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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


ipukespiders said:
"Mom, dad, I've got something to tell you. I'm a woman living in a man's body."


"Just kidding. I'm actually a low carber."



Actually my dad, even though he's not over weight, has recently been diagnosed with mild type 2. His doctor told him to lay off the white bread, which I think he's doing, but I'd like to see him take it a little further. The step mum isn't over weight at all, but she has to monitor her intake and I wouldn't mind if she could be a little more relaxed about the whole thing. She's got a sweet tooth unfortunately.


Gonna do some experimenting! I've been asking what my mother eat when she was a little kid in China. And Since the family didn't make much money, their main staple of food is sweet potatoes/rice. I'm gonna try this for couple weeks and still eat my meat of course.


dejay said:
Just calculated how many carbs I'm actually eating a day and it turns out it's usually well under 100g, where as previously I assumed I was around the 150 mark. Anyway, my oldies are coming around today (it's Father's day here in Aus) and they're interested in my new lifestyle choice. In celebration I'm cooking them a nice BBQ for a late lunch. For an appetiser I've made this receipie: flax crackers
OT, but you should come to AusGAF. Don't think I've seen you around those parts before!


Can someone post a link to a list of foods you can eat on the paleo diet? I had one bookmarked but recently got a new computer and lost the link. I was trying to figure out some vegetables that are low carb.
Damn I am going to have to seriously curtail my new-found love of self-serve froyo places if this weight loss is gonna hold. I indulged twice this weekend. Those toppings! SOMEBODY STOP ME.


I've lost of all the gains I made last year by bingeing and being lazy.

I still have my strength, muscles etc but the belly and face fat are back! To make it worse, It's winter now and the UK isn't kind! :(


elrechazao said:
don't eat sugar yo
And avoid bread if you can.

I was shocked to read (by Whitta's Twitter, no less) that HFCs are common in bread in the US. WTF? No wonder you're* all so fat. Wouldn't just be the carbs that are killing you, would be the HFCs as well.

*The country, not guys in this thread. Y'all are some sexy motherfuckers.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Log4Girlz said:
Damn I have to go back on a diet, I will have to read this mammoth thread later. Any quick tips or links?

Biggest things you can do is cut out all wheat and sugar, or as much as possible. Next is to cut out processed foods.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
What do you guys think about adding more carbs back into the diet as you get more physically active?

I've been doing P90X for about a month now, and you can definitely notice when you've been shy on carbs one day. The nutrition plan prescribed by the program starts with a 50/30/20 ratio of protein/carbs/fat, and then transitions into 40/40/20. I'm doing the 40/40/20 now because beyond P90X, I started getting into cycling a bit.

They say P90X burns roughly 600 calories a workout, and by biking I'd say it's safe to assume I'm using another 150-300 on an average day. So anywhere from 750-900 calories getting roasted.

Before starting P90X I was probably having less than a 1000 calories a day total, easy. I'm sure I lost of lot of muscle as a result, but I'm getting it all back now...but before I was eating under 100g of carbs without question.

Obviously I'm still only eating good carbs (vegetables/beans mostly, now fruit as well with P90X) so it's not like I'm eating bread or white rice or anything...but now I'm eating anywhere from 120-180g of carbs a day.

My overall calorie intake even with all this exercise is still only ~1800 a day. I shoot for 185g of protein, 150-185g of carbs and 40-50g of fat for my daily intake.

What do you think? Seem OK? It feels OK.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
elrechazao said:
Go nuts. Sweet potatoes are a good option for this too.
Holy shit...

Do sweet potatoes not count as white carbs? I've pretty much assumed potatoes in general were off the table and haven't put one in my mouth for over 6 months now.

They definitely pack a carb punch and have a low glycemic...


RubxQub said:
Holy shit...

Do sweet potatoes not count as white carbs? I've pretty much assumed potatoes in general were off the table and haven't put one in my mouth for over 6 months now.

