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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


sparkle this bitch
Regardless of your current weight or body composition, assuming you have fat to lose, restricting carb intake is the most important key to losing fat unless you're doing good amounts of cardio and weight lifting.

Now if you kind of HAVE to taste test all that stuff, yeah I can see how that creates quite a problem. Then again you don't have to swallow to taste (ask Guy Fieri who apparently spits out every single thing he tastes on Triple-D).

Not demonizing carbs, just demonizing shitty carbs and excessive carbs. Sugars, breads and grains are bad for you across the board. You can lose fat while eating them, but not in any kind of excess.

If you have to eat them for your job then you're kind of out of luck I guess without change careers or menu!

So basically if I want to burn the fat off my chest, I shouldn't eat carbs? Stick with Meat, Veggies, dairy, etc. But the occasional wrap for a taco is still okay?


It doesn't help that I fucking love carbs and the idea of having to cut those out of my life was making me miserable.

I'm probably the biggest proponent of a Cheat Day here. Go ahead and eat/drink the stuff you love. Just limit it to one day a week, and you'll be fine. And once you reach your goal, you can ease up on the cheating and do it a little more often. Worst case is that you have to lose some weight again, which you already know how to do (by reaching your goal in the first place).

Now I know your career makes that a bit difficult, but there's no reason to completely cut the food & drinks you love out of your life. A diet isn't supposed to be punishment.


I discovered the joys of walnuts in salad just recently, WHERE HAVE THEY BEEN ALL MY LIFE? I think my new perfect salad would be a good Cobb but with walnuts added.

O man, this place up the street from me has a steak medallion salad, It's basically a salad w/ steaktips and walnuts with some bacon and blue cheese. its the BOMB.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
So basically if I want to burn the fat off my chest, I shouldn't eat carbs? Stick with Meat, Veggies, dairy, etc. But the occasional wrap for a taco is still okay?

Unfortunately you can't spot reduce fat, so your body will decide where it wants the fat to come from. Face, arms and chest typically to come off before stomach, hips and legs however so you'll probably see improvements in your chest relatively quickly.

For the taco, just use a huge ass piece of lettuce instead of a taco shell or make a taco salad instead if you can. If you have to the tortilla isn't going to kill you, but in general it's not at all a good thing to eat.

In my mind if you treat grains like they are sugar (because that's what your body turns them all into directly anyways) than you can decide for yourself how much you should be eating. You're not going to kill your fat loss potential by eating some bread here and there, but you aren't helping. I think that much most people would agree with.


Closing in on 2 weeks of low carb and I feel great! But I have a big big problem, tomorrow night is a good friends birthday and everyone is meeting at a bar for drinks and aps, the eating part I can handle, I will just have a meal before I go and only eat a small amount of low carb appetizers, but my big problem is drinks...all my friends will be drinking and I will find it hard not to partake in the fun. Do I have options here? It won't be the end of the world if I can't have any drinks, but it will be very very hard, my drink of choice is either red wine or vodka water. Please help me guys.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Closing in on 2 weeks of low carb and I feel great! But I have a big big problem, tomorrow night is a good friends birthday and everyone is meeting at a bar for drinks and aps, the eating part I can handle, I will just have a meal before I go and only eat a small amount of low carb appetizers, but my big problem is drinks...all my friends will be drinking and I will find it hard not to partake in the fun. Do I have options here? It won't be the end of the world if I can't have any drinks, but it will be very very hard, my drink of choice is either red wine or vodka water. Please help me guys.

When you're in keto, you can actually burn alcohol without getting knocked out of it, from what I understand. Your body will prioritize the alcohol but it won't reset you. This only holds true for the alcohol itself, not anything else like the carbs in wine and beer, so if you're worried about it, go with the vodka.


Really that's great! Vodka water it is.

Also I have been reading a small amount of stuff on keto, and I haven't come to where it says the proper amount of carbs to eat to keep you in the zone. In the 2 weeks that I have changed my eating to "low carb" I have not had more than 20-25 grams in a day. Is this considered very low? And will this get me in "keto"

Sory in advance if this sounds all so stupid, I'm still learning the ropes.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Really that's great! Vodka water it is.

Also I have been reading a small amount of stuff on keto, and I haven't come to where it says the proper amount of carbs to eat to keep you in the zone. In the 2 weeks that I have changed my eating to "low carb" I have not had more than 20-25 grams in a day. Is this considered very low? And will this get me in "keto"

Sory in advance if this sounds all so stupid, I'm still learning the ropes.

