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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


EviLore said:
Woah there. Milk sugar isn't the same thing as soda sugar. Lactose is (glucose+galactose), hfcs/sucrose is (glucose+fructose), and fructose is horrid for you.

Listen to this man, he is the god of that subject :lol



Shave your damn head and become Dana White Jr.


I am 23 years old and weigh 280 pounds. I always thought it was no big deal to be overweight. But now, as I graduate college, I see the world for what it is. If you're healthy, you have more opportunities in life. Love, career, hobbies, everything opens up when you're healthy.

At the end of the summer, lost weight or not, I will return to this thread and post my before and after pictures. You guys are really inspirational, and I hope I can stick to it.
teh_pwn said:
The whole calories in vesus calories out thing is misguided because:

1. You're insinuating that the body does not change hunger/CaloriesIn based on CaloriesOut.

2. You're inferring causality without a basis. Saying that overeating is the cause of obesity is like saying that drinking too much causes alcoholism. It doesn't explain why the person does it.

3. Your equation, I'm assuming is this:

deltaCalories = CaloriesIn - CaloriesOut.

It's wrong. Here is the correct equation:

0 = CaloriesIn - CaloriesOut +/- CaloriesToOrFromFat +/- caloriesFromCannibalizedTissueOrReducedMetabolism

Insulin controls the flow of calories into fat. If insulin is high, calories go into fat cells, regardless of the number of calories needed vs consumed.

So if you eat a high carb diet that has a high insulin response, you may need 2500 calories in your muscles, organs. Insulin doesn't care, it was the evolutionary response to a bunch sugary fruits and vegetables showing up just before periods of famine (winter). Your body is programmed to store fat, because natural selection has weeded out genetics such that people store fat in anticipation of winter/famine. It is also a way for the body to reduce blood sugar, that only carbs raise so that it doesn't get to toxic levels.

So check out happens to this equation when you consume 2500 calories, but insulin stores 400 calories as fat:

0 = CaloriesIn - CaloresOut +/- CaloriesToOrFromFat +/- caloriesFromCannibalizedTissueOrReducedMetabolism

0 = 2500 - CaloriesOut - 400 +/- caloriesFromCannibalizedTissueOrReducedMetabolism
0 = 2100 - CaloriesOut +/- caloriesFromCannibalizedTissueOrReducedMetabolism
2100 = CaloriesOut +/- caloriesFromCannibalizedTissueOrReducedMetabolism

Now suppose your muscles and organs need 2500 calories under normal metabolic rate to break even.

2100 = 2500 +/- caloriesFromCannibalizedTissueOrReducedMetabolism
caloriesFromCannibalizedTissueOrReducedMetabolism = 400

This means that you need to:
1. Reduce your metabolic rate. Ie, your body intentionally weakens you through fatigue or poor circulation/heat.

2. Cannibalize muscles and organs.

3. Overeat (but you still gain fat regardless if you decide to).

It is only until the body reduces insulin, or that body fat is accumulated enough such that current insulin levels cannot hold any more fat, that this problem goes away.

If you go on a low carb diet, insulin is reduced, the body fat % setpoint is reduced, and the body just feasts on body fat until the new setpoint is reached without exercise or hunger.

Not necessarily. There are several studies from the 1950s/1960s on Pennington's diet (Atkins basically) where subjects consume 3-5k calories, lose fat and gain muscle. Their muscles were so deprived on energy due to excessive insulin, that simply getting the muscles a stable supply of energy made them grow to their natural, unstimulated size.

This, this this.


I'm not ready to post pics yet but I lost 100lbs. Cant get that last 50lbs off though. I've been stuck at 250lbs for months now :( Any tips?
Einbroch said:
I am 23 years old and weigh 280 pounds. I always thought it was no big deal to be overweight. But now, as I graduate college, I see the world for what it is. If you're healthy, you have more opportunities in life. Love, career, hobbies, everything opens up when you're healthy.

