I'm gonna do this I think, except I'm just gonna try and get back in shape. I'm quite pudgy right now, used to be pretty muscular like a year ago.
How long has it been?mercenar1e said:still at 240.. my diet of Special K Skim Plus breakfast, chicken cutlets and brocolli for dinner and a mix of snacks in between isn't working.. i don't know what to add or remove =\
_Isaac said:How long has it been?
nickcv said:are red/sweet potatoes better?
how do they get compared to other carbs?
is it something like:
pasta > sweet potato > white bread > potato ?
timnich said:All this talk of low carb dieting has me reconsidering my weight loss plan. I spoke to my doctor about losing this extra 20 pounds I've gained over the last few years, and she told me since I'm a young guy who is not obese (I'm 190lb and 6'1) to just exercise regularly and just make healthy food choices, and to not worry about any serious dieting. I've completely cut all junk out, only drink water (also half a cup of black coffee for breakfast), lowered my sugar and salt intake and in general just try to eat "healthy". I'm also going to the gym and do 1 hour of cardio a day, 5-6 days a week. I'm only 3 weeks in and have lost 6-7 of the 20 pounds I wanted to lose.
My question is, should I consider a low carb diet? My goal isnt just to lose weight, it's to lose weight and to stay fit and healthy. I'm pretty happy with my results so far, but it bugs me to know there is a more efficient method out there lol.
mercenar1e said:still at 240.. my diet of Special K Skim Plus breakfast, chicken cutlets and brocolli for dinner and a mix of snacks in between isn't working.. i don't know what to add or remove =\
RoninChaos said:Congrats, man. I'm on the atkins as well. Lost a little under 20 pounds, but I keep see-sawing. I'm just going to give it time. I'm still only doing 2-3 meals a day though. I need to try and get it to 4.
You don't snack at all besides that protein bar? How many carbs a day are you doing?
Bazhard said:I need to lose weight, 240 @ 5'7 but am completely retarded to when it comes to what to eat and what to avoid eating.
I used to weigh around 260 2 months ago and completely cut out soda and started walking, just need to find a stable diet and WOW @ the people in here congrats to all you who are shredding that f'n weight and im not patronizing i really mean it, gonna have to talk to a few of you in PM or something and jack bauer force you to give me your secrets.
but seriously anyone who knows some good sites to how i can create a meal plan or something i would greatly appreciate it, working out at the moment isn't exactly in the menu since my sarcoidosis flared up this month. I can still walk, not as much because its all in my lungs but enough.
and @zat, congrats on dropping the 60+ pounds :O
My doctor recommended that I do about 50, but now I'm thinking I should try and hit 20 or 30 and see if there's a dramatic difference.zatara said:On a good day, less than 20 carbs.
RoninChaos said:My doctor recommended that I do about 50, but now I'm thinking I should try and hit 20 or 30 and see if there's a dramatic difference.
Congrats again, man.
OG Kush said:Exercise doesn't make you lose weight? What is this bullshit I'm reading here?
ch0mp said:Strenuous exercise makes you hungry.
ch0mp said:Probably the most important thing I learned. I was cycling 8-12 hours/week with a deficit and not having any success, while never having any energy and being seriously hungry.
timnich said:I'm also going to the gym and do 1 hour of cardio a day, 5-6 days a week. I'm only 3 weeks in and have lost 6-7 of the 20 pounds I wanted to lose. .
That's a relief to hear. I haven't checked my weight in a couple of days, and it turns out I'm actually at 9 lbs lost. I know that weight fluctuates up and down naturally, but seeing a constant improvement like that motivates me like crazy. That fact that I now have to wear a belt to keep my pants up is a nice feeling too.LosDaddie said:You are doing fine. Losing 7 lbs in 3wks is great, especially since you're also working out. But I would cut the cardio down to 30min and start lifting weights for the other 30min. I also helps, greatly, if you can find a sport (basketball, racquetball, etc) to switch up the cardio once (or twice) a week. Swimming is excellent, too.
