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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Bump! So I finally gotten around to taking one of them self shots.. Here's my current progress as of today (caliper measured me at 8%, but I'm thinking it's more like 10%.. anyone know?)..


My original post is here:


Great work everyone. It's soooo inspiring seeing all the progress and hard work pay off. It's WORTH IT. I'm still aiming for a bit lower, I gotta get ready for my summer look, so these last couple of lbs are real challenging. :lol

Lee N

I don't usually post in the OT section, but I guess it's time for me to join in on this whole before and after thing.

Me seven years ago:


Me five years ago:


Me two years ago (oh god...):


Me about a month ago (112 kilos here):


It's not so much of an "after" pic as much as it is a work in progress. I have gone from 148 kilos (~326 lbs) when I was at my absolute worst to 104 kilos (~229 lbs) today. I definitely still have more to shake off, but it is a pretty significant difference already.

Initially I simply made some pretty radical changes to my diet. I've stopped drinking soda and eating candy completely and I've also cut back on carbs, this sparked a slow but steady drop. Back in early February this year I decided to start talking long walks each night (as much as I have time for) and this has really accelerated my weight loss.

It has almost been too easy for me to lose weight, it makes me wonder why I allowed myself to get fat in the first place...


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Good job brah, 100 pounds is a significant transformation (350,000 calories!). Once you get to your goal weight, work on the wardrobe ;b (doesn't make sense to do so while you're in weight loss mode anyhow).

Lee N

EviLore said:
(doesn't make sense to do so while you're in weight loss mode anyhow).
Yeah, that's what bugs me the most right now. I want to buy new clothes, heck I need to because almost everything I own is way too big now, but it seems like a waste when you know you'll have to buy new clothes again soon...

I also probably need to find someone to help me pick out clothes because I have no sense of style whatsoever.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Well if you go to one of them weight loss places they will tell you to junk all your old clothes and get new stuff. Helps psychologically i guess and if you start packin the pounds back on you will get all self concious cause nothing you own fits :lol

Im pumpin my guns at the moment and getting some veiny results, get some more muscle and that should help when slimming.

Lee N

ItAintEasyBeinCheesy said:
Well if you go to one of them weight loss places they will tell you to junk all your old clothes and get new stuff.
Sure, but I can't really justify getting a completely new wardrobe at this point.

By the way, if anyone is curious. I installed RunKeeper on my iPhone a little over a week ago to keep track of my walks. Mostly I was just curious as to how long my route actually was but it turns out it serves as pretty good motivation to see your progress laid out like that. It makes you feel bad when you skip a day... :lol

My profile over at runkeeper.com


Gold Member
jenov4 said:
Bump! So I finally gotten around to taking one of them self shots.. Here's my current progress as of today (caliper measured me at 8%, but I'm thinking it's more like 10%.. anyone know?)..


My original post is here:


Great work everyone. It's soooo inspiring seeing all the progress and hard work pay off. It's WORTH IT. I'm still aiming for a bit lower, I gotta get ready for my summer look, so these last couple of lbs are real challenging. :lol

Absolutely incredible. Congrats. Can you share a bit more about your exercise routine and diet that got you there?


Chittagong said:
Absolutely incredible. Congrats. Can you share a bit more about your exercise routine and diet that got you there?

Thanks dude. I basically decided to run a marathon. That's what really pushed me past the plateau. I joined the local running club, and my life's changed ever since. Ran 5x a week during my peak, but I brought it down after the first marathon was done.

I guess I would consider myself an endurance athlete now and keep trying to push myself further and further. I also do bodyweight exercises and the occasional free weight stuff. Nothing consistent. I enjoy biking and running more than sitting inside a gym pumping iron.

Also, when I started, I replaced all the sodas with the diet version. Yes, I can't stand water and would much prefer the aspartame. It's something you get used to. I eventually cut that down and switched to green tea.

Food wise, I LOVE my vegetables. I do occasionally cheat and go for some Taco Bell. Crunchwrap supremes are too tasty, but I worry less about it now.

