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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Brinbe said:
Welp, since I've just about hit maintenance, I thought it was about time to share my tale of weight loss.

Great job man. I'm about the same height and weight as you. 5'7 and usually between 130-135 lbs. But instead of trying to lose weight, I need to go up to 150lbs. Also basketball is a good ass workout. During the summer I spend like 3+ hours a day, 3-5 times a week playing basketball. Pair that with some high rep workout and getting cut is working real well.
SeanR1221 said:
I always try to keep a positive attitude, so I'll give you both the benefit of the doubt here.

Explain why/how ... SNIPPED

You should be eating much more food.
More good animal fats.
Eat the egg yolks too.
Never mind "low fat" stuff, get full fat.
I would add leafy green veggies - broccoli, spinach, green leaf lettuce.
I would add milk, whole.
I don't know what the tyson tenders are... is it a processed food?


Awesome work, Brinbe!

Here is a little before and after on my part...

Me and my gf when we first started consistent workouts/eating low carb in December...


And us last week...



ipukespiders said:
You should be eating much more food.
More good animal fats.
Eat the egg yolks too.
Never mind "low fat" stuff, get full fat.
I would add leafy green veggies - broccoli, spinach, green leaf lettuce.
I would add milk, whole.
I don't know what the tyson tenders are... is it a processed food?

Nah, they're just raw, frozen chicken breast tenders.
SeanR1221 said:
Awesome work, Brinbe!

Here is a little before and after on my part...

Me and my gf when we first started consistent workouts/eating low carb in December...


And us last week...


You guys look really young. How old are you?


Will drop pants for Sony.
Brinbe wow that's incredible. You are my inspiration. I hope oneday I can post before and after pictures like yours.

You look like a different person in your before and after pics. I hope I can look as good as you when I loose this horrible weight.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
SeanR1221 said:
5'8, 165-170 pounds? I dunno, it fluctuates, I don't focus on my weight as much as I do monthly pictures/ how my clothes fit.

- What significant benefits will half a tbsp of fat filled mayo have?
- GF prefers the taste turkey bacon, since we split groceries, this is tricky
- For the increased fat intake, or because there is something wrong with whey.
- I did have veggies. I eat veggies every night for dinner.

Your fat intake is just too low, dude. Unhealthy levels. I'm just trying to micro-manage through what little food you have to increase your fat intake if you're adiment about staying around ~1200 calories.

And judging from your pics, you're incredibly lean so there's no reason you should be eating less at this point.

Whey protein shakes aren't really bad (well, depending on the brand) but it's better to get most of your protein from eating. Chew your calories, don't drink them.

When people stop worrying about their weight and start worrying about their health, amazing changes will occur within and the fat loss will follow, naturally.


infiniteloop said:
Your girlfriend is cute.

I thought you were talking about these for the Tenders:


Thanks! and oh no, no breaded chicken here.

I do have a soft spot for nuggets...do they make unbreaded ones?

Domino Theory said:
Your fat intake is just too low, dude. Unhealthy levels. I'm just trying to micro-manage through what little food you have to increase your fat intake if you're adiment about staying around ~1200 calories.

And judging from your pics, you're incredibly lean so there's no reason you should be eating less at this point.

Whey protein shakes aren't really bad (well, depending on the brand) but it's better to get most of your protein from eating. Chew your calories, don't drink them.

When people stop worrying about their weight and start worrying about their health, amazing changes will occur within and the fat loss will follow, naturally.

I could go up to 1700 and still feel comfortable.

I wouldn't say I'm incredibly lean :p, you can definitely see a little belly pouch in the current picture.

Whey is nice because I'm usually on the go with work. Making some quick chocolate whey and water shakes is easy. I could look into getting some pre-cooked chicken breasts that I can just toss in the microwave and take with me on the road.

