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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)



Shaneus said:
Is that Parks & Rec? I keep meaning to watch it, but the first season was kind of shit.
Show gets MUCH better after the first season. Everyone agrees it sucked but the writing gets better later.
Yeah I'm at the "stuck at weight but look better phase" Really only started working out full-time a month ago. Haven't really moved much weight wise, but I can see some definition in my chest. Yet no weight loss.

I have switched my food routine to this for today.


eggs cooked in some butter, then lunch turkey fried afterwards


carrot sticks, portion frozen fruit, low fat mozarella stick, loose turkey, and a greek yogurt.

I then ran a 5k in 28 minutes, did 2 bicep and 1 tricep machine, some planks and pushups (this is my third day in a row, so went a little easier. Also my rest running week, normally I am running at least 45 minutes, or ~5+ miles)

Dinner was meatballs, 2 slices of bread, and some vegetables slow cooked in olive oil.

I drink plain coffee through the day with a little skim milk, and water. No soft drinks or any other stuff.

Any changes I should make. Goal is to be running official 5k's in late September. I am 5'9"
AceBandage said:
Cut the bread and frozen fruit.
Do more weight lifting.

That was my only carbs of the day. Shouldn't I be eating some carbs seeing as I am approaching 1 hour straight of running?

My goal is to run a full marathon in another year and a half at latest.
The_Inquisitor said:
That was my only carbs of the day. Shouldn't I be eating some carbs seeing as I am approaching 1 hour straight of running?

Actually, nevermind, you're likely just gaining muscle now. Just keep lifting and you'll look better.


Toki767 said:
Is sprinting that much better for weight loss than just normal running?

No, if you are interested in weight loss, FAT is the fuel for low/medium-intensity workouts. If you are sprinting and doing high intensity workouts, the body will use carbs as the main source of fuel. here is a graph to help you understand:



My stamina is pretty bad from not exercising in a while. I bike an hour one day and run 1 mile on other days. Thinking about going swimming soon. Any tips to burn fat? I'm trying to lose weight.
Stylo said:
My stamina is pretty bad from not exercising in a while. I bike an hour one day and run 1 mile on other days. Thinking about going swimming soon. Any tips to burn fat? I'm trying to lose weight.

Change your diet.
Weight loss is pretty much all diet.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
Is Dreamfields pasta really only 5 net carbs a serving? I tried some tonight and it wasn't bad at all but it seems way too good to be true at only 5g a serving!
WinoMcCougarstein said:
Is Dreamfields pasta really only 5 net carbs a serving? I tried some tonight and it wasn't bad at all but it seems way too good to be true at only 5g a serving!

According to this: No.

You're still getting a butt load of carbs, but they are slow digesting carbs, which don't spike your insulin as much.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
AceBandage said:
According to this: No.

You're still getting a butt load of carbs, but they are slow digesting carbs, which don't spike your insulin as much.

Thanks. Is 41g for a dinner really a buttload of carbs?
WinoMcCougarstein said:
Thanks. Is 41g for a dinner really a buttload of carbs?

Depends on your goal, I suppose. Usually, for weight loss, it's suggested you eat less than 100g per day (the few the better as far as results go).


After a period of many months of just eating absolutely terribly while I focused on work and school I went back to the gym tonight and thought my heart was going to explode. Any tips on how I should focus my diet or how easy I should take workouts while I (hopefully) work back to good cardiovascular health? Or should I just go see a doctor/cardiologist and play it completely safe?


I wish I could lose about 15lbs or so. I'm like 160-165lbs and 5'9. I've been doing 30 situps and 30 pushups a day for about a month, but other than slightly bigger arms and wannabe pecs, I still have a tummy I want to be flatter. ;/

I know its my diet too, but I'm not asking for abs or anything either.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
LaneDS said:
After a period of many months of just eating absolutely terribly while I focused on work and school I went back to the gym tonight and thought my heart was going to explode. Any tips on how I should focus my diet or how easy I should take workouts while I (hopefully) work back to good cardiovascular health? Or should I just go see a doctor/cardiologist and play it completely safe?

If your blood pressure is high because your body isn't making enough NO, L-Arginine will dramatically reduce your blood pressure. But best to eat clean to avoid the problem to begin with.
Stylo said:
My stamina is pretty bad from not exercising in a while. I bike an hour one day and run 1 mile on other days. Thinking about going swimming soon. Any tips to burn fat? I'm trying to lose weight.

