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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

Do you only count "net" carbs in your daily carb count? Why does fiber or sugar alcohol not count? I'm curious.
Fiber doesn't count because it's not digested by the body. Sugar alcohol because (I think) it doesn't affect your blood sugar, although I think there's some dispute about that.


This thread is so motivational! You folks are awesome!

I've started low carbing since Monday, I'm hoping to stay under 20g-30g of carbs a day for three months to reach my goal.

Currently my weight is 220lbs, I'm aiming to reach 160-170lbs by the end. I'm 5'7" in height, pretty short!

I was just wondering if there was anything that I'd need to be worried about being on such a low carb diet for a long time like this?

Also, with such low carbs, I'll be planning to take some Psyllium Husk to help increase my fibre intake and stop constipation. Anyone else here used this too?
I'm kinda half decided between using psyllium husk and flax seed :/


Fiber doesn't count because it's not digested by the body. Sugar alcohol because (I think) it doesn't affect your blood sugar, although I think there's some dispute about that.
Not sure about that, but it's also not digested. Just try to keep it to a minimum or there can be.... consequences.
This thread is so motivational! You folks are awesome!

I've started low carbing since Monday, I'm hoping to stay under 20g-30g of carbs a day for three months to reach my goal.

Currently my weight is 220lbs, I'm aiming to reach 160-170lbs by the end. I'm 5'7" in height, pretty short!

I was just wondering if there was anything that I'd need to be worried about being on such a low carb diet for a long time like this?

Also, with such low carbs, I'll be planning to take some Psyllium Husk to help increase my fibre intake and stop constipation. Anyone else here used this too?
I'm kinda half decided between using psyllium husk and flax seed :/
I used psyllim husks at first. Haven't really needed to since about my first week in.
Whatever a coke is worth. It varies for people, but to me diet drinks will halt my ketosis just like carbs would. I didn't extensively test it, just dropped them out.

Do you even count carbs or just avoid food legal take you out of that state? Like you could eat 5 cups of peanuts or something crazy.
I really like the quest protein bars, I've been through several boxes of them. Best low-carb snack bar I've found.

In other news I had lunch at Buckhorn Grill today and decided to treat myself to my old favorite tri-tip sandwich. Halfway through I decided to look up the nutrition info on my phone; as soon as I saw it I stopped eating. The sandwich alone is just shy of 1K calories and of course is carb-tastic too. I knew it wod be bad and was giving myself a treat but I didn't know it was THAT bad. I will be having a very light dinner :)

You're in Nor Cal/Bay area Gary? I love Buckhorn. Go to the Sacramento one a lot. Have you seen their iPhone app?


relies on auto-aim
Currently my only intake of carbs is in flavored meat or jerky, nuts, maybe some salsa/ketchup.

Large eggs+meat breakfast with cheese
Salad + chicken or some meat with veggies


Started back on diet drinks, man sometimes i just need something sweet. It hasn't affected my ketosis according to the strips, but I gotta cut it out when I've finished the last bottle. Damn you diet stars and stripes.


Fiber doesn't count because it's not digested by the body. Sugar alcohol because (I think) it doesn't affect your blood sugar, although I think there's some dispute about that.

Sugar Alcohols definitely affect blood sugar, Malitol specifically will affect it quite a bit. It's the reason I switched to Quest Bars in the first place. Ever since switching out my old "sugar free" protein bars which used Malitol to Quest Bars, I was able to get over the weight plateau I hit. I've been in Keto with Quest Bars as well, maybe other people will react differently but for me they work as advertised.
- If you are low carbing, and
- If you want to make it a permanent lifestyle change for weight and health

Then try to wean your body off of "sweetness" altogether. Ditch the artificial sweeteners.
Why? You'll make it easier to stay on plan in the long run. It's very liberating to be free of sweeteners in all forms.


- If you are low carbing, and
- If you want to make it a permanent lifestyle change for weight and health

Then try to wean your body off of "sweetness" altogether. Ditch the artificial sweeteners.
Why? You'll make it easier to stay on plan in the long run. It's very liberating to be free of sweeteners in all forms.

I'm tryin :( currently failin.
Today I am starting my weight loss regimen

I am 5 feet 10 and 220 lbs. My aim is to go from that weight to 175. I don't want to overdo the gym but I plan to go for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week and calorie control my food.

The issue I have is after losing a bit of weight I get lazy and gain it back + 1, How do I stop that. for ONCE i want to go back to 175 (the lowest i went last time i tried was 196)


I bought 300 of these high fiber crackers.

It's like eating cardboard... :(

PERFECT >:D put a slice of cheese on it and 1 lasts me several hours, muhahaha. Good stuff. My roommate tried a little piece and he was like: you have to pay me to eat that stuff.
Today I am starting my weight loss regimen

I am 5 feet 10 and 220 lbs. My aim is to go from that weight to 175. I don't want to overdo the gym but I plan to go for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week and calorie control my food.

