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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Cyrillus said:
I must say, pork rinds crumbled on top of cottage cheese is an awesome snack!

I buy those bags of onion straws and put those on cottage cheese. They do have some carbs in them, but the amount is minuscule. About 4 or 5 per serving.
grap3fruitman said:
I signed up for a six month membership at the gym back in March '09 with the intention of getting fit for the summer. At the end of my membership I took a pic of my "progress," it wasn't too hot but I signed up for another year's membership and at the end of that run took another pic and at the end of that run I took another. September '09, '10 and '11 from left to right. I always take these when I wake up first thing in the morning, so I'm not looking my best. =P

I think I was better off a year ago, I was also pushing more weight back then to boot. Kind of discouraging but I had a good day at the gym today and I bought some new protein and I'm signed up for another year so... expect another update in a year.


I think its your diet... and are you on a weight training routine? Tracking how much weight you are pushing from week to week? Once you have structure in your routine and diet you will make progress.


SnakeSlashRO said:
I think its your diet... and are you on a weight training routine? Tracking how much weight you are pushing from week to week? Once you have structure in your routine and diet you will make progress.

Pushing more and more every week is super important! If you don't constantly put your body under more and more stress it won't need to adapt (by making more muscle).
Bealost said:
Pushing more and more every week is super important! If you don't constantly put your body under more and more stress it won't need to adapt (by making more muscle).
The problem is that I maxed out the weights on all the machines at my gym last year and I've been on a downward slope since. I'm struggling to get back up there now but my last two sessions at the gym have been pretty good. I'm just gonna keep doing less weights and more reps.


grap3fruitman said:
The problem is that I maxed out the weights on all the machines at my gym last year and I've been on a downward slope since. I'm struggling to get back up there now but my last two sessions at the gym have been pretty good. I'm just gonna keep doing less weights and more reps.
Sounds like you need to find a new gym.


Hit 22 lbs lost this morning! :) And I should be able to lose a half pound by Friday.

I'm keeping pace, losing ~1 lb a week, which I'm happy with since I'm also lifting weights.

ZackieChan said:
I used to have a full cheat day when I was on Body For Life, but now that I'm doing Paleo/Primal eating, I find that it completely throws me off. I know that it works to keep you going psychologically (gives you a reward for being good, satisfies sweet cravings, etc), but I end up gaining a few pounds that don't seem to come off easily. Tim Ferriss also recommended a cheat day on his Slow Carb diet. I think, perhaps, it's better for me to just eat something bad every once in a while, or to maybe limit cheating days to once every other week. I will probably go with the former, since that was what was working for me in the first few months of low-carb eating.

eh, my main point was to not freak out (like the guy I was responding to did) because you have one bad meal....after 2 weeks of doing great. It's perfectly OK to have those meals every once in a while (I have them once a week). A diet isn't supposed to be punishment.

And I love food too much go on a "Food as Fuel" mindset. More power to ya, I guess.

Deadly Cyclone said:
Do I look any better?

Need to see full-body, or at least from the torso up, pics to really know. But your face is looking a little thinner.


as of today i've lost 44lbs. i'm at 177 now. started at 221. (been low carbing off and on since july of last year)

february of this year i got down to 168. i quit low carb and basically binged for 3 months. gained back 30lbs during that time. won't be doing that again. coming off slower this time, but at least it keeps going down and that's what matters.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Does Coconut oil/Saturated fat have anti-infammatory effects similar to Omega 3 or any other anti-inflammatory food/product? I ask because I'm considering cutting my Fish Oil intae on weekends and was curious if coconut oil could suffice.
Checking in with a new progress pic taken today, me at 192lbs, down from 238lbs, 7lbs away from my goal. Also posting it just because it's AWESOME.



Gary Whitta said:
Checking in with a new progress pic taken today, me at 192lbs, down from 238lbs, 7lbs away from my goal. Also posting it just because it's AWESOME.


Man great job. I'm up to 10 pounds lost :D I'm very satisfied with the rate i'm losing!


Can someone point me to a post with a good diet/workout for someone trying to loose fat?
Looking for a plan I can just stick to.


relies on auto-aim
I've gotten some stuff cleared up. Time for me to rejoin the party.

I had lost 50 lbs on low carb in 3 months, but was extremely extremely strict on myself.
Months of gluttony followed since I felt amazing and wallowed in late night starcraft with ice cream.
Gary Whitta said:
Checking in with a new progress pic taken today, me at 192lbs, down from 238lbs, 7lbs away from my goal. Also posting it just because it's AWESOME.
Glad t o hear you are still making progress.
Any road bumps since 201?