When you run, switch to high intensity interval training (HIIT). You'll alternate between sprinting and jogging. This allows for two things:

1) An abreviated workout. You can do a HIIT workout in 30 min or less.
2) A long-lasting afterburn effect. You'll still be burning calories up to 24 hours after your workout.

Here's the routine I have been trying:

1) Warm for 2 minutes
2) Sprint as fast as you can for 15 seconds, and then jog for 45 seconds. Alternate between sprinting and jogging for a total of 8 times.
3) Run/jog at a comfortable pace for 10 minutes
4) Run at high speed (a bit under your max sprint) for 1 minute, and then jog for 1 minute. Alternate between running and jogging for a total of 5 times.

The total workout time is 30 minutes. You probably won't be able to do the entire thing on your first try. Just do what you can and then each additional time you try it, do a little more than the previous time. It won't be long before your endurance will build up and you'll be able to do the entire 30 minutes.

Also, it is extremely important to lift weights when on a diet. If you don't, you risk losing a lot of muscle, which in turn causes your metabolism to slow down, which makes it harder to lose weight.
RPGCrazied said:
I wish I could lose about 15lbs or so. I'm like 160-165lbs and 5'9. I've been doing 30 situps and 30 pushups a day for about a month, but other than slightly bigger arms and wannabe pecs, I still have a tummy I want to be flatter. ;/

I know its my diet too, but I'm not asking for abs or anything either.

Run. Just keep running. Even if it's treadmill or a bike - and if ur an rpg nut like myself, do this:

- save ur fav battle in an rpg u like; try to make it a long one
- load it and start playing it as you bike

Some intense battles take ur mind off the bike ur on. Do not recommend for jogging tho lol - just take an ipod with some new songs u uploaded to try out.


I would like to know if anyone here has ever tried Intermittent Fasting.


It's basically a routine where you fast for 24 hours, then have a period of eating for the next 24 hours. You would do this once or twice a week.

There are some people I know who swear by it. It does challenge some conventions though. However, the studies conducted researching intermittent fasting do boast some positive results. For example, in one study (conducted on a animal), fasting prolonged the lifespan of the animal by 40%.

I am sure when we were hunter gatherer folk, there were plenty of occasions where there was not anything available to eat. So I am thinking from a physiological perspective, our bodies are accustomed to not having food so readily available.

I would like to know weight loss GAF's opinion on this matter.


Farooq said:
I would like to know if anyone here has ever tried Intermittent Fasting.


It's basically a routine where you fast for 24 hours, then have a period of eating for the next 24 hours. You would do this once or twice a week.

There are some people I know who swear by it. It does challenge some conventions though. However, the studies conducted researching intermittent fasting do boast some positive results. For example, in one study (conducted on a animal), fasting prolonged the lifespan of the animal by 40%.

I am sure when we were hunter gatherer folk, there were plenty of occasions where there was not anything available to eat. So I am thinking from a physiological perspective, our bodies are accustomed to not having food so readily available.

I would like to know weight loss GAF's opinion on this matter.

Sounds interesting, if this is any good I'd love to work it into my weekly routine.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I tried it once before reading into low-carb.

I really felt like shit and was a bit lethargic at work the day I fasted. I don't think I'll be trying it again anytime soon.


Zefah said:
I tried it once before reading into low-carb.

I really felt like shit and was a bit lethargic at work the day I fasted. I don't think I'll be trying it again anytime soon.

Do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions about your experience?

How long did you try it for?

What other side effects did you encounter? And lastly, did you see any results?


Yesterday I started to get really hungry and so I decided to go to the grocery. I picked up some bacon, ground beef, and real cheese. I went home and through all of it in a pan and cooked it up, and then added about 4 eggs. OMG it was delicious. One of the best things I have ever made. Unfortunately, as soon as I finished eating, I didn't feel very good. I am afraid the eggs we had might have been bad, but when I tested them, they were still good. I honestly have no idea. I still feel kind of weird today, but I don't think I have food poisoning or anything.


Zefah said:
I tried it once before reading into low-carb.

I really felt like shit and was a bit lethargic at work the day I fasted. I don't think I'll be trying it again anytime soon.
I also felt like shit while doing it before I went low-carb. But now that I'm all Paleo it's very easy to do IF, there's no lack of energy or extreme hunger. I guess when the body switches to using fat as source of energy it doesn't need food every few hours to do it's job well.

