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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Chef Cat said:
...pig brains?
Prefer chilled monkey brains, myself


dejay said:
Small binges don't seem to affect weight loss or maintenance for me either. It's constant snacking and eating shit every day that fucked me up when I switched my job a couple of years back. This is why I'm looking for a sustainable diet for when I'm at my goal weight - which is why the idea of low carb was appealing. However, I've found I can have a small to medium amount of low GI carbs and still lose weight whilst enjoying some truly epic cuts of meat here and there.

Anyway, I think it's time for you to up your end of year goal a little - 0.75kg a week minimum!

I'm still aiming for ~1kg/week but it's nice to know that it's not the end of the world if I don't get there a few weeks in a row. But your challenge is accepted! :)

Even with this conservative end-of-year-goal of 120kg I would have never thought it would go this smoothly after switching to low carbs.
Gary Whitta said:
Doctor wants to put me on Lipitor due to high cholesterol results, but I've read a lot of stuff about how statins are a scam. Any informed opinions here?

No offence to those in here, who seem very helpful and knowledgeable, but I'm intrigued at the replies to you on this matter.

I can understand second opinions, but surely from qualified medical professionals, rather than random gaf users. If you are qualified medical professionals (or have experience with the statins) then apologies for my distrust.
Brewster's Wallet said:
No offence to those in here, who seem very helpful and knowledgeable, but I'm intrigued at the replies to you on this matter.

I can understand second opinions, but surely from qualified medical professionals, rather than random gaf users. If you are qualified medical professionals (or have experience with the statins) then apologies for my distrust.
I asked because I'd already done some reading of my own suggesting statins are a scam. It shows up in internet searches a lot. I get the whole "LOL GAF > real doctors" thing but I don't think it's a good idea to just blindly follow a doctor's advice if it's something you're unsure of or have a lot of contradictory evidence about.

Like I said my plan is to give diet and exercise a few more months, see if my numbers start to come down, then reconsider if they don't.
Brewster's Wallet said:
No offence to those in here, who seem very helpful and knowledgeable, but I'm intrigued at the replies to you on this matter.

I can understand second opinions, but surely from qualified medical professionals, rather than random gaf users. If you are qualified medical professionals (or have experience with the statins) then apologies for my distrust.
Most of medical professionnals do not help or give advice on internet forum boards. It's only attracting problems...


noire said:
Welcome to the thread. Find ways to eat healthier for forever, rather than as 'a diet'. That's going to mean less forcing yourself to do shit that you can't sustain and more finding out what you like that's good and what you like that's bad that you can limit to just every once in awhile.

This is my philosophy. I've yo-yoed before and I'm determined not to do that anymore. That means finding a diet that I can live with forever instead of sliding off once I hit my goal weight. Such a diet would leave me feeling satisfied, allow me to eat a lot of the foods I like, reduce cravings, and to be easy to monitor.

To this end I'm still experimenting as I lose weight. I have found that a low to medium, fixed amount of carbs per day (100-200g) together with a medium to large cut of meat as well as another bit of protein somewhere else in the day, plus a load of delicious veggies fills all these criteria. For me, protein is the only thing that keeps me from feeling hungy. The amount of fat I eat each day varies, from a mild amount to a fair amount, mainly in the choice of meat I eat.

I'm still undecided if I'll up carbs more when I hit my goal or try and eat more fat. Probably a little of both, but I know that counting carbs is much easier than counting calories, and I can control carbs mainly by avoiding sugary crap. Luckily I don't really have a sweet tooth but if I'm not eating refined sugar and fructose all the time, simple sweetness like strawberries and pears take on a delicious intensity they didn't have before, because I retrained my palette. This is the natural sweetness you're meant to eat, not cakes and fruit juices.

I do some body weight training and cardio but the latter is more to help relieve work stress. I'm loving my elliptical rider for this purpose as I can watch TV/videos whilst using it and it's helping with the boredom factor. Again, this is sustainable exercise - I don't want to get bored and stop doing it.


So I tried intermittent fasting for about a month and had great success.

Went from 162lbs to 153lbs (5' 10"). Feel great, also a lot more focused (especially on fasting days). Nothing like working out on an empty stomach and then feeding right after.

May not be for everyone, takes a bit of discipline to not gorge yourself on non fasting days. But I love it. This is going to be my new lifestyle.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Farooq said:
So I tried intermittent fasting for about a month and had great success.

Went from 162lbs to 153lbs (5' 10"). Feel great, also a lot more focused (especially on fasting days). Nothing like working out on an empty stomach and then feeding right after.

May not be for everyone, takes a bit of discipline to not gorge yourself on non fasting days. But I love it. This is going to be my new lifestyle.

