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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)

I can't even imagine what it's like for doctors and scientists that have personally studied and researched the effects that fat has on the body to have to hear those type of things from big publications. It makes me upset I can only imagine how infuriating it is for them.

Just yesterday I turn on my TV and "Dr. Oz" is on and the show is about obesity, food actions, ect. One of the guests they had was a dietitian and she was essentially spewing that garbage, recommending 'low-fat' yogurt and cookies, whole grain muffins! It's crazy to me because people trust them, listen to them, and their bad advice could literally result in killing a person.
I'm surprised Oz didn't shut that shit down, isn't he on board with low-carb?


Literally? Come on.

No-carb is not the only way to live a healthy life.

I would have to agree with literally. Encouraging unhealthy choices (low fat cookies? really?) is directly lowering their life expectancy. Causing people to eat garbage really isn't all that different then other kinds of slow poisoning, and clearly that would be literally killing people.

And Dr. Oz is anything but a science/study/reality based doctor, he still supports "alternative" medicine which is almost entirely a crock of shit. I'm not surprised at all the his nutrition advice is anything but misinformation, to be kind.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Oz believes in eating lots of fruit and whole grains. I know this from watching his show where Gary Taubes was a guest.

Oh man...how was Taubes received? I can't imagine that going well.


Oz believes in eating lots of fruit and whole grains.

Shouldn't it be eat lots of fruits and veggies, with some occasional whole grains? I know it sounds like I'm just nitpicking here, but when I read lots of fruits and whole grains I see pasta and bread as being staples in peoples diets, and as anti-low carb as I am, I still see that as a no no.
Shouldn't it be eat lots of fruits and veggies, with some occasional whole grains? I know it sounds like I'm just nitpicking here, but when I read lots of fruits and whole grains I see pasta and bread as being staples in peoples diets, and as anti-low carb as I am, I still see that as a no no.

For the number of calories I am trying to eat, I need my fruits/rice/bread/pasta. Even when trying to lose weight, I still will eat a moderate amount but I know how my body will react to them.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Shouldn't it be eat lots of fruits and veggies, with some occasional whole grains? I know it sounds like I'm just nitpicking here, but when I read lots of fruits and whole grains I see pasta and bread as being staples in peoples diets, and as anti-low carb as I am, I still see that as a no no.

Oops, my post wasn't very clear. What I mean to say was that he believes in eating a lot of fruit as well as eating whole grains, two ideas that tend go against the low carb idea (moderate fruit and no whole grains of the gluten variety). Both camps believe in eating lots of veggies so I didn't mention that, just the areas of conflict.
It's come to the point for me that I regard all nutritionists and dietitians as quacks. Nutrition science is full of epidemiology and hypothesizes passed off as facts with very few references towards experimentally controlled studies. Geezus, there was a thread here in OT about processed meats/red meat linked to cancer and it was a Meta-Analysis of 11 observational studies. Some of these observational studies grouped burritos, pizza, corn-dogs, hot-pockets, and deli sandwiches in the same league as steak; thus, using them interchangeably between red meat and processed meat.

Pretty sad the only way you'll get decent nutritional advice is from biochemists.

Hell, I'd rather get nutritional advice from a paleontologist before a dietician. :/
Being sick means I am eating a lot less these 2 days. This was today...


I will probably enter keto if I don't start feeling better lol

My one question is, anybody recommend taking those 1-a-day multi-vitamin tablets?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
if I'm doing 16 hours IF, and I sleep for 12 of those, does it still count?

Yep. You're body doesn't turn off when you sleep!

A 24 hour fast mean literally 24 hours, not a day. So a 24 fast would be like eating dinner one day, and only eating again the next day at dinner time. 24 hours have passed between meals.

36 hour fasts are more the "don't eat for an entire day" fasts. Last meal would be dinner one day, and then breakfast the day after the next would be your next one.

24 hour fasts really aren't that bad, haven't tried a 36 hour one just yet. Tempted to do it just because I know I could if I was busy enough, but it's certainly not necessary or something I'd recommend anyone does often.

One 24 hour fast a week would be a great tool for fat loss if you're restricting carbs or on a ketogenic diet.