Lee N: Amazing progress man. It's like a totally different person.
neojubei said:
Damn haven't checked this thread in a while, but wow, glad i did. Looking very very cute man. You should cosplay as Jacob from Mass Effect 2.

Thanks, I will look into that after I start the game :lol have not yet...
I did some recently, kind of last minute since I'm not ready to do the cosplay I really want, I have pictures here... http://www.cosplay.com/photo/2484603/

My question is, have any of you seen someone who may be around 15-20lbs overweight get cut in about two months or less. I have posted some pictures in the previous thread ( some pictures on that link also) and I started around 215, went to about 179, in three months... I was working on dieting most of all and I didnt do much weights, I also did a few fast. Now that I have access to a gym I have been weight training three times a week...

So I started to eat more protein, and all I have noticed is my weight going up... I just started doing cardio in the mornings ( I have not done much cardio) but I want to lose more weight, but still tone up... most of all I want to get cut... should I just focus on diet and cardio??

Is it possible to lose the last 15-20 lbs I have in like two months? :lol


SnakeSlashRO said:
Thanks, I will look into that after I start the game :lol have not yet...
I did some recently, kind of last minute since I'm not ready to do the cosplay I really want, I have pictures here... http://www.cosplay.com/photo/2484603/

My question is, have any of you seen someone who may be around 15-20lbs overweight get cut in about two months or less. I have posted some pictures in the previous thread ( some pictures on that link also) and I started around 215, went to about 179, in three months... I was working on dieting most of all and I didnt do much weights, I also did a few fast. Now that I have access to a gym I have been weight training three times a week...

So I started to eat more protein, and all I have noticed is my weight going up... I just started doing cardio in the mornings ( I have not done much cardio) but I want to lose more weight, but still tone up... most of all I want to get cut... should I just focus on diet and cardio??

Is it possible to lose the last 15-20 lbs I have in like two months? :lol

Personally, have I seen it done? No, but I don't think it's impossible. They say 1.5lbs to 2lbs a week is a safe level especially if you've got more to lose, but it gets harder and harder the closer you get. You have to really step things up in the end. It takes A LOT of dicipline and you'll likely binge in the end, but hey, it's possible. Might be better to ask this in the weight loss thread. Hehe..

Diet + Cardio + Weights. That's how you do it...Good luck!
jenov4 said:
Personally, have I seen it done? No, but I don't think it's impossible. They say 1.5lbs to 2lbs a week is a safe level especially if you've got more to lose, but it gets harder and harder the closer you get. You have to really step things up in the end. It takes A LOT of dicipline and you'll likely binge in the end, but hey, it's possible. Might be better to ask this in the weight loss thread. Hehe..

Diet + Cardio + Weights. That's how you do it...Good luck!

I think I need to up my cardio... I feel like I am not losing anything, but I can see my body still changing but very slowly... and every week or two I can do more weight at the gym... but most of all I want to cut, more so then I want to build. I think building my be easier once I lose this extra weight. Thx for Info
jenov4 said:
Food wise, I LOVE my vegetables. I do occasionally cheat and go for some Taco Bell. Crunchwrap supremes are too tasty, but I worry less about it now.

Ugh, if you're gonna cheat you have to do better than that. :lol


Will drop pants for Sony.
Rengoku said:
Hi gaf, time to show some pics of my progress so far. Maybe it'll help motivate ppl.


And some info:

Just under 5'7

2008 - 190 lbs, 36 waist, sz XL
2009 - 126 lbs, 28 waist, sz S/XS

Have been overweight most of my life, started to let go around '02 or so, mainly due to school. Towards the end of '08, I decided I needed to start working out and eating healthy. But I didn't want to spend money on a gym membership, so I picked up some weights, bands, pullup bar, and tried P90X. Fast forward to today, I've completed 3 rounds of P90X and am currently on the last week of Insanity.

Goal for 2010 is to start bulking up, I guess I will need a gym membership now...

wow. you look great!


there is joy in sucking dick
jenov4 said:
Bump! So I finally gotten around to taking one of them self shots.. Here's my current progress as of today (caliper measured me at 8%, but I'm thinking it's more like 10%.. anyone know?)..


