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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Gary Whitta said:
Do they still make that? My last couple of KFC trips I haven't seen it on the menu.

Yep just had one today for lunch! So damn tasty and juicy!

Had the grilled Double Down for the first time a couple weeks ago, and it's a hot nasty mess. I much prefer the fried one... I can live with 11 carbs vs. 3.
Bah cheated a little today on my off work-out day. Ate some paste and bread for dinner. But my lunches are still carb-free with the exception of the yogurt I eat.
Doctor, it fats when I do this.
Then don't do that.

Good advice teh_pwn.
Food doesn't have to taste good, it just has to be palatable enough to get down.

It's like that Kate Moss quote : Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.
You want to keep the weight off? You want to have cheat meals/days? You want to be lean? It all comes down to what you want more.
ipukespiders said:
Doctor, it fats when I do this.
Then don't do that.

Good advice teh_pwn.
Food doesn't have to taste good, it just has to be palatable enough to get down.

It's like that Kate Moss quote : Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.
You want to keep the weight off? You want to have cheat meals/days? You want to be lean? It all comes down to what you want more.

I hate eating anymore, it is a damn hassle. I wish I could take one pill a day to get all the nutrition I need and be done with it.


not characteristic of ants at all
wiggins022 said:
I hate eating anymore, it is a damn hassle. I wish I could take one pill a day to get all the nutrition I need and be done with it.
WTF? That would be the worst. Eating is an enjoyable experience man.


Sigh. Alright I hope this is the right place for this.

Gaf, I have to lose weight. I'm jobless, depressed, single, and pretty fat. I haven't really evaluated myself until recently and I really do need to get my weight off. I'm 5'6'' and currently around 208lbs. It hasn't really bothered me until recently.

I've started to better my diet lately. Quitting fast food, cutting down on how much I eat, cutting down on breads, replacing sodas and orange juice with water (trying to drink lots of it daily) and sometimes low-fat milk. I've also begun walking pretty much everyday. I've usually been doing a route that's roughly two miles, but recently I've been wanting to do that twice a day (in the morning and in the evening). Unfortunately, i'm also jobless and poor so I can't afford a gym membership and I don't have any weights to lift. What else can I do, Gaf? What are some good examples of exercises that I can do? I've been doing leg lifts and some stretching right before I go walk, but I'm clueless on what else I can do right now.

Thanks in advance!
oatmeal said:
Found that Carb Smart Ice Cream that Whitta said he bought.

Soooo good.

Zefah said:
Impeccable timing, Gary! :D
Yeah I know this stuff isn't ideal but it's really hard to find something to satisfy my sweet tooth. I'm pretty good about eating whole natural foods the rest of the time, one little processed low-carb treat every now and again isn't going to kill me.

I just ordered the pecan clusters and the almond nougat chews from Amazon. The stats look almost too good to be true but I've got to try them and see.


Try dark chocolate! You get used to it very quickly. Just find some that's made with only: cocoa mass, cocoa butter, sugar. Satisfies you very quickly. Not sure exactly how low carb your snack has to be, though.
moonspeak said:
Sigh. Alright I hope this is the right place for this.

Gaf, I have to lose weight. I'm jobless, depressed, single, and pretty fat. I haven't really evaluated myself until recently and I really do need to get my weight off. I'm 5'6'' and currently around 208lbs. It hasn't really bothered me until recently.

I've started to better my diet lately. Quitting fast food, cutting down on how much I eat, cutting down on breads, replacing sodas and orange juice with water (trying to drink lots of it daily) and sometimes low-fat milk. I've also begun walking pretty much everyday. I've usually been doing a route that's roughly two miles, but recently I've been wanting to do that twice a day (in the morning and in the evening). Unfortunately, i'm also jobless and poor so I can't afford a gym membership and I don't have any weights to lift. What else can I do, Gaf? What are some good examples of exercises that I can do? I've been doing leg lifts and some stretching right before I go walk, but I'm clueless on what else I can do right now.

Thanks in advance!

