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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


relies on auto-aim
I stay away from fried and greasy food. And no eating after 7 pm.
Haven't seen any evidence for this, but I haven't looked very hard. Any proof to this?
I recall reading something that said it didn't matter much, but that was a while ago.
Haven't seen any evidence for this, but I haven't looked very hard. Any proof to this?
I recall reading something that said it didn't matter much, but that was a while ago.

Check your favorite broscience site. I'm sure it's there alongside other jewels of diet wisdom.


Man, I think you guys recommending only changes in diet over working out are nuts. The easiest way to lose weight over the long term is to consistently burn more calories per day then you take in. Obviously, dieting can help achieve those goals but without ever working out, one might feel guilt from having a snickers bar or something. Dieting also doesn't really help people get in shape. A guy that weighs 300lbs, can't run a mile and can only bench 135 decides to go on a diet. After a year of dieting and no exercise, the man loses 100lbs but can still only bench 135 and can't run a mile. Hw achieved weight loss goals but is still out of shape.

On a side note, I used to weigh 160lbs at 6'0 tall. Was in great shape, could run like wind and bench twice my weight. Four years, two kids, a marriage and two broken bone injuries later, I found myself tipping the scale at 235lbs on Dec 1. Time for a lifestyle change that will include eating better and exercising. Just ten days in and I've lost 6.4lbs already. My Target weight is 180.


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Man, I think you guys recommending only changes in diet over working out are nuts.

No one is saying don't exercise. But losing weight is 100% diet. Exercise helps you loose weight quicker and of course there are additional health benefits as well as looking good but ultimately, it's all about having the self discipline to stop cramming rubbish into your mouth.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Man, I think you guys recommending only changes in diet over working out are nuts. The easiest way to lose weight over the long term is to consistently burn more calories per day then you take in. Obviously, dieting can help achieve those goals but without ever working out, one might feel guilt from having a snickers bar or something. Dieting also doesn't really help people get in shape. A guy that weighs 300lbs, can't run a mile and can only bench 135 decides to go on a diet. After a year of dieting and no exercise, the man loses 100lbs but can still only bench 135 and can't run a mile. Hw achieved weight loss goals but is still out of shape.

On a side note, I used to weigh 160lbs at 6'0 tall. Was in great shape, could run like wind and bench twice my weight. Four years, two kids, a marriage and two broken bone injuries later, I found myself tipping the scale at 235lbs on Dec 1. Time for a lifestyle change that will include eating better and exercising. Just ten days in and I've lost 6.4lbs already. My Target weight is 180.

Exercise is great for health reasons, and like you said, to get in shape.

Weight loss is all about diet, though. I don't agree with the basic calories in/calories out theory, either.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Weightlifting will burn fat off like butter if you eat right.

No, weight lifting will build muscle, and if you eat right, you will also lose adipose tissue quite rapidly. The weight loss comes from the eating right. The muscle comes from the weight lifting.


No one is saying don't exercise. But losing weight is 100% diet. Exercise helps you loose weight quicker and of course there are additional health benefits as well as looking good but ultimately, it's all about having the self discipline to stop cramming rubbish into your mouth.

Hi, havent posted in this thread before but I'd like to chime in if I may :).

I am 5'11" and was 235 pound about a year and a half ago when I started to want to lose weight, I started by diet first and lost about 10-15 pounds in about 6 month but my diet was nothing drastic just lowered my calorie intake below what I needed to maintain. I felt alot more energetic and good about my self(confidence skyrocketed). I then got a gym membership in February of this year and started going 5 times a week and was playing soccer on 4 teams(I know I went nuts :D) I lost around 40 pounds in the matter of 3 month and the best part was I was still eating all the foods/crap I wanted :D.

Now I am about 180-182 pounds and I am still active and trying to lose even more(I still have a small gut and I want it GONE! I am starting my HIIT weight training today as well)! At this point though I see that I can't have my cake and eat it too...I have to cut foods that are insufficient in terms of nutrients and have wayy too many calories or else I'll never get what I want!

