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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The standard quadruple bypass formula, lol.

It's ridiculous how many products contain canola/sunflower/safflower/corn/soybean oil. The saddest part is that I don't think you can find a salad dressing that doesn't contain at least one of the above. I have to make my own.


My local market sells raw almonds for $5/lb. I just stock up on those.

I love natural almonds but I need me some cinnamon.


These too,

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I love natural almonds but I need me some cinnamon.


These too,

I might have to check out that dark chocolate one for a treat. I'll have to check the ingredients, though. While there may not be any 'added oil', I wouldn't be surprised if soybean oil was included in the chocolate part. I hope not, though.


I might have to check out that dark chocolate one for a treat. I'll have to check the ingredients, though. While there may not be any 'added oil', I wouldn't be surprised if soybean oil was included in the chocolate part. I hope not, though.

From their website:

Ingredients: almonds, sugar, cocoa powder (processed with alkali), corn maltodextrin, natural flavor (dark chocolate), sea salt and rebiana (stevia extract).

Hey guys, have a quick question for any of you.

I'm trying to at least make healthier choices for myself, not terribly concerned with weight loss(yet) and I'm curious if any of the carnivorous among you have attempted to substitute beef with Buffalo/Bison and if you noticed any real results from doing so. Carry on!


Hey guys, have a quick question for any of you.

I'm trying to at least make healthier choices for myself, not terribly concerned with weight loss(yet) and I'm curious if any of the carnivorous among you have attempted to substitute beef with Buffalo/Bison and if you noticed any real results from doing so. Carry on!

There is nothing wrong with eating some beef. Although I have heard rumors of some benefits of eating buffalo (and I don't mean the wings, how do they fly with such small wings anyways?). But they remain mere rumors in my eyes and I have yet to find a decent source of it anyways.
There is nothing wrong with eating some beef. Although I have heard rumors of some benefits of eating buffalo (and I don't mean the wings, how do they fly with such small wings anyways?). But they remain mere rumors in my eyes and I have yet to find a decent source of it anyways.

They're not really rumors. They're fact. http://www.fsis.usda.gov/factsheets/bison_from_farm_to_table/index.asp

Was just curious if anyone has insight from swapping beef for buffalo in their diet. The safeway near me keeps a nice stock of ground buffalo and I'm fairly certain I can request steaks and other things.


Remember my PF Changs story? How I was holding at 174 and after Changs I shot to 180 and figured it was water weight from all the sodium. Well it's almost been a week and still 180...

I know I shouldn't let it get to me but I can't even logically explain it.

Wow so no more Habenero for me. Didn't know that about the oils. You would think that "sunflower" oil wouldn't be that bad for you, see how they get you?

That's the first time I've seen those mint chocolate almonds, they sound delicious and the ingredients are god-tier. Hopefully my grocery has them


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν

Gained and maintained 6 pounds in a day?

Have you been doing heavy lifting at all lately? Inflamed muscles retain a lot of water...but 6 pounds seems a bit excessive. How long we're you at 174 before this visit?


Well since a pound is like 3500 calories maybe you ate like 15000 calories of horrible fat that night. That sounds impossible but with Chinese food it's not lol

your avatar needs to burn in the depths of mount doom lol, i hate that face


Gained and maintained 6 pounds in a day?

Have you been doing heavy lifting at all lately? Inflamed muscles retain a lot of water...but 6 pounds seems a bit excessive. How long we're you at 174 before this visit?

Upped all my lifts by about 10 pounds this past week so I suppose that could be it. I also think I've had a shitty scale.

Fiancé and I bought a digital glass one tonight and it said I was 176. I usually weigh myself In the morning after going to the bathroom so it will be interesting how it compares to the other scale.


So at the beginning of last year I decided to stop being a big fat load and lose weight and get healthier. Started at 165.5kg (365lbs), and a year later I've lost 40kg (88lbs). Gained a couple back after Skyrim, exams and Christmas but I'm back to my routine now. Looking to lose at least another 25.5kg to get down to an even 100kg, at that point I'll see how much more I might need to lose.

I've also been debating with myself whether to stay with Weight Watchers which is the diet I've been on (plus exercise) so far. On one hand I know that it works for me and I've gotten into a good routine. On the other hand I've read a lot about low carb and that it may be a more effective diet. Right now I'm thinking to just stay the course since I know WW works for me and that I can stay on it.

