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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


omgkitty said:
Tastes terrible?

Doesn't taste as good, but just mix it in some protein powder and swallow it down. Much easier in the morning than getting out pans and frying some and cleaning up every day.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Gary Whitta said:
Man, I almost wish I had never decided to add exercise workouts to my diet regimen. I'd been doing some light treadmill cardio already but decided to step it up (as much for general health reasons as for weight loss) and now I find myself staring into the perplexing abyss of the BroScience rabbit hole.

I'm not looking to do anything nutty, but I started doing the Power 90 workout (basically the less strenuous/challenging version of P90X, combination of strength/cardio) and I'm reading all kinds of stuff about how I need to add carbs into my diet pre- and post-workout in order to feed my muscles and prevent depletion of lean body mass. I did some googling about exercising on a low-carb diet and there's a ton of contradictory information out there. Mark's Daily Apple (which I trust) seems to fly in the face of traditional bro-science by saying you don't really need carbs after a workout, just protein, so I think I'm going to go with that.

Right now my plan is simply to drink a protein shake made with milk right after my workouts for a protein/carb combo that isn't too carb-heavy. That's really the only carbs I get all day anyway aside from veggies so I feel like I can do it without venturing too far back into danger-carb territory.

Anyway, any thoughts on this appreciated. I definitely am feeling some tiredness and muscle soreness after these new tougher workouts, but I don't know if that's just perfectly normal or because I'm working my muscles too hard and not feeding them enough/properly.

Mark Sisson knows what he's talking about. I highly recommend you take a look at his book--The Primal Blueprint--if you haven't already. Lots of sensible information about exercise in there (also on his blog).


AdrianWerner said:
You should have used skin creams extensively. Yeah, I know they suck, but it's what's needed. And it's not even about the quality of this stuff (anything decent will do just fine), but more about regular massaging the skin.

You can still try it to get the skin smoother. I would recommend looking at the tightening belts. The kind that women use after pregnancy to help their skin go to it's original state. A month or two wearing this can do you wonders after a big weight loss.

And if all fails, just go to plastic surgeon. You didn't spend this much effort to still be ashamed to take your shirt off.
Thanks for the advice, Adrian! I'll definitely look into those options. And again, I appreciate the kind words/comments.


AiTM said:
Doesn't taste as good, but just mix it in some protein powder and swallow it down. Much easier in the morning than getting out pans and frying some and cleaning up every day.
washing a pan literally takes a minute. Stop being lazy dude lol.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
SeanR1221 said:
The funny part is, I'm like 175 in the first picture, and 170 in the second, and it doesn't look like a 5 pound difference to me. That's why I don't pay attention to weight that much, especially when you're lifting weights.

I totally agree about not paying too much attention to the number on the scale.

I've been stuck around 168~170 for the past couple of weeks, but my body composition has transformed quite a bit. If you're doing resistance training and some exercise, muscle gains could easily cancel out any loss of weight from losing body fat.

By the way, how tall are you? I'm around 170 at 5'10'' or 5'11'' and don't look quite as slim as you do!
AiTM said:
Doesn't taste as good, but just mix it in some protein powder and swallow it down. Much easier in the morning than getting out pans and frying some and cleaning up every day.
Or if you want to be lazy but not eat raw eggs, why not hard boil a dozen and keep them in the fridge?


How accurate is endomondo? The last time I went cycling it said I burned 1700 or so calories, I did 22 miles at 12mph.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
NomarTyme said:
That is why you look at the ingredients. The good brands said " fried out pork fat with attached skin.

The only brand I can find here is Domingo's from Whole Foods and the first ingredient is "Fried Pork Skins".
I'm a little lost when it comes to the whole counting calories and such. Or at least finding a good balance of how much I should be eating vs how much I burn off. I know eating less than recommended (calorie wise) will result in weight loss.

I just started going to the gym regularly, doing cardio and some weight training. Generally shooting for around 1800-2000 calories per day. If i'm doing weight stuff as well, should I increase that?


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Notrollious said:
I'm a little lost when it comes to the whole counting calories and such. Or at least finding a good balance of how much I should be eating vs how much I burn off. I know eating less than recommended (calorie wise) will result in weight loss.

I just started going to the gym regularly, doing cardio and some weight training. Generally shooting for around 1800-2000 calories per day. If i'm doing weight stuff as well, should I increase that?

