cuevas. PhD.
You doing low carb? and how may hours you fasting? i really want to start and from what I've read its basically 16 hours of fasting (drink water though) and then 8 hours of feed time. during the feed time you eat like you normally would and it will make you lose fat fast?
anyone try these? they taste spectacular..
Not an expert, but, 1750 sounds like a bit too little, especially with low cardio.
Go back to cardio and do what was working for you. Fat loss is what you need now at your weight, you aren't some 140lb guy who wants to lose some fat and lifting will help with that. SWEAT.
Also obligatory low-carb post, if you are interested in trying that as an alternative, but it sounds like what you were doing was working well.
Just a note, ankle and wrist weights are generally thought of as bad for your joins--the stress is unnatural. It would be better to use dumbbells.
I don't think I can offer you sound advice. How fast are you losing now?Now, I'm on a 1500 calorie diet. I'm consuming 100-150g of carbs daily, and have been since the start of the diet; more towards the latter if I go to the gym, which is almost daily. When I first started the diet, I was losing 5lbs weekly, but I'm assuming that was water weight. What should my caloric intake be looking like? If I walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes, 5 degree incline, 2.5-2.7 mph, I can burn ~500 calories.
Breakfast buffet at an obesity conference
that's pretty awesome!
I don't think I can offer you sound advice. How fast are you losing now?
Breakfast buffet at an obesity conference
that's pretty awesome!
half the people in this thread are carbophobes.
I don' think many people do keto here. I think the majority of people restrict carbs but not down that low. I've done it before and was not a huge fan. I love fruit and really disliked that weird taste in my mouth that it gave me. I feel great at 50-80g a day. Whatever works for you though, that's what is important.
Sausage bacon and eggs for breakfast, pan-fried cajun salmon with salt-and-pepper cashews for lunch, grass-fed NY strip steak with creamed spinach for dinner. Today was a good food day.
2 Eggs and 2 slices of bacon for my breakfast this morning after comitting carbocide last night... (mum force fed me pasta and garlic bread, my stomach felt terrible all night)
Yeah why does happen? After a week of doing low-carb I then went to dinner at indian restaraunt, real tasty and lots of carbs, potatoes etc. but then after my stomach felt bad and next day i one of those crazy shits. like my body was getting rid of some bad stuff.
Yes it does, I track Fiber and Sugar separately. Check your settings.Do you guys use any online tools for carb counting?
I have myfitness pal but it gives total carbs, not seperating fiber grams.
I was taught the "at least 100 carbs for your brain" in nutrition. :lol
I'd like to think I have a demanding job at times, sometimes working 12 hour days, but I never once felt weak if I only ate 50g of carbs.
Yes it does, I track Fiber and Sugar separately. Check your settings.
I'm usually in the 70-110g carb range. I try to restrict them, but some of my daily foods have a handful of carbs (greek yogurt, some soups). I am at 70 today after lunch, but shouldn't have much for dinner.
I don't think I could do sub 50 easily, but 70-100 seems fine. Although I miss my weekly pasta meal.
It's not uncommon for someone who first starts a ketogenic diet to feel some negative side effects at first like nausea or weakness, but once the body adjusts than it's no big deal at all.
...but that's it. I almost wanted to ask them what they thought about ketogenic diets but I figured that I shouldn't really try and get into it.
In nutrition we leaned keto is really bad for you and it's basically "the body eating itself."
Yeah this was an undergrad course I took a few years back. It was specifically for nurses.
I have a similar issue in that I like having Onions and Tomatoes which are naturally high in carbs/sugars. That drives up my carb count the most of anything I eat. But I mean, Onions are good for ya!
I should pick the brain of my friend and cousin, actually. They are both nutritionists...yet I've never asked either of them about their thoughts on all this stuff.
I'd be worried they'd come back with the textbook answer and it would get awkward, though.
What's wrong with some onions & tomatoes? As long as they're fresh, I don't see any problem with either of them as part of a healthy diet.
I just ate a greek salad with a shit load of feta cheese on it. feels good manFrom the local newspaper's website:
So much stupid. Also, the PCRM is a stealth animal rights group. Shocker.
I can't even imagine what it's like for doctors and scientists that have personally studied and researched the effects that fat has on the body to have to hear those type of things from big publications. It makes me upset I can only imagine how infuriating it is for them.Watching the MSNBC coverage of Paula Deen's announcement that she has type-2 diabetes. Tamryn Hall is surprised since Paula often makes "healthy" dishes like low-fat lasagna. Sigh.
and their bad advice could literally result in killing a person.
You don't think a person who is diabetic or severely obese, eating foods high in sugar and starch could result in death? heart attacks? stroke? I know someone personally who had his leg amputated because of this very reason. I'm not saying a generally healthy person is going to drop dead, but if you're a dietitian or nutritionist, you aren't treating them, you're treating unhealthy people.Literally? Come on.
No-carb is not the only way to live a healthy life.