Been doing it for 8 months and counting.


...hate me...
^ more or less the same for me. I started alternate day fasting around January, lost almost 30kg since.

But actually, it became incompatible with my vacations (not only the fasting but also eating properly) so I've been slacking for almost 2 months... until today, coincidentally. In those 2 months my weight loss stalled and I even gained a couple of kilos. I almost hit the 71kg at my lowest and now I'm a bit less than 75kg (165lbs).

But I'm back on track. Today I fasted, tomorrow I'll feast. Gonna make a delicious stew, chicken legs, chicken wings, bacon, chorizo, butter, some greens. Damn, I haven't fasted in a while so I'm really anxious for tomorrow to come!


...hate me...
noire said:
Doing a low carb / IF combo?
Yeah, that's what I done Jan-Jun and want to get back to. A bit more focus on IF than on the low carb as I occasionally would slip in a slice of bread or had a weekly cheat day, but I'd religiously fast 3 days a week during my school time.
elrechazao said:
For both of you, what's your standard schedule.....how much"on" and off are you eating?
Normally I'd fast the whole day on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Rest of the days I'd eat at will, with the weekdays being low-carb and weekends a bit more liberal.


Quick question I don't think I have seen asked, can you eat too much fat? I have been limiting my carbs and I don't really pay too much attention to calories seeing as I never go over, but I don't really look at fat. Was wondering if there's a number you should stay under?


elrechazao said:
For both of you, what's your standard schedule.....how much"on" and off are you eating?

I am bit more lenient on my fast. On fasting days, I would eat a meal, let's say breakfast on Monday, and I will not eat/drink anything else with major calories for 24 hours (Tuesday breakfast). If I were to get hunger pains, it would subside if I drank some water, or had some tea. Then you either get used to the hunger, or you don't feel it any more.

I would alternate fasting/non-fasting days (fasting 3 times a week), and usually have regular meals on the weekend.

My diet really only consisted of lean meats, fish and vegetables. But my diet was the same before I started IF and my weight would not budge. IF really kicked my weight loss into gear. I guess major caloric reduction would do that, but I think with IF, it is simpler to achieve a CR than counting calories.

A friend of mine did 18 hours fast with a 4 hour eating window on fasting days with success (he was the one who recommended IF to me).

If you do not eat anything on your fasting day, depending on when you ate your last meal, how long you slept and when you break your fast the next day, that could be upwards of 36 hours fasting. It would be difficult, and I don't think I could sustain that long term.
Draft said:
Why don't you start by being a man. Part of being a man is doing things you don't like. Exercise is hard, and sometimes boring, and good food is not always the tastiest food. No secret to it. Put in some gym time, stop eating garbage.

It's unbelievable that you're fat at 150 pounds. You must be nothing but skin, bones and goo. Get out of the weight loss thread, go read the exercise thread.

Hey fuck you...im a man and weigh 150lbs..and still have some stomach fat. I used to weigh 245lbs and I excersized and dieted like a mofo to lose the weight.

(im also 5 10)
Stomach fat is the most stubborn! I think I'm finally at a point where I no longer really look like a fat person, but I still have a big spare tire that seems like it will be the very last thing to surrender.
omgkitty said:
Quick question I don't think I have seen asked, can you eat too much fat? I have been limiting my carbs and I don't really pay too much attention to calories seeing as I never go over, but I don't really look at fat. Was wondering if there's a number you should stay under?

Yeah, you can eat too much fat. The idea is not to stuff yourself, but to satisfy yourself (if you are low carbing).
I know I could sit down and eat (drink) a 1L container of 33% whipping cream. Low carbers usually don't count calories, but this would be a bit extreme.

Gary Whitta said:
Stomach fat is the most stubborn! I think I'm finally at a point where I no longer really look like a fat person, but I still have a big spare tire that seems like it will be the very last thing to surrender.

Do what I didn't do.
Take pictures - not for us, but for yourself as a reminder for when that fat is gone. I wish I could see the difference for myself, but I wasn't all that enthused about taking pics of my belly at the time.
ipukespiders said:
Do what I didn't do.
Take pictures - not for us, but for yourself as a reminder for when that fat is gone. I wish I could see the difference for myself, but I wasn't all that enthused about taking pics of my belly at the time.
Yeah, I have some that no-one will ever see but me!
I've fallen in love with having an antipasto-like dish for a small meal. Consists of a slice or two of swiss cheese and a couple ounces of premium meats like prosciutto or calabrese. Gonna grab some celery and grab some fancy herb-infused olive oil for some bread next time I go to Williams Sonoma.