It's not perfect for everyone, especially very muscular people... but determining your BMR is a good place to start. I usually will do this in a few different calculators and then just take the average.

Gives you an idea what your calorie intake should be for a sedentary day. Then you make adjustments based on your weight loss and exercise goals.

The calculator above was the first google search result... there are many you can use. I'm not necessarily recommending that one.


Gary Whitta said:
Man, I almost wish I had never decided to add exercise workouts to my diet regimen. I'd been doing some light treadmill cardio already but decided to step it up (as much for general health reasons as for weight loss) and now I find myself staring into the perplexing abyss of the BroScience rabbit hole.

I'm not looking to do anything nutty, but I started doing the Power 90 workout (basically the less strenuous/challenging version of P90X, combination of strength/cardio) and I'm reading all kinds of stuff about how I need to add carbs into my diet pre- and post-workout in order to feed my muscles and prevent depletion of lean body mass. I did some googling about exercising on a low-carb diet and there's a ton of contradictory information out there. Mark's Daily Apple (which I trust) seems to fly in the face of traditional bro-science by saying you don't really need carbs after a workout, just protein, so I think I'm going to go with that.

Right now my plan is simply to drink a protein shake made with milk right after my workouts for a protein/carb combo that isn't too carb-heavy. That's really the only carbs I get all day anyway aside from veggies so I feel like I can do it without venturing too far back into danger-carb territory.

Anyway, any thoughts on this appreciated. I definitely am feeling some tiredness and muscle soreness after these new tougher workouts, but I don't know if that's just perfectly normal or because I'm working my muscles too hard and not feeding them enough/properly.
Protein shakes help a lot to deal with the muscle soreness. It kills most of my appetite as well.

I hated going to the gym, kept it up for a year and relapsed after going on vacation. Protein shakes where godsent for me. Since I knew I wasn't wallowing in pain the next 2 days. I do still feel weak and kinda inflexible though.

I personally use Creatine shakes as well(before work-out). It helps relieve the pain during the workouts themselves and you're able to push a lot more. I actually enjoy going to the gym now. The best thing about it even if you stop using creatine shakes you keep your progress.


Well, I'm out of the low carb stuff, at least for a while.

I started recording my weight a few weeks int my diet. I started LC about a week into this plot (see arrow below). Up to then I was consistently losing 2kg a week, which I've done easily in the past. I initially lost a lot of water weight, but one day it just came back in a single kg block. If I had stuck to my initial program I would have been about 3kg lighter than I am now.

The last three days I've actually been gaining weight, but the muscles in my legs feel like crap, I still get lightheaded to the point of near fainting and I'm unproductive at work. It's a pity, because I did get a couple of really good feeling days out of it, but I can't afford the constant brain fog and I want to lose weight at a rate I know I can, because summer is coming and I'm sick of wearing my fat clothes when I have a wardrobe full of good slim clothes I should be wearing.

I still believe in the principle and would like to give LC living another try, but I'll postpone it until I'm down to my target weight. I'm still going to avoid a lot of processed carbs, like bread and sweet drinks, but I've had a bowl of muesli (mostly oats) this morning and I'm feeling better already. This will probably be the only grains I eat every day. Does this prove that I'm addicted to carbs? Maybe. If I had toughed it out a little while longer would it have gotten better? Probably.

Okay so I've just been running 3 miles 4 days out of the week. I enjoy it but it can be rather repetitive. I listen to audio books while running and I'm beginning to run low on Audible credits. I only have one book left (Robopocalypse) and one credit for another book.

I've been thinking about taking up swimming. My city just recently opened up a community pool so I figured I'd incorporate swimming into my exercise routine. Anyone know if a good swimming regimen?


Zefah said:
I totally agree about not paying too much attention to the number on the scale.

I've been stuck around 168~170 for the past couple of weeks, but my body composition has transformed quite a bit. If you're doing resistance training and some exercise, muscle gains could easily cancel out any loss of weight from losing body fat.

By the way, how tall are you? I'm around 170 at 5'10'' or 5'11'' and don't look quite as slim as you do!

I'm 5'8

Heres my day 2. Haven't made it to the gym yet...


Mikey 2x4

pick up your hentai tomorrow
So first off, congratulations to everyone in this thread who has had success. It's amazing and truly inspiring to read about your efforts and see the results.

