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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
ipukespiders said:
Are you doing any weight training as well?

I've been doing simple resistance training since soon after I started going low-carb in February.

I've ramped it up to where I now do around 100 air squats and 200 wall presses throughout the day (in sets of 25 and 50 respectively), with some sit ups and push ups thrown into the mix.

I've been thinking about getting some actual weights one these days.
DragonKnight said:
Yeah it's really important to work out. I don't lift but I do body weight training (pushups, pullups, shoulder handstands, etcs).

Then you absolutely do lift. Body weight training is just as beneficial. Nothing wrong with that at all. Some days I drop bench press and do mega sets of push ups instead. Pull ups kick ass too.

Zefah said:
I've been doing simple resistance training since soon after I started going low-carb in February.

I've ramped it up to where I now do around 100 air squats and 200 wall presses throughout the day (in sets of 25 and 50 respectively), with some sit ups and push ups thrown into the mix.

I've been thinking about getting some actual weights one these days.

Try planks. Been some talk in the fitness thread about the dangers of situps/crunches. I just recently tried planks, and it's a "no back stress" way of getting a great ab workout.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Just cooked pasture-raised eggs among other meaty things.

Holy shit what a difference pastured-raised eggs are compared to other eggs. SO damn good.


claviertekky said:
Your LDL is out of control, and HDL is too low.

What is your diet? It seems like you're not eating healthy.

Do you do cardio?

Shogmaster said:
Are those test for fasting blood test or non fasting?

If you did the blood test after fasting, that triglycerides number is horrendous and indicates that most of your LDL could be small dense Phenotype B ones that can readily oxidize and cause plaguing of arteries.


Srsly said:
Anything greater than a 3:1 ratio of triglycerides to HDL means that you're likely insulin resistant. A 5:1 ratio would mean you probably have pretty severe insulin resistance, and if you don't get a handle on it immediately, you're probably going to end up being diabetic pretty soon. Your LDL isn't too bad, although just looking at the number doesn't say a lot. As the other poster said, of your LDL particles, the small, dense variety are probably predominant, which is bad news.

Given that you're insulin resistant, a low carb diet would be the best way for you to quickly bring your triglycerides under control, and probably your weight as well.

None of this is from fasting. I started my diet on Monday of this week and went to the doctor on Tuesday. I even ate about 2 hours before the test. No one told me to fast, so I didn't. For the past month or two, I have been eating like complete shit. It was literally fast food every single night. I never ate at home, and probably gained a good 15 to 20 pounds in that time period. So yeah, my numbers are going to be a little high. My doctor didn't seem worried about it, and I told him that I was starting to work out and eat right. My blood sugar was 96, and again, this was two hours after eating.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
ipukespiders said:
Try planks. Been some talk in the fitness thread about the dangers of situps/crunches. I just recently tried planks, and it's a "no back stress" way of getting a great ab workout.

Awesome! I just looked it up and I'll definitely give that a try.


ipukespiders said:
Might wish to see it through a little longer than that to really get a feel for it... you might feel a little off for the first bit.

Yeah, I've just been reading about adaptation periods. Day 2 is going well though :)

omgkitty said:
None of this is from fasting. I started my diet on Monday of this week and went to the doctor on Tuesday. I even ate about 2 hours before the test. No one told me to fast, so I didn't. For the past month or two, I have been eating like complete shit. It was literally fast food every single night. I never ate at home, and probably gained a good 15 to 20 pounds in that time period. So yeah, my numbers are going to be a little high. My doctor didn't seem worried about it, and I told him that I was starting to work out and eat right. My blood sugar was 96, and again, this was two hours after eating.

Get a test a few months from now after your new regimen is in place. I'd like to recommend the low carb thingy but I'm just starting it myself, but the science seems sound and it sounds ideal for the things you have.

Being so young you don't have to worry too much at this stage, so you can afford to experiment.
Zefah said:
Awesome! I just looked it up and I'll definitely give that a try.
You may already be aware of this but you should check out the book "Convict Conditioning". I believe it is listed in the Fitness OP. Amazing book full of awesome information and great path to follow. I'm working through it now and continue to see improvements. If you know of it already just ignore me :)
You may already be aware of this but you should check out the book "Convict Conditioning". I believe it is listed in the Fitness OP. Amazing book full of awesome information and great path to follow. I'm working through it now and continue to see improvements. If you know of it already just ignore me :)

I second this. Im using the exact same book.


I never considered myself fat but for some reason this year I gained some pounds and went from "big boned" to having a bit of girth on me. Not terribly fat or anything, but getting there.