In the end I'm much healthier now than I was when I started. When I started I was morbidly obese and couldn't walk the 15min to school without getting sweaty and (slightly) out of breath, now I weigh almost 40kg less, eating lots of fruits and veggies, lean protein, whole grain carbs and exercising regularly.

Edit: Pics!

Me at the start, 165.5kg

Me around 30kg lost


Do you feel like you could stick with Weight Watchers for the rest of your life? If you think you can and you continue to see results, than stick with it.

I finally found a 'before' picture of myself, it is scary, fuck.


Do you feel like you could stick with Weight Watchers for the rest of your life? If you think you can and you continue to see results, than stick with it.
I do feel like I could. I think it's a good program and I haven't had any problems sticking to it so far. I decided to lose weight to change my whole lifestyle, not just lose weight so I could go back to my shitty old habits that got me overweight in the first place.
Can anyone here vouch for any special vitamins, shakes or other supplements or products that seemed not only healthy but made a big difference in your weight loss?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
First weigh in with glass digital scale: 173. That's more like it.

Nice, man. Scales are such a scary thing when you're trying to meet certain goals.

Mine said I was 182.0 this morning pre-shower with my glasses on, and 181.6 post-shower with my glasses off. I'll go ahead and say that I'm 181.8 right now which matches my lowest weigh in before the holidays kicked off.

Tomorrow should be the day I dip lower than I have before...and maybe if I'm crazy I can register a 180.x?!

Can anyone here vouch for any special vitamins, shakes or other supplements or products that seemed not only healthy but made a big difference in your weight loss?
I'm going to guess that the answers to this question are going to be all over the place. If there was any definitive answer to the question I'm sure we'd see billions of people proclaiming their glory.

I tried taking the PAGG stack recommended by Tim Ferris in the 4-Hour Body book, but I didn't notice any improvements to my weight loss at all or general well-being so I stopped. I tried taking it for about 2 months, 3 times a day.

The one supplement that I think everyone agrees on is Omega-3, generally provided by Fish Oil or Krill Oil being best. Especially important if you aren't eating well to balance out the Omega-6s in your body. If you're eating very clean, this becomes less of a problem unless you're consuming a lot of seeds/nuts since they typically have higher Omega-6 content. Just about everyone should be supplementing with Omega-3 (300-1000mg is good for folks eating clean, much more if you're not).


My God RubxQub, I cant thank you enough for recommending the Primal/ Paleo diet. Only a few days in and I feel so much healthier. I have way more energy now, I don't need to eat more than 2-3 meals, and I have way longer bike rides now because of the protein and the diet overall.

I'm a very strong willed person, therefore I can safely say, that this will be my a life thing. Not a few month fad.

ONLY thing I miss is milk, but I tracked down a place where they sell coconut milk. Will try that tonight.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
My God RubxQub, I cant thank you enough for recommending the Primal/ Paleo diet. Only a few days in and I feel so much healthier. I have way more energy now, I don't need to eat more than 2-3 meals, and I have way longer bike rides now because of the protein and the diet overall.

I'm a very strong willed person, therefore I can safely say, that this will be my a life thing. Not a few month fad.

ONLY thing I miss is milk, but I tracked down a place where they sell coconut milk. Will try that tonight.

Glad it's working out, man. That's awesome.

Milk is something that you can sparingly drink on a Primal diet, but of course not the kind that is widely available everywhere if you want to be strict about it. From MDA:

  1. Raw, fermented, full-fat dairy is probably best.
  2. Raw, high-fat dairy is next.
  3. Then raw milk.
  4. Organic, hormone and antibiotic-free dairy (full fat, of course).
I don't drink milk myself anymore since I really only ever had it with cereal, so not too hard for me. Not sure if I'd have the stomach for the raw varieties anyways since I'm slightly lactose intolerant. Pretty sure consuming that stuff would basically be like chugging a laxative :lol

...but seriously, very glad it's working out for you. I'm with you 100% that eating this way just works, feels good and isn't even hard. I don't think I've enjoyed food this much my whole life. Yesterday I literally said to my wife "I'm looking forward to my lunch salad tomorrow because the straw cut carrots and brocolli taste so good with the organic ranch dressing." What a weirdo!

