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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Zoe said:
Stretching + selective cropping.
5'3 and 176lb... impossible. at that height and weight the human body would be VERY round.. the only way the body in the picture is 176 is if a) she's like 6'+ and/or b) there is some serious weight on the thighs and ass that through amazing photo angles is minimized or invisible here.

still, even with some serious back on that baby, at 5'3" the most I could say she'd weigh is like 150lbs, and that's accounting that her thighs and ass have more going on than seems apparent in the pic. if what you see is what you get there, at 5'3" she'd be lucky to be over 130lbs.


borghe said:
5'3 and 176lb... impossible. at that height and weight the human body would be VERY round.. the only way the body in the picture is 176 is if a) she's like 6'+ and/or b) there is some serious weight on the thighs and ass that through amazing photo angles is minimized or invisible here.

I know what 180 at 5'0" looks like, so... no, she wouldn't have to be VERY round.

Her thighs actually do seem to be on the larger side from that picture.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Zoe said:
I know what 180 at 5'0" looks like, so... no, she wouldn't have to be VERY round.

Her thighs actually do seem to be on the larger side from that picture.

You must have a different idea of what "very round" looks like. Even at 5'11" and 180 lbs. I looked fairly chubby. Take an entire foot from my height and I would have looked downright fat.


Zefah said:
You must have a different idea of what "very round" looks like. Even at 5'11" and 180 lbs. I looked fairly chubby. Take an entire foot from my height and I would have looked downright fat.

Women, and individuals in general, can carry weight very differently.


Down 9kg (19.8pounds) after six weeks.
97.7->88.7kg. 165cm (5f 5i).
Just keeping it below ~1600kcal per day really, one hour workout once or twice every week... Sitting down in front of the computer all day.
Still eating 'greasy' fried food etc though less oil/margarine.

Lunch today: Two slices of bread, ham, cheese, tomato. One apple.
Dinner today: 300g chicken, taco spice mix, plenty of mushroom and onion fried together (one spoon of oil). Four oven baked potatoes.
Snack: 125g chockolate ice cream.

Total for the day: 1435kcal.


Gary Whitta said:
Doctor wants to put me on Lipitor due to high cholesterol results, but I've read a lot of stuff about how statins are a scam. Any informed opinions here?
Honestly I would avoid it. The studies done have shown the difference between taking it and not taking it are negligible. Its a huge money making market for the companies meanwhile many studies have shown its not useful.


tuna on toast said:
This woman claims to be 5'3" tall and 176 lbs. That has to be wrong, right?

JetBlackPanda said:
guys HELP! I am craving Oreo's and milk like its going to kill me!

talk me down.

Well, that depends:

If you had an oreo, would you eat only a couple? Cheating isn't the end of the world (even on non-cheat days) if you only eat a tiny bit. One oreo is nothing.
Mr. Serious Business said:
Well, that depends:

If you had an oreo, would you eat only a couple? Cheating isn't the end of the world (even on non-cheat days) if you only eat a tiny bit. One oreo is nothing.

I suppose that is true, how many carbs do you guys keep yourselves under on a normal day?


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
JetBlackPanda said:
guys HELP! I am craving Oreo's and milk like its going to kill me!

talk me down.

Are there any in the house? If yes, throw them out and anything like it.
You don't just eat one oreo when you crave oreos. That's like sex without the orgasm.

Eat the package and go back to your normal diet afterwards. You're not doing this everyday.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
bangladesh said:
You don't just eat one oreo when you crave oreos. That's like sex without the orgasm.

Eat the package and go back to your normal diet afterwards. You're not doing this everyday.

Nah, throw them out. Absolutely no objective reason to eat them. It's shit food, it's high in sugar and flour which spikes insulin and stores fat, and it's designed to be high food reward which will prolong the desire to binge eat on similar foods. Throw it out.