They definitely pack a carb punch and have a low glycemic...

They have a pretty good ratio of fiber/carbs and have a shit load of vitamins and minerals. They're also one of the most anti-inflammatory foods you can eat which is why Kitavans have virtually no heart disease despite their relatively high levels of cholesterol.
I really have to get back into a good diet and excersize routine. I recently moved back home and there is so much junk food here. I haven't been this tempted in ages, and I keep giving in. ARGGG

Thats it, getting back into a routine tomorrow!


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Contemplating a major overhaul of my life

I thinks I need to start focusing on myself

I'm @450lbs, only 5'5", I looks like a fucking rotund satellite that can have it's own gravity field, if you approach me, you will get enveloped by my mass and have too circle around me to get by =/

So I have something going in my head

There's a school buy me, takes up 3+ city blocks, if you go around the school once almost like a loop around the track

I would need to flip my feeding habits of just consuming an absurd amount only once per day (ie I stay hungry all day till, I can no more than intake 5000+ calories) to multiple feedings

So if I walk 1 hour say from 5AM to 6AM (I'm an insomniac) and another hour 7PM to 8PM (starting out) will I know notice any change say with-in 30-60 days?

I mean the gym and training and other shit will follow, and other shit will come into play once, I start getting back into shape

I have very lean chest, I have muscles built up due to high school weightlifting, it's just they have been dormant for a long time

I mean this was me 2 months ago:


As you can see, my upper is built, it's just dormant
It's just the bloated mid-section where I expand
My legs/calves are hella' fine (due to the work to keep moving around this mass that is me)
Thighs are chunky and built up with fat, but they will start to tone down once I become active

Also my weight fluctuates a lot here, sometimes I drop down to 420 or less then rocket back up to 450 or 455, I have yet to surpass the 475 or hit the dread quarter ton weight of 500lbs

Lets see how it goes

Thinking about preparing for it starting around October 1st, then just keep growing my beard (it's in the beard thread, setting a goal fro myself there lol) and working at it till at least 350 or 300 lbs, then move onto more strenuous stuff, like gym and shape my body


The general consensus around here is that to lose weight, you should be focusing on what you eat, and not exercise. Exercise is a very inefficient way of losing weight. Change your diet. Eat more protein. Eat more greens. Eat less carbs (cut out sugar, bread, and potatoes). You'll go a very long way with that.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
TheExodu5 said:
The general consensus around here is that to lose weight, you should be focusing on what you eat, and not exercise. Exercise is a very inefficient way of losing weight. Change your diet. Eat more protein. Eat more greens. Eat less carbs (cut out sugar, bread, and potatoes). You'll go a very long way with that.

Problem is, I'm Pakistani

Our food is like

Healthy <-----------------Unhealthy----------->Toxic-----You're Already Dead.jpg---->Pakistani Food

I know I can not on a drop of hat switch cold turkey to different foods in an instant

I mean rice, potatoes and the absurd amount of Canola/Corn/Vegetable oil that is used would need to be cut out, if doses, I mean I might have to start giving up the beloved Nihari's, Biryani's, Plau's of the world to get better


By the way, losing weight made wonders for a friend of mine with his insomnia problems. Use it as a possible motivation.


relies on auto-aim
RubxQub said:
Figured I'd "weigh in" on this thread (eh?!).

My wife and I jumped on the Slow-Carb diet prescribed in the 4 Hour Body book and lost craptons of weight. Within 4 months I'd lost 50 pounds, and my wife lost 30 pounds (she was in better shape than I was so she's essentially done). I've still got probably another good 20 pounds to go to be where I want to be. Started at 254, got down to 203 from diet alone (I'm 6'1").

About a month ago I started doing P90X and adopted a bit more of their nutrition plan, which really wasn't THAT different than what I was already doing. Just eating a bit more to fuel the workouts and being able to mix in things like yogurt and fruit.

