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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Domino Theory said:
Is this a good Vitamin A supplement? http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001B4P0I6/?tag=neogaf0e-20

I don't really want to take Cod Liver Oil since I'm already taking 5,000IU Vitamin D3 every day as well as Carlson's Fish Oil.

I used to take 10,000IU Vitamin D3 daily, but my serum blood calcium level is high (couple points above the max) so my doctor thought it could be attributed to my high Vitamin D intake so I lowered it.

Also, is there a good Vitamin K2 supplement out there?
That is good but I think its easier eating a slice of beef liver once every week. For Vitamin K2 I like this brand.

Also why are you taking vitamin D? too hot to go out?

Zefah said:
Hrmm... I'm going to have to look into this vitamin business.

It looks like I may have to end up taking a lot of different pills, which doesn't sound very appealing. What do you all think of multivitamin pills?
Besides stuff like magnesium, zinc, selenium(if you're eating fish), and K2(that is if you can't afford grass fed beef). Most you should get it naturally from food.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Is anyone here really knowledgeable about vitamins? Are there fast differences in quality in the various brands of pills out there? Anything to watch out for or be careful of?

It seems like Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Calcium and Magnesium (as well as maybe Vitamin C?) are good supplements on a low-carb diet where animal organs aren't often consumed.

Any suggestions/advice would be much appreciated.


For vitamins I only take cod liver oil.
I also use half salt (potassium/sodium) on just about every cooked meal I eat. Lots of dark green veggies, bell peppers, 1 tomato a day, milk. I think I cover most of the bases without loading up on bottles of pills, but I am always fine tuning things.


After a few months of eating low carb, I got my 1. blood results! Previous results showed first signs of diabetes and too high cholesterol. My mom said I'd have to take medication if it gets any worse.

It's all good now :)) My results have never been better. My HDL is even an amazing 84mg/dL now!
All this thanks to you guys and to Gary Taubes!


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Edit: Derp, never mentioned weight. About 160ish, not an overweight thing and more of a flabby, has-no-tone-or-anything thing.

Okay fellas, I got a question that has had me somewhat puzzled. About a year ago I took it upon myself to purchase p90x and get up and be somewhat active. I went on for almost 2 months before classes started and I ended up putting it aside. In that time I gained about 5-7 extra pounds which I hear was pretty common, so I wasn't too upset. Fast forward a few months later, I give it another attempt and the same thing happens (I keep getting caught up in classes and putting this aside like an idiot) and I gain another 5-7 pounds. I get frustrated and move on.

Now I'm back again, annoyed that I'm 10-15 pounds more than where I started and wanted to get this working properly this time. I've never been a bad eater, never been big or super unhealthy. My problem was that I've been very inactive for long periods of times and I'm ready to pick off the weight and tone up a touch.

My eating habits have never been too crazy. I rarely touch candy as high sugary content has never agreed with me. My normal snack has always been sunflower seeds and I've lowered my intake in that by a ton these last few months. I've been upping my greens and trying to keep my calories not too crazy (but my counting of them are never perfect)

As far as bread and potato stuff, I've never been a fan of bread, and probably only eat it once or twice a week (sometimes from a burger, which I only get maybe once every other week) and for potatoes, I eat fries once in a while and maybe some beef stew (taters added!) here and there. So I don't think my eating habits are a major cause for concern, but I do need to increase my greens a little more and maybe fruits (not sure on this?)

Anyhow, I think my problem is just that I'm sitting around for classes or work stuff a lot and I don't get a whole lot of cardio. I've been trying to get some extra cardio at home done but I haven't found a great way to get that done in my free time around the house.

So uh, not sure why I typed all of that, but I was just looking for confirmation that my guess was probably pretty close to my problem and maybe tossing me a few links or tips on how to get some extra cardio related stuff into the mix with my other stuff (not p90x related, but I'm starting that in a few weeks once I get some shit cleared up. Lots of crunches/situps and weight stuff)

Any and all help is always appreciated. Great thread and have kept up with it for a while now as a small reminder that I need to get to it myself. Props to all of you crazy dudes who made huge changes!


Diet is 90% of it...I'm pretty sure that's the advice you'll hear in this thread.