That girl is trolling, lol. The only way 5'3" clocks in at 175 is either fat or jacked, and she is neither. She also claims to be down from 225, and real talk, 5'3" coming down from 225 is never going to look that good.

But, if someone fishes up a shot of her quads and they're like two big tear drops, I'll reconsider.
JetBlackPanda said:
I suppose that is true, how many carbs do you guys keep yourselves under on a normal day?

I don't generally keep count of my daily carb intake, but a single (Double Stuff) oreo is about 70 calories and 10 g of carbs. That's not much on its own, but if you ate a dozen, it would get ugly fast. A general rule I found is I would eat one and leave it at that. If I started to eat any more, I'd put it away.

If you feel like you're really craving them (and you'll eat a lot) then just don't try them at all.

You don't just eat one oreo when you crave oreos. That's like sex without the orgasm.

Eat the package and go back to your normal diet afterwards. You're not doing this everyday.

I wouldn't advise eating a whole package of Oreos.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Gary Whitta said:
Doctor wants to put me on Lipitor due to high cholesterol results, but I've read a lot of stuff about how statins are a scam. Any informed opinions here?

And doctors once believed that leeches cured illnesses. They're just people and they do the best with what they're taught. Only the doctors that are active in the latest research are going to know better.

Before you take a drug that mildly reduces the risk of heart disease but has no change on mortality from all causes, you should at least confirm you have a problem. LDL by itself tells you nothing. You could just naturally have more LDL and it could be pattern A (healthy). Or it could all be pattern B and you're a ticking time bomb. Get a test to determine the pattern B numbers before you treat.
I was really nervous about posting here because, well... I dunno. I don't want to be annoying to anyone. :p I want to graduate healthy and awesome looking, and I need help and advice for it. Support, too.
I really want to lose weight and get into running. But there's some issues I really need to work on for me to even do anything about it. (I believe.)
I'm like... 5'7 and 150 pounds. This BMI calculator says I'm healthy, but I've got a LOT of chub on me.
The main problem is my diet, and the fact that I just can't... get into the whole exercising thing. I try, and the next day I just get sick of it.
My diet is... horrible. Food is really mostly texture to me. I hardly eat any fruits or veggies, but I think I should just try more. But I just... hate it. And I hate that I hate it. ;_;
I have no idea where to start... I hate my diet, and I want to change it, but I don't know how. ...Help?
Mr. Serious Business said:
I don't generally keep count of my daily carb intake, but a single (Double Stuff) oreo is about 70 calories and 10 g of carbs. That's not much on its own, but if you ate a dozen, it would get ugly fast. A general rule I found is I would eat one and leave it at that. If I started to eat any more, I'd put it away.

If you feel like you're really craving them (and you'll eat a lot) then just don't try them at all.

I wouldn't advise eating a whole package of Oreos.
In a time as desperate as that dude sounds, I think it's the most realistic scenario to take place. But I wouldn't eat oreos because they really are engineered chemicals and processed, radiated crap. Oreos.. Fuuuuck that shit.

Guy who wants oreos, go with something much nicer like biscotti or carrot cake. Or oatmeal raisin, something you make yourself even.
bangladesh said:
In a time as desperate as that dude sounds, I think it's the most realistic scenario to take place. But I wouldn't eat oreos because they really are engineered chemicals and processed, radiated crap. Oreos.. Fuuuuck that shit.

Guy who wants oreos, go with something much nicer like biscotti or carrot cake. Or oatmeal raisin, something you make yourself even.

thanks for all the help guys! I decided to just have a small glass of chocolate milk with sugar free syrup.

dodged a bullet.
Dude just imagine an oreo all chewed up. It'd just end up a pasty, loose, sticky sweet bit of sugar and sweet syrupy gunk.

That's what an oreo is in solid form.
bangladesh said:
Dude just imagine an oreo all chewed up. It'd just end up a pasty, loose, sticky sweet bit of sugar and sweet syrupy gunk.

That's what an oreo is in solid form.