My original post is here:


Great work everyone. It's soooo inspiring seeing all the progress and hard work pay off. It's WORTH IT. I'm still aiming for a bit lower, I gotta get ready for my summer look, so these last couple of lbs are real challenging. :lol

Mother fuck, that's the dream! Looks fantastic, Jenov!


Rengoku said:
Hi gaf, time to show some pics of my progress so far. Maybe it'll help motivate ppl.


And some info:

Just under 5'7

2008 - 190 lbs, 36 waist, sz XL
2009 - 126 lbs, 28 waist, sz S/XS

Have been overweight most of my life, started to let go around '02 or so, mainly due to school. Towards the end of '08, I decided I needed to start working out and eating healthy. But I didn't want to spend money on a gym membership, so I picked up some weights, bands, pullup bar, and tried P90X. Fast forward to today, I've completed 3 rounds of P90X and am currently on the last week of Insanity.

Goal for 2010 is to start bulking up, I guess I will need a gym membership now...
Congrats dude. This pretty much confirms my theory that being overweight affects your looks. You weren't ugly, but god damn you look a lot better now.

This thread inspires me. I'm not fat by any means, but I would like to get in better shape.


I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Amazing progress for so many. This thread is very inspirational to many and it really does help in getting folks to believe there can be REAL change rather than all those silly before/after shots you normally see on TV and such.

I myself am proud to report that I dropped from about 200lbs to 155lbs and holding steady (5'10). I feel great and am happy to be getting rid of clothes that now look enormous on me. While I was never "huge", for me its a giant step back to the weight I had about 10 years ago again and I'm more fit now than back then too. I've had the weight off for probably about 4 months now and people still can't stop telling me comments about my weight loss. The funny part is that so many people think it was done with gimmick diets or pills or whatever... people seem to have lost the ability to understand that eating right + exercise = weight loss and physical fitness.

I'm trying to put on muscle now but it's been real difficult as I haven't had time to make it to the gym. I've been trying to do stuff at home, but I have to buy a bench I believe to try to make a more complete workout routine. Would anyone care to recommend a routine for me to build muscle and flatten my stomach (lean stomach is what I'm looking for, still have fat laying around). All I've got is a set of 20lb weights right now.


jenov, how old are you now, for reference purposes?

I don't really have any good before pictures, but I was pushing 240 at my worst last summer after a number of years of depression and bad decision making (related? I think so!), but now I'm at 193 with the intent to hit 175 by June (probably going to miss that mark by a bit, but that's alright).

I just turned 28, but I've gotten quite serious about my health and like pretty much everyone here my goal is to work up to a body I'm legitimately proud of (at this point, sub 15% body fat would make me pretty happy). I know 28 is far from old, but I definitely don't have the metabolism I had ten years ago (no shit, I know).

Time to post some questions in the fitness thread I think...

Oh, and great job everyone in here. Always an inspiring thread!


Inspiration GET! Thanks guys.

Lee you could pass for my brother (in the before shots that is). Really amazing transformation. Congrats.

Did you do the Atkins diet?


zero margin said:
Ugh, if you're gonna cheat you have to do better than that. :lol

No way! Taco Bell rules! :lol I have a weakspot for them Crunchwrap Supremes!!

BlueTsunami said:
Mother fuck, that's the dream! Looks fantastic, Jenov!

Thanks man! It's funny because you guys have seen me shirtless while most of my friends haven't yet. :lol

Rengoku: Awesome transformation dude. Judging from those pictures, you've started to dress up a lot better too. Isn't it amazing how weight loss gives you a whole different perspective on how you dress? I'm the same.

outsidah: If you're trying to flatten the stomach, then it's all about getting your bodyfat % lower which means eating less calories than you're taking in. I'm sure you know that! Try changing things up if you've hit a plateau.

LaneDS: I'm turning 34 this year. I didn't start my serious training until I was 29. It's never too late for anyone who thinks they're old. Another bonus is that you start looking younger and better after the weight loss. I guess it's because I've been pretty inactive until I hit 23, that my metabolism is crazy high still. I can keep eating and eating, and not worry too much about weight gain. I wonder what I'd be like if I started this stuff earlier. Hahah.
Just want to say that this is a awesome thread!