At the end of the summer, lost weight or not, I will return to this thread and post my before and after pictures. You guys are really inspirational, and I hope I can stick to it.

its the best thing you can do for yourself. Best of luck and looking forward to hear from you at the end of the summer


get some go again
McLovin said:
I'm not ready to post pics yet but I lost 100lbs. Cant get that last 50lbs off though. I've been stuck at 250lbs for months now :( Any tips?
what's your diet like?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I guess I'll post in here as well.

I used to weigh 312 pounds because of numerous reasons but finally decided that I couldn't live this lifestyle anymore. I started exercising and eating better and so far had gone down to 273 pounds. I kind of got off the horse though and my have gained 3 pounds or so. Getting off your routine really fucks you up. I'm going to get back on my plan this week.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
McLovin said:
You know what.. its actually all over the place right now. I started working more hours at work and it threw my whole routine out the window. :(

You've got to plan. Make 5 days worth of eggs and sausage so that you have a good breakfast every morning and stay ketogenic into the morning. You've got to control insulin to lose fat, and that means minimizing refined carbs.

Also try exercising, and if your weight and waist size stays, then see a doctor. You could have a thyroid issue for example. Not everyone is fat due to diet.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
I asked in the other health-related megathread to little avail, so here goes:

Is there a reliable way to measure body fat % at home?
SnakeXs said:
I asked in the other health-related megathread to little avail, so here goes:

Is there a reliable way to measure body fat % at home?
You can google the military measurements and formula they use...basically you need to measure key parts of your body (not that) and it'll give you a good number to work with.
I will post before/after pics soon but thought i would give some encouragement to others who are losing weight. I started my diet last August and 9 months in and i have lost 140 pounds, i have 60 pounds more to go! I started my diet at the weight of 370 pounds, down to 230 but the last few months have been a bitch for various reasons. I am hoping to shed the last 60 by August of this year.


EvilDick34 said:
I will post before/after pics soon but thought i would give some encouragement to others who are losing weight. I started my diet last August and 9 months in and i have lost 140 pounds, i have 60 pounds more to go! I started my diet at the weight of 370 pounds, down to 230 but the last few months have been a bitch for various reasons. I am hoping to shed the last 60 by August of this year.
great job. what diet/exercise did you do?
DeathNote said:
great job. what diet/exercise did you do?

Just sticking to the basics pretty much. I have a team of Doctors, one nurse and soon to be a psychiatrist. Basically i try to stick to 1300 calories per day, less than 2300mg of sodium, VERY restricted sugar intake. Outside of that just eating as healthy as i have been in a decade. Lots of fish,chicken, fruits and veggies...little to no red meat except when i have a cheat meal here and there. Oh and lots and LOTS of speed walking as i have not been cleared to start running just yet. I imagine at this point in 9 months i have done near 500 miles of walking and that does not take into account my job which involves tons of walking as well.

Edited to say: That i also eat quite a bit of Lean Cuisine meals which are damn tasty by the way.


EvilDick34 said:
Just sticking to the basics pretty much. I have a team of Doctors, one nurse and soon to be a psychiatrist. Basically i try to stick to 1300 calories per day, less than 2300mg of sodium, VERY restricted sugar intake. Outside of that just eating as healthy as i have been in a decade. Lots of fish,chicken, fruits and veggies...little to no red meat except when i have a cheat meal here and there. Oh and lots and LOTS of speed walking as i have not been cleared to start running just yet. I imagine at this point in 9 months i have done near 500 miles of walking and that does not take into account my job which involves tons of walking as well.

Edited to say: That i also eat quite a bit of Lean Cuisine meals which are damn tasty by the way.
You should seriously considering adding weights training along with your speed walk.


Junior Member
Quick question: I saw someone mention thyroid here earlier.

I was diagnosed with a "lazy thyroid" about a year ago. The doctor told me that getting my thyroid levels to the right number would improve my health. So I was put on a very small amount of a steroid or something that was supposed to stimulate it. After a month or two of taking the pills, the level tested normal again, but I didn't feel any different. So I stopped taking the pills. Having been off them for the better part of a year, I don't feel any different.