Uh, what? 20 lbs in two months is awesome weight loss, whatever you're doing now seems to be working great!Bazhard said:I need to lose weight, 240 @ 5'7 but am completely retarded to when it comes to what to eat and what to avoid eating.
I used to weigh around 260 2 months ago and completely cut out soda and started walking, just need to find a stable diet and WOW @ the people in here congrats to all you who are shredding that f'n weight and im not patronizing i really mean it, gonna have to talk to a few of you in PM or something and jack bauer force you to give me your secrets.
but seriously anyone who knows some good sites to how i can create a meal plan or something i would greatly appreciate it, working out at the moment isn't exactly in the menu since my sarcoidosis flared up this month. I can still walk, not as much because its all in my lungs but enough.
and @zat, congrats on dropping the 60+ pounds :O
Cool. Will be interesting to see how this plays out.
noire said:Easiest changes:
Sub out your potatoes for a salad or steamed veggies.
Ditch half of (or all) of your bun.
Walking is great for you.
Speedymanic said:Question weight loss GAF...
Can you recommend some good low carb foods. I'm thinking of hitting a low carb diet to shed the last 15lbs to hit my optimal weight.
Eric WK said:Fucking awesome work harSon.
harSon said:Do you mean recipes or specific foods you can eat on a low-carb diet?
harSon said:Do you mean recipes or specific foods you can eat on a low-carb diet?
Thanks man!
harSon said:I can see the light at the end of the tunnel:
This is the heaviest picture of me I've been able to come across, it's from a little over a year ago and I'm a bit into my diet, so I'm something like 320-330 in the picture. I'm now 200.5 pounds at 6'2" and I've started weight training. I'm probably going to try and plateau at a muscular 180ish pounds.
I've dropped down from 351 pounds roughly 20-21 months ago for a total loss of 150 pounds. I dropped from a 4XL and 48inch waist to a Large shirt and a 36inch waist.
Good shit, man. How'd you do it?harSon said:I can see the light at the end of the tunnel:
This is the heaviest picture of me I've been able to come across, it's from a little over a year ago and I'm a bit into my diet, so I'm something like 320-330 in the picture. I'm now 200.5 pounds at 6'2" and I've started weight training. I'm probably going to try and plateau at a muscular 180ish pounds.
I've dropped down from 351 pounds roughly 20-21 months ago for a total loss of 150 pounds. I dropped from a 4XL and 48inch waist to a Large shirt and a 36inch waist.
harSon said:I can see the light at the end of the tunnel:
This is the heaviest picture of me I've been able to come across, it's from a little over a year ago and I'm a bit into my diet, so I'm something like 320-330 in the picture. I'm now 200.5 pounds at 6'2" and I've started weight training. I'm probably going to try and plateau at a muscular 180ish pounds.
I've dropped down from 351 pounds roughly 20-21 months ago for a total loss of 150 pounds. I dropped from a 4XL and 48inch waist to a Large shirt and a 36inch waist.
Grinchy said:Damn, good job to everyone in here. I hit nearly 250 pounds in 2007 after some crazy personal shit went down. I peaked in height at age 14 (6'2'') and for the next 10 years or so I never went over 170 pounds. I was a rail. Then I crept up to 180, and after the personal things happened and I quit smoking, I packed on about 70 pounds in a really unhealthy amount of time.
I don't have pictures, but I'm down to about 185ish now. Pretty average for a guy who is 6'2 I suppose.
Yeah, it's just odd. I weigh exactly the same yet can tell easily that I have lost fat around my face and waist. Maybe the running and P90x put on enough muscle to counter the fat loss.Zefah said:Fat doesn't change in to muscle.
You may have put on more muscle than you lost fat, though, and since an equivalent amount of muscle mass weighs more, that would explain the weight gain.
haha thanks =)vas_a_morir said:Yeah, and you ain't a bad builder, either.
