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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


In one of those studies linked above one of the criterion was "had baseline
blood total cholesterol of 3·5 mmol . l1 or greater" I don't know what that means, is it really really high, or just high?

Also I weighed in at under 205 this morning, psyched! I get to add another picture to my progress picture.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Damn weight loss is hard. Having a very hard time with eating now days.

My normal weekday schedule has been a smoothie for breakfast (usually almond milk, apple juice, banana, and frozen fruit), a salad or soup for lunch, and either chicken and veggies or eggs with veggies sauteed and turkey bacon for dinner.

Dinner seems fine, but the smoothies aren't really doing it for breakfast anymore. Thing is, I cannot find something that I can take on the go to work with me that is healthy and cheap. Smoothies are great as I can make it the night before and just grab and go in the morning. Maybe I should add protein mix or something to them? Tried adding peanut butter but didnt like the end taste.

Lunch isn't bad, but I need to find other quick microwave meals that fill me up and are healthy/fairly light on carbs. Anyone have work lunch suggestions that won't cost a ton and require little "cooking?"

For dinner, I usually grab meat from the meat counter and frozen veggies, or I eat eggs every night. Does the trick, but gets boring. I need to find some healthy meals that are outside of those.


Junior Member
When you cook bacon the night before, cook extra and keep in the fridge. Next morning heat it up in the microwave for breakfast. Do the bacon and maybe some Greek Yogurt (has some carbs/sugar but guarantee less than your current smoothie plus a good amount of protein). That's pretty quick and easy, no?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
My breakfast rules:

- 2 thick chicken sausage links from Wegmans (high protein, low carb, low to high fat depending on flavor)
- 1 muscle milk ready made shake carton (high protein, moderate carbs (11g), moderate fat (something like 8-10g, forget exactly).

Have been eating these every morning for at least the past couple month and it's been glorious. Toss the chicken sausages in the microwave for 1.5 minutes and the muscle milks are just ready to drink.

It all tastes amazing and is a great protein kick to start the metabolism right for the day.



You guys are going to freak when I post my normal, weekday breakfast after I get to my target weight. Then again, I'm also weight training, too.

Also, hit 26.5 lbs lost this morning. :) Feels good man


Junior Member
What if I don't eat breakfast? I'm typically up at 6:45 and have to be to work by 8:00, but I'm never really hungry in the morning and hold off until eating until lunch at noon. Is this bad?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
RubxQub said:
My breakfast rules:

- 2 thick chicken sausage links from Wegmans (high protein, low carb, low to high fat depending on flavor)
- 1 muscle milk ready made shake carton (high protein, moderate carbs (11g), moderate fat (something like 8-10g, forget exactly).

Have been eating these every morning for at least the past couple month and it's been glorious. Toss the chicken sausages in the microwave for 1.5 minutes and the muscle milks are just ready to drink.

It all tastes amazing and is a great protein kick to start the metabolism right for the day.

Hmm, this sounds good. How expensive though? The sausage wouldn't be bad, but 5 of those cartons a week? I wonder if I can get them at my grocery store.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Rocksteady33 said:
What if I don't eat breakfast? I'm typically up at 6:45 and have to be to work by 8:00, but I'm never really hungry in the morning and hold off until eating until lunch at noon. Is this bad?
Typically breakfast is the meal that sets your bodies rhythm for the day. It tells your body when a new day has begun, and kickstarts your metabolism for the day.

It was recommended in the 4HR Body book that you eat a high protein (30g+) breakfast as quickly after waking as possible to set your metabolism high.

I went from never eating breakfast ever to eating breakfast every day and I can't honestly say it's made me a better person or even know what the effect has been, but I can say that it has stabilized my eating habits.

Breakfast at 7AM
Lunch at 11:30AM
Dinner at 6-7PM

Ideally I'd squeeze another meal between lunch and dinner, but I'm a busy mother fucker at work these days.

Deadly Cyclone said:
Hmm, this sounds good. How expensive though? The sausage wouldn't be bad, but 5 of those cartons a week? I wonder if I can get them at my grocery store.
The Muscle Milk cartons are sold in packs of 4 for a little over 5 bucks. So not the cheapest thing at a little over a dollar a carton...but when I figure that breakfast is costing me roughly $3 a day, I don't fret it.