Yep. You're body doesn't turn off when you sleep!

A 24 hour fast mean literally 24 hours, not a day. So a 24 fast would be like eating dinner one day, and only eating again the next day at dinner time. 24 hours have passed between meals.

36 hour fasts are more the "don't eat for an entire day" fasts. Last meal would be dinner one day, and then breakfast the day after the next would be your next one.

24 hour fasts really aren't that bad, haven't tried a 36 hour one just yet. Tempted to do it just because I know I could if I was busy enough, but it's certainly not necessary or something I'd recommend anyone does often.

One 24 hour fast a week would be a great tool for fat loss if you're restricting carbs or on a ketogenic diet.
When fasting, say a 24h fast, do you eat a huge meal and then fast and then a huge meal the next day, or do you just eat normal meals with a fast inbetween?

In other news, been trying LCHF for almost a week now and it feels much better than doing WW. Instead of being hungry 2-3h after a meal like I was before, I can go from breakfast for 5-6h before I even start to feel hungry. Also down 43kg now (2 of those kgs are thanks to LCHF).


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
When fasting, say a 24h fast, do you eat a huge meal and then fast and then a huge meal the next day, or do you just eat normal meals with a fast inbetween?

In other news, been trying LCHF for almost a week now and it feels much better than doing WW. Instead of being hungry 2-3h after a meal like I was before, I can go from breakfast for 5-6h before I even start to feel hungry. Also down 43kg now (2 of those kgs are thanks to LCHF).

I don't do anything different when I initiate a fast. Just eat whatever meal I was normally going to eat and then just stop eating. While fasting you can drink water and coffee and tea, just nothing with any nutritional value (calories, really).

My meal immediately after the fast is just another regular meal as well.

As an aside, I'm starting to read a lot about exercising while fasting as being an ideal way to burn fat...which makes sense. Need to figure out how to incorporate that into my regular routines to keep the fat burning down. My "lift heavy things" and sprint days have the same diet as all of my other days. Fasting prior to the workout (I'm thinking a 10-12 hour fast vs. 24 hours since I work out at least 3 days a week) is something I'll have to try.

As it is I seem to be slimming my waist by about a quarter inch a week, so I should be where I want to be in a few more months at that pace.

Can't wait to post pictures when I look awesome :p


Also yeah, the nice thing about converting your body to relying on fat for energy vs. carbs is that you use your fat stores throughout the day to provide energy as needed allowing you to go longer without feeling hungry. When your body uses carbs for it's primary source of energy you are going to be hungry much more often since you'll deplete your supply much more quickly.
Hrm... maybe I'll just keep some jerky on hand. It's nice not having to worry about calories but worrying about keeping my carbs under 100g has been a bit annoying. Calculate my carb intake yesterday by lunch and it was already something like 65g :|
Hrm... maybe I'll just keep some jerky on hand. It's nice not having to worry about calories but worrying about keeping my carbs under 100g has been a bit annoying. Calculate my carb intake yesterday by lunch and it was already something like 65g :|

What are you eating that makes up 65g of your 100g limit by lunch time? :/
What are you eating that makes up 65g of your 100g limit by lunch time? :/

Breakfast was an egg, one sausage, an orange, a banana, small glass of milk.

Lunch was turkey and mushroom sautee, salad with arugula, cucumber, tomato (no dressing, just a bit of salt), some buttered cabbage.

My digital food diary said it was at 65g. I don't really want to cut out the milk. It's whole milk, for one, and I enjoy it. I'm guessing it was the fruit that pushed it that high, but I can't imagine they aren't THAT bad.


Breakfast was an egg, one sausage, an orange, a banana, small glass of milk.

Lunch was turkey and mushroom sautee, salad with arugula, cucumber, tomato (no dressing, just a bit of salt), some buttered cabbage.