Personaly I do it like this: I eat a big breakfast and then nothing till next day's breakfast.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Farooq said:
Do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions about your experience?

How long did you try it for?

What other side effects did you encounter? And lastly, did you see any results?

Sorry, but I don't really have any useful information for you.

I ate dinner at around 7pm the day before the fast. Then I didn't consume anything but water for about 25 hours when I broke my fast on a light dinner at around 8pm or so of the day of the fast.

I didn't really have any side effects other than a constant feeling of hungry and generally feeling lethargic throughout the day. It wasn't too bad, but it definitely didn't make me want to try it again.

AdrianWerner said:
I also felt like shit while doing it before I went low-carb. But now that I'm all Paleo it's very easy to do IF, there's no lack of energy or extreme hunger. I guess when the body switches to using fat as source of energy it doesn't need food every few hours to do it's job well.

Personaly I do it like this: I eat a big breakfast and then nothing till next day's breakfast.

I could see this working a lot better now that I'm eating low-carb, since I rarely get really hungry between meals anymore. I was still on my old diet that was packed with carbs and contained little fat when I tried the fast, so that might have been a reason I felt so damned hungry.


AdrianWerner said:
I also felt like shit while doing it before I went low-carb. But now that I'm all Paleo it's very easy to do IF, there's no lack of energy or extreme hunger. I guess when the body switches to using fat as source of energy it doesn't need food every few hours to do it's job well.

Personaly I do it like this: I eat a big breakfast and then nothing till next day's breakfast.

I have done this for the past year or two, but it was never really planned, and I do it a little differently. I usually wake up and don't eat at all until around 6 or 7 that night. I eat a lot, but then don't eat again until the next night. This is normally just a weekend thing, but I do it during the week sometimes as well. It more comes down to cost of meals and me being generally lazy. Sure, it doesn't work as well when I was eating fast food, but I am interested to see how it will work on an actual diet.
I have a quick question. I've been doing the low carb thing for a while now. To be honest I don't need to do it anymore but it seems to be a healthy lifestyle to follow. What I don't get is if one is trying to lose fat, how does cutting carbs and eating more fat facilitate weight loss? Won't the body just use the fat you consume throughout the day instead of touching the fat stores that you are trying to tap into? I means it's not like Atkins dieters run a calorie deficit or anything?

My roommate is trying to lose some fat to get his abs to come out and I told him that it's mostly diet but and that's how my original question popped up.
Got my blood test results (12 hour fasting) in from last week. Lipid profile is looking great! :D

My HDL is 55mg/dL (you want to be 40 and over) , and my triglycerides are 45mg/dL (you want to be below 150).

And everything else was fine, except for Vitamin D being on the low side of acceptable range (I should take more Vitamin D supplements).

Compared to 3 years ago, this is a FANTASTIC change. My old doctor told me that my liver was in trouble, and my triglycerides were too high. After 8 months of being on low carb diet, all that was fixed! Incredible! VERY VERY happy about deciding on low carb, not just for my weight (lost 40lbs with diet and P90X in the last year), but ultimately for better heart health.

Can't believe I did that through scarfing down high fat cheeses, steaks, bacon, heavy whipping cream, half dozen eggs a day, and never being hungry! :D


It's been 1 month since I've started cutting out sugar, bread, and potatoes. I've had some cheat days, but otherwise have been feeling perfectly contempt, and never hungry. I'm down 15 lbs now, from 190lbs to 175lbs. I still have a little while to go, but things are looking good!

I'm going to start throwing weight lifting into the mix soon.

DragonKnight said:
I have a quick question. I've been doing the low carb thing for a while now. To be honest I don't need to do it anymore but it seems to be a healthy lifestyle to follow. What I don't get is if one is trying to lose fat, how does cutting carbs and eating more fat facilitate weight loss? Won't the body just use the fat you consume throughout the day instead of touching the fat stores that you are trying to tap into? I means it's not like Atkins dieters run a calorie deficit or anything?

My roommate is trying to lose some fat to get his abs to come out and I told him that it's mostly diet but and that's how my original question popped up.

Fat makes you feel fuller than carbs, so you'll be eating less. Fat and carbs are basically interchangeable in the body.

What's easier to eat, a Large sized BigMac combo, or a 48oz steak? Both are the same calories, but one is going to make you feel much fuller than the other.