Depends on what you eat and what your body's tolerances are, but the safe zone for staying in ketosis is usually considered to by 20 grams of carbs or less per day (not counting fiber).
Oh god, this sickness is making me reach starvation point, well in terms of calories. Last 3 days has been just 500-600 calories per day and we all know that is not good. But what do you do when you just don't feel hungry?

I hope to start eating better tomorrow, feeling better today for sure.

Anybody hear make a meal plan for the week every Sunday? I think I need to get on that. Also get away from eaten frozen-reheated food for Lunch (even though its low cal, low fat and mid carbs) and pack fresh lunch.


Oh god, this sickness is making me reach starvation point, well in terms of calories. Last 3 days has been just 500-600 calories per day and we all know that is not good. But what do you do when you just don't feel hungry?

I hope to start eating better tomorrow, feeling better today for sure.

Anybody hear make a meal plan for the week every Sunday? I think I need to get on that. Also get away from eaten frozen-reheated food for Lunch (even though its low cal, low fat and mid carbs) and pack fresh lunch.

That is really crazy. You don't feel hungry, how long are you pushing yourself why?

I need to set something for the weekend also, I tend to eat more than I aught to.
That is really crazy. You don't feel hungry, how long are you pushing yourself why?

I need to set something for the weekend also, I tend to eat more than I aught to.

I am not hungry...that's the thing. I have had a cold for past 3 days and it seems to be affecting my appetite.


Alright so I have been lurking around this thread for long enough and I now think it's time for me to become more active; it's a new year and I need to start doing things differently.

So let me start off with a little backstory; I'm 23 years old 6' 3'' and about 335 lbs. Live in Queens, NYC and currently working a bullshit customer service job. I'm the big guy among my friends, not really obnoxiously fat but tall and big (friends call me Big B LOL!). I don't necessarily mind being a big guy either. There are really only a couple reasons why I want to lose weight:

1. Health - I've always felt like a skinny guy in a big guys body. I know I can push myself to do things that I shouldn't be doing at my weight but I do it to prove that I can and in the process hurt/embarrass myself. Sometimes simple things like climbing 2 or 3 flights of stairs has me panting and I know I can go farther than that. I honestly already feel like I am a healthy guy but just out of shape and I really want to be an in shape big man.

2. Clothes - As trivial as this sounds, I want my clothes to fit better on me. I always have a vision of an outfit I'd like to wear when going out but I can almost never find the right clothes in my size and it frustrates me so much. I know I'm a good looking guy and I know how to dress to well everyday if I had too but I just simply can't find the clothes to do so and I just won't shop at Causal Male XL or another store similar to it.

3. And probably the most important reason is this one - Gynecomastia - for those who may not know what this is I would suggest you Google it; short version is man boobs. In my case though it is quite severe, and I'm not just saying that because I am embarrassed and I'm being over zealous in my description, I mean literally breasts on my chest (ha that rhymes). I've had this condition since I was 13 years old so for basically the most important time in a guys life I've had to deal with this. It's probably the worst thing that I have ever had to deal with. Only 'cure' is to have surgery and I want to avoid any chance of it coming back or not being happy with the results.

So there you have it GAF...I need help. I don't really want to go on any type of diet that isn't long term. I am really trying to change my life here. I'm the type of guy that needs details so I would appreciate that instead of the run of the mill 'diet and exercise' post or 'eat right'...what have you done specifically that helped you lose the pounds? How did you stay focused even when you were at work? Any comments, questions or suggestions are much appreciated.


i've gone two weeks without a cheat day. my weight loss was the same as if i did have a cheat meal.. 1-1.5lbs a week. i did bump my carb intake up a little. was aiming for 50g a day but i'm only hitting 30-35g max a few days a week. gonna reintroduce my cheat day this weekend.


I have never done low carb. I look through this thread and the mentality is that low carb=lose weight.

I just burn more calories than I eat and it works...


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Alright so I have been lurking around this thread for long enough and I now think it's time for me to become more active; it's a new year and I need to start doing things differently.

So let me start off with a little backstory; I'm 23 years old 6' 3'' and about 335 lbs. Live in Queens, NYC and currently working a bullshit customer service job. I'm the big guy among my friends, not really obnoxiously fat but tall and big (friends call me Big B LOL!). I don't necessarily mind being a big guy either. There are really only a couple reasons why I want to lose weight:

1. Health - I've always felt like a skinny guy in a big guys body. I know I can push myself to do things that I shouldn't be doing at my weight but I do it to prove that I can and in the process hurt/embarrass myself. Sometimes simple things like climbing 2 or 3 flights of stairs has me panting and I know I can go farther than that. I honestly already feel like I am a healthy guy but just out of shape and I really want to be an in shape big man.

