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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Messi said:
I am like a gentle giant though. Don't want to be scaring off potential womens by looking like an actual monster.

Me with muscles i'd look really wierd.


Girls like manly men, not gently giants

Just look at the guys ladies ogle at on the movie theater: Hug Jackman, big hairy strong. Robert Downey Jr, hairy, strong, smooth.

And that's precisely what you need to get that flabbiness out of your body, a little bit of muscle


Alright, update time.

I've been counting calories and starting to get a routine. I always give up at this time because I do too much. My old plan was to keep my calories under 2000 and work out every weekday. While I eventually would like to get there, it's just unrealistic to start there. So what I'm doing is eating under ~2500 calories per day and working out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Two weeks later and I find it's not too hard. May 17th I'm going to start working out every weekday, then May 31st I'm going to cut back on calories.

So far, so good. I've only lost four pounds in two and a half weeks, but I'm happy for the weight I've lost. I'd rather lose one pound a week than lose 30, give up, and balloon back up. I also feel better. I don't run out of breath quite as fast (very slight at the moment) and I feel like I have more energy.


April 26th - 282
May 7th - 278

Edit: Numbers were wrong.
After a month of cutting my beer consumption by over 90%, watching my food intake a little better, and increasing my bike riding, I have cut my weight by 20lbs from 251lbs to 231lbs. I wonder how long this fast paced lost of weight will last before my weight loss slows down.
hectorse said:

Girls like manly men, not gently giants

Just look at the guys ladies ogle at on the movie theater: Hug Jackman, big hairy strong. Robert Downey Jr, hairy, strong, smooth.

And that's precisely what you need to get that flabbiness out of your body, a little bit of muscle

Hug Jackman is pretty hot i guess


bastionwords said:
After a month of cutting my beer consumption by over 90%, watching my food intake a little better, and increasing my bike riding, I have cut my weight by 20lbs from 251lbs to 231lbs. I wonder how long this fast paced lost of weight will last before my weight loss slows down.

Generally, it seems like you can keep losing most of the excess fat really quickly. It seems for most people (myself included) it slows down when there's just a little extra left. It's the last 10 pounds or so that take the longest. So depending on your size, next month you may be down to 210-215 if you keep at it. So keep at it!
MercuryLS said:
Seriously. I've got a thin build, so no matter how much I lift and eat the best I can attain is to be a skinny but fit dude. I can never be huge, you can like hectorse said, be a monster.
Bullshit. Eat and drink more. If genetics forced us into specific body shapes, we wouldn't have people completely transforming their bodies all the time.

A decade ago, I went up from the stereotypical 6'1" 160 pound skinny geek to 200 pound normal guy easily. I think it's impossible for me to ever go back down below 190 now. Overeat like crazy, and when you gain the weight, work out like crazy. I destroyed my metabolism, but I don't care. I'm exercising all the time for fun anyway.


This low carb diet is just fucking excellent. I've lost 25 lbs so far this year (8ish of those lbs from the low carb diet i just started). Down from 242 to 217

Im looking better than i ever have, feeling much more energetic, and confidence is through the roof. And no end in sight to my progress!

So very pumped


EzLink said:
This low carb diet is just fucking excellent. I've lost 25 lbs so far this year (8ish of those lbs from the low carb diet i just started). Down from 242 to 217

Im looking better than i ever have, feeling much more energetic, and confidence is through the roof. And no end in sight to my progress!

So very pumped
Isn't it a great feeling? I just started mine but I can already tell a difference, both physically and mentally.


Einbroch said:
Isn't it a great feeling? I just started mine but I can already tell a difference, both physically and mentally.

Yes, its awesome. Especially because its so new. I can't remember a time in my life where I haven't been fat. Obviously I'm still very fat (I need to get down to around 180ish), but man I feel like the goal is going to be inevitable at this point unless I intentionally try to sabotage myself


Jew Gamer
Alright... working construction I've been toning my legs, my arms, etc. into nice shape buuuut the appetite that comes with hard work (my shoulder... is killing... me) is giving me a soft belly.

