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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


QP3 said:
Fruit and vegetables!

try and have some with every meal (vegetables as part of meal, fruit as a post-meal dessert)

However, don't increase your fiber intake too fast, and be sure to drink plenty of water as well. The water helps pass all of the fiber through your system

I eat about 4 to 5 servings of vegetables today, but I just feel like I need some more.


omgkitty said:
I eat about 4 to 5 servings of vegetables today, but I just feel like I need some more.

That's certainly a good start!

For perspective, I eat about 3-4 servings of vegetables, and about 6 servings of fruit per day. (plus flax seed, oatmeal, etc.)

You'll know when you have had a good amount, because you won't have any problem going to bathroom :p


Mikey 2x4 said:
- What's the take on Crystal Light packets? When tap water isn't good, I tend to use these to help out. Plus, paying 2.99 to get 20 24 oz servings of tasty water seems like a good trade off to me.

I think everyone agrees that artificial sweeteners aren't good for you. But they aren't really "bad" either. If you have the choice between soda and Crystal Light, almost everyone would say Crystal Light (except the hardcore OMGCANCER group). If it's the only way you can tolerate water, I'd say go for it. I personally don't think they're bad for you at all. Some people link these sweeteners to cancer or to an increase in "cravings" for real sugar, but what doesn't give you cancer these days and I don't have these so-called cravings.

On a different note, for the low-carbers out there, raspberries give a great amount of fiber and don't have much sugar. I throw a 1/2 cup of raspberries with water, ice, and Chocolate Whey and blend it up as my dessert/after evening workout snack and it's like a chocolatey, fruity shake with like only 10g of net carbs.
omgkitty said:
I eat about 4 to 5 servings of vegetables today, but I just feel like I need some more.

Just be sure to eat whole fruits and veggies. Not processed stuff like juice/smoothies/fruit bars. The fiber content is lower in processed foods.


TheTowel said:
Chipotle chicken fajita bowl. No rice or beans, copious amounts of nearly everything else. Fits right into that lc diet.

Why not the salad if you're tossing out the rice and beans?


Sethos said:
Finally, had a fantastic bowel movement after breakfast and my morning coffee - That put me from 19.6 pounds lost to 20.4 pounds and possibly more if I hadn't eaten. Finally, 20 pound goal reached! Onwards and upwards to next goal.

I hit 15 lbs lost this morning. 10 more to go for my goal. I'll probably take 2 weeks off when I get there. And then back to it to lose 10 more.
Not being a dick. I'm being blunt.
There is no such thing as a meat substitute. I could say it in a round about way, if you would prefer.


ipukespiders said:
Not being a dick. I'm being blunt.
There is no such thing as a meat substitute. I could say it in a round about way, if you would prefer.

It's not just that post. Pretty much every post in here comes off like that.

No offense.


ipukespiders said:
Not being a dick. I'm being blunt.
There is no such thing as a meat substitute. I could say it in a round about way, if you would prefer.

From a culinary perspective, tofu definitely has its place as a meat substitute.

If you don't think it's reasonable from a nutritional standpoint, then say that.
SeanR1221 said:
Nah, just spiders.

If I were new to weight loss, I wouldn't find him very supportive, if at all.

Everyone else is really helpful.

Holy, wait a sec, I was joking above. Jeesh. I didn't know you took it that seriously, no offense intended.
If I offended anyone else, sorry.

(and no there is no such thing as a meat substitute)


Tofu looks like a fine meat substitute to me. 10g protein, 5g fat, 1g net carbs per 88 calories. 85% lean ground beef would have 7g protein, 4g fat, 0g carbs per 70 calories.

Almost identical ratios.
TheExodu5 said:
Tofu looks like a fine meat substitute to me. 10g protein, 5g fat, 1g net carbs per 88 calories. 85% lean ground beef would have 7g protein, 4g fat, 0g carbs per 70 calories.

Almost identical ratios.

I suppose that if you're on a high fat, low carb diet (which is the general diet method of posters here), tofu is just too low in fat (which I think is what Spiders meant to get across). I think this is the best thread on GAF, so I love all of the supportive posters here. You guys rock.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Mr. Serious Business said:
I suppose that if you're on a high fat, low carb diet (which is the general diet method of posters here), tofu is just too low in fat (which I think is what Spiders meant to get across). I think this is the best thread on GAF, so I love all of the supportive posters here. You guys rock.

And tofu tastes like shit. There's always that.

Today's eating:

4 flying dutchmens from In N Out
82% Dark Chocolate Bar



Mr. Serious Business said:
I suppose that if you're on a high fat, low carb diet (which is the general diet method of posters here), tofu is just too low in fat (which I think is what Spiders meant to get across). I think this is the best thread on GAF, so I love all of the supportive posters here. You guys rock.
2:1 protein:fat seems fairly high in fat to me, at least the tofu I looked up. It's not exactly hard to add fat to your diet anyways.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
This thread is about inspiration and support for people who are overweight and ready to turn it around... anyone who is too dogmatic about their particular regimen to acknowledge viable alternatives should probably take their act over to the nutrition thread.
At the beginning of July I hit 251 pounds which was the most I had ever weighed. I decided that it was time for change, but I'm not big on exercise.