I was told that I would need to take them for the rest of my life, but if they aren't doing anything but changing a blood test number, I don't see the point.

So my question is, could this thyroid condition be partly responsible for my inability to lose weight even though I'm pretty active and try to keep my calorie intake down?

Prior to taking the pills I was able to drop 20 pounds in a few months, but nothing more has come off since.
NomarTyme said:
You should seriously considering adding weights training along with your speed walk.

I know, i hate weight lifting but i know it needs to happen since i have this flab still hanging around.


Wow, only my fifth or sixth day on my low carb diet but I can already tell I'm slimming down

Very sick of eggs and bacon and chicken already though. I think I had chicken seven times over the course of three days. Ugh!

Regardless, I'm gonna kick ass this time for sure!
At nearly 30, I had wonderful case of an acute attack on big toe joint due to gout. Of course, the big suggestion from the doctor was to cut all alcohol intake and rethink my diet (red meat, shellfish, sugar can all increase gout). Luckily, I don't eat too much red meat or shellfish and absolutely hate eating sweets, but beer is my Achilles heel.

So three weeks ago, I was forced to cut back my alcohol by over 90% (not the full 100% teehee). Went back to the doctor after two weeks and found out that I had lost close to 10lbs. Obviously, I was surprised and happy. So starting at ~251lbs and down to ~142lbs, I will see where I go. I have been weight lifting and doing cardio twice a week for the past two years. I think all it did was let me shed some fat and gain back the lbs in muscle growth. However, the weight was the same, so I just made up a scenario that I was exercising to justify my drinking (dumb I know). I will weigh myself next Thurs to see what I have lost over a month. I'm keeping up my usual exercise while getting back in to my bike riding 10-20 miles three times a week.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
AVclub said:
Quick question: I saw someone mention thyroid here earlier.

I was diagnosed with a "lazy thyroid" about a year ago. The doctor told me that getting my thyroid levels to the right number would improve my health. So I was put on a very small amount of a steroid or something that was supposed to stimulate it. After a month or two of taking the pills, the level tested normal again, but I didn't feel any different. So I stopped taking the pills. Having been off them for the better part of a year, I don't feel any different.

I was told that I would need to take them for the rest of my life, but if they aren't doing anything but changing a blood test number, I don't see the point.

So my question is, could this thyroid condition be partly responsible for my inability to lose weight even though I'm pretty active and try to keep my calorie intake down?

Prior to taking the pills I was able to drop 20 pounds in a few months, but nothing more has come off since.

I mentioned it, because someone in my family has a hypothyroid. It slows down your metabolism and makes you heavier. You can be both overweight and have a low blood pressure.

I don't have too much to add, other than there's some evidence that raw grains/soy screw with the thyroid:


Other than that, I'd say talk to your general practitioner, or find a specialist that doesn't just prescribe pills (looks for causation other than genetics).


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
My update:

Either 30 lbs of weight/fat loss, or 34 inch waist to 30 inch waist. Whichever comes first.

My progress:
-About 4 weeks in on a Ketogenic diet
-Net weight down about 2-5 lbs
-Waist down to 32.0-32.75" (varies depending on salt/food density). Another inch and I'll need to buy a smaller belt.
-Significant improvements in leg weight training (had tendonitis of the knee, IT Band syndrome, and very weak quads/glutes, they are growing very fast now)
-Blood pressure down from 135/85 to 125/75 on average (my salt intake is way up by the way, so much for the demonization of salt by the FDA)
-Started doing pullups and chinups again, I have retained virtually all strength since doing P90X.
-Sex drive up, nearly as high as it was in college (I'm 26)

But I'm going to take a break from the diet for a couple of days by adding some apples, oranges, and bananas. I've had excessive brain fog and a headache for a couple of days, and my ketostix strips have me in the max amount of ketones detected (previously I was trace to moderate). I'm concerned that my body has excessive ketones, and I need to switch to moderate carb food sources for a couple of days to let it clean out the ketones.

