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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


harSon said:
All sugar free treats are going to do that to you unfortunately. I had a low-carb cheesecake from the cheesecake factory and it went right through me within the hour. Definitely not worth it.

It hurts bro :(


oatmeal said:
So I found some Dreyers Ice Cream that claims 'NO SUGAR ADDED'.

Bought the Triple Chocolate (that Carb Well vanilla was great, but it's no chocolate).

Anyway, I ate a bit of it...and that shit is straight up a laxative.

I've taken less than 9 painful shits since around 8pm. The first few were messy and now they're just painful spittle farts.

My God my butt hurts.

Don't buy the Dreyers stuff.

Once long ago I tried to drink Slim Fast to see how it worked with me ya know. First the shits, then I think the entire contents of what entered my stomach completely gassified and I farted...CONTINUOUSLY for hours.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
Meh! After eating total what ever i wanted all my life i'v started to put on the pounds, i'm now 183.82 pounds. 13.9 stone, my converting stone to pounds could be a little of, i suck at this stuff.

Hitting the Slimfast shakes, with 1 solid meal a day.

My only source of exercise is working my upper arms by doing push ups (I figure this upper strength will come in handy if i ever need to defend my self/lift heavy shit in a life threatening situation.

Wish me luck guys


Kentpaul said:
Meh! After eating total what ever i wanted all my life i'v started to put on the pounds, i'm now 183.82 pounds. 13.9 stone, my converting stone to pounds could be a little of, i suck at this stuff.

Hitting the Slimfast shakes, with 1 solid meal a day.

My only source of exercise is working my upper arms by doing push ups (I figure this upper strength will come in handy if i ever need to defend my self/lift heavy shit in a life threatening situation.

Wish me luck guys

Good luck man. I farted for hours, continuously on that crap. And the sad part was, until I realized how diabolical that shake was, it was one of the most delicious damn things I've ever tasted. Think it was double fudge chocolate or something.


My diet the last week has been pretty junky. A typical day this week:

1 x Bacon and Egg McMuffin
1 x Sausage and Egg McMuffin

Large glass of whole milk coffee

200 grams (0.4 lbs) of chicken breast

1 x Double quarter pounder

30 grams of Haloumi cheese

That's plenty of junk, but limited carbs (under 100g). I've been reasonably active but had a very lazy weekend for a change and even had a few beers and I still managed to lose weight.

Not every week is going to be like this, but it's nice to know I can pig out on junk and not balloon out - as long as it's the right kind of junk. Fat Head changed my life!

(edit)Progress graph!


I've given up on my target line, although I left it in for reference. My muscles are noticably bigger and I'm doing lots more chin ups and push ups than before, so I'm assuming I'm gaining at least 1/4 kg of muscle for every kg of fat I lose. I'm just eating enough to not be hungry and letting the fat fall off at it's own pace. I managed to fit into some pants today that I haven't worn for a long time. Feels good man.

Laughing Banana said:
It's very difficult to find the willpower to resist the urge of eating at night/late night :(((((((((((

Then don't resist. Eat a bit less for dinner and have a late night snack. Eat plenty of protein - it makes you feel sated for longer.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
Kentpaul said:
Meh! After eating total what ever i wanted all my life i'v started to put on the pounds, i'm now 183.82 pounds. 13.9 stone, my converting stone to pounds could be a little of, i suck at this stuff.

Hitting the Slimfast shakes, with 1 solid meal a day.

My only source of exercise is working my upper arms by doing push ups (I figure this upper strength will come in handy if i ever need to defend my self/lift heavy shit in a life threatening situation.

Wish me luck guys

You suck at dividing by 14?


Zefah said:
I liked where they were going in that trailer until they started demonizing animal products. You have no argument if you suggest people avoid animal products in order to prevent obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

I ended up watching it and they provide plenty of research to back up these claims.

That's why I'm wondering if there is someone who broke everything they said down. For example, picked apart the methods sections of the studies they used.


My folks are off for a week so it's time to try cooking low-carb to see if I can survive out in the wilds on my own later in life. Good recipie sites, anyone?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
SeanR1221 said:
I ended up watching it and they provide plenty of research to back up these claims.

That's why I'm wondering if there is someone who broke everything they said down. For example, picked apart the methods sections of the studies they used.

I may watch it, but blaming diabetes and heart disease on animal products is just ridiculous.

Especially when they show scenes of people happily cooking with wheat products.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Dammit, I cannot stick to any kind of plan. I eat well during the week, exercise, but on the weekends eat out a good deal, that's just how it's been and I am having one hell of a time changing it.

I am losing a few pounds here and there just due to the fact that I eat healthy and run three times a week but it is not near as fast or as much as it should be if I could just control my weekends. Subway is just too easy to go eat.


