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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
The Int3rsect said:
Posted this on the Fitness thread but thought I'd do it here, as well.

Could I get an estimate at what bodyfat % I'm at? I've been cutting for almost a month now but going to bulk at the start of November.


Looks like 10%.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
The Int3rsect said:
Haha yeah I don't think I'm at 10%. 16% at most I think.

Uh, if that's 16 then I'm at 40. I use Omrox's Fat Loss Monitor every week and I hover around 15 despite having less muscular visibility than you. You're definitely 11 or lower.


Domino Theory said:
Uh, if that's 16 then I'm at 40. I use Omrox's Fat Loss Monitor every week and I hover around 15 despite having less muscular visibility than you. You're definitely 11 or lower.

I've heard home bio-impedance devices like that are terribly inaccurate. Have you ever had a professional measure you to compare the two?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Bealost said:
I've heard home bio-impedance devices like that are terribly inaccurate. Have you ever had a professional measure you to compare the two?

How do I get a professional to measure me? Is that the DXA scan?


You can get people trained to use calipers at a bunch of different places, they are usually reasonably accurate. Some places have these things called bod pods, which use changes in air pressure/temperature in a sealed unit to determine it.

The most accurate method is called underwater weighing but there aren't many places, short of universities doing research, that have the equipment to do it.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Domino Theory said:
Looks like 10%.

10% body fat will show very well defined abs and pecs. Think underwear model.

That picture is definitely in the mid to high teens.


I started my low carb diet in July and have lost 17 kg so far. But last week I ate a lot of burgers and pizzas and generally high carb stuff. Feeling pretty bad now, but I'm going to start dieting tomorrow again. I probably have another 20 kg to go (yeah, I was really big).


relies on auto-aim
TCRS said:
I started my low carb diet in July and have lost 17 kg so far. But last week I ate a lot of burgers and pizzas and generally high carb stuff. Feeling pretty bad now, but I'm going to start dieting tomorrow again. I probably have another 20 kg to go (yeah, I was really big).
I found on keto I generally crave much less carbs and feel that I get more energy from meat/salad instead. Feel much better that way.

Tasty carb snacks are alright though. Gotta have my croutons on salad.

OG Kush

By low-carb what does that normally mean? Less than 100grams?
Also anyone know good foods to buy for 18yr old living at home? i'm on a gap year, don't have a job right now so just kinda relying on parents cooking/me telling what to get from supermarket. Finished Insanity, just started p90x. What are some good and cheap low carb snacks/meals for a student then? So far I've got:
raw carrots and raw cucumbers (snacks)
fruits (apples, clementines, bananas)
nuts (cashesws, almonds)
canned tuna mixed with mustard

just some cheap low carb and high protein snacks/food please! I get so hungry after a workout and especially when I smoke some of that green ;)
Eric WK said:
Well, yeah. But for the best results you'll want to do a ketogenic low-carb diet with a limit of 40-50 grams.

Check this out for just about every question you're sure to have: http://lowcarbplate.com/tlcm/

Shiit... I have been on a keto for under 30 carbs... most of the time I do not go over 12-20... It can be done!!! Diet sodas and meat meat meat.

Dropping lbs like crazy, should have some new pics next month =D

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
OG Kush said:
By low-carb what does that normally mean? Less than 100grams?
Also anyone know good foods to buy for 18yr old living at home? i'm on a gap year, don't have a job right now so just kinda relying on parents cooking/me telling what to get from supermarket. Finished Insanity, just started p90x. What are some good and cheap low carb snacks/meals for a student then? So far I've got:
raw carrots and raw cucumbers (snacks)
fruits (apples, clementines, bananas)
nuts (cashesws, almonds)
canned tuna mixed with mustard

just some cheap low carb and high protein snacks/food please! I get so hungry after a workout and especially when I smoke some of that green ;)

Low carb is below 100g, yes.

Don't eat too much canned tuna. Go for canned chicken which is usually right next to the canned tuna. Same calories, same amount of protein. I'm hoping to buy some pesto sauce and drip it over two cans of canned chicken (52g protein) and eat it like that.


