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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
ZackieChan said:
Why is it that red wine is okay? I have a bottle ready to go, but I'd like to know the reasons why people like Tim Ferriss and Marc Sisson say it's alright while you are low-carb.

Dry red wine is low carb. It still has alcohol, but compared to other drinks it's relatively healthy.

In the media, red wine is claimed to be the reason why the French eat significantly more butter, cheese, and animal fats than America and yet have very low rates of heart disease. I don't believe this theory because plenty of Americans drink red wine and because the amount of Resveratrol in red wine is a tiny fraction of the amount needed to improve heart health.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Xelinis said:
As this link probably got lost about 50 or so pages ago, I'm going to re-pimp it.


I strongly recommend that all of this thread's newcomers take a look at it.

Also take a look at the slides linked.

Maybe I've become cynical, but I find it amusing now that slide 26-27 is the foundation for low fat diets and statins. A kid in 4th grade science class could point out why it's wrong.

Was it some zealous low fat dietitian or vegetarian that convinced Senator McGovern to apply this bullshit to society? I can't remember, but it's almost funny.


Zefah said:
It's bullshit. Your brain doesn't need carbohydrates to operate. Otherwise, certain societies would not exist.

Carbs are fine, though, as long as you don't get them from grains, sugar, or otherwise nutritionally-devoid starchy foods

I took a nutrition class back in college, too, and the obese professor taught the conventional wisdom of low-fat/high-carb diets.
my teacher is pre-med, and a research scientist in nutrition, the book was published in 08 on its 5th edition.

My teacher looks very healthy and slender.

If you're all telling me that now I can't trust this science, then I dont know what to trust anymore at all.
Well weighed myself at the gym last night and it looks like I just about hit 10 pounds lost in about a month in a half. 198 -> 188. I'm 6'2 so not necessarily that overweight, but my ultimate goal is 178, so another ten pounds would be great. Just wanted to say thanks, everything I've done has come directly from the people in this thread or through links provided in this thread. My diet has changed around a lot, I hardly keep unhealthy food in my place anymore, and I've started exercising a good amount. I'll admit being 22 I still have a decent amount of cheating going out (going out for lunch/dinner with work friends, binge drinking on the weekends, etc.), which makes me think how crazy this would be if I was close to 100% strict on the advice on this thread and how much weight I'd lose and how healthy I could become.

Keep up the good work guys.


I wouldn't disregard everything you are learning at school because of what you hear from a bunch of people on a website and their anecdotal experience.

I'd take the information you get at school, do some research yourself on the subject, and perhaps bring it up to you professor. Try to reach your own conclusions based on as much evidence as you can find.


Someone asked me about diet soda and losing weight and was shocked when I say I drink diet dew before I go to work and I have lost about 70 pounds. She said that she read diet soda caused weight gain..

I always thought the reason behind that is diet soda causes you to eat more if you are not careful not that it is a source of weight gain?


I fell off the wagon. I was down to 215 a couple months ago and now im up to 247. This is the biggest ive ever been. I feel uncomfortable, my clothes fit horribly and worse is i feel ashamed all the time. I know i have no one to blame but myself. I really want to get this weight off for good. I know what i have to do, its just im so unmotivated and lazy.

First thing I need to do is get control of my diet. Its been nonstop fast food for months. Im spending so much on crap its sad.
Ripclawe said:
Someone asked me about diet soda and losing weight and was shocked when I say I drink diet dew before I go to work and I have lost about 70 pounds. She said that she read diet soda caused weight gain..

I always thought the reason behind that is diet soda causes you to eat more if you are not careful not that it is a source of weight gain?

I thought it was because of the artificial sweeteners.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
B-Ri said:
my teacher is pre-med, and a research scientist in nutrition, the book was published in 08 on its 5th edition.

My teacher looks very healthy and slender.

If you're all telling me that now I can't trust this science, then I dont know what to trust anymore at all.