2. Clothes - As trivial as this sounds, I want my clothes to fit better on me. I always have a vision of an outfit I'd like to wear when going out but I can almost never find the right clothes in my size and it frustrates me so much. I know I'm a good looking guy and I know how to dress to well everyday if I had too but I just simply can't find the clothes to do so and I just won't shop at Causal Male XL or another store similar to it.

3. And probably the most important reason is this one - Gynecomastia - for those who may not know what this is I would suggest you Google it; short version is man boobs. In my case though it is quite severe, and I'm not just saying that because I am embarrassed and I'm being over zealous in my description, I mean literally breasts on my chest (ha that rhymes). I've had this condition since I was 13 years old so for basically the most important time in a guys life I've had to deal with this. It's probably the worst thing that I have ever had to deal with. Only 'cure' is to have surgery and I want to avoid any chance of it coming back or not being happy with the results.

So there you have it GAF...I need help. I don't really want to go on any type of diet that isn't long term. I am really trying to change my life here. I'm the type of guy that needs details so I would appreciate that instead of the run of the mill 'diet and exercise' post or 'eat right'...what have you done specifically that helped you lose the pounds? How did you stay focused even when you were at work? Any comments, questions or suggestions are much appreciated.

First things first, be real with yourself. At 6'3 335 lbs you are class III obese. This is very, very unhealthy, and when you lose it all and get to <200 pounds you will look and feel like a completely different person and your quality of life will improve dramatically, now and years down the line. You don't want to have type 2 diabetes, you don't want heart failure, you don't want to be disabled in twenty years and need a motorized wheelchair. Bring that to the front of your mind, accept it, and focus on changing it, because it can be changed 100% for certain and lots of folks here have done it. Sometimes in six months, sometimes in two years, depending on how much effort you put in, but it's doable.

There are many, many ways to improve your body composition. You'll need to figure out what you have the willpower for and what you can stomach in both nutrition and exercise in order to get there.

Make a list of everything you eat and drink in a typical day and your level of activity in a typical day, if possible. We'll look it over and explain what got you to where you are, and what needs to change in order to drop the weight.

In the mean time, I'll tell you this: don't drink anything with calories in it. No soda, no fruit juice, no alcohol, no energy drinks. Drop it all. Go with artificial sweeteners if you must, or water + unsweetened tea + whatever else that works for you as long as it is calorie-free. For most people who get to your size, the sugar waters are a huge part of it, and when you drop it all you will probably lose a bunch of weight from that alone. Sugar and alcohol are metabolized directly into fat, and they mess with your sense of satiety, meaning you're getting a bunch of extra calories AND you're also eating more food than you would otherwise. When you cut out sugar water you may have withdrawal symptoms for a week or two, but you'll adjust. Watch this vid for more info or read the wikipedia entry on fructose: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM

People are typically the most successful with weight loss via a low carb diet. There are many variations. I've done several months of ketosis (staying under about 20 grams of carbs per day, getting plenty of fiber from leafy greens, and otherwise mostly not restricting anything else), I've done low-moderate carbs while staying in a particular calorie/day range and exercising daily. I've done low food reward. I've counted calories. I've not kept track of my macros or my calories but spent all day hiking. All of it kept me in the right direction. The only thing that doesn't keep me in the right direction is not giving a shit. Understand what is actually bad for you: sugar, refined carbs like white bread and pasta, alcohol, calories that don't contribute to you feeling full or feeling full for very long, and you'll be on your way.

How does the typical American get fat from fast food? It's really not the big mac, though I'd avoid that crap anyway since it's prepared so nastily. They get the burger and the fries and the soda. I was just over in NYC where they show the calories on the menu at most restaurants. Five Guys bacon cheeseburger, double patties and properly equipped, is like 1000 calories. Fries are like 1000 calories. Large soda is upwards of 1000 calories. Those fries and drink are some of the worst possible shit you can ingest, and yet they're not even satisfying compared to the burger, they're just filler, super easy to remove. I'll have the burger and a bottled water and, there you go, I've had 1000 calories, not the healthiest in the world but I'm satisfied and can go about my business. Don't eat those fries and absolutely don't have the soda.

What I personally think is a good approach is to do ketosis for as long as you can stay sane doing it, which is a temporary muscle-sparing extreme fat loss approach, then the rest of the way, as a long-term life-changing sort of thing, make better decisions about stuff like what you're drinking. It's hard to exercise when you're fat. Do what you can.