Gary Whitta said:
Nope it's been going pretty smoothly! Seven more pounds to 185 and then I think I will be happy to maintain that.

Gary, the next time you take a cool pic, you need to wear a NeoGaf shirt.
So I've lost 16 pounds since starting low carb 2 weeks ago. My doctor basically said to not do the 20 grams a day of carbs, but to do between 50-75. Pretty much every day since I've kept it to 40-50. I've eliminated all bread, no snacks but almonds and sometimes cheese, and pretty much all meat with some veggies here and there. I've been drinking propel zero, water, diet rite, etc. Occassionally I'll have a teaspoon or two of peanut butter. NO sweets, nothing.

I haven't lost any weight in a few days. My weight keeps see-sawing and it's becoming very frustrating. I work in an office where my self control is tested regularly. I've gotten to where I don't want most of what I used to so that's fine, but not losing more and being stuck where I am is really starting to piss me off.

Any suggestions?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
RoninChaos said:
So I've lost 16 pounds since starting low carb 2 weeks ago. My doctor basically said to not do the 20 grams a day of carbs, but to do between 50-75. Pretty much every day since I've kept it to 40-50. I've eliminated all bread, no snacks but almonds and sometimes cheese, and pretty much all meat with some veggies here and there. I've been drinking propel zero, water, diet rite, etc. Occassionally I'll have a teaspoon or two of peanut butter. NO sweets, nothing.

I haven't lost any weight in a few days. My weight keeps see-sawing and it's becoming very frustrating. I work in an office where my self control is tested regularly. I've gotten to where I don't want most of what I used to so that's fine, but not losing more and being stuck where I am is really starting to piss me off.

Any suggestions?

Stop looking at the scale every day.

Try as best as you can to eat whole foods instead of processed stuff (you're probably already doing this). I've heard that artificial sweeteners and dairy can stall or slow weight loss in some people. I consume plenty of dairy and find this hasn't been the case for me, but I also avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague. Many people find plenty of success consuming both, though.

Anyway, you really should stop looking at the scale every day. I find that I stay at the same weight for around a week or so, and then over a couple of days I drop 3 or 4 pounds.

It's going to take a while to get to your desired weight, so don't drive yourself crazy looking at a scale every day.


Zefah said:
Stop looking at the scale every day.

Try as best as you can to eat whole foods instead of processed stuff (you're probably already doing this). I've heard that artificial sweeteners and dairy can stall or slow weight loss in some people. I consume plenty of dairy and find this hasn't been the case for me, but I also avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague. Many people find plenty of success consuming both, though.

Anyway, you really should stop looking at the scale every day. I find that I stay at the same weight for around a week or so, and then over a couple of days I drop 3 or 4 pounds.

It's going to take a while to get to your desired weight, so don't drive yourself crazy looking at a scale every day.

I do this too. All of last week, I literally sat at the same weight down to the ounce for about 6 days straight. It almost drove me up a wall. Just have to stay the course and believe.
Zefah said:
Stop looking at the scale every day.

Try as best as you can to eat whole foods instead of processed stuff (you're probably already doing this). I've heard that artificial sweeteners and dairy can stall or slow weight loss in some people. I consume plenty of dairy and find this hasn't been the case for me, but I also avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague. Many people find plenty of success consuming both, though.

Anyway, you really should stop looking at the scale every day. I find that I stay at the same weight for around a week or so, and then over a couple of days I drop 3 or 4 pounds.

It's going to take a while to get to your desired weight, so don't drive yourself crazy looking at a scale every day.

Thanks for the reply. Ironically I haven't changed anything that I've been eating since I started the low carb thing. It's all the same stuff. I've added some protein shakes in with the stuff that was recommended to me, and I use unsweetened almond milk for them. But i haven't had a protein shake in about a week.

I'm going to try and drink a bit more water but to be honest, I fucking hate water. I want a little flavor. Friends of mine recommended poweraid zero and propel zero. My rule is that for each serving of that type of beverage, I have the same amount in water.

So just ignore it? I'm worried I'm tripping myself up with something in my diet, but it's been the same since I started.
omgkitty said:
I do this too. All of last week, I literally sat at the same weight down to the ounce for about 6 days straight. It almost drove me up a wall. Just have to stay the course and believe.
That's the thing though, I've gone up, then right back down by the next day. Today I'm a pound heavier than I was 3 days ago and I'm following the exact same diet, exact same menu.


