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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
TheExodu5 said:
I didn't exactly do a background check on him...the article I pointed to seemed fairly clean though...with a mish-mash of repuatble and perhaps more questionable sources.

Then again...that article you linked seems to think the American Heart Association is trustworthy and subscribes to science based medicine...so we'll just say that it's not all black & white.

Of course the American Heart Association is trustworthy! Didn't you hear? It's all about stuffing you face with cereal, bread and pasta for a healthy heart.

Sugar is also 'heart healthy'. It's fat free, after all.
teh_pwn said:

Yeah, but I mean, eating an apple is always gonna be better than eating something refined, don't you think? And do you think the body digests it differently? There's pectin and fiber in apples. And do the health benefits of an apple outweigh the bad?

And since you're fond of linking studies about rats and so forth, though I'm guessing this will not be considered "hard science":

Bone Protection
French researchers found that a flavanoid called phloridzin that is found only in apples may protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and may also increase bone density. Boron, another ingredient in apples, also strengthens bones.

Asthma Help
One recent study shows that children with asthma who drank apple juice on a daily basis suffered from less wheezing than children who drank apple juice only once per month. Another study showed that children born to women who eat a lot of apples during pregnancy have lower rates of asthma than children whose mothers ate few apples.

Alzheimer's Prevention
A study on mice at Cornell University found that the quercetin in apples may protect brain cells from the kind of free radical damage that may lead to Alzheimer's disease.

Lower Cholesterol
The pectin in apples lowers LDL ("bad") cholesterol. People who eat two apples per day may lower their cholesterol by as much as 16 percent.

Lung Cancer Prevention
According to a study of 10,000 people, those who ate the most apples had a 50 percent lower risk of developing lung cancer. Researchers believe this is due to the high levels of the flavonoids quercetin and naringin in apples.

Breast Cancer Prevention
A Cornell University study found that rats who ate one apple per day reduced their risk of breast cancer by 17 percent. Rats fed three apples per day reduced their risk by 39 percent and those fed six apples per day reduced their risk by 44 percent.

Colon Cancer Prevention
One study found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 43 percent lower risk of colon cancer. Other research shows that the pectin in apples reduces the risk of colon cancer and helps maintain a healthy digestive tract.

Liver Cancer Prevention
Research found that rats fed an extract from apple skins had a 57 percent lower risk of liver cancer.

Diabetes Management
The pectin in apples supplies galacturonic acid to the body which lowers the body's need for insulin and may help in the management of diabetes.

Weight Loss
A Brazilian study found that women who ate three apples or pears per day lost more weight while dieting than women who did not eat fruit while dieting.


Chiggs said:
Who here has seen the documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead?

It makes me want to try the juice detox diet.

It was a good watch but I dont totally agree on the extreme 60 day detox, maybe 10 days max. Also, after the detox period (10/30/60 days) these people introduced healthy, solid food back into their diet. We might not all agree on the method, but it helped these people get out of horrible situations and on the path to a healthier life. If this documentary or any other can get people on track to a healthier life after watching, I'm all for it.

I have a juicer and I mostly stick with Apples, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Carrots and Lemons (I also try to buy from local farmers markets as much as I can). I drink a Fruit mix in the morning and a Green mix later in the day after I work out.

Even with eating very healthy the past year the juice still cleaned me out and two weeks after starting I passed a kidney stone. I might have just been due for a kidney stone (I'm 31) but I'm pretty sure the juicing helped it along.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
LocoMrPollock said:
Yeah, but I mean, eating an apple is always gonna be better than eating something refined, don't you think? And do you think the body digests it differently?

We're not talking about whole foods. We're talking about juice. Juice is refined sucrose extract, which is about half fructose. Whether it's from apples, pears, cane, beets, it doesn't matter. It's fructose.

I'll take randomized controlled experiments on rats as a foundation to a hypothesis of biological functions shared by all mammals over factoids without a source. It's just not reasonable to have these sorts of trials on locked up humans.

Ironically sugar has been shown to contribute to all of those health benefits you listed, expect opposite.
teh_pwn said:
We're not talking about whole foods. We're talking about juice. Juice is refined sucrose extract, which is about half fructose. Whether it's from apples, pears, cane, beets, it doesn't matter. It's fructose.

I'll take randomized controlled experiments on rats as a foundation to a hypothesis of biological functions shared by all mammals over factoids without a source.

Ironically sugar has been shown to contribute to all of those health benefits you listed, expect opposite.

No, you said fructose is bad and a toxin, therefore an apple is bad.

Anyway, he juiced it himself. It's not processed.

He made it out of a bushel of kale, 3 stalks of celery, 2 green apples, half a lemon and a ginger root.