I don't know anything about fitness science and I was wondering what is the SIMPLEST way to lose weight?

This thread has inspired me so my plan is to just remove all the unnecessary snacks and such I eat and eat less if I can. Might do some morning pushups/situps or something too. Probably something before Bed.

See where that gets me.
A27 Tawpgun said:
I never considered myself fat but for some reason this year I gained some pounds and went from "big boned" to having a bit of girth on me. Not terribly fat or anything, but getting there.

I don't know anything about fitness science and I was wondering what is the SIMPLEST way to lose weight?

This thread has inspired me so my plan is to just remove all the unnecessary snacks and such I eat and eat less if I can. Might do some morning pushups/situps or something too. Probably something before Bed.

See where that gets me.

Simplest and easiest is simply changing your diet. Cut out the sugars and processed grains.
Eat more protein and fat to make you feel fuller longer.


A27 Tawpgun said:
I never considered myself fat but for some reason this year I gained some pounds and went from "big boned" to having a bit of girth on me. Not terribly fat or anything, but getting there.

I don't know anything about fitness science and I was wondering what is the SIMPLEST way to lose weight?

This thread has inspired me so my plan is to just remove all the unnecessary snacks and such I eat and eat less if I can. Might do some morning pushups/situps or something too. Probably something before Bed.

See where that gets me.
Good sleep(7-9 hrs)
Stress management
Learn how to cook
Stop using shitty industrial oil(corn, canola, soybean, vegetable.... )
Stop eating Grains(unless you properly prepare them)
Lift heavy things
Walk everyday
Sprint once or twice a week


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
A27 Tawpgun said:
I don't know anything about fitness science and I was wondering what is the SIMPLEST way to lose weight?

Make dietary changes such that your appetite is implicitly reduced and let your body's fat regulation system coast you to thinness over the course of 2-6 months.

My belief is that the most effective diet to restore your body's natural appetite is bland, simple, traditional foods. Low carb to start should help too because most obese people have insulin issues. If it's bland, you're not going to overeat it.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
DragonKnight said:
Does anybody else get around 1900-2000cals a day?

Edit: I'm a tall guy if that means anything

The problem with standardizing on minimum or maximum caloric intake is that it's not measurable because you're talking about calories from food intake. If you're losing weight your metabolism is internally feeding on fat tissue (ideally mostly fat tissue anyway) to provide calories. You have to or you won't lose weight.

A lot of people will say "you NEED 1500 calories per day minimum". But what does that mean? 1500 calories from food? For all body types? For all activity levels? What if you're body fat is mobilized completely and you could live off 500 calories of protein & fat per day - why should you consume 1500?

In fact, a mere ~200 calories per day is what obese subjects on a bland food diet ate just using their hunger as a guide.

Would be nice if it measured body composition results.
teh_pwn said:
The problem with standardizing on minimum or maximum caloric intake is that it's not measurable because you're talking about calories from food intake. If you're losing weight your metabolism is internally feeding on fat tissue (ideally mostly fat tissue anyway) to provide calories. You have to or you won't lose weight.

A lot of people will say "you NEED 1500 calories per day minimum". But what does that mean? 1500 calories from food? For all body types? For all activity levels? What if you're body fat is maximized completely and you could live off 500 calories of protein & fat per day - why should you consume 1500?

In fact, 400-500 calories per day is what obese subjects on a bland food diet ate just using their hunger as a guide.

Like I said before, I've reached my goal but I'm just doing this as a lifestyle choice. I'm just fishing around for other people's numbers.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
DragonKnight said:
Like I said before, I've reached my goal but I'm just doing this as a lifestyle choice. I'm just fishing around for other people's numbers.

Oh, sorry. I skimmed the last few posts.

Not really sure what a good maintenance level is. If you're not emaciated, you have good energy levels, etc, I'd say it's fine.
teh_pwn said:
Oh, sorry. I skimmed the last few posts.

Not really sure what a good maintenance level is. If you're not emaciated, you have good energy levels, etc, I'd say it's fine.

Nope. I'm totally fine. In fact I could definitely stand to eat more than 50g of carbs a day cause i get tired during the middle of the day sometimes.


Family took me out to a restaurant for my birthday. Huge cheat day...for supper, I had:

2 small white buns
cauliflower soup
veal parmesan (with salad, rice and potatoes...I ended up not eating much of the sides)
cheesecake for desert

Gotta take it easy this week! I don't want to stump my progress too badly.
TheExodu5 said:
Family took me out to a restaurant for my birthday. Huge cheat day...for supper, I had:

2 small white buns
cauliflower soup
veal parmesan (with salad, rice and potatoes...I ended up not eating much of the sides)
cheesecake for desert

Gotta take it easy this week! I don't want to stump my progress too badly.

