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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


All that bacon talk made me hungry, but to my surprise I couldn't find any bacon in three big shops I've visited yesterday. It took some googling to realize that here in Poland "bacon" (or "bekon" in polish )doesn't actually mean the same thing as in english language. Instead here only the lean variants are called like that. What dominates on the market is "boczek", which is our word for streaky bacon :)

I was so confused I just got kangaroo steak instead. Yep, in Poland, a country in a middle of Europe it was easier to get kangaroo meat than bacon :D


noire said:
I thought I could figure my way around the polish deli down the street from me. Pretty much left with bacon and kielbasa because I didn't know anything else (besides kizska)

Ehh meat is meat for the most part until you actually buy something really bad haha


noire said:
I thought I could figure my way around the polish deli down the street from me. Pretty much left with bacon and kielbasa because I didn't know anything else (besides kizska)
I recommend trying flaczki soup :) It's a love/hate dish, but you just might be the one who loves it, like most of Polish population does :D

Plus it's low-card and low-calories :)


Lately I've been considering easing off the low-carb, going back to a bog standard diet where I can actually go back to eating corner stone of Danish food. I'm honestly getting bored with the diet purely because of the food and I'm just not the kind of guy that starts baking and whipping together all sorts of exotic stuff you have to go all the way to the back of the store to get that usually just ends up nasty any ways. I just want some rye bread, plenty of fruits and the occasional sugar boost.

I did the low-carb because that's the easiest way to lose weight if you aren't really exercising, as the body just seems to shed weight constantly even without exercise but I just feel now, with daily biking and the exercise bike af dinner, I do have enough sustainable burning of fat to maintain a regular diet. ( Keeping it healthy of course )

Plus my stomach is killing me. I'm constipated all the time and my stomach does feel a bit off, even with fiber supplements, the occasional rye bread and lots of veggies now in smoothie form, still no-go.

Not set in stone yet but I'm thinking of slowly increasing my carb intake - IF I was to do this, anything else I need to be aware of except a bit of weight gain perhaps but how to get out of it properly?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Sethos said:
Lately I've been considering easing off the low-carb, going back to a bog standard diet where I can actually go back to eating corner stone of Danish food. I'm honestly getting bored with the diet purely because of the food and I'm just not the kind of guy that starts baking and whipping together all sorts of exotic stuff you have to go all the way to the back of the store to get that usually just ends up nasty any ways. I just want some rye bread, plenty of fruits and the occasional sugar boost.

I did the low-carb because that's the easiest way to lose weight if you aren't really exercising, as the body just seems to shed weight constantly even without exercise but I just feel now, with daily biking and the exercise bike af dinner, I do have enough sustainable burning of fat to maintain a regular diet. ( Keeping it healthy of course )

Plus my stomach is killing me. I'm constipated all the time and my stomach does feel a bit off, even with fiber supplements, the occasional rye bread and lots of veggies now in smoothie form, still no-go.

Not set in stone yet but I'm thinking of slowly increasing my carb intake - IF I was to do this, anything else I need to be aware of except a bit of weight gain perhaps but how to get out of it properly?

As long as you realize that processed sugars and grains are bad for your health for more reasons than just overweight problems, go for it. Just know what you're eating.


I am down 20 pounds since I started and can really tell a difference. Probably the best thing was having to buy new pants and shorts because the old ones just did not fit right anymore.


I have a serious issue.

For the last few months, as I've gained weight, I have no energy. Eat at regular times? Feel lethargic. Don't eat? Feel lethargic. No matter what. I want to start losing weight, but I just have no energy to do anything. Even drinking caffeine I start to yawn at 2pm in the afternoon.

I get 8 hours of sleep.

Anyone recommend a multivitamin or suppliment I should take before I become the next person who lives their lives in a bed at half a ton?
bengraven said:
I have a serious issue.

For the last few months, as I've gained weight, I have no energy. Eat at regular times? Feel lethargic. Don't eat? Feel lethargic. No matter what. I want to start losing weight, but I just have no energy to do anything. Even drinking caffeine I start to yawn at 2pm in the afternoon.

I get 8 hours of sleep.

Anyone recommend a multivitamin or suppliment I should take before I become the next person who lives their lives in a bed at half a ton?