He was monitored by doctors before and after starting.

-His heart function increased.
-He was able to get off all his medications
-The outbreaks of his disease that caused him to have painful hives and sores went away.
-He lost 83 pounds in 60 days.
-He lost 202 pounds in 10 months with no ill health effects.

It's his story and it worked for him, and it saved his life.

I'm not saying everyone should do it, just stating the facts of his story and saying it shouldn't be discounted because it goes against your own beliefs. That's all.

It's late for me, so I'll leave you carnivores to it.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
LocoMrPollock said:
No, you said fructose is bad and a toxin, therefore an apple is bad.

Anyway, he juiced it himself. It's not processed.

Juicing by definition is a refinement process.

I did not say such a thing. I said it was strange to detox on a dose dependent toxin, which fructose is. It can ONLY be metabolized by the liver, it has thoroughly documented laundry list of negative health effects, and it can be handled in small quantities. I gave you a controlled study where fructose was the one variable changing and it caused leptin resistance, fatty liver disease in rats over time.

An N=1 experience without controls is not scientific in the slightest.

Assuming his story is correct and he watered that stuff down and made it taste terrible, I believe he made a very unhealthy approach to a low food reward diet. Absolutely no reason to dangerously reduce protein intake like that or use fructose.


I thought I was doing good with a salad/pasta combo or sushi for work days instead of the bloody wraps and pizzas I was eating before, but you're telling me it's still full o' carbs! Lame! What should I be eating instead?
I need to eat less carbs.

I've been bombarded by them at family functions, parties, etc. - trying to stay away but it's been almost comical the last two weeks.



Gold Member
TheExodu5 said:
I would never, ever try the detox diet. It's basically starvation.

I was thinking of doing the juice thing in the morning, eating a normal lunch, and then the juice thing at night. It's not so much about the weight loss for me as it is feeling better and more energetic.

Also, I fully agree with the person that mentioned the low carb diet being disgusting, and the implications something like that has on someone's large intestine is frightening.


Chiggs said:
I was thinking of doing the juice thing in the morning, eating a normal lunch, and then the juice thing at night. It's not so much about the weight loss for me as it is feeling better and more energetic.

Also, I fully agree with the person that mentioned the low carb diet being disgusting, and the implications something like that has on someone's large intestine is frightening.
What are the implications?


relies on auto-aim
Chiggs said:
I was thinking of doing the juice thing in the morning, eating a normal lunch, and then the juice thing at night. It's not so much about the weight loss for me as it is feeling better and more energetic.

Also, I fully agree with the person that mentioned the low carb diet being disgusting, and the implications something like that has on someone's large intestine is frightening.
Just make sure you measure your intake calories and don't take too little from your usual daily value.

I'm not for it, but just at least have some data.




Of course calories in, calories out is true to a large extent. One of the big problems with eating only carbs and junk food, is that if you keep it under 2000 calories, you're basically going to feel starved.

I can eat a full box of macaroni and cheese at about 1100 calories and feel hungry 2 hours later.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I'm reaching my 100 lbs lost within 12-16 months now, I got 4kgs/~9lbs left, and oh boy are they stubborn. The way I've scheduled it I'm 1 month from my self enforced deadline. 30 days to lose 9 lbs. Sad part is I've been stuck at 170 lbs for what feels like an eternity.

Nelo Ice

LocoMrPollock said:
I believe it. My sister is basically killing her kids. They live on sugar. It's ridiculous. Her son is 9 and is already 100 pounds.

my cousin whos like 6 is 80 pounds and for comparison her mom is 90 pounds

she eats anything and everything and she also hides food and snacks for herself


December - 265
June 1st - 254.8
Today - 229.3

25.5lbs dropped in almost 2 months. Although I really think it'll be closer to 30lbs over 2 months (should be able to get 30 by next Monday/Tuesday).

All with cardio and diet. Figure I'll save the pics for when I'm closer to my goal weight (205lbs).

Might pick up lifting soon. Does that help with loose skin?
winnarps said:
December - 265
June 1st - 254.8
Today - 229.3

25.5lbs dropped in almost 2 months. Although I really think it'll be closer to 30lbs over 2 months (should be able to get 30 by next Monday/Tuesday).

All with cardio and diet. Figure I'll save the pics for when I'm closer to my goal weight (205lbs).

Might pick up lifting soon. Does that help with loose skin?
Great job! That's no small task.

And yeah, lifting will help build muscle which helps to tighten skin back out.