In the end, yeah you need to be running a bit of a calorie deficit to lose weight. Insulin does play a role here though...I'm not sure what happens when you overeat and your insulin is low...what does your body do with the fat at that point?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
TheExodu5 said:
In the end, yeah you need to be running a bit of a calorie deficit to lose weight. Insulin does play a role here though...I'm not sure what happens when you overeat and your insulin is low...what does your body do with the fat at that point?

Not sure, but taking your example, I think it would be extremely difficult for most people to eat a 48oz steak in one sitting, where it wouldn't be too difficult to gobble down a large Big Mac combo. I find it terribly difficult to overeat on a low carb diet. Even bacon loses its appeal when I'm full!

Nice progress, by the way!
Shogmaster said:
Got my blood test results (12 hour fasting) in from last week. Lipid profile is looking great! :D

My HDL is 55mg/dL (you want to be 40 and over) , and my triglycerides are 45mg/dL (you want to be below 150).

And everything else was fine, except for Vitamin D being on the low side of acceptable range (I should take more Vitamin D supplements).

Compared to 3 years ago, this is a FANTASTIC change. My old doctor told me that my liver was in trouble, and my triglycerides were too high. After 8 months of being on low carb diet, all that was fixed! Incredible! VERY VERY happy about deciding on low carb, not just for my weight (lost 40lbs with diet and P90X in the last year), but ultimately for better heart health.

Can't believe I did that through scarfing down high fat cheeses, steaks, bacon, heavy whipping cream, half dozen eggs a day, and never being hungry! :D


As for the Vitamin D issue, make sure you get the Vitamin D3 kind, not Vitamin D2. I take Cod Liver Oil with my meal to increase my Vitamin A, D3 and E intake. I also take a Vitamin K2 supplement which comes with additional Vitamin D3.
NobleXenon said:

As for the Vitamin D issue, make sure you get the Vitamin D3 kind, not Vitamin D2. I take Cod Liver Oil with my meal to increase my Vitamin A, D3 and E intake. I also take a Vitamin K2 supplement which comes with additional Vitamin D3.
Just checked my D sup. It's D3, so I just have to increase the amount I think. Thanks for the tip.

noire said:
Are there vitamins I should definitely be taking on a low-carb diet?
Definitely D. My D levels were low, even with some supplements. I would go like 1000mg a day, in hindsight.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I haven't been paying attention to vitamins at all. Why is it important to take Vitamin D, and stuff like cod liver oil?


hydragonwarrior said:
Run. Just keep running. Even if it's treadmill or a bike - and if ur an rpg nut like myself, do this:

- save ur fav battle in an rpg u like; try to make it a long one
- load it and start playing it as you bike

Some intense battles take ur mind off the bike ur on. Do not recommend for jogging tho lol - just take an ipod with some new songs u uploaded to try out.

I'm not a good runner, cause I have a small case of asthma. :) I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and hope I don't get any fatter. lol
Zefah said:
I haven't been paying attention to vitamins at all. Why is it important to take Vitamin D, and stuff like cod liver oil?

I had a Vitamin A deficiency, which caused me to have low testosterone levels, sinusitis, depression, and severe acne. Cod Liver Oil has high levels of Vitamin A and D3. These Vitamins come together in a 10 to 1 ratio or less, which helps prevent toxicity in either of them. I considered taking Accutane, but that is a synthetic Vitamin A supplement which causes toxicity in low levels. Cod Liver Oil is cheap, non-synthetic, and helped with my deficiency.

Edit: I should add that I'm also taking Vitamin K2 (Both MK-4 and MK-7) to try to reverse the tooth decay I accumulated during my carbohydrate eatin' years.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
NomarTyme said:

Is this a good Vitamin A supplement? http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001B4P0I6/?tag=neogaf0e-20

I don't really want to take Cod Liver Oil since I'm already taking 5,000IU Vitamin D3 every day as well as Carlson's Fish Oil.

I used to take 10,000IU Vitamin D3 daily, but my serum blood calcium level is high (couple points above the max) so my doctor thought it could be attributed to my high Vitamin D intake so I lowered it.

Also, is there a good Vitamin K2 supplement out there?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Hrmm... I'm going to have to look into this vitamin business.

It looks like I may have to end up taking a lot of different pills, which doesn't sound very appealing. What do you all think of multivitamin pills?
Zefah said:
Hrmm... I'm going to have to look into this vitamin business.

It looks like I may have to end up taking a lot of different pills, which doesn't sound very appealing. What do you all think of multivitamin pills?

Yea, I take mega men sports multivitamin. Curious if I'm just wasting my money.
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