So I've been a carb restricted diet for the past few months and it has been working pretty well. I don't fret too much about carbs when I have to eat them outside with other people but I just eat less of it. Lost about 20 pounds in the past 10 weeks. Halfway to my original goal but I'm not too concerned about how fast I do it as long there's gradual progress.

But I stumbled upon this article in my Google reader recommended articles and thought you guys might have fun with it.

Safe, organic food too expensive? Eat less meat
ipukespiders said:
Do what I didn't do.
Take pictures - not for us, but for yourself as a reminder for when that fat is gone. I wish I could see the difference for myself, but I wasn't all that enthused about taking pics of my belly at the time.

I was just thinking about this today.
Totally wish I had some full body pics of me from two years ago.
I can see the difference, but I really wish I could compare!


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Brewster's Wallet said:
No offence to those in here, who seem very helpful and knowledgeable, but I'm intrigued at the replies to you on this matter.

I can understand second opinions, but surely from qualified medical professionals, rather than random gaf users. If you are qualified medical professionals (or have experience with the statins) then apologies for my distrust.

There isn't scientific data to support the current public medical policy on heart disease. If saturated fats cause cholesterol, why then do the French get a small percentage of heart disease deaths and yet consume multiple times the butter than Americans and significantly more animal fats?

While it isn't the medical consensus that ???--->Pattern B LDL--->Oxidized LDL--->Heart disease, it is the scientific consensus and really that's all that matters. Doctors are great, but science beats authority. My work's doctor keeps up with the science and agrees with me on this.

Ancel Key's hypothesis is nearly dead.. Even the American Heart Association is coming to terms with it:

Furthermore, I don't understand the idea that cholesterol should be below 200. That's too low based on the data against total mortality (assumes that total cholesterol isn't a marker and instead a cause, a religious leap of faith). Ideal range seems to be 180-240. France is 210. Under American policy they would go on statins. WHY?


Not all of the medical industry uses the outdated tests for heart disease. If what I'm saying is crazy, then why does this exist?

Look, a doctor says it's good:

"Using the detailed lipid profiles in the VAP Cholesterol Test, we can identify atherosclerosis risk that goes far beyond the capabilities of the standard lipid profile. A cholesterol test which identifies the complete lipid picture can complement lipid risk identification and targeted lipid treatment in our clinical practices."
- Michael E. Cobble, M.D. AAFP, FNLA, Board Certified Clinical Lipidologist (NLA), Certified HTN Specialist (ASH), Masters in Psychopharmacology, Director Private Practice Canyons Medical Center, Adjunct Faculty Univ. Utah School of Medicine

Look at all of those certifications and titles. Good enough now?


Will drop pants for Sony.
To those that lost weight how is the love life? Are you appoarched more now than before or do you have more confidence being thin than being fat?


The Vegas heat has made me a lazy fuck this past week and a half. I'm not eating shitty, but my morning routine has been fucked. Started staying up late, and sleeping in later...

Need to get re-motivated.
One of my mates has started "dieting", he's always been unfit as shit and looked like shit since forever. Has started up shitty "weight watchers" delivered meals 7 days a week, started going to the gym. Still drinks a case (375ml cans) of scotch and cola a week.

I tried to explain its pointless as the alcohol and cola is fucking him over something chronic. I gave up after 5 minutes.
question for low carb gaf, so its been 7 days and I feel awesome.. but things are not moving if you know what I mean? I don't even remember the last time I dropped a deuce.

how does one overcome this problem?


What would you guys feel would be the best way to lose a bit of facial/neck fat? I'm not overweight but I really want to lose it.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Gary Whitta said:
Stomach fat is the most stubborn! I think I'm finally at a point where I no longer really look like a fat person, but I still have a big spare tire that seems like it will be the very last thing to surrender.

Fuck spare tires, seriously. If you were to meet me in person (wait, I have met you Gary!) If you were to remember me in person I don't look overweight at all. Sure enough though, I have a tire that will not go away. Even if I could just rid myself of the love handles it would make me look better. Sheesh.
I was feeling pretty discouraged but I have a female prospect in my life finally.

Definitely great motivation and seeing good losses because of it! Woot!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
JetBlackPanda said:
question for low carb gaf, so its been 7 days and I feel awesome.. but things are not moving if you know what I mean? I don't even remember the last time I dropped a deuce.

how does one overcome this problem?

What are you eating?

I've never experienced your trouble.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Having my mother check with doctors about my ankles (she works a a hospital). Ever since I started running heavy (couch to 5k), both ankles (mainly sides and back of them) have been hurting like a bitch. Last night just putting pressure on the inside of either ankle with my fingers shot pain up through them.

Not sure if it is shoe related, or if I messed up something sue to the fact that before couch to 5k I never really ran, and did p90x and stuff instead.


I think I messed up my thyroid.