Don't believe in provided facts blindly. That isn't science. Science is the process of gathering data, analyzing it, and using it to explain things. In the case of your nutrition class's guidelines, there is conflicting evidence. Science demands that it be explained or that any hypotheses related to it are invalidated. Science here is clear and consistent.

Titles and organizations telling you to believe something has no weight in the scientific method. The data speaks for itself.

Ask your teacher why France is so much healthier than the United States in regards to both heart disease and obesity, and yet consumes more saturated fats and animal fats than America by a significant margin.

This source shows that France consumes nearly double the cheese than the United States per person:

And they don't do low fat cheese. They also use lard and butter for cooking, not soybean oil.

And yet heart disease is very rare:

More info:

If the response is that it's the wine, then ask why don't we eat cheese and wine if together it is so much more effective. Then ask for the studies that are the basis to believing that fats and proteins are bad for human health. Don't accept "well, blah blah blah organization says so". That's like saying "Coca-cola, YUM brands, and the united Soy farmers say so and paid for that recommendation".

If your teacher knows their stuff, he/she will refer to the Seven Countries Study. Problem is that it wasn't 7 countries. It was 22, and the data shows NO CORRELATION between dietary fat and heart disease:

Slides 26-27. What Ancel Keys did is called Selection Bias, and it's scientific fraud.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
B-Ri said:
my teacher is pre-med, and a research scientist in nutrition, the book was published in 08 on its 5th edition.

My teacher looks very healthy and slender.

If you're all telling me that now I can't trust this science, then I dont know what to trust anymore at all.

I'll just point you to this post, and this one, too.


relies on auto-aim
B-Ri said:
my teacher is pre-med, and a research scientist in nutrition, the book was published in 08 on its 5th edition.

My teacher looks very healthy and slender.

If you're all telling me that now I can't trust this science, then I dont know what to trust anymore at all.
Depends what field of nutrition, what they believe, and if they are doing good science, or research that wants a certain answer. No offense intended to you or your teacher as I don't know anything about either of you. Nutrition is an interesting field because a lot of the nutrition advice is bunk. The food pyramid generations grew up with is now replaced with a more balanced 'plate' (reduced carb intake). So at the very least you can look at that.

As mentioned a decent introductory video to the ideas are included in FATHEAD and laid out in simple terms. At the very least you can some away with some question to ask.
Like the change in diet and why we shifted from fats to carbs.

Please continue posting in the thread and let us know what you find or what to know about.


relies on auto-aim
ch0mp said:
It's high GI practically all carbs. I'd be having some almonds or cashews.
I just read up on this since I was interested.
Popcorn seems to have a medium GI of 50-60 and depending on brand is only about 5g of carbs per cup. So doesn't seem so bad to me.


So fruit has fructose and maybe I should lay off it.


Gotta go get bags of sunflower seeds and nuts now.

/edit Hmmm... conflicting information... hrmmm. I should definitely lay off the damn past though. But it's so nice... hrgggh...


Hazaro said:
I just read up on this since I was interested.
Popcorn seems to have a medium GI of 50-60 and depending on brand is only about 5g of carbs per cup. So doesn't seem so bad to me.
Depends how you look at it I guess. I go by carbs/protein/fat per 100g. If you can hold yourself to 1 cup of popcorn, go for it.


relies on auto-aim
ch0mp said:
Depends how you look at it I guess. I go by carbs/protein/fat per 100g. If you can hold yourself to 1 cup of popcorn, go for it.
Well I think those microwave packets are 3-4 cups so depending on your goals, and if you wanted a more indulgent carby snack it isn't the end of the world, that's all.
Per 100g is like 12 cups of popcorn.
Hazaro said:
Well I think those microwave packets are 3-4 cups so depending on your goals, and if you wanted a more indulgent carby snack it isn't the end of the world, that's all.
Per 100g is like 12 cups of popcorn.
THose hundred calorie bags from pop secret end up being between 12-17 grams of carbs per bag. Pretty interesting. I've had a bag a week just because pop corn is my favorite snack and it doesn't seem to cause any problems. I just don't eat any carbs that day besides those.
I had a fitness evaluation at work - 248lbs and 5'5, my biggest ever. I've posted in here before and haven't had a lot of success at all. I went for a 45 min walk today, but I know just doing that is not going to help. I have to push myself into smaller portions and better eating.