So, I switched to a moderate carb diet. Around ~100 grams a day. I added some more cardio. The extra carbs just allow me a little more wiggle room, especially when my girlfriend is in town. I feel about the same. I'm counting my calories pretty meticulously though.
RoninChaos said:
Thanks for the reply. Ironically I haven't changed anything that I've been eating since I started the low carb thing. It's all the same stuff. I've added some protein shakes in with the stuff that was recommended to me, and I use unsweetened almond milk for them. But i haven't had a protein shake in about a week.

I'm going to try and drink a bit more water but to be honest, I fucking hate water. I want a little flavor. Friends of mine recommended poweraid zero and propel zero. My rule is that for each serving of that type of beverage, I have the same amount in water.

So just ignore it? I'm worried I'm tripping myself up with something in my diet, but it's been the same since I started.
Anything you're eating that makes you wonder? Where are you getting these increased carbs that your dr recommended?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Man, I'm really struggling to lose some pounds now and I'm really not sure what to do. I'm on an SSRI at the moment and I've gained a good 20 lbs since starting out. The normal diet tricks seem to have little effect on me while on this medicine (where as before things were working well).

I tried lowering the dosage of the SSRI and adding in Wellbutrin, but that caused my anxiety to flare up, insomnia to return, and tinnitus to reappear somewhat (these are the things that put me on an SSRI to begin with). I felt absolutely AWFUL this past weekend despite losing a few pounds since starting it. I couldn't continue and stopped using it (returned to Celexa).

I'm really at a loss here. I simply do not know how to tackle this problem. As it is, I'm overweight but feeling generally very happy and sleeping really well, but when I attempt to tackle the weight, I immediately descend back into a deep depression. It really sucks. :\

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
dark10x said:
Man, I'm really struggling to lose some pounds now and I'm really not sure what to do. I'm on an SSRI at the moment and I've gained a good 20 lbs since starting out. The normal diet tricks seem to have little effect on me while on this medicine (where as before things were working well).

I tried lowering the dosage of the SSRI and adding in Wellbutrin, but that caused my anxiety to flare up, insomnia to return, and tinnitus to reappear somewhat (these are the things that put me on an SSRI to begin with). I felt absolutely AWFUL this past weekend despite losing a few pounds since starting it. I couldn't continue and stopped using it (returned to Celexa).

I'm really at a loss here. I simply do not know how to tackle this problem. As it is, I'm overweight but feeling generally very happy and sleeping really well, but when I attempt to tackle the weight, I immediately descend back into a deep depression. It really sucks. :\

What do you eat? What kind of diet changes have you tried?


dark10x said:
Man, I'm really struggling to lose some pounds now and I'm really not sure what to do. I'm on an SSRI at the moment and I've gained a good 20 lbs since starting out. The normal diet tricks seem to have little effect on me while on this medicine (where as before things were working well).

I tried lowering the dosage of the SSRI and adding in Wellbutrin, but that caused my anxiety to flare up, insomnia to return, and tinnitus to reappear somewhat (these are the things that put me on an SSRI to begin with). I felt absolutely AWFUL this past weekend despite losing a few pounds since starting it. I couldn't continue and stopped using it (returned to Celexa).

I'm really at a loss here. I simply do not know how to tackle this problem. As it is, I'm overweight but feeling generally very happy and sleeping really well, but when I attempt to tackle the weight, I immediately descend back into a deep depression. It really sucks. :\

Unfortunately in my experience the only way to reverse the weight gain from an SSRI is to stop taking an SSRI :(
elrechazao said:
Anything you're eating that makes you wonder? Where are you getting these increased carbs that your dr recommended?

16 grams of it was from protein shakes, but I cut that out. I'm normally at 30-40 per day. It can be from veggies, or things like almonds. I'll occasionally have a scoop of peanut butter but I"ve been doing that since I began. Once a week I'll have a tiny amount of steak sauce with a steak.

I did lost a pound since last night so I'm just going to keep at it. I've only had 6 grams of carbs today. Haven't really felt hungry, but I'm going to go make a steak.

*edit* Weighed myself just now and I'm 4 pounds down and I did have a protein shake yesterday. I thought they caused my to stall out. WTF


Know most are not into cheat meals, but I found a little snack that once in a while does the trick for a sweet tooth. so good...


