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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Gary Whitta said:
LosDaddie said:
ugh....should I be worried that I've slowed down to losing about ~1 lb a week? I was averaging about ~2 lbs a week when I first started.
Pfffft. Worry when you stall out entirely.

I said this last week and I've dropped ~2 lbs since then!....even after having a long 4-day vacation weekend where it was difficult to eat healthy most times. I did get in 2 work-outs at the hotel gym though.

I'm now at 17 lbs lost, and really starting to feel my strength coming back. :) Only 8 lbs more to go until I give myself a week (or so) off, before going for another 10 lbs.

Ran my typical 1.5mi this morning before work, and I'm hitting up the racquetball court today. Doin' good


Gary Whitta said:
Stomach fat is the most stubborn! I think I'm finally at a point where I no longer really look like a fat person, but I still have a big spare tire that seems like it will be the very last thing to surrender.
I actually have the same problem but not with stomach, but my thighs. We all have those annoying fat areas that just don't give in! :p

I squat with dumbbells, have broad ass shoulders, have love handles that are much smaller than before but the fat on my thighs is still there (genetics I blame). Although squatting has probably given me some muscle, my body shape still has a slight pear shape than the usual apple shape for most men.
JetBlackPanda said:
question for low carb gaf, so its been 7 days and I feel awesome.. but things are not moving if you know what I mean? I don't even remember the last time I dropped a deuce.

how does one overcome this problem?
Why is it a problem? People seem to assume you should poop a certain frequency or therefore there is a problem. Your body will expel when it needs to. Don't worry about it.


elrechazao said:
Why is it a problem? People seem to assume you should poop a certain frequency or therefore there is a problem. Your body will expel when it needs to. Don't worry about it.

Uh, at the very least, you should be able to remember the last time you took a crap. If its truly been a week, or close to it, than those aren't healthy/regular bowel habits.


elrechazao said:

I dislike the term, but common sense? Unless you're not eating much, which I assume is not the case, it's safe to assume that your body should not hold onto 5-7 days worth of hefty eating.
elrechazao said:

Elvis Presley comes to mind.

But seriously shitting is a vital function, just like pissing. It's not healthy to be backed up, could lead to blockages and infection. Not good for the colon either.

Dude needs more fiber and roughage in his diet.
Guardian Bob said:
I could really go fo an iced coffee today or a frappuccino today, but I shouldn't, eh?

I ate an entire large pizza today so I couldn't say no without being a hypocrite. Still, it's not really worth it (if you're gonna cheat it should be something tastier than coffee).

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Guardian Bob said:
I could really go fo an iced coffee today or a frappuccino today, but I shouldn't, eh?

I have unsweetened ice coffee almost every morning during Summer.


Gary Whitta said:
I asked because I'd already done some reading of my own suggesting statins are a scam. It shows up in internet searches a lot. I get the whole "LOL GAF > real doctors" thing but I don't think it's a good idea to just blindly follow a doctor's advice if it's something you're unsure of or have a lot of contradictory evidence about.

Like I said my plan is to give diet and exercise a few more months, see if my numbers start to come down, then reconsider if they don't.

harSon said:
I dislike the term, but common sense? Unless you're not eating much, which I assume is not the case, it's safe to assume that your body should not hold onto 5-7 days worth of hefty eating.
Show me some scientific evidence that 5-7 days is a magic cutoff for "you are unhealthy if you haven't had a bowel movement". Otherwise, I'll file this with "drink 8 glasses of water a day, fat is bad for you, and other 'well it just makes sense' nonscience.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
elrechazao said:
Show me some scientific evidence that 5-7 days is a magic cutoff for "you are unhealthy if you haven't had a bowel movement". Otherwise, I'll file this with "drink 8 glasses of water a day, fat is bad for you, and other 'well it just makes sense' nonscience.

It seems like complete madness to me to not have a bowel movement at least once every day or two. I don't think I've ever known anyone who did not suffer from constipation to not take a shit for multiple days, or even over a week on end.

