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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Hummus is great because of how slowly it's digested. It's digested so slowly the some people recommend not eating it with meat because it would slow the digestion down even further, due to the fat/protein content of the meat, and possible cause stomach pains. I eat hummus every day. I replaced my chips with veggies + hummus, just picked up the quartet from Trader Joe's yesterday :]


Hummus is great because of how slowly it's digested. It's digested so slowly the some people recommend not eating it with meat because it would slow the digestion down even further, due to the fat/protein content of the meat, and possible cause stomach pains. I eat hummus every day. I replaced my chips with veggies + hummus, just picked up the quartet from Trader Joe's yesterday :]

The last time I bought hummus I just ate it with a spoon :D


What I find ironic is how some low carb evangelists complain about the vilification of fats when they have the same attitude towards carbs.

Can we stop with the "food A is super, food B is evil" nonsense.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
What I find ironic is how some low carb evangelists complain about the vilification of fats when they have the same attitude towards carbs.

Can we stop with the "food A is super, food B is evil" nonsense.

Well to be fair, carbs don't really hold much value other than filling you up. I'm not on any low carb diet, I just try to limit them in general. It's hard when I love pasta so much though.
What I find ironic is how some low carb evangelists complain about the vilification of fats when they have the same attitude towards carbs.

Can we stop with the "food A is super, food B is evil" nonsense.

Carbs are satan and hitler combined.

Down 17.5kgs in week 6, oooh.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
What I find ironic is how some low carb evangelists complain about the vilification of fats when they have the same attitude towards carbs.

Can we stop with the "food A is super, food B is evil" nonsense.

I don't know where to begin with this one...

Why do you think we should treat carbs and fats equally? The impacts each macronutrient has on the body and how they are used are not the same. In order to make that statement I have to believe you're thinking of carbs as 4 calories of energy and fats as 9 calories of energy...but it's just energy at the end of the day.

It's not at all controversial to people who know how the body works to state that the high consumption of high glycemic carbs spikes the insulin which tells your body to stop burning fat and start using these carbs to balance your blood sugar. When in this carb using mode your body stores all the fats for use later...priority number 1 is this flood of carbs that have entered your system.

When you're not consuming heavy amounts of carbs, or only low glycemic carbs from things like vegetables...your body doesn't experience spikes in insulin and you can comfortably stay in the fat burning. If someone is losing substantial weight and they are eating things like bread and pasta and cereal, you can bet your ass they are limiting their calories for the day and likely working out in addition.

Not all carbs are bad carbs. I would never say as much. But to pretend like all carbs are the same or that their effects on the body are the same doesn't make sense to me.

...let me ask this. Would you eat equal parts bread and brocolli and expect them to have the same effect on your body? They're both just carbs after all, so what's the difference?


What I find ironic is how some low carb evangelists complain about the vilification of fats when they have the same attitude towards carbs.

Can we stop with the "food A is super, food B is evil" nonsense.

Well, if we look at the biological facts, when insulin is released in your body, your body will look to store fat as opposed to burn it. As a result, your body will burn more fat the less insulin is present in the body. Carbohydrates are the only macro-nutrient to effect [increase] the release of insulin when eaten.

Now on to the subjective ideas. Many people believe insulin is the primary factory behind the current health predicament - increase in obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, ect. because of the many scientific studies that support this hypothesis.

I don't think I've seen any person or diet demonize carbohydrates as a whole, in fact they encourage them from the right sources. What is demonized is highly refined and simple carbohydrates.






lol bread nor "carbs" make you fat. Its a lot more complicated than people like to think it is.

Depending on who you are, you can eat both of those with no problem. It's all about moderation.

The big issue with "carrbs" as people like to call them, is that they tend to digest quickly while foods with high protein or fat digest slower, so you will tend to eat smaller amounts of the high protein and fat foods. People over eat foods with high amounts of carbs in them because they tend to digest quicker.