I'm now back into the "weight loss" part of this again guys haha, aiming to hit 170 when I record in July! (30 lbs in 2 months, its going to be an intense goal... but if I even make it to 180 before that happens I'll be happy)

Oh yeah... and I'm back into music again. Working has really made me happy, fuck you economy you couldn't keep me down!!!
Messi, you remind me of when i first started out. Congrats on winning the battle thus far. If you ever need support you can talk to me! Started at 370 now down to 225. YOU CAN DO IT!
My food today:

Breakfast - 2 Eggs, 3 strips of bacon
Lunch 1 - Salmon with olive oil
Lunch 2 - 1/4 white chicken @ Boston Market w/Creamed Spinach
Dinner - Whatever my dad fires up on the Grill(Chicken/Pork)
Snack - Almonds


talisayNon said:
My food today:

Breakfast - 2 Eggs, 3 strips of bacon
Lunch 1 - Salmon with olive oil
Lunch 2 - 1/4 white chicken @ Boston Market w/Creamed Spinach
Dinner - Whatever my dad fires up on the Grill(Chicken/Pork)
Snack - Almonds
Pretty good man. I eat more eggs though. :D

Been low carbing for a month now! lost over 13-14 pounds. Feeling damn good!


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
About 6 weeks in my low carb diet, 7 lbs net weight down, 2 inches off my waist (34" to 32").

In terms of my waist circumference, I'm about half way to my goal. However, considering about a half of an inch is probably due to lost water weight due to superior kidney function (high insulin causes kidneys to retain salt), I'd say I'm 1/3 towards my goal.

I'm also doing more weight training, and improving strength.

I decided to have one cheat meal tonight: a large pizza. Surprisingly I couldn't eat more than 1/3 of it. I usually would eat one half mentally holding myself back, only to eat the rest later. But 1/3 today and I'm absolutely stuffed. My insulin sensitivity must be improving.

The only thing that sucks about this diet is that at times my breath smells/tastes like an overly ripe apple. Ketones supposedly do that.
teh_pwn said:
About 6 weeks in my low carb diet, 7 lbs net weight down, 2 inches off my waist (34" to 32").

In terms of my waist circumference, I'm about half way to my goal. However, considering about a half of an inch is probably due to lost water weight due to superior kidney function (high insulin causes kidneys to retain salt), I'd say I'm 1/3 towards my goal.

I'm also doing more weight training, and improving strength.

I decided to have one cheat meal tonight: a large pizza. Surprisingly I couldn't eat more than 1/3 of it. I usually would eat one half mentally holding myself back, only to eat the rest later. But 1/3 today and I'm absolutely stuffed. My insulin sensitivity must be improving.

The only thing that sucks about this diet is that at times my breath smells/tastes like an overly ripe apple. Ketones supposedly do that.
So for the low carb people, I've been giving it over a week now, less than 50g of carbs per day, eating lots of eggs, fish, cheese, beef, chicken, low carb leafy greens like a ton of fresh spinach, etc. I've actually eaten probably 20% more net calories than I had been previously eating for the last month or so (lost 70 pounds these last 4 months by calorie counting and running a lot). Problem is I feel like shit all week. Is that normal during this transition to low carb? No energy, generally feeling lethargic and weak.

General day to give you an idea -
Breakfast - 2 fried eggs, 2 slices of bacon
snack - some beef jerky
lunch - large spinach salad with balsamic, often with a small bag of tuna mixed in it
snack - handful of almonds
dinner - fish or chicken or beef with some broccoli


Wish I had a before picture. I started at around 240-250 last year and am currently at 180! Getting close to my goal of 170!


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
elrechazao said:
So for the low carb people, I've been giving it over a week now, less than 50g of carbs per day, eating lots of eggs, fish, cheese, beef, chicken, low carb leafy greens like a ton of fresh spinach, etc. I've actually eaten probably 20% more net calories than I had been previously eating for the last month or so (lost 70 pounds these last 4 months by calorie counting and running a lot). Problem is I feel like shit all week. Is that normal during this transition to low carb? No energy, generally feeling lethargic and weak.

