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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Im 27, 6ft, and female.
Starting weight was 240 on Jan 11th
Current weight is 203
Goal weight is 180

My method: Its not a diet.
-Im eating smaller portions (see: smaller plates/utensils/cups helps out a LOT) and I eat healthy.
-I excersize in some way or another every day (walking/cycling/aerobics/chasing my kiddo for an hr etc)
-I drink at LEAST 64oz of water every day

I am loosing about a pound a week (-/+ but I weigh daily to chart it out), but the real loss has been in inches. I literally only have about 1/4 of the clothes in my closet that I can fit into.

What I've learned so far:
-PATIENCE. Omfg its so hard not to give up when you see no "instant" results.
-If you do give up, get over it and get back to it. Bad habits dont just go away, they have to be replaced with good ones.

Edit: I forgot the major point I came in to make...I am a calorie counter. I didnt think i would ever be one of "those" people, but it really does help to know what you are putting in your mouth, and to keep it within a certain range. That way I know how much I need to burn to create a delicious deficit!


hectorse said:
You either need to show your sources or shut up.

I don't have them on me right now, but fasting, and in general, less caloric intake is been hinted for longer healthier life. Prince Dalton can provide plenty of links if need be

Is this a joke post? Nobody is refuting lowering your caloric intake doesn't lead to a higher quality of life. However fasting everyday, which is what he is doing by eating a SINGLE meal in 24 hours is not safe or healthy and has major medical side effects.

One of the only studies that was done for fasting used MICE and they alternated days they could eat. They would binge one day, not eat the other. The study was not done to people, especially people who exercise everyday or people who were overweight. http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/2003-04-28-fasting_x.htm

This is not what the poster is doing. What he is doing is is eating once per day. Once every 24 hours. This works in the short term, but not in the long term, and if done for prolonged periods of time, can have negative health effects.

In terms of studies done examining people and lifespan, here is a fantastic presentation at TED about the subject. Called "How to live to be 100" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-jk9ni4XWk

Now lets look at why he is losing weight while fasting. He has his one meal a day. In that meal he has restricted the amount of carbs he consumes. Leaving, of the big three, only protein and fat being taken in. Without the carbs to use as energy as he does his workouts and daily-activities his body uses up fat and muscle (more fat then muscle since his protein is being used to repair his body).

So as his body needs energy, it is using the fat and muscle as fuel since it has no carbs. This is exactly what happens in low-carb diets. He does NOT need to eat once a day to accomplish this. If he doesn't eat once a day he can avoid fucking up his blood sugar levels, digestive track and won't be depending on the glycogen stores in his liver.

If he had a low carb diet, at 1500 calories and spread it out to 5 small meals a day, he would lose the same amount of weight if not more. Since his metabolism will always be active. I am sure I don't need to explain why that is beneficial to the human body, as it's taught to you in grade school.

Restricting calories was never in question. However restricting them to much is once again, not healthy or safe. 1000 calories is extreme, especially when you work out for 1-2 hours a day. 1000 calories could barely keep the average males organs functioning if they were in a coma for a pro-longed period of time. However, that wasn't my main concern when making my post.

I am not trying to be an ass or bring negativity to a positive motivational thread. However he would get the same if not better results by eating more times a day and slightly more calories. He would also avoid possible health risks and would be able to stick to eating this way even after he hits his goal weight(just increase calories to maintenance level).

Like I said, I am happy for him that he has lost a lot of weight, and I am glad it's working. However he can go about it in a safer and overall better manner.


LunaClover said:
Im 27, 6ft, and female.
Starting weight was 240 on Jan 11th
Current weight is 203
Goal weight is 180

My method: Its not a diet.
-Im eating smaller portions (see: smaller plates/utensils/cups helps out a LOT) and I eat healthy.
-I excersize in some way or another every day (walking/cycling/aerobics/chasing my kiddo for an hr etc)
-I drink at LEAST 64oz of water every day

I am loosing about a pound a week (-/+ but I weigh daily to chart it out), but the real loss has been in inches. I literally only have about 1/4 of the clothes in my closet that I can fit into.

