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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


noire said:
All of the almond, soy and hemp milks that I've looked at contain processed sugar.

Mmmm, unsweetened almond milk.

So.. I've been noticing something that I sort've shrugged off at first as a coincidence but it's more noticable:

It seems like the more I lose weight that my skin seems to be slightly darker or 'tan' in the regions that I've lost the most fat (especially the lower belly area). I've chalked this up to maybe the skin shrinking? But I can't find anything about this online.

Deleted member 17706

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NobleXenon said:
Anyone interested in reading the book Wheat Belly? Tom Naughton wrote a book review about it.

Sounds interesting. Mark Sisson often brings up the negative health effects (other than overweight) of wheat and grains, and it looks like this book goes into greater detail. I may check it out.

edit: after reading that review in full, I bought this for Kindle immediately.

It looks like there's a lot of great info in there, which I can hopefully use to convince some people close to me to give up grains.


SuperAngelo64 said:
So.. I've been noticing something that I sort've shrugged off at first as a coincidence but it's more noticable:

It seems like the more I lose weight that my skin seems to be slightly darker or 'tan' in the regions that I've lost the most fat (especially the lower belly area). I've chalked this up to maybe the skin shrinking? But I can't find anything about this online.

You're not doing more outdoor activities? My skin has tanned nicely because of that particular change.


Thinking of starting power 90, what else can be used in terms of home exercise, I don't want/expect to be ripped. I just want to lose weight by dieting and exercising (don't have time to go gym any more)... :(


I've been on low carb so long, that I've kinda demonized carbs in my mind. I tried to start IF today, and the meal after my workout I had oats and a banana, and some other stuff. I feel so bad...I feel like I'm going to gain weight.

I am insane.

Deleted member 17706

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besiktas1 said:
Thinking of starting power 90, what else can be used in terms of home exercise, I don't want/expect to be ripped. I just want to lose weight by dieting and exercising (don't have time to go gym any more)... :(

A reasonable amount of exercise is good for your health, but you can "get ripped" (i.e. have clearly defined muscles and six-pack abs) even without exercise. Regarding home exercise, you really don't need to follow a program. Just start by doing exercises using your own body weight (stretches, wall presses, squats, plank ab exercises) and walk around outside mixing in some short bursts of sprinting. Just make sure you have a proper diet first.

If following a specific program is what it takes for you to get moving, then by all means give power 90 a look. I think Gary Whitta is going through that program right now?

Anyway, in the end, I think any specific program is not the way to go. It might be a good starting point, but you're probably not going to follow that program for the rest of your life. To improve your body composition and keep it that way, you need to make permanent lifestyle changes that are easily sustainable.


Akim said:
I've been on low carb so long, that I've kinda demonized carbs in my mind. I tried to start IF today, and the meal after my workout I had oats and a banana, and some other stuff. I feel so bad...I feel like I'm going to gain weight.

I am insane.
For good carb source and after workout meal, I would go for rice, sweet potatoes, and yams.
Question for you low carb people who are full time employed.

What do you do about lunch? I mean without heavy prepping a meal the night before what exactly are good choices that can keep carbs down but high in protein and leave you satisfied?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Dr. Feel Good said:
Question for you low carb people who are full time employed.

What do you do about lunch? I mean without heavy prepping a meal the night before what exactly are good choices that can keep carbs down but high in protein and leave you satisfied?

Do you have any salad bar type places near where you work? Maybe in a local supermarket if not a dedicated shop? If I don't bring food, I just go to one of those places and grab some meats and veggies. I try to avoid anything that looks like it was sauteed or cooked in oil, since most places probably use some cheap partially hydrogenated vegetable oil for cooking.


get some go again
i've totally broken my low carb diet. been having some real long days at work and no way can i get by without eating some carbs. i'm talking about working 12 hours doing construction in the hot sun.
Dr. Feel Good said:
Question for you low carb people who are full time employed.

What do you do about lunch? I mean without heavy prepping a meal the night before what exactly are good choices that can keep carbs down but high in protein and leave you satisfied?

I pack pork rinds, a cheese (either a mini babybel or string cheese), meat and veggies in a low carb tortilla, and a sugar free Jell-O.

