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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Lots of stuff

I wouldn't pretend like reading someone's review of a book is the same as reading the book. If you're honestly interested in picking apart the book you should probably read it.

...but considering how you made that post, I'm going to assume you aren't actually interested in reading the book and just want to find reasons not to.


You know what I realised what my major problem was when starting low-carb? Convenience.

Normally the food I used to eat was ready-made and prepared, quite convenient vs having to prepare a whole meal yourself.

I decided to cook everything in batches and freeze it. So chicken, lamb, fish were frozen after cooking them and seasoning them.

All it takes for me is to pop the meat in a microwave oven for a few minutes and prepare salad while the meat is getting cooked.

I basically got over grains and junk food instantly :)

Hope this helps someone!


relies on auto-aim
You know what I realised what my major problem was when starting low-carb? Convenience.

Normally the food I used to eat was ready-made and prepared, quite convenient vs having to prepare a whole meal yourself.

I decided to cook everything in batches and freeze it. So chicken, lamb, fish were frozen after cooking them and seasoning them.

All it takes for me is to pop the meat in a microwave oven for a few minutes and prepare salad while the meat is getting cooked.

I basically got over grains and junk food instantly :)

Hope this helps someone!
The way I got about this is having snack foods.
Snack cheese, deli meat, pickles, nuts, etc.

Works for me since I have a large breakfast I snack my way through lunch and prepare a dinner.

Could you go over cooking and unfreezing your chicken? Doesn't it take just about as long to thaw it as it would to cook it?


aka ThreeOneFour
...so I need to lose weight. Exercise is coming, but I need to work on what I eat also. What's a good way to start changing my diet so I can feel healthier?


Could you go over cooking and unfreezing your chicken? Doesn't it take just about as long to thaw it as it would to cook it?

I just get minced chicken, add herbs and make burger patties. I then fry those patties in olive oil. I leave them to cool for a few hours then I stick them in a tupperware container and shove them in the freezer.

Recooking them is simple, just take out the amount of chicken patties required from the freezer, pop them in a microwavable bowl and put the bowl in a microwave. Cook on full power for around 2-3 minutes. Ensure the patty is piping hot. Done.

Simple lol, I've been doing it for a month, much more convenient! I do the same with lamb patties and with fish too :p.

I've not had any food poisoning if you're concerned about that, just make sure that the meat is properly heated.


...so I need to lose weight. Exercise is coming, but I need to work on what I eat also. What's a good way to start changing my diet so I can feel healthier?

Cut out refined sugars/grains from your diet as much as possible. Make some healthier choices at every opportunity you get. Swapping from white bread to a good whole wheat bread (read the ingredients some whole wheat bread is just as bad as white bread), is a good first babystep. The super dedicated remove all bread/pasta from their diet completely.

If you are eating food that your great grandparents would recognize as food, and limiting your bread and pasta intake you should see some results.

I personally recommend counting calories at least for a little while to get an idea of how much food you are actually eating, but that is a highly debated topic lately.

Here's a website with a bunch of articles relating to general weight loss and fitness:


That was the website that got me started. There are lots more that I don't have bookmarked, I'm sure other posters will add some. Perhaps we should see if we can get the op edited to include some links.


That was the website that got me started. There are lots more that I don't have bookmarked, I'm sure other posters will add some. Perhaps we should see if we can get the op edited to include some links.

Well it has been 3 years, we could probably just get someone to make a new thread with some comprehensive information that answers some of the questions that get asked every week.


I'll talk to a mod about it, perhaps we can at least get some good sources of information together so I can have an idea what we'd want to add.

What does everyone else think about this? or should we just make an OT?


I'll talk to a mod about it, perhaps we can at least get some good sources of information together so I can have an idea what we'd want to add.

What does everyone else think about this? or should we just make an OT?

I think someone should just make an OT. Seeing as there are a lot of differing opinions in this thread, it should probably be made by someone willing to include everything or it might as well be a low-carb thread (I think there's already one of those).


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I'll talk to a mod about it, perhaps we can at least get some good sources of information together so I can have an idea what we'd want to add.

What does everyone else think about this? or should we just make an OT?