Exercise is not going to help all that much with weight loss IMO, simply because it's just going to end up increasing your appetite regardless. Cardio is good for cardiovascular health, and weight lifting is good to put on a bit of muscle (which will enable you to eat more on a daily basis...this is good!).


Man, telling people that I'm doing a low carb, high fat diet, is like telling them I'm injecting poison into my bloodstream. The most common responses are:

1. OMG! Where are you going to get your energy! Your going to be lethargic all the time!

2. All that fat is going to make you even fatter!

3. Enjoy your high cholesterol!

Its just amazing to me how brainwashed people are into thinking fats in food are bad for you. Even when I provide actual scientific backup, they just dismiss it as some sort of quackery, and say "I'm just looking out for you man". The government really needs to step up to the plate and admit what they have been telling us is completely wrong.


dmag1223 said:
Man, telling people that I'm doing a low carb, high fat diet, is like telling them I'm injecting poison into my bloodstream. The most common responses are:

1. OMG! Where are you going to get your energy! Your going to be lethargic all the time!

2. All that fat is going to make you even fatter!

3. Enjoy your high cholesterol!

Its just amazing to me how brainwashed people are into thinking fats in food are bad for you. Even when I provide actual scientific backup, they just dismiss it as some sort of quackery, and say "I'm just looking out for you man". The government really needs to step up to the plate and admit what they have been telling us is completely wrong.

Every time I eat, my Dad makes a comment about how much fat something has. I keep trying to tell him that fat is good for you, but he thinks I am an idiot. He insists on buying fat free cheese, sour cream, butter and other things. I tried to get him to watch Fat Head to help explain, but he refuses.


dmag1223 said:
Man, telling people that I'm doing a low carb, high fat diet, is like telling them I'm injecting poison into my bloodstream. The most common responses are:

1. OMG! Where are you going to get your energy! Your going to be lethargic all the time!

2. All that fat is going to make you even fatter!

3. Enjoy your high cholesterol!

Its just amazing to me how brainwashed people are into thinking fats in food are bad for you. Even when I provide actual scientific backup, they just dismiss it as some sort of quackery, and say "I'm just looking out for you man". The government really needs to step up to the plate and admit what they have been telling us is completely wrong.

I get the same, but my friends have generally accepted it and even ask when my "cheat" day is so we can go party


omgkitty said:
Every time I eat, my Dad makes a comment about how much fat something has. I keep trying to tell him that fat is good for you, but he thinks I am an idiot. He insists on buying fat free cheese, sour cream, butter and other things. I tried to get him to watch Fat Head to help explain, but he refuses.

Same thing with my mom and some of my friends. It's like they've been brainwashed.
They just think it's a weird diet that cannot work.

"OMG, are you eating that cheese without any bread?!"
"All that fat will clock your veins!! Eating meat so often is unhealthy."
"But why won't you eat any potatoes/rice?! Don't you know about the food pyramid?!"


Man, I just feel stuck on this low-carb diet. Not really seeing any change on my body and the weight just seem to be stuck on the same number, seems like I only lost a few hundred grams over the past few weeks. I will admit, I didn't truly do a less-than-100g carb diet the first few months and only changed the last ... 2 weeks - I just would have expected more.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
TheExodu5 said:
Diet is 90% of it...I'm pretty sure that's the advice you'll hear in this thread.

Exercise is not going to help all that much with weight loss IMO, simply because it's just going to end up increasing your appetite regardless. Cardio is good for cardiovascular health, and weight lifting is good to put on a bit of muscle (which will enable you to eat more on a daily basis...this is good!).

Yeah, I figured as much, but there were large stretches of time where I didn't do a damn thing at all, and well, I know that wasn't healthy and such. I'm just hoping some increased cardio and strength/weightlifting will help push my body back into first gear alongside with me tweaking my eating habits.

Thanks for the help.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Sethos said:
Man, I just feel stuck on this low-carb diet. Not really seeing any change on my body and the weight just seem to be stuck on the same number, seems like I only lost a few hundred grams over the past few weeks. I will admit, I didn't truly do a less-than-100g carb diet the first few months and only changed the last ... 2 weeks - I just would have expected more.

What are you eating?