I'm not saying it's unhealthy (although it sounds like it would be), but it just seems odd to me. Those must be some toilet-clogging loads once they finally do exit.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Is it possible to add a tablespoon of peanut butter to a protein shake? I have ON's Casein Protein Powder that I mix with 10oz of water, but I was wondering if adding a tablespoon of peanut butter to it would work since peanut butter is a thick 'cream' while the Casein shake is a liquid.
Domino Theory said:
Is it possible to add a tablespoon of peanut butter to a protein shake? I have ON's Casein Protein Powder that I mix with 10oz of water, but I was wondering if adding a tablespoon of peanut butter to it would work since peanut butter is a thick 'cream' while the Casein shake is a liquid.
If you like the taste, yeah, it totally works. I put pb in lots of smoothies.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
elrechazao said:
If you like the taste, yeah, it totally works. I put pb in lots of smoothies.

Yeah, the shake would be chocolate peanut butter, but how would I do it? Just dump the tablespoon into the protein drink and shake the bottle with my hand? Use a blender?
Domino Theory said:
Yeah, the shake would be chocolate peanut butter, but how would I do it? Just dump the tablespoon into the protein drink and shake the bottle with my hand? Use a blender?
I assumed you were blending already. Whisking with a fork will work with most peanut butters. Especially if you're using the real thing that's all peanuts - you can pull from the top near the oily layer and it will be even easier to mix together.
Just a quick tip on natural peanut butter. When you first buy it and it has that layer of oil on top, store it upside down for a day before opening. It allows it to mix nicely.
This summer has been rough.

I still think I've lost some weight, but not as much as I should have. It's just been a really emotionally draining summer. Family deaths always throw me off and it's been no different this time around.

The diet has been pretty good for the most part (though I'm having some ice cream tonight - blerg), but I've been sleeping poorly and haven't been as consistent with my workouts.

It's frustrating, but I've come way too far to go back to my old self. I know it's just a phase.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
elrechazao said:
I assumed you were blending already. Whisking with a fork will work with most peanut butters. Especially if you're using the real thing that's all peanuts - you can pull from the top near the oily layer and it will be even easier to mix together.

I fucking love you so much. First pork rinds and now this.

Mixed 10oz of water with a tablespoon of peanut butter and one scoop of ON's Chocolate Casein.

It tasted EXACTLY like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Fuck YES.
Domino Theory said:
I fucking love you so much. First pork rinds and now this.

Mixed 10oz of water with a tablespoon of peanut butter and one scoop of ON's Chocolate Casein.

It tasted EXACTLY like Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Fuck YES.


ipukespiders said:
Just a quick tip on natural peanut butter. When you first buy it and it has that layer of oil on top, store it upside down for a day before opening. It allows it to mix nicely.

Oh wow, that's awesome advise. Never though of that.


Gary Whitta said:
Definitely kicking the exercise up a notch and watching what I eat even more closely.
You're trying to lower your cholesterol? Eat more fish. Or at least omega 3 in pill form. Or peanuts for that matter, even though there's alot of fat in those.


For you Canadians:

PC Greek Honey Yogurt is awesome. It's not no carb, as it does have some honey in it...but it's really just enough to give it the sweetness it needs to go along with some fruit.

Nutritional Facts
Per 3/4 cup (175g)

Calories 160
Fat 0 g
Cholesterol 15 mg
Carbohydrates 23 g
-- Fibre 1 g
-- Sugars 11 g
Protein 18 g

Tastes great. Perfectly palatable, as opposed to the plain greek yogurt (which IMO is too sour to eat on its own). This won't do for the people here on keto-diets, but it should be a perfectly acceptable snack for anyone else.


...hate me...
Fuck nights out. Always give me the munchies and I'm incapable of having some self-control >:|


Well GAF I tend to not post in here often but a year ago today I started on my weight loss.