General day to give you an idea -
Breakfast - 2 fried eggs, 2 slices of bacon
snack - some beef jerky
lunch - large spinach salad with balsamic, often with a small bag of tuna mixed in it
snack - handful of almonds
dinner - fish or chicken or beef with some broccoli

The first few days were definitely lethargic/weak. By 1 week in I felt fine without physical activity. By week 2 I could do squats without feeling any weaker, and later I felt stronger than before. Sometimes I do feel weak going home from work (6 hours after my lunch), but after eating I feel fine. What's weird is that fatigue now is the symptom of needing to eat and not hunger.

One thing you could do is buy Ketosis strips. You can find them at Walgreens/pharmacy shops. Usually in the diabetics section.

If you're not even seeing a trace or higher of ketones, that would explain your fatigue. Part of the initial fatigue is because your body hasn't switched over to Ketones to fuel the brain and heart. Once you hit ketosis, your body is efficiently using body and dietary fat as fuel and your energy should go up.

Your diet seems fine. Does that dinner have low fat beef/chicken? If you're not getting enough fat I could see your evening being a little low on calories.

And if you still don't feel well after a couple of more weeks on a low carb diet, I'd go back to what you were doing. It just may work better with your body.
teh_pwn said:
The first few days were definitely lethargic/weak. By 1 week in I felt fine without physical activity. By week 2 I could do squats without feeling any weaker, and later I felt stronger than before. Sometimes I do feel weak going home from work (6 hours after my lunch), but after eating I feel fine. What's weird is that fatigue now is the symptom of needing to eat and not hunger.

One thing you could do is buy Ketosis strips. You can find them at Walgreens/pharmacy shops. Usually in the diabetics section.

If you're not even seeing a trace or higher of ketones, that would explain your fatigue. Part of the initial fatigue is because your body hasn't switched over to Ketones to fuel the brain and heart. Once you hit ketosis, your body is efficiently using body and dietary fat as fuel and your energy should go up.

Your diet seems fine. Does that dinner have low fat beef/chicken? If you're not getting enough fat I could see your evening being a little low on calories.

And if you still don't feel well after a couple of more weeks on a low carb diet, I'd go back to what you were doing. It just may work better with your body.
I'm going to give this a few weeks, as I know that the body can take a while to adjust. I'm getting plenty of fat from bacon and 80/20 ground beef, so I don't think that's the problem. Probably just the initial switch over.

Friday I did cheat and have some carbs (whole wheat pasta and a few low sugar granola bars during the day, and a bunch of fruit) because I didn't want to screw with my 15 mile run on saturday. hopefully that doesn't screw with what I'm trying to do otherwise. It sure helped on the run though, as I felt a lot better than I had during the week.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
elrechazao said:
I'm going to give this a few weeks, as I know that the body can take a while to adjust. I'm getting plenty of fat from bacon and 80/20 ground beef, so I don't think that's the problem. Probably just the initial switch over.

Friday I did cheat and have some carbs (whole wheat pasta and a few low sugar granola bars during the day, and a bunch of fruit) because I didn't want to screw with my 15 mile run on saturday. hopefully that doesn't screw with what I'm trying to do otherwise. It sure helped on the run though, as I felt a lot better than I had during the week.

One other thing worth trying: take 1/4 of a teaspoon of iodized salt. Probably want to drink some water with it.

I'm suggesting this because:

1. Low carb diets lowers insulin, lower insulin causes kidneys to excrete salt into urine more easily.
2. Lots of the foods you are eating are low in salt.
3. Lots of the foods that you listed and lots of the foods in a low carb diet are high in goitrogens. They reduce thyroid function, and iodine increases thyroid function.

Hypothyroid causes fatigue, weakness, etc.

