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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


I have a question about cardio. Recently I've felt like I have a lot more energy so I've been going to gym constantly. I know that you're supposed to limit and space out your lifting days across the week.

But does the same thing apply to cardio? Does it hurt you at all to do an hour of cardio 6 days a week sometimes going to the gym twice a day. With weight loss/better definition being the objective.


elrechazao said:
body comp is a million times more important than the number on the scale man. You're converting fat to muscle. Muscle is more dense and weighs more. Care about how you look and how you feel, not what the scale says.

That said, working out late at night isn't great for you, because it causes you to get less sleep, and you need good sleep if you want to be healthy generally. 5 hours ain't enough.
Exactly. When you're massively overweight the scale might help with motivation and to track progress.. but when you are trying to build muscle it doesn't really matter.


grumble said:
The increased protein synthesis happens over a 48-72 hour period after the weight training. The first two days are maxed out pretty much, and then it tapers down. This has been tested out fairly well via research.

Probably means that eating a lot only on day of exercise probably won't do a ton for muscle gain versus fat gain.

Personally I prefer day of eating just to max out energy levels. I feel better afterwards too. I find recovery feel a touch better, though it isn't a night-and-day difference to me.

If I were you I'd just spike protein intake pretty high (say 1g/lb of weight) on an everyday basis and then make everything else you eat nutrient dense. Has the added benefit of keeping you pretty full too. Drink lots of water.
I'm lifting five days a week right now, and most days I'm getting 125-150g protein (145 lb lean according to body fat test). Definitely drinking a ton of water, and before I started lifting, I was averaging about 2000 calories a day, 75g net carbs. The past few days I've been keeping the carbs pretty much the same, but upping to 2200 cals.

Mainly I'd like to do my best to increase muscle while losing fat, even though I know that's a very hard feat to achieve.


What do you guys use for scales? I have a old manual scale that measures in KG that I've had for years, but it doesn't seem precise enough for what I'm going for.

What's the word on digital?


I think quitting sodas is one of the best things I did recently. Not even a diet soda and it forces me to drink more water when I want a cold drink, although I still drink coffee.

saelz8 said:
What do you guys use for scales? I have a old manual scale that measures in KG that I've had for years, but it doesn't seem precise enough for what I'm going for.

What's the word on digital?

I bought a cheap digital scale and it seems accurate and consistent when I compare it to the super accurate scales we have at work.

Saying that, my clothes are a better indicator, but it's always nice to watch the numbers go down. 96.9kg this morning! First time under 97 in years. I just tried on a shirt my sister bought back from overseas 6 months ago and I can actually wear without a giant gut and man boobs.


saelz8 said:
What do you guys use for scales? I have a old manual scale that measures in KG that I've had for years, but it doesn't seem precise enough for what I'm going for.

What's the word on digital?
I use a digital one. Works fine for me. I can weigh in then switch between stone, pounds and kg's too.

Never had a problem with it.


And even i am moderately surprised
okay - first pic i guess though time line is wrong. :D

Before on left from last year heading towards the wrong end of 75kg, despite playing futsal twice weekly and doing a lot of walking (13km a day, 30km on a saturday).

From start of June 2011, a concerted effort as i race towards 40 i want to get this under control :D - no alcohol - nothing - zero, switched to Paleo diet, aborted attempts at doing crossfit, more walking but not at weekends - 66 kg.



My juicer arrived today and got a ton of vegetables and some fruit ready to go. So it's a green light for my juice fast starting tomorrow. Hopefully I can go 60 days but I'll take it a day at time and see how I feel. So today I'm breaking my carb limit for the first time since I started, thinking of having some pasta / spaghetti. Need to find something else to splurge out with during this last solid-food day.

So let's see how effective this juicing really is.

Oh and I know how Weight Loss Gaf feels about the juice diet so don't bother.
DCharlie said:
okay - first pic i guess though time line is wrong. :D

Before on left from last year heading towards the wrong end of 75kg, despite playing futsal twice weekly and doing a lot of walking (13km a day, 30km on a saturday).

From start of June 2011, a concerted effort as i race towards 40 i want to get this under control :D - no alcohol - nothing - zero, switched to Paleo diet, aborted attempts at doing crossfit, more walking but not at weekends - 66 kg.


You turned into Kevin Bacon?

Sethos said:
Oh and I know how Weight Loss Gaf feels about the juice diet so don't bother.

Take one for the team
Sethos said:
My juicer arrived today and got a ton of vegetables and some fruit ready to go. So it's a green light for my juice fast starting tomorrow. Hopefully I can go 60 days but I'll take it a day at time and see how I feel. So today I'm breaking my carb limit for the first time since I started, thinking of having some pasta / spaghetti. Need to find something else to splurge out with during this last solid-food day.

So let's see how effective this juicing really is.

Oh and I know how Weight Loss Gaf feels about the juice diet so don't bother.

