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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Time for me to get serious. Changing my diet I only dropped a couple pounds after a couple months. I'm 5'10" and 196. I'd like to get to around 175 or lower, but nothing is clicking.

Anyone want to join a fatbet?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Time for me to get serious. Changing my diet I only dropped a couple pounds after a couple months. I'm 5'10" and 196. I'd like to get to around 175 or lower, but nothing is clicking.

Anyone want to join a fatbet?

What kind of changes did you make? What was your diet like?
Time for me to get serious. Changing my diet I only dropped a couple pounds after a couple months. I'm 5'10" and 196. I'd like to get to around 175 or lower, but nothing is clicking.

Anyone want to join a fatbet?

Dont know what a Fatbet is ?
But im planning to start loosing weight again next year.
Started gaining weight again when this was physically kinda depressing year.Couldn't train 8 month because of shoulder injury now fixed and im now back at pre injury strength level without injury. Now i wanna cut again.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
After my brother came to visit me this past weekend, he couldn't believe how lean and fit I was and that was enough to motivate him out of his slump and do something about his obesity. I told him I'd help him throughout the whole process and started him off going below <50g of carbs a day while eating as much fat and protein as he wants.

He's already lost 7 pounds in 4 days. Kind of jealous, to be honest, because my record on my first week of low carb was 5 pounds and he's approaching 10 already. :p


What kind of changes did you make? What was your diet like?
Before I'd just eat whatever I wanted, in whatever helpings, and probably drank non-diet soda. No much fruits. Carb heavy.
Now. I eat fish three days a week. Heavy on soups. All portion controlled. Only non-diet soda on rare occasion. Water and Gatorade mostly. Dinner is mostly pre-packaged, portion controlled. Apple/Mandarins for a snack. Around 1500 to 1800 calories a day.

Dont know what a Fatbet is ?
Fatbet is a website that some UW students started here in Seattle. Just a simple weight tracking site with graphs and stuff.



Not to him. He obviously didn't read my posts otherwise he wouldn't have put words in my mouth. I understand that this is a weight loss thread, but come on. If you need gaffers to explain to you that exercise helps boost energy, helps put people in better moods, promotes better sleep, can improve ones sex life, can combat health conditions and diseases including hypertension, strokes, certain types of cancers, arthritis, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and depression, and it can help you maintain weight and lose weight, then you've got some problems. Everyone should know at least some benefits of exercise and to post something like 'what does exercise do for you anyway' is ignorant.


Welcome to WeightLoss-GAF. You must be new.

You'll find this thread is an excellent case study as to why there are many, many differing voices in weight loss methods out there. You have an opinion/method you know that works? Chances are that you'll find the opposite opinion in this thread.

On that note; I hit 33 lbs lost this week. I hope to hit 35 before I fly my family to NY for Christmas. And I'm pretty sure I'll just cheat on my meals while I'm up there and enjoy myself. :)

Good luck everyone.


I helped my gf cut a lot of junk (including HFCS) and establish a solid gym routine.

In the past year she went from 115 to 103 pounds. She's pretty happy.

It definitely helps having a partner on the fitness train.


Alright folks, time to get back on the wagon. My weight:

May 2010: 321 pounds.
August 2010: 295 pounds.
March 2011: 260 pounds.
August 2011: 240 pounds.
Today: 245 pounds.

Low carb, P90X daily, and I should be good. Wish me luck.
Stepped on my scale today, and it showed weight gain. I don't get it. I think I'm gonna throw the thing out the window. I'll stick to measuring myself with a tape measure.

I love how low carb makes me feel! Even though you're eating bacon and all this other good stuff, I feel good inside. When I eat normal junk, I just have that disgusting feeling in my belly. This way of eating gives me none of that. Feels good man.


Alright folks, time to get back on the wagon. My weight:

May 2010: 321 pounds.
August 2010: 295 pounds.
March 2011: 260 pounds.
August 2011: 240 pounds.
Today: 245 pounds.

Low carb, P90X daily, and I should be good. Wish me luck.
how was p90x when you started?


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.

This is a photo of me with Mike Scalzi, the frontman of The Lord Weird Slough Feg taken after Alehorn of Power II in June 2007, just after I graduated college. I weighed easily 305 lbs. then.