So I guess what I am trying to say is that Yes Diet is very important but only if you are not wanting to work super hard to get to your target, if you put in the work your diet wont really need to change(depending on your goal and how hard you go).

I'll post pics later today when I get home!

Darkman M

No, weight lifting will build muscle, and if you eat right, you will also lose adipose tissue quite rapidly. The weight loss comes from the eating right. The muscle comes from the weight lifting.

Your body burns calories to repair it's self 24/7 even while you sleep when you lift weights.


Exercise is great for health reasons, and like you said, to get in shape.

Weight loss is all about diet, though. I don't agree with the basic calories in/calories out theory, either.

It's not a theory its a fact. I'm sure you already know this and I'm sure its been mentioned several times in this 215+ page thread, but one pound equals 3500 calories. If a person needs 2000 calories a day to maintain there weight, then burning off an additional 500 calories a day would make them lose one pound every week. It's not really a theory, more like an equation.

Obviously there are two ways you can lose weight. Eat less calories per day (diet) or exercise. With all of the added benefits of exercising over dieting, I recommend exercise and a controlled diet. People dont have to, and shouldn't be forced to eat like a rabbit to lose weight. But that doesn't mean they can pig out either. Everyone just needs to find their own happy median.


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Now I am about 180-182 pounds and I am still active and trying to lose even more(I still have a small gut and I want it GONE!

I hear you. I'm the same. I exercise (fast walk) for 4 or more hours a day and I weight train 2 or 3 times a week and the last 4-5 lbs are really tough to get rid off.
I don't allow myself any treats at all now. It's amazing how efficient the human body is in utilising what little resource it has to keep hold of that fucking fat.


No, weight lifting will build muscle, and if you eat right, you will also lose adipose tissue quite rapidly. The weight loss comes from the eating right. The muscle comes from the weight lifting.

The act of lifting weights builds muscle and burns calories. Everything you do burns calories. Standing for an hour will burn more calories than sitting for an hour. It's silly to think that lifting weights, especially the proper way, does not burn calories.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
This thread consistently teaches me more than any other that people really love to simplify things.


No one is saying don't exercise. But losing weight is 100% diet. Exercise helps you loose weight quicker and of course there are additional health benefits as well as looking good but ultimately, it's all about having the self discipline to stop cramming rubbish into your mouth.

I really don't understand how you say losing weight is 100% diet yet in the same post, put exercise will help you lose weight quicker. I understand that what you eat is important in losing weight. I'm just saying exercise is more important and more beneficial to achieve a healthy body.

These points are extremely hard to argue because there are so many ways to diet and exercise. I'm not saying people can eat like shit, run a few miles and everything is okay. I'm just saying people can eat like normal people, don't over eat, get a pizza or candy bar every now and then and they will be alright as long as they exercise consistently.

I couldn't imagine the hell it must be to try and find foods to eat over the course of months that limit you to 15-20g of carbs a day. That's nuts, and really not healthy as you are tricking your body into thinking its full. Look at athletes and body builders. They have to eat 5000+ calories a day to maintain their weight. Why? Because they exercise constantly.
Lifting more as of late.
Still need to dial back the carbs but doing "okay" with it.

Seeing solid gains so progress feels nice.

I want to be completely happy shirtless come summer so I have goals to hit by May.


This thread consistently teaches me more than any other that people really love to simplify things.

Saying that you can eat however much of whatever you want, as long as it fits into certain criterion, is a way larger simplification than saying you can eat lots of different stuff but different amounts of all of it and you need to eat a certain amount of all this in order to approach your goal.


This thread consistently teaches me more than any other that people really love to simplify things.

It teaches me that people like to over analyze shit. I'm not a huge biggest loser fan as I dint know if losing weight that fast is even healthy, but those people aren't losing any where near the 10-20lbs they're losing a week without the exercise, and that's a fact.
Ok so riddle me this people...

What vegetables should I be eating?

I like carrots but they're starchy/carby so been avoiding them.
The only other two I eat that much of are broccoli and green beans.

Have at it.