But then we'd have a nutrition, weight loss and fitness OT! I'm fine either way but I kind of enjoy having a one stop shop.

If someone made a nutrition OP I'd preferably want it to include links or definitions of multiple diet types and their claimed merits or something.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
He is basically admitting that we need to eat more calories than we expend to gain weight. But is arguing for the entire book that the inverse of that statement is not true? While I agree that making poor food choices makes it considerably easier to overeat, I also disagree with someone who says you can eat as much as you want as long as it is "whole foods" and no carbs. The problem I have with that statement is that no matter how well I eat, If I eat carbs (even healthy ones like beans) they can use it as an argument to void the validity of my entire diet if I fail to lose weight, not only that they would say you ate xxx so of course you didn't lose weight, that is ridiculous and makes a diet even harder to adhere to.

No, he's saying that we need to put more into our bodies than goes out of our bodies to increase in size. You can't increase in size without putting in the things that are required to grow bigger. He uses the analogy of a room filling up. Saying the room filled up because more people entered it than left does nothing but state the obvious and says nothing about why more people entered the room than left.

About eating unlimited foods, he says that because no one will physically be able to eat enough of certain foods to actively gain adipose tissue without first feeling too sick to continue eating the stuff.

He conveniently leaves out the fact that more that 80% of construction workers eat absolutely terribly. Every construction job I've had (I've done everything from utility work, to installing fences, and digging foundations for houses) my coworkers and I basically sustained ourselves on things like subs, pizza, and fast food. With most of the other people adding a 6-pack beer on top of that almost daily. I was always pretty active and always overweight. Once I stopped eating so much garbage food, my weight just melted away. To say that they are overweight because they are active is ridiculous.

No, he's saying exactly what you're saying. When you eat garbage, you get fat, and it doesn't really matter how active you are (to an extent). You're just illustrating his point. Poor people have a higher chance of working in manual labor (physical activity) as well as eating a poor diet, and also have higher chance of being overweight. This just shows that physical activity is no replacement for a sound diet.

That statement is technically correct, but made in a disingenuous way. Insulin regulates the storage of energy in the body. This is true, but the body stores energy in muscle as well as fat. Anybody who is trying to build muscle naturally knows that they need to cause insulin spikes at the correct times (right after a workout) to promote muscle gain.

How does this negate anything he said? The statement correct, without conditions. Insulin regulates fat storage. If your insulin levels are up, your body will actively try to store fat and prevent it from being used as an energy source. What does any of this have to do with body building? This book is about weight loss.

Population became poor, was forced to eat refined carbs, they became fat.. This is noteworthy? No one is saying that you should be living of refined carbs.

Actually, plenty of people, including the United States government promote a diet heavy in refined carbohydrates. The fact that grains are not good for you may not be a revelation for you, but there are plenty of people out there who think whole grain breads, pastas, and non-fat crap is the path to weight loss.

I'll continue to eat the occasional sandwich and my oatmeal pancakes and I'll continue to get leaner. Thanks anyways.

Awesome. That's great such a diet works for you. I still think you should give the a book a look instead of dismissing it based on some review and a few choice quotes which I'm not sure you even understood correctly.


I think the idea would be to have a weight loss OT, because this one doesn't have a proper op with resources and the same questions keep coming up over and over. So we'd be replacing this thread with a weight loss OT. In my head it is basically this exact thread, with a better/more informative op.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I think the idea would be to have a weight loss OT, because this one doesn't have a proper op with resources and the same questions keep coming up over and over. So we'd be replacing this thread with a weight loss OT. In my head it is basically this exact thread, with a better/more informative op.

If we did that I'd want someone to try and comb through this thread and link to the progress pictures in here or something...would be sweet to have a Hall of Fame in the OP.


So I've went from 263lbs down to 238lbs since September 1st, but I can't seem to get any lower than that with what time I've got available during the day.

I'm strictly eating 1500-2000 calories, taking a one-a-day vitamin, walking the dog 2-3 miles and walking 2-3 miles on a treadmill every night. Before it got cold here I was riding a bike 4-5 miles, 3-4 days a week also. The bike riding got cut out in late November because of the weather. Could be why I've stalled out. I definitely seem to have hit a plateau. Can't wait for spring so I can get back outside and get back at it.


