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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

LocoMrPollock said:
Different things work for different people, and there's no proof that people who lose weight one way are healthier than those who lose it another.

Most of the people here who have lost weight via low-carb and have posted pics don't look any better or healthier than the ones who haven't. They look just as soft and flabby as low cal/low fat people, sometimes more so. Furthermore most are struggling to maintain and some have gained weight back and still can't get over their carb addiction and will more than likely end up gaining a significant amount of their weight back.

Sadly, this is true of most "dieters"

A change in lifestyle is what I recommend.
But for me, it is more about health now, as the bodyfat has reached the level I want. But I'm older than most on here, so things like heart disease and diabetes start to become factors. I want to retire early, and I hope to have good health in those years.

OG Kush

Whats the word on diary products? I was listening to the Joe Rogan podcast and he said something a long the lines that theres some studies or people out there which/who have shown/said eating dairy products actually isn't that good for you, makes you less energetic and stuff along these lines. I haven't researched this, just wondering what GAF's take was on this because I fucking love cheese!
Domino Theory said:
Is it true that you can figure out if you're insulin resistant by doing triglycerides/LDL?
My memories of my lessons are a bit hazy, but wouldn't it be faster to just measure your glycemy and your post-prandial glycemy ?

(is it for you ? If it is not indiscreet, how old are you ?)
OG Kush said:
Whats the word on diary products? I was listening to the Joe Rogan podcast and he said something a long the lines that theres some studies or people out there which/who have shown/said eating dairy products actually isn't that good for you, makes you less energetic and stuff along these lines. I haven't researched this, just wondering what GAF's take was on this because I fucking love cheese!

They are heavy foods. I definitely wouldn't over do them, but cheese and a bit of milk now and then certainly won't hurt anything.
OG Kush said:
Whats the word on diary products? I was listening to the Joe Rogan podcast and he said something a long the lines that theres some studies or people out there which/who have shown/said eating dairy products actually isn't that good for you, makes you less energetic and stuff along these lines. I haven't researched this, just wondering what GAF's take was on this because I fucking love cheese!

Probably lack of iron. Milk can hinder iron absorption.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
Not the best at posting on these threads but damn this is the most motivating/interesting thread i've seen so far! You guys are an inspiration.. I'm still in college, 17 studying Music Performance (UK) ..little bit on the pudgy side... i smoke and drink....kinda wrecking my body but this really does show me how anybody can turn their life around! Keep it up guys!


Had a week of fairly heavy carbs (birthday cake for breakfast AND dinner one day) as well as frequent carb snacking, but only seemed to put on roughly 1kg. Once I go LC again and drop the water weight I gained I should be back to where I was pre-birthday. Woo!


Will drop pants for Sony.
noire said:
Posted over in the fashion thread, but I bought a pair of 34-inch waist pants today.

I have not been able to fit in a 34" waist for as long as I can remember. Between that and the help of fashion GAF, clothes shopping today is fun, rather than futile.

Wow i hope I can get there. Congrats. best thing about losing weight is that you have many options for clothes now.
OG Kush said:
Whats the word on diary products? I was listening to the Joe Rogan podcast and he said something a long the lines that theres some studies or people out there which/who have shown/said eating dairy products actually isn't that good for you, makes you less energetic and stuff along these lines. I haven't researched this, just wondering what GAF's take was on this because I fucking love cheese!

Pasteurized dairy usually has a net energy loss when consumed because it requires a lot of resources for digestion. Most people attribute this to lactose intolerance, when in reality is the break down of large proteins into abnormal foreign forms during pasteurization. The lactase enzymes in raw dairy are also reduced during pasteurization, which put extra work for your digestive system to break down lactose. Trader Joes and Whole Foods seems to carry raw dairy products in my area, except milk.
Gary Whitta said:
I'd just like to point out that after my carb-heavy cheat day yesterday today is by far the most flatulent I've been in a LONG time.
I get back spasms, heartburn, and horrible gas when I carb binge. Even if this wasn't a healthy way to eat, I'd still eat what I do regularly because I hate how I feel when I eat carbs.
so milk is only 13 carbs for a cup would it be super bad to have a little 1% milk every now and then as long as I count it and keep my carbs <50 for the day?


JetBlackPanda said:
so milk is only 13 carbs for a cup would it be super bad to have a little 1% milk every now and then as long as I count it and keep my carbs <50 for the day?
I think everyone agrees that milk is pretty low on the "bad carb" list. 13g milk carbs are much better for you then 13g noodle carbs.
JetBlackPanda said:
so milk is only 13 carbs for a cup would it be super bad to have a little 1% milk every now and then as long as I count it and keep my carbs <50 for the day?
If you're doing low-carb why not drink delicious whole milk instead?
Gary Whitta said:
If you're doing low-carb why not drink delicious whole milk instead?

Because the wife bought 1% this time :) when I hit the store next I will grab some whole milk.

btw its been like 4 days and I have lost 4 pounds, granted its water weight but I really feel good and I have not had to many cravings.

thanks everyone.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Tribes of Trusty said:
My memories of my lessons are a bit hazy, but wouldn't it be faster to just measure your glycemy and your post-prandial glycemy ?