Zefah said:
What are you eating?

Mornings: Eggs usually, either scrambled, an omelette or possibly hard boiled and I bring them with me to work. Some tomatoes and rarely a slice a bread of some kind ( Usually less than 15 carbs in said bread ). Sometimes I also get a fig bar that is around 15 carbs as well per bar. But any food with carb is rare in the mornings for me.

Lunch: That is mostly rye bread, a few slices that usually is 80% of my carb intake, usually with no-carb spreads, meat of some kind, liver and stuff like that. That's usually around 30-50g of carbs and I usually vary depending on my carb intake during breakfast.

Dinner: Depends. Steaks, fish, liver. Basically just a lot of different cuts of meat. Sometimes Bolognese sauce with lots of chili if I've done no carbs during the day.

With the black coffee, my milk and everything during the day I never really exceed the 80 grams and normally I stay around 50 plus I try to keep it at around 1500 calories. Basically pushing myself up as I have no appetite during the summer months.

Also started on a fiber supplement as my vegetable consumption is pretty abyssal, one of the things I'd like to change. Oh and I am drinking a lot of green tea, 2-3 cups a day.

Then I'm on my exercise bike most nights, at least 4 times a week for an hour at a nice pace and tension level.

Weight has pretty much stalled, health wise I do feel fantastic though. No more headaches, no more freak stomach acid attacks, no more head pounding from the blood pressure and I feel so much more energetic.
dmag1223 said:
Man, telling people that I'm doing a low carb, high fat diet, is like telling them I'm injecting poison into my bloodstream. The most common responses are:

1. OMG! Where are you going to get your energy! Your going to be lethargic all the time!

2. All that fat is going to make you even fatter!

3. Enjoy your high cholesterol!

Its just amazing to me how brainwashed people are into thinking fats in food are bad for you. Even when I provide actual scientific backup, they just dismiss it as some sort of quackery, and say "I'm just looking out for you man". The government really needs to step up to the plate and admit what they have been telling us is completely wrong.

Ha ha, I know what you mean. Some of my coworkers look at me with horror when I tell them one of my favorite snacks is whole/raw cheese melted in butter on the stove.


not characteristic of ants at all
Every time I say I eat carbs in this thread it is usually returned with this response, " omg it will raise your insulin levels! you are going to get fat! carbs are bad! "

sound familiar?

i love fat and carbs <3 <3
K2Valor said:
Every time I say I eat carbs in this thread it is usually returned with this response, " omg it will raise your insulin levels! you are going to get fat! carbs are bad! "

sound familiar?

i love fat and carbs <3 <3

Well, that isn't exactly a fair comparison. It's been proven that carbs do raise your insulin and cause you to store fat.
It isn't proven that fat, in and of itself, will do that.

Still, yes, we all love carbs. They are tasty.


K2Valor said:
Every time I say I eat carbs in this thread it is usually returned with this response, " omg it will raise your insulin levels! you are going to get fat! carbs are bad! "

sound familiar?

i love fat and carbs <3 <3

I saw your before/after. Your results were impressive, but you weren't hugely overweight to begin with. You probably have no idea what it's like to be insulin resistant and addicted to carbs


not characteristic of ants at all
Srsly said:
I saw your before/after. Your results were impressive, but you weren't hugely overweight to begin with. You probably have no idea what it's like to be insulin resistant and addicted to carbs

There are tons of people (hugely overweight) who lose weight and eat carbs. Like I've always been saying, keto works. But you can do the same thing and eat carbs. Only point I want to get across to the possible lurkers reading this thread who struggle cutting out carbs.
Okay weighed myself on the scale. The bad news is that I weighed in at 172. The good news is that on average (any time of the day) I am usually above 173. So it appears cutting my bagel and bread from lunch. and eating eggs and turkey in the morning has made a small impact.

I can now run a decent 5k on the treadmill at the gym. I also am signed up for my first 5k next Saturday. Pretty excited!
The_Inquisitor said:
Okay weighed myself on the scale. The bad news is that I weighed in at 172. The good news is that on average (any time of the day) I am usually above 173. So it appears cutting my bagel and bread from lunch. and eating eggs and turkey in the morning has made a small impact.