I started the Insanity workout about 4 weeks ago. I'm on week 4 currently with a full week next week being the recovery and then it goes to the next 4 weeks which goes harder and longer then the previous 4 weeks.

Now in these first four week, I haven't lost much weight scale wise (the muscle building is definetly contributing to the none change) but stomach wise and inches, I've def gone down and you can see the weight lose in my face, my back, my stomach, etc. :D So, so far so good. I have some before shots, and once I get done with the program completely I'll have my after shots and I'll post em on here. I hear that the second phase of insanity is when the really hardcore results appear so will see.

Great job though everyone! Keep it up!

Lee N

pubba said:
Lee you could pass for my brother (in the before shots that is). Really amazing transformation. Congrats.

Did you do the Atkins diet?
Thank you.

To be honest with you, I haven't really been following any diet strictly. Sure I guess it has elements of the Atikins diet in the sense that I've cut back on carbs, but if I had to name one diet I've gotten the most inspiration from it would have to be LCHF (Low Carb, High Fat).

What it all comes down to is, in my opinion, eating less of what you already know is bad for you. There's no need to go all religious and cut things out completely, and you certainly don't need to starve yourself. Just cut back on a few key things and it will make a difference - all you need is the will to do it, and patience.

pubba said:
Inspiration GET!
You can do it.
Interesting thread. Good work to all that have had success! I've had 2 periods in my life where I have dropped considerable weight. There will be no sick ab shots or workout regimins in this post, so prepare to be bored shitless.

I don't have old pictures, because my main weight loss battle took place in high school, and I never really cared much for taking pictures and what not.

I'm a little over 5'7". I weighed about 230 at my max weight, and I was probably around 16 years old. Summer vacation started off with a tragedy of my mother passing away and it threw everything in my house into complete and utter chaos. I lived with my Grandmother already, but it was still a pretty big catastrophe. The first couple of days after we got the news were a blur, and I noticed that I had hardly eaten over those few days, so I suppose I just decided to run with it.

Sad to say, but I lost my weight the first time in a very unhealthful way. I was eating less than 1000 calories a day, and basically taking 2 long walks (40+ mins) every day, and that was about it. Needless to say, the weight flew off. I lost 40 pounds over the summer, bringing me down around the 190 mark for the first time since 7th grade (14 years old). When school resumed that fall, the heckling and poking fun about my weight had all but ceased. I kept going throuhout the year, but regained some sense in terms of diet and started eating more, but paid a lot of attention to nutrition and all that, while still getting daily exercise.

By the start of my senior year, I was at 138. I weighed more than that in 6th grade when I was 11 years old. That was as low as I ever got, and to be honest I sort of looked like a gangly, gaunt motherfucker. I fluctuated between 140 and 150 from then until I moved out at 22.

When I moved out, I ate like complete shit for almost a year, due to having to pay the bills and just not caring. Got back up to around 190 very quickly, and it was when I went to a doctor's appointment one morning and got weighed on their scale that I basically got back on the horse. This time though, I got a gym membership and started eating lots of veg and protein. About 1 year later I was in the best shape of my life. I could actually see defined abs, and had some rocking arms. Eventually, I just got fed up with always eating the same shit and being at the gym 4 times a week, so now I just settle for a less cut, but still somewhat healthy 155. I fluctuate between 150 and 160 right now with cardio 3-4 times a week, and I'm happy with that for now. I just like beer WAY too damn much to ever hope for that cut body again. :lol

Lee N

Just a little update here. I have now dropped below 100 kg for the first time since lord knows when - 99.5 kg (219.4 lb) to be precise. I don't have any new photos to show off (other than my new passport which was issued this week), but I thought I'd let you guys know that my weight loss is still going strong anyway.

As soon as I get some new pictures taken to show off my progress, I'll make sure to post them here...
Funny this thread was bumped up cause weight loss has been on my mind the last couple of days.

Last week I decided to join the work swim team which starts swimming once a week from next thursday.

