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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Can't you just bring your own lunch to work? That's what I do. I also occasionally buy pre-cooked grilled chicken from Trader Joe's, just heat it up and eat it. They're great for quick fixes. Any local places around? A deli, italalian? seafood? Even some 711's have a 'fresh food' area.

Can't really force your wife to do something, maybe you can find something she likes better than pasta? or at the very least, eat it less frequent. You can use vegetables instead of pasta, that's generally what I do. Vegetables in garlic butter sauce or melted cheese is delicious. Carrots and hummus is pretty amazing, especially roasted red pepper hummus. I could it eat it every day, and I usually do :]

I can bring whatever to work. I can't leave however as I'm the only one here for 11 hours at a time (small business retail). Other guys bring in fast food to eat all the time and usually something for me. All we have is a microwave and fridge.

We talked about the processed food stuff and sugar and she agreed that we have too much of it in the house and we needed to change it. We are switching to eating that stuff once a week to get rid of it but increase our vegetable/fruit consumption. She loves hummus so she will benefit from it, but I can't stand the stuff.


Will drop pants for Sony.
After looking at the recent photos in the photo thread i think i will be heading back to the gym and make this thread my new best friend. yay weight loss.....


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Anyone looking for a really interesting podcast about nutrition, I'd recommend Latest in Paleo. Even if you don't follow a paleo diet (I don't...something very similar, but not straight paleo) all of the information is extremely useful, presented clearly and the host is always looking for fact based information instead of fads.

I find myself chewing through episodes, constantly interested in what's going on and how I can improve my own dietary habits.


GAF what are some good meals/food items that are low carb and/or high protein and vegetarian? Reading this thread people seem to be subsisting almost wholly off chicken, :lol

I always end up eating so much pasta and rice because my partner is ridiculously underweight, haha.
GAF what are some good meals/food items that are low carb and/or high protein and vegetarian? Reading this thread people seem to be subsisting almost wholly off chicken, :lol

I always end up eating so much pasta and rice because my partner is ridiculously underweight, haha.
Just fucking eat Bacon.
GAF what are some good meals/food items that are low carb and/or high protein and vegetarian? Reading this thread people seem to be subsisting almost wholly off chicken, :lol

I always end up eating so much pasta and rice because my partner is ridiculously underweight, haha.

high protein and vegetarian and low carb? Err, soy? Soy is bad for you though, unless you like moobs. Eggs? It's hard to track what people consider vegetarian these days.
Haven't done a photo in a while so here's one from today. Holding steady at 185lbs:


I think I am pretty happy at this weight. Trying to figure out if I want to stay here or try to lose a few more (180?) before maintaining. I need new clothes and it's tough to buy stuff until you know what your weight is going to be and what sizes you need. I bought some 34 jeans a couple of months ago that I already need a belt to keep up! :p


sigh...I'll try and see if it works,,,

do some research and find a diet that you think you can stick to and maintain in the long run, don't pick a diet just because someone else had success with it. it will make it a lot easier on yourself.

GAF what are some good meals/food items that are low carb and/or high protein and vegetarian? Reading this thread people seem to be subsisting almost wholly off chicken, :lol

I always end up eating so much pasta and rice because my partner is ridiculously underweight, haha.
Eggs, nuts, veggies + dip [cheese, peanut butter, hummus, ect.], avocados, Quest Bars, edamame, snacks made with almond meal instead of wheat, dairy products, uh, that's all I can think of.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Haven't done a photo in a while so here's one from today. Holding steady at 185lbs:


I think I am pretty happy at this weight. Trying to figure out if I want to stay here or try to lose a few more (180?) before maintaining. I need new clothes and it's tough to buy stuff until you know what your weight is going to be and what sizes you need. I bought some 34 jeans a couple of months ago that I already need a belt to keep up! :p

Looking good, Gary! And if your tweets are any indication, you've been 'cheating' quite a bit lately. Nice to see that it hasn't affected your weight too much.
Looking good, Gary! And if your tweets are any indication, you've been 'cheating' quite a bit lately. Nice to see that it hasn't affected your weight too much.
Ugh I had a cupcake and some gelato today that I really shouldn't have. Christmas treat period is officially over! Right after I finish the last of this cherry pie.


I just ordered a large pepperoni pizza. oh man I'm going to feel bad after I eat the whole thing with Pepsi.