No, he's saying that we need to put more into our bodies than goes out of our bodies to increase in size. You can't increase in size without putting in the things that are required to grow bigger. He uses the analogy of a room filling up. Saying the room filled up because more people entered it than left does nothing but state the obvious and says nothing about why more people entered the room than left.

Would you then say that in order to decrease in size you need for more to leave your body than enters it? You can't say that you need more to go into it to get bigger and then say that the inverse is not true. Another thought I just had, why would it matter WHY more people entered the room at all? The fact is that more entered than left and the room is now more full. The reason they entered isn't what is being discussed, just the fact they they did.

About eating unlimited foods, he says that because no one will physically be able to eat enough of certain foods to actively gain adipose tissue without first feeling too sick to continue eating the stuff.

Give me a break, I could easily put away pounds and pounds of steak or chicken. I could easily eat a dozen eggs for breakfast, that doesn't mean that that isn't too much to eat. And you specifically stated no-one could do it, so my anecdote is enough to refute your claim.

No, he's saying exactly what you're saying. When you eat garbage, you get fat, and it doesn't really matter how active you are (to an extent). You're just illustrating his point. Poor people have a higher chance of working in manual labor (physical activity) as well as eating a poor diet, and also have higher chance of being overweight. This just shows that physical activity is no replacement for a sound diet.

I agree with the bolded, but that is not what the reviewer said was in the book. It was stated that exercise can inhibit weight loss.

How does this negate anything he said? The statement correct, without conditions. Insulin regulates fat storage. If your insulin levels are up, your body will actively try to store fat and prevent it from being used as an energy source. What does any of this have to do with body building? This book is about weight loss.

He is demonizing insulin. Insulin is not a bad thing, that's like saying testosterone is bad because it causes hair loss. I specifically stated that what he said was true but that he was being morally questionable at best in stating it the way he did.

Actually, plenty of people, including the United States government promote a diet heavy in refined carbohydrates. The fact that grains are not good for you may not be a revelation for you, but there are plenty of people out there who think whole grain breads, pastas, and non-fat crap is the path to weight loss.

True, but that isn't the argument we are currently having.

Awesome. That's great such a diet works for you. I still think you should give the a book a look instead of dismissing it based on some review and a few choice quotes which I'm not sure you even understood correctly.

My response in bolded text above.


So I've went from 263lbs down to 238lbs since September 1st, but I can't seem to get any lower than that with what time I've got available during the day.

I'm strictly eating 1500-2000 calories, taking a one-a-day vitamin, walking the dog 2-3 miles and walking 2-3 miles on a treadmill every night. Before it got cold here I was riding a bike 4-5 miles, 3-4 days a week also. The bike riding got cut out in late November because of the weather. Could be why I've stalled out. I definitely seem to have hit a plateau. Can't wait for spring so I can get back outside and get back at it.

what's your diet like?


If we did that I'd want someone to try and comb through this thread and link to the progress pictures in here or something...would be sweet to have a Hall of Fame in the OP.

I'm willing to do the leg work as long as it is what everyone in the thread wants. I'd also need help compiling information on diets, websites etc. I can comb through the pictures myself in some spare time though,

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
My response in bolded text above.

Would you then say that in order to decrease in size you need for more to leave your body than enters it? You can't say that you need more to go into it to get bigger and then say that the inverse is not true. Another thought I just had, why would it matter WHY more people entered the room at all? The fact is that more entered than left and the room is now more full. The reason they entered isn't what is being discussed, just the fact they they did.

Yes of course the inverse is true, too. That's exactly what Taubes is saying. What's the best method to get the fat to leave? It's not exercise (although that is one method that can help). The best method is to get your insulin in check so that your body can and will use fat as an energy source. People who eat diets heavy in carbohydrate have their insulin actively working against them by not only storing fat, but also preventing the body from using it as fuel. That's before even getting into insulin resistance and diabetes.

The reason you want to know why the people came is so you can figure out how to get them to leave. Sure you can take a bat and start going to town on them (exercise), or you can simply take away the reason they showed up in the first place (constantly elevated blood sugar and high insulin levels).