I also take a multi-vitamin just to be sure I'm not missing anything.
Howdie do dah

Well I am just going to say this thread has got my inspirations up again...I put on some weight after a tough year and I have a prostetic joint so I've gone quite round

So I decided to sort myself out via:

-Swimming in the mornings before work
-Gym after work (alternate days than swimming
-Running, cross trainer, biking and then rowing

Hope to post up soon!


Triple A-thread this. Good job everyone.

Been over 100kilos in university, i think i was at 104 when I was at the bottom. That was a few years ago. Since then i`ve been yoyoing a lot weightwise. Riding my roadbike in the summer and getting pretty stagnant in the winter.
Started running for the first time in my life last autumn and then decided to start using the gym next to the place where i work when it got to cold to run outside. They had a couple of threadmills there and i decided to give it a shot.
Right now I`ve been running monday-friday and trying to do 50k a week waging a brutal war on calories and fat. Lessons? Don`t get a hunch one day that you should max out and see how far you could run in a day. I made half a marathon and then got runners knee for tree months so i am basically starting again. Right now at around 180 pounds/81 kilos but want to get under 80 continuosly. Oh, and drink lots of water.


Quick check in!

startingcweight: 364 pounds
check in 2 weight: 327.6 pounds
check in 3 weight: 315 pounds

New Weight: 295 pounds

So I think that is a pretty large milestone, now clocking in under 300 pounds. So I am pretty delighted. I feel so much better about myself. thumbs up peeps. Now lets keep going.

New Pic just for funsies. Yes I am wearing a chelsea shirt. What can I say I like the new kit. But I bleed FC Barcelona



Just for comparison. This is the peak of my weight. I used to think this was ok. its only looking at these pics now that I relise the mass amount that I have lost and I now can't look at pictures from the last few years. Well I am better for it.




Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
MoxManiac said:
Wish I had a before picture. I started at around 240-250 last year and am currently at 180! Getting close to my goal of 170!

Wow, that's impressive. How many months did that take you?


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
elrechazao, if you are running as far as 15 miles at a brisk pace, your body may be telling you that it needs glycogen to feed itself to sustain those efforts. You could try backing off on the intense cardio until your body is fully adjusted to a low carb diet and it is efficiently harvesting energy from fat stores. But even after an adjustment period if you run that much your body will probably crave quick glycogen producers.


Gabriel Knight
So today I am booking my wedding photographer and time to lose the weight - Im 6'2 weigh about 240 - want to lean up and lose about 20 lbs - my problem is that I have a lot of muscle and it seems to keep my weight up - what are some ways to keep that muscle but lost the fat? I want to hit my goal by october 15


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Schattenjagger said:
So today I am booking my wedding photographer and time to lose the weight - Im 6'2 weigh about 240 - want to lean up and lose about 20 lbs - my problem is that I have a lot of muscle and it seems to keep my weight up - what are some ways to keep that muscle but lost the fat? I want to hit my goal by october 15
moderate cardio (running 45 minutes/day) alone would do that EASILY as long as you metabolize calories normally and aren't overeating. would probably take a good chunk to October (like a pound a week) but you wouldn't even have to do a diet in there aside from eating reasonably (i.e. limit bad fats and simple carbs/sugars). If you want to get there a little faster, doing even a 500 calorie deficit from maintenance levels could cut that time in half and in the end really isn't a difficult diet to maintain.

your body won't really "lose muscle" on it's own. Your body doesn't metabolize muscle for energy except as a very last resort. Thus the only typical way to really lose muscle is atrophy/reduction from lack of normal use..

basically if you have muscle now, keep doing what you are doing, and throw enough cardio in there to go into fat burning mode but don't hit too high of a caloric deficit, there should be no reason that you would lose muscle while burning fat, especially at a 20lbs target. if you were talking about 50lb. or more it would be much more likely that you would be losing muscle mass as a result of your muscles not working as hard to support all of that weight. 20lb should be nothing close to that.

edit - I still have 6-8 pounds to go to my goal weight (currently stuck at 44lbs. lost) but being I've been struggling through my last desired 10lb goal I might just post pictures this week. well, not struggling.. my waist has actually dropped 2" during this slowed period.. I am just putting on muscle pretty much as fast as I am taking off fat at this point.. or close enough at least. also not the most stunning face to look at, so it's getting over that hurdle as well :p


Dang, I wish I could participate in this thread with pictures, but seeing as I'm about to start up belly dancing again after I move out of Valencia (I graduate on Friday and move back to L.A. and next to my old belly dancing studio) that will have to wait.