I can now run a decent 5k on the treadmill at the gym. I also am signed up for my first 5k next Saturday. Pretty excited!

It's only been two days, man.

Anyway, good luck on the run! They're a bitch and a half!
AceBandage said:
It's only been two days, man.

Anyway, good luck on the run! They're a bitch and a half!

Last week I was clearly 45 mins on the treadmill 5+ miles.

Since this week was my 4th week running, I took it easy and only ran a 5k monday tuesday wednesday, and today. Tomorrow I play with my indoor soccer league, and next week probably will do 2 5k's and 2 4-4.5 mile runs leaving friday as rest day.

I think I should be well prepared even though it will be 85 degrees when I start the race. (Thanks Texas) I've been meaning to do my first real 5k for a LONG time, and it's finally here.
The_Inquisitor said:
Last week I was clearly 45 mins on the treadmill 5+ miles.

Since this week was my 4th week running, I took it easy and only ran a 5k monday tuesday wednesday, and today. Tomorrow I play with my indoor soccer league, and next week probably will do 2 5k's and 2 4-4.5 mile runs leaving friday as rest day.

I think I should be well prepared even though it will be 85 degrees when I start the race. (Thanks Texas) I've been meaning to do my first real 5k for a LONG time, and it's finally here.

How do you build this kind of endurance? Is it progressive?


Wow. Just ate at a fancy restaurant. Had an awesome home made sundae with homemade marshmallow,brownie,candied hazelnuts,caramel, whip cream and vanilla ice cream. Prior to eating primal for about a month, I would have been binging like crazy, now I just feel satisfied but at the same time regret putting that in my body. However, I can take comfort knowing everything from the whip cream to the ice cream was home made so there is reduced chance of trans fat. It feel's like I'm no longer on a diet but a lifestyle choice, one where I can eat the bad stuff but to be quite honest, I don't find it worth it at all anymore; I almost had to force it down.


I always seem to lose weight more the few days after a cheat meal. Last week I cheated (ate at Culvers), I lost two pounds two days later and kept them off.

I ate sushi last night and will be interested to see what I weigh in tomorrow at.


Hello Slim GAF ;)
So I'm trying to lose some weight, I've reached almost 110Kg (one quintal+).
First it is for me, I don't feel well , ie last time I wanted to play some football loul, it was so painfull, zero joy, even if I like to play. And a remark from girl ;( . Bref, I started the Dukan regime since June 10th. I planned to do physical exercices in November when I'll reach my desired weight. No picture here sorry, just an xls


The abrupt 'loosing' is when I drink whisky.
Thanks to all of you, it's because of people like you and another forums and sites that I found the motivation.
Merci. Like A Boss


I've just watched Big Fat Head and a lecture by the same guy, titled Big Fat Fiasco on Youtube.

Without trawling through this whole thread, does anyone here have any handy links to more research supporting his hypothesis?

I'm interested in what he says, and on the surface it makes sense, but I'm not scientist and pretty much anyone can make a believable documentary. There seem to be a lot of converts in here but I wouldn't like to base a lifestyle on bad medicine.

I've been losing some weight recently, at about 2kg (4.4lbs) a week for the last three weeks, and had thought that the low-carb route might have been a bit of crap, and that I was being successful with just eating fewer calories, but when I analysed what I was eating I find that I'm at about 150g-200g of carbs per day, which is 2/3 of RDI. Whilst not around 100g, it's still relatively low. I also feel fantastic, with doing about 40 minutes of cardio exercise per day, 6 days a week. My energy levels have increased dramatically over the last three weeks.

The main source of carbs for me has been about 100g of muesli I eat every morning, plus some fruit and a slice or two of some grained bread. I weighed my salad I've been taking into work every day and it's about half a kilo of salad (without tuna the tuna or cheese I add in), as I'm a big believer of fibre. I try to vary the salads I take in as there's nothing more boring than eating the same garden salad every day.

I've been eating a fair chunk of protein for lunch, mainly tuna, as well as chicken, steak, etc for dinner, sometimes with or without vegetables. I don't weigh the protein and fat I eat, but in all I probably eat two palm size portions of animal protein - twice that of what has been typically recommended as "healthy". I snack on two or three pieces of fruit a day, but it's only the pear I have that has significant carbs I would say.