(is it for you ? If it is not indiscreet, how old are you ?)

No clue what you just said, but I'm 22.
noire said:

bone-in ribeye on top of a watercress salad (salt, pepper and olive oil),
tomatoes (from the neighbor's garden) with balsamic vinegar
and steamed baby squash and round zucchini from our garden.
was that frozen when you seared it ? :D
Okay, this is serious.
I honestly have troubles GAINING weight.
I'm always 110-115, at the age of 19, and I'm a male...I'm pretty sure that's underweight.
I eat all the time, I just don't get it.
Any ideas on what I should eat, and how I could gain weight?

Fake edit: I am not a vegan/vegetarian.
Real edit: I'm not bulimic either.


IceDoesntHelp said:
Okay, this is serious.
I honestly have troubles GAINING weight.
I'm always 110-115, at the age of 19, and I'm a male...I'm pretty sure that's underweight.
I eat all the time, I just don't get it.
Any ideas on what I should eat, and how I could gain weight?

Fake edit: I am not a vegan/vegetarian.
Whole milk if you digest it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Gary Whitta said:
holy crap that's rare.

The best kind!

Mine often come out closer to medium rare, but I love me some "blue rare" stuff, too.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Cosmic Bus said:
Not exclusively people here, but the generally vitriolic our-way-or-the-highway attitude that seems to so often come along with the low carb lifestyle. And I never said it wasn't "sure to work," I said that it's not always achievable or able to be maintained by everyone for any number of reasons not tied to willpower. People live different types of lives, low carb simply can't exist in some of them, and that's perfectly fine.

Healthy weight loss and fitness goals can and have been reached and maintained by many, many people through a variety of means, and (in most cases) they aren't harming themselves or doing it "the wrong way."

This is worth debating, in my opinion.
Domino Theory said:
No clue what you just said, but I'm 22.
(insulin resistance is a condition generally for older people).

I don't think you can jauge insulin resistance by measuring triglycerides/LDL (but rather measuring insuline when you fast or do a test with glucose).
Sorry if I didn't make myself clear, I sometimes struggle with English :v


Tribes of Trusty said:
(insulin resistance is a condition generally for older people).

I don't think you can jauge insulin resistance by measuring triglycerides/LDL (but rather measuring insuline when you fast or do a test with glucose).
Sorry if I didn't make myself clear, I sometimes struggle with English :v

Actually, triglyercide:HDL ratio is very strongly correlated with insulin resistance, as is waist size. I was insulin resistant at 22 after 3 years of eating lots of fast food and pizza.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
NobleXenon said:

It's called "Before Lustig's Bitter Truth - The Sugar Trap."

And before that John Yudkin's "Pure, White and Deadly". It's a bit depressing how long scientists have known about how sugar can negatively effect the body, but have been ignored. While at the same time, someone like Keys can just cherry pick data to make a plot and all of the funding is thrown at him.


Steadily losing around 1kg the last few weeks but this past week due to several social events I ate a lot of stuff I shouldn't be eating.

Had a big mac, fries, potatoes, Subway sandwich (spread out over the week) so I was fearing the scale this morning.

To my amazement still lost 1.2kg!

Only need to lose 0.8kg before the end of August to reach my short-term goal and reward myself with the largest pizza I can find. Haven't had one in ages.

And my end-of-year goal is very easy to reach if I don't adjust it. Just need to lose 0.5kg every week to get there.


Dommel said:
Steadily losing around 1kg the last few weeks but this past week due to several social events I ate a lot of stuff I shouldn't be eating.

Had a big mac, fries, potatoes, Subway sandwich (spread out over the week) so I was fearing the scale this morning.

To my amazement still lost 1.2kg!

Only need to lose 0.8kg before the end of August to reach my short-term goal and reward myself with the largest pizza I can find. Haven't had one in ages.

And my end-of-year goal is very easy to reach if I don't adjust it. Just need to lose 0.5kg every week to get there.

Small binges don't seem to affect weight loss or maintenance for me either. It's constant snacking and eating shit every day that fucked me up when I switched my job a couple of years back. This is why I'm looking for a sustainable diet for when I'm at my goal weight - which is why the idea of low carb was appealing. However, I've found I can have a small to medium amount of low GI carbs and still lose weight whilst enjoying some truly epic cuts of meat here and there.

Anyway, I think it's time for you to up your end of year goal a little - 0.75kg a week minimum!


Since going on the low-carb diet, I've been having those miraculous stools where you almost don't have to wipe. What is it about the diet that does this? I added much needed fiber to my diet through berries and flax muffins after suffering a constipation spell earlier in the diet, but I was probably eating more fiber on my low calorie diet and the stools were never this amazing.
Doctor wants to put me on Lipitor due to high cholesterol results, but I've read a lot of stuff about how statins are a scam. Any informed opinions here?


harSon said:
Since going on the low-carb diet, I've been having those miraculous stools where you almost don't have to wipe. What is it about the diet that does this? I added much needed fiber to my diet through berries and flax muffins after suffering a constipation spell earlier in the diet, but I was probably eating more fiber on my low calorie diet and the stools were never this amazing.