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I really don't understand how you say losing weight is 100% diet yet in the same post, put exercise will help you lose weight quicker.

Because I've done a ton of exercise in the past and so have my friends and none of us lost a single pound. It's all diet. 100%.
If you can exercise as well then great. All for the better.


I really don't understand how you say losing weight is 100% diet yet in the same post, put exercise will help you lose weight quicker. I understand that what you eat is important in losing weight. I'm just saying exercise is more important and more beneficial to achieve a healthy body.

The reason that people tend to make the statement that your diet is way more important than your training is simple. It is VERY easy to eat WAY more than you need in this day and age with all the processed garbage, tons of food choices, and a very small amount of healthy options. It is also VERY difficult to safely burn off large amounts of excess calories if you are very out of shape.

If you really look at it, it is truly amazing how efficient your body is at using food for fuel. Run 3 miles feel exhausted, yet your body used less energy than your typical candy bar has in it to do it.

While its true that athletes are able to use a tremendous amount of energy when they work out, they are the exception rather than the rule, especially in the area of weight (fat) loss.

EDIT:: I also wanted to make the distinction between losing weight and becoming healthy. Losing weight is 100% diet, and while you can get healthier, you won't ever be truly healthy without at least some amount of the right types of exercise.
Ok so riddle me this people...

What vegetables should I be eating?

I like carrots but they're starchy/carby so been avoiding them.
The only other two I eat that much of are broccoli and green beans.

Have at it.

Here's the ones I have:

Bell peppers
Broccoli (mentioned)
Lettuce - various
Is bacon a vegetable?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Hmm. I have been avoiding this thread again as I continue to fight the battle of eating decent on weekdays vs. eating bad on weekends. I tend to get 2-3 workouts in per week, usually doing some of the P90x cardio videos.

I plan to go back in 100% and do the full P90x program come January (holidays kill me, and i don't have time to do the stuff during them). Last time I went through I went from 230 to 208 at 6'.

My issue still remains to be that I eat fine during the week, but the weekend comes and I'll grab fast food (Subway mostly) two of the meals. I've gotten better about letting myself loosen my diet a bit to keep myself eating at home, I've gotten turkey hot dogs, etc. Still though, I always get that urge to go grab a footlong. Until I can get my weekends under control I'm not sure the decent weekday eating and working out will do any good.

EDIT: Also, what do you working folk take for lunch that is cheap and healthy? I've been rotating between a can of soup (healthy choice, etc) or salad kits for a while now. Not sure what else to take that is easy to prepare early, healthy, and cheap.


The reason that people tend to make the statement that your diet is way more important than your training is simple. It is VERY easy to eat WAY more than you need in this day and age with all the processed garbage, tons of food choices, and a very small amount of healthy options. It is also VERY difficult to safely burn off large amounts of excess calories if you are very out of shape.

If you really look at it, it is truly amazing how efficient your body is at using food for fuel. Run 3 miles feel exhausted, yet your body used less energy than your typical candy bar has in it to do it.

While its true that athletes are able to use a tremendous amount of energy when they work out, they are the exception rather than the rule, especially in the area of weight (fat) loss.

EDIT:: I also wanted to make the distinction between losing weight and becoming healthy. Losing weight is 100% diet, and while you can get healthier, you won't ever be truly healthy without at least some amount of the right types of exercise.

That doesn't even make sense. For one, a 2004 study by the university of Syracuse showed that running a mile burns about 125 calories in a male. Threr miles would equal 375 calories, and the more out of shape you are, the more calories you burn. A candy bar, regular size, has 200-220 calories in it.

You're first paragraph makes no sense either. You claim people make such statements because eating healthy is hard in todays day and age? What difference does it make how easy or hard something is? The ease of one activity doesn't automatically make it less important than another activity.


Lifting more as of late.
Still need to dial back the carbs but doing "okay" with it.

Seeing solid gains so progress feels nice.