My digital food diary said it was at 65g. I don't really want to cut out the milk. It's whole milk, for one, and I enjoy it. I'm guessing it was the fruit that pushed it that high, but I can't imagine they aren't THAT bad.
have you thought about adding more eggs and sausage to your breakfast? 1 of each seems kind of low? does it keep you full? your breakfast is made up from a lot of sugars between the fruit and milk. I would suggest more eggs, sausage, and switching out the orange and banana for berries or pitted fruits. and remember, the fat you eat with the fruit will slow the absorption of the carbs, so get plenty of fat.

edit. i got some macadamia nuts and pecans yesterday. they're both delicious, wish the macs weren't so damn expensive, I would make them part of my regular diet if they weren't. pecans were a little cheaper and will probably pick them up once a week now


So I joined the gym and got myself a personal trainer. Im 5'7 currently weigh 185 - 190 lbs and im trying to go down to like 165 - 170lbs. At first I was trying to achieve this with just straight cardio and calorie counting. So, I limited myself to about 1200 calories a day.

Trainer said thats too few calories if Im going to start training with him. He told me to bring it up to 1800 calories.

So I've been drinking this too help boost myself up to that number of calories.


I know I could just bring it up with him. I just figured I'd post it on here and see what you guys think about it. To me it seems like one of the healthiest meal/post work-out drinks out there. I've had both the Vanilla and the Chocolate, They're both actually very good.

just trying to share anything i think might be helpful.

I drink this mainly as a post workout drink. takes me about an hour and a half to get home. so by then I just eat a light dinner and Im good for the day.


( Yeah, it is a bit of a pricey )
have you thought about adding more eggs and sausage to your breakfast? 1 of each seems kind of low? does it keep you full? your breakfast is made up from a lot of sugars between the fruit and milk. I would suggest more eggs, sausage, and switching out the orange and banana for berries or pitted fruits. and remember, the fat you eat with the fruit will slow the absorption of the carbs, so get plenty of fat

If I eat breakfast at, say, 8 then yeah it'll keep me full to about 12:30-1:00. But now having ate lunch and waiting for dinner I'm starving and I have about 3 more hours to go. If I front load with fat which I'm happy to do by adding an egg (I think I prefer it to the sausage, to be honest), will it stretch out the carbs I get in the fruit for longer throughout the day? Or should I add a mid-day snack of beef jerky instead/in addition?


You should never be starving yourself. If you are hungry than your body is telling you it needs food and energy and you should be eating. I can't say for sure if adding more fat to your breakfast will make you feel fuller throughout the day, it varies by person. I know for me personally it helps, it's just something you need to experiment with. For your lunch there's hardly any fat. Turkey is protein and the veggies are fiber. Try adding olive oil, cheese and/or walnuts to your salad. Olive Oil specifically has a big effect on my satiety, I also really like the way it tastes, either as a salad dressing [mixed with lemon, garlic, pepper] or cooking oil.
I discovered the joys of walnuts in salad just recently, WHERE HAVE THEY BEEN ALL MY LIFE? I think my new perfect salad would be a good Cobb but with walnuts added.

OG Kush

Yep. You're body doesn't turn off when you sleep!

Ah ok, good good.

edit. i got some macadamia nuts and pecans yesterday. they're both delicious, wish the macs weren't so damn expensive, I would make them part of my regular diet if they weren't. pecans were a little cheaper and will probably pick them up once a week now

yeah macadamia nuts are really damn good. Just wish the price was less.


I discovered the joys of walnuts in salad just recently, WHERE HAVE THEY BEEN ALL MY LIFE? I think my new perfect salad would be a good Cobb but with walnuts added.
yep, walnuts are great by themselves, but in a salad they are magical. I try and eat greek salad with a protein and walnuts every day for lunch.

speaking of protein, I got my quest bars the other day, 3 flavors from the new All Natural Line. Chocolate PB, Cinnamon Roll, Coconut Cashew. all of them are great, I was surprised at how good the Coconut Cashew is, I'll be sticking to the natural line from now on, just because I prefer the flavors. being all natural is just an added benefit :]


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
do you guys recommend any good carb trackers for iOS?

If you have to track your calories/carbs, you probably aren't eating the best foods to begin with I'd argue.

...that being said, I've used Lose It! and Tap and Track in the past and both work very well and have fairly large databases.


Literally? Come on.

No-carb is not the only way to live a healthy life.