Might throw some more Natural PB in the mix, that could definitely increase my fat.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I don't think I've ever posted a picture of me in here so here it goes. This is what I was in August 2008 at around 280 pounds (I'm on the far left with the white jacket):

This is me now at 192 pounds:


Whoa, nice job. Any other before picture similar to your after? It looks like you have a pretty defined jaw line now compared to the old picture. Must feel good, right?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
SeanR1221 said:
Whoa, nice job. Any other before picture similar to your after? It looks like you have a pretty defined jaw line now compared to the old picture. Must feel good, right?

Nope, I grew up as a morbidly obese person since 5th grade. I never wanted a picture taken of me, ever. My worst was when I was a senior in high school - 17 years old and 320 pounds.

Now that I'm nearing the weight I've always wanted to be, I'm happy to be taking pictures. :)


Domino Theory said:
Nope, I grew up as a morbidly obese person since 5th grade. I never wanted a picture taken of me, ever. My worst was when I was a senior in high school - 17 years old and 320 pounds.

Now that I'm nearing the weight I've always wanted to be, I'm happy to be taking pictures. :)

Yeah I was always a fat kid, but was never told I was fat by doctors/parents/friends. It didn't hit me until High school when I realized I was 220 pounds.

I think I got down to 155 by my junior year of college, slacked a little my first year of grad school (as you can see from my before pic) then stepped it up again.


Awesome job, Sean and Domino! Looking great.

And a humble thanks for the kind comments. I'm not gonna lie, there was a good bit of closure in putting up that post, but my main goal was just showing that achieving your end-goal is possible with hard work and dedication, and I hope those who are in the middle of losing keep it up and reach their own personal levels of satisfaction too. =)


This thread is so damn inspiring. I've been down a lot recently and I weigh over 300 plus (ugh). Just today I ate whole heap of food and I just can't keep doing this shit to myself!

So starting tomorrow i'll be starting a diet but what should I do first before I start a workout regime. Should I go to a doctor and get a checkout first?


Kazoo said:
This thread is so damn inspiring. I've been down a lot recently and I weigh over 300 plus (ugh). Just today I ate whole heap of food and I just can't keep doing this shit to myself!

So starting tomorrow i'll be starting a diet but what should I do first before I start a workout regime. Should I go to a doctor and get a checkout first?

Depends on the workout plan.

Are you doing some brisk walking? Light lifting? Probably no.

If you're going to be jogging long distances or heavy lifting, I'd get a physical first.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Kazoo said:
This thread is so damn inspiring. I've been down a lot recently and I weigh over 300 plus (ugh). Just today I ate whole heap of food and I just can't keep doing this shit to myself!

So starting tomorrow i'll be starting a diet but what should I do first before I start a workout regime. Should I go to a doctor and get a checkout first?

This is a good list to go by: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=29439602&postcount=7135

I know I posted it, but almost all of the suggestions have come from Price Dalton and teh_pwn who are pretty much responsible for my success and many others' success in this thread. They stuck around, threw their scientifically-backed statements and knowledge and it just snowballed from there.

Follow that list and you'll be golden, imo.


Domino Theory said:
This is a good list to go by: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=29439602&postcount=7135

I know I posted it, but almost all of the suggestions have come from Price Dalton and teh_pwn who are pretty much responsible for my success and many others' success in this thread. They stuck around, threw their scientifically-backed statements and knowledge and it just snowballed from there.

Follow that list and you'll be golden, imo.

Holy shit that is EXACTLY what I was looking for! Thanks a ton guys. I was going to start off light tomorrow of the exercise bike and do that for 20 mins for a start and go from there but that list is fucking amazing... so ready to get rid of this belly.


Domino Theory said:
This is a good list to go by: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=29439602&postcount=7135

I know I posted it, but almost all of the suggestions have come from Price Dalton and teh_pwn who are pretty much responsible for my success and many others' success in this thread. They stuck around, threw their scientifically-backed statements and knowledge and it just snowballed from there.

Follow that list and you'll be golden, imo.

