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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


omgkitty said:
I looked at some the other day and it didn't look too bad, but I didn't buy it cause I go nuts for hummus and tend to eat tons of it when I get it. Plus, what are you going to dip into it?
Carrots, celery etc or use it with some falafel.
omgkitty said:
I had read somewhere that these tests are not the end all be all of cholesterol testing. I know there is some test that actually tests the size and density of the LDL or something like that. It's supposed to be much more accurate and give you a good reading on what's actually going on.
Yeah I'm thinking about getting the VAP test to get a closer look, the doctor suggested it too.


Tried doing the low carb thing at a friends house, because they invited me to eat steak. I Figured there had to be some healthy side dishes to go along with this steak, so I couldn't wait to eat. I looked around at what was prepared, and all I saw was corn, potatoes, and watermelon. I held off on eating all of those side dishes and just stuck with the steak (even though it looked so good). Everyone noticed me, and was wondering why I wasn't eating anything else. I kindly replied " Everything looks so good, but I shouldn't be eating this stuff while on my diet" . My Friends parents said "Its all fruits and vegetables, and the corn doesn't even have butter on it!"

They asked me what diet I was on, and I didn't want to explain the entire low carb thing to them, so I just said "I'm just trying to watch my portions". I really felt like I might of been offending them by not eating all of their cooking, but I hope I made up for it by helping with dishes lol. Long story short, eating low carb when your not preparing the meals is very difficult.

OG Kush

dmag1223 said:
Tried doing the low carb thing at a friends house, because they invited me to eat steak. I Figured there had to be some healthy side dishes to go along with this steak, so I couldn't wait to eat. I looked around at what was prepared, and all I saw was corn, potatoes, and watermelon. I held off on eating all of those side dishes and just stuck with the steak (even though it looked so good). Everyone noticed me, and was wondering why I wasn't eating anything else. I kindly replied " Everything looks so good, but I shouldn't be eating this stuff while on my diet" . My Friends parents said "Its all fruits and vegetables, and the corn doesn't even have butter on it!"

They asked me what diet I was on, and I didn't want to explain the entire low carb thing to them, so I just said "I'm just trying to watch my portions". I really felt like I might of been offending them by not eating all of their cooking, but I hope I made up for it by helping with dishes lol. Long story short, eating low carb when your not preparing the meals is very difficult.
Word. And especially depending on which culture your from. I'm south asian and people get extremely offended when you visit them and don't eat what they've cooked etc.


Wow...I just looked up the nutritional info of a poutine. I used to often have a regular New York Fries poutine at work with extra cheese. It's not even very big...366g. Nutritional info:

Calories - 1120
Fat - 63g
Sodium - 1640mg
Carbohydrates - 104g
Fibre - 7g
Sugar - 3g

But poutine tastes so good. :(

dmag1223 said:
Tried doing the low carb thing at a friends house, because they invited me to eat steak. I Figured there had to be some healthy side dishes to go along with this steak, so I couldn't wait to eat. I looked around at what was prepared, and all I saw was corn, potatoes, and watermelon. I held off on eating all of those side dishes and just stuck with the steak (even though it looked so good). Everyone noticed me, and was wondering why I wasn't eating anything else. I kindly replied " Everything looks so good, but I shouldn't be eating this stuff while on my diet" . My Friends parents said "Its all fruits and vegetables, and the corn doesn't even have butter on it!"

They asked me what diet I was on, and I didn't want to explain the entire low carb thing to them, so I just said "I'm just trying to watch my portions". I really felt like I might of been offending them by not eating all of their cooking, but I hope I made up for it by helping with dishes lol. Long story short, eating low carb when your not preparing the meals is very difficult.

Unless you're doing keto, there's no reason to stop yourself from eating what is there. Just take smaller portions. The main danger in carbs is that you might tend to eat too much, so just control yourself. A quarter cup of corn on the side with a small scoop of potatoes would be fine. The problem is when people end up putting 2 full baked potatoes worth on their plate as a side.
dmag1223 said:
Tried doing the low carb thing at a friends house, because they invited me to eat steak. I Figured there had to be some healthy side dishes to go along with this steak, so I couldn't wait to eat. I looked around at what was prepared, and all I saw was corn, potatoes, and watermelon. I held off on eating all of those side dishes and just stuck with the steak (even though it looked so good). Everyone noticed me, and was wondering why I wasn't eating anything else. I kindly replied " Everything looks so good, but I shouldn't be eating this stuff while on my diet" . My Friends parents said "Its all fruits and vegetables, and the corn doesn't even have butter on it!"