Weight is 199 after a month of P90X. The program seems like it stunted my weight loss, but what I'm not changing on the scale, I'm noticing in the mirror. My body composition is certainly changing in the right ways, even if the scale isn't showing it.

At this point I've got a stomach to get rid of, but overall I look pretty damn good with clothes on. Went from a 40 to a 34 with pants. Went from XL to L on shirts. When I'm in my new shorts and shirts, I look pretty damn beasty. Once I remove this stomach of mine, I'll be outright awesome.

Have some gruesome before/after pictures that I'll share when I'm done with P90X to get the full effect, but this whole lifestyle change has been nothing but incredible. Can't ever see myself going back.
Good on you man!
GraveRobberX said:
Contemplating a major overhaul of my life

I thinks I need to start focusing on myself
Good on you for taking the first step.

I'd say to start lightly. This means basic things:
Cut soda out
Cut white starches out (bread, paste, wheat)
Cut sugar
Cut carby snacks out

See that for a month and how you feel. Drink plenty of water and write down what you eat. One of the most important things to do is realize what and how much you are eating.

You can low carb after the initial stunt and see how you feel. It wouldn't be surprising to me to see you drop over 30lbs per month in the first month or two tbh on low-carb.

*As for diet switch I know you have markets and I'm sure you have better alternatives, maybe you just aren't used to looking for them.


So I'm not content with how my body is at the moment. I'm not hugely obese or anything, but I do have some extra fat around my body, especially some pesky butt fat that I can't get rid off.

I started going to the gym 2 weeks ago, are there any exercises I should focus on? Or just a lot of cardio?

And I think I'd need a diet to get any noticeable improvement in a shorter time span, what do you guys recommend? Can anyone give me the rundown on low-carb diet?

And any other general tips that can help would be greatly appreciated.


GraveRobberX said:
Problem is, I'm Pakistani

Our food is like

Healthy <-----------------Unhealthy----------->Toxic-----You're Already Dead.jpg---->Pakistani Food

I know I can not on a drop of hat switch cold turkey to different foods in an instant

I mean rice, potatoes and the absurd amount of Canola/Corn/Vegetable oil that is used would need to be cut out, if doses, I mean I might have to start giving up the beloved Nihari's, Biryani's, Plau's of the world to get better

Yeah dude, I know how you feel. I'm not Pakistani but I'm Sri-Lankan and most of our food is an oil filled mess lol. Eating rice and curry for lunch everyday isn't helping things. But, I've done little small things like switching from white rice to brown rice, drinking lots of water and eating 5 small meals a day, rather 3 huge meals.
Also, make sure you don't skip breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day and allows your metabolism to kickstart into gear. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like prince and dinner like a pauper and you'll start losing weight.


relies on auto-aim
Lesiroth said:
So I'm not content with how my body is at the moment. I'm not hugely obese or anything, but I do have some extra fat around my body, especially some pesky butt fat that I can't get rid off.

I started going to the gym 2 weeks ago, are there any exercises I should focus on? Or just a lot of cardio?

And I think I'd need a diet to get any noticeable improvement in a shorter time span, what do you guys recommend? Can anyone give me the rundown on low-carb diet?

And any other general tips that can help would be greatly appreciated.
Check the fitness thread.
Quick fat loss is mostly diet.
xuchu said:
Yeah dude, I know how you feel. I'm not Pakistani but I'm Sri-Lankan and most of our food is an oil filled mess lol. Eating rice and curry for lunch everyday isn't helping things. But, I've done little small things like switching from white rice to brown rice, drinking lots of water and eating 5 small meals a day, rather 3 huge meals.
Also, make sure you don't skip breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day and allows your metabolism to kickstart into gear. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like prince and dinner like a pauper and you'll start losing weight.
I'm not sold on the benefits of eating a big breakfast first or the 5 meals a day.

I haven't seen anything super conclusive and have even read a study where skipping breakfast has more weight loss impact. 5 vs 3 I think is more for mental benefit. If it has benefits over 3 meals it has to be super small I would think.