I'm more interested in maintaining a healthy blood sugar level and trying to avoid type 2 diabetes, since my dad has just been diagnosed with a mild case of it, even though he's not overweight and has never had what I'd consider a bad diet. If I can do that and not have to worry about heart disease from the ingestion of animal fats, I'd be a happy man, as I'm never happier than when I'm eating some properly cooked lamb and a delicious salad. This diet would be pretty sustainable for me in the long run I think.
K2Valor said:
There are tons of people (hugely overweight) who lose weight and eat carbs. Like I've always been saying, keto works. But you can do the same thing and eat carbs. Only point I want to get across to the possible lurkers reading this thread who struggle cutting out carbs.

If possible, without making themselves miserable, those who are trying to lose weight would be well served by lowering their carb intake.
Shit, I was never "fat", but I ate probably 400-500 grams of carbs per day on average. Now I eat 1/10th of that on rest days, 1/5th of that on gym days.
For many people, even dropping their carbs in half should make a difference - if not for their weight, then at least for more important risk factors like diabetes. Jesus, at the very least drop the pure crap like pop and juice and drink water instead.

dejay: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3407406
I have yet to poop today and I cant figure out why. Here's my diet:

Breakfast: 3 eggs, sausage, shredded cheese water, and serving of fiber powder (3g)
Snack: 1/4 cup almonds, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 2tbsp of grounded flax seeds, water, fiber powder
Lunch: Chicken breast, peanut butter, flax seeds, fiber powder, whey protein and 1 cup of milk
Dinner: Two slices of whole wheat toast, burger, shredded cheese, greens, cottage cheese and more flax, water.

I also ran today so throw in two more bottles of water. I also take a multivitamin and fish oil pills 3x a day. Do I need more fats? The cottage cheese is fat free. But the above is 30g of fiber. Maybe I should give it time as I just recently went low carb again two days ago.
dejay said:
I've just watched Big Fat Head and a lecture by the same guy, titled Big Fat Fiasco on Youtube.

Without trawling through this whole thread, does anyone here have any handy links to more research supporting his hypothesis?

I'm interested in what he says, and on the surface it makes sense, but I'm not scientist and pretty much anyone can make a believable documentary. There seem to be a lot of converts in here but I wouldn't like to base a lifestyle on bad medicine.

I've been losing some weight recently, at about 2kg (4.4lbs) a week for the last three weeks, and had thought that the low-carb route might have been a bit of crap, and that I was being successful with just eating fewer calories, but when I analysed what I was eating I find that I'm at about 150g-200g of carbs per day, which is 2/3 of RDI. Whilst not around 100g, it's still relatively low. I also feel fantastic, with doing about 40 minutes of cardio exercise per day, 6 days a week. My energy levels have increased dramatically over the last three weeks.

The main source of carbs for me has been about 100g of muesli I eat every morning, plus some fruit and a slice or two of some grained bread. I weighed my salad I've been taking into work every day and it's about half a kilo of salad (without tuna the tuna or cheese I add in), as I'm a big believer of fibre. I try to vary the salads I take in as there's nothing more boring than eating the same garden salad every day.

I've been eating a fair chunk of protein for lunch, mainly tuna, as well as chicken, steak, etc for dinner, sometimes with or without vegetables. I don't weigh the protein and fat I eat, but in all I probably eat two palm size portions of animal protein - twice that of what has been typically recommended as "healthy". I snack on two or three pieces of fruit a day, but it's only the pear I have that has significant carbs I would say.

I'm more interested in maintaining a healthy blood sugar level and trying to avoid type 2 diabetes, since my dad has just been diagnosed with a mild case of it, even though he's not overweight and has never had what I'd consider a bad diet. If I can do that and not have to worry about heart disease from the ingestion of animal fats, I'd be a happy man, as I'm never happier than when I'm eating some properly cooked lamb and a delicious salad. This diet would be pretty sustainable for me in the long run I think.
His stuff is largely taken from places like Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. I'd suggest starting there if you are interested in the science. It's the most well footnoted book I've read in a long time.


elrechazao said:
His stuff is largely taken from places like Good Calories, Bad Calories by Gary Taubes. I'd suggest starting there if you are interested in the science. It's the most well footnoted book I've read in a long time.

