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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


I ate pizza for the first time in ages yesterday, and I ate a lot of it. This morning I was 3 kg heavier than I was yesterday morning. Gotta love water retention/loss.

The last couple days I have been doing low carb and need to use the bathroom constantly.

I have read that it is sort of common to be frequently urinating but man is it annoying!

Case in point. Your water loss will only last a few days.


I just binned a box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates I got as a gift. I'm a guts and can't control myself around such things, so out it goes. This season is the worst for temptation.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
How tall are you? 130 lbs would be incredibly skinny for me, and I'm 5'8" (~5'9" on a good day).

From his previous posts, I seem to recall Rei is around my height: in the 5'4" - 5'5" area.

I happened to weigh myself at the gym that's in the same building as the bakery where I work (heh, how's that for a pairing of businesses?) and was a little surprised to find that it showed me at 125. Been doing weights and some occasional cardio for months now but even with noticeable definition on my chest and arms, I still look like someone with a pretty high body fat percentage. The scale says I'm going down, but my eyes say I'm not making any progress (especially where it matters most, visually and confidence-wise). Weird and annoying.


Intermittent fasting is paying off, down to 253lbs when I was 255lbs last week. My waist is getting smaller and my muscles are starting to show, finally some striations on my shoulders and veins showing up on my biceps.
At some point I would like to try intermittent fasting just for kicks. I'd try a 23-1 and eat one meal a day. Be interesting to count the calories and see how much low carb food I could pack away in a 1hour window.


At some point I would like to try intermittent fasting just for kicks. I'd try a 23-1 and eat one meal a day. Be interesting to count the calories and see how much low carb food I could pack away in a 1hour window.

23-1 is hardcore, most of the time I have a 4-5 hour window, there were times last week where I went 20+ without food though, purely by accident.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
How tall are you? 130 lbs would be incredibly skinny for me, and I'm 5'8" (~5'9" on a good day).

I'm 5.5 give or take. I think I was around 121 pounds in highschool :). Wasn't extremely skinny, just.. normal, I guess. But I really started to notice the difference during uni years. 'A kilo a year' is a saying here for university students :).
Weighted myself today : 139lbs.
Feels good , my goal being 130; starting from 173.
Next goal : Stop drinking so much alcohol and hit the gym!


Started my weightloss regime a few weeks ago, loosing around 0.5-1 kgs a week
Was 89 when i started, was 85.3 this morning. feels good man.
I can't remember the last time I was 85.

My appetite has gone to shit, i love it. Barely feel the need to eat. It helps that im on 3 month of holidays (start uni again in march) so im at home all day, so don't feel like eating much. Also, not being full after a meal just FEELS SOOO GOOD! Bizzare as all hell.

I've also been working out. Using a fitness game lol. Move Fitness. game's pretty awesome. I'm playing it every day (has become a ritual before i go to bed.) Haven't taken a day off. the calorie burning seems relatively accurate, so burning 300-1000 calories every day due to it. (playing it for 1-3 hours every night)

Actually #1 in the world in one of the exercises. :D, on my way to getting a platinum trophy on it.

My waist is shrinking, feels good, but the more noticible thing, im getting some real muscle in my biceps due to move fitness. all thoes boxing exercises are paying off.
I've been taking pics every week, eventually ill have a before/after to share with you all.
23-1 is hardcore, most of the time I have a 4-5 hour window, there were times last week where I went 20+ without food though, purely by accident.

When i was on IF i also use a 4~5 hours feeding window.
Life is that much easier not eating 6 meals over the day and just stuff your face with the good stuff after 6pm.


Does a 4-5 hours window in IF mean that one eats during a 4-5 hours period and then no food during a 19-20 hours period? Or 4-5 hours between meals?

I've never eaten 5-6 meals a day, always considered it something athletes did really. Norm was 3 times a day for like 20 years of my life and now two with early breakfast and early dinner.


