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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


I need to find me some Chorizo. Preferably not $1 "mostlymeat" walmart chorizo, too.

I'm 39lbs down since May 6th (308-->269.6), weight loss has slowed, but it's still coming off. I haven't hit the gym at all lately, though I do sets of pushups every other day. Probably because of the fat loss I've seen, my existing muscles seem to be more apparent, which sort of saps my resolve to go work out.

I've been biking more and more lately, hopefully can make it a regular thing, maybe even start biking to work once a week (work is 17 miles away according to google maps bike routes).


Fireye said:
I need to find me some Chorizo. Preferably not $1 "mostlymeat" walmart chorizo, too.

I'm 39lbs down since May 6th (308-->269.6), weight loss has slowed, but it's still coming off. I haven't hit the gym at all lately, though I do sets of pushups every other day. Probably because of the fat loss I've seen, my existing muscles seem to be more apparent, which sort of saps my resolve to go work out.

I've been biking more and more lately, hopefully can make it a regular thing, maybe even start biking to work once a week (work is 17 miles away according to google maps bike routes).

There used to be this old Mexican woman at a local farmers market that sold the most bomb Chorizo on this planet. She hasn't been there in 1-2 years, I think she may have passed away :(


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
neojubei said:
Because of the documentary, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead I am going on a vegtable shake fast. Does V8 count with that? I might have to rely on those drinks until i get a juicer.

Well GAF I have good news.

Ran my first 5k almost 2 weeks ago. Finished 162nd overall. I run my next one this Saturday. I finally have started shedding some weight. Dropped from 173 into the 168-167 range. Biggest change for me? I stopped putting bread in my lunches and just have plenty of fruit, veges and lunchmeat.

I also have cut down on my carbs overall, but I have not completely eliminated them. Still need a good amount to support my near daily running habits.

About 10 to go!


Speaking of all the Chorizo talk, I bought some last week. How do you cook it? I am assuming I need to cut the little metal tabs on the end off, but then what?


neojubei said:
Because of the documentary, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead I am going on a vegtable shake fast. Does V8 count with that? I might have to rely on those drinks until i get a juicer.

oh god, not this again
noire said:


hardboiled egg, bacon, brie, lump crab meat, avocado and hot sauce.
I'll refrain from quoting that beautiful image again, but it's funny because eggs, avocado and bacon are staples in my kitchen, to the point where I was staring at the three together yesterday and was pretty bored with them. Ended up just eating hardboiled eggs plain. Gonna go pick up some crab meat and try this one.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Had a better weekend than normal, but still had a few "off" meals. Had two Wendy's burgers and a frosty for lunch yesterday and homemade sausage pizza last night. Two cheat meals in a week isn't bad though I hope.

Week 5 of Couch to 5K starts today, it is the first harder week in the program, so hopefully I make it all the way through the 20 minute run Friday!


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.

I've hit a wall, and this time it ain't budging regardless of my alterations to my diet/workout regimen...

Any general tips of what to do when this happens`?


omgkitty said:
Speaking of all the Chorizo talk, I bought some last week. How do you cook it? I am assuming I need to cut the little metal tabs on the end off, but then what?

Yes, cut off the metal tip on the end. Squeeze some out into a pan (you don't need oil or anything) on medium high heat, mash it into the pan continuously, breaking it up, and fry it until it starts to darken. Once it darkens a bit, break however many eggs you want over the chorizo and basically cook it how you would scrambled eggs.
noire said:
The crab that I got doesn't do a whole lot for me, but it's a nice source of protein.
Really? Is it canned? It's a bit expensive so I usually don't buy it, but once in a while I'll pick up a frozen, already cooked whole crab. It's great for making stock with the shells and innards, although then you end up with a shitload of stock, so it's better for winter. I was just going to buy canned but I'm not familiar with the brands.


Corky said:

I've hit a wall, and this time it ain't budging regardless of my alterations to my diet/workout regimen...

Any general tips of what to do when this happens`?