Also found out that the Costco near me sells chicken sausage that is much better than the variety I was getting at Wegmans. Still not ideal in terms of quality, but the quick and easy convenience of it still makes it my breakfast staple. The ingredients all check out as real foods, but the chicken itself is probably grain-fed since they don't specify otherwise anywhere on the packaging.


All I'm saying is that it's healthier to not eat that bread or not eat that pasta.

Just because you CAN lose weight while eating a slice of cake everyday doesn't mean it's the best way or a good way. That's all I'm saying.

You have to remember this is a weight loss thread and eating those will slow the weight loss process.

They are bad for you, though, if your goal is to lose body fat. Is consuming them in small amounts going to make you fat? Probably not, but it's almost certainly going to slow your progress to some degree. .

'Round and 'round this thread goes. :lol I love this thread.

I don't necessarily agree that a small/moderate amount of carbs from bread and/or pasta will slow the weight loss process. Nor do I agree they are unhealthy foods, either. The jury is still out on these claims you guys continue to state as fact. There are many factors that can contribute to a slowing/stalling of weight loss. The human body is a very complex machine.

To be clear, I very much agree carbs from breads & pastas should be limited in order to lose weight. I just don't agree they are evil incarnate. :)

Whats the opinion on cheat days? Do they have a big effect on weight gain? Better to not even have a cheat day? is it actually healthy to have a cheat day to restore glycemic stores or whatever they are?

Cheat Days are perfectly fine. There's no reason to cut unhealthy foods & drinks you love completely out of your life. A diet isn't supposed to be punishment. You love them, so eat/drink them. Just limit them to one day a week, and you'll be fine.

I've had a Cheat Day ever since getting serious about losing weight, and my progress has been steady. Gives me something, diet-wise, to look forward to every week, too.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
To be clear, I very much agree carbs from breads & pastas should be limited in order to lose weight. I just don't agree they are evil incarnate. :)

I think we're pretty much on the same page there. We're really just arguing degrees of inclusion in the diet, but I'm pretty sure we all agree that limiting those foods is going to benefit your weight loss goals.

Some of us just take it as far as "remove completely" and others take it as far as "reduce". I should probably adjust how I tackle these questions in the future so my "remove completely" bias isn't so strongly presented :p

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
'Round and 'round this thread goes. :lol I love this thread.

I don't necessarily agree that a small/moderate amount of carbs from bread and/or pasta will slow the weight loss process. Nor do I agree they are unhealthy foods, either. The jury is still out on these claims you guys continue to state as fact. There are many factors that can contribute to a slowing/stalling of weight loss. The human body is a very complex machine.

To be clear, I very much agree carbs from breads & pastas should be limited in order to lose weight. I just don't agree they are evil incarnate. :)

By the very nature of what happens to your body after consuming bread or pasta, I think it's safe to say that they will slow your weight loss. Let me clarify that I'm not saying that people should completely avoid them if that's what it takes to continue an otherwise healthy lifestyle. However, breads and pastas are simply not healthy. As RubxQub said, we're talking about degrees of inclusion. I'm generally of the mind that if something should be reduced or 'taken in moderation', then it's probably a better idea to simply eliminate it outside of a rare treat.


My biggest hurdle is going to be beer. I brew, go to a lot of brewery meetings, etc that makes it hard to turn down but i think going cold turkey will be easier then trying to just drink 1 when i'm out... which i know will never happen

You love beer. So drink some beers, dammit. Limit the beers to your Cheat Day, like I do, and you'll be fine.

Again, a diet isn't supposed to be punishment.

Edit: Pics!

Me around 30kg lost

Congrats! :)

I should probably adjust how I tackle these questions in the future so my "remove completely" bias isn't so strongly presented :p

Right. Like I pointed out earlier, you seem to start your arguments from the perspective of people claiming that heavy amounts of carbs are OK, which isn't the case in this thread.

By the very nature of what happens to your body after consuming bread or pasta, I think it's safe to say that they will slow your weight loss.

But a slow/gradual loss of weight isn't necessarily a bad thing, though. Again, there are many factors that can slow the weight loss process, not just diet.

However, breads and pastas are simply not healthy.

And I can point to studies claiming low-carb dieting is unhealthy as well. :)

But yes, we are talking about degress of inclusion here. I believe a small/moderate amount of bread & pasta can have a place in a healthy diet. I also don't agree with the demonization of carbs that regularly happens in this thread.
I don't agree with the absolute annihilation of any dietary element, but I practice HEAVY moderation of things I know to be bad for me and my weight like refined flour and sugar.