That said I usually have a fairly large breakfast in the morning because it sets me in a good mood with lots of energy. I'll grab some nuts and/or jerky through out the day as well. I just want to state that you don't have to force yourself out of your comfort zone to get what you want.
Don't go losing weight and go feeling like crap all day with no energy. It's not good!


So I was hitting a wall but finally broke through this weekend. I had eaten a lot of peanuts for about a week and I guess I was holding a bunch of water weight because of it because I had to pee constantly this weekend and have lost about 5 pounds. Feels good to finally move on.

On another point, does anyone have a person in their lives who are just ass holes when it comes to other people's diets? I told my mom I was on a low-carb diet and she thought I was crazy. She invited me over to eat and she was making enchiladas (which are awesome which is why I am willing to overlook the tortilla's) but she's also making beans. I asked her if she could make something else and she acts likes I never even told her I was on a diet. I tell her I can't eat them and she asks why so I tell her they have a lot of carbs. She disagrees and tells be that they are good for you and I should eat them. I say I am not going to but she gets mad and tells me to eat them anyways. I meat WTF is this? Maybe my mom is just crazy (which she is) but that's bullshit. I can't just tell her no or she'll get upset like I am harming her for not eating some can of beans. The same goes for friends I have who ask me to go to a bar and drink beer, which I am not supposed to do, but they think it's no big deal. I just don't understand why some people insist on fucking other people over who are on a diet.
omgkitty said:
The same goes for friends I have who ask me to go to a bar and drink beer, which I am not supposed to do, but they think it's no big deal. I just don't understand why some people insist on fucking other people over who are on a diet.

Why can't you go to a bar and drink something else? Order water, who gives a shit.

Your mom just sounds like she doesn't want to cook an extra meal for you, which is a hassle. Help her out with the cooking, make something for yourself.


The Orange said:
Why can't you go to a bar and drink something else? Order water, who gives a shit.

Your mom just sounds like she doesn't want to cook an extra meal for you, which is a hassle. Help her out with the cooking, make something for yourself.

It's just the fact that she is making me eat the beans. I just told her I wouldn't eat them. I suggested she make something different but told her I wouldn't eat them if she made them and she put them on my plate anyways. Also with the friends thing they talk shit if you don't go out and drink. I have gone and tried to drink water before, but they just made fun of me the whole time. We normally go to a beer garden that does sell liquor but it's very expensive there, plus I don't like liquor that much. I am not trying to make excuses, I am just saying some people can be unreasonable. I mean, I don't mind going out to drink once or twice a month, but it's every weekend two or three times a week. I just can't reasonably do that.


just wanted to share some of my ups and downs so far. been doing low carb since june 8,2010. i started at 215lbs and dropped to 168lbs in a little over five months. felt great! by february of this year i had dropped to 166.5lbs. i was so happy with my loss. i decided to ditch the low carb lifestyle completely and started eating nonstop. i completely lost control and just kept shoveling food into my face. in three months time i ballooned back up to 198lbs. that was almost 12lbs a month i had gained back. as of friday i'm at 183. hopefully i don't screw up again =/
Acidote said:
By the way, losing weight made wonders for a friend of mine with his insomnia problems. Use it as a possible motivation.
Also, losing weight really helped me with snoring problems. I used to snore so loud, my mother could hear me upstairs in her own room. Now I don't snore as loud!
omgkitty said:
It's just the fact that she is making me eat the beans. I just told her I wouldn't eat them. I suggested she make something different but told her I wouldn't eat them if she made them and she put them on my plate anyways. Also with the friends thing they talk shit if you don't go out and drink. I have gone and tried to drink water before, but they just made fun of me the whole time. We normally go to a beer garden that does sell liquor but it's very expensive there, plus I don't like liquor that much. I am not trying to make excuses, I am just saying some people can be unreasonable. I mean, I don't mind going out to drink once or twice a month, but it's every weekend two or three times a week. I just can't reasonably do that.