Says no soda or fruit juices, but what about milk? I'm all about milk :3


Domino Theory said:
This is a good list to go by: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=29439602&postcount=7135

I know I posted it, but almost all of the suggestions have come from Price Dalton and teh_pwn who are pretty much responsible for my success and many others' success in this thread. They stuck around, threw their scientifically-backed statements and knowledge and it just snowballed from there.

Follow that list and you'll be golden, imo.
Seriously an awesome list, thanks to you, teh_pwn, and Price Dalton for it! I am in a very similar position to Kazoo, and looking to start somewhere.

Also, what's the word on the supplements? Why just D3, Mg Citrate, and Fish Oil? Would a general multivitamin be beneficial?

As always, thanks to everyone in this thread for contributing their knowledge and personal stories!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
SeanR1221 said:
Awesome work, Brinbe!

Here is a little before and after on my part...

Me and my gf when we first started consistent workouts/eating low carb in December...

And us last week...

Your girlfriend is extremely cute!

Nevermind what I said earlier, I had no idea you were so skinny. I may reply later, though.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Ah, I find it so difficult to stay on diet. I've been pretty good this week so far, under 100g of carbs for sure but I don't even know if anything is working.

I do Couch to 5k, so I run 3 times a week but it almost feels like I'm not doing enough. I've just never had success with diets much and the only real weight loss I saw was doing P90x last year and losing 20 lbs, but I put it all back on while unemployed.


Deadly Cyclone said:
Ah, I find it so difficult to stay on diet. I've been pretty good this week so far, under 100g of carbs for sure but I don't even know if anything is working.

I do Couch to 5k, so I run 3 times a week but it almost feels like I'm not doing enough. I've just never had success with diets much and the only real weight loss I saw was doing P90x last year and losing 20 lbs, but I put it all back on while unemployed.

I've tried Couch to 5K and other interval routines like that, but I've never seen it have an impact on my weight loss. It's more about increasing your endurance.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
SS4Gogita said:
Says no soda or fruit juices, but what about milk? I'm all about milk :3

Whole milk is great. Go for pasteurized whole milk from Trader Joe's or Whole Foods. More power to you if you're not lactose intolerant like me. :(

Cryillus said:
Also, what's the word on the supplements? Why just D3, Mg Citrate, and Fish Oil? Would a general multivitamin be beneficial?

I used to take multi-vitamins, but I just depend on the food I eat to get most of my vitamins now. AFAIK, Magnesium, Vitamin D and Omega 3 are the biggest components that people are deficient in so they're the most crucial vitamins to take. I believe NomarTyme also posted a link a few week ago with a list of vitamins for people to take, as well.

Oh and @Brinbe, amazing change, man. I can't believe you have no excess skin after all that weight loss!


Domino Theory said:
Whole milk is great. Go for pasteurized whole milk from Trader Joe's or Whole Foods. More power to you if you're not lactose intolerant like me. :(
Raw milk. It has the lactaid, but it hella expensive.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Zoe said:
I've tried Couch to 5K and other interval routines like that, but I've never seen it have an impact on my weight loss. It's more about increasing your endurance.
Well I figure by the end when I am running 9 miles a week it should do quite a bit. I plan to do p90x again when it's too cold to be outside.


Dreams of a world where inflated review scores save studios
great info in this thread. ill post some pics when i get home


Would I be good in sticking to Gatorade and Water or does Gatorade/Vitamin Water/Powerade contain too much sugar or something. I can do Gatorade everyday if it helps.
Sethos said:
Lately I've been considering easing off the low-carb, going back to a bog standard diet where I can actually go back to eating corner stone of Danish food. I'm honestly getting bored with the diet purely because of the food and I'm just not the kind of guy that starts baking and whipping together all sorts of exotic stuff you have to go all the way to the back of the store to get that usually just ends up nasty any ways. I just want some rye bread, plenty of fruits and the occasional sugar boost.