What I've learned so far:
-PATIENCE. Omfg its so hard not to give up when you see no "instant" results.
-If you do give up, get over it and get back to it. Bad habits dont just go away, they have to be replaced with good ones.

Edit: I forgot the major point I came in to make...I am a calorie counter. I didnt think i would ever be one of "those" people, but it really does help to know what you are putting in your mouth, and to keep it within a certain range. That way I know how much I need to burn to create a delicious deficit!

This is so fucking true. That said, your post has inspired me to renew my gym membership after my exams. :lol

lsslave said:
We're still here to support you while you do it Koshiba :) Losing weight isn't easy. My overweight friends are insanely cruel to me after losing the weight, they treat me like a traitor sometimes I think :lol

Possibly not the first time I've heard of something like this. But its still funny. :lol :lol :lol
Calorie counting is not really NEEDED. It help IS really helpful at first to esteem how much is how much of what.

But after a month or two, you should be knowledgeable enough to eyeballit. When you know fries with soda has more calories or worse, carbs, than the burger itself and that a full milk ice cream with peanut butter protein shake will be circa 1000 calories, unless you have complete control to other aspects of your environment like ambient temperature, oxygen density, activity level, light exposition, brain activity, etc. etc. you can pretty much eyeball it and be fine
NR1 said:
Thank you all for the advice and concern for my health.

I would never go about doing anything to harm my body or starve myself to death. Like I said, I have been on this eating schedule for a month, and I actually feel SO much better than before.

My gut has nearly been cut in half and I am able to sleep on my stomach much easier now. Also while sitting, the weight of my stomach no longer pushes up on my chest, which had started to give me breathing problems. I have been able to increase my speed and distance on the exercise equipment without losing breathe or getting tired as fast.

The 1 meal thing is simply to not feel sluggish during the day; something that I really felt like when I ate a full breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It was simply too much food-- and food that was not heathy (Pop Tarts, fired foods, ect...). I get a good calorie intake at lunch and then spread the remaining calories out over several very light snacks over the remainder of the day.
I'm not going to say that what you're doing is unhealthy, but if you maintain the discipline of eating that set number of calories, but doing so over the day, by eating multiple small meals, you will increase your metabolism. Putting your body into slow once a day eating schedule will hurt your weight loss goal.
JambiBum said:
So I'm wondering if there are any diabetics here who have found good ways to lose weight. My room mate is diabetic and weighs about 240. Wants to get down to around 170 but whenever he starts dieting and everything he just gives up because he says that his diabetes makes it too difficult. I've tried helping him in the past but because I don't really know anything about diabetes (Type 2) I don't really know what to do. Any help would be appreciated.

The best diet for Diabetics is Atkins, low carb and high protien. He will lose weight and also keep his blood sugar under control.


This thread has inspired me to start up tomorrow.

Current weight: 205


I went from 210 to 173 about 2 years ago. Back then i mainly did it by cutting out all regular pop i drank a ton of coke at the time, and ate a lot of fast food.

I did it from labor day weekend to thanksgiving and lost 37 pounds just changing eatting habits and not working out at all. I ate lien cusine or simular 2 times a day with a nutrigrain bar or simular in the morning.

This time i want to do it a bit more healthy though, i gained the weight back over 2 years by eatting a lot of fast food again mainly.

I have a LA Fitness membership, and will be starting cardio up tomorrow. How much water should i drink daily? I need to drink more water for sure. Also anyone have a cardio guide or something for the gym? Looking for a basic layout maybe for like a hour of cardio and some basic weight lifting to start out.

Thanks, and i will update my progress.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Anyone take any supplements to help them lose weight, i am considering going to gnc and picking up something.
neojubei said:
Anyone take any supplements to help them lose weight, i am considering going to gnc and picking up something.
You mean like those 'fat shredders'? If so, no. The only supplements you need are Omega 3s, Digestive enzymes and multivitamins. Though, in my case, I also take some probiotic supplements for my gut, the one I take is Acidophilus(you don't need to if you eat lots of yogurt).