Chicken sausage is so delicious and easy to make, and they have them in so many flavors that I never get bored of it.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
RubxQub said:
The Muscle Milk cartons are sold in packs of 4 for a little over 5 bucks. So not the cheapest thing at a little over a dollar a carton...but when I figure that breakfast is costing me roughly $3 a day, I don't fret it.

Chicken sausage is so delicious and easy to make, and they have them in so many flavors that I never get bored of it.

Do you make your own? Any brand you would suggest otherwise?
Rocksteady33 said:
What if I don't eat breakfast? I'm typically up at 6:45 and have to be to work by 8:00, but I'm never really hungry in the morning and hold off until eating until lunch at noon. Is this bad?

In my experience skipping breakfast hasn't been an issue for weight loss if I also set a cut-off time for food at night (ie don't eat after 8 or 9p). However, when skipping breakfast and then gorging before bed I tend to eat even more calories than I would for breakfast.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Deadly Cyclone said:
Do you make your own? Any brand you would suggest otherwise?
No no, don't make my own. I buy them from Wegmans and prefer the Wegmans store brand after trying some of the others there. The chicken sausages come 4 in a pack, and they are really really thick...like hot dog size. I eat two of them with my muscle milk shake.

The other brands worked fine, but I found they cooked very differently and didn't taste as good. If you've got a Wegmans around, I'd highly recommend them.


The Mild Italian and Sundried Tomato are my go-to.


elrechazao said:
So the number one con of having lost 80 pounds.

It's freaking cold in the winter. My wife is annoyed that I'm not sweltering at night anymore, since she can't warm her feet on me. And I am freezing everywhere I go. Oh well, sweaters > blubber.
:lol I know. My girlfriend will cuddle up with me and be like "WHY AREN'T YOU A HOT WATER BOTTLE ANYMORE". Sorry babe!


Rocksteady33 said:
What if I don't eat breakfast? I'm typically up at 6:45 and have to be to work by 8:00, but I'm never really hungry in the morning and hold off until eating until lunch at noon. Is this bad?

You should always eat breakfast. It really is the most important meal of the day


Rubx already gave you a great answer:

RubxQub said:
Typically breakfast is the meal that sets your bodies rhythm for the day. It tells your body when a new day has begun, and kickstarts your metabolism for the day..
Rocksteady33 said:
But I'm not hungry. What's the reasoning for it? Is there any benefit or negative effect to it?

I'm like you and don't get hungry until well into the morning (around 11 or so), but like LosDaddie said, it's important to eat that meal, especially if you're working on weight loss, to get your metabolism going. If you really can't stomach the idea of eating a proper meal I recommend getting some almonds and creamy-ish soy milk (the creamy helps) and making almond milk in a blender. Not as hard going down as solid food and it gives you some solid footing with 'food' in your belly. I found it pretty satisfying, anyway. Other people like smoothies, but this worked for me.
Rocksteady33 said:
What if I don't eat breakfast? I'm typically up at 6:45 and have to be to work by 8:00, but I'm never really hungry in the morning and hold off until eating until lunch at noon. Is this bad?
Nope. If you're not hungry, don't eat.
I've seen studies that say you should force yourself to eat when you aren't hungry to boost your metabolism, and studies that say that it doesn't matter. GAF, which is true?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I would think boosting metabolism alone is a reason to eat breakfast. Faster metabolism means burning calories faster, and storing less fat. Exercise boosts metabolism as well, which is part of the reason you lose weight.

I'm the same as you, I work at 7:30 and get up at 6, but have a 40 minute drive. This is why I was asking about easy work food that I can take and eat at my desk.

I was never hungry either until I started eating breakfast, now I need it. I think you aren't hungry because your body is still in a resting period which doesn't end until you eat, thus starting your metabolism and telling your body it is time to start the day.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Let's put it this way...have you found a study that says NOT eating breakfast is a good thing? I haven't.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
FallingEdge said:

EDIT: Hmmm, that doesn't seem to be the article that I am looking for. Regardless, it is still a good read. I will try searching some more where saying that skipping breakfast doesn't make a difference in your diet.

Well, to be fair, that doesn't say not eating breakfast is good for you, it just says it's not bad for you.