I've lost 16 pounds in about five weeks by not eating bread or pasta, and reducing sugar and rice. I have also cut my portions down, by quite a bit, but that was a little bit gradual. After about three weeks, I was "full" much faster and didn't eat as much. My wife had to adjust and stop piling up my dinner plate. I was not "cleaning my plate".

I pretty much just eat eggs for breakfast (with one tall cup of coffee), and leftovers from the previous evening for lunch. The evening meal consists of chicken cutlet, turkey cutlet, or beef (usually ground, like in a chili) with frozen or canned vegetables. I eat a lot of stir fry.

Snacks while at work are usually almonds, and I drink between a half gallon to a full gallon of water while at work (probably average 3/4 of a gallon).

I don't think that this weight loss will keep continuing, I assume, so I think that Phase 2 of this change must include exercise.

I tried running a year or so ago, and just couldn't hack it. Half way around the block I'd be ready to quit. I think that something less... intense.... as running should be in order.

At 6' tall, I'm not really sure what my ideal weight is. I think that the BMI weight is a joke. I couldn't imagine myself at 185 pounds. My build is pretty muscular.


Yeah my appetite has been dying down as well. It's nice to feel satisfied after a meal, without feeling bloated and lethargic.

Also, your weight loss will continue with diet alone. Running is going to help your cardiovascular health, but is not really a tool that should be used to lose weight.
TheExodu5 said:
Yeah my appetite has been dying down as well. It's nice to feel satisfied after a meal, without feeling bloated and lethargic.

Also, your weight loss will continue with diet alone. Running is going to help your cardiovascular health, but is not really a tool that should be used to lose weight.
Well that's good to know! I wasn't planning on running due to my horrible experience with it before. I just figured that I should do something to get my heart rate up and burn more calories. I guess that exercise would expedite the weight loss?

I'm happy with losing what I have in what I feel a short amount of time. I guess all of the stories I have heard of people exercising their ass off and not losing much weight, must be because they still make bad food choices with carbs and sugar?
blindrocket said:
Well that's good to know! I wasn't planning on running due to my horrible experience with it before. I just figured that I should do something to get my heart rate up and burn more calories. I guess that exercise would expedite the weight loss?

I'm happy with losing what I have in what I feel a short amount of time. I guess all of the stories I have heard of people exercising their ass off and not losing much weight, must be because they still make bad food choices with carbs and sugar?

Exercise is a double edged sword.
It does burn energy, but it also makes you hungrier. And it specifically makes you hungry for carbs.
That's why a lot of people here recommend lifting weights instead of cardio, since it burns fat and you aren't doing it for along period of time.
blindrocket said:
Well that's good to know! I wasn't planning on running due to my horrible experience with it before. I just figured that I should do something to get my heart rate up and burn more calories. I guess that exercise would expedite the weight loss?

I'm happy with losing what I have in what I feel a short amount of time. I guess all of the stories I have heard of people exercising their ass off and not losing much weight, must be because they still make bad food choices with carbs and sugar?

Walking will help and low intesity strength training is a good idea as well.

Pretty much anything that will get you up and moving is recommended and will help not only with your weight loss, but your basic health and state of mind. Also will help reduce loose skin and get you some tone and definition.
AceBandage said:
Exercise is a double edged sword.
It does burn energy, but it also makes you hungrier. And it specifically makes you hungry for carbs.
That's why a lot of people here recommend lifting weights instead of cardio, since it burns fat and you aren't doing it for along period of time.

Light exercise actually decreases my hunger, but maybe that's just me.

In any case, it's more beneficial to exercise, even if you do end up eating a little more.


not characteristic of ants at all
Evolved1 said:
This thread is about inspiration and support for people who are overweight and ready to turn it around... anyone who is too dogmatic about their particular regimen to acknowledge viable alternatives should probably take their act over to the nutrition thread.
I agree with you whole-heartedly. Unfortunately, if you eat a carb in this thread you are deemed an insulin lover.
Was given a ~ 4lb salmon today. Already cleaned, head off.
Split it along the spine and threw it on the bbq (over a sheet of alum foil). Best salmon I every had. Salt and pepper is all it needed.
blindrocket said:
I tried running a year or so ago, and just couldn't hack it. Half way around the block I'd be ready to quit. I think that something less... intense.... as running should be in order.

I am, without a doubt, the laziest person on the planet. I, like you, could not stand running but I bought an ipod and it helped a shit ton. Not only did it help prevent my self from hearing my heavy breathing (which was discouraging) it also offers cheap apps that log your progress. Within a couple of weeks I saw progress in terms of definition on my body.