I usually throw it all together within 10 minutes before heading out the door.
SuperAngelo64 said:
I pack pork rinds, a cheese (either a mini babybel or string cheese), meat and veggies in a low carb tortilla, and a sugar free Jell-O.

I usually throw it all together within 10 minutes before heading out the door.

Hmmm, pork rinds? I'm not sure if I've ever even tasted one. But quick Google shows that contain a decent amount of protein. That doesn't seem too bad overall. What kind of meat works well with a tortilla typically? Obviously chicken but I wouldn't want to cook that before hand.


...hate me...
Chicken is my staple protein source. I just get a small pack of breast fillets from the supermarket (400g aprox) and that's what I eat on a given day.

I can throw in bacon, eggs, beans, mushrooms, depending on my hunger.

I know I could get more benefits from a fatter part of the chicken, but breast works for me and it's waaay easier to cook than legs, thighs.

To cook, I throw a chunk of butter on a medium heat grill pan, season the fillets simply with salt and powdered garlic, and there it goes. 10 minutes and it's done.

Today I had them inside 3-egg omelettes (one for lunch and one for dinner). Sounds boring, but it was delicious.

Also, mayo. Hmmmm, mayo.
Akim said:
I've been on low carb so long, that I've kinda demonized carbs in my mind. I tried to start IF today, and the meal after my workout I had oats and a banana, and some other stuff. I feel so bad...I feel like I'm going to gain weight.

I am insane.

Don't let it bother you. I've demonized carbs as well, and I eat oats in 1/3 cup amounts, 17 net carbs, currently (always experimenting):

1. Every workday morning (with blueberries and cottage cheese).

2. On workout days - Pre workout (with berries), Post workout (with berries, skim milk powder, whey).

There is no food reward value this way, they taste really crappy. Its all for my workout to replenish glycogen stores.

Still very low carb, even on workout days.


Yeah, I've found the best way to think about them is almost as if they're the worst thing on earth for you and should be avoided wherever possible. Makes it easier to stick with and removes a lot of the initial temptation and cravings.


You know how people say different diets, different bodies?

I don't think the low carb/high fat diet is for me.

It's been over 2 weeks now, and I'm actually gaining a little weight going keto. And I'm almost positive it's not in muscle, since I'm doing a 3 day lifting split and 2 day running split, whereas before I was doing a 5 day lifting split.

I lost the bulk of my weight on a low fat, high protein, moderate carb, and very low sugar diet years ago.

I'm going to go back to that. It's pretty similar to what I do now, but I don't eat nearly as much fat and a little more on carbs.
Just did the calculations and it looks like I'm on my final 8 pounds to reach my goal of 180/10% BF (currently 188 14.7% bf). I wonder how big the changes will be since I've still got a slight belly and my face isn't as tight as it should be. The last bit is always the hardest so I'm ready for a grueling and slow battle.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
SeanR1221 said:
You know how people say different diets, different bodies?

I don't think the low carb/high fat diet is for me.

It's been over 2 weeks now, and I'm actually gaining a little weight going keto. And I'm almost positive it's not in muscle, since I'm doing a 3 day lifting split and 2 day running split, whereas before I was doing a 5 day lifting split.

I lost the bulk of my weight on a low fat, high protein, moderate carb, and very low sugar diet years ago.

I'm going to go back to that. It's pretty similar to what I do now, but I don't eat nearly as much fat and a little more on carbs.

That's unfortunate. Without knowing exactly what you're eating it's hard to comment, but just be aware that your body does require fat for a variety of things, so don't limit its intake too much.


SeanR1221 said:
You know how people say different diets, different bodies?

I don't think the low carb/high fat diet is for me.

It's been over 2 weeks now, and I'm actually gaining a little weight going keto. And I'm almost positive it's not in muscle, since I'm doing a 3 day lifting split and 2 day running split, whereas before I was doing a 5 day lifting split.

I lost the bulk of my weight on a low fat, high protein, moderate carb, and very low sugar diet years ago.

I'm going to go back to that. It's pretty similar to what I do now, but I don't eat nearly as much fat and a little more on carbs.

You sound exactly like me three weeks ago. I switched back to a moderate carb, moderate fat, high protein routine after a couple of weeks of keto. Mainly due to the fact that I was almost passing out whilst doing things like driving but also because my weight wasn't going down and I couldn't exercise much due to the lingering induction flu which showed no signs of quitting.