Reading a book, or two, is clearly better than a college education on the subject.

Down 48.5 pounds in 8 weeks.

Clearly, my body is ready, though I'm not even trying at this stage. Keto forever.

That's...a lot of weight to be losing per week. What was your starting weight?

So I joined the gym and got myself a personal trainer. Im 5'7 currently weigh 185 - 190 lbs and im trying to go down to like 165 - 170lbs. At first I was trying to achieve this with just straight cardio and calorie counting.

Since you have a gym membership, I wouldn't do cardio only. Pump some weights and build up your strength. I do a mix of cardio & weight training at my gym whenever I go (about 3x a week).

And yes, I agree with the bump up to 1800 calories.

I discovered the joys of walnuts in salad just recently, WHERE HAVE THEY BEEN ALL MY LIFE? I think my new perfect salad would be a good Cobb but with walnuts added.

Indeed. I buy this nut mix for salads at my grocery store that has walnuts and pecans (and some other nut I can't remember). SoGood.gif


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Reading a book, or two, is clearly better than a college education on the subject.

You really like to stick it to the low-carb crowd...jeez! I thought we were on the same page that high glycemic carbs are always bad, reducing carbs in general is good for fat loss, and eating carbs isn't going to kill you.
You really like to stick it to the low-carb crowd...jeez! I thought we were on the same page that high glycemic carbs are always bad, reducing carbs in general is good for fat loss, and eating carbs isn't going to kill you.

I'm just saying you don't have to be Keto or eat sub 50g of carbs for the rest of your life to be healthy/live a healthy life.

I would assume that everyone in the thread has this in mind. Makes the most sense to me.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
The results some of you get on low carb are so impressive, but after roughly a year of trying to work with it, I think I have to give up on this and go back to counting calories. It just never gave me worthwhile results because LC is very, very difficult to sustain with my job and school (since both involve the food industry), and I always end up gaining more than I lose... Feels like I've been spinning my wheels since moving to Seattle. The "classic" low fat, low cal plan with regular exercise was a lot more effective for me a few years back, and it's something I always felt in more control of.
I would assume that everyone in the thread has this in mind. Makes the most sense to me.
I kinda came in the middle of a conversation. Bad idea.

The results some of you get on low carb are so impressive, but after roughly a year of trying to work with it, I think I have to give up on this and go back to counting calories..
Please don't.
Put on some muscle that will help whatever.

Also post your diet.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
The results some of you get on low carb are so impressive, but after roughly a year of trying to work with it, I think I have to give up on this and go back to counting calories. It just never gave me worthwhile results because LC is very, very difficult to sustain with my job and school (since both involve the food industry), and I always end up gaining more than I lose... Feels like I've been spinning my wheels since moving to Seattle. The "classic" low fat, low cal plan with regular exercise was a lot more effective for me a few years back, and it's something I always felt in more control of.

What did your normal diet look like when you tried to go low-carb? If it didn't primarily consistent of meat, eggs and vegetables than it's probably next to impossible to do low-carb without introducing all sorts of franken-foods with artificial sweetners and sugar alcohols and whatnot.

I guess I'm personally convinced that it's literally impossible not to lose weight on a low carb diet assuming you're doing it right. That isn't a knock against you as much as it's just a statement that the recipe for success in terms of fat-loss is pretty concrete in my mind.


What did your normal diet look like when you tried to go low-carb? If it didn't primarily consistent of meat, eggs and vegetables than it's probably next to impossible to do low-carb without introducing all sorts of franken-foods with artificial sweetners and sugar alcohols and whatnot.

I guess I'm personally convinced that it's literally impossible not to lose weight on a low carb diet assuming you're doing it right. That isn't a knock against you as much as it's just a statement that the recipe for success in terms of fat-loss is pretty concrete in my mind.
not everyone's body will have the same reaction. some people are naturally more insulin resistant or sensitive, as well as a lot of other factors. I don't think there will ever be a diet that works for everyone. the body is a complex 'machine' and you just need to find whatever works.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
not everyone's body will have the same reaction. some people are naturally more insulin resistant or sensitive, as well as a lot of other factors. I don't think there will ever be a diet that works for everyone. the body is a complex 'machine' and you just need to find whatever works.