You're on the right track. Just keep doing what you're doing right now. The weight loss will come.
I'm still wondering if the sugars in the milk I'm drinking with my protein powder every day is slowing down my weight loss. Tried mixing it with water instead, but... blegh!


not characteristic of ants at all
Gary Whitta said:
I'm still wondering if the sugars in the milk I'm drinking with my protein powder every day is slowing down my weight loss. Tried mixing it with water instead, but... blegh!
How much calories are you taking in per day?
K2Valor said:
How much calories are you taking in per day?
I'm usually somewhere between 1650-2000.

ipukespiders said:
And also, what are your macros?
As a sample here are mine from yesterday:

Calories: 1747
Carbs: 64g
Fat: 97g
Protein: 169g
Sugar: 24g

And yesterday (no milk):

Calories: 1754
Carbs: 26g
Fat: 113g
Protein: 146g
Sugar: 4g
Gary Whitta said:
I'm still wondering if the sugars in the milk I'm drinking with my protein powder every day is slowing down my weight loss. Tried mixing it with water instead, but... blegh!

I switched from milk to water plus a little heavy whipping cream. Sooooo good and creamy, and lower on the carbs.


not characteristic of ants at all
Gary Whitta said:
I'm usually somewhere between 1650-2000.

As a sample here are mine from yesterday:

Calories: 1747
Carbs: 64g
Fat: 97g
Protein: 169g
Sugar: 24g

I would just keep at it then. Depending on your heigh/weight 1700 calories is extremely low as it is. Just plow through the stall and if changes don't come by the end of the month then change something.


It's amazing how little I want junk food these days. It's a pity I can't seem to ween myself off pasta though. :T

Huge goddamn shock yesterday to idly check out the pasta packet and see 65g of carbs in a single serving! When you're trying to stay between 50 and 100g a day that's not cool, not cool at all
Jintor said:
It's amazing how little I want junk food these days. It's a pity I can't seem to ween myself off pasta though. :T
My only real weakness is for original recipe KFC, so I was pleased to discover that it's low carb! I still try to make it a treat rather than a regular thing though.


moonspeak said:
Sigh. Alright I hope this is the right place for this.

Gaf, I have to lose weight. I'm jobless, depressed, single, and pretty fat. I haven't really evaluated myself until recently and I really do need to get my weight off. I'm 5'6'' and currently around 208lbs. It hasn't really bothered me until recently.

I've started to better my diet lately. Quitting fast food, cutting down on how much I eat, cutting down on breads, replacing sodas and orange juice with water (trying to drink lots of it daily) and sometimes low-fat milk. I've also begun walking pretty much everyday. I've usually been doing a route that's roughly two miles, but recently I've been wanting to do that twice a day (in the morning and in the evening). Unfortunately, i'm also jobless and poor so I can't afford a gym membership and I don't have any weights to lift. What else can I do, Gaf? What are some good examples of exercises that I can do? I've been doing leg lifts and some stretching right before I go walk, but I'm clueless on what else I can do right now.

Thanks in advance!

You can do weight training without weights - just use your body weight. Just google or youtube search for "body weight exercises". They can range from beginner to advanced and can have aerobic elements in them. I'd suggest doing your weight training in the morning and walking in the evening, but do what your energy levels dictate. Either that or weight train one day, walk/cardio the next.

Weight training will encourage you to build lean body tissue (muscle), which makes you feel good about yourself, providing more motivation for you to lose weight. You'll also get stronger - it's nice to feel strong. Weight training also uses a fair amount of calories while you're doing it. It also requires your body to use more calories when it's at rest to maintain muscle, meaning you can eat more. Be careful though - don't be tempted to eat a shit load just because you're working out more. Eat plenty of protein for your body to repair itself.

Do one or two sets of the following exercises. Start slow if you're out of shape, because as you're strengthening your muscles, you're also strengthening your ligaments and tendons, and you don't want to strain anything by going nuts. Give it a week or two and then do at least one or two sets each of the following exercises until you physically can't do another rep.

Basic exercises - the following are good, basic exercises. They're mostly compound exercises too and will help you progress quicker and you'll also get a stronger, more stable core.