My motivation is losing some weight. When I graduated high school I was 70kg, I now weigh about 95kg - a 25kg (55lbs) increase in a little bit over 8 years.

I am aiming to increase my aerobic fitness by swimming a few times a week (hopefully at least 3) and then running on the other days. Mixed with a game of indoor soccer a week and a round of golf every now and then, my goal is to get around 80kg by November (start of summer).

Today I even bought a pair of bathers and some goggles and plan on going to the pool tomorrow morning to get a couple of swims in before next week. It will be the first time I have swum laps since school.

I will take a photo now and in november but reference this quote with hopefully some good results.


Koshiba said:
I started walking the other day again and man it's so depressing how out of shape surgery has made me! I walked once around my neighborhood and was out of breath. :( I hate being this out of shape. I went dancing last night as well but I think that was too much for so soon after surgery (plus I'm also sick now) so I figure it smarter to just rest today. Hopefully I hurt less tomorrow and feel a bit better so I can keep up the walking.

I feel for ya. When I was younger, I spent a fuckload of time in hospital and had to practically learn to walk again. It's like I had the muscle mass of a fetus.


Popping to say good work to all! I myself have lost 100+lbs in the last two years (still going, but these last 40lbs are tough!).

I was 345lbs, and now I'm sitting at 240lbs. My goal is an even 200lbs by the end of this year. It's been a long journey and taking a little longer than hoped...but I'm feeling great.
I lost about 40 pounds in the last 1/2 year by eating right and getting more exercise (go figure). In September of 2009 I weighed 195 pounds and wore size 38 waist. Today I'm 155 pounds and wear a size 34 waist. I could probably tone up my stomach muscles some more by going to the gym more often, but I think I'm at a good weight for me at 5'7".

whitehawk said:
Congrats dude, that is a pretty good weight for you're size. Now you just need to learn to not tuck your shirt in.

Ha ha, Thanks. I took both pictures as I was getting ready for work. We have to tuck our shirts in there.


Neo Member
Koshiba said:
I started walking the other day again and man it's so depressing how out of shape surgery has made me! I walked once around my neighborhood and was out of breath. :( I hate being this out of shape. I went dancing last night as well but I think that was too much for so soon after surgery (plus I'm also sick now) so I figure it smarter to just rest today. Hopefully I hurt less tomorrow and feel a bit better so I can keep up the walking.

Speaking of walking, has anyone tried these type of shoes?


Skechers Shape ups


Stormwatch said:
Ha ha, Thanks. I took both pictures as I was getting ready for work. We have to tuck our shirts in there.
:lol That's what I was going to say. Also, work on your tan, those red marks make you look like you never go out. Get a uniform tan!

As for myself, I went from 173 to back to 157 after I broke up with my ex. Now I'm working out hardcore (Doing P90X over 120 days, prolonged, not skipping days) trying to get into the best shape of my life. To compliment P90X, I will be starting outdoor soccer this week as well as biking to work (25 minutes uphill) each morning.

Next up, wardrobe change. I got rid (gave to charity) most of my old clothes because it was the only way i'd force myself to get new clothes.


cnizzle06 said:
This thread makes me wanna go to the gym. Although I actually could use a few pounds. I'm skinny. :(

Then go read the starting strength wiki and follow its advice. If you have any questions ask fitness-age.


Neo Member
So I just found out that I've lost about seven pounds in the past week.

I know it's not much, but it's a start, so I'm really happy.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
After reading "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes, I am thoroughly convinced that the obesity epidemic is caused by too many refined carbohydrates.


Lots of critics of low carb diets that have limitless caloric intake frequently argue that it infringes on the 2nd law of thermodynamics, ie that energy cannot be created or destroyed.

What they fail to understand, and what I failed to understand is the internal caloric exchange between body fat and other cells. Hunger is created when your muscle and organ cells don't have enough energy.

When you consume whole fruits and vegetables, you get a modest increase in insulin that fattens you slightly so that you have energy between meals and at night. And during harvest season, for the winter. That's all we evolved in terms to do in terms of carbs.