As long as you know you can get right back on track sometimes you just gotta say "fuck it". I bet that cheesecake was damn good.


TheExodu5 said:
Family took me out to a restaurant for my birthday. Huge cheat day...for supper, I had:

2 small white buns
cauliflower soup
veal parmesan (with salad, rice and potatoes...I ended up not eating much of the sides)
cheesecake for desert

Gotta take it easy this week! I don't want to stump my progress too badly.
Happy Birthday! Yeah I'd say a birthday is an ok day to cheat big, just as long as you know you can get right back on the diet.
DragonKnight said:
Like I said before, I've reached my goal but I'm just doing this as a lifestyle choice. I'm just fishing around for other people's numbers.

I have no idea how many calories I eat. I fry just about everything, and use so much lard and butter I don't know how much gets absorbed into the food vs left in the pan for the next meal. I was frying some eggs and sausages for lunch today, and the eggs really soak up the lard, so I find myself dumping another scoop in.

I could probably eat all day long, but I just stop myself when I am satiated and nature will take care of itself.


Does maths and stuff
Hit my goal last week (and finished month 1 of Insanity)...decided to make myself some low carb bread.

~2 carbs per slice!



DragonKnight said:
Nope. I'm totally fine. In fact I could definitely stand to eat more than 50g of carbs a day cause i get tired during the middle of the day sometimes.

Have you considered a high fat, low carb snack to give you some more calories during this time? Almonds or brazil nuts would be ideal.
ipukespiders said:
I reached goal (not weight, but bodyfat %) and continue to eat low carb, but I did introduce a little carbs around my workout window before/after and it has already helped with my lifts.

Holy shit, guys in your 20s that get bloodwork done? I'm 38 and can't even remember the last time I went to our family doctor. I should get it done for shits and giggles. Would be fun to tell him how much fat I eat to see the look on his face.
I'm in my 30s, but my employee health plan requires me to do an annual checkup with bloodwork, or my rates skyrocket.


NomarTyme said:
Good sleep(7-9 hrs)
Stress management
Learn how to cook
Stop using shitty industrial oil(corn, canola, soybean, vegetable.... )
Stop eating Grains(unless you properly prepare them)
Lift heavy things
Walk everyday
Sprint once or twice a week
By Walk everyday you mean like actual walking workout right? We'll see if I can get that in.

And do cereals count as grains because thats my main breakfast food. I eat Special K (for the taste, not the weight loss) and it is made for weight loss or whatever. So I assume thats fine.
A27 Tawpgun said:
By Walk everyday you mean like actual walking workout right? We'll see if I can get that in.

And do cereals count as grains because thats my main breakfast food. I eat Special K (for the taste, not the weight loss) and it is made for weight loss or whatever. So I assume thats fine.
Special K and other cereals are definitely what you don't want to eat if you are following the plan he's laid out (and that many others of us in this thread recommend).


Anyone either got some of their own or a link to a site with some breakfast suggestions? Pre-carb I was eating a lot of oats, cornflakes etc. something easy you can just throw into a bowl. Now I'm trying to get some eggs in but I just don't have that kind of time to bang around with pots and pans, so I need some breakfast suggestions that are both easy and some for the weekends when I plenty of time. ( Bacon, yum )

Pretty much my only meal during the day where I'm pretty lost, plus there's so much stuff I just can't eat in the morning, my stomach just repels it.
Sethos said:
Anyone either got some of their own or a link to a site with some breakfast suggestions? Pre-carb I was eating a lot of oats, cornflakes etc. something easy you can just throw into a bowl. Now I'm trying to get some eggs in but I just don't have that kind of time to bang around with pots and pans, so I need some breakfast suggestions that are both easy and some for the weekends when I plenty of time. ( Bacon, yum )

Pretty much my only meal during the day where I'm pretty lost, plus there's so much stuff I just can't eat in the morning, my stomach just repels it.
I often hard boil a dozen eggs at a time and have them in my fridge for when I don't have time to actually fry/scramble whatever in the morning. Makes for less hassle to just bust out some hard boiled eggs and chow down when on the go in the morning. Sausage patties are great too. Cook them beforehand, microwave in the morning.
Sethos said:
Anyone either got some of their own or a link to a site with some breakfast suggestions? Pre-carb I was eating a lot of oats, cornflakes etc. something easy you can just throw into a bowl. Now I'm trying to get some eggs in but I just don't have that kind of time to bang around with pots and pans, so I need some breakfast suggestions that are both easy and some for the weekends when I plenty of time. ( Bacon, yum )

Pretty much my only meal during the day where I'm pretty lost, plus there's so much stuff I just can't eat in the morning, my stomach just repels it.