You posted an hour before this one that you were gonna try low carb. Not sure if troll...

If you aren't a troll, and you're seriously lacking willpower, you might want to get some moral support. At least identify how much weight you want to lose, and why you want to lose it. You might be able to browbeat yourself into dieting and exercise for a while, but it's a horrible way to make a lasting change in your habits.

Find a positive change you want to make in your life related to weight loss, and focus on that. Don't intentionally eat shit to guilt-trip yourself into doing better.


Being between 175-180 is the sweet spot for me. I like being 185 while wearing clothes including normal water weight and all.

I know this sounds dumb but wearing pants where the waist and height (32x32) are equal makes me feel in equilibrium.


So.. how few calories is too few?

What do you guys eat? I am 6'8 275 and am having trouble getting to 2000 calories. I am just not hungry enough to eat much more. I hit 1500 today and just was not hungry. How few is too few (working out an hour a day).

Im not doing a low carb diet as an fyi.


Will drop pants for Sony.
You posted an hour before this one that you were gonna try low carb. Not sure if troll...

If you aren't a troll, and you're seriously lacking willpower, you might want to get some moral support. At least identify how much weight you want to lose, and why you want to lose it. You might be able to browbeat yourself into dieting and exercise for a while, but it's a horrible way to make a lasting change in your habits.

Find a positive change you want to make in your life related to weight loss, and focus on that. Don't intentionally eat shit to guilt-trip yourself into doing better.

I ended up ordering a grilled chicken salad and French fries and a soda. I know it isn't perfect but least it isn't a whole large pizza. I'm going to try and avoid dunkin donuts tomorrow morning. I'm going to try a much more this time. I know I could have made a baked potato and steamed some broccoli but my mind and stomach wanted something salty. Yeah I do lack so many things even willpower I do not even know how i wake up each morning.

Being between 175-180 is the sweet spot for me. I like being 185 while wearing clothes including normal water weight and all.

I know this sounds dumb but wearing pants where the waist and height (32x32) are equal makes me feel in equilibrium.

Getting down to a 34in would be an accomplishment for me. I've seen myself balloon from a 38in to now over 40in. Congrats on the weight loss.
Okay fellers, I've just not had the motivation to work out with this gloomy, cold weather (plus my new apartment makes it hard to do P90x). I think for now I'm gonna go the lazy way and start watching what I eat again and go low-carb/paleo. I'll treat myself with beer, but I want to cut eating out to save on money and health.

Wish me luck, although I know I can do it. ;)


So.. how few calories is too few?

What do you guys eat? I am 6'8 275 and am having trouble getting to 2000 calories. I am just not hungry enough to eat much more. I hit 1500 today and just was not hungry. How few is too few (working out an hour a day).

Im not doing a low carb diet as an fyi.

1200 for a guy, 1500 for a girl is a pretty general guideline.


So.. how few calories is too few?

What do you guys eat? I am 6'8 275 and am having trouble getting to 2000 calories. I am just not hungry enough to eat much more. I hit 1500 today and just was not hungry. How few is too few (working out an hour a day).

Im not doing a low carb diet as an fyi.

Well, if you are burning more calories than you are consuming then its fine. Unless your stomach starts growling or you are tired, its fine.

How many people here are low carb or have been? I tried it for about two weeks but couldn't sustain. For me it was the simple, burn more calories than you eat.


Haven't done a photo in a while so here's one from today. Holding steady at 185lbs:

I think I am pretty happy at this weight. Trying to figure out if I want to stay here or try to lose a few more (180?) before maintaining. I need new clothes and it's tough to buy stuff until you know what your weight is going to be and what sizes you need. I bought some 34 jeans a couple of months ago that I already need a belt to keep up! :p

I think my ideal weight is 75kg, which is apparently 165lbs. I'm around 78kg atm and 180cm, and not sure how tall you are. that's a good weight though i think.
Well, if you are burning more calories than you are consuming then its fine. Unless your stomach starts growling or you are tired, its fine.

How many people here are low carb or have been? I tried it for about two weeks but couldn't sustain. For me it was the simple, burn more calories than you eat.
Did it for a month when I did P90x last year. When you create an Excel sheet with your nutritional data/plan, the results are TREMENDOUS.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Ready to get back on the weight loss/shape train. Ordered P90X2.