Give me a break, I could easily put away pounds and pounds of steak or chicken. I could easily eat a dozen eggs for breakfast, that doesn't mean that that isn't too much to eat. And you specifically stated no-one could do it, so my anecdote is enough to refute your claim.

Unless you have a broken satiety mechanism, it would be extremely difficult to actively overeat eggs or steak or chicken (that isn't covered in sauces or seasonings) to the point that you start putting on fat.

This just shows that physical activity is no replacement for a sound diet.

Exactly. This is what Taubes argues. The current fitness industry is bullshit, and while exercise is good for physical health, it can't replace a sound diet.

He is demonizing insulin. Insulin is not a bad thing, that's like saying testosterone is bad because it causes hair loss. I specifically stated that what he said was true but that he was being morally questionable at best in stating it the way he did.

Insulin isn't a bad thing. Constantly elevated blood sugar levels that cause a constant insulin response, and eventually lead to insulin resistance and diabetes are the bad things, and what he is demonizing is the awful modern diet.


Ok, so I've gone through the first 3 pages (300 posts) of this thread and have started compiling usernames, before and after stats, and the img urls.

There are going to be a TON of them. Its super-motivational going through them all, so I think it will still be a great addition to a new thread even though it will be a lengthy one.


Ok, so I've gone through the first 3 pages (300 posts) of this thread and have started compiling usernames, before and after stats, and the img urls.

There are going to be a TON of them. Its super-motivational going through them all, so I think it will still be a great addition to a new thread even though it will be a lengthy one.

It's one thing to refer to posts, but are you really going to repost peoples' pictures in another thread without their consent?

OG Kush

cashews a good snack?

http://www.carb-counter.net/nuts-seeds/1029 decide depending on your diet.
here's a good video on low carb snacks:
The guy has a lot of good videos on his diet as well. But he also doing p90x/exercise. So if your not that active may have to tailor to your needs.

Ah, I had chicken breast or something similar in my head. Thanks.
This guy goes over some of his frozen meet type stuff. I think its in the last quarter of the video, but the whole video is good though.
and at 11 minutes in this:

Sure :)

thanks man!


It's one thing to refer to posts, but are you really going to repost peoples' pictures in another thread without their consent?

I hadn't really thought about it honestly. I'm glad you said something. If we do it its basically going to be a replacement for this thread, and it seemed fitting to commemorate all of the people who made fantastic progress in this thread. What are everyone's opinions?

Simply linking to their post would be so much easier to actually do, but would make actually seeing them a bit frustrating.


I was basically just going to do this for everyone, including what information they had posted.


Before: 265
After: 200



ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I was basically just going to do this for everyone, including what information they had posted.


Before: 265
After: 200


I'd just link to the posts they made. There's going to be a lot of them!
Can anyone recommend any vitamins or supplements to take? I know that you should always go for whole foods whenever possible, but I was wondering if there were some that I should take just in case. Right now I take a multivitamin every morning and a fish oil capsule every night.
Crazy concept: Riding my bike everywhere due to being broke...totally tones the legs. Who knew :eek:

Also, I highly recommend checking out the book "eating clean for dummies"


So I've went from 263lbs down to 238lbs since September 1st, but I can't seem to get any lower than that with what time I've got available during the day.

I'm strictly eating 1500-2000 calories, taking a one-a-day vitamin, walking the dog 2-3 miles and walking 2-3 miles on a treadmill every night. Before it got cold here I was riding a bike 4-5 miles, 3-4 days a week also. The bike riding got cut out in late November because of the weather. Could be why I've stalled out. I definitely seem to have hit a plateau. Can't wait for spring so I can get back outside and get back at it.

why not start running on the treadmill. you'll be able to cover about twice the miles in the same amount of time and burn more calories.


why not start running on the treadmill. you'll be able to cover about twice the miles in the same amount of time and burn more calories.

Gotta be careful about stress on the joints though. An elliptical may be better.


hearing a lot of comments like "woah, dimi. u really lost weight" felt so good today. definitely a good motivation for the next months.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural

What about baked beans?

Pardon my ignorance but what is the difference between baked beans and what hispanics eat? Looking at how we make our beans (sofrito + tomato sauce + pieces of ham) I can't see how it's unhealthy.