With in the last couple of months I've been trying to slim down just to a point where I'm comfortable in shirts and jeans that I used to be fine in (but no longer am). When I started in early June I was at 285. I started to watch my food portions and hop on the exercise bike and do some light weight training. I'm currently at 271, so there has been some improvement. I just had some questions that I believe you all could answer:

- What's the take on Crystal Light packets? When tap water isn't good, I tend to use these to help out. Plus, paying 2.99 to get 20 24 oz servings of tasty water seems like a good trade off to me.

- I have a lot of muscle mass from when I used to work out (and walk a ton) when I was younger. What I really want to do is get my stomach into shape - suggestions?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Post what I had in the running thread because it pertains to this thread too:

Damn, week 4 of Couch to 5k on a NCAA Big XII cross country course is tough as hell. I made it though, and I hate running. Program works.

I even was taken out to eat for free at work today and got a salmon salad. I hope I am finally going to have the willpower to stick with this.
dejay said:
but the muscles in my legs feel like crap, I still get lightheaded to the point of near fainting and I'm unproductive at work.

A lot of posters in here, can't remember if you said you work out or not. If I don't carb up after *every* workout with just a little carbs, my legs will feel like I'm wearing ankle weights. I might actually be over training though. It's weird, cause I always feel great while I'm working out, but it's the day to day (work) where I would have "heavy legs".

I recently started keeping a careful log on food intake, my weight training, and how my legs feel each day. I'm trying to figure out for sure if my above statement is true about the post workout carbs, or if there is another factor involved. If it is a matter of PWO carbs, then I would like to figure out how "little" I need to take. So far, in the short time of testing, the PWO carbs has fixed the heavy legs.

Do you get light headed if you stand up too quickly? I had that until I started increasing my sodium/potassium intake by salting much of my food with a half salt product. The low carb life may mean adding some supplements for many people.

SeanR1221 said:
I'm 5'8

Heres my day 2. Haven't made it to the gym yet...


I just followed your old link, your new one goes nowhere

Nice to see you ate 2 yolks and some broccoli.
It's a start I guess.
I survived Day 2 of Power 90, the circuit training with weights. I actually found it slightly easier to do than the cardio which WRECKED me, but I'm not strong enough to do real push-ups or dips yet.

ipukespiders said:
A lot of posters in here, can't remember if you said you work out or not. If I don't carb up after *every* workout with just a little carbs, my legs will feel like I'm wearing ankle weights. I might actually be over training though. It's weird, cause I always feel great while I'm working out, but it's the day to day (work) where I would have "heavy legs".
What are you doing for post-workout carbs? I'm drinking a whey protein shake made with 8-12oz of fat-free milk, hoping that's an appropriate combo.


My body is teasing me, I've hit a little wall and keep hovering, plus my constipation isn't helping on the weight either but I'm at 19.6-8 pounds lost and my first goal was 20 - Been sitting there for almost 5 days now, god damn :p
Sethos said:
My body is teasing me, I've hit a little wall and keep hovering, plus my constipation isn't helping on the weight either but I'm at 19.6-8 pounds lost and my first goal was 20 - Been sitting there for almost 5 days now, god damn :p
It's frustrating. I've stalled/plateaued a couple of times - I'm in one right now - but you just have to trust that eventually you will push through.


Gary Whitta said:
It's frustrating. I've stalled/plateaued a couple of times - I'm in one right now - but you just have to trust that eventually you will push through.

Yeah, will definitely stay on track and honestly, I'm getting used to these plateaus that randomly pop up once a month, it's just when you gun for a target and you are SO close, then you hit the wall - Oh so frustrating :p

Will try and do a few days at a 30g carb limit and see how it goes.
Sethos said:
Yeah, will definitely stay on track and honestly, I'm getting used to these plateaus that randomly pop up once a month, it's just when you gun for a target and you are SO close, then you hit the wall - Oh so frustrating :p

Will try and do a few days at a 30g carb limit and see how it goes.

Some other things to try as well:

Try a cheat day.
Try a fat fast.
Cut out all artificial sweeteners.
Cut all dairy.
Try intermittent fasting.
I just had some more cookies and now I'm extremely hot. Any ideas as to why that is?

Edit: I guess it's my own fault for gorging myself after a low carb summer
Gary Whitta said:
Man I haven't had a cheat day in a while, that sounds very tempting...
I just had a cheat *3* days after 4 months of basically ketogenic diet. Now I'm doing a 2 day fast post cheat, and back into my routine. Will be interesting to see what happens.