If I were to eat the equivalent of 5,000 calories in protein and fat in a day, I would get fat. But it's not very realistic to do. And by fat I mean whole foods, not a bunch of highly processed stuff. Eating the equivalent in a mixed diet is much easier.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
lol bread nor "carbs" make you fat. Its a lot more complicated than people like to think it is.

Depending on who you are, you can eat both of those with no problem. It's all about moderation.

The big issue with "carrbs" as people like to call them, is that they tend to digest quickly while foods with high protein or fat digest slower, so you will tend to eat smaller amounts of the high protein and fat foods. People over eat foods with high amounts of carbs in them because they tend to digest quicker.

If I were to eat the equivalent of 5,000 calories in protein and fat in a day, I would get fat. But it's not very realistic to do. And by fat I mean whole foods, not a bunch of highly processed stuff. Eating the equivalent in a mixed diet is much easier.

Do you disagree at all with what was said above in regards to carbs impact on the body? Because if you don't, there is no other conclusion than "reduce high glycemic carbs and preferably carbs in general for the most ideal way to burn body fat".

Not at all saying removing carbs from your diet completely is something you should do forever, but if you're trying to cut weight than cutting carbs is the best way to do it. Not necessary of course, but still.
It's more the beans themselves. If you are trying to do a low carb diet, then you want to stay away from most beans definitely (besides maybe something like green beans). Someone else could probably explain it better than I could.

Also, baked beans are very different from beans as hispanic people make them. Baked beans have a shitload of sugar in them. This makes them terrible carbs. Boiled pinto beans, on the other hand, are low glycemic carbs, and should be okay. I know that in Tim Ferriss's book, he uses beans as the main carb source. I did it for a while, and while it worked, it's just too damn many beans. I prefer Paleo/Low Carb.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I was just wondering RubxQub, do you have the link to your post with your progress in it?


You'll note that I was doing a "slow carb" diet mentioned there, but I've since switched to a Primal diet...which is LITERALLY no change for me since I was never eating beans like my wife was. The only change to my diet now that I'm eating Primally is that I'm eating more organic foods and grass fed beef. Just higher quality foods, but still the same foods.

...plus it's more fun to say I'm "Primal" than "Slow-Carb" :)

Also switched my fitness regiment to the Primal Fitness as recently as yesterday in place of the P90X routines.

Currently at 182.6 as of this morning, which is crazy considering how much shit I've eating between Thanksgiving and Xmas and New Years. I'm 100% faithful to the diet, but when the social occasion calls for it I don't mind breaking the diet and treating them like extended cheat days. Thanksgiving for me was 1 day of complete shit. Probably 5000 calories+ of nothing but shitty food with a little bit of turkey mixed in. Christmas was probably the same, but for two days. New Years was probably the same, and also for two days.

My weight jumped from 181.8 to 187 back down to 182.6 in the past couple weeks. It's been a fun ride :)

Now that all the holiday nonsense is over I can steadily go back to decreasing again, which seems to be well underway. I'm feeling pretty confident that my weigh-in tomorrow will have me under my previous 181.8 number.
lol bread nor "carbs" make you fat. Its a lot more complicated than people like to think it is.

Depending on who you are, you can eat both of those with no problem. It's all about moderation.

The big issue with "carrbs" as people like to call them, is that they tend to digest quickly while foods with high protein or fat digest slower, so you will tend to eat smaller amounts of the high protein and fat foods. People over eat foods with high amounts of carbs in them because they tend to digest quicker.

If I were to eat the equivalent of 5,000 calories in protein and fat in a day, I would get fat. But it's not very realistic to do. And by fat I mean whole foods, not a bunch of highly processed stuff. Eating the equivalent in a mixed diet is much easier.

No one is advocating eating 5,000 calories in a day. If you eat primarily fat and protein, you will end up eating LESS calories because you are actually FULL. If you eat carbs, it makes you crave more carbs!