Xelinis said:As this link probably got lost about 50 or so pages ago, I'm going to re-pimp it.
I strongly recommend that all of this thread's newcomers take a look at it.
cuevas said:is that just fathead?
hsukardi said:It'd be way more useful if we had an OP that stacked information... or something. Good info shared mid-thread just get lost
lsslave said:This thread was started a LONG time ago to share stories of weight loss man, it has skyrocketed into the end all-be all thread for it with people helping others and the like and it is remarkable, but by the time it would be time to do anything for this thread it was WAY too massive and on top of that I actually prefer the constant discussion with new people on their own roads (it is a hard road, active discussion is better than a wall of resources)
(Edit: Moreso; the thread title itself discusses how its a discussion / sharing thread not a resource or official topic thread bro)
B-Ri said:I cant help but read all your guys success stories, and your tips on eating and everything, but it confuses the holy hell out of me.
Why? I am currently taking a nutrition class, and according to what I am learning so far, a lot of the tips being given out here advocate large ingest of protein (which you end up sweating and secreting out of you body daily because it cant handle, want, or can use all the protein ingested.) and a very very low level of carbohydrates that your body requires for just brain functions. I am being taught my carbs should be 65% of my daily diet, protein 25% if that.
I cant help but be so confused in this world of nutrition and fitness.
Speedymanic said:Specific foods, I can work out recipes from there but I just need some advice on good low carb food.
And great work man, really well done. I hope to be in a position where I can post some before and pics soon.
B-Ri said:I cant help but read all your guys success stories, and your tips on eating and everything, but it confuses the holy hell out of me.
Why? I am currently taking a nutrition class, and according to what I am learning so far, a lot of the tips being given out here advocate large ingest of protein (which you end up sweating and secreting out of you body daily because it cant handle, want, or can use all the protein ingested.) and a very very low level of carbohydrates that your body requires for just brain functions. I am being taught my carbs should be 65% of my daily diet, protein 25% if that.
I cant help but be so confused in this world of nutrition and fitness.
B-Ri said:I cant help but read all your guys success stories, and your tips on eating and everything, but it confuses the holy hell out of me.
Why? I am currently taking a nutrition class, and according to what I am learning so far, a lot of the tips being given out here advocate large ingest of protein (which you end up sweating and secreting out of you body daily because it cant handle, want, or can use all the protein ingested.) and a very very low level of carbohydrates that your body requires for just brain functions. I am being taught my carbs should be 65% of my daily diet, protein 25% if that.
I cant help but be so confused in this world of nutrition and fitness.
B-Ri said:I cant help but read all your guys success stories, and your tips on eating and everything, but it confuses the holy hell out of me.
Why? I am currently taking a nutrition class, and according to what I am learning so far, a lot of the tips being given out here advocate large ingest of protein (which you end up sweating and secreting out of you body daily because it cant handle, want, or can use all the protein ingested.) and a very very low level of carbohydrates that your body requires for just brain functions. I am being taught my carbs should be 65% of my daily diet, protein 25% if that.
I cant help but be so confused in this world of nutrition and fitness.
B-Ri said:I cant help but read all your guys success stories, and your tips on eating and everything, but it confuses the holy hell out of me.
Why? I am currently taking a nutrition class, and according to what I am learning so far, a lot of the tips being given out here advocate large ingest of protein (which you end up sweating and secreting out of you body daily because it cant handle, want, or can use all the protein ingested.) and a very very low level of carbohydrates that your body requires for just brain functions. I am being taught my carbs should be 65% of my daily diet, protein 25% if that.
I cant help but be so confused in this world of nutrition and fitness.
ZackieChan said:Why is it that red wine is okay? I have a bottle ready to go, but I'd like to know the reasons why people like Tim Ferriss and Marc Sisson say it's alright while you are low-carb.