What's your diet/daily routine look like?


harSon said:
Yes, cut off the metal tip on the end. Squeeze some out into a pan (you don't need oil or anything) on medium high heat, mash it into the pan continuously, breaking it up, and fry it until it starts to darken. Once it darkens a bit, break however many eggs you want over the chorizo and basically cook it how you would scrambled eggs.

Oh ok. So I just use the meat inside the skin? I don't eat it like a sausage or can I?


omgkitty said:
Oh ok. So I just use the meat inside the skin? I don't eat it like a sausage or can I?

Does it look like this?

If so, then yeah, you just use the meat inside the plastic casing.


I just had a bit of a scare. Went to take a shit, and my stools were nearly pitch black. Like, really friggin' black. I looked up possible causes, and all I could find were iron heavy foods, or a bleeding ulcer. Finally, I got to a Wikipedia article where it mentionned it could also be caused by beet roots...phew. I had probably 1 cup of beet roots over the last 2 days...that explains it.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Mr. Serious Business said:
Just gained 5 or so pounds over the weekend. I'm gonna finish off all the Trader Joe's food in my house so I don't get tempted anymore.

The funny thing is that I've been like that for such a long time. I'm even like that right now where I absolutely cannot have any junk/carb-rich food around the house or I completely lose control.

I've actually been hoping to figure what 'disease' or disorder I have that makes my cravings uncontrollable once tempting food is around me. When junk food is around me in the house, I can't help myself at all, break down, and eat it up. It's similar to a smoker; they're physically capable of not smoking another cigarette, but mentally, they have to no matter what.

I'm surprised I've been able to stick to this new lifestyle for so long. I don't plan on stopping either, but it's just baffling how uncontrollable and powerful my craving become when those types of food are around me. My willpower's so fragile.
neojubei said:
Because of the documentary, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead I am going on a vegtable shake fast. Does V8 count with that? I might have to rely on those drinks until i get a juicer.

Make sure to keep a log of how it goes for you. What type of foods have you been eating up til this point?


Domino Theory said:
I don't think I've ever posted a picture of me in here so here it goes. This is what I was in August 2008 at around 280 pounds (I'm on the far left with the white jacket):

This is me now at 192 pounds:
Congrats, dude. That's quite impressive. Sneak peek at a beardless Ghaleon in there as well. :p

My less impressive weight saga:

I've always been a bit scrawny, but my metabolism hit the brakes about 10 years ago and I've had to be careful. After a decade of being 170lbs, give or take, I got up to about 178 earlier this year.

I have a lot of joint problems (likely early onset arthritis in the mix, which my mom also suffered from), so that rules out a lot of exercise, as I have been discovering the hard way. I've taken to a mix of slight diet changes and moderate exercise with some 8lb free weights at night, and some extra walking in the evening.

The main diet change is I now eat breakfast. I used to skip breakfast, and just do an 11:00 lunch with a normal dinner, but it led irregular eating, such as snacking late at night or having very large dinners. Now, I eat a Clifbar and about 8 oz of milk every morning, and that's it. I've had that every morning for about two months. The other tweak was just cutting down on processed foods and meat. I eat a lot of beans and (wild or brown) rice, a lot less sugar and bread. Combined with the weights, I'm down to 169 now; (I've been charting my weight taken every night and look at a 7-day rolling average to smooth our normal day to day fluctuations). My goal is 165.

I have a few pictures tracking this, but they're shirtless and I don't want to horrify anyone. But it's noticeable and I've felt a lot better since dropping a few.

It's weight loss by small increments; small adjustments in diet and exercise. But I think it will put me where I want to be in the next month or so.
neojubei said:
Because of the documentary, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead I am going on a vegtable shake fast. Does V8 count with that? I might have to rely on those drinks until i get a juicer.
From what I've been told V8 is not really like drinking natural vegetable juice, it's heavily processed and filled with sodium.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
harSon said:
What's your diet/daily routine look like?

