Thanks for the breakfast suggestions, will need to look into some varied alternatives.
Oh and it seems like I've just manoeuvred past the famous wall and my weight is starting to drop again. It did seem like it was a stage of Ketosis I was hitting this weekend and apparently, it must have helped. I was stuck at around 13-14 pounds lost for neigh on 2 months and the weight didn't budge one bit after I truly started the less-than-100g almost 3 weeks ago but now I've shot off like a rocket. Lost almost 3 pounds in less than a week and it's constantly dropping, my body is really shifting now.
Only annoying thing, it feels like my body is just really active - I'm full of energy and it seems like the body is just working constantly, even when I try to relax and get this buzz inside of me and can feel tingling sensation in my fingers, like something is happening. Heart Rate is steady but it just feels like the body is constantly burning fat now, can even smell it in my sweat, smells a tiny bit like burnt fat.