You might be getting 8 hours of sleep, but maybe it's not good sleep. Do you wake up in the morning feeling refreshed, or do you struggle to get out of bed (and/or have tired eyes, groggy feeling, etc.)? I can almost guarantee you that taking a multivitamin won't do anything for your energy level. Also, exercising is really important, even if you feel like you're too tired to do it.


Recently been working out on a regular basis after work and eating better, i.e. instead of getting a hamburger on my lunch at work, I've been buying a bag of salad every couple of days and eating apples on my lunches instead of french fries. Also ride to and from work every day, hoping to see some loss here in a couple of weeks, I feel skinnier though. Also starting weight is over 300 lbs. my scale always says Err when I get on it, so I know I am over 300.


So I just had a salad made from spinach with broccoli, edamame, mushrooms, and turkey. Is that still considered low-carb? Not quite sure how people measure carbs for the day when it comes to calculating daily carbs.


bengraven said:
I have a serious issue.

For the last few months, as I've gained weight, I have no energy.

Do you have no energy because you gained weight, or did you gain weight because you have no energy?

I would get your thyroid tested if you haven't already.


Discovered beef jerky today. Man has this stuff gotten tasty since I'd last eaten it (the 1980s!). It was "Jack Link's Beef Jerky with Prime Rib Seasoning".

Now, this stuff is loaded with salt, but wow is it good. As I'm only on week 6-7 of this diet and torpedoing pounds (25 so far; started 297, currently at 272), I may just use it for a semi-regular snack until I've gotten closer to my maintain weight.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
bengraven said:
I have a serious issue.

For the last few months, as I've gained weight, I have no energy. Eat at regular times? Feel lethargic. Don't eat? Feel lethargic. No matter what. I want to start losing weight, but I just have no energy to do anything. Even drinking caffeine I start to yawn at 2pm in the afternoon.

I get 8 hours of sleep.

Anyone recommend a multivitamin or suppliment I should take before I become the next person who lives their lives in a bed at half a ton?


Seriously.... the only thing that gets you off the slippery slope. Doesn't come in a bottle. That's the hard truth of it brother.

If you're really out of shape, the first week or two with suck major balls. Push through it and you'll see results. You'll have more energy straightaway. I recommend cardio every day and pushups/pullups. Once you're feeling better you can start whatever program you want, or just keep it basic. But you have to keep your body doing something. The more you do, the easier it gets.


Evolved1 said:

Seriously.... the only thing that gets you off the slippery slope. Doesn't come in a bottle. That's the hard truth of it brother.

If you're really out of shape, the first week or two with suck major balls. Push through it and you'll see results. You'll have more energy straightaway. I recommend cardio every day and pushups/pullups. Once you're feeling better you can start whatever program you want, or just keep it basic. But you have to keep your body doing something. The more you do, the easier it gets.

I'd second this but there could be other issues as well. Start with exercise for a couple of weeks and you should hopefully get a raise in energy levels fairly quickly. If that doesn't work, consult your doctor. If the weight gain is unusual for you, there may be a hormonal issue (insulin, thyroid, etc). If you've just been pigging out on Doritos and Coke, then that will explain it. If you're heavier than you've been before you could also be suffering from sleep apnea. Do you snore? As Mr. Serious Business asked, are you waking up tired?

In regards to exercise, for simplicity, do cardio, even walking. Do it until you're breathing and pulse rate are raised significantly but not so much that you're gasping for air. Do it for at least 20 minutes to start, but work to lift it to 40 minutes. If you're really out of shape you may get really sore and require a rest day.

Drink a shit load of water - learn the art of chugging a glass every time you're near the kitchen. Too many people are walking around partially dehydrated.

(edit) Also, eat plenty of veg, and make sure your carbs are of the low glycemic index kind (fruit, veg, etc) and cut out most highly processed varieties and especially cut out sugars (glucose, fructose) unless they're found in reasonable quantities in fruit (not fruit juice). If you're gonna do bread, find the healthiest kind and don't over do it. Don't be afraid of getting a lot of your daily calories from fat.

Also, watch Fat Head - it's interesting if nothing else.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
bengraven said:
I have a serious issue.

