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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Ripclawe said:
lets talk snacks, not just fruits or nuts but sweet things that you can eat thru out the day. I can only snack on sliced apples, bananas or almonds for so long.

Porkrinds. For an entire bag it's about 4G of carb.

I also like to grind them up, coat a steak in eggs, dip it in crushed porkrinds, then fry it in a little bit of olive oil. With steamed brocolli on the side.

Not sure how this will work for weight loss (not trying to do that). However it follows the low carb plan.


Not an asshole.
Down to 190 pounds (from starting weight of 250 1.5 years ago)





appropriate match of clothing, i suppose
Watched Weight Loss thread favorite "Fat Head" finally. Not much new information, but I guess that's because I've been reading up for a couple years now. Only new thing was how the government fucked everything up so badly.

Eric WK

Last Spring I went from 210 lbs. to about 165, got back up to about 190 during Fall/Winter because I'm dumb. And over the past month and a half I've worked my way down to 160. Diet-wise that was essentially low-cal, low-fat, exercise-wise it was a lot of different stuff. Unfortunately I think I'm plateauing and I'm not sure how much more weight/fat this method is going to be able to shed - still have a gut and things.

So I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that I'll probably have to switch to low-carb to achieve the rest of my goals. I don't expect it to be very easy.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Any tips for dealing with weight gain after starting anti-depressants?

I started on Celexa with some Xanax on the side (which I'm off of) back in March. Since then I've gained a good 20 lbs. I'm much happier now, but I'd like to kill off that extra weight.

What's the outlook on dropping pounds while still taking this medicine? I can't really afford to jump off of it as it really has helped tremendously. I definitely started eating more as my happiness was restored, so I can fix that, but I'm afraid that it will be futile in the face of the Celexa. Anybody have any experience with this? I'm hoping the weight came from eating too much, but I'm rather worried that the meds caused other issues. Does it seem possible that simply returning to a healthy diet and exercise could be enough? I've heard this type of medicine can cause a lot of water weight gain.

I guess I'm simply looking for tips.
I have been drinking green tea instead of coffee and cream lately, and i'm actually really liking it. If you buy good quality tea (i'm drinking mighty leaf) it's actually great. A bag can last an entire day.


i'm thinking of eating two meals a day. i can usually skip breakfast and not be hungry until lunch. then for lunch i'll have breakfast:

4 eggs
4 slices of bacon
3 sausage links
@ 7 carbs for all that

dinner will be a serving of meat and veggies (green beans/spinach/broccoli are my favs).

i need to cut out my lindt 85% cocoa bars. i eat one a week, 1/2 serving a day, but still has a lot of carbs and sugars for such a small portion. also need to limit my peanut butter to just one serving a day instead of two or three. other than that, just drinking water all day and one protein shake at 4 carbs. i'll snack mostly on pork rinds and cheese.
wiggins022 said:
Any opinions on Flax Oil? I heard it makes you feel satiated if you eat it during or after a meal.

I prefer flax seed. I grind it up in a coffee grinder. Nice and cheap too.
Makes a great "muffin-in-a-minute".

Xelinis said:
Yes, yes it is a problem. Any partially hydrogenated fat is chemically unstable. Even tiny amounts will wreak havok.

From the megathread @ somethingawful:

somethingawful said:
Hydrogenated lard =/= partially hydrogenated lard.

It's completely safe, and only contains something like 0.02% fully hydrogenated lard, the rest is just pure lard. Which would be 0.9g of trans fats in the entire one pound brick.

If fully hydrogenated fats were trans fats.

Which they aren't.
Xelinis said:
I would still be wary and stick to ghee. As it is, it's a superior cooking fat in every way.

No reason to be wary.

I have used clarified butter, but it is a pain to make, and butter costs more than lard (here). It does have a nice high smoke point though, I'll give you that.

Besides, I love the name "lard".
And I love telling people to cook with lard. It fucks with their mind.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Xelinis said:
I would still be wary and stick to ghee. As it is, it's a superior cooking fat in every way.

Yeah, I don't care if it was 0.000002g of trans fat in an entire bucket, I'm not dealing with artificial trans fat in any way, shape, or form because it's unhealthy, unstable and the way the body chooses to handle such a foreign fat is what leads to heart attacks, strokes, clogged arteries, etc.

Whether it's 5g a serving or 0.0000005g, I'm staying away from it.



Went from 245lbs at my highest to around 135lbs. It's been a crazy roller coaster of a ride but now pretty much just eating healthy and having fun being active. Tomorrow'll be my birthday so I'm going to have fun with cooking the recipes I want to try, going out on the town then gaming all night/watching movies/drinking.


Kodiak said:
Down to 190 pounds (from starting weight of 250 1.5 years ago)





appropriate match of clothing, i suppose
That's awesome! Congrats! If you don't mind sharing, could you briefly describe what kind of diet or/and workout you did?


sophora said:

Went from 245lbs at my highest to around 135lbs. It's been a crazy roller coaster of a ride but now pretty much just eating healthy and having fun being active. Tomorrow'll be my birthday so I'm going to have fun with cooking the recipes I want to try, going out on the town then gaming all night/watching movies/drinking.

wow great job man!


...hate me...
Kudos kodiak and sophora :)

So, after reading a lot about them in here, today I found pork rinds on sale at a supermarket. Score!


I'm down 15 since July now...

I haven't ran in like 3 weeks though. I'm just eating better (and lost around 2-3 pounds in the last 3 weeks).

It's this Vegas heat, man. It kills me. Makes me not want to live. I will go back to running when it cools down.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
oatmeal said:
I'm down 15 since July now...

I haven't ran in like 3 weeks though. I'm just eating better (and lost around 2-3 pounds in the last 3 weeks).

It's this Vegas heat, man. It kills me. Makes me not want to live. I will go back to running when it cools down.

