angry, considering insulin and fat loss/gain was figured out by Germans in 1930s, but a few ignorant people in public health didn't understand and demanded low fat diets.

I think my previous diet worked up until recently because as Taubes noted that growth hormone in youth can compete with insulin and mask a high insulin diet until adulthood.

Another thing that's interesting is that since I started loading up on saturated fats from coconut oil and regular beef, my skin on my face looks like I'm 18. I'm not overly concerned about this stuff, but I find it very strange how quickly saggy circles under my eyes went away within days. There's something about skin cell membranes and saturated fat...

With a high SFA diet, I no longer burn in the sun. The fat you eat determines the fatty acid content of your body; load up on oxidizable rancid vegetable oils and it'll show up in your cells.

Good to see more people are clued in on proper nutrition!


teh_pwn said:
That's when I thought I may not have really understood nutrition and started looking up stuff. I think someone on GAF mentioned good calories, bad calories, looked it up on youtube. I was somewhat convinced, and so I read the book. Now I'm thoroughly convinced. And a little angry, considering insulin and fat loss/gain was figured out by Germans in 1930s, but a few ignorant people in public health didn't understand and demanded low fat diets.

Do you have list of links/books you've read about this? I'd appreciate it if you can share with us.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Replicant said:
Do you have list of links/books you've read about this? I'd appreciate it if you can share with us.

"Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes


Here seems to go out and do 1-1.5 hour lectures that are pretty much the same that is a brief of the book:

Here's one:

Here's the other (I watched this one):

Just a word of caution, there's part of the presentation that's NSFW. He shows blurry nude pictures of obese people to show extreme cases of body fat distributions (all fat lower body, none on the upper). It's part of his argument that the number of calories don't matter, but that hormones control fat.

But to really appreciate and be convinced, I needed the book. He goes into far more detail, and at the end of the book he has over 100 pages of references listed by page number so you can look up stuff he says that sounds odd. But sure enough, he's not bullshiting.

For example, I looked up proof that carbs, not fat, causes heart disease because he made that point. He also made the claim that carbs increase the risk of hypertension because insulin prevents the kidneys from releasing normal amounts of salt into urine. So it makes your body retain salt and about 3-10 lbs of water weight.

His main point however is that insulin controls body fat. That overeating and lack of energy are the side effects of high insulin, and not the causes of obesity. Calorie restriction and exercise have not been proven in any study to keep weight off long term, however he admits that no study on carb restriction and exercise has been done, and that exercise has other health benefits.

But I can't recommend the book enough. It's $10 on amazon. It really is a piece of art. The guy is a relentless machine. He lists study, after study, after study, and makes very cohesive argument almost to the point you start getting bored because you're already convinced but he continues another 30 pages raping the conventional wisdom in that particular area.
teh_pwn said:
"Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes


Here seems to go out and do 1-1.5 hour lectures that are pretty much the same that is a brief of the book:

Here's one:

Here's the other (I watched this one):

Just a word of caution, there's part of the presentation that's NSFW. He shows blurry nude pictures of obese people to show extreme cases of body fat distributions (all fat lower body, none on the upper).

But to really appreciate and be convinced, I needed the book. He goes into far more detail, and at the end of the book he has over 100 pages of references listed by page number so you can look up stuff he says that sounds odd. But sure enough, he's not bullshiting.

For example, I looked up proof that carbs, not fat, causes heart disease because he made that point. He also made the claim that carbs increase the risk of hypertension because insulin prevents the kidneys from releasing normal amounts of salt into urine. So it makes your body retain salt and about 3-10 lbs of water weight.

Came here to give my support for this theory.

I have given the advice of following a kind of paleo diet for people that ask me about losing weight. It's never failed these people, be it that they want to lose 10 pounds or 2
A good quote from the video

"We don't get fat because we overeat, we overeat because our fat tissue is accumulating excess fat "

What he is trying to say is that we don't get fat because we eat more

We get fat because our body is too busy accumulating energy instead of spending it, so we get hungry.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Price Dalton said:

Good stuff. I like the PaNu's abbreviation of standard american diet - SAD.

A good quote from the video

"We don't get fat because we overeat, we overeat because our fat tissue is accumulating excess fat "

What he is trying to say is that we don't get fat because we eat more

We get fat because our body is too busy accumulating energy instead of spending it, so we get hungry.

Yep, and the cause is unnaturally and chronic levels of insulin. It causes the body to always store fat and prevent it's use. The reason why it's a problem today is because it was impossible for 99.9% of human ancestry to eat such refined carbohydrates to get such an insulin response.

Insulin makes your body fat into a growing parasite. Avoiding high insulin response foods with a high amount of body fat makes the reverse possible: burning fat quickly without hunger because internally calories are rushing out and feeding cells.