For the past year or so, I've worked out rather intensely after an IF every morning. I've heard this can damage your thyroid.

The only indicator I have of this is that I have absolutely no physical attraction to women anymore. I'm also not gay in the slightest. I don't know what to do.
Zefah said:
What are you eating?

I've never experienced your trouble.


hard boiled egg

chicken breast
few almonds

steak or roast beef rollup with some cheese and a few blue berries for a little dessert.

edit: drinking water

??? not good?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
JetBlackPanda said:

hard boiled egg

chicken breast
few almonds

steak or roast beef rollup with some cheese and a few blue berries for a little dessert.

edit: drinking water

??? not good?

That's not too far off from what I eat during the week. I would say just add some fiber in, flax is what everyone recommends. That should do it. Probably just something specific to your body.
Deadly Cyclone said:
Having my mother check with doctors about my ankles (she works a a hospital). Ever since I started running heavy (couch to 5k), both ankles (mainly sides and back of them) have been hurting like a bitch. Last night just putting pressure on the inside of either ankle with my fingers shot pain up through them.

Not sure if it is shoe related, or if I messed up something sue to the fact that before couch to 5k I never really ran, and did p90x and stuff instead.

That's called being out of shape and is normal. It'll get better.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
LocoMrPollock said:
That's called being out of shape and is normal. It'll get better.

I don't know about that though, sure I am a bit out of shape, but as I said I just never did much running but I was doing P90x or Insanity 3 times a week and frisbee golfing 3 times a week. It's not like I wasn't active, and they never hurt during P90x, which is much harder on them from jumping around everywhere.

I've been doing couch to 5k for 2 months now too, so it should have subsided.

noire said:
Maybe a tendonitis-type thing?

I had plantar fasciitis from wearing nothing but Chuck Taylors and flip flops for months (no arch support). It was terrible getting up in the morning after they tendons had been resting for 8 hours.

Try taking ibuprofen to see if it helps with the inflammation.

Yeah, my mom suggested taking something before I run, but I didn't want to have to start taking asprin 3 times a week just to run... Even right now pushing on the inside of my ankle sends a shot of pain up my leg in one spot. It is weird.
Deadly Cyclone said:
I don't know about that though, sure I am a bit out of shape, but as I said I just never did much running but I was doing P90x or Insanity 3 times a week and frisbee golfing 3 times a week. It's not like I wasn't active, and they never hurt during P90x, which is much harder on them from jumping around everywhere.

I've been doing couch to 5k for 2 months now too, so it should have subsided.

Yeah, my mom suggested taking something before I run, but I didn't want to have to start taking asprin 3 times a week just to run... Even right now pushing on the inside of my ankle sends a shot of pain up my leg in one spot. It is weird.

Oh, yeah. Might look into getting some better shoes, maybe hightops or something.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
LocoMrPollock said:
Oh, yeah. Might look into getting some better shoes, maybe hightops or something.

See I was wondering, but I did just get new shoes before I started. I got the Reebok ZigTech shoes (below) and they are very comfortable. They are more cross training shoes, but I wanted something sturdy for running and wearing around.

Maybe the weird zig stuff is not working with my legs...



If it hurts in a bad way, then you need to lay off for a while. Try moving your routine over to something more low-impact like biking or an elliptical.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
JetBlackPanda said:

hard boiled egg

chicken breast
few almonds

steak or roast beef rollup with some cheese and a few blue berries for a little dessert.

edit: drinking water

??? not good?

Very similar to what I usually eat. Have you had bowel trouble in the past? I pass a stool at least once a day with this diet.


okay wait this can't be right.

so i've been keeping up on this routine lately of doing 20-30 minutes of exercise in the morning and doing my 40 minute to an hour walk for the past week or two(i've attempted jogging last night but i still tired out quickly so i'm gonna ease into that slowly). doing this almost everyday (more like 5-6 days a week). i've also been eating a bit better. my breakfast is usually eggs, chorizo, and sometimes a potato to make home fries with. lunch is usually random but lately it's been a sandwich and some soup. drinking water almost exclusively with some milk here and there. i haven't done dinner due to a personal fasting that i've been trying to do. but anyhow the last time i checked the scale i weighed around 210-211 and that was on the 15th.

so i walk into the kitchen this morning and i see the scale there that I guess my mom or someone left there for some reason. i wasn't gonna check a scale again until next month but i couldn't resist. so i did and either something is wrong or I apparently lost almost 10 pounds since the last time i checked. it says 201.

there's really no physical appearance changes but i have been feeling really great lately. so i'm pretty shocked and this was a big boost in confidence. this has definitely given me more incentive to keep going with this routine and hopefully i'll be able to do more when i am able to.
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