Yah its not really anything is it? gross.. I have seen some success already eating low carb no reason to ruin it now with that. especially since I recently started.


Chef Cat said:
I was really nervous about posting here because, well... I dunno. I don't want to be annoying to anyone. :p I want to graduate healthy and awesome looking, and I need help and advice for it. Support, too.
I really want to lose weight and get into running. But there's some issues I really need to work on for me to even do anything about it. (I believe.)
I'm like... 5'7 and 150 pounds. This BMI calculator says I'm healthy, but I've got a LOT of chub on me.
The main problem is my diet, and the fact that I just can't... get into the whole exercising thing. I try, and the next day I just get sick of it.
My diet is... horrible. Food is really mostly texture to me. I hardly eat any fruits or veggies, but I think I should just try more. But I just... hate it. And I hate that I hate it. ;_;
I have no idea where to start... I hate my diet, and I want to change it, but I don't know how. ...Help?
Why don't you start by being a man. Part of being a man is doing things you don't like. Exercise is hard, and sometimes boring, and good food is not always the tastiest food. No secret to it. Put in some gym time, stop eating garbage.

It's unbelievable that you're fat at 150 pounds. You must be nothing but skin, bones and goo. Get out of the weight loss thread, go read the exercise thread.
JetBlackPanda said:
thanks for all the help guys! I decided to just have a small glass of chocolate milk with sugar free syrup.

dodged a bullet.

Like a boss. Great job.

I was really nervous about posting here because, well... I dunno. I don't want to be annoying to anyone. :p I want to graduate healthy and awesome looking, and I need help and advice for it. Support, too.
I really want to lose weight and get into running. But there's some issues I really need to work on for me to even do anything about it. (I believe.)
I'm like... 5'7 and 150 pounds. This BMI calculator says I'm healthy, but I've got a LOT of chub on me.
The main problem is my diet, and the fact that I just can't... get into the whole exercising thing. I try, and the next day I just get sick of it.
My diet is... horrible. Food is really mostly texture to me. I hardly eat any fruits or veggies, but I think I should just try more. But I just... hate it. And I hate that I hate it. ;_;
I have no idea where to start... I hate my diet, and I want to change it, but I don't know how. ...Help?

Don't be worried. This is a really supportive thread that inspired me to lose 20 pounds (and basically be in the best shape of my life). The posters here are very helpful.

BMI can be deceiving. For example, you could be 6 feet and 140 pounds and still be in the healthy weight range according to BMI (even though you'd likely be sickly skinny with almost no muscle). Couch to 5k is a great program for starting to get into shape (I wouldn't recommend weight lifting until you've done some cardio to improve blood flow but that's just my suggestion). As for food, a low carb diet can actually be pretty delicious (if you like eggs, chicken, and beef, you'll be in for a treat). I'm not a fan of most vegetables either and struggle to eat enough, but fruit is amazing. If you fill your diet with blue/rasp/blackberries and kiwis, you'll really start to love them.
Draft said:
Why don't you start by being a man. Part of being a man is doing things you don't like. Exercise is hard, and sometimes boring, and good food is not always the tastiest food. No secret to it. Put in some gym time, stop eating garbage.

It's unbelievable that you're fat at 150 pounds. You must be nothing but skin, bones and goo. Get out of the weight loss thread, go read the exercise thread.
Uhh... I'm not a man?
edit: I'm a 16 year old girl. Just letting you guys know.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Draft said:
Why don't you start by being a man. Part of being a man is doing things you don't like. Exercise is hard, and sometimes boring, and good food is not always the tastiest food. No secret to it. Put in some gym time, stop eating garbage.

It's unbelievable that you're fat at 150 pounds. You must be nothing but skin, bones and goo. Get out of the weight loss thread, go read the exercise thread.