Deadly Cyclone said:
Dammit, I cannot stick to any kind of plan. I eat well during the week, exercise, but on the weekends eat out a good deal, that's just how it's been and I am having one hell of a time changing it.

I am losing a few pounds here and there just due to the fact that I eat healthy and run three times a week but it is not near as fast or as much as it should be if I could just control my weekends. Subway is just too easy to go eat.

Get a salad at Subway. You can essentially turn any of their heroes into a salad, and add whatever veggies and dressing you'd like. Only place to get a "meatball" salad. Italian BMT salad is pretty great too.


Log4Girlz said:
Once long ago I tried to drink Slim Fast to see how it worked with me ya know. First the shits, then I think the entire contents of what entered my stomach completely gassified and I farted...CONTINUOUSLY for hours.

The farting I like, it's the uncertainty if it's going to be more than just a fart that bothers me.

Today I'm better. I think I'm going to save that ice cream for when I have a bad day of eating. Just shit it all out.


wiggins022 said:
Dany M, how'd you do it bro?

Gym once a day for 2 hours. At first, for the first 4 months it was really about running, walking uphill and bike. I ate a small apple fritter for breakfast with coffee and my dinner would always be a small strawberry banana smoothie with some dinner selection at the gym. After that it became about my muscles not look ing like shit so I spent maybe 40 on the treadmill now with an hour or more on the equipment.


...hate me...
Weight loss GAF, what's your knowledge about the relation between food weight and body weight?

Case in point: Today I seem to have gained way more weight than I should have. I'm going to bed 1,7kg (almost 4 pounds) heavier than when I woke up this morning.

I just had two meals: lunch and an afternoon snack.

For lunch I went to the supermarket and they were out of chicken. As I was running late, I grabbed a pack of sliced prosciutto and a pack of sliced cheese. I had them just like that, about half a pound each.

That was very satisfying and fulfilling, however in the afternoon I had a toast (2 slices of bread). And chocolate milk (250ml).

I've had nothing more during, before, or since. Well, except water. Actually I've had a shitload of water during the day, so I'm probably retaining a lot. It still strikes me as slightly odd, as it's a really quite large number I've gained. Damn, I even had a good shit today. But I know, my lunch was salty as fuck, and my snack was... carbs, basically.

I'm not really worried to be honest, but out of curiosity, what do you guys think or know about this. In the long run, setting water levels aside, it's impossible to put on more weight than the actual weight of the food we put in our mouths?
If you ate carbs and haven't in a while, your body has now begun to retain water. Water is heavy.

and totally this -
smurfx said:
stop weighing yourself everyday. it will drive you nuts when you have these small bumps.
Alright so today was the first I decided to track all of my food intake and god damn I feel it's difficult to keep carbs down, despite hardly eating much today. Actually one of the hardest things I'm noticing is that, as I'm type 1 diabetic, that limiting my eating carbs causes my blood sugar to drop, which in turn requires me to drink juice, which is roughly 15-25 grams of carbs each time. That happened three times today!

I ended up with

163 grams of carbs
59 grams of protein
79 grams of fat
1700 calories

And had it not been for the juice I would have dropped carbs down by ~60 grams. What's the consensus here on fat? Even trying to avoid carb foods I feel like then it comes with a good amount of fat, which sucks. :/

BTW, I'm 6'2 193 pounds, probably looking to drop closer to 170-180.


What kind of protein shakes are recommended, if any? I would like something to give me some extra energy to work out, but if it fills me up so i'm less tempted to eat, than all the better.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Dr. Feel Good said:
So going over the recommended 50-60 grams per day isn't really that bad? What's a good amount to shoot for?

A good amount to shoot for is however much until you're full.

Eat as much as you want of good things, limit the bad things and you'll be down to your ideal weight and shape relatively quickly.
Whew, got kind of lucky somehow. For 3 weeks straight I was eating whatever the hell I wanted. Tons of fast food, refined carbs, sugar etc. Somehow I only gained a couple pounds.

Well, now I'm gonna try a CKD diet for the next few months and see if I can get my BF% down to the single digits (it's around 17% now). Has anyone here tried a CKD diet?
ArachosiA 78 said:
Whew, got kind of lucky somehow. For 3 weeks straight I was eating whatever the hell I wanted. Tons of fast food, refined carbs, sugar etc. Somehow I only gained a couple pounds.

Well, now I'm gonna try a CKD diet for the next few months and see if I can get my BF% down to the single digits (it's around 17% now). Has anyone here tried a CKD diet?
Don't do ckd, but I do tkd with low food reward carbs.


Alright. Time to get back on the horse. Since moving back to Seattle I'm back up to 200 pounds after getting down to 185 when I was living in Boston.