I want to be completely happy shirtless come summer so I have goals to hit by May.
Till today I didn't lift shit, but I eat/ate good pieces of meat and chicken, and a lot of vegetables. It works, seriously, just don't add any butter, oil or sugar to your food. It works, really.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The calorie is a unit of heat. Calorie content is determined by burning an item and measuring the resulting rise in water temperature. The human body is not some kind of combustion engine that uses flames to incinerate food items you put into it.

That doesn't even make sense. For one, a 2004 study by the university of Syracuse showed that running a mile burns about 125 calories in a male. Threr miles would equal 375 calories, and the more out of shape you are, the more calories you burn. A candy bar, regular size, has 200-220 calories in it.

You're first paragraph makes no sense either. You claim people make such statements because eating healthy is hard in todays day and age? What difference does it make how easy or hard something is? The ease of one activity doesn't automatically make it less important than another activity.

So all males who run exactly a mile burn 125 calories, huh? How can anyone really think this makes any kind of sense? Gross and irresponsible generalization and simplification.


The calorie is a unit of heat. Calorie content is determined by burning an item and measuring the resulting rise in water temperature. The human body is not some kind of combustion engine that uses flames to incinerate food items you put into it.

So all males who run exactly a mile burn 125 calories, huh? How can anyone really think this makes any kind of sense? Gross and irresponsible generalization and simplification.

Man, you want everything spoon fed to you. Fine, it depends on many factors, including weight and pace. A 120 pound person would burn approximately 90 calories running a 9 minute mile while the same pace would burn 150 calories in a 200lb person and 220 calories on a 300 plunder. My point was running three miles burns many more calories than the calorie amount of a candy bar, disputing a 'fact' posted by someone else. I still havent seen you argue the results contestants on the biggest loser see.

Bottom line is that we are hear to help eachother. If your goal is to lose weight, be 6'0 feet tall and weigh 120lbs and look like a twig, diet like there is no tomorrow. If you want to lose weight, be healthy, fit, strong and athletic, watch what you eat, run and lift weights. It's that simple.


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I'm honestly flabbergasted that people still can't comprehend weight training being an amazing fat burning tool.

Weight training is the best but it's also good if you can add in a bit of cardio.

Although I've basically stopped using weights now. I've started using my body weight by using a pull up bar for chins, doing dips and getting the kids on my back for press ups etc...

It's working. I've actually made the best gains in my life so far.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Bottom line is that we are hear to help eachother. If your goal is to lose weight, be 6'0 feet tall and weigh 120lbs and look like a twig, diet like there is no tomorrow. If you want to lose weight, be healthy, fit, strong and athletic, watch what you eat, run and lift weights. It's that simple.

I completely agree with all of this. I only take issue with the idea that counting calories, or using them as any kind of indicator when it comes to weight loss and fitness in general, is effective.


I completely agree with all of this. I only take issue with the idea that counting calories, or using them as any kind of indicator when it comes to weight loss and fitness in general, is effective.

I do think burning more calories per day than you consume does play a role in weight loss, especially for morbidity obese individuals. But at the end of the day, people have to find a program that is right for them and their lifestyle. There are so many effective diet and exercise programs available for people to use and a lot of them work. The key is to sticking with it and make it a lifestyle change rather than a two month program to lose a few pounds.
It's not a theory its a fact. I'm sure you already know this and I'm sure its been mentioned several times in this 215+ page thread, but one pound equals 3500 calories. If a person needs 2000 calories a day to maintain there weight, then burning off an additional 500 calories a day would make them lose one pound every week. It's not really a theory, more like an equation.

Obviously there are two ways you can lose weight. Eat less calories per day (diet) or exercise. With all of the added benefits of exercising over dieting, I recommend exercise and a controlled diet. People dont have to, and shouldn't be forced to eat like a rabbit to lose weight. But that doesn't mean they can pig out either. Everyone just needs to find their own happy median.

The coconut pudding I make has around 2000 calories in it. I could most certainly eat 4000 calories of it in a day and won't gain a single pound. I could go on a 6000 SCT/MCT calorie diet and not gain any weight whatsoever.