You'll note that I was doing a "slow carb" diet mentioned there, but I've since switched to a Primal diet...which is LITERALLY no change for me since I was never eating beans like my wife was. The only change to my diet now that I'm eating Primally is that I'm eating more organic foods and grass fed beef. Just higher quality foods, but still the same foods.

...plus it's more fun to say I'm "Primal" than "Slow-Carb" :)

Also switched my fitness regiment to the Primal Fitness as recently as yesterday in place of the P90X routines.

Currently at 182.6 as of this morning, which is crazy considering how much shit I've eating between Thanksgiving and Xmas and New Years. I'm 100% faithful to the diet, but when the social occasion calls for it I don't mind breaking the diet and treating them like extended cheat days. Thanksgiving for me was 1 day of complete shit. Probably 5000 calories+ of nothing but shitty food with a little bit of turkey mixed in. Christmas was probably the same, but for two days. New Years was probably the same, and also for two days.

My weight jumped from 181.8 to 187 back down to 182.6 in the past couple weeks. It's been a fun ride :)

Now that all the holiday nonsense is over I can steadily go back to decreasing again, which seems to be well underway. I'm feeling pretty confident that my weigh-in tomorrow will have me under my previous 181.8 number.

Thanks for posting that. You look a lot better now, especially in the face. I've always had a baby face and have been overweight since I was about 9 or 10 so I kind of really want to know what mine will look like when I do lose a bunch of weight. What sucks is that I have always felt that I am decently attractive except that I am vastly overweight, but my height does hide it some. Most people assume I'm about 50 pounds less than I really am, which is okay I guess haha


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Thanks for posting that. You look a lot better now, especially in the face. I've always had a baby face and have been overweight since I was about 9 or 10 so I kind of really want to know what mine will look like when I do lose a bunch of weight. What sucks is that I have always felt that I am decently attractive except that I am vastly overweight, but my height does hide it some. Most people assume I'm about 50 pounds less than I really am, which is okay I guess haha

Exactly the same here. The good news is that (for me at least) the face was where the most noticeable changes were taking place. People will know from that alone that you're making great progress.

I'm at a point now where I look really good in clothes, but I know I've got a stomach and love handles that need removing so I've got more work to do! Co-workers think I'm crazy that I've lost over 70 pounds and am still losing more.

My work isn't done until I look amazing in a bathing suit. And I shouldn't even say "my work is done" as much as "my body transformation is done". I'll be eating this way for life and staying fit for life if I have anything to say about it. That I've been able to do this with my wife makes it all the easier to sustain longterm since we motivate each other.

The best part is that it truly just becomes a lifestyle change. I look at all the foods available to me out there and basically just equate most of it to "junk food". Eat the junk if the mood or occasion calls for it...but know that it will set me back a bit.

Will be awesome when you get deeper in the weight loss. Just never lose faith, even when you plateau for some reason. I couldn't crack 200 pounds for literally a few weeks despite being right there. I wanted to see 1xx on the scale so badly and nothing! Once you break through it feels so good.


If you're flooding your system with carbs, especially high glycemic carbs....

When you're not consuming heavy amounts of carbs,

See, this is the point of contention I believe people have with the low-carb evangelists. I don't think I've seen anyone in this thread claim it's ok to eat a ton of carbs, yet you guys seem to use that as the focal point of your argument.

The most that people are saying is that some bread for a sandwich, or some pasta isn't bad for you.

Also, good work there, RQ. It's a huge difference.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
See, this is the point of contention I believe people have with the low-carb evangelists. I don't think I've seen anyone in this thread claim it's ok to eat a ton of carbs, yet you guys seem to use that as the focal point of your argument.

The most that people are saying is that some bread for a sandwich, or some pasta isn't bad for you.

All I'm saying is that it's healthier to not eat that bread or not eat that pasta.

Just because you CAN lose weight while eating a slice of cake everyday doesn't mean it's the best way or a good way. That's all I'm saying.


...and thanks guys :p I'll take another progress picture when I drop below the 180 mark I think. Maybe in a few days?!