Will drop pants for Sony.
Sgt.Pepper said:
You mean like those 'fat shredders'? If so, no. The only supplements you need are Omega 3s, Digestive enzymes and multivitamins. Though, in my case, I also take some probiotic supplements for my gut, the one I take is Acidophilus(you don't need to if you eat lots of yogurt).

My metabolism is crap so i need something hardcore. So i should just take all of those? I'm considering buying OxyElite Pro


Quick check in!

Day 1 weight: 364 pounds
Day 45: 327.6 pounds

Not sure how long its been about a month or so id assume, but I now clock in at:

315 pounds

So right now I am pretty happy with my progress :) I have lost about 50 pounds. I am actually enjoying excercising now and I enjoy my meals, I cut out all junk food ect and I don't miss it. I feel much more active and for the first time in years I am happy within myself. I like seeing myself in the mirror as opposed to hating it a few months ago. I have even started to grow a little bit of a social life so , win! :D

Also it is pretty amazing to see the difference in clothes even at this stage :) losts of people in the place I work are really happy for me, I told none of them I was trying to lose the weight so its nice to see them notice and compliment me.


Will drop pants for Sony.
elrechazao said:
Eat smaller meals more often. Don't take faux speed from shady snake oil merchants :)

That doesn't work because of work, I don't have time in my day to eat mini meals outside of my 1 hour lunch.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Messi said:
Quick check in!

Day 1 weight: 364 pounds
Day 45: 327.6 pounds

Not sure how long its been about a month or so id assume, but I now clock in at:

315 pounds

So right now I am pretty happy with my progress :) I have lost about 50 pounds. I am actually enjoying excercising now and I enjoy my meals, I cut out all junk food ect and I don't miss it. I feel much more active and for the first time in years I am happy within myself. I like seeing myself in the mirror as opposed to hating it a few months ago. I have even started to grow a little bit of a social life so , win! :D

Also it is pretty amazing to see the difference in clothes even at this stage :) losts of people in the place I work are really happy for me, I told none of them I was trying to lose the weight so its nice to see them notice and compliment me.

Congrats I wish i could say the same.


aka iby.h
Messi said:
Quick check in!

Day 1 weight: 364 pounds
Day 45: 327.6 pounds

Not sure how long its been about a month or so id assume, but I now clock in at:

315 pounds

So right now I am pretty happy with my progress :) I have lost about 50 pounds. I am actually enjoying excercising now and I enjoy my meals, I cut out all junk food ect and I don't miss it. I feel much more active and for the first time in years I am happy within myself. I like seeing myself in the mirror as opposed to hating it a few months ago. I have even started to grow a little bit of a social life so , win! :D

Also it is pretty amazing to see the difference in clothes even at this stage :) losts of people in the place I work are really happy for me, I told none of them I was trying to lose the weight so its nice to see them notice and compliment me.

Awesome, keep it up! :)
neojubei said:
That doesn't work because of work, I don't have time in my day to eat mini meals outside of my 1 hour lunch.
protein bar in desk. You don't have 30 seconds to drink some water and eat a small bar?


It is very hard. I have struggled for years with this weight, trying pretty much everything to lose it. I have no idea why it has stuck this time but now that I have come this far I have to keep going. I see how much better my life could be if I lost most of the belly ect. I have gained so much confidence from losing the weight, having old clothes fit that were so tight and are now loose is a great feeling.

I also threw out my "Fat" jeans today because they are too big. So that was awesome.

Anyone who is trying to lose weight, just don't get discouraged. results will be slow but you will hit milestones and eventually you will get where you want to be. it just requires dedication. The first few weeks for me were killer. Trying to break habits ive had for years was no easy task. But it can be done. Keep it up people :D


Will drop pants for Sony.
elrechazao said:
protein bar in desk. You don't have 30 seconds to drink some water and eat a small bar?