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I dunno man, I think you should just go for a bit of extra dark chocolate rather than eat weird stuff like that.
RoninChaos said:
16 grams of it was from protein shakes, but I cut that out. I'm normally at 30-40 per day. It can be from veggies, or things like almonds. I'll occasionally have a scoop of peanut butter but I"ve been doing that since I began. Once a week I'll have a tiny amount of steak sauce with a steak.

I did lost a pound since last night so I'm just going to keep at it. I've only had 6 grams of carbs today. Haven't really felt hungry, but I'm going to go make a steak.

*edit* Weighed myself just now and I'm 4 pounds down and I did have a protein shake yesterday. I thought they caused my to stall out. WTF
Weighed myself this morning and I was up 2 pounds, and I had 18 carbs yesterday. WTF.

I'm gonna do my best to take ya'lls advice and not weigh myself everyday, but right now that's been the only motivation to stick with this. That's why the see-sawing is bothering me.


RoninChaos said:
Weighed myself this morning and I was up 2 pounds, and I had 18 carbs yesterday. WTF.

I'm gonna do my best to take ya'lls advice and not weigh myself everyday, but right now that's been the only motivation to stick with this. That's why the see-sawing is bothering me.

Tape measure.

And if you're working out while dieting, you may see your results in one of those body fat/water % scales.
grap3fruitman said:
I signed up for a six month membership at the gym back in March '09 with the intention of getting fit for the summer. At the end of my membership I took a pic of my "progress," it wasn't too hot but I signed up for another year's membership and at the end of that run took another pic and at the end of that run I took another. September '09, '10 and '11 from left to right. I always take these when I wake up first thing in the morning, so I'm not looking my best. =P

I think I was better off a year ago, I was also pushing more weight back then to boot. Kind of discouraging but I had a good day at the gym today and I bought some new protein and I'm signed up for another year so... expect another update in a year.


I think you look great. You are going to be a beast


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
I've been active as hell lately and it's finally paying off. At my heaviest I was 390+ and as of today I am 299! =)
I know I still have a ways to go but this is a major milestone for me. Made me excited. I avoided cameras whenever possible when I was heavier but I'll search for some before pics to make the after pics I'm going to post that much cooler!
oxrock said:
I've been active as hell lately and it's finally paying off. At my heaviest I was 390+ and as of today I am 299! =)
I know I still have a ways to go but this is a major milestone for me. Made me excited. I avoided cameras whenever possible when I was heavier but I'll search for some before pics to make the after pics I'm going to post that much cooler!
Awesome, man!


Hey guys, I hope this is the right thread to post this in, because it does pertain to weight loss, but you'll see:

Okay, so right now, I'm a pretty slender guy weighing in at 165, 5'10". That's what I weighed for pretty much all of my adult life (actually, I was 155). I'm 23 years old now. About a year and a half ago, I gained weight and shot all the way up to about 210. Then I lost it all by eating right and doing lots of cardio, and I've been at 165 ever since. However, for the past 8 or so months now, I've been completely inactive again, but I kept watching my diet, so that's why I'm hovering around 165.

Even though I'm not a very heavy person, I still have a lot of fat around my mid section and on my butt. My arms, legs, face, and all that are very skinny. In a way, it's a little awkward that all my fat is basically in my mid section. Maybe it's normal. I dunno. So my question is this: I want to lose that fat and start gaining muscle. I want to have as little body fat percentage as possible without being unhealthy. What's the best way to go about doing this? Continue with aggressive cardio and throw in weight lifting, is that basically it? I'm pretty much going for "I want an awesome body". If this isn't the thread to be asking this, can someone point me to a better thread for exercising/achieving my goals that's more suitable and not dead? I don't know of any others but this one.

Thanks a lot, guys!


Man, I don't know what's up with my body, I've been eating more carbs lately and have been slacking off on exercising, yet I'm losing more weight than my regular week of diet & exercise. I thought for sure all the junk food I've been eating lately would come to bite me in the ass, but low & behold, I get on the scale this morning and I'm at my lowest weight yet, 178 lbs.

Doesn't mean I'm stopping the low-carb kick anytime soon, but I guess having cheat days really does help every once in a while.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Pyrokai said:
Hey guys, I hope this is the right thread to post this in, because it does pertain to weight loss, but you'll see:

Okay, so right now, I'm a pretty slender guy weighing in at 165, 5'10". That's what I weighed for pretty much all of my adult life (actually, I was 155). I'm 23 years old now. About a year and a half ago, I gained weight and shot all the way up to about 210. Then I lost it all by eating right and doing lots of cardio, and I've been at 165 ever since. However, for the past 8 or so months now, I've been completely inactive again, but I kept watching my diet, so that's why I'm hovering around 165.