For the last few months, as I've gained weight, I have no energy. Eat at regular times? Feel lethargic. Don't eat? Feel lethargic. No matter what. I want to start losing weight, but I just have no energy to do anything. Even drinking caffeine I start to yawn at 2pm in the afternoon.

I get 8 hours of sleep.

Anyone recommend a multivitamin or suppliment I should take before I become the next person who lives their lives in a bed at half a ton?

Sounds like you could be Vitamin D deficient. My mother had the same symptoms (plus a few others) and once she found out she was heavily Vitamin D deficient, she started taking them and now has all the energy in the world.


Just love these conversations:

*Eats pork rinds*

"I thought you were on a diet?"

"I am"

"But your eating ..."


"That's not healthy for you"

"Actually, it is"

"No it isn't"

and then it starts.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Sethos said:
Just love these conversations:

*Eats pork rinds*

"I thought you were on a diet?"

"I am"

"But your eating ..."


"That's not healthy for you"

"Actually, it is"

"No it isn't"

and then it starts.

Eh, I was on the pork rind bandwagon a month ago until I found out that they're fried (most likely in vegetable oil) so I ditched them.


Domino Theory said:
Sounds like you could be Vitamin D deficient. My mother had the same symptoms (plus a few others) and once she found out she was heavily Vitamin D deficient, she started taking them and now has all the energy in the world.

Did she take pills or some kind of fish oil?


Domino Theory said:
Eh, I was on the pork rind bandwagon a month ago until I found out that they're fried (most likely in vegetable oil) so I ditched them.

You can fry them and make them with 'healthy' oil

Plus I don't even care, if I can't indulge in stuff like that, the low-carb diet is just as shit as any other diet.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
dejay said:
Did she take pills or some kind of fish oil?

She had a blood test done that showed her Vitamin D level at 16 when the minimum is supposed to be 30 so they prescribed her a heavy dose of Vitamin D for three months. Now she just takes a smaller dose, but every day. I make her take fish oil. :p

Sethos said:
Not all of them ;)

What brand do you buy that doesn't fry them?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Domino Theory said:
Sounds like you could be Vitamin D deficient. My mother had the same symptoms (plus a few others) and once she found out she was heavily Vitamin D deficient, she started taking them and now has all the energy in the world.

Nearly ever condition has fatigue as a symptom. Vitamin D may be great, but let's not get carried away here.


I remember my grandparents trying to shove cod liver oil into everyone's mouths like it was some elixir. Turns out they were right. They also knew that bread and sweets make you fat.

teh_pwn said:
Nearly ever condition has fatigue as a symptom. Vitamin D may be great, but let's not get carried away here.

True, but a multi vitamin couldn't hurt.


Domino Theory said:
What brand do you buy that doesn't fry them?

It's not about whether they fry them or not, it's what they fry 'em in.

dejay said:
I remember my grandparents trying to shove cod liver oil into everyone's mouths like it was some elixir. Turns out they were right. They also knew that bread and sweets make you fat.

Yeah, my grandparents were exactly the same when I was a kid. Then they changed as media and doctors fed them a load of rubbish - Now they think eggs are the devil incarnated and they eat margarine with extra Omega-6 to lower cholesterol.

It makes me sad.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Sethos said:
You can fry them and make them with 'healthy' oil

Plus I don't even care, if I can't indulge in stuff like that, the low-carb diet is just as shit as any other diet.

There isn't a single "low-carb diet". Either way, you really should look into partially hydrogenated oils. You may not have to worry about your weight snacking on mass-produced pre-packaged pork rinds, but you'll have to worry about all manner of other health issues down the road.


Zefah said:
There isn't a single "low-carb" diet. Either way, you really should look into partially hydrogenated oils. You may not have to worry about your weight snacking on mass-produced pre-packaged pork rinds, but you'll have to worry about all manner of other health issues down the road.

Yeah, I'll gladly take that.

I'm in it for the weight loss, not my health down the road - That would be going to shit either way :)

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Sethos said:
Yeah, I'll gladly take that.

I'm in it for the weight loss, not my health down the road - That would be going to shit either way :)

I'll never understand how people can be so happily self-destructive. It's your body, I suppose.

Personally, I'd rather be fit and healthy and enjoy a long and mostly sickness-free life. Any happiness garnered from junk food is fleeting and soon turns to regret when my body starts feeling the effects. Just not worth it, in my opinion.