Since then I've lost weight quite well but I've also put on a fair amount of muscle. I'm lucky because I've always managed to put on muscle fairly easily.

I probably still eat only 70-150 g of carbs per day, so that is still considered pretty low by western standards, and I'll often slip into keto at night if most of my carbs are eaten in the morning and I've exercised in the afternoon. I also don't shy away from fats - if I eat a pork chop, I'll eat all the fat and I've started to drink a 600ml (about a pint) of milk every day to see what that does for me. I don't eat any sugar, cake, fruit juice - nothing sweeter than a piece of fruit here or there passes my lips.

Most importantly I think I can stick with this level of intake for the rest of my life. I don't have to think too hard about what I'm eating or count calories and I don't have any cravings and don't feel like binge eating.
SeanR1221 said:
You know how people say different diets, different bodies?

I don't think the low carb/high fat diet is for me.

It's been over 2 weeks now, and I'm actually gaining a little weight going keto. And I'm almost positive it's not in muscle, since I'm doing a 3 day lifting split and 2 day running split, whereas before I was doing a 5 day lifting split.

I lost the bulk of my weight on a low fat, high protein, moderate carb, and very low sugar diet years ago.

I'm going to go back to that. It's pretty similar to what I do now, but I don't eat nearly as much fat and a little more on carbs.

You gave it a good try.
Only thing I would suggest (for anyone else) is to make sure that the fat calories are reasonable - no, you shouldn't need to count them, but a low carb diet isn't a license to eat 5000 calories a day.
I'm not suggesting anyone is/was doing that, I'm speaking from personal experience. I can eat enormous amounts of food, but I have to keep myself in check. Walnuts? Yikes. Them's good eatin'


...hate me...
Mmm, I love me some Cheerios. Regular, honey Cheerios.

Haven't had a bowl of cereal since god knows when...


Does low carb still work at the bitter end of weight loss? I'm at my last 15 pounds needed to lose to get into the low teens BF%, and I've hit a wall. I'm wondering if I should be doing cardio or lifting in addition to keeping my carbs under 100/10 total/sugars for the day.

I could also get into keto for the last bit...but it sounds a lot more intense than the easy lifestyle to which I have grown accustomed!

I dunno, what do you all think, those that have been in this boat?


...hate me...
Wonderful week. After a hardcore return to my diet practices, I've managed to lose all the water weight from the vacations and today I weighed in a record low number. 71,7kg. My lowest in 5 years probably.

Too bad I'm going on a weekend out today :/ I'll probably eat a good chunk of carbs (rice and bread), will have wine and beer, so yeah, fingers crossed that my weigh in on monday will be 73 or less.
Dr. Feel Good said:
Question for you low carb people who are full time employed.

What do you do about lunch?
I also am not interested in heavy prepping, and the only solution I ever came up with was bagged salad with canned meat or store-bought chicken/tuna salad on it.

Lately I've just been going to fast food places and tossing the buns - not ideal but it's something.


I really want to commit to a diet and exercise plan to lose 40lbs by January. I just need to get motivated and keep with it. I had a wake up call the other day when I went to get some clothes to wear and literally EVERYTHING in my closet no longer fits. I almost had a panic attack. I'm starting at 6'2'' 240lbs.

I work next to a Subway, would it be ok to eat there for my lunch everyday?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Ettie said:
Does low carb still work at the bitter end of weight loss? I'm at my last 15 pounds needed to lose to get into the low teens BF%, and I've hit a wall. I'm wondering if I should be doing cardio or lifting in addition to keeping my carbs under 100/10 total/sugars for the day.

I could also get into keto for the last bit...but it sounds a lot more intense than the easy lifestyle to which I have grown accustomed!

I dunno, what do you all think, those that have been in this boat?

Cut out the grains, cut out the sugar, and cut out most if not all processed foods, and only eat until you are full, and your body will works its way down to its ideal weight, which will be a low teens BF% in all likelihood. There's no need to go into ketosis, but you don't need to actively avoid it, either. Throwing in some sensible cardio exercise and a bit of resistance training certainly won't hurt, but I doubt it will speed up the process much. The last 10-20 lbs. or so are always the most stubborn and take the longest. Just be patient and keep eating sensibly, in my opinion.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Figured I'd "weigh in" on this thread (eh?!).