The issue I have is after losing a bit of weight I get lazy and gain it back + 1, How do I stop that. for ONCE i want to go back to 175 (the lowest i went last time i tried was 196)

Self control and discipline? Don't want to sound harsh but if you can't man up and stick to it don't expect results.


The jeans I bought a month or so ago due to me losing weight are now a little to big in the waist area! I think I have like 2 items of clothing that now fit me, my wardrobe is practically empty.

Today I am starting my weight loss regimen

I am 5 feet 10 and 220 lbs. My aim is to go from that weight to 175. I don't want to overdo the gym but I plan to go for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week and calorie control my food.

The issue I have is after losing a bit of weight I get lazy and gain it back + 1, How do I stop that. for ONCE i want to go back to 175 (the lowest i went last time i tried was 196)

When some people lose weight, they go back to the lifestyle that made them overweight in the first place. You are not "dieting", you are changing your lifestyle. Like cuevas said, don't expect results if you don't stick with it.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
The jeans I bought a month or so ago due to me losing weight are now a little to big in the waist area! I think I have like 2 items of clothing that now fit me, my wardrobe is practically empty.

I had to donate like four 33-gallon garbage bags worth of clothes. XL+ --> M is not a cheap transition ;b


dropped another 2 pounds even with a massive splurge at a wedding the other night, I actually ate so much I threw up, I simply can not eat as much as I used to. I had cookies, bread, icecream, tons of alcohol, pretty much nothing but shit, but still lost weight, which is great news for me as this will give me some flexibility in terms of maintaining my weight once I hit my goal. I can't be too far away now, sitting at 147, just some excess around mah belly, im hoping 140 will do the trick. One day I will post a proper before/after with some insight on to how I did it.

Today I am starting my weight loss regimen

I am 5 feet 10 and 220 lbs. My aim is to go from that weight to 175. I don't want to overdo the gym but I plan to go for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week and calorie control my food.

The issue I have is after losing a bit of weight I get lazy and gain it back + 1, How do I stop that. for ONCE i want to go back to 175 (the lowest i went last time i tried was 196)
What is your diet like now? I think before anyone starts a diet the most important thing to do is research. Understand the different ways of healthy eating a find a style that fits you. Learn to read nutrition labels properly so you can make smart choices. One thing to remember is the further you get, the easier it gets. Once you start seeing results it will give you that extra motivation to stick with it, you just need to be patient.

I'm no gym expert but I don't think you need to go 5 days a week. I think 3 days at 1-2 hours is a better option, gives your muscles more time to relax.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I had to donate like four 33-gallon garbage bags worth of clothes. XL+ --> M is not a cheap transition ;b

That's pretty much where I am now. Wearing all medium stuff feels awesome, but I have SO MANY clothes that just need to disappear.

Part of me doesn't want to get rid of it because I don't have enough clothes that actually fit me yet since I haven't really bought a ton. Think I'm going to get a crap load of clothes for X-Mas so probably first thing next year I'll clean house.


Yeah i went from xxl to m and redid my wardrobe twice now.

I look like a homeless person walking around in my old too big for me clothes because I know I'm going to need to buy new ones in two months anyways, So I decided to just wait. Luckily I had a couple pairs of jeans and slacks around from way back when that are only slightly too big for me now.
I look like a homeless person walking around in my old too big for me clothes because I know I'm going to need to buy new ones in two months anyways, So I decided to just wait. Luckily I had a couple pairs of jeans and slacks around from way back when that are only slightly too big for me now.

My weight loss was pretty slow (120ish so far) but kept my strength and actually increased some lifts.
I have so many paints now that just fall down, it's ridiculous, I have to get rid of most of them. Went from a 40 waist to a 33, and even the 33 jeans I bought are loose now. It's fun to put on the big old pants to see how much weight I've lost, I feel like I'm the guy in those weight loss ads holding up the huge trousers that used to fit.

Not buying any more clothes until I hit maintenance!


I don't have to buy new clothes yet, but I love how loose and comfy my jeans have become. They were painfully tight just two months back.


relies on auto-aim
How so? Pitch it to me.
I eat 5 eggs with bacon or sausage for breakfast everyday and I lose weight. Yeaaaaaaaaaaa.

I'd say only go keto if you have a lot of fat to lose. Otherwise smaller and more normal transitions are perfectly fine and I think better for you.
The jeans I bought a month or so ago due to me losing weight are now a little to big in the waist area! I think I have like 2 items of clothing that now fit me, my wardrobe is practically empty.

When some people lose weight, they go back to the lifestyle that made them overweight in the first place. You are not "dieting", you are changing your lifestyle. Like cuevas said, don't expect results if you don't stick with it.

the last time I lost weight I didnt change my diet, I just changed the amount I ate. 1 plate instead of 2 of pasta, 1 pita instead of 3, no soda, 1 glass of orange juice instead of 3, and I did a lot of snacking in between and late at night as long as the total calories for that day did not exceed a certain poinbt


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
How random...