I did the low-carb because that's the easiest way to lose weight if you aren't really exercising, as the body just seems to shed weight constantly even without exercise but I just feel now, with daily biking and the exercise bike af dinner, I do have enough sustainable burning of fat to maintain a regular diet. ( Keeping it healthy of course )

Plus my stomach is killing me. I'm constipated all the time and my stomach does feel a bit off, even with fiber supplements, the occasional rye bread and lots of veggies now in smoothie form, still no-go.

Not set in stone yet but I'm thinking of slowly increasing my carb intake - IF I was to do this, anything else I need to be aware of except a bit of weight gain perhaps but how to get out of it properly?

My advice would be to make sure the reintroduction of carbs into your diet is very gradual. I've made the mistake in the past of going from under 20g of carbs a day to all of a sudden balls out carb party. The weight comes back VERY quickly if you do that. Like, practically overnight. It's crazy. So ease back into them.

It's certainly very much possible to lose weight without going super low carb. You'll just have to exercise more and it will probably take longer. But there's nothing wrong with that. The exercise will make you feel great and boost your confidence as well, so it's really not a bad route to take at all.

If you decide to do this, I cannot stress enough the importance of staying away from simple carbs as much as possible. Get all of your carbs in the form of complex (sweet potatoes/yams, oatmeal, brown rice) and fibrous (green vegetables) carbs. You can still have your rye bread, but try to save it for a cheat day and pair it with a protein.

While it's not necessary to get under 50g of carbs a day in order to lose weight, I wouldn't ever advise going high carb. But if you stay under, say, 150g of carbs a day (and the vast majority of those carbs are complex/fibrous), and you exercise regularly, you should be able to lose weight.
I just satisfied a sugar craving (ten small and soft baked chocolate chip cookies) and man did it feel good! I can definitely live the rest of my life at less than 150g carbs a day with the occasional binge. It's the perfect lifestyle for a hypochondriac like myself.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Brinbe said:
Awesome story with pics

Amazing, man! Very inspiring.

I wouldn't even think you were the same person comparing the first and last pics.


Kazoo said:
I would I be good in sticking to Gatorade and Water or does Gatorade/Vitamin Water/Powerade contain too much sugar or something. I can do Gatorade everyday if it helps.
Nah, no need for the energy drinks unless you're actually vigorously working out, in which case it'll help. In most other cases, just plain water's good enough. Learn to love it, it'll be your one of your best friends.

And thank you, Zefah, I appreciate it. =)


Brinbe said:
Welp, since I've just about hit maintenance, I thought it was about time to share my tale of weight loss.

You look REALLY good! You should be ultra proud. That's a drastic change.
Brinbe said:
Nah, no need for the energy drinks unless you're actually vigorously working out, in which case it'll help. In most other cases, just plain water's good enough. Learn to love it, it'll be your one of your best friends.

And thank you, Zefah, I appreciate it. =)

Congrats dude now you just gotta get a nice girl! And I second the water doctrine. At least 10 cups a day for me.
Brinbe said:
Awesome job, Sean and Domino! Looking great.

And a humble thanks for the kind comments. I'm not gonna lie, there was a good bit of closure in putting up that post, but my main goal was just showing that achieving your end-goal is possible with hard work and dedication, and I hope those who are in the middle of losing keep it up and reach their own personal levels of satisfaction too. =)

Have you had any issues with loose skin?


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Kazoo said:
This thread is so damn inspiring. I've been down a lot recently and I weigh over 300 plus (ugh). Just today I ate whole heap of food and I just can't keep doing this shit to myself!

So starting tomorrow i'll be starting a diet but what should I do first before I start a workout regime. Should I go to a doctor and get a checkout first?

This is very important: don't hurt yourself with the workout. An injury setback like that in the beginning, even just a pulled muscle, can absolutely blow up your motivation and progress.

