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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Just watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead on Netflix Streaming. Pretty inspiring stuff, but it felt like an informercial for a juicer and I have to wonder how well that works out when you can't just take two months off of work to diet?

The trucker's weight loss is pretty amazing.

Could you make a juice for lunch and pack it?


Akim said:
I am entirely straight (I think) but this is too adorable.

Lost 60 pounds. Felt great! Then got lazy and piled 20 back on. Felt bad! Getting back to it, past week has gone great.


I'm down 10 pounds from mid-June.

Moving at a fairly slow pace, but I don't feel like I'm starving myself. This isn't a crash diet...

I feel good.
daycru said:
I am entirely straight (I think) but this is too adorable.

Lost 60 pounds. Felt great! Then got lazy and piled 20 back on. Felt bad! Getting back to it, past week has gone great.
same way. i've put on 20 pounds and had it for about a year. started p90x and went down 10. went back up after i quit. lol. one day. i'll be back.


neojubei said:
Man you have a face i can kiss forever.

on a side note, what are you eating?? Oh man that's a ton of food for no reason. Date me and I will help you work it off.

I'm gonna assume you're a guy. I guess I'm not against experimenting.

ipukespiders said:
Akim : what was your before and after weight?

~320 -> ~200
The Take Out Bandit said:
Just watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead on Netflix Streaming. Pretty inspiring stuff, but it felt like an informercial for a juicer and I have to wonder how well that works out when you can't just take two months off of work to diet?

The trucker's weight loss is pretty amazing.

Could you make a juice for lunch and pack it?

That movie has been discussed several times here.
The general consensus is that it's not a good "diet" at all.
You're basically just consuming sugar drinks with the risk of overloading your body on Vitamin C.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Akim said:
I'm gonna assume you're a guy. I guess I'm not against experimenting.

~320 -> ~200

YES!! Experimenting is great with a hot guy like you.

Oh i think i am around 320lbs or 500lbs.


Really odd thing the past two weeks on my cardio workouts.

After my workout I smell like Ammonia and very distinctive in my nose for about 15min.

I am currently on a Paleo modified / low carb diet as well in-taking ~80 to 100g a day (That is Nuts, Fruits, Veggies)

No dairy or grains at all.

I am wondering if something is overworking my liver or to much protein, not enough carbs?

Anyone else experience this or have any guidance?


i was 17 in the before and 24 in the after.. (took it yest actually lol)... close guess!... altho im still working towards 10% bf at the moment lol

220 in before.. 154 in after

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
acksman said:
Really odd thing the past two weeks on my cardio workouts.

After my workout I smell like Ammonia and very distinctive in my nose for about 15min.

I am wondering if something is overworking my liver or to much protein, not enough carbs?

The body looks to carbs as a source of energy. When that source of energy is depleted the body will look to proteins, or more specifically amino acids. When amino acids are broken down to make glucose to fuel your activity, a good deal of nitrogen is produced as a waste by-product. If the kidneys cannot process the nitrogen fast enough it is combined with hydrogen and excreted as ammonia in the sweat.

So the ammonia smell is an indicator that you've gone past your body's ability to handle the nitrogen (kidneys) and also that you've gone past the point where your body is using carbohydrates to fuel its activity.

What to do?

Well you can take on more carbs in your diet, and you can also hydrate more. As this article states: "The methods used for getting rid of excess ammonia, such as urine and sweat, all require water as a transport mechanism. If you are not getting adequate fluid, then the solution (ammonia + water) will not be diluted. Therefore, water plays a definite role. If you are not drinking enough fluids to have at least one or two clear urinations every day, you should drink more."

Many people mistakenly believe that ammonia sweat means that their protein intake is not high enough. The body will only utilize protein for energy when it does not have a sufficient supply of fats and carbohydrates. Muscles can use glucose and fat for energy, but your brain requires glucose. Since there is no direct metabolic pathway from fat to glucose, your body will use amino acids instead. If your protein intake is high, there is a chance that the amino acids that supply energy will come from ingested food and not your hard-earned muscle tissue - but why take that chance?

The key to avoiding that ammonia smell is to ingest sufficient carbohydrates. If you eat an ample amount of carbohydrate with every meal, then you should have plenty to fuel your exercise activity. Even people who work out on an empty stomach should have some glucose in their bloodstream upon rising - unless they subscribe to the myth that cutting out carbohydrates before bed helps you lose fat. If you find that the ammonia smell persists (even when you consume carbohydrate with every meal), try having a low glycemic carbohydrate before you workout.