Remember my PF Changs story? How I was holding at 174 and after Changs I shot to 180 and figured it was water weight from all the sodium. Well it's almost been a week and still 180...

I know I shouldn't let it get to me but I can't even logically explain it.


Pardon my ignorance but what is the difference between baked beans and what hispanics eat? Looking at how we make our beans (sofrito + tomato sauce + pieces of ham) I can't see how it's unhealthy.

It's more the beans themselves. If you are trying to do a low carb diet, then you want to stay away from most beans definitely (besides maybe something like green beans). Someone else could probably explain it better than I could.


BAck down to 33 lbs lost. So, the Holidays really only slowed/stopped my progress, rather than reversing it. :)

With my new job and it being cold outside, it's been tough getting to the gym and I haven't ran in the mornings in almost 2 weeks (too cold). :( So that means I need to be a little more strict on my diet for now in order to reach my final goal of losing 10 lbs more.

hearing a lot of comments like "woah, dimi. u really lost weight" felt so good today. definitely a good motivation for the next months.

Always good motivation


So, I am slightly confused why people say that meat - mainly red - makes you fat? o_0

I mean, unless you go and have a fuckton, or have it deep fried in lard I don't see how it's bad for you.

I've been on the primal diet for two days, and I told my colleagues about it. The first thing all of them said was : " you are gonna get fat"



So, I am slightly confused why people say that meat - mainly red - makes you fat? o_0

I mean, unless you go and have a fuckton, or have it deep fried in lard I don't see how it's bad for you.

I've been on the primal diet for two days, and I told my colleagues about it. The first thing all of them said was : " you are gonna get fat"


Are these colleagues in shape, or are they fat?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
People that think eating fat means you get fat don't understand how the body actually works. Without being rude, you can safely ignore them :p

If you're eating a lower carb amount than the typical diet (somewhere in the 100-150 range vs. the 300+ range of the everyman) and you're carb consumption is primarily coming from low glycemic sources...your body is going to be using your fat for energy directly instead of just immediately using up whatever high glycemic carbs the rest of the world eats.

If you're flooding your system with carbs, especially high glycemic carbs...your body basically never has a chance to start tapping into your fat stores. The carbs become your energy source, the fat you eat gets stored and hardly used, if at all.

When your body is fat adapted from eating the right foods, you'll burn your body fat for energy instead of immediately burning whatever the latest carb you threw down the hatch.

So...they're right in way. If THEY ate all that meat + all the other crap they ate like bread and cereal and pasta and rice etc...you'd get fat. But since we're not...we don't!

My pictures in this thread alone are proof that it works...not to mention all the other success stories and medical data people present when they go on this kind of a diet.

It works.


Because we've been told for the past 30 years that fat and saturated fat is unhealthy and makes us fat. I can't blame people for believing that it's true even though it can be incredibly frustrating when I tell people how I've managed to drop so much weight and get healthy, yet they act as If I'm lying.

The only way people will believe otherwise is if the government or other big name organizations like the AHA come out and admit they made a mistake all those years ago, but we know that won't happen any time soon.


So, I am slightly confused why people say that meat - mainly red - makes you fat? o_0

I mean, unless you go and have a fuckton, or have it deep fried in lard I don't see how it's bad for you.

I've been on the primal diet for two days, and I told my colleagues about it. The first thing all of them said was : " you are gonna get fat"


The worst part about being low carb is people do think you're crazy, and trying to explain to them why they just don't listen. It's basically trying to tell someone who believes in god that god doesn't exist. They're not going to listen to you. I even sent my dad a bunch of links to read and he still thinks I'm crazy, but he's the one paying out the ass for Medifast meals which probably taste like shit to lose weight and I'm eating good food.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
It's more the beans themselves. If you are trying to do a low carb diet, then you want to stay away from most beans definitely (besides maybe something like green beans). Someone else could probably explain it better than I could.

I found a recipe for curried chick peas, how are those? I love hummus too, is it better than regular beans?


I found a recipe for curried chick peas, how are those? I love hummus too, is it better than regular beans?

I was checking out hummus yesterday and it said 4g carb per serving which is pretty good. I didn't buy any though because I usually just end up eating the entire package in two sittings haha
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