There's even accounts from the 1950s and 1960s with people on Pennington's low carb diet of people losing both fat and GAINING muscle simply eating low insulin response food. Probably people's muscle cells had gotten so insulin resistant, that simply removing insulin allowed body fat to feed the muscle cells enough to grow to normal sizes, although I'm speculating.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Jokergrin said:
What are insulin response foods? Is it anything beyond refined sugars and carbs?

Well, first off let's not mislabel insulin as completely evil. It has a very important biological role: store a little body fat for energy between meals, during sleep, and during the winter. It does other things too.

The body secretes insulin in response to blood sugar in simplified terms. (Taubes mentioned on a few pages that some research shows that we secrete it in response to sweet taste, or even thinking about food).

So it follows that any food that quickly results in blood sugar has a high insulin response. Stuff like sugar (sucrose, glucose, not fructose but it's a whole other level on unhealthy), pasta, bread, anything with flour, potatoes (even more than sugar), etc. For the most part foods that are high in the glycemic index are also trigger insulin quickly.

There are some fruits and vegetables that are slightly fattening too, like bananas, watermelon, grapes, and corn.

Protein and I think fats trigger a tiny insulin response. On a carb free diet, the liver will convert some protein to glucose to power the brain.


My doctor just suggested I lose 20lbs. I am 31 and have been right around 200 for two years now. A year before that I got up to 230, which I saw a photo of recently and that was really sad.

Started just drinking more water during the day, and hope to start riding my bike 10 miles a week, with some long dog walks in there.

For good or for bad I lost eight pounds in a week due to getting strep. Oh god. It was awful. I think getting will probably drop 15 pounds for me since I have lots my appetite and nothing tastes the same now.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
NomarTyme said:
I been reading about Taubes stuff. I was wondering should I continue to exercise if I go on the low carb lifestyle?

You don't have to, but it probably will have other health benefits unrelated to body fat percentage. Endorphins, hormones, protection against injury. But other that possibly accelerating fat loss on a low carb diet, I don't think it's going to much for body fat.

Taubes himself does yoga and weight training.


Thank you to those who provided those books/site read list. I really should set aside some time to read them.

I have to admit that I'm really bad when it comes to foods that I eat. I exercise a lot but I don't balance it by eating good food. I'm not eating junk food or anything like that but I sure eat a high amount of sugar-infused foods and carbs.
teh_pwn said:
You don't have to, but it probably will have other health benefits unrelated to body fat percentage. Endorphins, hormones, protection against injury. But other that possibly accelerating fat loss on a low carb diet, I don't think it's going to much for body fat.

Taubes himself does yoga and weight training.

Exercise is important in the sense that it

A) lower stress which lowers insulin
B) Reduces muscle insulin resistance
C) Increases caloric muscle requirements.

That's the reason why weight lifting is more effective at fat loss than straight cardio. It builds muscle so it makes the body a more efficient machine.

As it's been said, it's not NECCESSARY. But a right program can help a lot.

That plus the ability to chug a carb heavy meal after a workout. The body reduces muscle insulin resistance levels drastically and increases it in the rest of the body. It all goes to the muscle
hectorse said:
Exercise is important in the sense that it

A) lower stress which lowers insulin
B) Reduces muscle insulin resistance
C) Increases caloric muscle requirements.

That's the reason why weight lifting is more effective at fat loss than straight cardio. It builds muscle so it makes the body a more efficient machine.

That plus the ability to chug a carb heavy meal after a workout. The body reduces muscle insulin resistance levels drastically and increases it in the rest of the body. It all goes to the muscle

Too much exercise can induce way too much stress and inflammation, though, so you gotta be careful. Exercise is inflammatory, breaking down your muscles with squats and deadlifts is inflammatory; it's all a matter of degree, which is why long distance endurance cardio is way too inflammatory, whereas compound lifting hits the sweet spot.

I think that's why people fail so hard and so regularly at losing weight and getting healthy - way too much stress brought on by way too much thinking/weighing/measuring/treadmill trudging.
Price Dalton said:
Too much exercise can induce way too much stress and inflammation, though, so you gotta be careful. Exercise is inflammatory, breaking down your muscles with squats and deadlifts is inflammatory; it's all a matter of degree, which is why long distance endurance cardio is way too inflammatory, whereas compound lifting hits the sweet spot.

I think that's why people fail so hard and so regularly at losing weight and getting healthy - way too much stress brought on by way too much thinking/weighing/measuring/treadmill trudging.

You are right, I was only thinking of weight lifting at the moment.

Improving cardiovascular health is great. But doing cardio is not the only way to reach it. There are many strength related semi anaerobic types of training that produce the same effects.
hectorse said:
You are right, I was only thinking of weight lifting at the moment.

Improving cardiovascular health is great. But doing cardio is not the only way to reach it. There are many strength related semi anaerobic types of training that produce the same effects.