What is the worst is to have a setback after the first week or two... after you've kind of pushed through that really difficult initial part, and then you get your progress stunted (sometimes for a few weeks or longer) because you weren't careful. And it's the result of you trying to work hard and get really into it, but it results in frustration. I'm speaking from experience here, and I imagine most would agree.

If you lift, or do calisthenics, or runs... whatever... do a little research first on form and technique (so many good online resources like youtube/gaf) so you don't have an injury. Form is extremely important, especially if you aren't at a healthy weight.

And good luck!

Edit: This is a secondary piece of advice, maybe a bit more controversial... cut fast food out of the diet completely. Even on cheat days, don't do it with that shit unless you're doing that no carb thing where you only eat the meat and cheese or whatever... but just as a rule I'd say avoid that shit entirely. It's a slippery slope that has as much to do with breaking bad habits as it does with nutrition. (of course you might not eat this stuff anyway, which would make this not really apply to your situation. In that case my bad)


Evolved1 said:
This is a secondary piece of advice, maybe a bit more controversial... cut fast food out of the diet completely. Even on cheat days, don't do it with that shit unless you're doing that no carb thing where you only eat the meat and cheese or whatever... but just as a rule I'd say avoid that shit entirely. It's a slippery slope that has as much to do with breaking bad habits as it does with nutrition. (of course you might not eat this stuff anyway, which would make this not really apply to your situation. In that case my bad)
I will second that. Eating junk food on cheat days isn't a good idea. It makes you crave them even more during the rest of the week and such cheat day can easily become two cheat days or a week long cheat day. Cheat day is great, but use it to eat more healthy, but still prohibited food. For example...I'm on a low card diet. Cheat days are days when I eat carbs havy food, but this means fruits, sushi or making a Paella, not swallowing boxes of cookies and litres of coca-cola.


Zefah said:
Your girlfriend is extremely cute!

Nevermind what I said earlier, I had no idea you were so skinny. I may reply later, though.

Thank you and don't worry, it was still good advice.

grap3fruitman said:
I mean no offense when I say this but I think you both look better in the before picture. You guys weren't at all over-weight in any sense. Why did you two feel the need to slim down?

None taken.

We just wanted to workout consistently and eat clean. It's a slippery slope the older you get, and I've seen a lot of people pack on pounds gradually the older they get. I'd say I had bigger results than her, because...

- I was going 5 times a week, she went 3-4 times
- She "cheats" more with sweets
- I'm a boy
- She's allergic to intense exercise, and goes into anaphylactic shock if she pushes it too hard...true story
- She had less to lose starting out

But you can tell her face is slimmer and it's a little hard to see, but her stomach tightened a good deal. On second look, it looks like her boobs shrunk, but that's not the case. That's just a pushup in the first picture :lol

As for me, I think it's most obvious in the face, arms and stomach area. I still have a little belly pouch though, thus why I'd like to cut some fat, then go back to hitting the weights even harder than before.

The funny part is, I'm like 175 in the first picture, and 170 in the second, and it doesn't look like a 5 pound difference to me. That's why I don't pay attention to weight that much, especially when you're lifting weights.


MiDNiGHTS said:
Have you had any issues with loose skin?
Apologies for the for the late reply, but yeah, a little bit. Around my gut, but it's only really noticable when I totally slouch down/bend over and you see it topple over a bit. I suppose that's to be expected with gaining/losing that much weight in the time-frame I did. Luckily, it's not a problem in my day-to-day life other than that, and it has definitely improved over time, it's not a drastic case that requires surgery or anything.

However, I will admit, I'm still apprehensive about taking my shirt off and showing my body off like that. That loose-skin/little bit of gut left/and stretch marks are so unattractive, but I'm learning to live with it.

And thanks, Flink/DK for the nice words. The woman issue is something seemingly more difficult for me than losing a billion pounds, but that's certainly a situation/conversation better saved for girl-age!


Wow, astounding work Brinbe! You now kinda look like that Ex-Gamespot editor Greg Kasavin.