Either way it is personal choice. I seem to feel better now that i eat in the morning though.
Deadly Cyclone said:
Well, to be fair, that doesn't say not eating breakfast is good for you, it just says it's not bad for you.

Either way it is personal choice. I seem to feel better now that i eat in the morning though.

Agreed. If you want to eat breakfast, then do so. If you wish to wait until around lunch time to eat, that is fine as well. Do what makes you feel better.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
FallingEdge said:
Do what makes you feel better.
Can't argue with that...

...but eat your damn breakfast!


Rocksteady33 said:
What does setting my metabolism do for me though? And how does the directly affect weight loss/gain?

It will help your body burn more calories and fat.

For me though, I run 1.5mi in the mornings before work. So I'd be starved if I didn't eat breakfast. I also work at 8am, but I get up at 6:10am to run.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
As of today I'm down 70 lbs since I started in February! (225 lbs -> 155 lbs)!

It's going to be interesting to see how I fare the upcoming holiday parties with their temptations of cake, pie, stuffing, etc.


relies on auto-aim
Breakfast is the easiest quickest and best tasting meal of the day for me.

4 or 5 eggs
bacon / sausage
little bit of cheese mixed with the eggs (While they are cooking, this softens them. Also cook eggs on a cold pan and for scrambled eggs, mix constantly)
salt and ground pepper with salsa/tobasco

Down 8 lbs in 2 weeks. Hopefully it can continue like my last keto session and I can drop 50.
Zefah said:
As of today I'm down 70 lbs since I started in February! (225 lbs -> 155 lbs)!

It's going to be interesting to see how I fare the upcoming holiday parties with their temptations of cake, pie, stuffing, etc.
Awesome man!


Eating breakfast (or lots of small meals through the day) doesn't speed up your metabolism, that's bro-science as far as I know. It can help dieters because if they eat lots of small meals they are less likely to get really hungry and binge however.

The only way to increase your metabolism is to get your ass moving. Weightlifting increases it for long periods of time (I think I read 36 hours or something) and cardio for a long time but shorter than weightlifting.

In my personal experience, once I was on a deficit for awhile, a month or so, I literally had to eat breakfast. I would be exhausted if I didn't.
omgkitty said:
Does that stuff work no matter how long you've had the scars?

It does, although it doesn't work as well on older scars as it does on more recent scars. It does fade them so they are less visible, but the sooner you use it, the better the result.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Radius said:
For now I'm willing to ignore that many of the slides refer to journal articels that are over 40 years old, but it is absolutely insane to deny that cholesterol plays a significant role in cardiovascular disease.



Cholesterol doesn't play a role

Low Density Lipoproteins that oxidize cause heart disease. A type of LDL that oxidizes easily is referred to pattern B. There's a thorough medical test for heart disease risk assessment called a VAP test that measure this among several other things.


The most effective way to increase pattern B LDL seems to be high sugar consumption.

Ignore 40 year old studies? You do realize that Ancel Key's 7 countries study is the foundation for the old, refuted lipid hypothesis of "dietary fat increases cholesterol which causes heart disease". It's wrong then and it's wrong now. You cannot select which data points fit your hypothesis in science any more than choose what your bank account has in it.

Total "cholesterol" levels do correlate with heart disease when they are insanely high because it happens to also have high oxLDL. But to say that someone should go on statins because their total HDL+LDL is > 200 is insane. Or to avoid saturated fats when countries like France consume the most yet have the least heart disease.

None of these dietary recommendations suggest reducing fat intake:


Speedymanic said:
Bill, Bio Oil is apparently very good for stretch marks.

It's a little expensive (I had to buy it earlier this year to treat some scars) and it really works. You have to keep up applying it though for full effect.

What do you mean by "Keep up applying it"? The scars come back if you stop?
M_A_C said:
What do you mean by "Keep up applying it"? The scars come back if you stop?

Nope, the leaflet mentions that you have to apply it for a min of 3 months to see some good results (again, depending on how old the scars are. If they relatively new, you'll probably see some results in a couple of weeks like I did) and you can continue to use it for more results.

Sorry, my post wasn't very clear. I was in a bit of rush when I posted.
This is bizarre. I'm by no means big.