When you have the time : scrambled cheese, shredded cheddar and Monterrey jack cheese with sweet Italian sausage. It's pretty much my favorite meal of the day.


TheExodu5 said:
Family took me out to a restaurant for my birthday. Huge cheat day...for supper, I had:

2 small white buns
cauliflower soup
veal parmesan (with salad, rice and potatoes...I ended up not eating much of the sides)
cheesecake for desert

Gotta take it easy this week! I don't want to stump my progress too badly.

I went on two mini vacations in July, where I didn't intend on breaking with my diet, but it ended up happening. On the first vacation, copious amounts of booze was had. On the second, camping resulted in marshmallow s'more goodness, along with carbs at breakfast and lunch.

... I still lost weight. After 2-3 months of having sub-100g carbs/day, I think my body has re-adjusted norms, so it can tolerate the occasional carbs A-OK. Either that, or I'm just lucky.

Bottom line is: Altering your diet is a long term commitment. Obviously no person is perfect, and you should always make room in your life and diet for special occasions. Don't beat yourself up over it, and just keep on going forward, because good results are all ahead of you!
Well i'm certainly going to be drinking twice a week when I get back to college. It will be just straight vodka though so there's no carbs to be had there.


Sethos said:
Anyone either got some of their own or a link to a site with some breakfast suggestions? Pre-carb I was eating a lot of oats, cornflakes etc. something easy you can just throw into a bowl. Now I'm trying to get some eggs in but I just don't have that kind of time to bang around with pots and pans, so I need some breakfast suggestions that are both easy and some for the weekends when I plenty of time. ( Bacon, yum )

Pretty much my only meal during the day where I'm pretty lost, plus there's so much stuff I just can't eat in the morning, my stomach just repels it.
if you get tired of meats and eggs in the morning, you can mix it up with some greek yoghurt and throw in a bunch of berries and nuts, shredded coconut, almonds. that kinda thing.

if you have more time you can make some simple pancakes with almond meal, couple eggs, bit of (sparkling) water (or some milk or cream - you don't need much!) and melted butter. again, mixing in berries or shredded coconut is also an option.


I've tried making low-carb bread. All it was good for was psychologically increasing my appetite for regular bread. Best to get away from that habit is to find genuine replacements (like lettuce as a substitute hamburger bun) or do without them completely. Same happened with faux rice (cauliflower). Although if someone can find me a way to fake potato, I would die.

I also think that seeing as it's been a while since I last had carbs (nephew's birthday 1.5 weeks ago) I should cook up some sweet potato. Woo!


Does maths and stuff
Shaneus said:
I've tried making low-carb bread. All it was good for was psychologically increasing my appetite for regular bread. Best to get away from that habit is to find genuine replacements (like lettuce as a substitute hamburger bun) or do without them completely. Same happened with faux rice (cauliflower). Although if someone can find me a way to fake potato, I would die.

I also think that seeing as it's been a while since I last had carbs (nephew's birthday 1.5 weeks ago) I should cook up some sweet potato. Woo!

I'm not quite sure what you're getting at. I'm not sure why it'd psychologically increase my appetite for the real thing. I have plenty of low-carb bread around to satisfy any urges (I have eaten two whopping slices since baking it Friday night).

Also, I'm a little worried about my weight loss. I'm at 160lbs (my goal) and lost 2.2 pounds last week. I don't want to lose any more weight, and I plan to eat more carbs (mainly fruits) to see if I can hit some balance. If I continue the way I've eaten the past week, I assure you I will be at 158 next weekend. That doesn't mean I'm going to binging on carbs because I had some low-carb bread. :)

I eat "protein-style" hamburgers all the time, it's actually one of my preferred lunches at work. It drives me bonkers though ordering at restaurants. In California, I think people are used to it. Here in NYC, the damn waiters look at me like I'm some alien.


suffah said:
I'm not quite sure what you're getting at. I'm not sure why it'd psychologically increase my appetite for the real thing. I have plenty of low-carb bread around to satisfy any urges (I have eaten two whopping slices since baking it Friday night).
It was just during my initial implementation of low carb when I would try and cook something, have it come out half-arsed and I'd just wind up wanting the real thing more. If I could find a good, easy recipe that didn't taste like arse it probably wouldn't happen, but most recipes are from the US (I'm in Australia) where most ingredients are hard to find.