I started out at 19.5 stone (273 pounds) and I weighed myself this morning and I now weigh 12.4 stone (173 pounds). It was hard going to start with but I was so embarrassed of looking at myself in photos (you'll see why in a second) that I thought enough was enough. Some of you might not agree with my methods but I literally just calorie controlled myself and upped my exercise not loads but enough to bring my fitness levels up.

I even did the 3 peak challenge for charity in June which had me climbing the 3 tallest mountains in the UK in under 24 hours, I climbed all of them and did it all under 24 hours, I know for a fact the old me would never of done that so I am really happy with myself.

Anyways here I was before (I hate it soo much):



Wow dude. You're like a totally different person now. Good work on that three peak challenge. I play football every week but I doubt I'd have the endurance over that period of time to do something like that!
Today I bought clothing without an "X" in the size label for the first time in a decade. Also down to my smallest jean size ever, 34! (I used to be a 40). Yay!


Thanks for the positive comments all. :)
I didn't realise it was a year today in all honesty, time has literally flown by.

Stylo said:
So the secret is weight lifting with glasses.... They feel pretty light so I must be making good progress!
Ha ha, I only wore those glasses for a laugh as my work was doing a photo of all the staff wearing them. I just kept my calorie intake low and just made sure I never went above it to be honest, if I did go over then no biggie but it didn't happen that often. Christmas was hard last year however!

noire said:
Those methods are perfectly fine. I thought you were going to stay you went to an all cigarette and coffee diet or something.

Thanks. :)
I did get some negative jibes (nothing major mind) from a few people I met when I did some running and exercising. I just think that this style worked best for me as it meant I could really keep a count of my intake without worrying about anything else.

dc89 said:
Wow dude. You're like a totally different person now. Good work on that three peak challenge. I play football every week but I doubt I'd have the endurance over that period of time to do something like that!
It was really tough going, the hardest bit actually was not getting much sleep, as soon as we finished climbing a mountain we had about an hours rest and then straight back in the bus to the next mountain, never did sleep well on the move. Still, I would definitely do it again.

Gary Whitta said:
Today I bought clothing without an "X" in the size label for the first time in a decade. Also down to my smallest jean size ever, 34! (I used to be a 40). Yay!
Congrats! I know the feeling, in fact I still instinctively reach out to the XL's when I go shopping, slowly but surely getting used to looking a fair few sizes down now.
Ikkarus said:
Well GAF I tend to not post in here often but a year ago today I started on my weight loss.

I started out at 19.5 stone (273 pounds) and I weighed myself this morning and I now weigh 12.4 stone (173 pounds). It was hard going to start with but I was so embarrassed of looking at myself in photos (you'll see why in a second) that I thought enough was enough. Some of you might not agree with my methods but I literally just calorie controlled myself and upped my exercise not loads but enough to bring my fitness levels up.

I even did the 3 peak challenge for charity in June which had me climbing the 3 tallest mountains in the UK in under 24 hours, I climbed all of them and did it all under 24 hours, I know for a fact the old me would never of done that so I am really happy with myself.

Anyways here I was before (I hate it soo much):

Holy shit that's like father and son!


So I don't want to take this to the broscience thread, but I'm curious what people think about increasing the amount of food you eat on weight lifting days. A site based on calories in/out will show extra calories burned affecting the overall balance. I'm not really interested in calories per se, as whether or not eating more might be beneficial to lean muscle gain as opposed to detrimental to fat loss.


So I had my first taste of 3.25% milk in a long time today (using it as a coffee creamer)...thinking of switching all my milk intake to this. It just tastes so much better than the 1% and 2% crap I normally drink. I usually don't drink more than 1-1.5 cups a day (12oz at the very most...8oz on average). Thoughts? I'm thinking it's only upping my fat intake by a tiny bit, so it shouldn't be a big deal. I'm on non keto, btw.


Schlep said:
So I don't want to take this to the broscience thread, but I'm curious what people think about increasing the amount of food you eat on weight lifting days. A site based on calories in/out will show extra calories burned affecting the overall balance. I'm not really interested in calories per se, as whether or not eating more might be beneficial to lean muscle gain as opposed to detrimental to fat loss.