Exactly the same here. The good news is that (for me at least) the face was where the most noticeable changes were taking place. People will know from that alone that you're making great progress.

I'm at a point now where I look really good in clothes, but I know I've got a stomach and love handles that need removing so I've got more work to do! Co-workers think I'm crazy that I've lost over 70 pounds and am still losing more.

My work isn't done until I look amazing in a bathing suit. And I shouldn't even say "my work is done" as much as "my body transformation is done". I'll be eating this way for life and staying fit for life if I have anything to say about it. That I've been able to do this with my wife makes it all the easier to sustain longterm since we motivate each other.

The best part is that it truly just becomes a lifestyle change. I look at all the foods available to me out there and basically just equate most of it to "junk food". Eat the junk if the mood or occasion calls for it...but know that it will set me back a bit.

Will be awesome when you get deeper in the weight loss. Just never lose faith, even when you plateau for some reason. I couldn't crack 200 pounds for literally a few weeks despite being right there. I wanted to see 1xx on the scale so badly and nothing! Once you break through it feels so good.

Yeah this will be about the 4th time in 2 years I've started losing weight. In January of 2010 I stopped drinking coke (I have thankfully kept up that habit) and while I never had a scale I'm pretty sure I lost a good 70 or 80 pounds in around 4 to 5 months while dieting. I was close to 320 when I got lazy again. I started again in early 2011 and for about a month I was running every few days and eating healthier, but eventually stopped. Then I finally started doing low carb in August of this year and lost around 20 to 25 pounds in about 3 months, but I waned off it again. My problem is that I find ways to cheat without knowing I'm doing it. I eat stuff that I can eat on the diet, but in large amounts that it becomes unhealthy (peanuts and hummus both come to mind). My problem this year was that after listening to one of the Tested podcasts and hearing Gary go on about how McDonald's chicken nuggets were fairly low carb, I kind of broke. I hadn't eaten at McDonald's in close to 2 years and I started going again. I had weeks where I would go and order 2 Double Quarter pounders and 20 nuggets like 4 times a week. It was insane. I've finally cut all that shit out now though and am looking to finally do it this time. I'm in the right mind set and I'm not going to fail this time.


See, this is the point of contention I believe people have with the low-carb evangelists. I don't think I've seen anyone in this thread claim it's ok to eat a ton of carbs, yet you guys seem to use that as the focal point of your argument.

The most that people are saying is that some bread for a sandwich, or some pasta isn't bad for you.
You have to remember this is a weight loss thread and eating those will slow the weight loss process. I don't think anyone is saying eating a piece of bread or pasta once in a while is going go sabotage your weight loss efforts or is going do any series damage. I think you need to do whatever you need to keep yourself on track. If that involves eating some pasta once in a while, eat it. It's tough to go from a poor diet to an exclusively healthy one over night. A lot of people will recommend the 80/20 rule to start out to ease yourself in. Once you start to see results the extra motivation will kick in and maybe you'll decide you'll want to go all healthy, all the time.

OG Kush

No one is advocating eating 5,000 calories in a day. If you eat primarily fat and protein, you will end up eating LESS calories because you are actually FULL. If you eat carbs, it makes you crave more carbs!

very true. Whenever I see a nice carby meal I always just take a small bite of it (whats a small bite gonna afffect me anyways right? I workout daily aswell so i don't need to be as extreme as some people) but after that bite I just want to keep eating. My mind tells me before that just a littel taste is fine, it'll reduce my cravings... but wrong! man that shits make u wanna eat it even more.
It's more the beans themselves. If you are trying to do a low carb diet, then you want to stay away from most beans definitely (besides maybe something like green beans). Someone else could probably explain it better than I could.