I bought a book about the Paleo diet and have been reading it, but I don't know if I can do it being on a budget. I'm very unhappy with myself health-wise right now, I feel like it will bleed over into other parts of my life.

My wife is also big, she's lost 80lbs before but gained most of it back and she's just as discouraged, but because of her work hours she comes home, eats dinner and sleeps. I wish I could help her too.
So the number one con of having lost 80 pounds.

It's freaking cold in the winter. My wife is annoyed that I'm not sweltering at night anymore, since she can't warm her feet on me. And I am freezing everywhere I go. Oh well, sweaters > blubber.
RoryDropkick said:
I had a fitness evaluation at work - 248lbs and 5'5, my biggest ever. I've posted in here before and haven't had a lot of success at all. I went for a 45 min walk today, but I know just doing that is not going to help. I have to push myself into smaller portions and better eating.

I bought a book about the Paleo diet and have been reading it, but I don't know if I can do it being on a budget. I'm very unhappy with myself health-wise right now, I feel like it will bleed over into other parts of my life.

My wife is also big, she's lost 80lbs before but gained most of it back and she's just as discouraged, but because of her work hours she comes home, eats dinner and sleeps. I wish I could help her too.
Just because you can't afford grass fed organic etc doesn't mean you can't paleo. eggs are one of the cheapest foods available.


ARggh, god my parents piss me off sometimes..... I've been doing great but they are trying to convince my younger brother that poptarts are a good breakfast. "They are only $2.50 a box and that's like 3 breakfasts." I want to rage so bad at them.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Bealost said:
ARggh, god my parents piss me off sometimes..... I've been doing great but they are trying to convince my younger brother that poptarts are a good breakfast. "They are only $2.50 a box and that's like 3 breakfasts." I want to rage so bad at them.

You should. That's pure child neglect as a result of their own ignorance.


Bealost said:
ARggh, god my parents piss me off sometimes..... I've been doing great but they are trying to convince my younger brother that poptarts are a good breakfast. "They are only $2.50 a box and that's like 3 breakfasts." I want to rage so bad at them.

Well at least you did not inherit their stupidity.


RoryDropkick said:
I had a fitness evaluation at work - 248lbs and 5'5, my biggest ever. I've posted in here before and haven't had a lot of success at all. I went for a 45 min walk today, but I know just doing that is not going to help. I have to push myself into smaller portions and better eating.

I bought a book about the Paleo diet and have been reading it, but I don't know if I can do it being on a budget. I'm very unhappy with myself health-wise right now, I feel like it will bleed over into other parts of my life.

My wife is also big, she's lost 80lbs before but gained most of it back and she's just as discouraged, but because of her work hours she comes home, eats dinner and sleeps. I wish I could help her too.
Things like chicken wings and thighs are very cheap from my local butcher (not so much my supermarket). It might be worth doing for 8 weeks just to see how you both go. Life is much better when when you're not dragging pounds of fat around.


Bealost said:
ARggh, god my parents piss me off sometimes..... I've been doing great but they are trying to convince my younger brother that poptarts are a good breakfast. "They are only $2.50 a box and that's like 3 breakfasts." I want to rage so bad at them.

They are dumb. Poptarts are clearly two breakfasts. Anyone who cracks those open and only eats one poptart is an idiot. They come in a set of two's for a reason....damnit now I just want some poptarts!


RoryDropkick said:
I had a fitness evaluation at work - 248lbs and 5'5, my biggest ever. I've posted in here before and haven't had a lot of success at all. I went for a 45 min walk today, but I know just doing that is not going to help. I have to push myself into smaller portions and better eating.

