I've just watched Big Fat Head and a lecture by the same guy, titled Big Fat Fiasco on Youtube.
Without trawling through this whole thread, does anyone here have any handy links to more research supporting his hypothesis?
I'm interested in what he says, and on the surface it makes sense, but I'm not scientist and pretty much anyone can make a believable documentary. There seem to be a lot of converts in here but I wouldn't like to base a lifestyle on bad medicine.
I've been losing some weight recently, at about 2kg (4.4lbs) a week for the last three weeks, and had thought that the low-carb route might have been a bit of crap, and that I was being successful with just eating fewer calories, but when I analysed what I was eating I find that I'm at about 150g-200g of carbs per day, which is 2/3 of RDI. Whilst not around 100g, it's still relatively low. I also feel fantastic, with doing about 40 minutes of cardio exercise per day, 6 days a week. My energy levels have increased dramatically over the last three weeks.
The main source of carbs for me has been about 100g of muesli I eat every morning, plus some fruit and a slice or two of some grained bread. I weighed my salad I've been taking into work every day and it's about half a kilo of salad (without tuna the tuna or cheese I add in), as I'm a big believer of fibre. I try to vary the salads I take in as there's nothing more boring than eating the same garden salad every day.
I've been eating a fair chunk of protein for lunch, mainly tuna, as well as chicken, steak, etc for dinner, sometimes with or without vegetables. I don't weigh the protein and fat I eat, but in all I probably eat two palm size portions of animal protein - twice that of what has been typically recommended as "healthy". I snack on two or three pieces of fruit a day, but it's only the pear I have that has significant carbs I would say.
I'm more interested in maintaining a healthy blood sugar level and trying to avoid type 2 diabetes, since my dad has just been diagnosed with a mild case of it, even though he's not overweight and has never had what I'd consider a bad diet. If I can do that and not have to worry about heart disease from the ingestion of animal fats, I'd be a happy man, as I'm never happier than when I'm eating some properly cooked lamb and a delicious salad. This diet would be pretty sustainable for me in the long run I think.