As a little experiment I drank a cup of water with some table sugar, and sure enough my headache and brain fog are already improving. Even the Atkins diet doesn't recommend a ketogenic diet for more than 4 weeks without medical supervision.


Drank water instead of soda for a month. Stopped eating little Debbies for 2 weeks. Been on the south beach diet for the past 5 days.

Lost about 10 pounds in the past week.

Start: 250
Current: 240
Goal: 180
Kind of an embarrassing question, but does anyone have any experience with loose skin after weight loss? I lost 130 lbs and have been maintaining for about 2 years. For the most part, my skin isn't too bad, however there is some loose skin under my belly button I'd like to tighten.
My advice to those currently on diets (which has probaby been said) is to pace your weight loss to avoid loose skin.
EvilDick34 said:
Just sticking to the basics pretty much. I have a team of Doctors, one nurse and soon to be a psychiatrist. Basically i try to stick to 1300 calories per day, less than 2300mg of sodium, VERY restricted sugar intake. Outside of that just eating as healthy as i have been in a decade. Lots of fish,chicken, fruits and veggies...little to no red meat except when i have a cheat meal here and there. Oh and lots and LOTS of speed walking as i have not been cleared to start running just yet. I imagine at this point in 9 months i have done near 500 miles of walking and that does not take into account my job which involves tons of walking as well.

Edited to say: That i also eat quite a bit of Lean Cuisine meals which are damn tasty by the way.

Those are too few calories. As long as you don't increase the intake of carbohydrates, I wouldn't say that eating a steak or two a week is bad at all. In fact, I would recommend it.

Specially if you are exercising more.

AVclub said:
Quick question: I saw someone mention thyroid here earlier.

I was diagnosed with a "lazy thyroid" about a year ago. The doctor told me that getting my thyroid levels to the right number would improve my health. So I was put on a very small amount of a steroid or something that was supposed to stimulate it. After a month or two of taking the pills, the level tested normal again, but I didn't feel any different. So I stopped taking the pills. Having been off them for the better part of a year, I don't feel any different.

I was told that I would need to take them for the rest of my life, but if they aren't doing anything but changing a blood test number, I don't see the point.

So my question is, could this thyroid condition be partly responsible for my inability to lose weight even though I'm pretty active and try to keep my calorie intake down?

Prior to taking the pills I was able to drop 20 pounds in a few months, but nothing more has come off since.

You NEED to drop carbohydrates. Think of thyroid problems as something of a handicap. It will increase your ability to store fat. But if you don't tell your body to store fat, the effect of the handicap will not do anything at all.

Decreasing calories is not the best way to lose weight. You need to drop carbs, and since you only can take so much protein, the rest should be fats, all of them except trans and polyunsaturated. This means chicken, fish, beef, milk, milk derivatives, water, bacon and sausages, cheese; it also means no breads, tortillas, sweet treats, sodas and juices, very few fruits, honey, beer and pastas... sweet potatoes are ok, in moderation, same with rice and beans.

Do this, and see what it does for you

bastionwords said:
At nearly 30, I had wonderful case of an acute attack on big toe joint due to gout. Of course, the big suggestion from the doctor was to cut all alcohol intake and rethink my diet (red meat, shellfish, sugar can all increase gout). Luckily, I don't eat too much red meat or shellfish and absolutely hate eating sweets, but beer is my Achilles heel.

So three weeks ago, I was forced to cut back my alcohol by over 90% (not the full 100% teehee). Went back to the doctor after two weeks and found out that I had lost close to 10lbs. Obviously, I was surprised and happy. So starting at ~251lbs and down to ~142lbs, I will see where I go. I have been weight lifting and doing cardio twice a week for the past two years. I think all it did was let me shed some fat and gain back the lbs in muscle growth. However, the weight was the same, so I just made up a scenario that I was exercising to justify my drinking (dumb I know). I will weigh myself next Thurs to see what I have lost over a month. I'm keeping up my usual exercise while getting back in to my bike riding 10-20 miles three times a week.

what's your height?