I wish.

Messi said:
It is very hard. I have struggled for years with this weight, trying pretty much everything to lose it. I have no idea why it has stuck this time but now that I have come this far I have to keep going. I see how much better my life could be if I lost most of the belly ect. I have gained so much confidence from losing the weight, having old clothes fit that were so tight and are now loose is a great feeling.

I also threw out my "Fat" jeans today because they are too big. So that was awesome.

Anyone who is trying to lose weight, just don't get discouraged. results will be slow but you will hit milestones and eventually you will get where you want to be. it just requires dedication. The first few weeks for me were killer. Trying to break habits ive had for years was no easy task. But it can be done. Keep it up people :D

I'm so happy for you. I am going to burn my fat clothes if i ever lose the weight, if possible.
neojubei said:
My job is incredible stressful and getting a break outside of lunch is tough. Even at lunch i don't eat anything because i am so stressed out.
There's your metabolism problem. I still refuse to believe you can't take 30 seconds to eat a protein bar, but ok. Do they let you take a piss?


neojubei said:
I wish. I'm so happy for you. I am going to burn my fat clothes if i ever lose the weight, if possible.

You will man, just keep at it. Like I said this is a slow process, just think holw long it took you to put on the weight. Its not going to drop off you in a week. It takes alot of hard work and disapline. Your rewards are not junkfood ect rather the feeling you get throwing out/burning your fat clothes or the happyness you feel with someone tells you you have lost a lot of weight and you look much better for it. :)

Just don't give up. if you don't do it now, when will you do it?


Will drop pants for Sony.
elrechazao said:
There's your metabolism problem. I still refuse to believe you can't take 30 seconds to eat a protein bar, but ok. Do they let you take a piss?

Well if you need to know i go once during the day and then again after work.

Messi said:
You will man, just keep at it. Like I said this is a slow process, just think holw long it took you to put on the weight. Its not going to drop off you in a week. It takes alot of hard work and disapline. Your rewards are not junkfood ect rather the feeling you get throwing out/burning your fat clothes or the happyness you feel with someone tells you you have lost a lot of weight and you look much better for it. :)

Just don't give up. if you don't do it now, when will you do it?

I'm not at your level yet. I'm going to try OxyElite Pro and see how it helps.


mik is unbeatable
I'm 6'2" and last May I stepped on the scale and weighed 250. Too much.


So, I started counting calories and going for a 45 minute walk every day and in six months, I was down to 195, went from a 38" waist to a 33" waist.


Gonna try to tone up this summer. But it's made a big difference in my life, my amount of energy--everything.


mik said:
I'm 6'2" and last May I stepped on the scale and weighed 250. Too much.


So, I started counting calories and going for a 45 minute walk every day and in six months, I was down to 195, went from a 38" waist to a 33" waist.


Gonna try to tone up this summer. But it's made a big difference in my life, my amount of energy--everything.

Congrats :) you can really see the difference


I know this is a weight loss thread, but I'm trying to bulk up after being a skinny little twig most of my life and I've been making this awesome drink and I'd like to know what you guys think about it.

Handfull of frozen berries
cup of milk
2 scoops of whey
one packet of instant oatmeal
2 eggs
1 scoop of low fat ice cream or frozen yogurt

all blended up into an unbelievably tasty drink. if you're trying to bulk up it's highly recommended, if anyone can think of anything else I should add to it let me know.


neojubei said:
I'm not at your level yet. I'm going to try OxyElite Pro and see how it helps.

Not sure I have a level, I just cut junk food and started just eating 3 meals a day. Exercising for 45mins to and hour each day. :D I really do hope you get to where you want to be though, everyone deserves to.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
MercuryLS said:
I know this is a weight loss thread, but I'm trying to bulk up after being a skinny little twig most of my life and I've been making this awesome drink and I'd like to know what you guys think about it.

