September 1st: 37 years old, 6'1" 261 lbs.
October 27th: 245 lbs.
My goal is to get to 195-200 lb range and I want to get there by next July for my 20th High School Reunion. I started getting big in High School by sitting on my ass playing video games like all the time when I wasn't in school. I entered my Freshman year at 190 lbs and graduated at 240 lbs. I lost most of it after I graduated. I'd say that at age 19, I was in the best shape of my life, I started doing martial arts and playing competitive basketball and went from 240 lbs to 195 lbs at age 19. Then I went to college when I was 20 and started gaining back and slowly over the years I've ballooned up to where I was. I had a stressful desk job for a lot of years and that didn't help.
So now I've gone from a 42" waist and now I can just squeeze into a 38" waist now. Need a massive belt to hold my old pants up.
I stopped eating so damn much and quit being 99% sedentary.
I bought a mountain bike at the end of August. I could barely go around the block. Now, almost 2 months later, I'm riding about 5 miles a day, at least 5 days a week, weather-permitting. I'm also walking around the neighborhood daily, weather-permitting, at least 1.5 miles with my dog. In addition, I'm walking about 2.5 - 3.0 miles a day on a treadmill every day. I'd say that I'm getting about 2-3 hours of exercise per day now. Not all at once, because I can't block off that much time at once. I do 30 minutes in the morning on the treadmill, about 30-40 minutes on the bike during lunch, walk the dog for a half hour in the evening, and then do another 30-45 minutes on the treadmill before bed.
I haven't changed my diet massively, and I haven't really stopped eating the things I like to eat completely. I'm just not eating them as often and not in the quantities. I still get fast food once or twice every couple of weeks instead of getting it 2-3 times per week. I'm getting grilled chicken sandwiches now though instead of a double quarter pounder. I can't quit the fries just yet. I'm cheating every once in a while. I went to a buffet the other night and ate 2 plates of food and a little desert. I used to eat 3-4 plates and a lot of desert. Don't think I'll be doing that anymore because I thought my stomach was going to explode. I felt so guilty after eating that much that I came home and did 1 solid hour of fast walking on the treadmill.
One thing I'm worried about, like the post above me, is flab. I can easily see how much my stomach has went down. All of my excess weight was in a spare tire around my waist. My sides no longer protrude as much, but I know I'm going to get to the point where I'm going to probably have a lot of flab. Also sadly, my stomach had gotten so large that I couldn't see my stretch marks anymore, but I can see them now. I look at them and just cringe.