I'm going to Philadelphia later this month and there's no way I'm going to deny myself the treat of an authentic Philly Cheesesteak but that's the kind of thing I'd allow myself maybe once a month as a treat AT MOST. I'd be miserable if I thought I could never eat another sandwich or cupcake but the good part of all this is that sandwich or cupcake tastes SO MUCH BETTER when it's a special treat rather than something you gorge on regularly.

But yes, bread does make you fat.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I don't agree with the absolute annihilation of any dietary element, but I practice HEAVY moderation of things I know to be bad for me and my weight like refined flour and sugar.

I'm going to Philadelphia later this month and there's no way I'm going to deny myself the treat of an authentic Philly Cheesesteak but that's the kind of thing I'd allow myself many once a month as a treat AT MOST. I'd be miserable if I thought I could never eat another sandwich or cupcake but the good part of all this is that sandwich or cupcake tastes SO MUCH BETTER when it's a special treat rather than something you gorge on regularly.

But yes, bread does make you fat.

Philly, eh? Anything exciting going on around here or just visiting folks?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Getting a tour of the sets for my movie that starts production next month. Fun! I also want to go see Independence Hall and do touristy things. Any recommendations let me know!

I'm always down on Philly...I feel like there's hardly anything exciting in terms of touristy stuff compared to the likes of NYC or Chicago.

Art Museum steps to pretend you're Rocky is always fun. Geno's/Pat's are the default places to try out a proper cheesesteak. People say there are better ones elsewhere (don't they always), but Geno's and Pat's are the ones everyone talks about.

My favorite thing is actually the comedy scene. Helium Comedy Club has a solid list of people regularly going through there, and Comedy Sportz Philly is right across the street and are always entertaining.

Can't wait to hear your reaction to seeing the Liberty Bell in all it's glory... :p

And good luck on your movie. If you're shooting in Philly I demand you make me an extra!


I don't agree with the absolute annihilation of any dietary element, but I practice HEAVY moderation of things I know to be bad for me and my weight like refined flour and sugar.

I'm going to Philadelphia later this month and there's no way I'm going to deny myself the treat of an authentic Philly Cheesesteak but that's the kind of thing I'd allow myself many once a month as a treat AT MOST. I'd be miserable if I thought I could never eat another sandwich or cupcake but the good part of all this is that sandwich or cupcake tastes SO MUCH BETTER when it's a special treat rather than something you gorge on regularly.

But yes, bread does make you fat.

Actually there was this clip on fuse.tv (I think?) where this guy went one month without any direct sugar/sugars - so no bad stuff of course, but also no fruit or artifcial sweeteners. He bit into an apple at the end of the experiment.

"It tastes like a marshmallow."

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
And I can point to studies claiming low-carb dieting is unhealthy as well. :)

I'm not necessarily advocating low-carb diet, assuming you aren't getting your carbs from grains or sugar.


relies on auto-aim

Actually there was this clip on fuse.tv (I think?) where this guy went one month without any direct sugar/sugars - so no bad stuff of course, but also no fruit or artifcial sweeteners. He bit into an apple at the end of the experiment.

"It tastes like a marshmallow."
Fruit tastes so good. Who knew?


now that things are settled and i'm returning back to my regular diet, i'm thinking of bumping my carb intake from 25-30g a day to somewhere around 50g. i had been losing 1 to 1.5lbs a week prior to the holidays. do you think this increase will allow me to maintain my average loss or will those extra carbs slow things down a bit? maybe shoot for 40g instead of 50g? i'll probably just have to try it and see what happens. just curious if anyone else had any experience doing this.

edit: looking good zam! nice work!


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
now that things are settled and i'm returning back to my regular diet, i'm thinking of bumping my carb intake from 25-30g a day to somewhere around 50g. i had been losing 1 to 1.5lbs a week prior to the holidays. do you think this increase will allow me to maintain my average loss or will those extra carbs slow things down a bit? maybe shoot for 40g instead of 50g? i'll probably just have to try it and see what happens. just curious if anyone else had any experience doing this.

All of those carb levels should leave you in ketosis, so you should hardly notice a change at all if any.

What kind of carbs are you eating, though?

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
If the oil isn't coconut, olive, or palm fruit, avoid it like the plague.