142 lb is way too skinny, unless you are 5'1" or something like that. Reconsider your weight goal

DeathNote said:
Drank water instead of soda for a month. Stopped eating little Debbies for 2 weeks. Been on the south beach diet for the past 5 days.

Lost about 10 pounds in the past week.

Start: 250
Current: 240
Goal: 180

The south beach diet is a great diet. I have seen people have great results with it, since it allows good foods like meat and milk derivatives


hectorse said:
The south beach diet is a great diet. I have seen people have great results with it, since it allows good foods like meat and milk derivatives
I've been doing fine with phase 1. Don't feel hungry at all and it lets me eat as much protein as I feel like I need (obviously eating slow and stopping at a reasonable point to not over eat). I feel like I'll be happy on Phase 2 until my goal weight.

Oh I also used to eat a lot of bread.
One friend of mine just dropped beer, bread and sodas from her diet.

She lost 10 lb

10 lb sounds like too little in face of the great losses we see in the thread, but you've got to remember that that is great for someone not really that much overweight, especially a girl


Jew Gamer
hectorse said:
One friend of mine just dropped beer, bread and sodas from her diet.

She lost 10 lb

10 lb sounds like too little in face of the great losses we see in the thread, but you've got to remember that that is great for someone not really that much overweight, especially a girl

Losing 5 lbs can feel wonderful. There is no "OMG THIS GUY WINS WEIGHT LOSS" because when obesity goes down everyone wins (better looking people, better health, better life, etc.)

Of course obesity can be seen as natural selection in this overflowing world but its hardly North America that is responsible for the billions of people (too many) in this world.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
teh_pwn said:
It's not about willpower, it's about insulin. (you don't tell a child that's has growth hormone deficiency to try harder).

Yesterday, I was able to comfortably go down a notch on my belt. A notch that I haven't used since 2008. I've lost about a half of an inch on my waist in the last 2 weeks, and I haven't lifted a finger. I'm not hungry, in fact I swear I'm thinking clearer than ever.

Tried for a year without changing my diet, sweating on an elliptical trainer, gaining muscle but not fat on p90x. Busting my ass, but not fat loss.

Remove the refined carbs and your body will start losing fat. If you're looking to gain muscle and lose fat, first remove the refined carbs. If you're insulin resistant, as most fat people are to some extent, your muscle cells aren't given the ideal amount of energy they need because insulin is literally stealing it and locking it in fat tissue.

And I used to have my weight fluctuate a lot. Sometimes my stomach would bloat up like a balloon by evening or after dinner. That doesn't happen anymore, and the reason has to do with how insulin inhibits the kidneys from excreting salt into urine. I'm eating probably 1.5x my daily sodium, but I don't retain water like that anymore.

I've been on a diet since July 2009 where I followed the "low GI" approach to a lot of the foods I eat, but the one thing I seem to have a problem with (that I can't escape because I've gotten so used to it and it's so filling) is to have a footlong at Subway (Oven Roasted Chicken Breast) everyday for lunch. I used to choose their wheat bread until I found out it had HFCS in it so I switched to Italian which is their most "natural" bread, although I'm sure its carbs are all refined (98g of carbs, to be exact).

What would you reccomend for someone like me? I've pretty much kept Subway as my mid-day lunch set in stone, but is that okay to have 98g of refined carbs for the day?

What about a numerical value of how much carbs to have each day (aside from "as little as possible")? Should 100g be my limit? 200g?

Thanks for the help. I've been looking to reinvigerate my diet for some time now.
100 gr of carbs is pretty acceptable in my book, I don't know what others might think. It's north of low carb. (zero carb 0-20, low carb 21-70) and you would be better without it, but I really don't think it should be much of a problem.