I've lowered my intake of food the past two weeks but right now it looks like this :

breakfast : 100 g eggwhites
meal 1 : 150g bacon + 50 g cheese
proteinshake ( whey 100, <1g carb per 100g )
meal 2 : 200g salmon

diet is sprinkled vegetables and flaxseeds after each meal.

routine : 22 km biking day A, 1 h weightlifting day B, rest every 2 or 3 days.

Now if it looks like I eat little it's because I have a non-existent metabolism, outside of the biking and weightlifting I live a very sedentary lifestyle. But right now I'm pretty much hit a wall ( not my first one, but definitely the most pervasive one ) at 75-6 and my goal is 72 so I can sniff the finish line. Problem is that university starts in a couple of weeks and I cannot for the life of me keep this going alongside studies. I'd burn out in 1 day.
Corky said:
I've lowered my intake of food the past two weeks but right now it looks like this :

breakfast : 100 g eggwhites
meal 1 : 150g bacon + 50 g cheese
proteinshake ( whey 100, <1g carb per 100g )
meal 2 : 200g salmon

diet is sprinkled vegetables and flaxseeds after each meal.

routine : 22 km biking day A, 1 h weightlifting day B, rest every 2 or 3 days.

Now if it looks like I eat little it's because I have a non-existent metabolism, outside of the biking and weightlifting I live a very sedentary lifestyle. But right now I'm pretty much hit a wall ( not my first one, but definitely the most pervasive one ) at 75-6 and my goal is 72 so I can sniff the finish line. Problem is that university starts in a couple of weeks and I cannot for the life of me keep this going alongside studies. I'd burn out in 1 day.

Have a cheat day and eat a bunch of carbs to shake things up.

How many grams of fat do you think you are eating per day? It doesn't look like enough. Your body needs dietary fat. If you find you aren't hungry enough to eat fat, or it doesn't appeal to you, try unprocessed virgin coconut oil. It's easy to get down. Whipping cream is also easy fat to ingest.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
ipukespiders said:
Have a cheat day and eat a bunch of carbs to shake things up.

How many grams of fat do you think you are eating per day? It doesn't look like enough. Your body needs dietary fat. If you find you aren't hungry enough to eat fat, or it doesn't appeal to you, try unprocessed virgin coconut oil. It's easy to get down. Whipping cream is also easy fat to ingest.

I've thought about this aswell, but deep inside it felt like I was just rationalizing a potential cheat day with the prospect of it helping me break through the wall.

I do actually get quite alot of fat considering the cheese bacon and salmon, but I'm not sure what the exact numbers are since I cut out one meal in order to to lower.


Will drop pants for Sony.
ipukespiders said:
Make sure to keep a log of how it goes for you. What type of foods have you been eating up til this point?

mostly broccoli, angus hamburger meat, bread, water, orange juice, iced tea (brewed myself).
neojubei said:
mostly broccoli, angus hamburger meat, bread, water, orange juice, iced tea (brewed myself).

I think orange juice is the one thing I used to drink that I can 100% guarantee gave me stomach aches. I can drink a 2 liter of soda just fine, but a couple of glasses of OJ and I feel like puking. It's just a corrosive mess of sugar and acid. If you get rid of the bread, OJ, and Iced Tea and add nuts and berries (and maybe kiwi because it's amazing), that's a pretty healthy diet.
Gary Whitta said:
Thoughts on this? Posted in low carb thread, claims to debunk Taubes:


He seems to gloss over the fact that the obesity epidemic is a result of the prevalence of sugar and vegetable oils and not necessarily a prevalence of carbs. It's like he is advocating for a low carb diet unknowingly. Example:

The Pima of New Mexico currently have one of the highest obesity rates in the world, on par with Nauru. They suffered famine, and were rescued by government rations consisting of white flour, sugar, lard, canned meats, salt and other canned and processed goods. They subsequently became obese and have remained that way ever since. Their diet consisted mostly of bread cooked in lard, sweetened beverages and canned goods, and they also received salt. More recently, their diet has modernized but still relies heavily on processed food (34, 35).