I bought a book about the Paleo diet and have been reading it, but I don't know if I can do it being on a budget. I'm very unhappy with myself health-wise right now, I feel like it will bleed over into other parts of my life.

My wife is also big, she's lost 80lbs before but gained most of it back and she's just as discouraged, but because of her work hours she comes home, eats dinner and sleeps. I wish I could help her too.
Maybe try regular low carb before diving into Paleo? Seems like you'd be going from one extreme to another right now.


Junior Member
omgkitty said:
They are dumb. Poptarts are clearly two breakfasts. Anyone who cracks those open and only eats one poptart is an idiot. They come in a set of two's for a reason....damnit now I just want some poptarts!

I think it was more in line with a box comes with three packages of two. Each package is "one" breakfast. So it's either 3 breakfasts or 6 breakfasts depending on whether your definition is one or two Pop Tarts is considered a meal.


Rocksteady33 said:
I think it was more in line with a box comes with three packages of two. Each package is "one" breakfast. So it's either 3 breakfasts or 6 breakfasts depending on whether your definition is one or two Pop Tarts is considered a meal.

Ah crap that's right. I haven't had poptarts in about two years. I really am craving them now.


Jew Gamer
hsukardi said:
False dichotomy, it doesn't have to be one or the other.

No, and I am glad it became more than it is, but by the time I had seen what this thread has become and we are helping others to it this thread was far too massive to really put all the solid information into an OP (besides, there is more information worth sharing in this entire thread than could fit on the first page alone let alone into an OP that already has my personal story involved)

It works pretty solid as it is. Under different circumstances it might have had a regulated OP but considering there are weeks I go without even checking this site I would never be able to keep it fully updated to begin with.
Man, I feel you guys on this thread. Weight loss feels like an impossible goal sometimes, and it's so easy to blow up. I ballooned in high school to about 148lbs despite doing track, lacrosse and soccer and even up to 2006(?) I was steady around 135 or so. Dieting did nothing and working out just seemed to keep my stamina great, but no weight was ever lost. I was pretty miserable about it.

But since the highest (low?) point to now I've lost nearly 50lbs. I'm not sure exactly how I did it (I'd certainly given up at that point trying to lose weight), but from 2006-2007 I dropped 25lbs and now I'm down to 99lbs (work stress is part of this, I'd be better at 105lbs). I guess once you get the ball rolling and reach a certain point your jumped up metabolism takes care of the rest. :p


Junior Member
H.Protagonist said:
Man, I feel you guys on this thread. Weight loss feels like an impossible goal sometimes, and it's so easy to blow up. I ballooned in high school to about 148lbs despite doing track, lacrosse and soccer and even up to 2006(?) I was steady around 135 or so. Dieting did nothing and working out just seemed to keep my stamina great, but no weight was ever lost. I was pretty miserable about it.

But since the highest (low?) point to now I've lost nearly 50lbs. I'm not sure exactly how I did it (I'd certainly given up at that point trying to lose weight), but from 2006-2007 I dropped 25lbs and now I'm down to 99lbs (work stress is part of this, I'd be better at 105lbs). I guess once you get the ball rolling and reach a certain point your jumped up metabolism takes care of the rest. :p

Dear god. Please tell me you're a woman.


H.Protagonist said:
Man, I feel you guys on this thread. Weight loss feels like an impossible goal sometimes, and it's so easy to blow up. I ballooned in high school to about 148lbs

That isn't ballooning up. You only increased your weight by like 10%!
Bealost said:
That isn't ballooning up. You only increased your weight by like 10%!

Pre-148lbs (age 16-17?) I probably weighted about 105-110 (age 14?) or so. Getting up to 148lbs from that is DEFINITELY more than 10%. And...I've just realized that I weigh less now than I did when I was 14 years old... (-_-); Time to hit the kitchen!

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
RoryDropkick said:
I had a fitness evaluation at work - 248lbs and 5'5, my biggest ever. I've posted in here before and haven't had a lot of success at all. I went for a 45 min walk today, but I know just doing that is not going to help. I have to push myself into smaller portions and better eating.