That's all that really matters when it comes to simply losing fat.


Anyone have any thoughts on Muscle Milk for a post workout drink? I bought a bottle of Muscle Milk Light and I'm wondering if I should start drinking that since it's more convenient than buying the whey protein powder stuff.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Toki767 said:
Anyone have any thoughts on Muscle Milk for a post workout drink? I bought a bottle of Muscle Milk Light and I'm wondering if I should start drinking that since it's more convenient than buying the whey protein powder stuff.

No, Muscle Milk has a high amount of contaminents, lead, etc.

The creators of Muscle Milk simply said the contaminents are within "reasonable" levels and haven't done a thing to reduce it. Stay away from it.

Optimum Nutrition seems to be the only brand these days giving a damn about their protein products in terms of safety, taste, price, etc.


Hey, just thought I'd pop in this thread to ask a quick question I'm 20 year old male and I weigh about 151 pounds at 5'7. I don't have that much fat on me and I run pretty often. Sorry for the sparse amount of info that Ive given you guys but is that a healthy weight for the situation that I'm in? Just curious
grkazan12 said:
Hey, just thought I'd pop in this thread to ask a quick question I'm 20 year old male and I weigh about 151 pounds at 5'7. I don't have that much fat on me and I run pretty often. Sorry for the sparse amount of info that Ive given you guys but is that a healthy weight for the situation that I'm in? Just curious


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
grkazan12 said:
Hey, just thought I'd pop in this thread to ask a quick question I'm 20 year old male and I weigh about 151 pounds at 5'7. I don't have that much fat on me and I run pretty often. Sorry for the sparse amount of info that Ive given you guys but is that a healthy weight for the situation that I'm in? Just curious

At that height, you could probably stand to lose a few pounds of fat if you wanted a more defined physique, but you're certainly not overweight.


Quick question guys: What do you guys think of this PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter? I love eating peanut butter, but for the past few weeks I haven't eaten any b/c I always attack the jar like a madman and eat too much. I've been stuck at a plateau for about 2 months now and I'm not sure if the peanut butter was part of the problem.


Junior Member
Kaizer said:
Quick question guys: What do you guys think of this PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter? I love eating peanut butter, but for the past few weeks I haven't eaten any b/c I always attack the jar like a madman and eat too much. I've been stuck at a plateau for about 2 months now and I'm not sure if the peanut butter was part of the problem.

No, just keep eating the real stuff. Figure out a system for managing portions.


My first entry into this Legendary thread...

I am doing the Low Carb thing.

Started at 374 pounds Aug 2011

Current; 341 pounds

Height 6-1

Goal weight; 240

Long way to go.:/
Getting compliments. Woot woot.

Need to have a better week this coming week.
Lack of preparation on my part led to too much carbs. Blah.
Kickz said:
My first entry into this Legendary thread...

I am doing the Low Carb thing.

Started at 374 pounds Aug 2011

Current; 341 pounds

Height 6-1

Goal weight; 240

Long way to go.:/
You got this, make sure to take pictures to inspire yourself as the weight falls off.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
SeanR1221 said:
Anyone check this documentary out on Netflix?

It was just recommended to me.


I liked where they were going in that trailer until they started demonizing animal products. You have no argument if you suggest people avoid animal products in order to prevent obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.


I went from 146lbs up to 171lbs when on Cymbalta over the space of about 1 year, was eating lots of sugary foods/sweets/pasta and "low fat" content products. Managed in the last 4 months to drop back down to 148lbs with no exercise.

Done so by basically eating a very low carb diet, less than 100G a day, usually a fair bit under. Swapped bread for ryvitas, drank lots of water/green tea, ate lots of veg/fruit and had quite a bit of fish. Other meats as well for protein, with little to no sauce or with natural flavourings. Full fat yoghurt, butter, ect when used. Low fat products have more carb content 95% of the time from my findings. I also ate a bowl of all bran with soya milk pretty much every morning, followed by natural/home made soup with a ryvita at lunch. Swap the lunch about with fruit at times, but always all bran in the morning. My digestive system is currently super efficient, I crap like a mad man. All Bran in the UK is much better than the US equivalent.

The following 3 sites worked well for me

GI Diet - http://www.the-gi-diet.org/lowgifoods/
GI for carbs - http://www.carbs-information.com/glycemic-index.htm#gi
Low carb substitutes - http://lowcarbdiets.about.com/od/whattoeat/a/substitutes.htm


sophora said:

Went from 245lbs at my highest to around 135lbs. It's been a crazy roller coaster of a ride but now pretty much just eating healthy and having fun being active. Tomorrow'll be my birthday so I'm going to have fun with cooking the recipes I want to try, going out on the town then gaming all night/watching movies/drinking.

Fantastic man.


So I found some Dreyers Ice Cream that claims 'NO SUGAR ADDED'.

Bought the Triple Chocolate (that Carb Well vanilla was great, but it's no chocolate).

Anyway, I ate a bit of it...and that shit is straight up a laxative.

I've taken less than 9 painful shits since around 8pm. The first few were messy and now they're just painful spittle farts.

My God my butt hurts.

Don't buy the Dreyers stuff.


oatmeal said:
So I found some Dreyers Ice Cream that claims 'NO SUGAR ADDED'.

Bought the Triple Chocolate (that Carb Well vanilla was great, but it's no chocolate).

Anyway, I ate a bit of it...and that shit is straight up a laxative.

I've taken less than 9 painful shits since around 8pm. The first few were messy and now they're just painful spittle farts.

My God my butt hurts.

Don't buy the Dreyers stuff.

All sugar free treats are going to do that to you unfortunately. I had a low-carb cheesecake from the cheesecake factory and it went right through me within the hour. Definitely not worth it.
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