TCRS said:
I started my low carb diet in July and have lost 17 kg so far. But last week I ate a lot of burgers and pizzas and generally high carb stuff. Feeling pretty bad now, but I'm going to start dieting tomorrow again. I probably have another 20 kg to go (yeah, I was really big).

i'm with you dude!

started the diet in July and lost 15 kg... still 14 left to go.

fortunately i'm not short so i didn't look too big (1.89 meters)

are you simply on a diet or are you doing some sport as well?

right now i'm swimming 2 times a week and hitting the gym 3 times a week, plus i take some carnitine along the way to help a little (4 weeks on, 4 weeks off)


nickcv said:
i'm with you dude!

started the diet in July and lost 15 kg... still 14 left to go.

fortunately i'm not short so i didn't look too big (1.89 meters)

are you simply on a diet or are you doing some sport as well?

right now i'm swimming 2 times a week and hitting the gym 3 times a week, plus i take some carnitine along the way to help a little (4 weeks on, 4 weeks off)

Wow, I could never do that! I guess I'm one of those lucky few who don't have to do much exercise to lose weight. Keeping my carbs at around 50 g did the trick.

I did some occasional weight lifting and running in the begining, but the last 10 kg I lost without any exercise at all, though at a much slower pace. But I think I'll start running again, I have to pick up the pace. I can't do long diets, if I don't see results soon I lose motivation.


TCRS said:
Wow, I could never do that! I guess I'm one of those lucky few who don't have to do much exercise to lose weight. Keeping my carbs at around 50 g did the trick.

I did some occasional weight lifting and running in the begining, but the last 10 kg I lost without any exercise at all, though at a much slower pace. But I think I'll start running again, I have to pick up the pace. I can't do long diets, if I don't see results soon I lose motivation.

lucky you! i have to move my fat ass all around to lose some weight... but right now i pretty much eat whatever i want with no problems... sure i don't spend my time eating junk food but one pizza once a week or a tiramisu is no problem

i'm not counting calories or anything like that, just using some common sense when eating.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
TCRS said:
Wow, I could never do that! I guess I'm one of those lucky few who don't have to do much exercise to lose weight. Keeping my carbs at around 50 g did the trick.

I did some occasional weight lifting and running in the begining, but the last 10 kg I lost without any exercise at all, though at a much slower pace. But I think I'll start running again, I have to pick up the pace. I can't do long diets, if I don't see results soon I lose motivation.

Yes, the lucky few that includes pretty much every human being on the planet.


Zefah said:
Yes, the lucky few that includes pretty much every human being on the planet.

Could be. I'm just repeating what I read on dozens of forums and websites. "you have to do exercise or you won't lose anything bla bla bla".
TCRS said:
Could be. I'm just repeating what I read on dozens of forums and websites. "you have to do exercise or you won't lose anything bla bla bla".
Why do you think low carb is so popular? Do nothing, eat a ton, lose weight!

Eric WK

TCRS said:
Could be. I'm just repeating what I read on dozens of forums and websites. "you have to do exercise or you won't lose anything bla bla bla".

Anybody who says that doesn't know what they're talking about.

Diet >>>>>>> Exercise.


relies on auto-aim
TCRS said:
Could be. I'm just repeating what I read on dozens of forums and websites. "you have to do exercise or you won't lose anything bla bla bla".
In my experience exercise does jack shit for weight loss but makes you feel great.
Diet is what drops the pounds and fat.


Hazaro said:
In my experience exercise does jack shit for weight loss but makes you feel great.
Diet is what drops the pounds and fat.

that's for sure, but good exercise also helps your metabolism... being a software engineer i spend all my time sitting on a chair and unfortunately my metabolism was stuck still.

for sure just the diet would have made me lose weight but i wanted to help the cause some how.

diet does the 90% of the job, but exercise surely helps ^^


relies on auto-aim
nickcv said:
that's for sure, but good exercise also helps your metabolism... being a software engineer i spend all my time sitting on a chair and unfortunately my metabolism was stuck still.

for sure just the diet would have made me lose weight but i wanted to help the cause some how.

diet does the 90% of the job, but exercise surely helps ^^
For reference I sat at my computer all day and lost 50 pounds in under 3 months on strict keto (sub 30g carbs).

