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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Gary Whitta said:
I just have a hard time believing that I can lose 35lbs and be exercising every day for months but still see cholesterol getting worse. I am going to stay the course for now and see how my numbers are in a couple of months.

That's all you can do for now. Wait to see how your numbers are now that you have a base to compare it off of.
Well my mom is 73 and has been low carbing for a couple of months and her sugars (type 2 diabetic) went from 11-12 down to 6-7 and her doctor was very pleased. She asked my mom what she has been doing differently and my mom just said "I've stopped eating bread" and didn't say more. Her doctor told my mom that she also has given up bread.
I told my mom to give her doctor the full story on her next visit. Some doctors will actually listen to reason.
(Those diabetes #s are how the Canadian scale works - I think 3-5 is normal range).


Not exactly too thrilled with my weight loss again. It's not exactly stagnant, but it's not satisfactory either. Maybe I just happen to be on a natural plateau, but I'm going to be making a few more changes to my diet to see if anything helps. I'm still on the ~20 carbs a day diet though.

I'm going to completely cut out artificial sweetner (Splenda) in favor of Stevia. I actually don't use the former that much, only when I'm making almond flour pancakes or a flax bread muffin. I'm also going to stop chewing gum completely despite it being 1 carb/1 sugar alcohol per stick which is supposedly anywhere from 0 to .5 net carbs.

I'm also going to cut back on my caloric intake a bit (~2000/day calories tops), primarily by restricting red meats to once a day. Some days I'll eat a double cheeseburger for lunch and follow it up with a giant steak for dinner. I'd like to throw a more constant flow of poultry, pork chops and fish into the mix. Especially considering I'm already eating the pork trifecta for breakfast (Pork Chorizo w/ Eggs, Pork Bacon and Pork Sausage).

And I'm going to start keeping tabs on the amount of fruit I eat through out the day. I only eat berries, primarily black berries and strawberries, but I do it in a way where it's easy for me to over eat them. Basically, whenever I'm hungry in between meals, I'll walk over to the fridge and pop a few strawberries/black berries. From now on, upon buying them, I'm going to measure them out and separate them by serving size... that way I have a better idea of how much I'm eating.

I've already completely cut out diet soda and crystal light (I about a fifth cup of the latter on rare occasions, whenever I have the taste of nothingness in my mouth which I hate), and drink a shit ton of water. Everytime I'm in the kitchen, I drop back some water. I always keep some water with me when I'm at the computer for me to sip. And I always keep a bottle of water with me when I'm on the go.

Hopefully this yields some results.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Gary Whitta said:
It'd be easier to brush it off if my cholesterol wasn't so high. But it's impossible to know if my numbers are trending up or down since I hadn't previously been tested since 2009. Until I changed my diet and started exercising recently I was almost totally sedentary and eating terribly so it's entirely possibly that my pre low-carb numbers were even higher and they're only now starting to come down.

I just have a hard time believing that I can lose 35lbs and be exercising every day for months but still see cholesterol getting worse. I am going to stay the course for now and see how my numbers are in a couple of months.

The Fat Head God said:
Half of all heart-attack victims have normal or low cholesterol. Autopsies performed on heart-attack victims routinely reveal plaque-filled arteries in people whose cholesterol was low (as low as 115 in one case).


If you haven't seen the documentary 'Fat Head', you need to.
I am sure you guys have pointed this out in here before but do you have a good resource/website or starting point for someone that wants to try a low carb diet?


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
JetBlackPanda said:
I am sure you guys have pointed this out in here before but do you have a good resource/website or starting point for someone that wants to try a low carb diet?


Good place to start: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3359710

Also, check out one of the books by Gary Taubes, or at least his Google Talks video.

While not strictly low-carb, I think you should also check out The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. It covers similar topics and, in my opinion, his Primal lifestyle ideas are far better for your health than just blindly going for anything as long as it has low carbohydrate content.

He's got a great blog with good info, nice recipes, and helpful exercise advice as well at Mark's Daily Apple.
Zefah said:
Good place to start: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3359710

Also, check out one of the books by Gary Taubes, or at least his Google Talks video.

While not strictly low-carb, I think you should also check out The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. It covers similar topics and, in my opinion, his Primal lifestyle ideas are far better for your health than just blindly going for anything as long as it has low carbohydrate content.