Does a 4-5 hours window in IF mean that one eats during a 4-5 hours period and then no food during a 19-20 hours period? Or 4-5 hours between meals?

I've never eaten 5-6 meals a day, always considered it something athletes did really. Norm was 3 times a day for like 20 years of my life and now two with early breakfast and early dinner.

You eat 4-5 hours then fast. I think the leangains method of 16 fast/8 feed is the way to go. You just basically skip breakfast everyday.


You definitely can do it.

Do it! You will get a lot of support here!

I know, but I'm most worried about two things:

1) I can't really afford to buy anything special for meals, since I'm unemployed. The idea of a bag of chicken breasts sounds awesome, but it's rare we get to buy meat period that isn't lunch meat.

2) having a kid it's hard to go for walks, which is what I'll have to do since I'm grossly obese. Also, I'm on a street with zero lights, so I can't walk after dark when he's sleeping. :/

These are the things that defeat me.

The only way I'll be able to lose weight at first is going to be limiting my calories but honestly, sitting around depressed and unemployed I end up eating quite a bit.
I know, but I'm most worried about two things:

1) I can't really afford to buy anything special for meals, since I'm unemployed. The idea of a bag of chicken breasts sounds awesome, but it's rare we get to buy meat period that isn't lunch meat.

2) having a kid it's hard to go for walks, which is what I'll have to do since I'm grossly obese. Also, I'm on a street with zero lights, so I can't walk after dark when he's sleeping. :/

These are the things that defeat me.

The only way I'll be able to lose weight at first is going to be limiting my calories but honestly, sitting around depressed and unemployed I end up eating quite a bit.

Keep yourself busy, go to the library with your kid and get some books. Don't let yourself get bored.
I know, but I'm most worried about two things:

1) I can't really afford to buy anything special for meals, since I'm unemployed. The idea of a bag of chicken breasts sounds awesome, but it's rare we get to buy meat period that isn't lunch meat.

2) having a kid it's hard to go for walks, which is what I'll have to do since I'm grossly obese. Also, I'm on a street with zero lights, so I can't walk after dark when he's sleeping. :/

These are the things that defeat me.

The only way I'll be able to lose weight at first is going to be limiting my calories but honestly, sitting around depressed and unemployed I end up eating quite a bit.

You don't have to buy tons of meat. Eat eggs, bagged veggies, heads of lettuce with olive oil and balsamic, etc etc. Lots of cheap options.
For those of you deciding to do leangains, remember that isn't a low carb diet. Depending on your goals/status, you still eat carbs just cycle calories and whatnot.


I know, but I'm most worried about two things:

1) I can't really afford to buy anything special for meals, since I'm unemployed. The idea of a bag of chicken breasts sounds awesome, but it's rare we get to buy meat period that isn't lunch meat.

2) having a kid it's hard to go for walks, which is what I'll have to do since I'm grossly obese. Also, I'm on a street with zero lights, so I can't walk after dark when he's sleeping. :/

These are the things that defeat me.

The only way I'll be able to lose weight at first is going to be limiting my calories but honestly, sitting around depressed and unemployed I end up eating quite a bit.

Are you going to finally try low carb? I've seen your posts before and pictures of you and you seem like the perfect candidate. I bet you're pretty damn insulin resistant.

It may seem like it would cost more, but don't forget that you should be eating a lot less (without much hunger). Stick to eggs, cheap (fatty) ground beef, and steamed veggies in olive oil.
Are you going to finally try low carb? I've seen your posts before and pictures of you and you seem like the perfect candidate. I bet you're pretty damn insulin resistant.

It may seem like it would cost more, but don't forget that you should be eating a lot less (without much hunger). Stick to eggs, cheap (fatty) ground beef, and steamed veggies in olive oil.

This man speaks the truth. Low carb, high fat is the way to go for someone who's obese. It curbs hunger the fastest and curtails caloric intake spontaneously.