Is there like a singular resource you're all using for low-carb stuff, or is it just a matter of figuring out how many carbs are in what I'm eating?
Jintor said:
Is there like a singular resource you're all using for low-carb stuff, or is it just a matter of figuring out how many carbs are in what I'm eating?
That's the long and the short of it. When you start, lists help, as do sites like nutrition data (I use mostly for fruits and veggies at first to know what is low or high carb). Eventually you just know how much is in what you eat and or have in the house.

There are plenty of helpful lists like this tho:

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
noire said:
Been on low carb for about 3 weeks now. Dropped 10 lbs from 7/17 to 7/29 (199 to 188), but have been more or less stuck since (187-189). :(

Averaging 55g carbs per day during those 3 weeks. most normal days, I'm around 35g.

Most of the rapid weight loss people experience on low-carb diets is what they call "water weight". Don't expect to lose more than 2lbs or so a week. It may drop even faster than that, but don't expect it.

Just work on improving your diet for the long term and insert sensible exercise. You will start to notice drastic improvements in your energy levels and body composition.


Blueberry Protein pancake (with blueberries):
2 scoops vanilla whey
1/2 cup egg whites
splenda to taste
Blueberries (1/2 cup)

Whisk ingredients and then add to a pan that has been sprayed with PAM. Put blueberries on top....cook and flip (shut the burner off when you flip) I use Walden Farms Zero cal/carb pancake syrup or Smuckers Sugar Free syrup.

ohhh... That sounds spectacular and easy to make. Anyone tried this?


Domino Theory said:
I bought Stevita from Amazon and am loving it so far. Around 2 bucks for a box of 50 packets. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000QV8HMQ/?tag=neogaf0e-20

How did the cream cheese egg puffs go, by the way?

The first batch I made were overly soft and sticky (tasted fine) but I found an alternative recipe that yielded a much better bun. It was an amazing experience to finally eat a hamburger that wasn't wrapped in a head of lettuce:


1. - 3 large eggs (separate the yolk and egg white, whisk the egg whites with the cream of tartar until its thick enough to be flipped over without spilling)
- 1/2 tsp cream of tartar

2. Mix all of these ingredients together:
- 3 egg yolks
- 3 oz Cream Cheese
- 3 tsp of almond flour
- 1/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 2 tsp onion powder
- 1/2 tsp of sweetener

And then carefully fold the yolk/cream cheese mixture into the egg white cream. Dab 6 piles of the stuff onto a cookie sheet with non-stick spray, and then bake for 30 minutes at 300 degrees. After 30 minutes, take the buns out of the over, flip them over and then bake them for a minute or two more so the top can be toasted as well. This makes the top less sticky and easier to handle when you're eating.


harSon said:
The first batch I made were overly soft and sticky (tasted fine) but I found an alternative recipe that yielded a much better bun. It was an amazing experience to finally eat a hamburger that wasn't wrapped in a head of lettuce:


1. - 3 large eggs (separate the yolk and egg white, whisk the egg whites with the cream of tartar until its thick enough to be flipped over without spilling)
- 1/2 tsp cream of tartar

2. Mix all of these ingredients together:
- 3 egg yolks
- 3 oz Cream Cheese
- 3 tsp of almond flour
- 1/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 2 tsp onion powder
- 1/2 tsp of sweetener

And then carefully fold the yolk/cream cheese mixture into the egg white cream. Dab 6 piles of the stuff onto a cookie sheet with non-stick spray, and then bake for 30 minutes at 300 degrees. After 30 minutes, take the buns out of the over, flip them over and then bake them for a minute or two more so the top can be toasted as well. This makes the top less sticky and easier to handle when you're eating.
Looks delicious I'll definitely be making some.
The more you know, man. I had a shit ton of cookies a while ago and now my body is saying that it's hungry. Thanks to this thread I know that all I did was tell my body to store fat instead of to use it to fuel my cells for energy. Instead of eating, i'm going to bed. Low carb again tomorrow


ipukespiders said:
A lot of posters in here, can't remember if you said you work out or not. If I don't carb up after *every* workout with just a little carbs, my legs will feel like I'm wearing ankle weights. I might actually be over training though. It's weird, cause I always feel great while I'm working out, but it's the day to day (work) where I would have "heavy legs".