I'm not saying it is bad, just negligible impact for pure numbers. Obviously it is good for you and can help you feel better / stronger which are all important.
I would also argue that developing muscle is essential to maintaining a healthy bodyweight. Weights are an important aspect of overall fitness, I can't imagine not doing my weight training.

OG Kush

Exercise doesn't make you lose weight? What is this bullshit I'm reading here? It might not work as well as a really low-carb diet or something but hell yeah it still works! I have plenty of friends who didn't change their diet but just started going gym and lost a lot of weight. They way they see it is that as long as they routinely workout a few times a week then they eat pretty much what they like (nothing too extreme though like pizza everyday etc).
The best thing to do is to have a combination of both diet and exercise. Exercise does increase metabolic rate and a good cardio workout can start burning through your fat supplies.

Eric WK

Yeah, that's pretty much nonsense and one of the most bizarre things I've ever read. Yes, diet is much more important for the purpose of weight loss than exercise but you can not change your diet at all and increased activity will allow you to lose weight if you're at a caloric deficit. You can do one, the other or both - they all work just at different rates based on any number of variables.


relies on auto-aim
Sorry my making my post so weighted towards one side.
I only mildly did weight lifting/training and most of my losses were purely from a dietary change.
I was eating 1600-1800 calories when I should have been on 2500+ (to maintain my weight) with light cardio and I was feeling awful AND not losing any weight.

So for me my experiences line up with what I currently believe now, which is that my metabolism just slowed slowed slowed to match what I was intaking irregardless of the fact I was doing some cardio.

I could be completely wrong on this premise (and perhaps the calorie deficit was too large at that time for me). But it was incredibly depressing to be eating less than usual and keep my weight with low energy.

Also my diet has never consisted of soda/fast food/carby snacks/candy in any quantity which made it even worse for me. Felt I was eating right, but looking back I was just eating too much food.
Sutton Dagger said:
I would also argue that developing muscle is essential to maintaining a healthy bodyweight. Weights are an important aspect of overall fitness, I can't imagine not doing my weight training.
I agree that having muscle on you is good. My point was just for fat loss diet is the larger factor. I think 'negligible' was the wrong word.
OG Kush said:
Exercise doesn't make you lose weight? What is this bullshit I'm reading here? It might not work as well as a really low-carb diet or something but hell yeah it still works!
The best thing to do is to have a combination of both diet and exercise. Exercise does increase metabolic rate and a good cardio workout can start burning through your fat supplies.
I agree. A good diet with activity is much better for health.
Eric WK said:
Yeah, that's pretty much nonsense and one of the most bizarre things I've ever read. Yes, diet is much more important for the purpose of weight loss than exercise but you can not change your diet at all and increased activity will allow you to lose weight if you're at a caloric deficit. You can do one, the other or both - they all work just at different rates based on any number of variables.
I sort of lumped my response to this in my first post. I'm not an expert by any means and all I have to go on is my own experience (however improperly documented it may be), and what I read from sources I think might make sense. Sadly there is a ton of old/misinformation/snake oil salesmen on this topic.

I'm not telling you guys to stop lifting or exercising by any means.
This go around on keto I'm making sure to add in some light weight training with full body exercises and dumbells to make sure I feel great and strong, but not to help lose my weight.

5days in 5lbs lost. Drinking 6 cups+ water per day. Start seems like the same as I went around last time so I'm really glad. Was only lightly 'keto sick' for a day and I'm feeling clear headed and fine now.


OG Kush said:
Exercise doesn't make you lose weight? What is this bullshit I'm reading here? It might not work as well as a really low-carb diet or something but hell yeah it still works! I have plenty of friends who didn't change their diet but just started going gym and lost a lot of weight. They way they see it is that as long as they routinely workout a few times a week then they eat pretty much what they like (nothing too extreme though like pizza everyday etc).
The best thing to do is to have a combination of both diet and exercise. Exercise does increase metabolic rate and a good cardio workout can start burning through your fat supplies.
Strenuous exercise makes you hungry.