Heh - well ahead of you. I haven't read that book, but the author has another book out which came out recently called "Why we get fat: and what to do about it" so I've downloaded that and I'll read that. I'm also reading that link ipukespiders provided - I've actually seen that thread on SA but never clicked on it, again due to my earlier presumption that the low-carb idea was yet another fad.

I'm semi-convinced, and to celebrate I just went out and bought some nice meat - lamb chump chops and some scotch fillet steaks (those cuts might have different names in other countries). I also bought some bacon, some eggs, some real butter (I can't believe it's not I can't believe it's not butter) and some cheese, as well as a crap ton of vegies (non-starchy). It's amazing how much stuff you walk past in the super market if you're not interested in carbs.

I'm going to give it a shot for a week or two and see how I feel, and how it affects my weight loss. Hopefully it's a winner and I can get my dad onto the idea. The idea of eating saturated fats is still a little weird but I'll continuing researching that idea - like I said, I'm only semi-convinced at the moment.
DragonKnight said:
How do you build this kind of endurance? Is it progressive?

I've been running off and on for about 2 years. I've run 4-4.5 miles before, but never as consistently as I am now.

You just keep running. My big advice is to:

1) Increase your total distance 10% MAX a week.
2) Every 4th week, reduce your distance by 45-50%

This seems to reduce injury and give you time to recover.


What do you guys think when it comes to lowering cholesterol? I got my blood test back, and my cholesterol is 219 which is unfortunately high, especially considering I am only 22. Besides just eating my diet, is there anything I should be adding in or doing that I can kick that number in the pants fairly quickly?
omgkitty said:
What do you guys think when it comes to lowering cholesterol? I got my blood test back, and my cholesterol is 219 which is unfortunately high, especially considering I am only 22. Besides just eating my diet, is there anything I should be adding in or doing that I can kick that number in the pants fairly quickly?
The "number" of your cholesterol is irrelevant. What is important is the breakdowns of your cholesterol types. High hdl, low low density ldl, high high density ldl, low triglycerides, etc.

The number is meaningless.
omgkitty said:
What do you guys think when it comes to lowering cholesterol? I got my blood test back, and my cholesterol is 219 which is unfortunately high, especially considering I am only 22. Besides just eating my diet, is there anything I should be adding in or doing that I can kick that number in the pants fairly quickly?



elrechazao said:
The "number" of your cholesterol is irrelevant. What is important is the breakdowns of your cholesterol types. High hdl, low low density ldl, high high density ldl, low triglycerides, etc.

The number is meaningless.

Well if you'd like the numbers they are -

Cholesterol - 218
HDL - 39
LDL - 139
Triglycerides - 200

I honestly have no idea what these numbers mean, but everything else was good.


down to 264 and basically I have been on a 2 week vacation from the gym but still eating the calories and some value dollar junk food along the way. Losing 6 pounds in 2 weeks is odd and no doubt some of it is muscle.
omgkitty said:
Well if you'd like the numbers they are -

Cholesterol - 218
HDL - 39
LDL - 139
Triglycerides - 200

I honestly have no idea what these numbers mean, but everything else was good.

Yeah. You definitely want to get those numbers in check. Try the low carb (less than 50g net), high fat diet coupled with exercise.

Edit: I'm turning 21 in Oct and I probably should get my own blood work done. I'm nervous. Luckily, heart disease doesn't run in my family and my mother's cholesterol is excellent.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
K2Valor said:
There are tons of people (hugely overweight) who lose weight and eat carbs. Like I've always been saying, keto works. But you can do the same thing and eat carbs. Only point I want to get across to the possible lurkers reading this thread who struggle cutting out carbs.

So one method that is pretty much guaranteed to work for anyone who is obese vs. one method which might work depending on the individual. Okay!
Zefah said:
So one method that is pretty much guaranteed to work for anyone who is obese vs. one method which might work depending on the individual. Okay!

And I'm at a loss to see how cutting carbs is a struggle. No cookies or bread but you get to eat "unlimited" meat and fat. Less than 100g a day is by no means hard.
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