I feel like I'm kind of stuck at around 192. Which isn't too bad I guess since I started at like 225. Is lifting weights that much better to do to lose weight than cardio? Currently I run about 2.5 miles for 5 days a week.
Toki767 said:
I feel like I'm kind of stuck at around 192. Which isn't too bad I guess since I started at like 225. Is lifting weights that much better to do to lose weight than cardio? Currently I run about 2.5 miles for 5 days a week.
at some point, measurement and body comp are a lot better indicators than weight.
Toki767 said:
I feel like I'm kind of stuck at around 192. Which isn't too bad I guess since I started at like 225. Is lifting weights that much better to do to lose weight than cardio? Currently I run about 2.5 miles for 5 days a week.

More muscle = burn more calories.

Lifting weights will help you lose fat.

elrechazao said:
at some point, measurement and body comp are a lot better indicators than weight.



Just ate a rib eye with some broccoli. Grilled to perfection. Too bad it's so expensive...that meal cost me like $14. :(

It feels so good eating a low carb meal. I ate a nice plate, and I feel perfectly satisfies. After a normal steak and potatoes meal, I usually feel disgusted because I ate too much.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
That sounds like a lot for a ribeye. Must have been some pretty nice meat.

I usually get it at $5.99 per pound.


Zefah said:
That sounds like a lot for a ribeye. Must have been some pretty nice meat.

I usually get it at $5.99 per pound.

Canada. :(

Got it from Farmboy, which is the only grocery store here where it's worth buying meat. $14 a pound. The rib steak was $12 a pound.

Usually I only buy rib steak when it's on sale at $6 a pound, but I really had a craving.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
TheExodu5 said:
Canada. :(

Got it from Farmboy, which is the only grocery store here where it's worth buying meat. $14 a pound. The rib steak was $12 a pound.

Usually I only buy rib steak when it's on sale at $6 a pound, but I really had a craving.

Crazy! Are meat prices universally high over there? The $5.99/lb price I mentioned was for standard pre-packaged stuff, by the way. If I were to go for the organic/grass-fed stuff in the glass case, it would probably be closer to $10+ per pound.


Zefah said:
Crazy! Are meat prices universally high over there? The $5.99/lb price I mentioned was for standard pre-packaged stuff, by the way. If I were to go for the organic/grass-fed stuff in the glass case, it would probably be closer to $10+ per pound.


I went to buy chicken earlier this week...boneless skinless chicken breast was $10/lb. Insane. Normally it's closer to $8/lb. On sale will be $5-6/lb. It really makes no sense, considering I can go to Costco and buy a full roast chicken there for $7.

Kind of ridiculous when you consider our dollar is worth more than the US dollar now. It's like we're still in 1990.


Okay I got some blood work done last week and all my levels are fantastic but two:

Glucose = 108 (should be 70-99 fasting)
Uric Acid = 9.9 (should be below 8.8)

I just started doing some major cardio and reducing my carb intake further so I hope that takes care of the glucose but I'm not sure what's going on with the uric acid. From what I've read I need to reduce protein? I take protein shakes and eat a lot of meat. Has anyone else seen a rise in their uric acid from weight loss?

Any advice on how to naturally lower those two numbers?


So I went to the doctor yesterday like everyone said I should and got some blood work done. They told me to call in this morning, which I did, but she told me I had to wait for the doctor to call me back. Is this normal?


Well that was a waste. I sat around nervous for two hours and they finally called me back, and it wasn't even the doctor. She said everything was normal except my cholesterol was little high. Guess I have been freaking out over nothing. Well, it's getting me to eat healthy and work out again. I am not going through this again.


omgkitty said:
Well that was a waste. I sat around nervous for two hours and they finally called me back, and it wasn't even the doctor. She said everything was normal except my cholesterol was little high. Guess I have been freaking out over nothing. Well, it's getting me to eat healthy and work out again. I am not going through this again.
Good to hear it was nothing too serious.

Nothing will keep you motivated more than trying on old clothes that you were too big for a few months ago, but now fit you. Feels really good man.
Interfectum said:
Okay I got some blood work done last week and all my levels are fantastic but two:

Glucose = 108 (should be 70-99 fasting)
Uric Acid = 9.9 (should be below 8.8)

I just started doing some major cardio and reducing my carb intake further so I hope that takes care of the glucose but I'm not sure what's going on with the uric acid. From what I've read I need to reduce protein? I take protein shakes and eat a lot of meat. Has anyone else seen a rise in their uric acid from weight loss?

Any advice on how to naturally lower those two numbers?

High uric acid is most likely caused by excess fructose intake. Cut any refined sources of fructose out. Stick to fruit, and not huge amounts.

Eat fibrous vegetables, like jicama, jersualem artichokes, and leafy greens. Good food for your gut flora and helps reduce uric acid.

That said, it may be that really high purine intake (usually from animal sources) can exacerbate the problem caused by fructose... how much protein are you eating a day? And what type of meat cuts are you eating?