Draft said:
lol, sorry about that. Substitute man for adult. And forget the goo comment. I mean, there's obviously goo, but it's good goo on a woman.
It's alright. :p
I know there's some weight in the... chest area... so take a few pounds off, but I am forming a gut, which is not hot... I know I need to act like an adult, and I'm trying, but at the same time my mind's like "wtf, no."
Thanks for the advice, Mr. Serious Business. I've been looking at the Couch to 5k thing, and it looks really awesome. And there's like no fruits or really any food in the house, so when mom goes to the store next I'll go with and pick out things to try.
Chef Cat said:
I was really nervous about posting here because, well... I dunno. I don't want to be annoying to anyone. :p I want to graduate healthy and awesome looking, and I need help and advice for it. Support, too.
I really want to lose weight and get into running. But there's some issues I really need to work on for me to even do anything about it. (I believe.)
I'm like... 5'7 and 150 pounds. This BMI calculator says I'm healthy, but I've got a LOT of chub on me.
The main problem is my diet, and the fact that I just can't... get into the whole exercising thing. I try, and the next day I just get sick of it.
My diet is... horrible. Food is really mostly texture to me. I hardly eat any fruits or veggies, but I think I should just try more. But I just... hate it. And I hate that I hate it. ;_;
I have no idea where to start... I hate my diet, and I want to change it, but I don't know how. ...Help?
Dude. Just make sure that your diet is RICH in vegetables. Just don't eat them by themselves. Cook them. Season them. Use meat and noodles and rice and whatnot. Just make sure that the most of what you eat is plant matter.

Rule out carbs if you'd like, but I will never do that cause they taste too damb good.

Also, drink lotsa fluids. Water/tea/yadda. Not fruit juices because that shit is an abomination and insult to the rest of the fruit. They take all the fluids and sugar out of the fruit and feed that to me, getttt the fuck outta here.

You will feel fucking energized and satiated too because of those goddamned vegetables are filling you with fiber and tons of nutrients and antioxidants. This means no sluggishness when you tell yourself ''damn, time to work out''. Working out is gonna feel fuckin goood. You won't have to push yourself cause that shit is gonna feel sooo good.
bangladesh said:
Dude. Just make sure that your diet is RICH in vegetables. Just don't eat them by themselves. Cook them. Season them. Use meat and noodles and rice and whatnot. Just make sure that the most of what you eat is plant matter.

Rule out carbs if you'd like, but I will never do that cause they taste too damb good.

Also, drink lotsa fluids. Water/tea/yadda. Not fruit juices because that shit is an abomination and insult to the rest of the fruit. They take all the fluids and sugar out of the fruit and feed that to me, getttt the fuck outta here.

You will feel fucking energized and satiated too because of those goddamned vegetables fill you with fiber and tons of nutrients and antioxidants. This means no sluggishness when you tell yourself ''damn, time to work out''. Working out is gonna feel fuckin goood. You won't have to push yourself cause that shit is gonna feel sooo good.
I really love how you worded this lmfao.
I'll definitely keep this in mind... Need to look up more recipes.


Chef Cat said:
It's alright. :p
I know there's some weight in the... chest area... so take a few pounds off, but I am forming a gut, which is not hot... I know I need to act like an adult, and I'm trying, but at the same time my mind's like "wtf, no."
Thanks for the advice, Mr. Serious Business. I've been looking at the Couch to 5k thing, and it looks really awesome. And there's like no fruits or really any food in the house, so when mom goes to the store next I'll go with and pick out things to try.

Is there a sport you can join at school? It's a good way to get disciplined when you're that young--especially when you're at the mercy of your parent's routine.
Chef Cat said:
I really love how you worded this lmfao.
I'll definitely keep this in mind... Need to look up more recipes.
Recipes sounds like such a complicated thing, man. Like you'll always have to remember them.


You make your own goddamned recipes. I mean like, experiment with what YOU like, yanno? Just the one simple thing you need to keep in mind is that you need to keep your diet RICH in vegetables with room for everything else that ISN'T boxed or packaged by some EVIL ASS company like kraft and dannon and whatnot.