I am the complete opposite. I almost never have to go, and when I do it is minimal and almost diarrhea like. I ate a lot of fiber this weekend to try and get a good one in, and ended up with diarrhea all day Sunday.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Damn this weekend. It seems I get through each week doing extremely well on a low carb diet, but my entire weekend turns into a cheat weekend.

A friend was up to visit and stayed with me so we ended up eating out a lot, had some pizza, pasta, and sandwiches. Gah, I cannot seem to stay on diet on the weekends!


omgkitty said:
I am the complete opposite. I almost never have to go, and when I do it is minimal and almost diarrhea like. I ate a lot of fiber this weekend to try and get a good one in, and ended up with diarrhea all day Sunday.

I haven't had anything diarrhea like since going on this diet, which definitely wasn't the case when I was on my low-calorie diet. My stool back then was basically diarrhea like more times then not. The only down coming thus far on the low carb diet is I'll get stool that's relatively hard to push out if I forget to eat my flax seed muffins for 1-2 days.
Gary Whitta said:
Doctor wants to put me on Lipitor due to high cholesterol results, but I've read a lot of stuff about how statins are a scam. Any informed opinions here?

I know it's really hard on the liver. I wouldn't take that shit, especially when your cholesterol can be easily controlled with diet and exercise.

Are you eating enough fiber?
LocoMrPollock said:
I know it's really hard on the liver. I wouldn't take that shit, especially when your cholesterol can be easily controlled with diet and exercise.

Are you eating enough fiber?
Yeah I get plenty of fiber. I'd much prefer to let diet and exercise do its thing naturally than take a medication.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Gary Whitta said:
Doctor wants to put me on Lipitor due to high cholesterol results, but I've read a lot of stuff about how statins are a scam. Any informed opinions here?

Statins are a scam. Not only do they lower all cholesterol (both good and bad), but they cause all sorts of damage and side effects to other parts of your body.

Besides that, it's pretty obvious that your overall cholesterol number has nothing to do with heart disease.

So, I guess the question comes down to: do you want to spend lots of money to damage your body and not decrease your risk for heart disease at all?


harSon said:
I haven't had anything diarrhea like since going on this diet, which definitely wasn't the case when I was on my low-calorie diet. My stool back then was basically diarrhea like more times then not. The only down coming thus far on the low carb diet is I'll get stool that's relatively hard to push out if I forget to eat my flax seed muffins for 1-2 days.

What's the recipe you're using? Those sound interesting and I keep trying to find more ways to get fiber. I also found this recipe. It sounds tasty!
Gary Whitta said:
Doctor wants to put me on Lipitor due to high cholesterol results, but I've read a lot of stuff about how statins are a scam. Any informed opinions here?

Those lipitor commercials aren't free ya know. Someone's gotta pay.

Tell your doctor to fuck off. Seriously. Unless your doctor is also your father or something.

harSon said:
Since going on the low-carb diet, I've been having those miraculous stools where you almost don't have to wipe.


Those charmin commercials aren't free ya know.
Zefah said:
Statins are a scam. Not only do they lower all cholesterol (both good and bad), but they cause all sorts of damage and side effects to other parts of your body.

Besides that, it's pretty obvious that your overall cholesterol number has nothing to do with heart disease.

So, I guess the question comes down to: do you want to spend lots of money to damage your body and not decrease your risk for heart disease at all?

I can't imagine it's very good for your overall health, not to mention the risks of blood clots, stroke and other illnesses.

Working in the medical field, I see how thick and sticky and goopy it makes your blood. Doesn't seem very efficient or "healthy" for your body.

Gary Whitta said:
Yeah I get plenty of fiber. I'd much prefer to let diet and exercise do its thing naturally than take a medication.

It might sound crazy, but try decreasing your fat intake. You get plenty of fat from meat without getting crazy and adding fat at every opportunity. For me, low carb has never meant 'high fat'. I've always thought of it as high protein. I don't eat garbage like chicken skin or bacon grease that offers no nutritional value. And stuff like whole milk and lard is not a good idea imo.

You also might want to add some fish oil supplements to your diet and also ground flax seed is a great source of both fiber and omega 3.

Just try to increase your veggie intake and lower your fat, would be my advice. Also, exercise. I do strength training Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Cardio is Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday. Rest on Saturday.


Deadly Cyclone said:
Damn this weekend. It seems I get through each week doing extremely well on a low carb diet, but my entire weekend turns into a cheat weekend.

A friend was up to visit and stayed with me so we ended up eating out a lot, had some pizza, pasta, and sandwiches. Gah, I cannot seem to stay on diet on the weekends!

weekends can be rough. i'm trying hard to cut down to just one cheat meal on weekends. i usually do 2 or 3 from sat-sun. i'm gonna try to stick to just saturday dinner cheating.
This woman claims to be 5'3" tall and 176 lbs. That has to be wrong, right?

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