My wife and I jumped on the Slow-Carb diet prescribed in the 4 Hour Body book and lost craptons of weight. Within 4 months I'd lost 50 pounds, and my wife lost 30 pounds (she was in better shape than I was so she's essentially done). I've still got probably another good 20 pounds to go to be where I want to be. Started at 254, got down to 203 from diet alone (I'm 6'1").

About a month ago I started doing P90X and adopted a bit more of their nutrition plan, which really wasn't THAT different than what I was already doing. Just eating a bit more to fuel the workouts and being able to mix in things like yogurt and fruit.

Weight is 199 after a month of P90X. The program seems like it stunted my weight loss, but what I'm not changing on the scale, I'm noticing in the mirror. My body composition is certainly changing in the right ways, even if the scale isn't showing it.

At this point I've got a stomach to get rid of, but overall I look pretty damn good with clothes on. Went from a 40 to a 34 with pants. Went from XL to L on shirts. When I'm in my new shorts and shirts, I look pretty damn beasty. Once I remove this stomach of mine, I'll be outright awesome.

Have some gruesome before/after pictures that I'll share when I'm done with P90X to get the full effect, but this whole lifestyle change has been nothing but incredible. Can't ever see myself going back.


Rubx, were you doing any exercise during the dieting period where you lost those 50 pounds? I'd bank on your weight loss being stunted by P90X being almost entirely based on you gaining a lot of muscle in place of fat (and muscle weighs more than fat). So I'd probably keep doing what you're doing and appreciate the more muscular build you're probably falling into.
LaneDS said:
Rubx, were you doing any exercise during the dieting period where you lost those 50 pounds? I'd bank on your weight loss being stunted by P90X being almost entirely based on you gaining a lot of muscle in place of fat (and muscle weighs more than fat). So I'd probably keep doing what you're doing and appreciate the more muscular build you're probably falling into.

Muscles retain a ton of water when you're working out hard as well. I think.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Didn't do any exercise when I was dieting, so there is definitely a good amount of muscle building going on. My biceps are already pretty!

Looking forward to eventually posting my pics for all to gawk at!


Yep, then your weight loss slowing down is pretty much entirely due to muscle gain, which is a good thing because now you've got those helping you burn that excess fat. Keep dieting, keep working out, and worry less about that scale and more about how you look and feel from this point.

Also, good job!

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
I remember reading a few pages back about some folks disputing whether or not to use Stevia. I switched to Stevia because it was natural compared to Splenda, Sweet 'n' Low, Aspartame, etc., but I didn't really realize just how good and natural it was until I read this article from Mark Sisson:


According to the studies he pulled up, Stevia (in low doses, e.g. a couple packets added to your coffee) can:
  • lower oxidized LDL
  • when combined with inulin, increase HDL
  • lower fasting blood glucose levels
  • increase insulin sensitivity
  • lower blood pressure
  • increase memory retention


Just calculated how many carbs I'm actually eating a day and it turns out it's usually well under 100g, where as previously I assumed I was around the 150 mark. Anyway, my oldies are coming around today (it's Father's day here in Aus) and they're interested in my new lifestyle choice. In celebration I'm cooking them a nice BBQ for a late lunch. For an appetiser I've made this receipie: flax crackers

They turned out pretty well, although I can't help associating them with hash cookies, because of the smell of them whilst cooking. I'm guessing they'd adapt well to a hash cookie recipie, and being low carb they'd be good for non-carbivore munchies. I'm going to get some dip to go with them.

Pro tip - to get an even thinness to the mixture, lay out two thin objects, such as skewers, either side of the mixture and lay your rolling pin across them, using them as a thickness gauge.
dejay said:
Just calculated how many carbs I'm actually eating a day and it turns out it's usually well under 100g, where as previously I assumed I was around the 150 mark. Anyway, my oldies are coming around today (it's Father's day here in Aus) and they're interested in my new lifestyle choice. In celebration I'm cooking them a nice BBQ for a late lunch. For an appetiser I've made this receipie: flax crackers

"Mom, dad, I've got something to tell you. I'm a woman living in a man's body."


"Just kidding. I'm actually a low carber."

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