Beans are really good for you and contain a ton of protein, fiber, and vitamins, while very low in fat. They do contain a lot of carbohydrates but they are complex carbs not simple starchy carbs. Someone may know more but I've always read that beans are one of the best and most healthy foods you can eat. Lentils, chick peas, black beans, kidney beans, and so on.
Is carrots high glycemic index that bad? I can't stand eating celery or cucumbers at work, carrots is all I really like to put up with. Is that bad?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Because we've been told for the past 30 years that fat and saturated fat is unhealthy and makes us fat. I can't blame people for believing that it's true even though it can be incredibly frustrating when I tell people how I've managed to drop so much weight and get healthy, yet they act as If I'm lying.

The only way people will believe otherwise is if the government or other big name organizations like the AHA come out and admit they made a mistake all those years ago, but we know that won't happen any time soon.

It all started when dietary fat and cholesterol got incorrectly linked with heart disease. Government agencies started promoting "healthy diets low in fat" to prevent heart disease, and companies started producing garbage low/non-fat products and advertising them as "light" or "healthy" options. People then just associated "healthy" with "helps lose weight", because being fat is the opposite of healthy, right?

See, this is the point of contention I believe people have with the low-carb evangelists. I don't think I've seen anyone in this thread claim it's ok to eat a ton of carbs, yet you guys seem to use that as the focal point of your argument.

The most that people are saying is that some bread for a sandwich, or some pasta isn't bad for you.

Also, good work there, RQ. It's a huge difference.

They are bad for you, though, if your goal is to lose body fat. Is consuming them in small amounts going to make you fat? Probably not, but it's almost certainly going to slow your progress to some degree. Lots of things that are 'bad' for you are not going to have immediately apparent negative results on your body when consumed in moderation.


Carrots have a high glycemic load, meaning you have to eat a lot of them for them to spike your BA. Unless you're eating 3 bags a day you're good to go.

You could also try dipping celery in hummus or peanut butter to make it taste better. But for me, carrots and hummus are my go to veggie snack. You could always eat almonds. I buy the 1.5 tubes of Blue Diamond almonds off Amazon all the time, great for portability and I like knowing exactly how much I'm eating at a time.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I don't think that's true about beans. They are really good for you and contain a ton of protein, fiber, and vitamins, while very low in fat. They do contain a lot of carbohydrates but they are complex carbs not simple starchy carbs. Someone may know more but I've always read that beans are one of the best and most healthy foods you can eat. Lentils, chick peas, black beans, kidney beans, and so on.

There are different schools of thought, but the objection to beans from some people isn't so much that they are pretty full of carbs (low glycemic, but still carbs)...it's more that they really aren't ideal in terms of nutrient profile. The carb to protein ratio is something like 3:1 if memory serves me (for most of them). Eating them basically throws your carb to protein ratio out of whack if you get out of hand with them. You could consume a lot of carbs pretty quickly if beans are a major source of nutrients in your diet.

Even still, they are low glycemic so the impact won't be anywhere near that of other carb heavy foods. Vegetarians love these things because they can provide the protein that they are usually sorely lacking.

Nothing I'd avoid, but something I'd watch. My wife lost her weight despite eating beans daily, so it's not like it's terrible. I think the counter argument is more "there are better alternatives" since they are so carb heavy.

OG Kush

Whats the opinion on cheat days? Do they have a big effect on weight gain? Better to not even have a cheat day? is it actually healthy to have a cheat day to restore glycemic stores or whatever they are?
Beans are really good for you and contain a ton of protein, fiber, and vitamins, while very low in fat. They do contain a lot of carbohydrates but they are complex carbs not simple starchy carbs. Someone may know more but I've always read that beans are one of the best and most healthy foods you can eat. Lentils, chick peas, black beans, kidney beans, and so on.

I think it depends on your dieting paradigm. If you are cutting out most carbs, then you don't want to eat beans. Primal diet doesn't allow them, but the reason escapes me at the moment. Slow-carb diet thrives on beans, since they help to fill you up and don't raise blood sugar. \

Be careful when someone tells you that something is "one of the healthiest foods." This is such an unspecific statement. How do they work with other things? Why are they so healthy? People throw around the word "healthy," and rarely have any actual information to back it up.
Carrots have a high glycemic load, meaning you have to eat a lot of them for them to spike your BA. Unless you're eating 3 bags a day you're good to go.