Yeah. A few days under the bar and a day or two of sprints each week, maybe one long hike? That's really all it takes.

You'll like this one: http://www.paleonu.com/panu-weblog/2010/3/21/still-not-born-to-run.html

Endurance runners had more coronary plaque than sedentary people with worse lipid profiles.
This is anecdotal but even I believe an 1 hour long daily walk is much more useful for fat loss than a running bout, for the same reasons above posted.

But this is important. Without a diet change, no program will work


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Price Dalton said:
Yeah. A few days under the bar and a day or two of sprints each week, maybe one long hike? That's really all it takes.

You'll like this one: http://www.paleonu.com/panu-weblog/2010/3/21/still-not-born-to-run.html

Endurance runners had more coronary plaque than sedentary people with worse lipid profiles.

This should be investigated more.

I glanced over the advanced part of Taube's explanation of how triglycerides get into fat cells/other cells. But I had this intuitive concern that if one where to eat lots of refined carbs to pack on short term fat and did long distance running, that way more triglycerides would be circulating in the body, morphing LDL into the deadly high density tiny kind associated with heart disease.
Gonna get some advice from a doctor tomorrow. I'm about 245 give or take. 5'9''. I was 180 two years ago. Back then I wanted to lose 10 and make a life style of going tot he gym. Same goal, just harder to accomplish.


Wow GAF is amazing at slimming down.

Congrats to everyone.

Unfortunately, I'm the opposite and would like to put on weight but can never seem to....I wish we had a topic for those kinds of people as well.
Dogenzaka said:
Wow GAF is amazing at slimming down.

Congrats to everyone.

Unfortunately, I'm the opposite and would like to put on weight but can never seem to....I wish we had a topic for those kinds of people as well.

The fitness thread is great at that. Head over there
ahhh, I get it now. Gotta cut the carbs.

Today I had cereal for breakfast, a ham and salad roll for lunch and pasta for dinner thinking I had down well for today.

I think I will start cutting the carbs from tomorrow.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Tater Tot said:



Bad croping skills

Not to be mean or anything but i would have mistaken you for an ugly women before, now you look BOSS!

I cant talk though im still working on mine :/

And Salaadin you look fuck awesome as well.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Ballin! i just benched 92.5kg :lol at the start of the year i was struggling with reps of 70kg. My new years goal was to reach 100kg, hopefully im pass that mid year.

Broke my flexi rubber band thing though doing punches though :( . Strongest one my ass!
chicko1983 said:
ahhh, I get it now. Gotta cut the carbs.

Today I had cereal for breakfast, a ham and salad roll for lunch and pasta for dinner thinking I had down well for today.

I think I will start cutting the carbs from tomorrow.

cut the refined carbs. Don't shovel white rice, fries, breakfast cereals into your glob and you'll be fine.


Thanks guys :D

Rengoku said:
Just curious, how long did it take you to lose all that weight?
About a year and a half. The weight really came off fast at first but then started to level off after a few months. Probably a lot of water weight and because I was so big, I was burning a lot of calories. I wish it was always that fast. 1-2lbs a week now feels like it takes so much effort.

rezuth said:

Thats the second time I heard that. I think its just that pic. :lol


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
talisayNon said:
cut the refined carbs. Don't shovel white rice, fries, breakfast cereals into your glob and you'll be fine.

Indeed. I kept saying low carb instead of low refined carbs because I was getting lazy.

Even the fruits/veggies that are slightly fattening have such a lower insulin response than refined carbs that for people with body fat percentages greater than 15%, the new insulin setpoint is lower. So whereas a banana may be fattening to someone with 6% body fat, it is a weight loss food to someone with 30% body fat.


Shit, maybe I'll grab that good carbs bad carbs book. I know how to exercise, and I know for the most part what foods aren't good for you but I don't really understand why they aren't good for you. Maybe if I understand just how much I'm fucking my body over by constantly feeding it shit it will wake me up a little bit and help keep me motivated
This thread popping up just reminds me how silly ToxicAdam's thread of bitching and moaning on the FDA's food labeling guidelines are and how silly some of the posters in there are in insisting that no one cares about nutrition information.


CharlieDigital said:
This thread popping up just reminds me how silly ToxicAdam's thread of bitching and moaning on the FDA's food labeling guidelines are and how silly some of the posters in there are in insisting that no one cares about nutrition information.

I cant pick up a container at the supermarket without looking at the nutrition info and ingredients. Websites like thedailyplate.com are practically bibles to me


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Salaadin said:
I cant pick up a container at the supermarket without looking at the nutrition info and ingredients. Websites like thedailyplate.com are practically bibles to me

Looked around a bit. I like that site... thanks.

I've been using a couple others, but this one is better.
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