Time for me to get serious. Changing my diet I only dropped a couple pounds after a couple months. I'm 5'10" and 196. I'd like to get to around 175 or lower, but nothing is clicking.
Anyone want to join a fatbet?
Time for me to get serious. Changing my diet I only dropped a couple pounds after a couple months. I'm 5'10" and 196. I'd like to get to around 175 or lower, but nothing is clicking.
Anyone want to join a fatbet?
Great job, man. Now lift some weights! Get some muscle on that body!
This is embarassing to post, higher res and more details on my tumblr post
Before I'd just eat whatever I wanted, in whatever helpings, and probably drank non-diet soda. No much fruits. Carb heavy.What kind of changes did you make? What was your diet like?
Fatbet is a website that some UW students started here in Seattle. Just a simple weight tracking site with graphs and stuff.Dont know what a Fatbet is ?
You guys are so lucky, i have absolutely no will at all in losing weight no matter how much i try.
You guys are so lucky, i have absolutely no will at all in losing weight no matter how much i try.
Luck has zero to do with it.
Anyone want to join a fatbet?
Not to him. He obviously didn't read my posts otherwise he wouldn't have put words in my mouth. I understand that this is a weight loss thread, but come on. If you need gaffers to explain to you that exercise helps boost energy, helps put people in better moods, promotes better sleep, can improve ones sex life, can combat health conditions and diseases including hypertension, strokes, certain types of cancers, arthritis, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and depression, and it can help you maintain weight and lose weight, then you've got some problems. Everyone should know at least some benefits of exercise and to post something like 'what does exercise do for you anyway' is ignorant.
You're not trying then.
Great job, man. Now lift some weights! Get some muscle on that body!
i know i am such a loser.
how was p90x when you started?Alright folks, time to get back on the wagon. My weight:
May 2010: 321 pounds.
August 2010: 295 pounds.
March 2011: 260 pounds.
August 2011: 240 pounds.
Today: 245 pounds.
Low carb, P90X daily, and I should be good. Wish me luck.
This is a photo of me with Mike Scalzi, the frontman of The Lord Weird Slough Feg taken after Alehorn of Power II in June 2007, just after I graduated college. I weighed easily 305 lbs. then.
This is me last year I think it was mid-May. I was about 330 lbs.
This was just taken moments ago. I've weighed myself in at 230 lbs, putting my trackable loss at 100 lbs. I've gone from a 46" waist and a 3XL shirt size down to 38" and L. Target weight is 200 lbs.
Just an update of my progress:
A couple weeks after this post, I started doing the P90X lean supplemental regimen and I have 4 1/2 weeks to go on it. I've only lost about 11 lbs. more--my last weigh-in today was 219 lbs.-- but I've definitely built up way more muscle and lost more fat. I'm down to a 36" waist (maybe 34" but I'm not buying more clothes just yet) and I wear size medium shirts now. I'm well on track to my target weight of 200 lbs. but I can see myself getting down to 190 or 185. I'm still pretty flabby and there's only so much I can blame on loose skin. I won't post new pics until I'm done with this round of P90X. I like the program so much, that I'll probably start it over again after taking a few weeks off!
Edit: on second thought, here's a picture of me from 3 weeks ago at the Bristol Renaissance Faire because it's that badass:
I barely eat sweets any more but I still have the cravings. For me it's a question of willpower and remembering how fat I used to be and what led to it. I don't want to go back to that.
I still allow myself the very occasional treat though.
how was p90x when you started?
Then stop being one. Start today man. You can do it.
How did it go for you in terms of extra skin?OK here's where I am now:
I finished off my round of P90X almost 2 months ago and I've been slacking a bit on working out this past month since I've been pretty sick (had tonsillitis twice in a 4 week period) but I managed to lose weight, even through the holidays, haha. My target was 200 lbs. and I easily hit that when I weighed myself in last weekend at 194 lbs. I'm down to a size M shirt and 33-34" waist. Other than a bit of gut flab and rapidly diminishing man boobs, I'm perfectly content where I am now. I do want to resume working out, maybe start another round of P90X to get a bit of muscle size. I've changed my lifestyle this much already; I can't stop exercising out now.
And holy shit this picture made me realize how much of my tan I lost. Lousy Chicago winter.
OK here's where I am now:
I finished off my round of P90X almost 2 months ago and I've been slacking a bit on working out this past month since I've been pretty sick (had tonsillitis twice in a 4 week period) but I managed to lose weight, even through the holidays, haha. My target was 200 lbs. and I easily hit that when I weighed myself in last weekend at 194 lbs. I'm down to a size M shirt and 33-34" waist. Other than a bit of gut flab and rapidly diminishing man boobs, I'm perfectly content where I am now. I do want to resume working out, maybe start another round of P90X to get a bit of muscle size. I've changed my lifestyle this much already; I can't stop exercising out now.
And holy shit this picture made me realize how much of my tan I lost. Lousy Chicago winter.
I can't.
I can't.
Phobophile, wow, i wish i had half of your determination
How did it go for you in terms of extra skin?
The extra skin issue does concern me. I'm trying to minimise it by going at a reasonable pace (2kg/week), but it's inevitable unfortunately
i know i am such a loser.
are there any go-to sites to help with food choices and calorie counting on a low-carb diet?
2kg/week is a lot, you can get a TON accomplished, relatively quickly at half that. I've been at it for less than a year and have dropped almost 70lbs at a rate of less than 2lbs/week.
Of course it really depends on how heavy you are to start, but a good rule of thumb is to not lose more than 1% of your body weight a week.
What about low-carbing and low calorie intake?
Fuck, I hate when posters are exactly the size and weight where I'm at in their Before pic.
Phobophile has ruined my day...or maybe brightened it because that spark of hope is there now that I can do it too.
Fuck, I hate when posters are exactly the size and weight where I'm at in their Before pic.
Phobophile has ruined my day...or maybe brightened it because that spark of hope is there now that I can do it too.
Stumbled upon the thread while lurking. I have been trying to drop some weight as of late. I started around 160 lbs in college but I grew up to around 195 lbs. Currently, I'm around 185 lbs but I could stand to lose some more. My BMI is 25.8 so technically I'm overweight. My ideal would be roughly 160-165 lbs.
So far, I have started working out with running for cardio and weight lifting to help gain muscle. Two problems I know I have:
1. Getting up out of bed to go to gym before work. Hardest part for me hands down. Once there, its all good and I'm ready to sweat.
2. Diet doesn't really exist. I like to eat mostly fish and chicken already. Broccoli is my favorite vegetable already too. I have a weakness for fast food and bread based items. I don't get turned off by eating the same thing everyday but my wife does.
What can I do to accelerate my progress?