Better take that before picture now, I guess.


So I need some advice and figure this is as good a topic as any to ask for it. See I'm fairly skinny looking and weigh about 185 pounds however I my problem comes in the form of a pot belly. I need to know a good way to lose it. For about three weeks I've stopped drinking soda and have been walking for a couple hours every day but all that's happening is I'm losing weight everywhere but the pot belly. So is there a good way to focus on making the pot belly smaller or will I just have to continue the way I'm doing it now?
Alright, so here is my story. At my absolute max weight, I was at about 240-245 last Spring. Then I was on a TV program where they required me to lose weight. I lost about 25 pounds on the show(went from 245-220), then I went down to 200 by May. So from February to May I dropped 45 pounds. Then, unfortunately, I broke my ankle.

My mentors told me not to let up on my diet, but, I was broken on my couch, for 3 months. I really didn't put any weight on during the Summer, but then during the fall, I couldn't work out due to my ankle. Fast forward to today, after a year of falling back into my old ways, I am back up to about 237 or so(not a fair weigh-in as it was right after a nice meal).

Starting today, I am back on my old diet and exercise routine. Low-Carb, Low-Calorie, High-Protein.

I went grocery shopping and bought fresh spinach, yogurt, fruits, veggies, nuts, meats, everything I will need. I'm really excited for this, as I am eager to get back in shape like I was. One of the worst feelings was this weekend not going to the River with a bunch of my friends and thinking(damn, I wouldn't want to take my shirt off).

I'll post a before picture tomorrow.


Kard8p3 said:
So I need some advice and figure this is as good a topic as any to ask for it. See I'm fairly skinny looking and weigh about 185 pounds however I my problem comes in the form of a pot belly. I need to know a good way to lose it. For about three weeks I've stopped drinking soda and have been walking for a couple hours every day but all that's happening is I'm losing weight everywhere but the pot belly. So is there a good way to focus on making the pot belly smaller or will I just have to continue the way I'm doing it now?

Stomach is always the last area. Just keep working at it.


Gabriel Knight
I need suggestions for breakfast - this egg white and cheese on rye toast every morning cannot be that good for me - I hate oatmeal - maybe start boiling eggs ?


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
You can spice it up an omelet with varied ingredients. Mushrooms, peppers, onion, top it with salsa. Of course Rocky just ate raw eggs and almost beat Apollo Creed.


o_O @_@ O_o
Mentioned this in the fitness GAF thread, but through the Rapid Fat Loss method, I lost about 45 pounds in 8 weeks. Started at 290 (6'1" here) and ended at 245. Stopped about a month ago, and I've managed to only go up 5 or 6 pounds which I'll attribute to a normal bounce back post-diet.

My goal is to lean down to about 215-225 before hitting the gym and doing strength training to cut down the remaining fat and start reshaping my body as I see fit. As such, I think I'll be doing another run on the RFL program in June after I'm done with my vacation.