A little oatmeal, a small apple, or even a piece of sprouted grain bread can provide the fuel that your body needs. Remember, your body requires fuel to burn fat! So don't think that providing some carbs before cardio is going to eliminate the fat burning process. In fact, most of my clients who consume a light meal before working out report that their energy levels go through the roof, and they have an incredible workout. If adding 80 calories in the form of a slice of sprouted grain bread kicks your energy levels into high gear and helps you burn 100 more calories during exercise (while sparing your muscles from being used as fuel), there is no reason to worry about dropping fat!


so LCGaf how do you folks enjoy your eggs?

For me I can eat Hard Boiled eggs with some salt/pepper every single day of my life and never get tired. So good!


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
ipukespiders said:
Saw this in another thread:


Next to the price tag:

"Simple Nutrition"

Eat your chips, enjoy them, whatever. But come the fuck on.

It's the opposite of simple nutrition. It's a highly refined product to maximize food reward through texture, flavor, salt, starch, and oil. I haven't had these things in years, but I remember junk food leaving hints of flavor for hours after eating it, beckoning you to get more.
dmshaposv said:
so LCGaf how do you folks enjoy your eggs?

For me I can eat Hard Boiled eggs with some salt/pepper every single day of my life and never get tired. So good!

Anyway you make them, I can eat them!
Fried, scrambled, boiled, deviled, Benedict, poached, egg drop soup.

Eggs are the ultimate food!
I use to be HUGE into the Cool Ranch. I'd have them every day.
A few years ago, though, I just couldn't stomach any Dorita. I dunno if they changed the recipe or something, but they just tasted nasty.
acksman said:
Very interesting read.

I can't believe I am the only on this board having this. There seems to be a large low/no carb contingent on here.

So more water and finding more carbs. Its odd, I do eat a banana and about 10 raw almonds before I work out.

Almonds are a great snack for low carbing, actually.

For work outs, though, if you need carbs, go with chocolate milk.
acksman said:
Very interesting read.

I can't believe I am the only on this board having this. There seems to be a large low/no carb contingent on here.

So more water and finding more carbs. Its odd, I do eat a banana and about 10 raw almonds before I work out.
Last year I ran a ton (well, a ton for me ... like 35 miles a week or more), on a basically keto diet, and never had this or needed to add carbs, but everyone's different.


And even i am moderately surprised
checking in again - hot weather is f*cking up my outdoor exercise so limited to a few crossfit style sprint-burpee-pull ups. No distance running (sadface) and no morning 13km walk to works.

From 90 days ago - down from 74.8kg to 66.4kg, aim now though is for weight to be going up as i build back some muscle (or at least get more toned now the soccer season is back in swing)

will try and find unflattering early picture and new pic asap


AceBandage said:
Almonds are a great snack for low carbing, actually.

For work outs, though, if you need carbs, go with chocolate milk.

Why would you ingest a ton of sucrose when you can eat more complex carbs?


Will drop pants for Sony.
noire said:


hardboiled egg, bacon, brie, lump crab meat, avocado and hot sauce.

If I make it again, I will dice or julienne the bacon and put it on top. It made everything else taste better.

I knew I should bought some eggs today. That looks soo good.
acksman said:
Very interesting read.

I can't believe I am the only on this board having this. There seems to be a large low/no carb contingent on here.

So more water and finding more carbs. Its odd, I do eat a banana and about 10 raw almonds before I work out.

I'm guessing most of us are already doing a ton of water every day. I know I am.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Since I eat mostly the same general array of things every week, I don't find a lot of need for those nutritional databases, but occasionally I've used Wolfram Alpha to work out an entire day's worth of things. Is this supposed to be fairly reputable? The fat, calories, carbs and whatnot usually seem to match reasonably well with other sites and it's a lot simpler than having to look up each individual item I've eaten and add it all up manually.


5 months ago I decided I wanted to lose 50 lbs, I lost 20 pretty fast, and now I think I've put 40 back on, at a guess.

I'm really not happy with myself because I love eggs, chicken, tuna, cheese, beef, pork, butter, whatever. A keto diet would be perfect for me, I just think I'm far too lazy, and I can't work out why. I haven't cooked a meal in 3 months. Also, I'm poor now, fuck you Domino's.

I'm going to try again...


My God, Chorizo and Eggs is one of the greatest things ever. And considering Chorizo has 0 net carbs (1 carb, 1 fiber), it's basically free amazing taste.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Because of the documentary, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead I am going on a vegtable shake fast. Does V8 count with that? I might have to rely on those drinks until i get a juicer.
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