You just have to be more careful with other carb rich food like potatoes, rice, pastas and fruits, that's all.

You could only use half the boon, take the top half, and you could then eat 2 of them for the same carb intake.
hectorse said:
what's your height?

142 lb is way too skinny, unless you are 5'1" or something like that. Reconsider your weight goal
Totally mistyped that 142, it is suppose to be 242. I'm 6ft and shooting for a goal between 200 and 210. I might be wrong on that goal though.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Yeah, I agree that 100 grams of carbs one meal per day is fine. If you can't stick to a diet because you can't have that sandwich, then it's better to eat the 100 grams of carbs and slowly lose fat than not at all.


This is a really great thread and has helped motivate me in my own battle with weight.

I started on April 1 at 230 lbs. My plan is to reach the target weight of 170 lbs. I am 6ft 0in and 24-years-old.

I have made the following changes to my diet:

-No Sodas
-No Sugar Sweets (cookies, ice cream, candy, chocolate, ect...)
-No Fast Food
-Massive reduction in bread/grain intake (very limited amounts)
-Limit myself to only water and (1) Slim Fast per day

In addition, I have limited myself to only one meal per day (lunch). This idea I got from Gen. Stanley McChrystal, whom says he does this to avoid feeling sluggish. I have to agree. My diet is comprised of grilled chicken breast, fruits, veggies, and other heathy snacks. I only allow myself to "cheat" on Friday nights after the gym with a weekly visit to a local Italian restaurant that I just love too much to give up.

As far as exercise, I now visit the local gym EVERY DAY and work out between 1.5 hrs and 2 hrs after work. This roughly translates over to 750 to 1000 calories burned off per gym visit. My workout is pretty much exclusively cardio exercise on the treadmill, elliptical, bike, or Stair Master. My aim here is to burn fat; not to build muscle.

In the month that I have begun this very strict regiment, I have been able to lose 30 lbs and I now weigh 200 lbs.

I got another 30 lbs to go before I reach my goal! I will be sure to post before and after pictures once that happens later this year.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Looked good until the one meal per day part. One meal per day, and 1000 calories burned in cardio per day? Yikes.
NR1 said:
In addition, I have limited myself to only one meal per day (lunch). This idea I got from Gen. Stanley McChrystal, whom says he does this to avoid feeling sluggish. I have to agree. My diet is comprised of grilled chicken breast, fruits, veggies, and other heathy snacks. I only allow myself to "cheat" on Friday nights after the gym with a weekly visit to a local Italian restaurant that I just love too much to give up.

This is a recipe for disaster. NEVER go on a starvation diet. It'll bite you in the ass. How hard is it to just have smaller meals, 4-6 times a day?


Hey All
In order to lose weight I've been trying to cut out eating fast food, which is near impossible because I am a college student.Also I have just recently discovered the joy of drinking but I do no think it is affecting my weight loss yet. I started an excel spreadsheet of my weight every morning since a few months ago.

So far:
Started : 297
Current : 282

My problem is that it is staying around that number of 280 and not coming down.


Masta_Killah said:
This is a recipe for disaster. NEVER go on a starvation diet. It'll bite you in the ass. How hard is it to just have smaller meals, 4-6 times a day?

I would hardly call it a starvation diet. Plus, the key word is MEAL.

An apple during the day (after my lunch MEAL) would be considered a snack.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
NR1 said:
I would hardly call it a starvation diet. Plus, the key word is MEAL.

An apple during the day (after my lunch MEAL) would be considered a snack.

How many calories per day


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Mmmmmmmm i think that one meal a day is a mistake. Well if you maintain it, ok, but if you go back to a normal diet once you hit your goal you might be in trouble.


So I'm wondering if there are any diabetics here who have found good ways to lose weight. My room mate is diabetic and weighs about 240. Wants to get down to around 170 but whenever he starts dieting and everything he just gives up because he says that his diabetes makes it too difficult. I've tried helping him in the past but because I don't really know anything about diabetes (Type 2) I don't really know what to do. Any help would be appreciated.
I agree. Three meals is what you go for at least.