Handfull of frozen berries
cup of milk
2 scoops of whey
one packet of instant oatmeal
2 eggs
1 scoop of low fat ice cream or frozen yogurt

all blended up into an unbelievably tasty drink. if you're trying to bulk up it's highly recommended, if anyone can think of anything else I should add to it let me know.

Check out the fitness thread, those dudes are pretty hardcore and will no doubt be able to help you out.



Right, found a few pics to show you guys.

This was me at my heaviest last year. this first photo spurred me on to losing the weight. it was taken the day before I started. what started it actually was some dickhead people started calling me hurley from lost :(




This is a much happier me as I stand today. Not quite sure I can see the loss myself, but maybe im being overly harsh on myself.
your hair cut kind of gets in the way by making your head look a little bit bigger than it is, but that is amazing progress!

keep it up for health and well being!

You seem to be fairly tall!


I lost 50 pounds so far :D and yeah, I only cut the hair last week. Made me feel much better about the weightloss made me feel it more. Plus now I dont resemble hurley at all.

Also yeah, I am fairly tall I am 6'6. used to wear 4xl t's now im fitting comfortably into 2xl


Looking good Messi, btw don't be afraid to take a razor to the stragglers between your eyebrows. I do it from time to time, just be very very careful.


MercuryLS said:
Looking good Messi, btw don't be afraid to take a razor to the stragglers between your eyebrows. I do it from time to time, just be very very careful.

Ha will do, the next pictures you will see me missing my eyebrows :(
Messi said:
Ha will do, the next pictures you will see me missing my eyebrows :(





Go into the fitness thread and get yourself lifting weights, you have the genetic capacity of becoming a monster


Messi said:
Ha will do, the next pictures you will see me missing my eyebrows :(

I almost shaved off a good chunk of my eyebrows doing it. I can't remember the last time I was that scared. I'd recommend using a normal non-electric razor, like a disposable blade. Also fight the temptation to try and "shape" the rest of your eyebrows, it can only end badly :lol


I am like a gentle giant though. Don't want to be scaring off potential womens by looking like an actual monster.

Me with muscles i'd look really wierd.


hectorse said:




Go into the fitness thread and get yourself lifting weights, you have the genetic capacity of becoming a monster

Seriously. I've got a thin build, so no matter how much I lift and eat the best I can attain is to be a skinny but fit dude. I can never be huge, you can like hectorse said, be a monster. Besides it's been proven that if you mix cardio with weight training it's much more effective for losing weight than just cardio alone.


what would you snack on during the day if you work in a office?

I am passing the time with sunsweet jumbo raisins.

Also for breakfast I am eating either grilled chicken or turkey breast sandwiches with martin's whole wheat potato bread. I don't know if that is a good thing.


Thanks for all the well wishes :)

I have actually started lifting weights for my upper arms ect. Nothing major. but I might start trying it a bit more.

Do any of you know a good way to lose the weight from your upper arm, it like hangs down if I flex my arms. Not that I flex :lol and also trying to lose the weight around my hips. Any help is greatly appreciated.

6'6 with a size 15 shoe btw....big feet, ladies, means big socks.

I tend to find if I feel like snacking in work I can usually quell that need for food with water, lots of water or some fruit cut up into small chunks. I am trying to stay away from nuts.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
You can't spot reduce fat. As you lose more weight that stuff will clear up, just gotta give it time.


EviLore said:
You can't spot reduce fat. As you lose more weight that stuff will clear up, just gotta give it time.

Yeah I figured that. Nice to know it shall clear itself up. was getting a bit worried id be left with two wings once I am done.



MercuryLS said:

I almost shaved off a good chunk of my eyebrows doing it. I can't remember the last time I was that scared. I'd recommend using a normal non-electric razor, like a disposable blade. Also fight the temptation to try and "shape" the rest of your eyebrows, it can only end badly :lol

That's why you have someone else do it! When I went to the salon last Friday for a wax, the person in front of me was a big guy getting his eyebrows done :lol
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