They asked me what diet I was on, and I didn't want to explain the entire low carb thing to them, so I just said "I'm just trying to watch my portions". I really felt like I might of been offending them by not eating all of their cooking, but I hope I made up for it by helping with dishes lol. Long story short, eating low carb when your not preparing the meals is very difficult.

It's tough for any diet. In my 6 years of being a vegetarian, I've found it best to just a crack a joke and say something about being there to enjoy their company and not just to eat all their food.


OG Kush said:
Word. And especially depending on which culture your from. I'm south asian and people get extremely offended when you visit them and don't eat what they've cooked etc.
Yeah my friends parents are Lebanese, so its a cultural thing. And I'm not doing keto, just trying to keep it between 50 and 75 grams of carbs a day, so I'm afraid that if I have a little bit of carb heavy food, I won't be able to control myself, and ruin my progress. Plus, I already had a cheat day planed for tomorrow . Can't wait to eat some thin crust pizza again lol.
reggieandTFE said:
It's tough for any diet. In my 6 years of being a vegetarian, I've found it best to just a crack a joke and say something about being there to enjoy their company and not just to eat all their food.

Or you could turn it around on them.

You: Quietly minding your business.
Them: Why aren't you eating [blank]?
You: "Why would I eat corn and potatoes? Do I look like a fucking idiot? Hello McFly?"
Kidding aside, I was taught to mind my own plate, but I do notice at family gatherings (long before I was low carbing) that some people just can't mind their own fucking business. I think most adults are aware of what and how much they want to eat.
I ordered some grilled chicken at KFC the other day and the server looked at me strangely when I declined sides (they're all carb-loaded aside from the green beans) and a biscuit.
Gary Whitta said:
I ordered some grilled chicken at KFC the other day and the server looked at me strangely when I declined sides (they're all carb-loaded aside from the green beans) and a biscuit.

Were you drooling?


doing low carb, should i be concerned about how much sodium is in my food? i'm drinking about a gallon of water a day.
Gary Whitta said:
I ordered some grilled chicken at KFC the other day and the server looked at me strangely when I declined sides (they're all carb-loaded aside from the green beans) and a biscuit.

Dammit Gary, I haven't been to KFC in ages. Now I am going to think about it when I eat my meager lunch today.
The_Inquisitor said:
Dammit Gary, I haven't been to KFC in ages. Now I am going to think about it when I eat my meager lunch today.
The crazy thing is even the original recipe chicken is pretty low-carb. 7g carbs for a thigh!
metamonk said:
doing low carb, should i be concerned about how much sodium is in my food? i'm drinking about a gallon of water a day.

Lots of sodium will cause you to retain water and look bloated. Also, it can raise your blood pressure. So no matter what kind of diet you're on, a lot of sodium is never a good idea.
metamonk said:
doing low carb, should i be concerned about how much sodium is in my food? i'm drinking about a gallon of water a day.

Definately make sure you are getting enough sodium. I specifically add half salt (sodium/potassium) to most of my food.
Can't live without salt.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I need to get a scale and start tracking weight. Back in April when I started my new job I was at 225, which is right around the heaviest I have ever weighted (I am 6'). I have a slightly bigger body structure though so if you saw me you'd never think I was too overweight.

I can't really tell if the carb watching has done much for me. I think I look better when looking in the mirror, but maybe I see myself in the mirror so often that I don't realize the change.


Oh yeah, over the weekend I had a double bactonator, no bun and a side of chili. So good.

My gf and I went out for our anniversary yesterday. Both got 12 ounce ribeyes with asparagus instead of potatoes. Was pretty incredible.
Hey folks, I feel bad for asking this as it has likely been asked a hundred time before in this thread but there is just so much information I feel a little intimidated.

I'm starting low card asap. I'm sitting on the Tesco website (UK supermarket) ready to build and order for a weeks worth of food.

What should I be looking for and how much of it for a week?

Looking forward to starting :)

Thanks guys


ArachosiA 78 said:
Lots of sodium will cause you to retain water and look bloated. Also, it can raise your blood pressure. So no matter what kind of diet you're on, a lot of sodium is never a good idea.

More sodium = higher BP has been pretty much debunked. Besides that, low carb diets tend to cause people to retain quite a bit less water than they normally would, which would more than offset water retention from any extra sodium in the diet.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
A recent farting thread just made me realize this, but I haven't farted since going low-carb/primal this February.

Anyone else notice a lack of feeling gassy or needing to fart since starting a low-carb, paleo, or primal diet?
Zefah said:
A recent farting thread just made me realize this, but I haven't farted since going low-carb/primal this February.