I just need to put together a decently cheap nutrition schedule. I'd like to plan my weekday meals, and have some more interesting healthy stuff on weekends. I'm looking to go from 225 to 195 or so. I am 6' even and don't look big (other than a slightly pudgy face) but I do have a belly, although it doesn't look like it really while I have a shirt on. I can thank my gpa for his body build, all while my younger brother got my dad's shape, and my dad is 53 and in amazing shape and works out 5 days a week. :)
According to BMI I am still (slightly) overweight but I think BMI is a crock. All I really want to do is lose a bit more belly but that's always the most stubborn weight to shift.
According to BMI I am still (slightly) overweight but I think BMI is a crock. All I really want to do is lose a bit more belly but that's always the most stubborn weight to shift.

Everyone's definition of fat is different.
Mine is : Visible abs = not fat. A high standard perhaps.
Loose skin can also affect that, so I wouldn't count that.


relies on auto-aim
Haven't done a photo in a while so here's one from today. Holding steady at 185lbs:

I think I am pretty happy at this weight. Trying to figure out if I want to stay here or try to lose a few more (180?) before maintaining. I need new clothes and it's tough to buy stuff until you know what your weight is going to be and what sizes you need. I bought some 34 jeans a couple of months ago that I already need a belt to keep up! :p
That's great. Remember that for most people you have to stay on top of maintaining your weight as it is easy to regain what you've lost!

You should really post a before pic along side and date them :)


Just fucking eat Bacon.

but i thought bacon made you fat ;_;

high protein and vegetarian and low carb? Err, soy? Soy is bad for you though, unless you like moobs. Eggs? It's hard to track what people consider vegetarian these days.
Eggs, nuts, veggies + dip [cheese, peanut butter, hummus, ect.], avocados, Quest Bars, edamame, snacks made with almond meal instead of wheat, dairy products, uh, that's all I can think of.

Hahaha, I guess moobs aren't a problem for me as I'm a lady. Thanks for the suggestions though guys! It's so hard planning meals as my partner (stupidly underweight as mentioned) has completely different caloric needs to me, doesn't like the same food as I do, and can't cook; and I worry too much about his health to just let him fend for himself as he tends to only eat canned/boxed food when left to his own devices...

Wow, that stuff sounds amazing!

According to BMI I am still (slightly) overweight but I think BMI is a crock. All I really want to do is lose a bit more belly but that's always the most stubborn weight to shift.

Yeah, BMI seems off in my case too. My BMI is like 22, but I have a big pot belly that just keeps getting bigger every year. It's this belly I want to get rid of. (edit: I know you can't spot-lose, etc)
PS, I am envious of your phone skin!


Guys, I was like 185 pounds at my maximum weight last year. Since September, I started doing low carb diet (keto) and started exercising. I'm on week 5 of P90X at the moment and I'm 128lb (167cm).

Now I'm very happy about my weight loss, but I think I lost so much in so little time and I'm afraid that I might gain it all back. People've been telling me that keto dieters can easily gain everything they lost back in a very short time.

My goal is 120lb. How can I maintain that without being on a keto diet for the rest of my life?


Guys, I was like 185 pounds at my maximum weight last year. Since September, I started doing low carb diet (keto) and started exercising. I'm on week 5 of P90X at the moment and I'm 128lb (167cm).

Now I'm very happy about my weight loss, but I think I lost so much in so little time and I'm afraid that I might gain it all back. People've been telling me that keto dieters can easily gain everything they lost back in a very short time.

My goal is 120lb. How can I maintain that without being on a keto diet for the rest of my life?

get your carbs from the right places. Whole fruit and veggies mostly. Add them back in and monitor your weight. It will take some time to see how many carbs you can have without gaining any weight. I went into keto to get over a plateau and I'm now out of it, kept the weight off no problem. I can eat as much as 100g of carbs a day if needed. This allows me to have an occasional treat with no weight gain.


Well, I'll be joining this thread when I come home after holidays. I've always been overweight but never really cared, I still do some sports and never feel tired or the like. But today for the first time ever a XL shirt didn't fit me :( this has killed my self steem like nothing ever did before, never in a million years I would've thought I was gaining so much weight.


Well, the damage from Christmas vacation is 2 lbs gained. I can live with that.

Not too bad, but I didn't go crazy eating massive amounts of unhealthy food while up in NY, either. And typically, I start my Cheat Day on Friday night (it's Pizza Night in my house) through all day Sat., but not tonight. I'm just going to cheat tomorrow for lunch & dinner. And with a 3-day weekend coming up, I'm going to hit the diet hard, plus some moderate exercise on Sunday & Monday.