These days, people eat powdery fine carbohydrates constantly. Insulin remains high. Insulin doesn't give a shit if your muscles and organs haven't filled up yet, or are hungry later. Insulin was designed to store fat, and if you increase insulin with sugar/flour, it remains so high that it literally locks away calories into body fat.

The second law of thermodynamics applies, but their equation is wrong:

deltaCalories = CaloriesIn - CaloriesOut

It is incorrect. Here is the correct equation:

0 = CaloriesIn - CaloresOut +/- CaloriesToOrFromFat +/- caloriesFromCannibalizedTissueOrReducedMetabolism

First, the body always balances the equation. If you consume too much sugar, CaloriesToOrFromFat reduces the effective CaloriesIn. The body responds with increased hunger. Whether or not you choose to overeat, you still get fatter.

Your average levels of insulin govern your body's body fat % equilibrium. If you consume sugary, starchy stuff all day, you probably have a 15-20% equilibrium before adulthood.

After you mature, it's about 25-33% because you no longer have growth hormone competing with insulin.

On top of all of that, if your muscles and organs develop insulin resistance, your setpoint increases to 33-60%, and these are your type 2 diabetes and mega-obese people.

But here's the trick to reverse it: reduce insulin. Stop eating refined carbs.

If you do this, your setpoint reduces to 9-18% body fat. CaloriesToOrFromFat becomes positive, reducing the necessary CaloriesIn (hunger). Your muscles don't care if the energy is from recent food or body fat, it's all the same.

This is why Atkins and high-carb low insulin diets like the Japanese diet are so effective. People burn off body fat quickly, have a high metabolism, and experience no hunger.

By far the most important lesson from this book is that "You get fat not because you're overeating, you're overeating because you're getting fat."
teh_pwn said:
After reading "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes, I am thoroughly convinced that the obesity epidemic is caused by too many refined carbohydrates.


Lots of critics of low carb diets that have limitless caloric intake frequently argue that it infringes on the 2nd law of thermodynamics, ie that energy cannot be created or destroyed.

What they fail to understand, and what I failed to understand is the internal caloric exchange between body fat and other cells. Hunger is created when your muscle and organ cells don't have enough energy.

When you consume whole fruits and vegetables, you get a modest increase in insulin that fattens you slightly so that you have energy between meals and at night. And during harvest season, for the winter. That's all we evolved in terms to do in terms of carbs.

These days, people eat powdery fine carbohydrates constantly. Insulin remains high. Insulin doesn't give a shit if your muscles and organs haven't filled up yet, or are hungry later. Insulin was designed to store fat, and if you increase insulin with sugar/flour, it remains so high that it literally locks away calories into body fat.

The second law of thermodynamics applies, but their equation is wrong:

deltaCalories = CaloriesIn - CaloriesOut

It is incorrect. Here is the correct equation:

0 = CaloriesIn - CaloresOut +/- CaloriesToOrFromFat +/- caloriesFromCannibalizedTissueOrReducedMetabolism

First, the body always balances the equation. If you consume too much sugar, CaloriesToOrFromFat reduces the effective CaloriesIn. The body responds with increased hunger. Whether or not you choose to overeat, you still get fatter.

Your average levels of insulin govern your body's body fat % equilibrium. If you consume sugary, starchy stuff all day, you probably have a 15-20% equilibrium before adulthood.

After you mature, it's about 25-33% because you no longer have growth hormone competing with insulin.

On top of all of that, if your muscles and organs develop insulin resistance, your setpoint increases to 33-60%, and these are your type 2 diabetes and mega-obese people.

But here's the trick to reverse it: reduce insulin. Stop eating refined carbs.

If you do this, your setpoint reduces to 9-18% body fat. CaloriesToOrFromFat becomes positive, reducing the necessary CaloriesIn (hunger). Your muscles don't care if the energy is from recent food or body fat, it's all the same.

This is why Atkins and high-carb low insulin diets like the Japanese diet are so effective. People burn off body fat quickly, have a high metabolism, and experience no hunger.

By far the most important lesson from this book is that "You get fat not because you're overeating, you're overeating because you're getting fat."