He's got a great blog with good info, nice recipes, and helpful exercise advice as well at Mark's Daily Apple.

this is perfect! thank you!
Domino Theory said:

If you haven't seen the documentary 'Fat Head', you need to.
I've seen it, in fact it was a catalyst for going low-carb. I'm just bummed because I wish my cholesterol numbers were better. All I can do is stick with it and hope I see a downward trend.

In other news, my gf made low-carb chocolate cheesecake from scratch, very keen to check it out tonight!

Oh also... berries are good, right? I picked up some raspberries and blueberries at the market, can I just dump some cream on these and enjoy?


ipukespiders said:
What kind of trending have you seen over the last 2-3 months? Has it been slow steady loss, or no loss at all?

I've lost around 10 pounds since I started the diet on July 2nd, but I'd say 8 or so pounds of that came off within the first 4 weeks. I've been fluctuating +/- 1 pounds around a particular weight for the last 2 weeks.

I was losing roughly 2 pounds a week without fail on my low fat/calorie restriction diet.
Berries are fantastic. I always have strawberries/blueberries on hand.
But if you are aiming for ketosis (I'm not) then maybe not a good idea.

harSon said:
I've lost around 10 pounds since I started the diet on July 2nd, but I'd say 8 or so pounds of that came off within the first 4 weeks. I've been fluctuating +/- 1 pounds around a particular weight for the last 2 weeks.

I was losing roughly 2 pounds a week without fail on my low fat/calorie restriction diet.

No worries, it's only been 6 weeks.

Put your scale away for at least a month. Trust me. In fact, flip ahead on your calendar to October 1st. Write your current weight on that day and compare at that time. When you see how much weight you have lost, congratulate yourself, and also wish me a happy birthday.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Day 2 of week 5 of Couch to 5k, two eight minutes runs with a 5 minute walk before and after. I was extremely surprised at how quickly the first 8 minute ran went, all of the sudden I was at 4 minutes and breezed through to 8. The second 8 minute run was a bit harder as I was in the hilly part of the course, but it makes me feel like I actually have a shot at doing well in the 20 minute run Friday to end week 5.

I was never a runner and always disliked it so this is great.
Gary Whitta said:
It'd be easier to brush it off if my cholesterol wasn't so high. But it's impossible to know if my numbers are trending up or down since I hadn't previously been tested since 2009. Until I changed my diet and started exercising recently I was almost totally sedentary and eating terribly so it's entirely possibly that my pre low-carb numbers were even higher and they're only now starting to come down.

I just have a hard time believing that I can lose 35lbs and be exercising every day for months but still see cholesterol getting worse. I am going to stay the course for now and see how my numbers are in a couple of months.

If you're still losing weight, testing lipids is pretty much useless. For one, you're metabolizing all that animal fat - human body fat is very close to lard in its fatty acid composition, so you're basically consuming your lost weight in lard.

Have you significantly upped your egg yolk intake? Yolks are one of the best sources of choline, which the liver uses to process fat. If your liver was overweight (fatty liver is pretty damn common, especially in the overweight), you're probably shedding stored liver fat, partly due to increased choline intake. This is a very good thing, but it could temporarily spike your numbers.


ipukespiders said:
Berries are fantastic. I always have strawberries/blueberries on hand.
But if you are aiming for ketosis (I'm not) then maybe not a good idea.

No worries, it's only been 6 weeks.

Put your scale away for at least a month. Trust me. In fact, flip ahead on your calendar to October 1st. Write your current weight on that day and compare at that time. When you see how much weight you have lost, congratulate yourself, and also wish me a happy birthday.

I'm probably going to make the changes regardless. Artificial Sweeteners are known to stall weight loss in people, and I'd rather consume something natural in its place. And chicken and pork chops are cheaper than hamburger meat, so I wouldn't mind cutting down on the latter for some of the former (and getting some much needed variety within my lunch menu). And considering I'm on a kinetic diet, I should definitely be keeping tabs on my carb intake, which I am outside of the fruit thing I mentioned.