Lunges: Since you're starting out, your body weight is more than enough to give your legs a decent workout by doing alternating lunges or walking lunges. Works the thighs and buttocks.

Chin ups: A classic. You may only be able to do one or two when you start, but once you reach four or five you'll progress nicely. Vary it with pull ups to work different muscles. Works biceps, back, lats.

Dips: Good for your triceps. Can be done with one or two chairs.

Pushups: Another classic. Works the chest and triceps.

Hand stand pushups against a wall: Do a handstand against a wall and carefully lower and raise your body weight. Works shoulders and triceps.

Stomach exercises: Situps suck, so I don't do them. I use a stability balls similar to a lot of the exercises in this video:


I tend to avoid stomach exercises as much as possible. I often lift my knees up when doing chinups, which works the stomach.

I would suggest not getting obsessive about an exercise regimen. You want it to be easy to fit into your life instead of it controlling your life, unless you make it a hobby. You also don't want to get bored. Introduce new exercises, switch them around and change the order you do exercises in.

Jintor said:
Carbs in a McDonald's thickshake: 92g

son of a bitch

What did you expect? It's basically fat and sugar!


Gary Whitta said:
I'm still wondering if the sugars in the milk I'm drinking with my protein powder every day is slowing down my weight loss. Tried mixing it with water instead, but... blegh!

Haha I drink it in water. Just gulp it down, BE A MAN.


Man I had a cheat day last Saturday and it seems like it didn't mess up my diet at all. It seems like the low carbs diet is finally starting to kick in, for the first few weeks, I saw no changes. Now I'm losing about 2-3 pounds a week and feeling great.


Domino Theory said:
1) How the fuck do I tame my lactose intolerance? It's gotten to the point where putting a tablespoon of half & half in my coffee automatically puts me in the bathroom for more than 20 minutes. The weird thing about it all? It seems like it's the only way to make me take a shit.
The only solution I've found to my personal problems with dairy is to cut it out completely... and it's not easy, but it does work.

Maybe you can try some of the milk alternatives? Rice/almond/soy milks are all options, rice milk is probably the one with the least noticeable taste if you want something similar to skim milk.


dejay said:
awesome tips and advice
ah man, such good info. doing some research on more bodyweight exercises and there's definitely some stuff i want to try out. i think i'll start this new routine tomorrow morning!

thanks so much! it's very much appreciated.


I really suck at counting carbs so I pretty much just stay away from rice, pasta, potatoes, and noodles and eating pretty much anything else and that's been helping me lose weight.
So, I've heard mixed things about calorie intake on a ketogenic diet.

I'm sort of plateauing right now and I wonder if it's because I'm eating too many calories, even though the most widely believed thought is that calories aren't a huge factor if you're in ketosis.

I do about 30-40 mins of cardio 5 times a week. I lift weights 3 times a week.
I consume about 10-15g of net carbs a day, and around 2000 calories.


moonspeak said:
ah man, such good info. doing some research on more bodyweight exercises and there's definitely some stuff i want to try out. i think i'll start this new routine tomorrow morning!

thanks so much! it's very much appreciated.

No problem - with imagination you can work pretty much any muscle group with your body weight. Just remember that you won't get a weight trainers physique when using body weight, because they generally up their weights as they progress and maintain their number of reps. You'll be doing the opposite - increasing your reps as you get stronger but your body weight will decrease as you lose fat. It will however give you useful strength and a more naturally strong physique. Eventually you may want to mix body weight and free weights. If you have access to those water jugs, you can use them for weights when doing lunges and you can vary the weight by filling them up more or less. Your leg muscles can get pretty solid pretty quickly, so they're a good thing to build up; seeing and feeling the extra definition and solidity will act as a motivator for you to keep going.

Also remember that there's nothing stopping you from doing some push ups or lunges in the middle of your walks. If you walk past a playground, there's a good opportunity to do some chin ups.

I'd also recommend working on increasing your walking pace after a week or two and maybe stretching it to 3 miles a little while after that. You want to walk at a pace where you can still talk fairly comfortably but you're breathing is elevated to a light panting.