Good advice. To that, I'd also mention that avoiding industrial vegetable oils (soybean, corn, canola, vegetable, etc, which pretty much all restaurants use nowadays for frying, sauteeing, making dressings; any cooking oil beside olive and coconut, really) and excess fructose is especially important. Both fructose and Omega 6 fats contribute to liver insulin resistance and systemic inflammation, both of which contribute to peripheral insulin resistance, weight gain, and metabolic syndrome. Ditching gluten grains is another good move for most people, unless they enjoy intestinal permeability - the classic "leaky gut" syndrome - which, again, can contribute to inflammation, insulin resistance, and the whole metabolic shebang.

If you haven't ruined your liver with fructose and vegetable oil, and you stay reasonably active, you can handle unrefined starches pretty well. As you say, it's the refined carbs that can really fuck you up.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
JAD0109 said:
So I just found out that I've lost about seven pounds in the past week.

I know it's not much, but it's a start, so I'm really happy.

Seven pounds in one week is extreme weight loss. That's verging on dangerous.
been gaining weight as if i was pregnant. Currently at 185lbs (5'11") Starting tomorrow I'm on my diet regime. Should have stocked on goods today but you know.... it's still an off day.
I went to a nutritionist to help me figure out a good sustainable diet for me since I spend a lot of time inside sitting at a computer for my job. I was overweight because I was eating portions that were waaaaaay too large and types of foods that were inappropriate for my level of activity. I was eating pancakes for breakfast, dinner leftovers for lunch, and large take-out dinners.

Now I eat a bowl of cereal (hot or cold) for breakfast every day. For lunch I have either a sandwhich on thin bread, a serving of soup, or a salad with some sort of protein. For dinner I have either grilled chicken with vegetables, veggie burgers with a salad, or some sort of baked breaded chicken and a vegetable. Once a week I'll treat myself to a small serving of pancakes for breakfast. Another day during the week I'll have a small serving of pasta for dinner.

For snacks during the day I eat some sort of fruit. At work I keep a supply of various unsweetened fruit cups, but at home I have fresh fruit. For dessert at night I'll eat a sugar-free jello pudding. This helps satisfy my craving for some sort of chocolate.

Now that I'm pretty much at my target weight my nutritionist recommended that I add a serving of pizza once or twice a month and a small serving of ice cream once or twice a month. I figure if I have small infrequent "treats" it will help me maintain the overall diet without suffering from flavor boredom.

EDIT: Forgot the most important part. I am now drinking 100% water. I used to be a big fruit juice guy, but that was adding a LOT of sugar to my diet.
Yeah, I'm thin! Kind of! But nice nice work guys, I admire this kind of willpower.

Here's what a guy I know who has no gaf account wrote, but he cant post it, since he doesnt have gaf account anymore.

This topic has been a great motivation, thx to everyone. Im in the process of losing weight myself (im reaaally fat) and my usual problem with dieting is that it´s stuff you read somewhere and hope it works. It´s different here, where people really succeeded in losing weight, so...you guys know how it works.
Currently, I´m just trying to keep calories down, around 1500 a day, but definitely below 2000. I also do barbelltraining 2-3 times a week and try to play ping pong with my brother as often as possible
I realize that running is important, but with my weight, running just isnt really possible, even walking is tiresome after a couple of hundreds meters, so maybe you have some tipps for non-running leg-training.
other than that:
It´d be awesome if you guys could create a food plan for me. Just saying what I can eat a day, what kind of stuff is evil (heard about bad calories and good calories) and so on. Im sure I could read this up somewhere, but...you guys know whats right, whats wrong. So I´d like to rely on "real experience", rather than typical popular diets." Well, that´s it. Im trying my best, because I have too.Thanks to everyone


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Stormwatch said:
I went to a nutritionist to help me figure out a good sustainable diet for me since I spend a lot of time inside sitting at a computer for my job. I was overweight because I was eating portions that were waaaaaay too large and types of foods that were inappropriate for my level of activity. I was eating pancakes for breakfast, dinner leftovers for lunch, and large take-out dinners.