Man, you want everything spoon fed to you. Fine, it depends on many factors, including weight and pace. A 120 pound person would burn approximately 90 calories running a 9 minute mile while the same pace would burn 150 calories in a 200lb person and 220 calories on a 300 plunder. My point was running three miles burns many more calories than the calorie amount of a candy bar, disputing a 'fact' posted by someone else. I still havent seen you argue the results contestants on the biggest loser see.

Bottom line is that we are hear to help eachother. If your goal is to lose weight, be 6'0 feet tall and weigh 120lbs and look like a twig, diet like there is no tomorrow. If you want to lose weight, be healthy, fit, strong and athletic, watch what you eat, run and lift weights. It's that simple.
It's all so simple.


This thread consistently teaches me more than any other that people really love to simplify things.

Simplification is a key principle to being successful at a diet or workout program at first. People getting started should make things as simple as possible with as few changes as possible to lifestyle and habits. The more you change the more likely you will fail at first.


That doesn't even make sense. For one, a 2004 study by the university of Syracuse showed that running a mile burns about 125 calories in a male. Threr miles would equal 375 calories, and the more out of shape you are, the more calories you burn. A candy bar, regular size, has 200-220 calories in it.

You're first paragraph makes no sense either. You claim people make such statements because eating healthy is hard in todays day and age? What difference does it make how easy or hard something is? The ease of one activity doesn't automatically make it less important than another activity.

I did not state that it is hard to eat healthy. I stated that it is very easy to NOT eat healthy. It almost doesn't matter how much exercise you do if you continue to stuff your face with 6k Cal/day.

King sized Butterfinger:
Nutrition Facts

Serving Size ⅓ bar (35 g)

Servings per Container 3

Amount Per Serving

Calories 160 Calories from Fat 60

that would be 480 Cal total, and dont tell me people don't polish one of these off easily.

Regular size:
Serving Size 1 bar (60 g)

Servings per Container 1

Amount Per Serving

Calories 270 Calories from Fat 100

I was under the assumption that a 3 mile run burns between 300-350Cal for a reasonably in shape person anyways.

Diet is THE most important part of losing (or gaining) weight. Exercise helps you to lose (or gain) quality weight helps to preserve muscle if you are losing weight, and gain muscle and not fat, if you are gaining weight.


The calorie is a unit of heat. Calorie content is determined by burning an item and measuring the resulting rise in water temperature. The human body is not some kind of combustion engine that uses flames to incinerate food items you put into it.

A calorie is NOT a unit of heat. It is a unit of energy. There are many forms of energy, heat is only one of them. Another one would be chemical energy (a.k.a. gasoline or...food). We convert the energy that we eat (food) into energy that our body can use or store.

Edit:: Just to avoid a triple post.

Bottom line is that we are hear to help each other. If your goal is to lose weight, be 6'0 feet tall and weigh 120lbs and look like a twig, diet like there is no tomorrow. If you want to lose weight, be healthy, fit, strong and athletic, watch what you eat, run and lift weights. It's that simple.

We can definitely all agree on that.
I did not state that it is hard to eat healthy. I stated that it is very easy to NOT eat healthy. It almost doesn't matter how much exercise you do if you continue to stuff your face with 6k Cal/day.

King sized Butterfinger:
Nutrition Facts

Serving Size ⅓ bar (35 g)

Servings per Container 3

Amount Per Serving

Calories 160 Calories from Fat 60

that would be 480 Cal total, and dont tell me people don't polish one of these off easily.

Regular size:
Serving Size 1 bar (60 g)

Servings per Container 1

Amount Per Serving

Calories 270 Calories from Fat 100

I was under the assumption that a 3 mile run burns between 300-350Cal for a reasonably in shape person anyways.

Diet is THE most important part of losing (or gaining) weight. Exercise helps you to lose (or gain) quality weight helps to preserve muscle if you are losing weight, and gain muscle and not fat, if you are gaining weight.