Apparently my wife has been emailing all of the local news stations with our weight loss situation and finally CBS Philadelphia bit and they want to come to our house and tape some kind interview.

What the fuck? She did this without even asking me!


Anyone get spots on their face when doing low carb? I'm not sure if the spots are there because of me low carbing or because of me taking multivitamins (which I've used before with no side effects).

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
the last time I lost weight I didnt change my diet, I just changed the amount I ate. 1 plate instead of 2 of pasta, 1 pita instead of 3, no soda, 1 glass of orange juice instead of 3, and I did a lot of snacking in between and late at night as long as the total calories for that day did not exceed a certain poinbt

This is because you're eating less shit, not necessarily because you are consuming fewer calories.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I have so many paints now that just fall down, it's ridiculous, I have to get rid of most of them. Went from a 40 waist to a 33, and even the 33 jeans I bought are loose now. It's fun to put on the big old pants to see how much weight I've lost, I feel like I'm the guy in those weight loss ads holding up the huge trousers that used to fit.

Not buying any more clothes until I hit maintenance!

The period of having nothing to wear sucks, though. I went from a 36-38 waist to a 29-30 as of now. I also went from buying size L or XL to primarily buying size S. I bought a couple of size 30 jeans a few weeks ago just because I couldn't wait any longer. They were a bit tight for a while, but they are just right now. I still want to drop around 10 lbs, so they may even become a tad loose :/

I had to make new holes for my old belts to be of any use anymore, too.


relies on auto-aim
How random...

Apparently my wife has been emailing all of the local news stations with our weight loss situation and finally CBS Philadelphia bit and they want to come to our house and tape some kind interview.

What the fuck? She did this without even asking me!
Preach brotha
Anyone get spots on their face when doing low carb? I'm not sure if the spots are there because of me low carbing or because of me taking multivitamins (which I've used before with no side effects).
Never heard of this, what do you mean?
How random...

Apparently my wife has been emailing all of the local news stations with our weight loss situation and finally CBS Philadelphia bit and they want to come to our house and tape some kind interview.

What the fuck? She did this without even asking me!

i hope you bought a neoGAF shirt.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Started with 143.3 pounds (65 kg) couple months ago with a target of 132.2 pounds (60 kg.). But at 132.2 pounds still had a bit of a gut, so my new aim is 125.6 pounds (57 kg.). I'm at 129 (58.5 kg.) right now.

I'm not sure if I'm doing it as efficiently as possible, but the following is what I've been doing:
- light breakfast with only vegetables and fruit
- Lunch with three slices of fullgrain bread with cheese and meat
- Diner with only meat/eggs/fish combined with vegetables
- No inbetween snacks except fruit or carrots
- Almost no alcohol except the occassional glass of wine
- No sweet or salty snacks and no soda. Drink only water and tea.

Don't exercise much (work 50-60 hour weeks currently) except some 20 min. work-outs three times a week. And I commute on bicycle, that's another 6 hours of light exercise I guess. I think the almost zero alcohol and changed diet are the biggest influences though.


How random...

Apparently my wife has been emailing all of the local news stations with our weight loss situation and finally CBS Philadelphia bit and they want to come to our house and tape some kind interview.

What the fuck? She did this without even asking me!

Use it as an excuse to cheat on her.


relies on auto-aim
I'd add some protein to your breakfast, otherwise it's all sugars you burn off fast and you might not feel as good before lunch.
Help fill you up and eat less fruit in the morning.

I've heard fruit and meat makes gas though.

Seth C

No pictures specifically but today I hopped on the scales and weighed in at 149. Several years ago when I realized I needed to lose weight I tipped the same scale at 252. That was at least 5 years ago. I've gotta say it feels damned good.


Never heard of this, what do you mean?

Never mind, it seems to have cleared up now! I think it's because I'm exercising more than often now than before hence more sweat causing skin irritation.

No pictures specifically but today I hopped on the scales and weighed in at 149. Several years ago when I realized I needed to lose weight I tipped the same scale at 252. That was at least 5 years ago. I've gotta say it feels damned good.

Congratulations my man! I hope that I can see similar results for myself soon. :D


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I'd add some protein to your breakfast, otherwise it's all sugars you burn off fast and you might not feel as good before lunch.
Help fill you up and eat less fruit in the morning.

I've heard fruit and meat makes gas though.

So far so good, I'm having a harder time covering the time between lunch and diner because I have to lunch around 13:00 but can't eat dinner earlier then around 20:30 due to work. I usually just try to drink a lot of water and have an apple or two in between.

I guess I should eat more protein if I want to bulk more, but I think I'd currently have kinda hard time working away tuna, chicken or eggs in the morning :)
I guess I should eat more protein if I want to bulk more, but I think I'd currently have kinda hard time working away tuna, chicken or eggs in the morning :)

This morning I took some cheese strings, wrapped (rolled) them in sliced chicken and had them for breakfast. Pretty tasty.
Easy finger food and less than a minute prep time.
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