60 days?! I'm more worried about the potential havoc that might cause on your bowels if you aren't eating any solids... At least make use of your juicer so that you don't lose all the dietary fibre you would have eaten if you kept the vegetables/fruit whole. Maybe add the pulp back, or maybe add some fibre supplement if you refuse to eat the pulp...


Sethos said:
My juicer arrived today and got a ton of vegetables and some fruit ready to go. So it's a green light for my juice fast starting tomorrow. Hopefully I can go 60 days but I'll take it a day at time and see how I feel. So today I'm breaking my carb limit for the first time since I started, thinking of having some pasta / spaghetti. Need to find something else to splurge out with during this last solid-food day.

So let's see how effective this juicing really is.

Oh and I know how Weight Loss Gaf feels about the juice diet so don't bother.

any goal you are trying to achieve using this juicing shit can easily be achieved another way....unless your goal is to drink a butfuckload of juice and be unhappy.


fadetoblack said:
60 days?! I'm more worried about the potential havoc that might cause on your bowels if you aren't eating any solids... At least make use of your juicer so that you don't lose all the dietary fibre you would have eaten if you kept the vegetables/fruit whole. Maybe add the pulp back, or maybe add some fibre supplement if you refuse to eat the pulp...
What makes you think not eating solids is so dangerous?


Akim said:
any goal you are trying to achieve using this juicing shit can easily be achieved another way....unless your goal is to drink a butfuckload of juice and be unhappy.

He said don't bother. Also, let him experiment - it may work for him.
dejay said:
He said don't bother. Also, let him experiment - it may work for him.

For the month of September, I'm gonna start a "processed cheese slices and heroin" diet.
My macros are gonna look like this:

PCS 30%
H 71%

My calculations might be a little off.

Don't try and talk me out of it you bunch of low carb fools!
ipukespiders said:
For the month of September, I'm gonna start a "processed cheese slices and heroin" diet.
My macros are gonna look like this:

PCS 30%
H 71%

My calculations might be a little off.

Don't try and talk me out of it you bunch of low carb fools!

You should sub that processed cheese out for some crack. It's quite low in fat.

But in all seriousness, don't try the juice diet Sethos. The whole point of the low carb diet is that it's effective for weight loss, sustainable, and filling (not to mention delicious). I'm sure that some guy lost a bunch of weight drinking fruit and vegetable juice, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. And if you're gonna splurge, at least eat a steak or something on your last day. Eating pasta might be your problem in the first place.


ipukespiders said:
For the month of September, I'm gonna start a "processed cheese slices and heroin" diet.
My macros are gonna look like this:

PCS 30%
H 71%

My calculations might be a little off.

Don't try and talk me out of it you bunch of low carb fools!
Sounds expensive :(


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
elrechazao said:

That much fructose + fiber is going to lead to mad flatulence because of the excess load and fiber spreading it out so intestinal bacteria can get to it. That also seems dangerous. So little sodium, so much potassium.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Buckethead said:
Welp. Had a 2500 calorie dinner tonight.

It was good but ugh.

Yeah. I had a pizza recently. Even though I'm at a healthy weight again, I don't miss the post meal coma. Ugh. Going to have to cook something more balanced.
teh_pwn said:
Yeah. I had a pizza recently. Even though I'm at a healthy weight again, I don't miss the post meal coma. Ugh. Going to have to cook something more balanced.
Yeah. I needed a cheat day. Been saintly as of late.

But I'm trying to look cute for a lady so hopefully it doesn't set me back too badly.


bleh, for whatever reason I have been on a sweet tooth kick all week after being good for a while now. A mars bar one day and a three muskerteer bars today.. Hopefully that is out of my system


What an awesome day! It's not quite spring yet in Sydney, but the weather was damn fine - not too hot and not too cold. Anyway, I was only going to mow the lawns but I just kept going after that with some landscaping work I'd been neglecting because the old lazy me would have gotten tired after an hour and called it quits and drank beer the rest of the afternoon. But since I've been exercising the extra strength and endurance I've got made it a pleasure to work up a constant sweat for five hours. I got a shit load done, that particular job is finished and I don't have to do any exercise today because I exerted myself in an actual useful way.

I've got a lot more projects I'll smash every weekend now, all because I got fitter and have a lot more energy. I want to do as many of them as I can before summer drops. I also want to get near my goal weight before summer, because fat+hot+humid=fucked. It looks like I'll make that target easily.

ipukespiders said:
For the month of September, I'm gonna start a "processed cheese slices and heroin" diet.
My macros are gonna look like this:

PCS 30%
H 71%

My calculations might be a little off.

Don't try and talk me out of it you bunch of low carb fools!

Hey, that worked for Amy Winehouse. Anyway, regarding the experiment, if and when it doesn't go well Sethos can tell us and inform other GAFers about it.
Akim said:
wait, this isn't real, is it?
Totally real and totally frightening. Their forum is always hilarious because the people are always having weird health issues that are clearly related to their shittty banana diet. I love it.


Bought a jump rope a long while ago but I didn't feel I was light enough to attempt such a high impact exercise. Plus previous attempts have shown me to be very uncoordinated with said apparatus.