I'll throw in one last thing - working your muscles to exhaustion causes them to stress. It's this stress that stimulates them to grow. You'll feel this stress the first few times you start a new exercise because the muscles you've stressed will be really sore the next day or two. After stress comes growth, which is why leaving a day between strong weight training sessions is a good practice, which is why a lot of people only lift 3 times a week. For more information visit the fitness thread, but I think you have enough to go on for at least a couple of months!


SuperAngelo64 said:
So, I've heard mixed things about calorie intake on a ketogenic diet.

I'm sort of plateauing right now and I wonder if it's because I'm eating too many calories, even though the most widely believed thought is that calories aren't a huge factor if you're in ketosis.

I do about 30-40 mins of cardio 5 times a week. I lift weights 3 times a week.
I consume about 10-15g of net carbs a day, and around 2000 calories.
That seems like a good plan. Maybe you should try a cheat day to mix things up a little. It has defiantly worked for me.
harSon said:
Err, I meant unsweetened almond milk.
I tried this and it works GREAT. Tastes just as good as regular milk but only 2g carbs per serving (1 of which is fiber). This is how I will make my shakes from now on!


Gary Whitta said:
I tried this and it works GREAT. Tastes just as good as regular milk but only 2g carbs per serving (1 of which is fiber). This is how I will make my shakes from now on!

I have used it for protein shakes before and it's awesome. I hate the taste by itself however. It's too strange.


ugh....should I be worried that I've slowed down to losing about ~1 lb a week? I was averaging about ~2 lbs a week when I first started.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Jintor said:
It's amazing how little I want junk food these days. It's a pity I can't seem to ween myself off pasta though. :T

Huge goddamn shock yesterday to idly check out the pasta packet and see 65g of carbs in a single serving! When you're trying to stay between 50 and 100g a day that's not cool, not cool at al

I did this exactly. I love pasta but have not been eating it due to low carb, but I had never really looked to see how many carbs it had.

EDIT: Almond Milk is amazing, that is all I drink now for milk.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Gary Whitta said:
Pfffft. Worry when you stall out entirely.

I have been trying to do low carb with cheat meals on the weekend but can't tell visibly if I have lost any weight at all. Guess it's time to invest in a scale.


Gary Whitta said:
Pfffft. Worry when you stall out entirely.

Even this scenario isn't cause for complete alarm. Measure yourself, inches could be lost and the weight stays the same if you're doing some lifting. I didn't lose a pound in a month on ketosis but the difference in body fat and muscle was staggering.


Deadly Cyclone said:
I have been trying to do low carb with cheat meals on the weekend but can't tell visibly if I have lost any weight at all. Guess it's time to invest in a scale.

Get a tape measure. If you're working out as well, you might not see changes in your weight.
I got a big lecture from my doctor today about all the red meat and fat in my diet, she says it's why my cholesterol is so high and that I have to cut back. Kinda disheartening.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Gary Whitta said:
I got a big lecture from my doctor today about all the red meat and fat in my diet, she says it's why my cholesterol is so high and that I have to cut back. Kinda disheartening.

You're not gonna find a doctor who will say any different as long as the American Heart Association recommends a diet low in fat and dietary cholesterol.

I think you should stay the course and see how your numbers are in half a year's time.
Zefah said:
You're not gonna find a doctor who will say any different as long as the American Heart Association recommends a diet low in fat and dietary cholesterol.

I think you should stay the course and see how your numbers are in half a year's time.
It'd be easier to brush it off if my cholesterol wasn't so high. But it's impossible to know if my numbers are trending up or down since I hadn't previously been tested since 2009. Until I changed my diet and started exercising recently I was almost totally sedentary and eating terribly so it's entirely possibly that my pre low-carb numbers were even higher and they're only now starting to come down.

I just have a hard time believing that I can lose 35lbs and be exercising every day for months but still see cholesterol getting worse. I am going to stay the course for now and see how my numbers are in a couple of months.
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