Even though I'm not a very heavy person, I still have a lot of fat around my mid section and on my butt. My arms, legs, face, and all that are very skinny. In a way, it's a little awkward that all my fat is basically in my mid section. Maybe it's normal. I dunno. So my question is this: I want to lose that fat and start gaining muscle. I want to have as little body fat percentage as possible without being unhealthy. What's the best way to go about doing this? Continue with aggressive cardio and throw in weight lifting, is that basically it? I'm pretty much going for "I want an awesome body". If this isn't the thread to be asking this, can someone point me to a better thread for exercising/achieving my goals that's more suitable and not dead? I don't know of any others but this one.

Thanks a lot, guys!

I really think you should take a look at The Primal Blueprint (book) and Mark's Daily Apple (website) if you are looking to get a really defined body.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
Pyrokai said:
Hey guys, I hope this is the right thread to post this in, because it does pertain to weight loss, but you'll see:

Okay, so right now, I'm a pretty slender guy weighing in at 165, 5'10". That's what I weighed for pretty much all of my adult life (actually, I was 155). I'm 23 years old now. About a year and a half ago, I gained weight and shot all the way up to about 210. Then I lost it all by eating right and doing lots of cardio, and I've been at 165 ever since. However, for the past 8 or so months now, I've been completely inactive again, but I kept watching my diet, so that's why I'm hovering around 165.

Even though I'm not a very heavy person, I still have a lot of fat around my mid section and on my butt. My arms, legs, face, and all that are very skinny. In a way, it's a little awkward that all my fat is basically in my mid section. Maybe it's normal. I dunno. So my question is this: I want to lose that fat and start gaining muscle. I want to have as little body fat percentage as possible without being unhealthy. What's the best way to go about doing this? Continue with aggressive cardio and throw in weight lifting, is that basically it? I'm pretty much going for "I want an awesome body". If this isn't the thread to be asking this, can someone point me to a better thread for exercising/achieving my goals that's more suitable and not dead? I don't know of any others but this one.

Thanks a lot, guys!
This isn't a bad place to ask but you might also want to check out this thread.


RoninChaos said:
Weighed myself this morning and I was up 2 pounds, and I had 18 carbs yesterday. WTF.

I'm gonna do my best to take ya'lls advice and not weigh myself everyday, but right now that's been the only motivation to stick with this. That's why the see-sawing is bothering me.


Fluctuations - I know all about them. Measuring yourself everyday is ok as long as you understand that water in the main thing that drives short term weight change. If you're going to weigh yourself every day, record it so you can see what's happening. I've had weeks with no progress and weeks with massive progress - it's the trend that needs to be examined. You CANNOT look at weight loss for a day or two and say it's from such and such, in the same way that you can't look at weight gain for a day or two. If you want to change your diet and see if that has any effect, you have to do it over a period of several days to several weeks.

I understand the need for motivation. I use clothing. I have fat clothes, intermediate clothes and skinny clothes that I haven't worn for a long time. Getting to the stage where I could pull off wearing my intermediate clothes was good. Having them starting to become too baggy is really good. Finally being able to fit back into my skinny clothes is my goal. Another month and a half to go, give or take a few weeks.


Gravity is a myth, the Earth SUCKS!
RoninChaos said:
Weighed myself this morning and I was up 2 pounds, and I had 18 carbs yesterday. WTF.

I'm gonna do my best to take ya'lls advice and not weigh myself everyday, but right now that's been the only motivation to stick with this. That's why the see-sawing is bothering me.
I know for myself, my weight varies by as much as 4-5 lbs day to day. You gotta look at progress over time and not on a day to day basis. If you're stalling while doing low carb, add in a bit of cardio. If your body can't burn carbs for energy it's gotta look elsewhere man.


My girlfriend told me last night that my abs were 'gone' and that I'm back to looking normal. Guess I shouldn't have slacked off. :(

My weight has been dropping -- 147 and 5'3, (down from a high of 178) but I lost motivation to go to the gym recently so I think that's the cause. Guess I should get back on the wagon but I've been dealing with a lot of job stress lately.
Posted this on the Fitness thread but thought I'd do it here, as well.

Could I get an estimate at what bodyfat % I'm at? I've been cutting for almost a month now but going to bulk at the start of November.

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