You are what you eat, brohan. That shit is true.
If your diet is rich in vegetables, you are one healthy motherfucker.
tuna on toast said:
This woman claims to be 5'3" tall and 176 lbs. That has to be wrong, right?


My wife is 5'2" and 108 lbs and her stomach isn't that flat. I understand that genetics play a role in how people carry muscle and fat, but...no.
Chef Cat said:
It's alright. :p
I know there's some weight in the... chest area... so take a few pounds off, but I am forming a gut, which is not hot... I know I need to act like an adult, and I'm trying, but at the same time my mind's like "wtf, no."
Thanks for the advice, Mr. Serious Business. I've been looking at the Couch to 5k thing, and it looks really awesome. And there's like no fruits or really any food in the house, so when mom goes to the store next I'll go with and pick out things to try.

Any time. I'm still living at home (18 and going off to college soon), so I know how tough it can be to change habits if the house is full of junky food. It can be tough at first, but you'll be ridiculously happy when the weight starts to peel off. And yeah, fruit is the best snack you can eat, so get plenty of it!
Cosmic Bus said:
Not exclusively people here, but the generally vitriolic our-way-or-the-highway attitude that seems to so often come along with the low carb lifestyle. And I never said it wasn't "sure to work," I said that it's not always achievable or able to be maintained by everyone for any number of reasons not tied to willpower. People live different types of lives, low carb simply can't exist in some of them, and that's perfectly fine.

Healthy weight loss and fitness goals can and have been reached and maintained by many, many people through a variety of means, and (in most cases) they aren't harming themselves or doing it "the wrong way."

Part of it is the general sense of machismo involved in low carb dieting. It's considered "manlier" to eat a side of bacon than to eat some Greek yoghurt, broccoli and a chicken breast.

"Screw your carrot sticks! I'm going to eat pig brains for dinner and still lose weight."
reggieandTFE said:
Part of it is the general sense of machismo involved in low carb dieting. It's considered "manlier" to eat a side of bacon than to eat some Greek yoghurt, broccoli and a chicken breast.

"Screw your carrot sticks! I'm going to eat pig brains for dinner and still lose weight."

It's because bacon is the most superior food.
reggieandTFE said:
Part of it is the general sense of machismo involved in low carb dieting. It's considered "manlier" to eat a side of bacon than to eat some Greek yoghurt, broccoli and a chicken breast.

"Screw your carrot sticks! I'm going to eat pig brains for dinner and still lose weight."
Or maybe it's considered healthier eating for scientific reasons? Naw, it must be the brofist contingent.

That was a hilarious post dude, well done.

teh_pwn said:
Real yogurt (no sugar), broccoli, and chicken breasts are all low carb foods. What are you talking about?

Also this...lol

I ate a big thing of greek yogurt with blueberries in it the other day for lunch. Nobody tell the manly men tho.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
reggieandTFE said:
Part of it is the general sense of machismo involved in low carb dieting. It's considered "manlier" to eat a side of bacon than to eat some Greek yoghurt, broccoli and a chicken breast.

"Screw your carrot sticks! I'm going to eat pig brains for dinner and still lose weight."

Real yogurt (no sugar), broccoli, and chicken breasts are all low carb foods. What are you talking about?
reggieandTFE said:
Part of it is the general sense of machismo involved in low carb dieting. It's considered "manlier" to eat a side of bacon than to eat some Greek yoghurt, broccoli and a chicken breast.

"Screw your carrot sticks! I'm going to eat pig brains for dinner and still lose weight."
...pig brains?
reggieandTFE said:
Part of it is the general sense of machismo involved in low carb dieting. It's considered "manlier" to eat a side of bacon than to eat some Greek yoghurt, broccoli and a chicken breast.

"Screw your carrot sticks! I'm going to eat pig brains for dinner and still lose weight."

Some machismo could do some GAFfers good.
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