I'm also pretty much at my goal, too. 170lb (give or take) at 6'2" and still plenty of chub that looks like it'll be a right cunt to get rid of. Skinny fat, I think :(
suffah said:

I made "simple white bread 4 carbalose"..it's a little chewy, but came out way better than I expected.

* 1/2 cup bottled spring water
* 1/2 cup warm CC milk
* 2 large eggs
* 2 Tbsp. butter
* 1/2 Tsp. salt
* 1/8 cup wheat protein isolate 8000
* 1 3/8 cup Carbalose
* 1 1/8 cup + 3/4 cup wheat protein isolate 5000
* 1/8 cup Resistant Wheat Starch 70

* 1 Tbls. not/Sugar
* 1/8 Tsp. splenda quick pack
* 2 Tsp. baking powder
* 1 Tsp. sugar
* 1 packet rapid rise yeast

Hmmm... I'm fresh outta that stuff.
So it has been a year since I started to focus on losing weight.

I lost about 10kg in 2 months and then progressively put it back on over the last 10 months.

I am back to where I started, feeling like crap and with my fitness regime and diet pretty much non-existent at the moment.

Im pretty disappointed with myself but are looking to get back on the band wagon now. Just need to shake this cold I have at the moment.
chicko1983 said:
So it has been a year since I started to focus on losing weight.

I lost about 10kg in 2 months and then progressively put it back on over the last 10 months.

I am back to where I started, feeling like crap and with my fitness regime and diet pretty much non-existent at the moment.

Im pretty disappointed with myself but are looking to get back on the band wagon now. Just need to shake this cold I have at the moment.

Just take it as you can to get into thing. Trying to force yourself to do something you don't want to will make nothing stick.


Does maths and stuff
Shaneus said:
It was just during my initial implementation of low carb when I would try and cook something, have it come out half-arsed and I'd just wind up wanting the real thing more. If I could find a good, easy recipe that didn't taste like arse it probably wouldn't happen, but most recipes are from the US (I'm in Australia) where most ingredients are hard to find.

I'm also pretty much at my goal, too. 170lb (give or take) at 6'2" and still plenty of chub that looks like it'll be a right cunt to get rid of. Skinny fat, I think :(

Haha, no worries I'm sure we've all been there.

I have to say Insanity is also doing wonders (in addition to the diet). It's pushing me to places P90X never touched.
nah I do want it its just that I drink and eat too much on the weekends.

My weekdays are great: jog 2-3 times, swin 2-3 times, eat pretty low carb.

My weekends are shit: might go for a jog, drink all three days, eat out 2 times.

When I lost the weight in the first two months, I pretty much locked myself up at home on the weekends and didnt go out and socialise. It worked well and I lost a heap of weight and got pretty fit (running 25km and swimming 5km a week). And then the diet and fitness regime stopped when there was two big parties in two weeks. I drank way to much and stopped working out on the weekends.


Hit a plateau. I've lost 14 pounds since starting in late June, but this past week I haven't lost a pound. I know, quick weight loss in the beginning then it slows, but a whole week weighing the same when I have almost 100 pounds to go?

Discouraging, but not giving up at all.


Einbroch said:
Hit a plateau. I've lost 14 pounds since starting in late June, but this past week I haven't lost a pound. I know, quick weight loss in the beginning then it slows, but a whole week weighing the same when I have almost 100 pounds to go?

Discouraging, but not giving up at all.

Don't worry about it too much. I lost 8 pounds the first week, and didn't lose anything for the next 2 weeks. The week following that, I lost another 7 pounds.
chicko1983 said:
nah I do want it its just that I drink and eat too much on the weekends.

My weekdays are great: jog 2-3 times, swin 2-3 times, eat pretty low carb.

My weekends are shit: might go for a jog, drink all three days, eat out 2 times.

When I lost the weight in the first two months, I pretty much locked myself up at home on the weekends and didnt go out and socialise. It worked well and I lost a heap of weight and got pretty fit (running 25km and swimming 5km a week). And then the diet and fitness regime stopped when there was two big parties in two weeks. I drank way to much and stopped working out on the weekends.

The alcohol can't be the culprit. That's the first body fuel to go. Don't tell me that I can't drink when I go back to school. Were you drinking beer or vodka?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Plateaus happen. Only get worried if you see no weight loss on the scale or visible improvement in the mirror after a month or so.

I recommend not weighing yourself every morning if it bothers you. Switch to once a week or so.
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