You could also try dipping celery in hummus or peanut butter to make it taste better. But for me, carrots and hummus are my go to veggie snack. You could always eat almonds. I buy the 1.5 tubes of Blue Diamond almonds off Amazon all the time, great for portability and I like knowing exactly how much I'm eating at a time.

Oh I've got hummus and PB at home but just not easy to bring to work so I prefer carrots. Good to know though, thanks.

Almonds are too damn expensive. In fact all nuts are. Plus they don't fill you up enough.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Whats the opinion on cheat days? Do they have a big effect on weight gain? Better to not even have a cheat day? is it actually healthy to have a cheat day to restore glycemic stores or whatever they are?

My experience with cheat days is that you spike your weight for 1-2 days and then you drop very quickly back to where you were before the cheat day and then continue burning from there.

I'd go from 190 to 195 after a cheat day, then drop to 193 and 191 the next couple days and then be under 190 by the middle of the week.

A good tool for when you're jumping into dieting so you can still eat those foods you crave. My wife still swears by cheat days, whereas I'm at the point now where I'll cheat when the occasion calls for it, but not really otherwise.

Don't even worry about going nuts on cheat days. I'd eat cheese cake, chips, pizza, sandwiches, peanut butter M&Ms...the works. I'd have some fun on the toilet that night and the next morning (my body seems to reject these kinds of foods now) and you'll be kicking again in no time.

Definitely think cheat days are a good tool to use if you're struggling on staying true to the diet. Just make sure to have a specific day when you cheat and keep your cheating confined to just that day if you do it. If you allow yourself to cheat at random, it's pretty easy to start making little concessions all over the place and then falling apart.


i've been slowly weaning myself off of simple carbs to a point where there really aren't much in my diet anymore (if i crave pasta i eat vegetable whole wheat pasta). My biggest hurdle is going to be beer. I brew, go to a lot of brewery meetings, etc that makes it hard to turn down but i think going cold turkey will be easier then trying to just drink 1 when i'm out... which i know will never happen

i thank this thread for alerting me to the tyson grilled chicken (i buy the wegmans version). Its made my life much easier as i dont have a ton of time at home to cook for myself and prepare everything for the next day. It makes work lunches a snap


Oh I've got hummus and PB at home but just not easy to bring to work so I prefer carrots. Good to know though, thanks.

Almonds are too damn expensive. In fact all nuts are. Plus they don't fill you up enough.
Almonds are pretty cheap, it's other nuts that are expensive, macadamias specifically. Pistachio's are also cheap. $21 for 24 packs of 1.5 packs of almonds - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001KVNDM0/?tag=neogaf0e-20 - that should be enough to fill you up.

You could always try Quest Bars, but they might be a little expensive for you at $25 a box. They are very filling though, 18g of fiber/20g of protein.


Almonds are pretty cheap, it's other nuts that are expensive, macadamias specifically. Pistachio's are also cheap. $21 for 24 packs of 1.5 packs of almonds - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001KVNDM0/?tag=neogaf0e-20 - that should be enough to fill you up.

You could always try Quest Bars, but they might be a little expensive for you at $25 a box. They are very filling though, 18g of fiber/20g of protein.

That's the exact kind of thing I need. My issue is always overeating when it comes to nuts, but if they are packaged correctly I could control myself. Also, aren't macadamia's supposed to be the best nuts out there for you?


All nuts have health benefits, I don't know if I would say one is the "best". Macadamias have the highest amount of monounsaturated fats which are generally considered the healthiest of fats. But they're expensive to grow and ship, so they're very expensive. I eat almonds and pistachios regularly because they're delicious [cinnamon roasted almonds specifically]and reasonably priced. I add walnuts to my salads and occasionally snack on them. I'll buy a tub of cashews once in a while, only because they are so damn good It's hard for me to stop eating them. Don't really eat peanuts, I stick to peanut butter.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
$21 for 24 packs of 1.5 packs of almonds - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001KVNDM0/?tag=neogaf0e-20 - that should be enough to fill you up.