Seriously you should not fuck around with your body too much. I have this colleague at work who skipped lunch(who knows what he did at home...) all the time(He refused to listen to me and others.), called it dieting. He got himself in a hospital in the end and now he got some kind of diabetes. It's no joke, seriously.
One meal a day works fine given adequate caloric intake. Look up intermittent fasting. There's a lot of interesting literature out there, and it's a legit, healthy way to do it. I generally throw in a 16-24 hour fast once or twice a week, usually before workouts.

There are a few popular iterations:

Eat Stop Eat

Lean Gains
Warrior Diet


Thank you all for the advice and concern for my health.

I would never go about doing anything to harm my body or starve myself to death. Like I said, I have been on this eating schedule for a month, and I actually feel SO much better than before.

My gut has nearly been cut in half and I am able to sleep on my stomach much easier now. Also while sitting, the weight of my stomach no longer pushes up on my chest, which had started to give me breathing problems. I have been able to increase my speed and distance on the exercise equipment without losing breathe or getting tired as fast.

The 1 meal thing is simply to not feel sluggish during the day; something that I really felt like when I ate a full breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It was simply too much food-- and food that was not heathy (Pop Tarts, fired foods, ect...). I get a good calorie intake at lunch and then spread the remaining calories out over several very light snacks over the remainder of the day.
NR1 said:
Thank you all for the advice and concern for my health.

I would never go about doing anything to harm my body or starve myself to death. Like I said, I have been on this eating schedule for a month, and I actually feel SO much better than before.

My gut has nearly been cut in half and I am able to sleep on my stomach much easier now. Also while sitting, the weight of my stomach no longer pushes up on my chest, which had started to give me breathing problems. I have been able to increase my speed and distance on the exercise equipment without losing breathe or getting tired as fast.

The 1 meal thing is simply to not feel sluggish during the day; something that I really felt like when I ate a full breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It was simply too much food-- and food that was not heathy (Pop Tarts, fired foods, ect...). I get a good calorie intake at lunch and then spread the remaining calories out over several very light snacks over the remainder of the day.

I agree 1 meal a day is not as bad as it seems.

I would reconsider your training program so you include more weightlifting. It's a fun activity that keeps you looking good and in the same time allows you to eat quite a more generous amount of food without feeling sluggish.


This is a really interesting thread; the before and after shots are usually really drastic and it must have been so difficult to stick to the diet and exercise for so long (sometimes years!). The longest I've ever stuck to a routine was about 3 months in my freshman year of college where a friend would drag me to the gym 3 times a week.

Props to you all!

But I'm lucky 'cause I need to gain weight. 6'2 @ 150 but I look too skinny


hectorse said:
I agree 1 meal a day is not as bad as it seems.

I would reconsider your training program so you include more weightlifting. It's a fun activity that keeps you looking good and in the same time allows you to eat quite a more generous amount of food without feeling sluggish.

1 meal a day is not good for you. For a number of reasons that I don't even feel like getting into. It's not healthy.

Also, what exactly is weight training going to do for him? He can't build muscle eating once a day, and isn't consuming the protein or carbs for it to benefit his body in any positive way. He is better off sticking to cardio.

What he is doing is not healthy, it's not safe, period.

I am happy for him that he is losing weight and is closer to his goal. However he is also losing muscle, ruining his digestive track and is on a diet that is simply not maintainable. You can lose weight as fast if not faster then he is by eating properly.

Also if you feel sluggish after eating multiple meals a day you are not eating correctly and not giving your body the nutrients it needs. If you are, and still feel sluggish, you may have diabetes or other health problems and should contact a doctor.
You either need to show your sources or shut up.

I don't have them on me right now, but fasting, and in general, less caloric intake is been hinted for longer healthier life. Prince Dalton can provide plenty of links if need be
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