This is me last year I think it was mid-May. I was about 330 lbs.


This was just taken moments ago. I've weighed myself in at 230 lbs, putting my trackable loss at 100 lbs. I've gone from a 46" waist and a 3XL shirt size down to 38" and L. Target weight is 200 lbs.

Just an update of my progress:

A couple weeks after this post, I started doing the P90X lean supplemental regimen and I have 4 1/2 weeks to go on it. I've only lost about 11 lbs. more--my last weigh-in today was 219 lbs.-- but I've definitely built up way more muscle and lost more fat. I'm down to a 36" waist (maybe 34" but I'm not buying more clothes just yet) and I wear size medium shirts now. I'm well on track to my target weight of 200 lbs. but I can see myself getting down to 190 or 185. I'm still pretty flabby and there's only so much I can blame on loose skin. I won't post new pics until I'm done with this round of P90X. I like the program so much, that I'll probably start it over again after taking a few weeks off!

Edit: on second thought, here's a picture of me from 3 weeks ago at the Bristol Renaissance Faire because it's that badass:


OK here's where I am now:


I finished off my round of P90X almost 2 months ago and I've been slacking a bit on working out this past month since I've been pretty sick (had tonsillitis twice in a 4 week period) but I managed to lose weight, even through the holidays, haha. My target was 200 lbs. and I easily hit that when I weighed myself in last weekend at 194 lbs. I'm down to a size M shirt and 33-34" waist. Other than a bit of gut flab and rapidly diminishing man boobs, I'm perfectly content where I am now. I do want to resume working out, maybe start another round of P90X to get a bit of muscle size. I've changed my lifestyle this much already; I can't stop exercising out now.

And holy shit this picture made me realize how much of my tan I lost. Lousy Chicago winter.


I barely eat sweets any more but I still have the cravings. For me it's a question of willpower and remembering how fat I used to be and what led to it. I don't want to go back to that.

I still allow myself the very occasional treat though.

This is it for me.

Congrats btw gary.


well not really...yet
OK here's where I am now:


I finished off my round of P90X almost 2 months ago and I've been slacking a bit on working out this past month since I've been pretty sick (had tonsillitis twice in a 4 week period) but I managed to lose weight, even through the holidays, haha. My target was 200 lbs. and I easily hit that when I weighed myself in last weekend at 194 lbs. I'm down to a size M shirt and 33-34" waist. Other than a bit of gut flab and rapidly diminishing man boobs, I'm perfectly content where I am now. I do want to resume working out, maybe start another round of P90X to get a bit of muscle size. I've changed my lifestyle this much already; I can't stop exercising out now.

And holy shit this picture made me realize how much of my tan I lost. Lousy Chicago winter.
How did it go for you in terms of extra skin?


OK here's where I am now:


I finished off my round of P90X almost 2 months ago and I've been slacking a bit on working out this past month since I've been pretty sick (had tonsillitis twice in a 4 week period) but I managed to lose weight, even through the holidays, haha. My target was 200 lbs. and I easily hit that when I weighed myself in last weekend at 194 lbs. I'm down to a size M shirt and 33-34" waist. Other than a bit of gut flab and rapidly diminishing man boobs, I'm perfectly content where I am now. I do want to resume working out, maybe start another round of P90X to get a bit of muscle size. I've changed my lifestyle this much already; I can't stop exercising out now.

And holy shit this picture made me realize how much of my tan I lost. Lousy Chicago winter.

Dude goddamn. You must feel amazing after that transformation.


51 days in, I'm down 16kg.
No big changes in body size though. Jeans feel a little baggier, but nothing too noticeable. Still a long way to go.



Sure you can. Behavioral manipulation is easy if you know what you're doing.

First tip would be, don't even buy terrible foods from the grocery store in the first place.

My fiancé and I don't buy junk so we don't mindlessly snack. There's snacks here, but we're not going to binge on a bag of string cheese like you could on a bag of chips ;)

Get your diet down first, worry about exercise later. In the mean time, you can take a brisk walk for 30 minutes a day.