I recently started keeping a careful log on food intake, my weight training, and how my legs feel each day. I'm trying to figure out for sure if my above statement is true about the post workout carbs, or if there is another factor involved. If it is a matter of PWO carbs, then I would like to figure out how "little" I need to take. So far, in the short time of testing, the PWO carbs has fixed the heavy legs.

Do you get light headed if you stand up too quickly? I had that until I started increasing my sodium/potassium intake by salting much of my food with a half salt product. The low carb life may mean adding some supplements for many people.

I do mainly cardio but often on a elliptical, which works my quads in particular. Up until today they've just been burning even after going up a handful of steps. Now, after a bowl of muesli and a small coke they're feeling much better.

I was getting light headed all the time, particularly in work hours between 11am and 5pm. I actually had to pull over on the way home a couple of nights ago because I thought I was going to pass out on the freeway. Eating a heap of fatty snacks didn't help. I've tried extra fat, extra protein, extra sodium, extra potassium, extra magnesium, extra calories (up to 4000 a day) and nothing helped. In the end I was I felt I had little choice to get through the next few weeks than to go back to carbs for a while.
DragonKnight said:
The more you know, man. I had a shit ton of cookies a while ago and now my body is saying that it's hungry. Thanks to this thread I know that all I did was tell my body to store fat instead of to use it to fuel my cells for energy. Instead of eating, i'm going to bed. Low carb again tomorrow
If you knew more you wouldn't be eating fucking cookies. I don't care what you say.


Finally, had a fantastic bowel movement after breakfast and my morning coffee - That put me from 19.6 pounds lost to 20.4 pounds and possibly more if I hadn't eaten. Finally, 20 pound goal reached! Onwards and upwards to next goal.


dejay said:
I do mainly cardio but often on a elliptical, which works my quads in particular. Up until today they've just been burning even after going up a handful of steps. Now, after a bowl of muesli and a small coke they're feeling much better.

I was getting light headed all the time, particularly in work hours between 11am and 5pm. I actually had to pull over on the way home a couple of nights ago because I thought I was going to pass out on the freeway. Eating a heap of fatty snacks didn't help. I've tried extra fat, extra protein, extra sodium, extra potassium, extra magnesium, extra calories (up to 4000 a day) and nothing helped. In the end I was I felt I had little choice to get through the next few weeks than to go back to carbs for a while.

I think part of it is the quality of the carbs. No dairy or any type of grains. I am hypoglycemic and have the same type of reactions you just described before I changed to the below. Now my regimen:

Wake up for work out:
8 Raw Almonds

This alone allows the 29 carbs in that banana with the almonds mixed in to create a better burn. It allows my body to adjust through the workout and seems to set my day up correctly for a big breakfast when I get back.

From there breakfast is big protein:

3 Omega Eggs
4 Strips No Nitrate Bacon
(Maybe another fruit, Kiwi or something this depends on how I feel)

After that I am usually set ( I always keep almonds with me for my hypo)

PS: I am a big framed guy over 300 but losing it fast. Another week and I will be below 300. Doing this for about two months now, started at 340.


I need some help with fiber. I need to be eating more but not really sure how to go about it. I have some nuts, but the issue with those is they have a high amount of calories and decent amount of carbs so I can't eat a lot of them. The only thing I have seen that's really great are avocados, but they are sort of expensive and I can only eat really 3 or 4 a week. I also looked at the fiber supplements and not only are they expensive, but they are also stupidly low on fiber. Metamucil is 6 pills for only 2g fiber!!! WTF IS THAT??? So how can I get more fiber?


omgkitty said:
I need some help with fiber. I need to be eating more but not really sure how to go about it. I have some nuts, but the issue with those is they have a high amount of calories and decent amount of carbs so I can't eat a lot of them. The only thing I have seen that's really great are avocados, but they are sort of expensive and I can only eat really 3 or 4 a week. I also looked at the fiber supplements and not only are they expensive, but they are also stupidly low on fiber. Metamucil is 6 pills for only 2g fiber!!! WTF IS THAT??? So how can I get more fiber?

Fruit and vegetables!

try and have some with every meal (vegetables as part of meal, fruit as a post-meal dessert)

However, don't increase your fiber intake too fast, and be sure to drink plenty of water as well. The water helps pass all of the fiber through your system
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