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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Last night was my cheat night.

My friends and I went out for burgers, fries and beer towers.

Made sure my burger was the bacon one :lol

Funny part is, I was still hungry afterwards, whereas everyone else was stuffed. I wonder if it's because I've been cutting carbs? I know when I have meat and veggies for dinner, I'm always full.


So I was thinking of low-carb fast food options...

Is the baconator (without bun) and small chili instead of fries the ultimate meal? Looks like 70G of protein, 20 some carbs (from the beans in the chili no doubt) and plenty of saturated fat.
SeanR1221 said:
So I was thinking of low-carb fast food options...

Is the baconator (without bun) and small chili instead of fries the ultimate meal? Looks like 70G of protein, 20 some carbs (from the beans in the chili no doubt) and plenty of saturated fat.

I try to avoid beans in my chili when I'm low carbing. They're decent protein and Vitamin C, but it's not like you aren't getting enough from everything else you eat.
Just depends on what your limit is, though.

spicy cho

So after doing my own spin on low carb/intermittent fasting I jumped on a friend's scale to see my progress. It's not an accurate scale but I was 172... Which means I only have another 10 or so pounds to be at my target weight. I thought I was still in the 180's so it's very encouraging.


AceBandage said:
I try to avoid beans in my chili when I'm low carbing. They're decent protein and Vitamin C, but it's not like you aren't getting enough from everything else you eat.
Just depends on what your limit is, though.

I could probably swing 22 carbs, and I'd rather them be from beans instead of flour, you know? I don't think you can ask for no beans at Wendys.

Just thinking of the best options as far as a quick meal goes. I usually don't like to cook on weekends :)
SeanR1221 said:
I could probably swing 22 carbs, and I'd rather them be from beans instead of flour, you know? I don't think you can ask for no beans at Wendys.

Just thinking of the best options as far as a quick meal goes. I usually don't like to cook on weekends :)

Beans have a pretty low GI, just so long as you don't overdo it, you should be fine.

I'd recommend getting a couple of side or caesar salads with it as well. Just don't eat the croutons.
Down from 222 to 218 this week.

Full week of the gym. 45 minutes of cardio; heart rate above 160 the whole time and some light weight training. Feels good man.

I know not to expect this much every week but still. it's nice to see some progress.


don't know your height, but at 220+lbs I found it just fell off with no exercise as long as I didn't eat a lot of shit. I wanted to be under 200lb for the start of semester on Monday, but it looks like I will be 203lb which is not bad considering 4 weeks ago I was 225lb.
painey said:
don't know your height, but at 220+lbs I found it just fell off with no exercise as long as I didn't eat a lot of shit. I wanted to be under 200lb for the start of semester on Monday, but it looks like I will be 203lb which is not bad considering 4 weeks ago I was 225lb.
Wow, you lost 5.5lb per week? That's... a lot.


like I said, it just seems to fall off over 200lbs.. but when I am trying to lose weight I often eat most of my food early in the day. I'm pretty much done eating by 2pm so the rest of the day its just getting burnt off. I put on loads because I was eating out at restaurants with my girlfriend at 7/8/9pm.. theres just no time to burn off a steak that quickly.
I gained 1.5 - 2 pounds. But I did eat ice cream about three nights in a row. :(

Oh well, back at it. :)

I have a couple of questions though...

How much stock do you put into the BMI weights?

And is there some information on how to figure out my ideal calorie intake?
I'm 6' tall, and do not exercise. I would say I am of a larger/musclular frame.


blindrocket said:
I gained 1.5 - 2 pounds. But I did eat ice cream about three nights in a row. :(

Oh well, back at it. :)

I have a couple of questions though...

How much stock do you put into the BMI weights?

And is there some information on how to figure out my ideal calorie intake?
I'm 6' tall, and do not exercise. I would say I am of a larger/musclular frame.
I don't put much stock in BMI, it doesn't take muscle mass into account. According to bmi I'm obese at 6'1 257lbs, but my bodyfat is average at 17%.
blindrocket said:
How much stock do you put into the BMI weights?

I put no stock in this.

I must have hollow bones or something, a strong breeze will blow me away.

abuC said:
I don't put much stock in BMI, it doesn't take muscle mass into account. According to bmi I'm obese at 6'1 257lbs, but my bodyfat is average at 17%.

Curious about the "average" of 17%. Is there a chart for this? Is this a population average? I've never had my body fat tested.


abuC said:
I don't put much stock in BMI, it doesn't take muscle mass into account. According to bmi I'm obese at 6'1 257lbs, but my bodyfat is average at 17%.

6'1 257? You must be swole as fuck then...


I should buy one of those little handheld thingies to test Body Fat.

I think last time I used one (around March?) I was at 13% BF...5'8 probably around 173ish.

Curious what I am now.


ipukespiders said:
I put no stock in this.

I must have hollow bones or something, a strong breeze will blow me away.

Curious about the "average" of 17%. Is there a chart for this? Is this a population average? I've never had my body fat tested.

You can buy a cheap accurate caliper for around $5-10, just make sure you always test from the same spot.