Avoid bags of chicken breasts; they're overpriced. Go for fattier cuts of meat, which are cheaper. Throw in some organs (liver, kidney, etc) which are even cheaper and extremely nutritious. Buy frozen produce, which is often more nutritious than "fresh" produce that's been sitting out for days. Grab canned sardines or canned wild salmon for the omega-3s and minerals. Cheap and healthy. Two cans a week should do it.

Go for walks every single morning on an empty stomach. Wake up. Take your kid along; let him walk or strap him to your body. Walk for at least half an hour. Come home, eat some stir fried eggs, ground beef, and broccoli. This will be your exercise until the weight starts to come off and your energy levels (spontaneously) improve, but the walking is most effective when done on an empty stomach.

Get some sunlight or take a vitamin D3 supplement - about 4000 IUs worth per day. Don't stay up too late, and try to avoid artificial lights after 8 pm or so (they mess with your circadian rhythm, and bad sleep equals increased body fat). Have candle light dinners with your wife and kid, rather than in front of the TV. Play video games during the day, stick to board games (again, candle light) at night.

This may sound hard, but it's your life and your health.
Uggh, holidays again. I'll almost certainly tack on a couple of pounds in the next week.

Luckily, I always manage to kick myself into high-gear once the new year arrives, so I'm not terribly worried. I'll enjoy myself - within reason - and then start 2012 off strong.
what are some good exercises to lose moobs?

and are these good for belly fat?


so if i lift weights with my arm i might lose fat from my legs?

weight training is more about turning fat into muscle. it can definitely help you burn fat but in general, if you want to lose excess fat you need to eat healthy and/or do some cardio. diet being the most important part.
so if i lift weights with my arm i might lose fat from my legs?


Lifting weights = calorie expenditure. And if you don't take in a lot of calories, you will lose fat, regardless of where on the body it is.

There is a certain order where you'll lose fat first. In men, visceral fat (around internal organs) disappears before subcutaneous fat (beneath skin).

And, as some have already pointed out, you cannot 'spot reduce' nor turn fat into muscle.

Ironically, if you do sit-ups and not reduce your caloric intake, there's a chance of increasing your pot belly, because you end up increasing your muscles in the stomach area without losing the fat there.


yes, i worded that poorly, it doesn't 'turn fat into muscle'. I really don't even know what I was trying to say as I contradict myself with the very next sentence.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
what are some good exercises to lose moobs?

and are these good for belly fat?

Moobs grown on men because of increased estrogen production (which is part of why you get obese).

You want to reverse it so that testosterone is dominant, so:

  • Lift HEAVY
  • Get a good night sleep
  • Take Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Zinc (supplement and/or food)
  • Sprint really fast for 6 seconds once in a while
  • Eat broccoli, spinach, and other dark green veggies
  • Eat dietary cholesterol
  • Eat dietary fat, saturated fat, etc.

Aka be a man. ;)


Anyone else have really long arms? Im finding that it's harder to pack mass on my arms and make them appear bigger because someone decided that a person who is 6"1 & not in the NBA needed a 6"7 wingspan. I lift the same weights as other people, sometimes much heavier, yet their arms appear bigger. Im not all about aesthetics, but it's getting kind of annoying to not see the results of hard work.

Someone get me a bone saw :(


At the start of 2010 I was sick of being fat and tired all the time so I started running. I started with C25K and by the end of the year had run a full and 2 half marathons as well as a bunch of 5 and 10K races. I had also lost 60 pounds going from 260 to 200. Starting in January this year I started going to Crossfit 3 to 5 times a week and lost another 30 pounds and am around 170lbs. For 2012 I am going to work on gaining muscle as I am still really weak and getting ready for my next full marathon in July!