I could dig up some pictures, but I don't really think I look different at all. However, my clothes fit way better, so I'm happy enough with that for now.
For the guys with uninrows I'd highly recoend getting some tweezers and plucking the excess instead of shvung. You can't mess up and it won't grow back as fast.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
BreakyBoy said:
I could dig up some pictures, but I don't really think I look different at all. However, my clothes fit way better, so I'm happy enough with that for now.
I still plan on putting up pictures this week, but this is EXACTLY how I feel. Without my shirt on you can definitely tell a noticeable difference.. but in clothes (I always wore baggy-ish clothes) you can't see a clear night and day difference. Granted I'm not at 50 pounds lost yet... but still, I always noticed the weight in my face in the mirror, and now I don't think I look tremendously different. but yeah, my waist size is down around 6" or so. :p


Gabriel Knight
Ugh just heard a commercial on the radio for weight loss smoothies .. " I lost 30lbs in 30 days!!!"
don't you know that is unhealthy - the more people hear this, the more people think it's ok
Kard8p3 said:
So I need some advice and figure this is as good a topic as any to ask for it. See I'm fairly skinny looking and weigh about 185 pounds however I my problem comes in the form of a pot belly. I need to know a good way to lose it. For about three weeks I've stopped drinking soda and have been walking for a couple hours every day but all that's happening is I'm losing weight everywhere but the pot belly. So is there a good way to focus on making the pot belly smaller or will I just have to continue the way I'm doing it now?

How can you be losing weight everywhere if your pot belly is the problem?

I'm really curious how tall/built you are to describe yourself as skinny at 185 lbs. Likely you're going to have to lose more weight and do much more work than you thought. For reference, at 175 at 5'8" I didn't start losing a gut until I got under 150.


RiskyChris said:
How can you be losing weight everywhere if your pot belly is the problem?

I'm really curious how tall/built you are to describe yourself as skinny at 185 lbs. Likely you're going to have to lose more weight and do much more work than you thought. For reference, at 175 at 5'8" I didn't start losing a gut until I got under 150.

Youre 5'8" and didnt start to lose a gut until under 150? I am now officially using you as a reference for myself :D

Im 5'7" and 171lbs and still have this floppy sack of a stomach. Some of it might be loose skin but Im not ready to run off to the doctor to have it hacked off until Im absolutely sure that it cant be removed with just lowering my bf% more.
Guileless said:
elrechazao, if you are running as far as 15 miles at a brisk pace, your body may be telling you that it needs glycogen to feed itself to sustain those efforts. You could try backing off on the intense cardio until your body is fully adjusted to a low carb diet and it is efficiently harvesting energy from fat stores. But even after an adjustment period if you run that much your body will probably crave quick glycogen producers.
My long runs are once a week, and I run at about a ten minute mile pace when running more than ten miles like that. Other days (4 days during the week) I generally run 3-5 miles depending on the day at a much faster pace. The general malaise and fatigue came later - basically I did a 12 miler on a saturday, started low carbing it that day, and from that saturday to the next friday was when I was feeling shitty and fatigued.

Now, a few caveats: 1. I ate a lot more calories that week compared to the week before, because I knew my body would not be able to sustain low cal + low carb and do all the cardio I've been doing. 2. Feeling better now, but I have been eating a *few* more carbs this week generally, although still been doing all right. It's just that I have had a few moments of failure - ate one donut yesterday, two cookies on sunday, etc. But no big binges or anything. (max of 100g of carbs on two days, 50ish or less on all other days since last sunday). So I'm not sure if the feeling better and more energetic is due to sneaking more carbs in this week, body adjusting, or some combo of both. Since I'm going to go totally undisciplined this weekend (big get together, don't ask), I'm not doing too well being scientific about this whole thing, but starting monday I will be back on it, and hardcore.
elrechazao said:
My long runs are once a week, and I run at about a ten minute mile pace when running more than ten miles like that. Other days (4 days during the week) I generally run 3-5 miles depending on the day at a much faster pace. The general malaise and fatigue came later - basically I did a 12 miler on a saturday, started low carbing it that day, and from that saturday to the next friday was when I was feeling shitty and fatigued.