I bought a book about the Paleo diet and have been reading it, but I don't know if I can do it being on a budget. I'm very unhappy with myself health-wise right now, I feel like it will bleed over into other parts of my life.

My wife is also big, she's lost 80lbs before but gained most of it back and she's just as discouraged, but because of her work hours she comes home, eats dinner and sleeps. I wish I could help her too.

Don't fret so much about finding the most organic meats and so on. Having your average beef patty with your average eggs is better than any of the processed frozen dinners, whole grain junk and so on that you can purchase today.

Just go to In-N-Out (if you live near one) and buy flying dutchmens (two beef patties with two slices of cheese melted in between, that's it.) They're $2 a piece and delicious.
Hey guys, question.

Had lost a lot of fat here, but still have some pocket areas of fat left. Went to a doctor and he told me it was excess skin; and the only way i can get rid of it is through a tummy tuck.

How do you guys get rid of the pocket fat/extra skin?


September 1st: 37 years old, 6'1" 261 lbs.

October 27th: 245 lbs.

My goal is to get to 195-200 lb range and I want to get there by next July for my 20th High School Reunion. I started getting big in High School by sitting on my ass playing video games like all the time when I wasn't in school. I entered my Freshman year at 190 lbs and graduated at 240 lbs. I lost most of it after I graduated. I'd say that at age 19, I was in the best shape of my life, I started doing martial arts and playing competitive basketball and went from 240 lbs to 195 lbs at age 19. Then I went to college when I was 20 and started gaining back and slowly over the years I've ballooned up to where I was. I had a stressful desk job for a lot of years and that didn't help.

So now I've gone from a 42" waist and now I can just squeeze into a 38" waist now. Need a massive belt to hold my old pants up.

I stopped eating so damn much and quit being 99% sedentary.

I bought a mountain bike at the end of August. I could barely go around the block. Now, almost 2 months later, I'm riding about 5 miles a day, at least 5 days a week, weather-permitting. I'm also walking around the neighborhood daily, weather-permitting, at least 1.5 miles with my dog. In addition, I'm walking about 2.5 - 3.0 miles a day on a treadmill every day. I'd say that I'm getting about 2-3 hours of exercise per day now. Not all at once, because I can't block off that much time at once. I do 30 minutes in the morning on the treadmill, about 30-40 minutes on the bike during lunch, walk the dog for a half hour in the evening, and then do another 30-45 minutes on the treadmill before bed.

I haven't changed my diet massively, and I haven't really stopped eating the things I like to eat completely. I'm just not eating them as often and not in the quantities. I still get fast food once or twice every couple of weeks instead of getting it 2-3 times per week. I'm getting grilled chicken sandwiches now though instead of a double quarter pounder. I can't quit the fries just yet. I'm cheating every once in a while. I went to a buffet the other night and ate 2 plates of food and a little desert. I used to eat 3-4 plates and a lot of desert. Don't think I'll be doing that anymore because I thought my stomach was going to explode. I felt so guilty after eating that much that I came home and did 1 solid hour of fast walking on the treadmill.

One thing I'm worried about, like the post above me, is flab. I can easily see how much my stomach has went down. All of my excess weight was in a spare tire around my waist. My sides no longer protrude as much, but I know I'm going to get to the point where I'm going to probably have a lot of flab. Also sadly, my stomach had gotten so large that I couldn't see my stretch marks anymore, but I can see them now. I look at them and just cringe.
Bill, Bio Oil is apparently very good for stretch marks.

It's a little expensive (I had to buy it earlier this year to treat some scars) and it really works. You have to keep up applying it though for full effect.


Speedymanic said:
Bill, Bio Oil is apparently very good for stretch marks.

It's a little expensive (I had to buy it earlier this year to treat some scars) and it really works. You have to keep up applying it though for full effect.

Does that stuff work no matter how long you've had the scars?


elrechazao said:
So the number one con of having lost 80 pounds.