Someone had posted that 23.5 video a couple pages back. it really puts things in perspective. Can you only spend 23.5 hours a day sitting and sleeping, and leave the other .5 for exercise. When you say it like that, it sounds like nothing!
I can't.

Phobophile, wow, i wish i had half of your determination

A thing i did first time loosing weight was with every junk food item i touched i asked to myself do i really need this. Most of the time i would just lay it down and drink a glass of water to fill my stomach and surpress hunger feeling.

And im not sure but people have gotten disconnected with their body and sometimes when your body is thirsty people think its hunger because water is so easy to get by. Atleast that is what a buddy told me and he had it on the internet.

And also im thinking of going back to intermediate fasting helped me the first time to loose weight. And with school days it easy to forget to eat in the daytime.


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
How did it go for you in terms of extra skin?

My weight loss was over the course of like 16 months so the loose skin isn't too bad. My gut's pretty wrinkly, though. So are my upper arms and a bit of my thighs but my thighs are still pretty meaty, and always will be, so it's less noticeable there. My butt is a bit saggy, though. I couldn't care less, though. It's a reminder to me of what used to be in there. Plus I'm hoping putting on a bit more muscle will fill out that skin.


The extra skin issue does concern me. I'm trying to minimise it by going at a reasonable pace (2kg/week), but it's inevitable unfortunately


The extra skin issue does concern me. I'm trying to minimise it by going at a reasonable pace (2kg/week), but it's inevitable unfortunately

2kg/week is a lot, you can get a TON accomplished, relatively quickly at half that. I've been at it for less than a year and have dropped almost 70lbs at a rate of less than 2lbs/week.

Of course it really depends on how heavy you are to start, but a good rule of thumb is to not lose more than 1% of your body weight a week.
i know i am such a loser.

Man, I think you really need to adjust your outlook on things. I've seen what you've posted here and you're obviously going through some shit. It might be in your best interest, and the interest of your overall health to talk to somebody about what you're going through.

Now, this is the net and people are gonna give you curt, one line responses to the things you post. That's the be expected, but it doesn't seem like you're doing much to help yourself. Or if you can do much to help yourself.

If you want to talk to someone, you can PM me, but you should seriously look into maybe seeing a professional and try to get some other things in your life going in the right direction. Don't walk towards self destruction on anything if you can help it.
I'm still doing the see-saw. Went back up about 7 pounds because I got sick and the only thing I could stomach was crackers, plain bread, and juice. And it made me feel even shittier. lol

So I went back down to where I was before last week, dropped 7.5 pounds and now I'm stuck there. I hope this passes in the next week or so.


are there any go-to sites to help with food choices and calorie counting on a low-carb diet?

Low-carb diets generally don't involve calorie counting. The basis of the diet is not all calories are created equally and have different effects on your body. What you eat is more important than how much you eat. The foods you eat while low-carb'ing will be high in fat to fuel your body, they will inevitably be high in calories. I know it's hard to believe because the 'calories in vs calorie out' idea has been pushed for the last 30 years, but once you start to see results it will start to make sense.

As for sites, there are tons of them, I can't really think of just one. The most important thing is doing your research and understanding why certain foods are healthy or unhealthy for your body and not relying solely on the nutrition label. It makes food choices and sustaining the diet easier.

edit: Quest Bars have a bunch of new flavors and they don't contain Sucralose, instead they use Stevia and Erythritol. I wonder if they will remove the sucralose in the older flavors. - http://www.questproteinbar.com/ - it seems these news bars are part of their new "All Natural Line", the older bars will remain part of the "Original Line". Glad they went with erythritol, I will try the cinnamon ones once they get stocked on Amazon.


2kg/week is a lot, you can get a TON accomplished, relatively quickly at half that. I've been at it for less than a year and have dropped almost 70lbs at a rate of less than 2lbs/week.

Of course it really depends on how heavy you are to start, but a good rule of thumb is to not lose more than 1% of your body weight a week.

I'm going a bit over that guideline but to be honest I don't have the patience to go any slower. I do want to see results by the summer.

What about low-carbing and low calorie intake?

That's pretty much a traditional calorie constricting diet. Most of your calorific intake comes from carbs (either starches or sugars), so they will be controlled.