Anyone else notice a lack of feeling gassy or needing to fart since starting a low-carb, paleo, or primal diet?

Yeah, my fart activity dropped from 20 to 30 a day down to maybe 2 per week. And that's if I eat cabbage or something.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
LocoMrPollock said:
Yeah, my fart activity dropped from 20 to 30 a day down to maybe 2 per week. And that's if I eat cabbage or something.

Awesome! Definitely another benefit of not eating shit.

No more fast food-induced assplosions, either.
Yep, hardly any farts.
Also no more diarrhea. Used to get it a few times a week just from overeating way too much carby food. Fast food or really any restaurant food would be - eat, then go the hell home quick and straight to the bathroom.


Zefah said:
A recent farting thread just made me realize this, but I haven't farted since going low-carb/primal this February.

Anyone else notice a lack of feeling gassy or needing to fart since starting a low-carb, paleo, or primal diet?
It's normally the wheat/fibre that makes you bloated. It cant be digested after all.
Someone posted a photo of a peanut butter s'mores turnover topped with cream in the cool photos thread and just looking at it was almost enough to make me quit low-carb. Gotta stay strong!

I just wanted to say I love the Double Down from KFC with a side of green beans instead of the "fries." My fast-food of choice when I am out and about!
Do they still make that? My last couple of KFC trips I haven't seen it on the menu.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Two things that are currently frustrating me to no end that I'm hoping WeightLossGAF can help me with:

1) How the fuck do I tame my lactose intolerance? It's gotten to the point where putting a tablespoon of half & half in my coffee automatically puts me in the bathroom for more than 20 minutes. The weird thing about it all? It seems like it's the only way to make me take a shit.

2) How can I fix my screwed up metabolism? My metabolism is so fragile, it's annoying me to no end. Last week I chose TWO days out of seven to cheat. I checked my weight yesterday and it said I gained 4 pounds (2 of which was bodyfat judging from my bf test) Granted, I ate quite a bit of carb-filled food on those two cheat days, but not enough to negate five days of cutting AND gain 4 pounds on top of that.

It's so ridiculous how fragile and broken my metabolism is. I feel like if I even go 1 calorie above my usual cut, I'll gain weight. It's been like this my whole life, I've just gotten to the poin where I can't take it anymore and need to vent and find a solution.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Going from a very low carb diet to a diet with carbs will result in 3-5 lbs of water weight. That's normal.

As for those struggling to lose the last 20 lbs or so, I recommend looking at low food reward diets. I'm seeing a pattern here where you all are clinging to the flavors and imitations of nasty high carb foods like candy, pizza, cakes. My advice is to do away with that completely, both on cheat days and with imitations. Eat more natural foods. By the time you completely lose the weight your desire for those foods will wane, much like many of you probably don't have the desire to chug soda all day after not drinking it for a long time. But to someone that does drink soda on a regular basis or did until recently, they think water is too tasteless/bland.

In order for this strategy to be effective, you need to throw out all of the bad stuff, and always have plenty of good food available. Never get to a point where you're hungry and you cave into ordering food or something.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
teh_pwn said:
Going from a very low carb diet to a diet with carbs will result in 3-5 lbs of water weight. That's normal.

As for those struggling to lose the last 20 lbs or so, I recommend looking at low food reward diets. I'm seeing a pattern here where you all are clinging to the flavors and imitations of nasty high carb foods like candy, pizza, cakes. My advice is to do away with that completely, both on cheat days and with imitations. Eat more natural foods. By the time you completely lose the weight your desire for those foods will wane, much like many of you probably don't have the desire to chug soda all day after not drinking it for a long time. But to someone that does drink soda on a regular basis or did until recently, they think water is too tasteless/bland.

I gotta say I am seeing the same thing. All sorts of low-carb recipes for normally high-carb things, etc.

Obviously the amount of carbs consumed is important, but equally is important for your health and body composition is what you actually eat. Chugging diet soda, vanilla protein shakes, and chowing down on low-carb ice cream, breads and pitas probably isn't that good for your overall health, even if it will help you lose weight at first.

Like teh_pwn said, it's all about going for more natural and whole foods. You'll no longer even want to eat garbage, imitation or real, and you'll feel a lot better for it.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I do think low carb is effective and I do think lowering insulin is key, but if you're so obsessed with eating that your blood has a steady supply of fatty acids from food, you aren't going to burn your body fat very fast (nor gain much due to low insulin), so I see stagnation.
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