Now I eat a bowl of cereal (hot or cold) for breakfast every day. For lunch I have either a sandwhich on thin bread, a serving of soup, or a salad with some sort of protein. For dinner I have either grilled chicken with vegetables, veggie burgers with a salad, or some sort of baked breaded chicken and a vegetable. Once a week I'll treat myself to a small serving of pancakes for breakfast. Another day during the week I'll have a small serving of pasta for dinner.

For snacks during the day I eat some sort of fruit. At work I keep a supply of various unsweetened fruit cups, but at home I have fresh fruit. For dessert at night I'll eat a sugar-free jello pudding. This helps satisfy my craving for some sort of chocolate.

Now that I'm pretty much at my target weight my nutritionist recommended that I add a serving of pizza once or twice a month and a small serving of ice cream once or twice a month. I figure if I have small infrequent "treats" it will help me maintain the overall diet without suffering from flavor boredom.

EDIT: Forgot the most important part. I am now drinking 100% water. I used to be a big fruit juice guy, but that was adding a LOT of sugar to my diet.

If that works for you, keep it up.

But if you find yourself failing to maintain your weight, constantly hungry, and your lean tissue seems to be replaced by fat, consider swapping the the processed carbs with whole vegetables/fruit, nuts, meat, eggs.

For example:
bowl of cereal -> Eggs, sausage
veggie burgers with a salad, or some sort of baked breaded chicken -> Whole fat ceasar (olive oil) salad with Avacadoes, spring mix, chicken, and cheese

Your nutritionist may disagree because they tend to still think that dietary fats cause heart disease when the evidence overwhelming points to triglycerides produced from refined carbs that are being converted for body fat storage.


Late 2008: 6'2", ~325 lbs

Late 2009: 6'3", ~230 lbs

I started going through a part of life where I was walking 2 miles to and from class every day up hills each way (yeah, I sound like an old man), but more than that (and somewhat dangerous), I cut back on my food intake by an extreme amount, which I don't necessarily recommend to anyone ever. I've gained around 7 pounds back since August 2009, which will soon be going away as I start my summer routine back up. Moral of the story: Walking does wonders.
teh_pwn said:
If that works for you, keep it up.

But if you find yourself failing to maintain your weight, constantly hungry, and your lean tissue seems to be replaced by fat, consider swapping the the processed carbs with whole vegetables/fruit, nuts, meat, eggs.

For example:
bowl of cereal -> Eggs, sausage
veggie burgers with a salad, or some sort of baked breaded chicken -> Whole fat ceasar (olive oil) salad with Avacadoes, spring mix, chicken, and cheese

Your nutritionist may disagree because they tend to still think that dietary fats cause heart disease when the evidence overwhelming points to triglycerides produced from refined carbs that are being converted for body fat storage.

Thanks for the suggestions. I forgot to mention that one of the things that made me turn to a nutritionist was that I am a very picky eater. I cannot stand the taste of eggs, red meat, pork, or seafood. I also don't like any of the standard condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayo, etc.). Ever since I was a baby I wouldn't eat any of those items. I should also mention that I was eating the veggie burgers without buns. Dr. Praeger's is a great brand for them, by the way. That salad sounds really good, though. I'll have to try that especially now that it is starting to be springtime. It's hard to keep fresh salad in the house in the winter because it goes bad so quick.


Wow, gaf really has a topic for everything.

So I have been fat all my life but recently I began to notice my eating was getting out of control. I was extemely overweight. So as of 6 weeks ago I have been going to the gym as much as possible and only eating my 3 meals a day.

1) Cereal
2) Small sandwich
3) Regular dinner, no extra portions.

I have seen a pretty significant drop in my weight. I am not the lightest I have been in years. But I am going to keep going. I ant to lose my gut completely. One step at a time.

I am 6'6 and I weighed:

Day 1: 364 pounds
Day 45: 327.6 pounds

I will keep going and post pics as I progress. Some of the pics in this topic make me really hopeful. You guys lost a load of weight.

My only problem is I didnt take a day one photo but I can find a recent one before I stopped eating crap right?
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