That's what I'm doing BTW


Quiet in here...
Going for a hike today, we'll see how it goes. been working out hard all week, gonna take tomorrow off. I'm hoping to be 195 at tomorrow mornings weigh in.

It feels like every time i set a new goal for myself, I get part of the way here and end up lowering it another 5 or 10 lbs. from 210, to 200, to 185, now I'm thinking I may have to go even lower.


Fuck, I hate when posters are exactly the size and weight where I'm at in their Before pic.

Phobophile has ruined my day...or maybe brightened it because that spark of hope is there now that I can do it too.


Unconfirmed Member
Well, I might as well post this. Last year, I moved into my partner's house, moving county in the country (UK) since of parents moving to Egypt. Not knowing the area, I was staying indoors, not doing anything for a few months, and had the worst diet in the world (well, a bit hyperbole but you get what I mean).

I moved to my partners place when I was 19 (6'3) in October 2009. I wasn't working until I got my job in March 2010, and by then I insanely put weight on and become 17 stone (38 waist). This is the bigest state I become below.



After a month in my job, I decided I'll be getting back into shape. I was around 15 stone before, I hardly did extended walking sessions when I had my motorbike for transport. But when it got stolen, it become a brilliant blessing for me. From then onwards, I was starting to walk 1.5 miles each way to work (so 3 miles for 5 days), and then for a few months I went to the gym, doing light workouts.

Here at over 16 stone



I decided to give gym a rest but changed my a diet a lot. I was just drinking water from now on (At work around 2 litres then), in mid 2010. This is what I did up to October 2010 and then I went back to gym again, burning 500 calories for 2-3 sessions a week.

This was me in February 2011, after light sessions, getting to 15.5 stone.



And then I decided that I would go into overdrive, I would spend 4 times a week in the gym (moved to using my works gym, cross trainer and burning 700 calories). This activity started around April.

April 2011 - 15 stone


July 2011 - 14 stone




August 2011 - 13.4 stone



And then in October 2011 - 13 stone



And the final current body weight, from not doing any gym (and not putting any weight on for the past 7 weeks because of my walking and diet) 12.8 stone



I am a bit toned now, at 32 (and under) waist. I will be doing P90X once I've sorted out my house with my partner, just to tone all my body and have it defined. But if I can do it, anyone can. Seriously, I become a glutton, I was on the TV like a hermit, spending insane hours on Lost Odyssey (over 150 hours) and eat pancakes, ice creams, sugar drinks, and become almost obese. I changed that, I put my blood and sweat in the gym and I can burn 1000 calories, doing 6 miles, in 45 minutes. I love doing it and it's amazing when you realise how much will a man can have.


Stumbled upon the thread while lurking. I have been trying to drop some weight as of late. I started around 160 lbs in college but I grew up to around 195 lbs. Currently, I'm around 185 lbs but I could stand to lose some more. My BMI is 25.8 so technically I'm overweight. My ideal would be roughly 160-165 lbs.

So far, I have started working out with running for cardio and weight lifting to help gain muscle. Two problems I know I have:

1. Getting up out of bed to go to gym before work. Hardest part for me hands down. Once there, its all good and I'm ready to sweat.

2. Diet doesn't really exist. I like to eat mostly fish and chicken already. Broccoli is my favorite vegetable already too. I have a weakness for fast food and bread based items. I don't get turned off by eating the same thing everyday but my wife does.

What can I do to accelerate my progress?


Stumbled upon the thread while lurking. I have been trying to drop some weight as of late. I started around 160 lbs in college but I grew up to around 195 lbs. Currently, I'm around 185 lbs but I could stand to lose some more. My BMI is 25.8 so technically I'm overweight. My ideal would be roughly 160-165 lbs.

So far, I have started working out with running for cardio and weight lifting to help gain muscle. Two problems I know I have:

1. Getting up out of bed to go to gym before work. Hardest part for me hands down. Once there, its all good and I'm ready to sweat.

2. Diet doesn't really exist. I like to eat mostly fish and chicken already. Broccoli is my favorite vegetable already too. I have a weakness for fast food and bread based items. I don't get turned off by eating the same thing everyday but my wife does.

What can I do to accelerate my progress?


read the whole site.
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