I'm trying not to cheat on either Christmas Eve or Christmas. It's really hard for me, because I can't simply bend. If I bend, I break, and then I will binge. It just doesn't seem like the holidays unless I'm eating a bunch of shit with my family.
I'm trying not to cheat on either Christmas Eve or Christmas. It's really hard for me, because I can't simply bend. If I bend, I break, and then I will binge. It just doesn't seem like the holidays unless I'm eating a bunch of shit with my family.

Unfortunately consuming shitty for our health food has been turned into a tradition for many of us. I wonder when this started? I wish I could change things in my own family.
Right this very minute, many baked sweet treats are being prepared in my kitchen.


I'm gonna enjoy a big, fat, unhealthy dinner/dessert tonight. tomorrow as well. I eat 25? meals a week, if 1 or 2 out of the 25 are unhealthy it isn't going to have a huge effect. Sometimes you need to kick back and enjoy being with family and friends. Just remember not to take anything home for left-overs :] It also helps that I'm pretty much out of the weight loss mode and now moving into 'maintenance' mode, I'm sitting at 144lbs @ 5'9". Even still, I lost 2 lbs the week of thanksgiving and a few other cheat days.


I ate almost nothing on Thanksgiving...everything had meat in it. Except for the desserts but...those are desserts.:(


I'm trying not to cheat on either Christmas Eve or Christmas. It's really hard for me, because I can't simply bend. If I bend, I break, and then I will binge. It just doesn't seem like the holidays unless I'm eating a bunch of shit with my family.

I know that feeling. Walk downstairs this morning to get some breakfast. This is my kitchen table.




Guys, it's ok to enjoy the holidays with the family. A few unhealthy, carb-loaded meals isn't going to destroy all the progress you've made. It's ok to cheat once in a while. There's a ton of baking going downstairs and I can't wait to tear it up.

Enjoy the food. Enjoy the sweets. Enjoy the family. :)



Guys, it's ok to enjoy the holidays with the family. A few unhealthy, carb-loaded meals isn't going to destroy all the progress you've made. It's ok to cheat once in a while. There's a ton of baking going downstairs and I can't wait to tear it up.

Enjoy the food. Enjoy the sweets. Enjoy the family. :)

But what about my GAINZ?! I usually plan around having some unhealthy food for a few days either side of major occasions. I try to keep it to a minimum because I know that it is a pretty slippery slope though. So while I will indulge, I cannot allow myself to think that its ok.


I don't know if it matters but I skipped breakfast today and ate a small lunch so I can pig out on dinner. In other words, I would like to use my remaining calories tonight. If I gain weight I hope is not more than one kilo.

Guys, it's ok to enjoy the holidays with the family. A few unhealthy, carb-loaded meals isn't going to destroy all the progress you've made. It's ok to cheat once in a while. There's a ton of baking going downstairs and I can't wait to tear it up.

Enjoy the food. Enjoy the sweets. Enjoy the family. :)

Oh yeah, I'll be enjoying holiday feasting. Just won't be eating sugar and such. Bacon and eggs for breakfast, then It's turkey time! Wife makes a whipping cream gravy to die for.
Can't wait.
Merry Christmas everyone!


Holy shit. I ate ice cream after 3 months of low carb, the sugar made me feel like shit.. Made me sleepy, dizzy, and just weird in general.


I had veggies, rice, small potato and some tasty desserts. They were delicious although the lasagna my mom made looked too good :(


oh I put in work on dessert. dinner was all seafood and a little pasta, took a bunch of the seafood home. lobster, shrimp, calamari, some other stuff. than i stuffed my face with cookies and pistachio pie. but the craziest thing we had was a peanut butter and jelly pie. it was so god damn heavy and rich, i couldn't even eat one piece, just the look of it turned me off. everyone was raving about it but i was already full at that point. I also had this amazing pumpkin spice filled chocolate. the only downside is I got a small headache. tomorrow is another big as meal, my aunts mac and cheese is straight up legendary, i cant wait.

forget to mention, the crust of the pb&j pie was also made from peanut butter. if you're in NY and want to try it we got it from Big Daddy's :]
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