He also neglects (as far as I can tell) to mention cultures that eat diets high in fat (but low in carbs) and have low incidences of heart disease and obesity. Basically, it's a flawed, cherry picked study.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Mr. Serious Business said:
I think orange juice is the one thing I used to drink that I can 100% guarantee gave me stomach aches. I can drink a 2 liter of soda just fine, but a couple of glasses of OJ and I feel like puking. It's just a corrosive mess of sugar and acid. If you get rid of the bread, OJ, and Iced Tea and add nuts and berries (and maybe kiwi because it's amazing), that's a pretty healthy diet.

Ok OJ is officially out of my diet.

elrechazao said:
orange juice is as healthy as soda. Cut that out.

yes sir.

Gary Whitta said:
From what I've been told V8 is not really like drinking natural vegetable juice, it's heavily processed and filled with sodium.

Yeah I know but if i am at work and need something quick I'd rather pick up a V8 than something else. I used to have bags of candy in my desk, especially Mary Janes; today I gave it all away to coworkers.
Got my correct cholesterol results back and they're not as high as the botched set of results I got but still high. Hard to know if they're actually coming down from higher numbers pre-diet since I hadn't been tested prior to this in a few years so I'll get tested again in a month or two to compare. But after eating better and exercising for a few months now I'd hoped for better :/


Gary Whitta said:
Got my correct cholesterol results back and they're not as high as the botched set of results I got but still high. Hard to know if they're actually coming down from higher numbers pre-diet since I hadn't been tested prior to this in a few years so I'll get tested again in a month or two to compare. But after eating better and exercising for a few months now I'd hoped for better :/

What are they?


Gary Whitta said:
Thoughts on this? Posted in low carb thread, claims to debunk Taubes:

Does not relate to low-carb eating for weight loss so I wouldn't be too worried. To quote the author of that blog:
I'd like to begin by emphasizing that carbohydrate restriction has helped many people lose body fat and improve their metabolic health. Although it doesn't work for everyone, there is no doubt that carbohydrate restriction causes fat loss in many, perhaps even most obese people. For a subset of people, the results can be very impressive. I consider that to be a fact at this point, but that's not what I'll be discussing here.
Speaking only for myself... carb based foods were always the ones I was overconsuming; pasta, bread, noodles, pastries, take away foods etc. The reasons don't matter to me.

Interestingly enough, Taubes decided to post his blood tests here. Fairly good by any measure.
Srsly said:
What are they?
Don't have the exact numbers in front of me but I think TC is around 260 (HIGH!), LDL 190 (HIGH!) while HDL is around 58, triglycerides around 130. So my TC/HDL ratio is around 4.5. Definitely a lot of room for improvement. Kinda annoying (and puzzling) to see this after being low-carb and active for a while, having dropped 35lbs and achieved a big improvement in blood pressure.


Gary Whitta said:
Don't have the exact numbers in front of me but I think TC is around 260 (HIGH!), LDL 190 (HIGH!) while HDL is around 58, triglycerides around 130. So my TC/HDL ratio is around 4.5. Definitely a lot of room for improvement. Kinda annoying (and puzzling) to see this after being low-carb and active for a while, having dropped 35lbs and achieved a big improvement in blood pressure.

I had read somewhere that these tests are not the end all be all of cholesterol testing. I know there is some test that actually tests the size and density of the LDL or something like that. It's supposed to be much more accurate and give you a good reading on what's actually going on.


LC Gaf, whats the opinion on Hummus?

I loves me some hummus, but I don't want to get carried away if chickpeas have too many carbs.


dmshaposv said:
LC Gaf, whats the opinion on Hummus?

I loves me some hummus, but I don't want to get carried away if chickpeas have too many carbs.

I looked at some the other day and it didn't look too bad, but I didn't buy it cause I go nuts for hummus and tend to eat tons of it when I get it. Plus, what are you going to dip into it?


omgkitty said:
I looked at some the other day and it didn't look too bad, but I didn't buy it cause I go nuts for hummus and tend to eat tons of it when I get it. Plus, what are you going to dip into it?

Was thinking some Lebanese brown bread - but hell I can dunk my sausages/meat and go the extra low-carb mile by staying away from bread entirely!
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