Hazaro said:
So for me my experiences line up with what I currently believe now, which is that my metabolism just slowed slowed slowed to match what I was intaking irregardless of the fact I was doing some cardio.

I could be completely wrong on this premise (and perhaps the calorie deficit was too large at that time for me). But it was incredibly depressing to be eating less than usual and keep my weight with low energy.
Probably the most important thing I learned. I was cycling 8-12 hours/week with a deficit and not having any success, while never having any energy and being seriously hungry.


Back in may I started a low carb atkins like diet. I didn't follow it by the book but the main goal was to lower my sugar and carb intake, as well as increase my eating during the day. Before this diet normally I would eat one big ass meal a day and shit like potato chips to snack on. My normal diet would consist of...

Pizza w/ bacon or pepperoni
Bacon cheeseburgers
French Fries
Long John Silvers fish
Chicken Fingers
Potato Chips
Hamburger Helper

In may I decided to eliminate all breads as much as possible, fried foods, and foods with a ton of sugar. I now eat atleast 4 times a day. In the morning I'll have 2 eggs with some low sugar ketchup, a low carb high protein bar for a snack, and about 1/4lb of hamburger for lunch and dinner. It's not the best thing in the world but I enjoy it enough to keep with it. Once in a while I'll have a little relapse where I'll have a slice or two of pizza but nothing like I used to. I also try to walk about an hour 5 times a week.

05/12/2011 = 312 lbs
10/20/2011 = 249 lbs



In may my jeans were a 44" waist, today I'm at a 40" waist and they are baggy on me. My goal is to get to 190lbs.
I've been doing Weight Watchers for a few weeks now. I like the program.

at my heaviest I was like 302lbs. When I started WW (two weeks ago) I was at 277. As of today, I'm at 268.

My goal is to get down to 200. Supposedly a "healthy" BMI for me (6'0") is 145-180, but I don't really care to get down that far right now. 200 would be amazing to me.
zatara said:
Back in may I started a low carb atkins like diet. I didn't follow it by the book but the main goal was to lower my sugar and carb intake, as well as increase my eating during the day. Before this diet normally I would eat one big ass meal a day and shit like potato chips to snack on. My normal diet would consist of...

Pizza w/ bacon or pepperoni
Bacon cheeseburgers
French Fries
Long John Silvers fish
Chicken Fingers
Potato Chips
Hamburger Helper

In may I decided to eliminate all breads as much as possible, fried foods, and foods with a ton of sugar. I now eat atleast 4 times a day. In the morning I'll have 2 eggs with some low sugar ketchup, a low carb high protein bar for a snack, and about 1/4lb of hamburger for lunch and dinner. It's not the best thing in the world but I enjoy it enough to keep with it. Once in a while I'll have a little relapse where I'll have a slice or two of pizza but nothing like I used to. I also try to walk about an hour 5 times a week.

05/12/2011 = 312 lbs
10/20/2011 = 249 lbs



In may my jeans were a 44" waist, today I'm at a 40" waist and they are baggy on me. My goal is to get to 190lbs.

Congrats, man. I'm on the atkins as well. Lost a little under 20 pounds, but I keep see-sawing. I'm just going to give it time. I'm still only doing 2-3 meals a day though. I need to try and get it to 4.

You don't snack at all besides that protein bar? How many carbs a day are you doing?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Haven't been in here in a while. I have not weighed myself since I started my new job and was at my highest weight ever (227 at 6'0) but needless to say the Couch to 5K and 4 weeks of P90x (modified, 4 days per week) have done wonders.

When I bought work clothes in April the pants were snug and I was on the last hole in my belt, now the pants are almost too lose and I have moved up 2 spots on the belt.

I need to actually weigh myself to see what I am at, but looking in the mirror at my face and body I can tell for sure that it is working.

Here are my before/after (April 2011/September 2011, 5 months apart) I posted a while back for reference. (Ignore the dumb photoshopping :p )




First time posting in this thread.