I guess this is pretty obvious (and not so easy in practice), but get new friends? This isn't grade school, your friends should be mature enough to let you drink/eat what you want.

Mothers are a entirely different story.


Sorry if this is a well-worn topic in this thread, but it would really be hard to search for this particular discussion.

What's the general opinion with calories on a low carb diet? I started Sunday and am trying to go as low carb as possible. Hopefully under 20g a day. I've read some very convincing arguments that calories don't matter at all on a ketosis diet. Well, you know, within reason. I'm sure none of these people would suggest you eat ten cheeseburgers a day, but short of that, calories don't seem to factor into their weight loss equation at all.

Can that be right?! I mostly eat chicken, fish, shrimp, ground beef, turkey breast, bologna, roast beef, spinach and onions... but... cheese! I could eat cheese on almost everything.

For instance, today for breakfast I had an eggs and yellow pepper omelet, with cheddar cheese.

Then for a snack I had a few slices of cheese.

Then for dinner I had a chicken quarter with spinach and a little cheese.

Then a few hours later to keep the metabolism going I finished off the chicken and spinach but put on a little more cheese.

Cheese cheese cheese. Is it wise to limit the cheese or does it really not matter as long as I'm super strict on the carbs?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Keep the metabolism going? Pretty sure that's bullshit.

Anyway, just eat until you're full, or better yet, simply don't feel hungry anymore. Then stop. Save the rest for later, but keep it out of sight.

Avoid processed foods with tons of flavoring added to them as much as possible to limit reward factor.


Zefah said:
Keep the metabolism going? Pretty sure that's bullshit.

Anyway, just eat until you're full, or better yet, simply don't feel hungry anymore. Then stop. Save the rest for later, but keep it out of sight.

Avoid processed foods with tons of flavoring added to them as much as possible to limit reward factor.

Oh? I thought it was common knowledge that many small meals/snacks throughout the day were far more beneficial than fewer, larger ones. Maybe "keeping the metabolism going" isn't the right way to phrase it, but regardless, I've seen people swear you should eat something every 3 hours or so even if you're entirely full. Like in the massive low carb thread over at SA.


Zefah said:
Keep the metabolism going? Pretty sure that's bullshit.

Anyway, just eat until you're full, or better yet, simply don't feel hungry anymore. Then stop. Save the rest for later, but keep it out of sight.

Avoid processed foods with tons of flavoring added to them as much as possible to limit reward factor.

This is the best advice, IMO. Eat for necessity, not for taste. Stop yourself before you feel "full". You should feel satisfied after a meal, but not feel any sense of bloating or fullness whatsoever. If you're starting to feel full, just stop eating.
Gary Whitta said:
Damn I am going to have to seriously curtail my new-found love of self-serve froyo places if this weight loss is gonna hold. I indulged twice this weekend. Those toppings! SOMEBODY STOP ME.
Toppings ain't the problem bra. It's the so called yogurt. Check the ingredient list. First and second items usually go skim milk, then corn syrup solids...


omgkitty said:
So I was hitting a wall but finally broke through this weekend. I had eaten a lot of peanuts for about a week and I guess I was holding a bunch of water weight because of it because I had to pee constantly this weekend and have lost about 5 pounds. Feels good to finally move on.

On another point, does anyone have a person in their lives who are just ass holes when it comes to other people's diets? I told my mom I was on a low-carb diet and she thought I was crazy. She invited me over to eat and she was making enchiladas (which are awesome which is why I am willing to overlook the tortilla's) but she's also making beans. I asked her if she could make something else and she acts likes I never even told her I was on a diet. I tell her I can't eat them and she asks why so I tell her they have a lot of carbs. She disagrees and tells be that they are good for you and I should eat them. I say I am not going to but she gets mad and tells me to eat them anyways. I meat WTF is this? Maybe my mom is just crazy (which she is) but that's bullshit. I can't just tell her no or she'll get upset like I am harming her for not eating some can of beans. The same goes for friends I have who ask me to go to a bar and drink beer, which I am not supposed to do, but they think it's no big deal. I just don't understand why some people insist on fucking other people over who are on a diet.