I'm just trying to maximize the efficiency of my diet, which is why I tend to weigh myself daily (And have been for the last two years), so I can make necessary changes within my diet without having to wasting weeks or a month. I've been dieting for a while now, and have lost over a 130 pounds, and now that I can begin to see the finish line, I'm eager to get this remaining weight in a hurry. Cause it really sucks having to buy new clothes every few months :|
Price Dalton said:
If you're still losing weight, testing lipids is pretty much useless. For one, you're metabolizing all that animal fat - human body fat is very close to lard in its fatty acid composition, so you're basically consuming your lost weight in lard.

Have you significantly upped your egg yolk intake? Yolks are one of the best sources of choline, which the liver uses to process fat. If your liver was overweight (fatty liver is pretty damn common, especially in the overweight), you're probably shedding stored liver fat, partly due to increased choline intake. This is a very good thing, but it could temporarily spike your numbers.
Yeah, I eat whole eggs almost every day. Thanks for the perspective, very interesting! It definitely doesn't make sense that my weight and cholesterol could be going in opposite directions.
Gary Whitta said:
Yeah, I eat whole eggs almost every day. Thanks for the perspective, very interesting! It definitely doesn't make sense that my weight and cholesterol could be going in opposite directions.
You're still stuck in the "cholesterol matters in the way that we've been mistakenly told for years" mindset.

Here's something you could try, it's a little odd.
Continue to weigh yourself each day, but don't look at the number. Take a picture of it. Set your camera with the timestamp option. Keep doing your food log. Then, come October, look at all the pictures. It will show the results of how you ate, without the obsession.

I'm just not a believer in daily weighing, unless a person is at maintenance. I think it will just be too frustrating and demotivating - as evidenced by many posts on here.

Just an idea.
Buckethead said:
Do y'all monitor your sodium intakes?

If so; what's your average?

Unless you're going to chug a bottle of SoySauce, it isn't that big of a deal.
Your body needs salt. Lots of it, and there's no real link between eating a lot of salt and any diseases, but there is evidence that too little can cause problems.
Just be sure you have plenty of fluids.

Hausmeister said:
Quick question, weight loss GAF: How about drinking something like Punica Tea & Fruit (nutritions here) (like one 1,5l bottle @ work) besides the water I drink at home? Is it too bad already?

Well, it has a lot of sugar in it, so I wouldn't suggest it.
Especially since sweet tea is gross.
AceBandage said:
Unless you're going to chug a bottle of SoySauce, it isn't that big of a deal.
Your body needs salt. Lots of it, and there's no real link between eating a lot of salt and any diseases, but there is evidence that too little can cause problems.
Just be sure you have plenty of fluids.
This is an area where I lack knowledge.

But yeah I get about 70 oz. of water a day. At least.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I meant to ask you all about eggs. Lately I have been eating a ton of them but I actually looked at the nutrition last night and one egg has 71% of my daily cholesterol. Now my cholesterol is high, but not super high (family history, I got my grandfather's weight problem, my brother got the cholesterol issues).

Are they fine to eat a lot of? I also noticed they had 8% of my saturated fat per day too...
I'm not really trying to lose weight (1m77/68kg), but I do have a big butt, especially for a man. I wear 32' pants because of that, despite the fact that I am skinny everywhere else. How do I lose this GAF ? My diet is okay (I'm not in the US so I do not abuse of all the sugar crap, only drink water, do not eat pizzas/fast food and other shit like that on a regular basis, my last fast food was like 4 months ago). I also do some biking and I have an active routine (I'm not driving so I walk a lot, etc). I have this butt problem since I left high school (4 years ago). I've been losing some weight recently (I was 73kg six months ago) because I improved my diet (which was already okay like I said) and most importantly my sleep schedule. But I didn't lose any ass so I'm starting to wonder if I don't have a medical problem...
I'll take a pic in front of a mirror with chinos tommorrow, you'll see. Besides, my waist measures 83cm. That's pretty big considering my weight. Men with a 83cm waist are usually around 80/85kg.


ch0mp said:
Looks more like bad posture.

Isn't that basically what it is--bad posture that has stuck?

LordPhoque said:
I'll take a pic in front of a mirror with chinos tommorrow, you'll see. Besides, my waist measures 83cm. That's pretty big considering my weight. Men with a 83cm waist are usually around 80/85kg.