However, I just had my second session on it and it's starting to click nicely. It seems like it's going to be really good for HIIT. Plus, anything that makes me lighter on my slow-twitch feet is a good thing.


What I've been eating for dinner last week:

Monday : macaroni (pasta, sauce, veggies)
Tuesday : leftover macaroni
Wednesdag : meat & veggies
Thursday : meat & veggies
Friday lunch: donner kebab on a french bread
Friday dinner: Big mac, fries
Saturday : donner kebab + fries
Sunday : indonesian (meat + quite a lot of rice).

My breakfast was always the same, Atkins shake. Lunch was usually Atkins bar or 5 small sausages with mayo. Drinks are always water or coke zero.

So I basically had 5 cheat days, only wednesday and thursday could be considered normal.

And yet I lost 1.1kg according to my scale this morning? I checked three times because I was sure I had either gained or stalled for this week.

Is this going to bite me in the ass next week? I don't really understand why I still lost that kilo with what I've been eating last week.


Sethos said:
Funny how this thread has turned into a "If you aren't low-carbing, we're gonna be dicks."

Seems more like "If you aren't low-carbing, you're doing it wrong and you're an idiot." But yeah that's the same basic concept as what you're saying.


relies on auto-aim
Sethos said:
Funny how this thread has turned into a "If you aren't low-carbing, we're gonna be dicks."
Sometimes I think I might be the fool in this diet and weight loss circus.
That said Low-Carb sheds pounds like fucking crazy for me.


Hazaro said:
Sometimes I think I might be the fool in this diet and weight loss circus.
That said Low-Carb sheds pounds like fucking crazy for me.

Same here. Been on the low carb for around two months and lost almost 24lbs, great diet and I'd recommend it to anyone but this thread has turned into the Low-Carb Zealot thread. Every time someone wants to try something different there's no sensible discussion, no talking about anything or giving out any suggestions -- it's all about taking the piss and just calling doom and gloom for most of the regulars to the thread, some people need to get over that shit.

However I've started my juice diet today and obviously I'm still trying to find the golden middle-road, I'll be starting out with juice 3-4 times a day for a replacement to all meals but I'm not idiot, not going to go full monty 60 days if I feel like shit, my bowels are a mess and I start oozing green sludge out of every orifice. I'll be trying it a few days, see how I feel energy wise as well and then perhaps add a solid meal every weekend to give my body something to work with, perhaps only juice for 2 meals and then a low-carb meal, still testing out the waters.

I can report after the first two meals that surprisingly it does give you that full feeling and gives me a load of energy, however that can probably change over the next few days and all depends what vegetables and fruits I use. I just made sure I don't use too many fruits as I don't want to be on a fructose sugar buzz basically, I want the vegetable nutrients.

Hopefully I can report a solid weight loss by next week.


I've been drinking a lot of coffee lately, and by a lot I mean about one cup a day. Rarely, but sometimes two a day. I usually put two creamers in, as well as Truvia sweetener, or real sugar if that's not available.

What are the effects of this? I drink it mainly to wake up, and still do, but I also really look forward to it. Does anyone know if I'm being irresponsible here? I don't know the adverse effects, if any, drinking coffee has.

Thanks, guys! I'll be posting later to get advice on a new health plan I'm drawing up :)


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Hazaro said:
Sometimes I think I might be the fool in this diet and weight loss circus.
That said Low-Carb sheds pounds like fucking crazy for me.

Ditto, 2*3 months on lowcarb for me and I've lost 45-50kgs. And I've tried many many different diets, none of them worked the way my current one does.


Corky said:
Ditto, 2*3 months on lowcarb for me and I've lost 45-50kgs. And I've tried many many different diets, none of them worked the way my current one does.

So wait...you've lost 100 pounds in 2 to 3 months? That doesn't sound right.
So guys, I'm about to start the Subway diet in a week. I'm finally commited and ready to do it for good. 1 sub per day split in 2 meals + a fruit or OJ. Sub on whole wheat, cheese on it every other day. Turkey or rosted chicken, no mayo, a bit of mustard only. All veggies except olives and pickles. Drinking only water and the occasional diet soda

I know there's better ways of doing this but I live a block away from Subway and a sub a day is actually cheaper that buying my food at Safeway. Most importantly I won't have to worry about portions which is my weakness.

I will incorporate excersive progressively. I will start walking from work and in a couple of weeks will start going to the Y. I'm currently sitting at 265lbs which is my all time high. I hope to get to 225lbs and stay there with exercise and a more balanced diet.

Wish me luck. Suggestions are welcomed.


I don't have any pics or anything, but I've lost around 30 pounds in the last month and a half.

I started somewhere around 225, and I'm below 190 now. I *think* my goal will be somewhere from 170-180, but I'll see how I feel when I get there.

I've just been eating smarter and taking the stairs instead of elevators.

I'll have a small sandwich without cheese at around 4:00PM, and then a nicely-sized dinner made of mostly vegetables around 10:30-11:00PM. I'll finish the night off with a yogurt and call it a day.
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