I've never been super fit, but during my last year in college, I let myself balloon about 30 lbs. I'm 24, and currently at 240 lbs, which I have maintained for a couple of years now. I don't eat great, but terribly, either. I eat out too much, but when I do cook at home it's always something fairly inoffensive, like tilapia or chicken breast with some green vegetables and a starch like potatoes. When I eat out, it's usually a burger and fries, or steak with potatoes.

I'd like to lose about 50 lbs. What exercise routines does GAF recommend for me, or easy diet choices that can put me on the right path? I live in a very small town that, and I do not have gym access without driving 30 minutes daily. However, I due live in a nice neighborhood with lots of great places to walk or jog (mostly walking so far – I'm severely out of shape and have pretty bad asthma). I also need food choices for lunch and breakfast that are simple and easy to make – preferably something I can take to work and eat at my desk.


Tadale said:
First time posting in this thread.

I've never been super fit, but during my last year in college, I let myself balloon about 30 lbs. I'm 24, and currently at 240 lbs, which I have maintained for a couple of years now. I don't eat great, but terribly, either. I eat out too much, but when I do cook at home it's always something fairly inoffensive, like tilapia or chicken breast with some green vegetables and a starch like potatoes. When I eat out, it's usually a burger and fries, or steak with potatoes.

I'd like to lose about 50 lbs. What exercise routines does GAF recommend for me, or easy diet choices that can put me on the right path? I live in a very small town that, and I do not have gym access without driving 30 minutes daily. However, I due live in a nice neighborhood with lots of great places to walk or jog (mostly walking so far – I'm severely out of shape and have pretty bad asthma). I also need food choices for lunch and breakfast that are simple and easy to make – preferably something I can take to work and eat at my desk.

ditch fried food and cut down on sugars... that's the easiest way

speaking of bad asthma there's a kid with the same problem at my swimming class and he said that that was great for him... think about giving a try

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Tadale said:
First time posting in this thread.

I've never been super fit, but during my last year in college, I let myself balloon about 30 lbs. I'm 24, and currently at 240 lbs, which I have maintained for a couple of years now. I don't eat great, but terribly, either. I eat out too much, but when I do cook at home it's always something fairly inoffensive, like tilapia or chicken breast with some green vegetables and a starch like potatoes. When I eat out, it's usually a burger and fries, or steak with potatoes.

I'd like to lose about 50 lbs. What exercise routines does GAF recommend for me, or easy diet choices that can put me on the right path? I live in a very small town that, and I do not have gym access without driving 30 minutes daily. However, I due live in a nice neighborhood with lots of great places to walk or jog (mostly walking so far – I'm severely out of shape and have pretty bad asthma). I also need food choices for lunch and breakfast that are simple and easy to make – preferably something I can take to work and eat at my desk.

Stop eating grains, white potatoes, and sugar.

Take walks when the weather is nice and you feel like it.

That's all you need to do to get thin. By all means throw in some strength training and do lots of your own research on the subject, but you'll easily lose over 60 pounds in the next year if you simply do the above.


Zefah said:
Stop eating grains, white potatoes, and sugar.

Take walks when the weather is nice and you feel like it.

That's all you need to do to get thin. By all means throw in some strength training and do lots of your own research on the subject, but you'll easily lose over 60 pounds in the next year if you simply do the above.

are red/sweet potatoes better?
how do they get compared to other carbs?

is it something like:

pasta > sweet potato > white bread > potato ?


All this talk of low carb dieting has me reconsidering my weight loss plan. I spoke to my doctor about losing this extra 20 pounds I've gained over the last few years, and she told me since I'm a young guy who is not obese (I'm 190lb and 6'1) to just exercise regularly and just make healthy food choices, and to not worry about any serious dieting. I've completely cut all junk out, only drink water (also half a cup of black coffee for breakfast), lowered my sugar and salt intake and in general just try to eat "healthy". I'm also going to the gym and do 1 hour of cardio a day, 5-6 days a week. I'm only 3 weeks in and have lost 6-7 of the 20 pounds I wanted to lose.

My question is, should I consider a low carb diet? My goal isnt just to lose weight, it's to lose weight and to stay fit and healthy. I'm pretty happy with my results so far, but it bugs me to know there is a more efficient method out there lol.
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