Well if you're ever in Miami, and want a hook up for free tickets to the movies...
Also sugars in many menu items:lol nice edit. I was about to say, I've never even heard of flour in stir fry until your post, then I looked it up and saw it's used a lot to help brown the meats or something.
Bangs?Well if you're ever in Miami, and want a hook up for free tickets to the movies...
Oh shit!
I remember those pics. Just fantastic work, don't get yourself down about anything.
Funny that so many people's before pics have them with long, disastrous hair. Then when they lose the weight, they cut the hair and look so much better. Probably a sign of just letting themselves go!
Great job man!
Funny that so many people's before pics have them with long, disastrous hair. Then when they lose the weight, they cut the hair and look so much better. Probably a sign of just letting themselves go!
Great job man!
I like my longer hair. To hell with cutting it if I lose weight!
Funny that so many people's before pics have them with long, disastrous hair. Then when they lose the weight, they cut the hair and look so much better. Probably a sign of just letting themselves go!
Great job man!
Oh, haven't updated at all!
Then at ~200lbs
I've lost 70 lbs last year (new year resolution), now at 130 lbs. Lost all the weight I reasonably wanted so now its just muscle tone.
wow, so i did my first workout this morning. i felt so sick afterwards. dizzy, nauseous, the bubbly guts, shaky, cold sweats. they all hit at once just after finishing everything. and all i did was squats (no weights) and pushups. 2 sets of 15 and the last set and i could only manage 10. i had to lay back down for thirty minutes or so. finally vomited and now feeling much better, though i still feel like a big wet noodle. did i over do it for my first time? it doesn't look like much, but it kicked my ass.
wow, so i did my first workout this morning. i felt so sick afterwards. dizzy, nauseous, the bubbly guts, shaky, cold sweats. they all hit at once just after finishing everything. and all i did was squats (no weights) and pushups. tried to do 3 sets of 15, but the last set and i could only manage 10. i had to lay back down for thirty minutes or so. finally vomited and now feeling much better, though i still feel like a big wet noodle. did i over do it for my first time? it doesn't look like much, but it kicked my ass.
Wow! Good job man, did you do this all through dieting?
No, I think it's probably because of your blood sugar taking a dip. I'm going to go ahead and guess that you hadn't eaten anything for awhile ( 2+ hours ) and/or that your last meal was probably a low-carb one. Try eating more carbs before the workout ( at least 1.5 hours before ), preferably from oatmeal, whole wheat bread and the likes; just slow carbs. Take some protein-drink directly after the training session. Also, be sure to stay hydrated.
Did you eat before working out? Are you having enough to eat overall?
No.. no food prior to the workout. I'll be changing that! Overall, yep, im eating enough![]()
So I gained 3 pounds over Christmas. I'm not proud of it and I was such a role before going off the rails during Christmas. (14 pounds lost overall, well 11 if you factor in the weight gain , with a target of losing 26 pounds)
Anyway, a 3 pound gain isn't the end of the world (it totally is.) and I've already started back on my low carb again, but it's going to take a while for the gained 3 pounds to be shed.
Well, you don't need to eat before a workout. In fact, a lot of people encourage going on an empty stomach.
If you do eat though, don't eat or drink sugary things because that does make you nauseous.
Then what should I do about getting sick after working out? Lower my reps? Maybe rest longer between sets? It was such an unpleasant experience. I really don't want to have that happen again.
Ugh, same here. I'll be starting to exercise again tomorrow, since my sleeping schedule has been royally screwed for the past week or two.Count me in on the post-Christmas shame train. I packed on at least five pounds of pure fat over the last week...
Well, you don't need to eat before a workout. In fact, a lot of people encourage going on an empty stomach.
If you do eat though, don't eat or drink sugary things because that does make you nauseous.
Well that's hard to say... usually you wouldn't get sick unless you're doing intensive cardio (which doesn't match what you describe) or you're incredibly obese (which you aren't based on previous posts).