I've always had an extremely fast metabolism so up until I was 18 or so, I was in the lower half of the 'desirable' BMI index. I went to Uni and ate like a fucker until I got to 13 stone. I've continued to eat like I did at Uni (I'm 23 now), but in the last 2 months have somehow dropped a stone. Nothing in my diet has really changed and I'm not significantly more active. I haven't been unwell.



^ Just keep an eye on your weight fluctuations. You're at an age where thyroid issues might start to pop up, so if you find yourself randomly losing a bunch of weight every now and then, you'll want to get checked out.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Man...I've got stretch marks on my stomach but thinking about applying something to it for 3 months straight seems crazy to me.

If it really works I should definitely do it, but DAMNIT.


Bealost said:

huh? What does that term mean? Or is that another lame term like "dudebro" used on Gaming side?

Miletius said:
Haloween candy bought for trick o' treaters this weekend is making it hard to stay focused on staying healthy.

It's even worse when you have a young kid and they bring home candy. I'm taking the family to Sea World tomorrow and they have Trick or Treating going on. And of course, my little lady will be doing proper TOT on Monday.

LosDaddie said:
Also, hit 26.5 lbs lost this morning. :) Feels good man

Actually, make that 27.5 lbs lost so far. It's been a good week. :) Can't wait to start my Cheat Day tonight though

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
LosDaddie said:
huh? What does that term mean? Or is that another lame term like "dudebro" used on Gaming side?

One of the Urban Dictionary definitions does a good job of explaining it as follows: "Anecdotal evidence presented as fact by unqualified, yet confident indviduals in the body building community. "


Zefah said:
One of the Urban Dictionary definitions does a good job of explaining it as follows: "Anecdotal evidence presented as fact by unqualified, yet confident indviduals in the body building community. "
Doesn't even need to be anecdotal, I'd say "they say" type of stuff falls into bro-science as well.


Well, been quiet for a few days in here. Here is a question to stimulate some conversation.

Lately I've been cheating on breakfast and having a bowl of honey nut cheerios with two scoops of vanilla whey mixed in the milk. It's DELICIOUS but I can't decide how bad it is.

Edit:: macros work out like this:
600 Calories
60g protein
50g carbs

I know its a lot of carbs, but carbs are ok in the AM right? Its not like I'm doing keto or anything.


Finally found some greek yogurts that I actually like


Both are awesome!
Bealost said:
Well, been quiet for a few days in here. Here is a question to stimulate some conversation.

Lately I've been cheating on breakfast and having a bowl of honey nut cheerios with two scoops of vanilla whey mixed in the milk. It's DELICIOUS but I can't decide how bad it is.

Edit:: macros work out like this:
600 Calories
60g protein
50g carbs

I know its a lot of carbs, but carbs are ok in the AM right? Its not like I'm doing keto or anything.
Honey nut cheerios have more sugar than coco puffs. Just fyi. Plus the shitty wheat.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Bealost said:
Well, been quiet for a few days in here. Here is a question to stimulate some conversation.

Lately I've been cheating on breakfast and having a bowl of honey nut cheerios with two scoops of vanilla whey mixed in the milk. It's DELICIOUS but I can't decide how bad it is.

Edit:: macros work out like this:
600 Calories
60g protein
50g carbs

I know its a lot of carbs, but carbs are ok in the AM right? Its not like I'm doing keto or anything.

I thought you were just going off against bro science?
Sup weight-loss gaf!

I'd like to say that I have been exercising really hard and cutting out snacks, fast food, and just poor dinner choices and I have gone from a robust 204 to a still robust 196! In about 18 days, I'd say that is within the healthy range for weight loss, wouldn't you? It's just a lifestyle change. No gimmicks. Just eating like Americans used to eat when we were skinny. The key, I swear, is exercise. You don't even gotta kill yourself, but do something that works for you. I love cycling, as it is my preferred mode of transport anyway.

Another thing I'm doing is I am swearing off any kind of alcohol until I get down to 180 pounds. That may be as late as February at this pace, but that's okay. I don't like the stuff that much anyway.

EDIT: Also, what is bro-science exactly? I hear people talking about it all the time on this thread. I imagine it's stuff some meathead will tell you in a gym that has no real scientific proof, like metabolism boosting type stuff.
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