My friend had her kid at a party. She re-told her mum (the kid's grandmother) that the kid was allergic to peanuts and under no circumstances was she to give him any peanuts. Twenty seconds after she left the room, grandmother was giving the kid peanuts to eat. The mother came back in the room and exploded. The grandmother insisted "they can't do any harm!" and sulked away. Some parents just think they know better - despite being ignorant and stupid.


ok so I think I'm gonna do a Keto diet

what do you guys think about this meal plan?
chopped cucumbers + tomatoes
cream cheese


tuna salad
salt+black pepper+lemon+olive oil

green tea with a little milk

Grilled chicken


also, I'm jogging for 45 minutes everyday and I think I'm gonna start a low weight high rep program as well

any suggestions, comments, etc will be appreciated :)
omgkitty said:
It's just the fact that she is making me eat the beans. I just told her I wouldn't eat them. I suggested she make something different but told her I wouldn't eat them if she made them and she put them on my plate anyways. Also with the friends thing they talk shit if you don't go out and drink. I have gone and tried to drink water before, but they just made fun of me the whole time. We normally go to a beer garden that does sell liquor but it's very expensive there, plus I don't like liquor that much. I am not trying to make excuses, I am just saying some people can be unreasonable. I mean, I don't mind going out to drink once or twice a month, but it's every weekend two or three times a week. I just can't reasonably do that.

Real me drink hard stuff anyway. Get a vodka and water, and ask them who's the pussy now.
omgkitty said:
It's just the fact that she is making me eat the beans. I just told her I wouldn't eat them. I suggested she make something different but told her I wouldn't eat them if she made them and she put them on my plate anyways. Also with the friends thing they talk shit if you don't go out and drink. I have gone and tried to drink water before, but they just made fun of me the whole time. We normally go to a beer garden that does sell liquor but it's very expensive there, plus I don't like liquor that much. I am not trying to make excuses, I am just saying some people can be unreasonable. I mean, I don't mind going out to drink once or twice a month, but it's every weekend two or three times a week. I just can't reasonably do that.
Get some thicker skin bro.
spindashing said:
Also, losing weight really helped me with snoring problems. I used to snore so loud, my mother could hear me upstairs in her own room. Now I don't snore as loud!

Yep, same here. My ex-wife used to always complain about it and ask that I sleep on my stomach.

My snoring went away after the first 20 lbs of weight loss.

hxa155 said:
ok so I think I'm gonna do a Keto diet

what do you guys think about this meal plan?
chopped cucumbers + tomatoes
cream cheese


tuna salad
salt+black pepper+lemon+olive oil

green tea with a little milk

Grilled chicken


also, I'm jogging for 45 minutes everyday and I think I'm gonna start a low weight high rep program as well

any suggestions, comments, etc will be appreciated :)

I think that's great. Everything I might recommend is really minor.

One thing I'd definitely though is don't eat tuna too often due to the mercury content in it. May want to move to canned salmon which, frankly, tastes virtually identical.

I notice you're sticking to white meat and fish. Don't be afraid of the red stuff (unless you don't do it for cultural/religious reasons).

And lastly is that if you aren't doing it already, try to make Primal Mayo from Mark's Daily Apple which, in my estimation, is better than the vegetable oil mayo you get in the store in almost every way. You could, of course, use olive oil if you don't want to use ghee. Frankly, I love the herbaceous taste of olive oil but some disagree.

All the same, keep it up! That'll get you going. I'd also say I've found weight lifting to be beneficial. As even though the scale doesn't drop as quickly, in the long run, I will be gaining muscle which helps keep the fat off.
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