Your waist isn't near your butt... are you talking about your hips?
Zefah said:
Good place to start: http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3359710

Also, check out one of the books by Gary Taubes, or at least his Google Talks video.

While not strictly low-carb, I think you should also check out The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. It covers similar topics and, in my opinion, his Primal lifestyle ideas are far better for your health than just blindly going for anything as long as it has low carbohydrate content.

He's got a great blog with good info, nice recipes, and helpful exercise advice as well at Mark's Daily Apple.

Since you posted this I have watched both Fat Head and Taubes google talks video, I started a no/low carb diet and I will see how things go. People at work are already giving me a really hard time saying I am going to kill myself.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
JetBlackPanda said:
Since you posted this I have watched both Fat Head and Taubes google talks video, I started a no/low carb diet and I will see how things go. People at work are already giving me a really hard time saying I am going to kill myself.

I'm always amazed by comments from people whenever someone talks about going low-carb, high fat and high protein.

Are they stupid? Do they think that people over a thousand years ago had vegetable oil? Whole grain cereal? Flat bread? Cherry pie?

Do they think people didn't exist before the 1900s?
JetBlackPanda said:
People at work are already giving me a really hard time saying I am going to kill myself.

Why did you tell them?
I could see if you have been doing it for a while and have gotten results - then it's all stealth mode, "I've been low carbing and look at me now."

A year ago if someone told me they were starting a new diet that involved eating high fat foods I would probably have a hard time understanding that. "LOL Heart attack!!"
ipukespiders said:
Why did you tell them?
I could see if you have been doing it for a while and have gotten results - then it's all stealth mode, "I've been low carbing and look at me now."

A year ago if someone told me they were starting a new diet that involved eating high fat foods I would probably have a hard time understanding that. "LOL Heart attack!!"

I was straight up asked since I was eating some hamburger with greenbeans, I get why they ask but they won't even listen when I try and explain it.
ipukespiders said:
No worries, it's only been 6 weeks.

Put your scale away for at least a month. Trust me. In fact, flip ahead on your calendar to October 1st. Write your current weight on that day and compare at that time. When you see how much weight you have lost, congratulate yourself, and also wish me a happy birthday.
I think I need to do this too. I've lost about 20lbs (8.9kgs) and did so fairly rapidly. Now I fluctuate around this same mark for a bit and get a bit down if the weight has gone up. But my trousers feel looser and i just about squeezed in a 40in waist pair last night for the first time since I went to Uni!
I think I just need to keep exercising, look after the calories and ignore the scales at the gym for at least a fortnight

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
JetBlackPanda said:
Since you posted this I have watched both Fat Head and Taubes google talks video, I started a no/low carb diet and I will see how things go. People at work are already giving me a really hard time saying I am going to kill myself.

Awesome! I had similar experiences when I started back in February. People worrying about my cholesterol levels and that I was going to have a heart attack because I wasn't eating grains and vegetable oil.

Stick with it, and I highly recommend you check out some of the books I put in my post, and also do your own research.
Zefah said:
Awesome! I had similar experiences when I started back in February. People worrying about my cholesterol levels and that I was going to have a heart attack because I wasn't eating grains and vegetable oil.

Stick with it, and I highly recommend you check out some of the books I put in my post, and also do your own research.

Has your cholesterol improved since you started the paleo diet?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
DragonKnight said:
Has your cholesterol improved since you started the paleo diet?

No idea. I've never measured my cholesterol. I probably should get it checked one day.
I have not been on a diet in a long time and I have been drinking soda and eating fast food every work day for about 3 years and my cholesterol is amazing. I am starting a no/low carb diet high in fats and will check and see if it makes a difference, but I don't think just removing Carbs will make my numbers spike since I was eating like shit before.
JetBlackPanda said:
I have not been on a diet in a long time and I have been drinking soda and eating fast food every work day for about 3 years and my cholesterol is amazing. I am starting a no/low carb diet high in fats and will check and see if it makes a difference, but I don't think just removing Carbs will make my numbers spike since I was eating like shit before.

Genetics, perhaps? My father and mother both have excellent health.
DragonKnight said:
Genetics, perhaps? My father and mother both have excellent health.

probably does have something to do with it, but time and again "most" people that are on a no carb diet report lowering of there cholesterol.
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