So.....New Years Resolution, GAF? Whatcha got?

For me, I'm plan to get down to 40 lbs lost (10 lbs more to go), in total, then just keep it off for the rest of the year in maintain-mode.

My goal is 120lb. How can I maintain that without being on a keto diet for the rest of my life?

How tall are you? Please tell me no more than 5' 4"


Will drop pants for Sony.
Well, I'll be joining this thread when I come home after holidays. I've always been overweight but never really cared, I still do some sports and never feel tired or the like. But today for the first time ever a XL shirt didn't fit me :( this has killed my self steem like nothing ever did before, never in a million years I would've thought I was gaining so much weight.

Wait until a XXXL shirt cannot fit, that's where I am right now.

Thinking of ordering the P90X workout dvds. Are they worth it?

Guys, I was like 185 pounds at my maximum weight last year. Since September, I started doing low carb diet (keto) and started exercising. I'm on week 5 of P90X at the moment and I'm 128lb (167cm).

Now I'm very happy about my weight loss, but I think I lost so much in so little time and I'm afraid that I might gain it all back. People've been telling me that keto dieters can easily gain everything they lost back in a very short time.

My goal is 120lb. How can I maintain that without being on a keto diet for the rest of my life?

Think I will order P90X today.


Thinking of ordering the P90X workout dvds. Are they worth it?.

Like with any exercise & diet routine, it's all about commitment. IF you can stick with it, P90X will do great things for you.

I know about 6 people who've done P90X, but only 1 of them made it all the way through. Did great things for my friend who made it. I know how to diet & exercise from years of doing so in HS and college. So P90X has never appealed to me.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Like with any exercise & diet routine, it's all about commitment. IF you can stick with it, P90X will do great things for you.

I know about 6 people who've done P90X, but only 1 of them made it all the way through. Did great things for my friend who made it. I know how to diet & exercise from years of doing so in HS and college. So P90X has never appealed to me.

Thanks. As someone that cannot fit into XXXL shirts and 42in pants I am willing to try this. This might push me more if i decide to stay home from the gym.


Saint Nic
I'm 5'-10" and weigh like 180 lbs. I eat pretty healthy-ish and don't take in a boat load of calories. For just trying to trim a few pounds and become more fit in general, is jogging/stationary bike/elliptical a good idea? If so, are any one of them better than any other? I may get a gym membership so I can start getting rid of a bit of excess body fat before my wedding next December (better to start now I imagine).


I'm 5'-10" and weigh like 180 lbs. I eat pretty healthy-ish and don't take in a boat load of calories. For just trying to trim a few pounds and become more fit in general, is jogging/stationary bike/elliptical a good idea? If so, are any one of them better than any other?

I'd lean more toward the eliptical (it one is available) for its low-impact exercise, but jogging is good as well. Don't go overboard with the cardio, and mix in some simple weight training, like push-ups, sit-ups and zero-weight squats and you'll be surprised how much progress you can make. I do recommend a gym if you can afford it.

As for diet, try to limit your carbs where you can. And in general, just don't over-eat, and drink lots of water.

OG Kush

Thanks. As someone that cannot fit into XXXL shirts and 42in pants I am willing to try this. This might push me more if i decide to stay home from the gym.

Word of advice though, p90x is a strength training program, so don't expect huge fat loss. But it will definately put you in the right state of mind and encourage you even more to change your diet. I absolutely recommend p90x, but a lot of fat loss comes from diet.


Saint Nic
I'd lean more toward the eliptical (it one is available) for its low-impact exercise, but jogging is good as well. Don't go overboard with the cardio, and mix in some simple weight training, like push-ups, sit-ups and zero-weight squats and you'll be surprised how much progress you can make. I do recommend a gym if you can afford it.

As for diet, try to limit your carbs where you can. And in general, just don't over-eat, and drink lots of water.

Elliptical machines are definitely available, and the gym across from the office is really cheap, so I'll probably look into it after the new year. The basic push-ups, sit-ups, and squats you mention are nice because they don't require me to go to a gym. I can do those on days I opt out of going (even if that means weekends or something).

I really should start drinking more water...I guess that's step one. I love Coke Zero so much, haha. But between tea and juice, that should be a step in the right direction I imagine.
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