Akim, not really, I'm getting bigger but a lot of weight is in my legs and I have dense bones. I'm trying to get down to the 225lbs range and retain muscle.
I think I am going to put smoked salmon into my regular breakfast rotation. So much fishy goodness! With some scrambled eggs and cream cheese it's a great breakfast, and I managed to find some good wild Coho salmon at Trader Joe's that doesn't cost an arm and a leg so it doesn't have to be too expensive.


Man, a few days ago I was worried about the wall I hit just before 20lbs, today I've shot past 24lbs and still going strong. Insane thing is I haven't exercised AT ALL this week. It was my week off and I've been sitting right here in front of my computer chomping down pork rinds, eating rye bread and drinking tons of coffee and I'm losing weight like mad.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Sethos said:
Man, a few days ago I was worried about the wall I hit just before 20lbs, today I've shot past 24lbs and still going strong. Insane thing is I haven't exercised AT ALL this week. It was my week off and I've been sitting right here in front of my computer chomping down pork rinds, eating rye bread and drinking tons of coffee and I'm losing weight like mad.

This should be expected to be normal, but common wisdom has it backwards. Long distance exercise takes a lot of time, stress, and work. To recover you have to take days off. Furthermore not everyone can do it (young children, elderly, injured). And really the amount of calories burned isn't that impressive as a percentage of idle metabolism.

On the other hand, a slice of pizza is around 300 calories, and it's extremely tasty. If you believe in the food reward hypothesis then eating stuff like pizza over time can cause a neurological override of normal hunger. The daily 1 hour run to burn a mere 3 slices of pizza that can be consumed in 3 minutes doesn't stand a chance.

So if you take a strategy that resolves excessive hunger, your body may fix itself by restoring it's natural body fat % by targeting it much like it regulates sleep, body temperature, heart rate, etc.

The idea that we were extremely physical active or even moderately more active than today doesn't have evidence to support it. Dr Kenneth Cooper introduced the concept of aerobics in 1968. It didn't exist before, and the idea of running to burn calories or for fun was mocked. The obesity epidemic started in the 1970s, so how could lack of exercise be a plausible cause?


I think I figured out why I gained weight the last month:



(yes this was on the same day, don't judge me)

At least I don't look like this anymore:


That is what stops me from falling off the wagon completely.


AceBandage said:
That omelet looks awesome. Everything else... yeah carb city.

that isn't an omelet :)

ham, bell peppers, tomatoes, onions, and cheese all on top of scrambled eggs and hash browns with gravy
Akim said:
I think I figured out why I gained weight the last month:



(yes this was on the same day, don't judge me)

At least I don't look like this anymore:


That is what stops me from falling off the wagon completely.

You've done well. Screw the haters and enjoy yourself every once in a while.

Edit: Dem pancakes

Edit 2: I just realized that you ate all three of those food items in one sitting


Will drop pants for Sony.
Akim said:
I think I figured out why I gained weight the last month:


That is what stops me from falling off the wagon completely.

Man you have a face i can kiss forever.

on a side note, what are you eating?? Oh man that's a ton of food for no reason. Date me and I will help you work it off.
teh_pwn said:
The idea that we were extremely physical active or even moderately more active than today doesn't have evidence to support it. Dr Kenneth Cooper introduced the concept of aerobics in 1968. It didn't exist before, and the idea of running to burn calories or for fun was mocked. The obesity epidemic started in the 1970s, so how could lack of exercise be a plausible cause?

People definitely lived a more active lifestyle in the past. The farther back you go, the more active the lifestyle becomes. Life in general was just more physical without all the luxeries we have today. Not really sure what the concept/creation of aerobics has to do with it, that would be recreational, and most people already did active things, like sports and what.

I'm sure even 20 to 30 years ago, the average person got a lot more exercise (without even trying) then they do now. For one thing, people didn't sit at a desk working all day long, whereas now, most people do. Hell, do you remember when kids used to play outside all day? Did you ever? When I was a kid I was never in the house, but now it's all kids do is sit around and text, play games, facebook, etc.

Exercise is nothing but good for you and will always help lose weight and will get you shape, build stamina, make you feel good. There's more to it than just burning calories. It increases mitochondria which increases metabolic rates. It's why you won't see really active people that are fat. But, yeah, obviously you still don't wanna eat a bunch of junk. Is it absolutely necessary to lose weight? No. Does it contribute to people being overweight? Absolutely.
Low-Carb and Keto GAF:

I've been really enjoying eating smoked neckbones. You can get a ton of meat off of them, they taste awesome, and they're dirt cheap. They're incredibly fatty and salty though. Even though this is A-OK in terms of the low-carb credo, I can't help but feel like I'm eating death.

SuperAngelo64 said:
Low-Carb and Keto GAF:

I've been really enjoying eating smoked neckbones. You can get a ton of meat off of them, they taste awesome, and they're dirt cheap. They're incredibly fatty and salty though. Even though this is A-OK in terms of the low-carb credo, I can't help but feel like I'm eating death.


Animal fat is good. It's energy. Salt is pretty much a scapegoat. Just be sure to drink plenty of fluids.
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