Being of similar height, I'm around th 144 lb mark, but I'd like to get down to 135 lb and then maintain that. If you can come down from 230 lb, then my task is nothing in comparison. Thanks for the inspiration!
Man, I almost wish I had never decided to add exercise workouts to my diet regimen. I'd been doing some light treadmill cardio already but decided to step it up (as much for general health reasons as for weight loss) and now I find myself staring into the perplexing abyss of the BroScience rabbit hole.

I'm not looking to do anything nutty, but I started doing the Power 90 workout (basically the less strenuous/challenging version of P90X, combination of strength/cardio) and I'm reading all kinds of stuff about how I need to add carbs into my diet pre- and post-workout in order to feed my muscles and prevent depletion of lean body mass. I did some googling about exercising on a low-carb diet and there's a ton of contradictory information out there. Mark's Daily Apple (which I trust) seems to fly in the face of traditional bro-science by saying you don't really need carbs after a workout, just protein, so I think I'm going to go with that.

Right now my plan is simply to drink a protein shake made with milk right after my workouts for a protein/carb combo that isn't too carb-heavy. That's really the only carbs I get all day anyway aside from veggies so I feel like I can do it without venturing too far back into danger-carb territory.

Anyway, any thoughts on this appreciated. I definitely am feeling some tiredness and muscle soreness after these new tougher workouts, but I don't know if that's just perfectly normal or because I'm working my muscles too hard and not feeding them enough/properly.


Brinbe said:
Apologies for the for the late reply, but yeah, a little bit. Around my gut, but it's only really noticable when I totally slouch down/bend over and you see it topple over a bit. I suppose that's to be expected with gaining/losing that much weight in the time-frame I did. Luckily, it's not a problem in my day-to-day life other than that, and it has definitely improved over time, it's not a drastic case that requires surgery or anything.

However, I will admit, I'm still apprehensive about taking my shirt off and showing my body off like that. That loose-skin/little bit of gut left/and stretch marks are so unattractive, but I'm learning to live with it.

And thanks, Flink/DK for the nice words. The woman issue is something seemingly more difficult for me than losing a billion pounds, but that's certainly a situation/conversation better saved for girl-age!
You should have used skin creams extensively. Yeah, I know they suck, but it's what's needed. And it's not even about the quality of this stuff (anything decent will do just fine), but more about regular massaging the skin.

You can still try it to get the skin smoother. I would recommend looking at the tightening belts. The kind that women use after pregnancy to help their skin go to it's original state. A month or two wearing this can do you wonders after a big weight loss.

And if all fails, just go to plastic surgeon. You didn't spend this much effort to still be ashamed to take your shirt off.


Gary Whitta said:
Anyway, any thoughts on this appreciated. I definitely am feeling some tiredness and muscle soreness after these new tougher workouts, but I don't know if that's just perfectly normal or because I'm working my muscles too hard and not feeding them enough/properly.
If your primary goal is weight loss, as long as you get enough protein and continue to lift heavy. This will allow to maintain your muscle mass. On a calorie deficit it is unlikely to gain muscle mass, although beginners buck this trend often.

You will feel sore if you are doing new exercises. Everybody's bodies react differently. Some people feel sore after every workout, whereas others rarely feel sore. The way to know if what you doing is right is if you can up the weight of your exercises. Its about progress, start slow and move yourself up. Just like in life don't allow yourself to stagnate.

Get yourself to your ideal weight. If you are satisfied with the way you look, then maintain it. If you aren't satisfied with the way you look then start watching your macros and schedule your intake to achieve the type of body composition you want. Right now, I say eat an abundance of protein and lift as heavy as you can while keeping form intact.


Is there any downside to eating eggs raw? I keep reading about a biotin deficiency...some say its not an issue though.


AiTM said:
Is there any downside to eating eggs raw? I keep reading about a biotin deficiency...some say its not an issue though.

As long as you eat the whole egg you're fine. Eating just the raw white can lead to a biotin deficiency.
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