That's fair, I shouldn't have made such a broad statement....but I'd still submit that barring some kind of insulin regulatory problem, it's pretty much the best way to get the job done.

Heck, low carb diets literally cure people of type-2 diabetes so insulin resistant people should all be on low to no carb diets.

Cosmic Bus

pristine morning snow
Sorry, my internet went out for a bit because of the weather here. :)

What did your normal diet look like when you tried to go low-carb? If it didn't primarily consistent of meat, eggs and vegetables than it's probably next to impossible to do low-carb without introducing all sorts of franken-foods with artificial sweetners and sugar alcohols and whatnot.

I guess I'm personally convinced that it's literally impossible not to lose weight on a low carb diet assuming you're doing it right. That isn't a knock against you as much as it's just a statement that the recipe for success in terms of fat-loss is pretty concrete in my mind.

My diet was the same type of stuff everyone on LC eats: chicken, pork, beef, eggs, cottage cheese, plain Greek yogurt, berries, almonds, whole vegetables, some cheese and milk, black coffee, water... I'm a cook and a baker, so buying premade or prepackaged foods is generally not something I do in the first place.

Like I said, though, sustaining this diet is where the problems arise. My work and schooling involves a lot of eating, sampling, and testing foods that have carbs, sugar, and grains, so any time I managed to go without carbs for a few days, they were temporarily reintroduced soon enough and it leads to a distinct up-down-up-down pattern rather than the total absence that successful LC requires. It doesn't help that I fucking love carbs and the idea of having to cut those out of my life was making me miserable.

I don't believe in demonizing this stuff the way many of you do, and whether you subscribe to the concept or not, moderation (i.e. watching your diet versus restricting your diet) is an effective, sustainable method of losing weight for plenty of people, myself included. I wanted to give low carb a shot after seeing all the huge losses on here, but it doesn't seem to be well-suited for my lifestyle, not to mention I am not dramatically overweight and those are generally the people that get the best results with it.

Buckethead said:
Please don't.
Put on some muscle that will help whatever.

I have put on muscle and will continue to, but that's not a solution to my issues with LC.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Regardless of your current weight or body composition, assuming you have fat to lose, restricting carb intake is the most important key to losing fat unless you're doing good amounts of cardio and weight lifting.

Now if you kind of HAVE to taste test all that stuff, yeah I can see how that creates quite a problem. Then again you don't have to swallow to taste (ask Guy Fieri who apparently spits out every single thing he tastes on Triple-D).

Not demonizing carbs, just demonizing shitty carbs and excessive carbs. Sugars, breads and grains are bad for you across the board. You can lose fat while eating them, but not in any kind of excess.

If you have to eat them for your job then you're kind of out of luck I guess without change careers or menu!


relies on auto-aim
My diet was the same type of stuff everyone on LC eats: chicken, pork, beef, eggs, cottage cheese, plain Greek yogurt, berries, almonds, whole vegetables, some cheese and milk, black coffee, water... I'm a cook and a baker, so buying premade or prepackaged foods is generally not something I do in the first place.

Like I said, though, sustaining this diet is where the problems arise. My work and schooling involves a lot of eating, sampling, and testing foods that have carbs, sugar, and grains, so any time I managed to go without carbs for a few days, they were temporarily reintroduced soon enough and it leads to a distinct up-down-up-down pattern rather than the total absence that successful LC requires. It doesn't help that I fucking love carbs and the idea of having to cut those out of my life was making me miserable.

I don't believe in demonizing this stuff the way many of you do, and whether you subscribe to the concept or not, moderation (i.e. watching your diet versus restricting your diet) is an effective, sustainable method of losing weight for plenty of people, myself included. I wanted to give low carb a shot after seeing all the huge losses on here, but it doesn't seem to be well-suited for my lifestyle, not to mention I am not dramatically overweight and those are generally the people that get the best results with it.
Then drop it, go with what works, and just keep in mind to not go overboard with pointless carbs. If you are counting and not overeating and low carb is killing your soul then just stop it.
Good on you for giving it a shot though.
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