The increased protein synthesis happens over a 48-72 hour period after the weight training. The first two days are maxed out pretty much, and then it tapers down. This has been tested out fairly well via research.

Probably means that eating a lot only on day of exercise probably won't do a ton for muscle gain versus fat gain.

Personally I prefer day of eating just to max out energy levels. I feel better afterwards too. I find recovery feel a touch better, though it isn't a night-and-day difference to me.

If I were you I'd just spike protein intake pretty high (say 1g/lb of weight) on an everyday basis and then make everything else you eat nutrient dense. Has the added benefit of keeping you pretty full too. Drink lots of water.


TheExodu5 said:
So I had my first taste of 3.25% milk in a long time today (using it as a coffee creamer)...thinking of switching all my milk intake to this. It just tastes so much better than the 1% and 2% crap I normally drink. I usually don't drink more than 1-1.5 cups a day (12oz at the very most...8oz on average). Thoughts? I'm thinking it's only upping my fat intake by a tiny bit, so it shouldn't be a big deal. I'm on non keto, btw.
If you're gonna drink milk you might as well use the good stuff.
I need GAF's opinion on this, because I feel something is stifling my weight loss.

I am currently doing a P90X/Insanity hybrid, so I am working out A LOT. In the month I have been doing it, I've noticed more muscle definition, the top of my abs are starting to show, my face looks skinnier, and clothes fit me better.

HOWEVER, the scale only says I've lost about 4 pounds in a month! I know there are things I still need to clean up in my diet, but my concern is this:

- I work out pretty late at night, and I usually finish at 11:30 pm. At that point I drink my recovery drink, which is simply a scoop of whey protein (Max Muscle's MaxPro). I'm wired so I end up falling asleep around 2, to wake up at 7.

Could drinking that protein shake at that time have an adverse effect on my weight loss? mind you this is after intense workouts where I burn 700-800 calories.

I'm trying to lose 2-3 pounds a week for the next 3 weeks, which shouldn't be unreasonable...
Sanky Panky said:
I need GAF's opinion on this, because I feel something is stifling my weight loss.

I am currently doing a P90X/Insanity hybrid, so I am working out A LOT. In the month I have been doing it, I've noticed more muscle definition, the top of my abs are starting to show, my face looks skinnier, and clothes fit me better.

HOWEVER, the scale only says I've lost about 4 pounds in a month! I know there are things I still need to clean up in my diet, but my concern is this:

- I work out pretty late at night, and I usually finish at 11:30 pm. At that point I drink my recovery drink, which is simply a scoop of whey protein (Max Muscle's MaxPro). I'm wired so I end up falling asleep around 2, to wake up at 7.

Could drinking that protein shake at that time have an adverse effect on my weight loss? mind you this is after intense workouts where I burn 700-800 calories.

I'm trying to lose 2-3 pounds a week for the next 3 weeks, which shouldn't be unreasonable...
body comp is a million times more important than the number on the scale man. You're converting fat to muscle. Muscle is more dense and weighs more. Care about how you look and how you feel, not what the scale says.

That said, working out late at night isn't great for you, because it causes you to get less sleep, and you need good sleep if you want to be healthy generally. 5 hours ain't enough.


Don't worry about what the scale says.

I've been at a mostly constant weight over the past 3 weeks, but I've dropped a notch in my belt and have had increasing comments about my weight loss. Just stick with it.
elrechazao said:
body comp is a million times more important than the number on the scale man. You're converting fat to muscle. Muscle is more dense and weighs more. Care about how you look and how you feel, not what the scale says.

That said, working out late at night isn't great for you, because it causes you to get less sleep, and you need good sleep if you want to be healthy generally. 5 hours ain't enough.

I'd even argue adequate sleep is the most important aspect of losing weight and general health. Heck, if he's that wired, seems like it would be better to wake up early, do the intense workouts, and be energized for the rest of the day.
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