It's freaking cold in the winter. My wife is annoyed that I'm not sweltering at night anymore, since she can't warm her feet on me. And I am freezing everywhere I go. Oh well, sweaters > blubber.

SO true....
I lost 112pounds the last 1.5 years and im not looking forward to december. It's already only 0 C° in the morning and the weather forecast said we will get a very hard winter this year in germany! I'm not used to shivering... :(

I havent written anything in this thread yet because im too busy to write my story down, but i want to thank isslave for making this thread! It motivated me to start and change my whole life for the better, thank you!


teh_pwn said:
If your teacher knows their stuff, he/she will refer to the Seven Countries Study. Problem is that it wasn't 7 countries. It was 22, and the data shows NO CORRELATION between dietary fat and heart disease:

Slides 26-27. What Ancel Keys did is called Selection Bias, and it's scientific fraud.

For now I'm willing to ignore that many of the slides refer to journal articels that are over 40 years old, but it is absolutely insane to deny that cholesterol plays a significant role in cardiovascular disease.




ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
echothreealpha said:
Hey guys, question.

Had lost a lot of fat here, but still have some pocket areas of fat left. Went to a doctor and he told me it was excess skin; and the only way i can get rid of it is through a tummy tuck.

How do you guys get rid of the pocket fat/extra skin?
What a crock of shit. That sounds like a "sign up for a tummy tuck so I can get paid" diagnosis if I've ever heard one.

If you lose a crap ton of weight really quickly but haven't been working on building muscle at all, you are very likely going to have a loose looking stomach. You probably have more fat to lose, it's just that fat in the stomach area is the last place to go (you can't target stomach fat loss through exercise, it is just the last place to go).

If you aren't working out to build stomach muscles, you should do that for a few months and see what kind of difference it makes. "Excess skin" is pretty much a myth as far as I can tell. If you can't pinch the "excess skin" on your stomach in your fingers to an area as flat as a coin, you've still got fat to lose.
Keep it going guys, I've lost 20 pounds lately via exercise, so don't worry, for those who just started, dont give up and you'll get there :)

Keep getting depressed over the excess skin though, but I resolve to do something about it this year, and the next. And about the bio-oil thing, I'll try it next month, hopefully I'll get rid of the marks by a few months or so.
RubxQub said:
What a crock of shit. That sounds like a "sign up for a tummy tuck so I can get paid" diagnosis if I've ever heard one.

If you lose a crap ton of weight really quickly but haven't been working on building muscle at all, you are very likely going to have a loose looking stomach. You probably have more fat to lose, it's just that fat in the stomach area is the last place to go (you can't target stomach fat loss through exercise, it is just the last place to go).

If you aren't working out to build stomach muscles, you should do that for a few months and see what kind of difference it makes. "Excess skin" is pretty much a myth as far as I can tell. If you can't pinch the "excess skin" on your stomach in your fingers to an area as flat as a coin, you've still got fat to lose.

Thanks man :)

But yeah, my aesthetic doctor scares me. Thin as hell, but recently took some lipo on his stomach and abs sculpting to make it look better. Hope I don't become that obsessed in the future.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
echothreealpha said:
Thanks man :)

But yeah, my aesthetic doctor scares me. Thin as hell, but recently took some lipo on his stomach and abs sculpting to make it look better. Hope I don't become that obsessed in the future.
Yikes...please please don't do this.

I've gone from 254 pounds down to 189 right now in a short amount of time, and my stomach is definitely the last thing hanging on, and I've only started working out about a few months ago. It's coming along, but it's a slow and steady process.

Probably going to take me another couple months to get my stomach looking good, but I'm going to earn my stomach the hard way and not slice myself up and get stitched back together. Creeps me the hell out and there shouldn't ever be a reason for it assuming you don't have some kind of condition.

My wife is in the same boat and her stomach was the last thing hanging on. It's getting flatter and firmer every day and she's just doing myotatic crunches and kettebell swings every other day. Been incredibly effective.
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