Also, I'm in your territory now, ipuke. I'm Paleo + heavy lifting. I do a calorie surplus on workout days and a calorie deficit on rest days.
Eh...I try to keep my carb intake to under 150g a day every since I low carbed last summer. And my had responded with my lowest body fat percentage ever coupled with an extremely good bp reading.

I eat three times a day. With my breakfast I get oatmeal, banana, and blueberries, and milk. My only other major carb comes with a baked sweet potato. For my final meal I substitute the bp for a nuts of some kind. I think carbs are fine when you hit your goal but they must be complex and limited. In the end it's all about control those insulin spikes, right? That's my two cents anyway.


All of those carb levels should leave you in ketosis, so you should hardly notice a change at all if any.

What kind of carbs are you eating, though?

right now, i'm getting my carbs from eggs, veggies, and whey protein shakes. same when i increase. just wanting to spice things up a bit... salsa and cheese on my eggs, sour cream and butter on my broccoli, ranch with my chicken, maybe a bigger protein shake in the afternoon... i'll still be avoiding breads and such. i'm eating bacon and 4 eggs for breakfast almost daily and i'm still kinda hungry afterwards.. might add another egg or two.

Eh...I try to keep my carb intake to under 150g a day every since I low carbed last summer. And my had responded with my lowest body fat percentage ever coupled with an extremely good bp reading.

I eat three times a day. With my breakfast I get oatmeal, banana, and blueberries, and milk. My only other major carb comes with a baked sweet potato. For my final meal I substitute the bp for a nuts of some kind. I think carbs are fine when you hit your goal but they must be complex and limited. In the end it's all about control those insulin spikes, right? That's my two cents anyway.

yea, when i hit my goal, that's my plan... approx 150g a day. your breakfast sounds delicious! and baked sweet potato....mmm! can't wait! (15lbs to goal).
right now, i'm getting my carbs from eggs, veggies, and whey protein shakes. same when i increase. just wanting to spice things up a bit... salsa and cheese on my eggs, sour cream and butter on my broccoli, ranch with my chicken, maybe a bigger protein shake in the afternoon... i'll still be avoiding breads and such. i'm eating bacon and 4 eggs for breakfast almost daily and i'm still kinda hungry afterwards.. might add another egg or two.

yea, when i hit my goal, that's my plan... approx 150g a day. your breakfast sounds delicious! and baked sweet potato....mmm! can't wait! (15lbs to goal).

Yeah. Here's my breakfast:

1/2 oatmeal with milk, blue berries, and half a banana
1 sausage
three eggs scrambled
full fat four cheese shredded cheese
ground flax if I have it as well

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
If the oil isn't coconut, olive, or palm fruit, avoid it like the plague.

Also, I'm in your territory now, ipuke. I'm Paleo + heavy lifting. I do a calorie surplus on workout days and a calorie deficit on rest days.

No lard, butter, or tallow? I tend to use coconut oil or lard in my cooking.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
Hello weight loss GAF..first time posting in this thread. Me and the wife decided to lose weight this year and we started the HCG diet. Don't know what GAF's opinion on it is but from 12/27 to 1/6 I have lost 14.6 pounds. I am 5'10 and start weight was 281.6 now down to 267. Plan to start posting more here.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Hello weight loss GAF..first time posting in this thread. Me and the wife decided to lose weight this year and we started the HCG diet. Don't know what GAF's opinion on it is but from 12/27 to 1/6 I have lost 14.6 pounds. I am 5'10 and start weight was 281.6 now down to 267. Plan to start posting more here.

Are you using this? http://consumerist.com/2011/01/hcg-diet-products-are-fraudulent-says-fda.html

Not being mean or anything, but you don't need gimmicks like that, Weight Watchers (glorified calorie restriction), and so on.

Eat animals, veggies, some fruit, some nuts, and drink water <---- Weight flies off.


Connoisseur Of Tedium
Are you using this? http://consumerist.com/2011/01/hcg-diet-products-are-fraudulent-says-fda.html

Not being mean or anything, but you don't need gimmicks like that, Weight Watchers (glorified calorie restriction), and so on.

Eat animals, veggies, some fruit, some nuts, and drink water <---- Weight flies off.

Haven't seen that article but have done my research on it and have seen the Dr.Oz segment. Me and the wife are liking the results so we plan to keep with it.
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