Take it slow and consider getting a physical done with your doctor. Personally, squats are good, but I would find something better to do than push-ups.
Well, after my first sets my heart was racing and had some heavy breathing. Could it be that im just ridiculousy weak? I had a physical a little over a year ago and all was well. It's time for another though. Im just working out at home and not sure what I should be doing . Perhaps I should ask in the fitness thread?
Well, after my first sets my heart was racing and had some heavy breathing. Could it be that im just ridiculousy weak? I had a physical a little over a year ago and all was well. It's time for another though. Im just working out at home and not sure what I should be doing . Perhaps I should ask in the fitness thread?
I've only ever heard of people recommending taking a walk or similar before breakfast. But if your definition of empty equals a non-substantial meal but an ample amount of carbs and supplements, then I guess we're on the same track. I'm no expert in the area though, but I ( like I mentioned in an earlier post ) had hypoglycemia daily for about a week after spending months doing workouts with few or no meals in advance; resulting in being bedridden for most of the time. It doesn't hurt to have that extra energy during the workout as well, especially if the goal is, in part, to preserve some muscle mass during a diet and even build some.
But then again, everyone is different so the best thing to do is just try out and see what works and what doesn't.
Last year I was regularly doing hour-long boot camp workouts at the break of dawn with an empty stomach, and I never had any issues. The people who did have issues were usually the ones who snacked on something before coming. I only stopped doing it because of the horrible heat wave/drought we had and trying to get it to work with my new work schedule.
On the other hand, when I was on the high school swim team, we always had our practices immediately after lunch (couldn't do anything about the scheduling).
I'm happy with my progress so far, lost nearly 20lbs in a month!
However, is it possible that me being on a low-carb diet is making me weaker, are my muscles shrinking? Or is it the lack of carbs that just generally make me feel that way?
I've not really exercised since I started low-carbing, I've been quite happy with the rate I've been losingI've started doing HIIT on the treadmill, 45 seconds maximum intensity, 30 seconds medium-low. Hopefully this'll increase my muscle power in my legs.
I'm happy with my progress so far, lost nearly 20lbs in a month!
However, is it possible that me being on a low-carb diet is making me weaker, are my muscles shrinking? Or is it the lack of carbs that just generally make me feel that way?
I've not really exercised since I started low-carbing, I've been quite happy with the rate I've been losingI've started doing HIIT on the treadmill, 45 seconds maximum intensity, 30 seconds medium-low. Hopefully this'll increase my muscle power in my legs.
Wow, that sounds painful, especially combined with a heat wave.
Then again, I guess it's really individual and that it depends on exactly what kind of exercises you are doing. Snacking on something before training is a big no no though, unless it consists of slow carbs or supplements that adds to the effectiveness or the workout.
I wasn't saying the long hair made you gain!My weight got really out of control when I grew my hair out, I just let myself go as you say.
I wasn't saying the long hair made you gain!Just that I noticed a trend of people looking clean-cut after losing a lot. Looks much better after!
If you're going to keep up that weight loss per month, you're gonna have to accept some muscle loss, especially combined with the treadmill, depending on how often.
I wouldn't worry about it too much though, because the main goal is getting fit and losing weight, right?
Still, there's no need to rush. I'd say you would be more happy with the end result if you aimed at losing about 1.1-2.2lbs/week since that gives the body time to tighten up any loose skin and burn more fat instead of muscle.
What do you typically eat through out a day?
Can you elaborate?
I know you don't want a blood sugar spike, but that doesn't mean something like a handful of peanuts would be bad. I've never heard that you "shouldn't" eat before you workout before. I know the IF crowd works out on an empty stomach, and people trying to get REALLY cut (like <10% bf cut) say its a good idea. But for a general plan for normal people trying to get healthier and lose weight, I've never heard that eating before a workout is bad.
imma try a <1000 cal diet.
imma try a <1000 cal diet.
imma try a >1000 cal diet.imma try a <1000 cal diet.