...hate me...
dmag1223 said:
Good to hear it was nothing too serious.

Nothing will keep you motivated more than trying on old clothes that you were too big for a few months ago, but now fit you. Feels really good man.
Yep. I'm now sporting clothes that I haven't been able to wear not in months but in years. It's amazing. My good old jeans, jackets, jesus christ.

It's a hell of a motivation to keep pushing. Currently @ 72kg / 159lbs. Serioulsy this would be enough but I want the 150.


dmag1223 said:
Good to hear it was nothing too serious.

Nothing will keep you motivated more than trying on old clothes that you were too big for a few months ago, but now fit you. Feels really good man.

I am just happy to not have Diabetes. It really sucks that after I lost weight last year, I was wearing a lot of clothes I really love (like my soccer jerseys) and now because I got lazy, I can't wear them anymore just a year later. I am ready to get back on that horse and ride it to success.


I don't know if it was cutting out the diet coke, crystal light and Orbit gum out of my diet, but I think my low carb diet is beginning to work. It's been 3 weeks and 3 days, and I've lost about 8 pounds so far. I'm down from 351 to 221.5 as of this morning.


great thread. Here is my story.

I was at 300 lbs in 2009 and it was getting worse rapidly. There was this one time i had to CatScan(?) my leg and my doctor said i may need to drive to another clinic because he wasnt sure the scanunit was able to handle the weight.
I felt miserable, all the small aches were getting rediculous and at some point the lazy life was just not worth it anymore. I remember the day and even the time when it hit me, i stand up, dress and get out for a walk around the block. It was freezing, but i didnt really care.
Started walking 2-3 miles a day, dropped soda and booze, stopped eating meat (medical reasons), sweets or anything that looks like its unhealthy. Didnt have a plan or even a goal, didnt think about loosing weight, just didnt care living like that anymore.

I didnt weight myself often back then, i was heavy built all my life and grown to dislike weighting. The first time checking my weight after 3 months with my "new self" i was pleasantly suprised to see 30 lbs gone. This was the moment i started to belive it was possible for me to loose weight. You have to understand, even the thought of loosing weight was alien to me back then, it never occured to me that i could manage something like that. But seeing is beliving ...

Since then i lost 10-15 lbs each month. It was surprisingly easy, even without following any diet plans. Just eat less and move more. My personal advise would be finding something you like to do and combine it with some kind of exercise you dont hate too much. In my case it was reading. I got audiobook versions of books i always wanted to read and listen to them while walking. You just have to remember it isnt something you do for a while and then never again, i'm still walking every day in rain or snow and enjoy it quiet a bit thanks to audiobooks.

After 8 months i was down to 175lbs and feal great. Most of the small aches are gone, i can go for 10 miles and dont feel like dying. Life is good.

Thanks for listening/reading ;)
Have you guys ever been in a situation where your weight stays about the same but you notice a lot of physical changes? The scale is saying I've been at 191-194 this whole month but I look and feel much better than I did a month ago.


MiDNiGHTS said:
Have you guys ever been in a situation where your weight stays about the same but you notice a lot of physical changes? The scale is saying I've been at 191-194 this whole month but I look and feel much better than I did a month ago.

Chances are you are gaining muscle at the same time as losing fat (depending on what it is you are doing). Your overall weight isn't really an issue if you are happy with how you look and feel.


I pretty much haven't lost a pound in about 7 weeks of going to the gym and eating somewhat better (went from 1-2 sodas a day to 2-3 a week at most, eating less junk food). I definitely have a flatter stomach at the top and you can make out my ribs again but the damn belly/spare tire just won't go away! I don't really care that much and I'm sure part of the reason my weight has stayed the same is muscle gain but it's a bit frustrating.

I am 5'10 and 160 pounds.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Agh, my issue is weekend meals. I can't seem to find many recipes that are healthy, low-carb, and actually good. Plus they need to be on the cheaper side and not have 30 ingredients I need to buy.

Also, what do you guys that work at an office eat every day? What do you take for lunch? I have been doing salads but my calorie count is way low (around 1000 per day) based on my yogurt, salad+fruit, chicken+veggies weekly schedule. What should I add in to beef it up a bit but still stay healthy and low carb?
Deadly Cyclone said:
Agh, my issue is weekend meals. I can't seem to find many recipes that are healthy, low-carb, and actually good. Plus they need to be on the cheaper side and not have 30 ingredients I need to buy.

Also, what do you guys that work at an office eat every day? What do you take for lunch? I have been doing salads but my calorie count is way low (around 1000 per day) based on my yogurt, salad+fruit, chicken+veggies weekly schedule. What should I add in to beef it up a bit but still stay healthy and low carb?

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