EvilDick34 said:
Just sticking to the basics pretty much. I have a team of Doctors, one nurse and soon to be a psychiatrist. Basically i try to stick to 1300 calories per day, less than 2300mg of sodium, VERY restricted sugar intake. Outside of that just eating as healthy as i have been in a decade. Lots of fish,chicken, fruits and veggies...little to no red meat except when i have a cheat meal here and there. Oh and lots and LOTS of speed walking as i have not been cleared to start running just yet. I imagine at this point in 9 months i have done near 500 miles of walking and that does not take into account my job which involves tons of walking as well.
Edited to say: That i also eat quite a bit of Lean Cuisine meals which are damn tasty by the way.
Those are too few calories. As long as you don't increase the intake of carbohydrates, I wouldn't say that eating a steak or two a week is bad at all. In fact, I would recommend it.
Specially if you are exercising more.
AVclub said:
Quick question: I saw someone mention thyroid here earlier.
I was diagnosed with a "lazy thyroid" about a year ago. The doctor told me that getting my thyroid levels to the right number would improve my health. So I was put on a very small amount of a steroid or something that was supposed to stimulate it. After a month or two of taking the pills, the level tested normal again, but I didn't feel any different. So I stopped taking the pills. Having been off them for the better part of a year, I don't feel any different.
I was told that I would need to take them for the rest of my life, but if they aren't doing anything but changing a blood test number, I don't see the point.
So my question is, could this thyroid condition be partly responsible for my inability to lose weight even though I'm pretty active and try to keep my calorie intake down?
Prior to taking the pills I was able to drop 20 pounds in a few months, but nothing more has come off since.
You NEED to drop carbohydrates. Think of thyroid problems as something of a handicap. It will increase your ability to store fat. But if you don't tell your body to store fat, the effect of the handicap will not do anything at all.
Decreasing calories is not the best way to lose weight. You need to drop carbs, and since you only can take so much protein, the rest should be fats, all of them except trans and polyunsaturated. This means chicken, fish, beef, milk, milk derivatives, water, bacon and sausages, cheese; it also means no breads, tortillas, sweet treats, sodas and juices, very few fruits, honey, beer and pastas... sweet potatoes are ok, in moderation, same with rice and beans.
Do this, and see what it does for you
bastionwords said:
At nearly 30, I had wonderful case of an acute attack on big toe joint due to gout. Of course, the big suggestion from the doctor was to cut all alcohol intake and rethink my diet (red meat, shellfish, sugar can all increase gout). Luckily, I don't eat too much red meat or shellfish and absolutely hate eating sweets, but beer is my Achilles heel.
So three weeks ago, I was forced to cut back my alcohol by over 90% (not the full 100% teehee). Went back to the doctor after two weeks and found out that I had lost close to 10lbs. Obviously, I was surprised and happy. So starting at ~251lbs and down to ~142lbs, I will see where I go. I have been weight lifting and doing cardio twice a week for the past two years. I think all it did was let me shed some fat and gain back the lbs in muscle growth. However, the weight was the same, so I just made up a scenario that I was exercising to justify my drinking (dumb I know). I will weigh myself next Thurs to see what I have lost over a month. I'm keeping up my usual exercise while getting back in to my bike riding 10-20 miles three times a week.
what's your height?
142 lb is way too skinny, unless you are 5'1" or something like that. Reconsider your weight goal
DeathNote said:
Drank water instead of soda for a month. Stopped eating little Debbies for 2 weeks. Been on the south beach diet for the past 5 days.
Lost about 10 pounds in the past week.
Start: 250
Current: 240
Goal: 180
The south beach diet is a great diet. I have seen people have great results with it, since it allows good foods like meat and milk derivatives