That's still pretty expensive (nearly $10/lb) since you're paying for those individual packages. If you've got Trader Joe's locally, they have dry roasted unsalted almonds (and many other nuts) for $5/lb, and for portion control, just put a solid handful into a sandwich bag to bring to work/school.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
i've been slowly weaning myself off of simple carbs to a point where there really aren't much in my diet anymore (if i crave pasta i eat vegetable whole wheat pasta). My biggest hurdle is going to be beer. I brew, go to a lot of brewery meetings, etc that makes it hard to turn down but i think going cold turkey will be easier then trying to just drink 1 when i'm out... which i know will never happen

i thank this thread for alerting me to the tyson grilled chicken (i buy the wegmans version). Its made my life much easier as i dont have a ton of time at home to cook for myself and prepare everything for the next day. It makes work lunches a snap

Beer was definitely the hardest to give up for me. I was drinking like 2 or 3 bottles per night before I decided I wanted to lose weight. I dropped it cold turkey and really only drink one or two on the weekends now.
All nuts have health benefits, I don't know if I would say one is the "best". Macadamias have the highest amount of monounsaturated fats which are generally considered the healthiest of fats. But they're expensive to grow and ship, so they're very expensive. I eat almonds and pistachios regularly because they're delicious [cinnamon roasted almonds specifically]and reasonably priced. I add walnuts to my salads and occasionally snack on them. I'll buy a tub of cashews once in a while, only because they are so damn good It's hard for me to stop eating them. Don't really eat peanuts, I stick to peanut butter.

Some months ago I made a thread about nuts, specifically the Blue Diamond brand roasted nuts that have flavors like cinnamon and this one: http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/2/27263/1540999-blue_diamond_almonds_bold_habanero_bbq_super.jpg and someone said the roasted are not good for you

Are they much worse than plain almonds or about the same? Here are the ingredients for the Habenero (so good):

Ingredients: almonds, vegetable oil (canola, safflower, and/or sunflower), sugar, salt, tomato, molasses powder (cane refinery syrup, molasses), vinegar powder, (maltodextrin, vinegar solids), onion, garlic, natural smoke flavor (contains soybean oil), yeast extract, habanero chile pepper, mustard, malic acid, spices and extractive of paprika.

And the nutrition label here: http://www.bluediamond.com/index.cfm?navid=318


The "Bold" flavors from BD use vegetable oil and since it's the second ingredient after almonds, there's going to be a fair amount of it. Vegetable oils are really bad for your health - http://www.fitbomb.com/2011/05/your-vegetable-oil-is-killing-you.html - Their oven roasted line uses natural ingredients, no vegetable oils, I'd stick with those instead. I get the Dark Chocolate Mint flavored ones at my grocery store from time to time. You can also try Emerald brand, they use artificial sweeteners though, which some people like to avoid. Not me, nothing wrong with a little sucralose.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
My local market sells raw almonds for $5/lb. I just stock up on those.
Some months ago I made a thread about nuts, specifically the Blue Diamond brand roasted nuts that have flavors like cinnamon and this one: http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/2/27263/1540999-blue_diamond_almonds_bold_habanero_bbq_super.jpg and someone said the roasted are not good for you

Are they much worse than plain almonds or about the same? Here are the ingredients for the Habenero (so good):

Ingredients: almonds, vegetable oil (canola, safflower, and/or sunflower), sugar, salt, tomato, molasses powder (cane refinery syrup, molasses), vinegar powder, (maltodextrin, vinegar solids), onion, garlic, natural smoke flavor (contains soybean oil), yeast extract, habanero chile pepper, mustard, malic acid, spices and extractive of paprika.

And the nutrition label here: http://www.bluediamond.com/index.cfm?navid=318

The standard quadruple bypass formula, lol.
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