Goal set. 170 by New Years 2012. 29 pounds in 111 days. I think it is totally possible.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Gary Whitta said:
Weekend weigh-in was 196.6, I've now lost over 40lbs! Yay!

Fuck yeah, Gary. When did you start again?

You'll be 160-170 in no time.

element said:
Alright. Time to get back on the horse. Since moving back to Seattle I'm back up to 200 pounds after getting down to 185 when I was living in Boston.

Goal set. 170 by New Years 2012. 29 pounds in 111 days. I think it is totally possible.

Hey, I'm in Seattle, too! Welcome back!

You can definitely do 29 pounds in 4 months or so. Just get your diet in order.


jts said:
Weight loss GAF, what's your knowledge about the relation between food weight and body weight?

Case in point: Today I seem to have gained way more weight than I should have. I'm going to bed 1,7kg (almost 4 pounds) heavier than when I woke up this morning.

I just had two meals: lunch and an afternoon snack.

For lunch I went to the supermarket and they were out of chicken. As I was running late, I grabbed a pack of sliced prosciutto and a pack of sliced cheese. I had them just like that, about half a pound each.

That was very satisfying and fulfilling, however in the afternoon I had a toast (2 slices of bread). And chocolate milk (250ml).

I've had nothing more during, before, or since. Well, except water. Actually I've had a shitload of water during the day, so I'm probably retaining a lot. It still strikes me as slightly odd, as it's a really quite large number I've gained. Damn, I even had a good shit today. But I know, my lunch was salty as fuck, and my snack was... carbs, basically.

I'm not really worried to be honest, but out of curiosity, what do you guys think or know about this. In the long run, setting water levels aside, it's impossible to put on more weight than the actual weight of the food we put in our mouths?

As others said, don't weigh yourself every day, or if you do, do it with the knowledge that short term variations don't mean that much, and even weekly variations can be misleading if you're putting on muscle. Look at the graph I posted above - it's all over the place but the general trend is downwards so that's all that matters. I only continue to weigh myself daily now because I think it's cool to graph it.

Also note on my graph there were times were I put on a kilo in the space of a day. This is definitely water weight. It did this twice when I was bouncing off the 100kg goal. I'm more attuned to it now - I can actually tell how much I'm pissing compared to how much I'm drinking and I know to a certain degree of accuracy how much I'm going to weigh the next day.

(edit) As to your question - I don't know the basic principals behind food processing. Don't forget that you're breathing in a shit load of gases in, so it might be possible that carbon or oxygen is combining with your food to form body tissue, but like I said I have zero idea if this is actually the case.


Thanks you guys, barely anyone from high school recognizes me nowadays. Actually walked into walmart and caught up with an old friend from HS, I recognized him and said hey and had to tell him it was me. It was pretty awesome and made my day.

It's a slow but steady road but well worth it, just keep going forward!


Junior Member
Does anyone have recommendations on food sides for dinner that are not carb heavy? I've going for chicken breasts, steamed vegetables, and salad but I know that won't fill me up. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Rocksteady33 said:
Does anyone have recommendations on food sides for dinner that are not carb heavy? I've going for chicken breasts, steamed vegetables, and salad but I know that won't fill me up. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

More meat. How much chicken breast are you eating? Are you getting enough fat in your diet? Low carb and low fat doesn't work.


Alright, I need suggestions on good Pork Rind brands. All my local stores carry the Bacon-ets brand, which I like, especially because they consist of a single ingredient, but I'm wondering if there are other brands/varieties anyone here would recommend?


Laughing Banana said:
It's very difficult to find the willpower to resist the urge of eating at night/late night :(((((((((((

You just gotta hold off on eating late at night. Have a good dinner with protein. It's all about willpower, and once you start showing results, that will give you willpower.

Dany M said:
Gym once a day for 2 hours. At first, for the first 4 months it was really about running, walking uphill and bike. I ate a small apple fritter for breakfast with coffee and my dinner would always be a small strawberry banana smoothie with some dinner selection at the gym. After that it became about my muscles not look ing like shit so I spent maybe 40 on the treadmill now with an hour or more on the equipment.

Congrats! 200 to 145 is impressive. How tall are you? Now, I suggest building muscle to your skinny frame :p

I'm on the same weight-loss trajectory myself, but will probably stop at 160 lbs....maybe 155. At my peak, I was at 165 lbs, but that was after years of exercising/lifting in college and during my bachelor years. I think once I get back to 160 lbs, that will be good for me.

Gary Whitta said:
Weekend weigh-in was 196.6, I've now lost over 40lbs! Yay!

Anyone have any suggestions on good food to mix with peanut butter? I'd like to add peanut butter into my diet as well but can only really think of PB + Banana or PB + Celery.
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