Now, a few caveats: 1. I ate a lot more calories that week compared to the week before, because I knew my body would not be able to sustain low cal + low carb and do all the cardio I've been doing. 2. Feeling better now, but I have been eating a *few* more carbs this week generally, although still been doing all right. It's just that I have had a few moments of failure - ate one donut yesterday, two cookies on sunday, etc. But no big binges or anything. (max of 100g of carbs on two days, 50ish or less on all other days since last sunday). So I'm not sure if the feeling better and more energetic is due to sneaking more carbs in this week, body adjusting, or some combo of both. Since I'm going to go totally undisciplined this weekend (big get together, don't ask), I'm not doing too well being scientific about this whole thing, but starting monday I will be back on it, and hardcore.

I think carbs<100g is a good deal! Just wait


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Schattenjagger said:
Ugh just heard a commercial on the radio for weight loss smoothies .. " I lost 30lbs in 30 days!!!"
don't you know that is unhealthy - the more people hear this, the more people think it's ok

Yeah, I'm not sure this is even possible. Even on Atkins/ketogenic people lose at most 20 lbs in 1 month, and about 5 is water weight. I can't think of anything else that would allow them to make 30 lbs.
30 pounds in 30 days isn't that crazy depending on starting weight. For someone at 300+ pounds, with diet and exercise it's actually low from some of the results I've seen in real life. But yeah, these things are scammy bullshit. There's one on the radio all the time lately:

"try our new shake, it fills you up so you don't want to eat, because it has our special appetite suppresant callled Apamine! Jill lost 7 pounds in 3 days just from drinking our smoothie!"


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Kard8p3 said:
So I need some advice and figure this is as good a topic as any to ask for it. See I'm fairly skinny looking and weigh about 185 pounds however I my problem comes in the form of a pot belly. I need to know a good way to lose it. For about three weeks I've stopped drinking soda and have been walking for a couple hours every day but all that's happening is I'm losing weight everywhere but the pot belly. So is there a good way to focus on making the pot belly smaller or will I just have to continue the way I'm doing it now?

That kind of fat distribution is hormonal. Some of it may be genetic, but generally reducing insulin and alcohol can reduce fat distribution in that area.*

Edit: I think. I don't remember the details about what Taubes talked about with hormonal fat distribution.


Not an asshole.
Man this thread is pretty inspiring. Over the past 1.5 years I went from about 255 to 210 (presently) but I've been stagnating recently since breaking my arm. You guys are motivating me to get back to it and get to my goal of 190ish.

Here's me way back in early 2007 at 260, though.


I'm trying to find a good present-day picture but facebook is failing. But I was wearing XXL/XL back then and am now wearing nothing but L. So that's good. I'm 210 here.


I'll do better pictures soon. This isn't really cutting it. But yeah, time to start exercising again and eating better :D


Not an asshole.
elrechazao said:
good job kodiak - how tall are you?


and because of this thread I'm gonna have a bowl of kashi instead of cooking up that frozen pizza that's been taunting me every time I go to the kitchen.

edit: and the weight goal for me really isn't that important. It's much more about looking better, improving my confidence, and increasing my level of fitness.
My family has a Keurig coffee maker that I've been using lately. I like my coffee black so I'm not adding sugar or creamer. From what I've read this is low carb (or no carbs?). I'm worried about the caffeine, though, and whether or not it raises insulin levels. Does anybody know about this?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
New Haven Sandstorm said:
My family has a Keurig coffee maker that I've been using lately. I like my coffee black so I'm not adding sugar or creamer. From what I've read this is low carb (or no carbs?). I'm worried about the caffeine, though, and whether or not it raises insulin levels. Does anybody know about this?

Caffeine is neutral, so long as it doesn't keep you up at night (usually doesn't if you drink in the morning).

Dr Robert Atkins, when he was alive, taught not to consume caffeine. Since then, the Atkins company has reviewed newer studies, and they've taken the stance that caffeine is neutral.
teh_pwn said:
Caffeine is neutral, so long as it doesn't keep you up at night (usually doesn't if you drink in the morning).

You're talking about how sleep loss can hinder weight loss, right? Not that the coffee/caffeine itself would cause weight gain. I'm about to drink a cup and it's after 11, but I know I'll get enough sleep (if that's what the bold part is addressing).
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