You have to convince yourself to be let down with yourself if you dont get out and run. Guilt trip :)


Guys I need some help on some resources. Ever since I started this diet, my Dad has been hounding the shit out of me. I live at home and he still buys the food, and it's getting to a point that he's going to stop buying me anything if I don't explain to him why my diet works. I have lost around 5 or 6 pounds since starting, but he thinks its bullshit and says I can lose that going to the bathroom. Most of my information comes from here and movies like Fat Head and Gary Taubes (Good Calories, Bad Calories). I need a site or two that I can show my dad to explain to him why most of what he believes is bullshit. He's on some crazy ass expensive diet that tastes like absolute shit, and he thinks I am stupid. I want to keep eating bacon, whole milk and butter. So can somebody help me with something that could sum um my point in 10 to 15 minutes?


Is it unhealthy to loose too much weight too quickly?

I started counting calories 2 weeks ago. I was completely shocked by how much I was eating after typing in my daily intake into my HTC Surround's Livestrong app. I thought I'd try to lower my calorie intake to the app's recommended 1700 calories per day. I was 240 when I started 2 weeks ago and now I'm 220. I wasn't expecting to loose so much so soon. The only thing I've really changed was removing my daily doses of fastfood and soda and not eating till I was full.

I was hoping to lose maybe 2 pounds a week but wasn't expecting 10 per week. Should I be worried about losing so much weight so quickly?
deduce said:
Is it unhealthy to loose too much weight too quickly?

I started counting calories 2 weeks ago. I was completely shocked by how much I was eating after typing in my daily intake into my HTC Surround's Livestrong app. I thought I'd try to lower my calorie intake to the app's recommended 1700 calories per day. I was 240 when I started 2 weeks ago and now I'm 220. I wasn't expecting to loose so much so soon. The only thing I've really changed was removing my daily doses of fastfood and soda and not eating till I was full.

I was hoping to lose maybe 2 pounds a week but wasn't expecting 10 per week. Should I be worried about losing so much weight so quickly?

Probably water weight from all the sodium you're no longer getting from fast food and soda.


Sennorin said:
Don´t worry, that´s normal. Most of what you lost is water.

Jamesfrom818 said:
Probably water weight from all the sodium you're no longer getting from fast food and soda.
Ok, good to hear. I've been at around 240 for a good while now and was surprised by the drastic drop.


Eh, losing 20 pounds in two weeks by strictly dieting when only 240 pounds (unless you're extremely short and quite overweight?) is pretty significant, even when you consider water weight.


harSon said:
Eh, losing 20 pounds in two weeks by strictly dieting when only 240 pounds (unless you're extremely short and quite overweight?) is pretty significant, even when you consider water weight.
Well, I'm 5'10". I was originally 180 but hurt my back, stopped working out, then just started eating whatever I wanted whenever. Few years later I'm at 240 with no one to blame but myself. Even when I was 180, I never watched what I ate so dieting is still new to me but it isn't as difficult as I thought it would be.
omgkitty said:
Guys I need some help on some resources. Ever since I started this diet, my Dad has been hounding the shit out of me. I live at home and he still buys the food, and it's getting to a point that he's going to stop buying me anything if I don't explain to him why my diet works. I have lost around 5 or 6 pounds since starting, but he thinks its bullshit and says I can lose that going to the bathroom. Most of my information comes from here and movies like Fat Head and Gary Taubes (Good Calories, Bad Calories). I need a site or two that I can show my dad to explain to him why most of what he believes is bullshit. He's on some crazy ass expensive diet that tastes like absolute shit, and he thinks I am stupid. I want to keep eating bacon, whole milk and butter. So can somebody help me with something that could sum um my point in 10 to 15 minutes?

Maybe more than 10-15 minutes but try this. You don't need to register to read it, but it is censored so it can read kinda weird - "gently caress" = "fuck" etc.
I read the new posts daily, and their is some brillant people on there.


Buckethead said:
I've been plateauing as of late. Grrrrrrrr.

What are you eating? There are lots of things to try to break a stall, but we have to know first what you are doing now.
Jamesfrom818 said:
Change up your exercise routine. I'm getting bored of just running so I'm going to add swimming and cycling.
I'd love to swim, unfortunately don't have access to a pool.

Need to figure something out though.
ipukespiders said:
What are you eating? There are lots of things to try to break a stall, but we have to know first what you are doing now.
Breakfast - Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal everyday
Lunch - Turkey Sandwich most days, if not: Chicken salads
Dinner - Mostly chicken (veg: green beans or broccoli), other things: 85/15 burger, occasional amount of bread
Snacks - Blueberries/raspberries, Carrots, seldomly popcorn
Misc: Ketchup, Caesar Dressing
Post Workout - Eggs

Carbs average 125-135g

Been keeping track of all quantities. Was running 2-3 miles a day, did less endurance added in sprints. Lifting 3 times/week.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
You're certainly in luck!

Lots of room for improvement in your diet if you want to get past that plateau. Cut the grains and watch the fat melt away.


Birthday coming up, asking Mum to not cook the traditional lasagna and pasta smorgasbord (which I usually love). Instead, tacos and burritos! Nowhere near as low carb as my usual diet, but it's far better than shitloads of pasta.

Still having cake, though :D
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