Not to mention that you could burn an equal amount of calories just sitting on your ass for a few hours, or playing video games (which I think I remember reading raises your heart rate enough to burn more calories). "Cardio" is a negligible benefit for weight gain/loss. Diet is probably 90% of it (I won't go so far as to say 100%). However, if you want to not be winded running up a flight of stairs, or if you want to be able to kick someone's ass or lift yourself up when hanging off a cliff, it's best to do cardio and weight lifting. I don't think anyone here is disputing that those are good things, and that they do HELP in the weight loss. However, they are not dispositive.

Someone brought up The Biggest Loser. How many times do you see someone "throw" the weigh-in by eating crap or whatever? They are doing the same insane amount of exercising, but by not eating well, they ruin it all. Sometimes, they do eat "right" and exercise to the tune of 6,000 calories burned a day, and still lose very little weight. I think there must be more to it than a simple Calories in, Calories out paradigm would demonstrate.

Edit: Here's an article about the video games. Raises your heart rate above resting by 60%. Not bad for playing games. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/6376637.stm


I did not state that it is hard to eat healthy. I stated that it is very easy to NOT eat healthy. It almost doesn't matter how much exercise you do if you continue to stuff your face with 6k Cal/day.

King sized Butterfinger:
Nutrition Facts

Serving Size ⅓ bar (35 g)

Servings per Container 3

Amount Per Serving

Calories 160 Calories from Fat 60

that would be 480 Cal total, and dont tell me people don't polish one of these off easily.

Regular size:
Serving Size 1 bar (60 g)

Servings per Container 1

Amount Per Serving

Calories 270 Calories from Fat 100

I was under the assumption that a 3 mile run burns between 300-350Cal for a reasonably in shape person anyways.

Diet is THE most impo
rtant part of losing (or gaining) weight. Exercise helps you to lose (or gain) quality weight helps to preserve muscle if you are losing weight, and gain muscle and not fat, if you are gaining weight.

I was very careful in saying a regular sized candy bar and not king size. A butter finger must have more calories than other candy bars. I was thinking more like a snickers bar, which has closer to 220 calories. And the point is instead of eating the candy, you run 3 miles and save 220 calories of intake while burning 300 plus calories of additional calories that you wouldn't normally burn. That's cutting over 500 calories a day. I'm just saying that diet and exercise are closer to 50/50 than 100/0. You guys saying its 100/0 are contradicting yourself anyway cuz you all say diet is everything but exercise will get you results faster. Well, if that's the case, then diet isn't everything.

I am the one who mentioned the biggest loser. It's impossible to guess how many cslories those who throw the weigh in are taking in each day for that week. Not to mention the fact that half the shit they ate to throw it probably hasn't digested, therefore, weighing even more. So its not accurate to claim that there exercise did nothing, especially considering they would most likely gain much more weight had they not done the exercise. Those contestants are the best proof that exercising helps with weight loss. I mean they carry calorie counters around there neck to make sure they are burning more calories than they take in.

It's no secret exercise is key to a healthy lifestyle. It's just bothersome seeing people ask if they should run for 30 minutes 5 times a week or 3 times a week and the best response gaf can come up with, in the weight loss thread, is, it doesn't matter, diet is everything. What kind of advice is that for a member trying to live a healthy lifestyle?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
You make yourself hungrier by exercising a lot. Then it just becomes a game of willpower and forcing yourself to ignore your body's signals.



Love the influx of people in the fitness threads during the holidays! Cmon February!

Bottom line is everyone isn't going to respond the same to everything.

When I originally lost and kept off the majority of my weight is when I ate less, ran and lifted weights.

I actually gained weight when I tried the whole super low carb/high fat thing.

So for me, a low fat, lowish carb, high protein is the way to go.

I really do hate the arrogance in this thread sometime. This should really be like a support group not, "haha, your idea of fitness is wrong!"


Well the guy asked about losing weight with a treadmill, not about getting healthier. Second, no one is saying excerise doesn't help speed up the weight loss process, merely stating that it is not a necessity, which is true. Exercising is important for general health, no question, but not because it burns calories, but because it burns the sugar stored in your muscles and allows proper amounts of insulin to be released in your body.
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