Zefah said:
I'll never understand how people can be so happily self-destructive. It's your body, I suppose.

Personally, I'd rather be fit and healthy and enjoy a long, mostly sickness-free life. Any happiness garnered from junk food is fleeting and soon turns to regret when my body starts feeling the effects. Just not worth it, in my opinion.

Yes, because a bit of unhealthy oil once every full moon is going to make me destroy my body. Plus I'd still probably be a damn side my healthy than being fat and eating all sorts of crap and still be more healthy than most people who live off a ton of pre-processed crap.

I want to lose weight, I don't need to go all fidgety and bitchy over everything that isn't super healthy.
bengraven said:
I have a serious issue.

For the last few months, as I've gained weight, I have no energy. Eat at regular times? Feel lethargic. Don't eat? Feel lethargic. No matter what. I want to start losing weight, but I just have no energy to do anything. Even drinking caffeine I start to yawn at 2pm in the afternoon.

I get 8 hours of sleep.

Anyone recommend a multivitamin or suppliment I should take before I become the next person who lives their lives in a bed at half a ton?

You should get a full thyroid panel done. Sounds like hypothyroid.


Sethos said:
Yes, because a bit of unhealthy oil once every full moon is going to make me destroy my body. Plus I'd still probably be a damn side my healthy than being fat and eating all sorts of crap and still be more healthy than most people who live off a ton of pre-processed crap.

I want to lose weight, I don't need to go all fidgety and bitchy over everything that isn't super healthy.

Exactly how I feel, and how I take it.
I still eat crap, although less of it and not some specific things. If I had to eat healthily and control portions, and exercise, I couldn't or at the least wouldn't do it.
As you say, I'm gonna do what it takes to get my weight off. That's what's important in the long run to me, now.


Domino Theory said:
Eh, I was on the pork rind bandwagon a month ago until I found out that they're fried (most likely in vegetable oil) so I ditched them.
That is why you look at the ingredients. The good brands said " fried out pork fat with attached skin.
I thought this was kinda interesting. This guy has hit his maintenance weight, and this is his plan for keeping at it. This isn't for everyone, but a few guys on here have expressed wanting to eat some treats, but still keep the weight off.


I am not saying for a second it works for everyone, but it works for me.

On Jan. 1, my height was 6-4 and weight 253.
Today, it's 6-4 and 198 to 204.

This is my maintenance plan. Again, I don't profess for a second it's scientific or will work for everyone.

I have a digital scale in my bedroom. After the morning pee and poo (sorry for the visuals), I do a daily morning weigh in.

If I weigh 203 or higher, it's a no-cheat day. 30 grams of carbs or less that day.

If I weight 201 or lower, it's a cheat day. I have whatever the heck I want to eat that day.

It has worked like a charm. Cheat days keep the weight on, non-cheat days keep it off. And I can scratch an itch a couple of times a week and eat some things I could never eat on non-cheat days.

Once you reach your target goal, give this a try. BUT. Always weigh yourself in the morning after the bathroom trip. NEVER, ever weigh yourself at the end of the day ... that's when you have water weight and what not.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
ipukespiders said:
I thought this was kinda interesting. This guy has hit his maintenance weight, and this is his plan for keeping at it. This isn't for everyone, but a few guys on here have expressed wanting to eat some treats, but still keep the weight off.


Heh, I do something a tad similar, but on a bi-weekly to monthly basis. After I lose a few pounds, I pick one day to go nuts with my eating, even if I end up gaining the weight back in a day because I know I"ll just be back to the weight I was before the latest weigh-in which is no problem.

I had a large (and by large, I mean LARGE) triple-meat pizza from a local pizza joint on Friday, but I incorporated Martin's Leangains approach to cheat days since I fast every day and I never actually gained weight eating that much pizza in one day. I actually lost almost half a pound for that week. <3 IF.


infiniteloop said:
needs way more fat
and calories
and less junk food.

Zefah said:
I think you'd fit in well in the BroScience thread. Eating unhealthily and overexercising seems to be in favor over there.

Are you in a rush to get down to a certain weight or something? Do you not care about your overall health and risk for injury?

I always try to keep a positive attitude, so I'll give you both the benefit of the doubt here.

Explain why/how much more fat I need to go through a cutting phase.

What is considered junk food on my list.

Explain what is unhealthy on my list.

Explain how I over-exercised.

And lastly...

Explain how this is a health/injury (?) risk.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
SeanR1221 said:
I always try to keep a positive attitude, so I'll give you both the benefit of the doubt here.

Explain why/how much more fat I need to go through a cutting phase.

What is considered junk food on my list.

Explain what is unhealthy on my list.

Explain how I over-exercised.

And lastly...

Explain how this is a health/injury (?) risk.

My opinion:

Cut the mayo or make your own, fat-filled mayo
Cut the turkey bacon and replace it with regular pork bacon (unless you don't have pork for religious reasons)
Cut back on the whey protein shake and replace it with more chicken and red meat
Have some veggies


Welp, since I've just about hit maintenance, I thought it was about time to share my tale of weight loss.

Basically, it all started last May/July, when I was 23. I was about 230-240 (hell, maybe even more, I didn't dare weigh myself until I started on this journey, honestly too scared) at this point (I'm about 5'7 for reference sake) and I was just supremely down in the dumps. Truly looked like shit, felt like shit, and my Father had just recently passed away.

As prove of how shitty things were, here are a few extremely unflattering pics from that time. I'm that load in red.



Umm yeah, total fatty and I'm totally embarrassed to see myself like that.

Anyway, soon after that time I stayed over at a relatives house in the Bronx, and thanks to encouragement from my cousins, I began to walk around and get around a bit more. I can't thank them enough, because it served as a jumping off point of inspiration to get my ass in gear and lose that weight. I knew I was coming to a point of no return of sorts, and made a promise to myself to soon start changing things for the better.

When I got back home, I weighed about 230, and that's when I set out to do this for real and made a commitment to get more active. So I made it a priority to get at least an hour of exercise/cardio a day, most days even more than that. I loved to play basketball, and in my HS days, I'd keep in shape by playing that daily. So that's what I did, for the most part. Not only did I lose weight, I developed a fucking good jumper too. Win-win!

I immediately had some success at it, and that initial weight came off with no problem. But I also knew my diet had to change. No more daily Pizza/Fries/Sprite and all that junk. After much searching online, I found that the LC way was definitely just right for me. I always loved Eggs (I used to pair it with rice, but I didn't miss that or bread at all), Bacon, Chicken, other Meats, Almonds, so I was set.

And after a few months of continuous struggles and work, what do you know, that diet/exercise shit fucking works. Who knew?

Those pics above were in mid-2010, and by November/December of that year, here's how I looked.



Think I'm about 140-150ish here.

And finally, a couple of weeks ago on vacation with my family. Around 130-135ish here, and that's where I'm maintaining now.


Definitely hasn't been an easy journey, but definitely not an impossible one either. I have to thank this thread, because even though I haven't posted in it much, I've lurked in it a ton and it has served as constant inspiration whenever I've stalled or become frustrated. I basically have a new lease on life now and I'm a billion times happier as a result.

Apologies if the images are too big or whatever, and hopefully some y'all can find too something from my experience. And of course, don't hesitate to ask any questions. Thanks for reading, Weightloss-GAF!


K2Valor said:
What is your height/weight? You probably need way more food dude.

5'8, 165-170 pounds? I dunno, it fluctuates, I don't focus on my weight as much as I do monthly pictures/ how my clothes fit.

Domino Theory said:
My opinion:

Cut the mayo or make your own, fat-filled mayo
Cut the turkey bacon and replace it with regular pork bacon (unless you don't have pork for religious reasons)
Cut back on the whey protein shake and replace it with more chicken and red meat
Have some veggies

- What significant benefits will half a tbsp of fat filled mayo have?
- GF prefers the taste turkey bacon, since we split groceries, this is tricky
- For the increased fat intake, or because there is something wrong with whey.
- I did have veggies. I eat veggies every night for dinner.


not characteristic of ants at all
SeanR1221 said:
5'8, 165-170 pounds? I dunno, it fluctuates, I don't focus on my weight as much as I do monthly pictures/ how my clothes fit.
I would say increase calories to around 1600-1700 with some fats and carbs (whatever you would prefer). Do that for a week or two and see how much weight you lose. Adjust.
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