You probably don't want to run at that weight, your joints will hate you for it, but you can do things like sprint intervals on the stationary bike or elliptical. Sprint intervals are where you do 100% max effort for about 20-30 seconds, go as hard as you can, and then a very low pace for 2-4 minutes to recover, then do the sprint again, with 4-7 total intervals. You may not want to start with this right away if you're completely sedentary, do some low intensity sessions first to get into the groove, but it's been shown to massively boost athletic performance and promote weight loss, without as much of a time investment or the joint problems associated with long distance cardio.

Strength training's also great. The more lean mass you have, the more your basal metabolic rate is (the amount of calories you're burning just by being alive), and when you weightlift your body is expending energy rebuilding itself for a good 2-3 days afterward. If you're comfortable with weightlifting, go for it. If not and you want to try, read the OP of the fitness gaf thread to find out how to approach it: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=431741 . If you're uncomfortable with the idea of heavy weightlifting, you can also do bodyweight exercises to get some benefit. Try three sets of: (pushups, body squats, crunches) to failure, three times a week. Your weight is probably too high to be able to do any pullups at this time, but if you happen to be able to, pullups/chinups are awesome. This alone is not going to make you fit, but it'll help you along.

Try walking places instead of driving. Not every time, but just go. 30-60 minutes of walking per day can reap huge dividends when you're fat. There are so few fat Manhattan residents, and people there aren't living on celery by any means. They're just walking to places instead of driving. Use public transit when possible and walk.

Make sure you get enough omega-3 fats. Take a fish oil supplement if you don't eat fish regularly. It's probably the best possible supplement almost anyone can take, and one of the benefits is that it promotes additional fat loss when you exercise. As human beings our omega-6 to omega-3 ratios have gone completely out of whack since the meat and eggs and whatnot we eat aren't sourced from animals that are grass fed (animals eat grass and algae = they have omega 3 fats in their bodies), and we eat a ton of shitty processed crap now. Get your ratios back in check by ingesting more omega-3 fats and your body functions better: better psychological health, better functioning cardiovascular system, and greater white fat loss when exercising regularly, by far.

Feel free to ask the folks here questions, lots of successful people. Me, I'm down from 6'3 300 lbs in the summer of '09 to 190 lbs today, and still working on getting to the finish line, but it's a hell of a difference and you won't regret putting in the effort ;b.


I used to be around 270, down to about 180 now...again, everything he said is dead on. The best advice I can give you is get an ipod and put alot of good music on there that motivates you. Just start out moving your body, not to where its painful, but you feel good and like you are accomplishing something. Do that with a low card diet and fit in a cheat day every other week. Try to think in terms of making every week slightly better than the last. Find a way to enjoy the process and it will help you stick to it. Think of it in term of a lifestyle change and not something you are doing for a set period. A way of living your life from here on out. Good luck man. Im only 5'8 and have been almost 300 pounds before. Its alot easier than you think.


I used to be around 270, down to about 180 now...again, everything he said is dead on. The best advice I can give you is get an ipod and put alot of good music on there that motivates you. Just start out moving your body, not to where its painful, but you feel good and like you are accomplishing something. Do that with a low card diet and fit in a cheat day every other week. Try to think in terms of making every week slightly better than the last. Find a way to enjoy the process and it will help you stick to it. Think of it in term of a lifestyle change and not something you are doing for a set period. A way of living your life from here on out. Good luck man. Im only 5'8 and have been almost 300 pounds before. Its alot easier than you think.

I was 250-280 throughout high school and into my late teens. I ended up losing 125 pounds the fairly unhealthy way (ate one meal a day and half portions, popped ephedrin like candy, worked out 2 hours a day out of boredom).

I literally don't remember going from fat to skinny. I don't remember the change and no one ever mentioned the change (I later found out this was because my stepmother had convinced my close family that I was taking meth or crack, which "led to" my weight loss and so no one was there to say "good job man!"). One day I walked into my bathroom and for the first time in 6 months I looked in the mirror. I had literally been too busy to look at myself in the mirror. The last time I had I was about 230-250. I was now about 160-165 (I would end up at 155).

It felt like I had fallen asleep fat and woke up skinny. I remember sucking my belly in and seeing a "bowl" there. And I fucking cried. I cried for half an hour, I was so happy. My life was so much better for the next couple years until I gained it back.

And now I'm heavier than ever because I didn't lose weight the proper way. That's my biggest fear. If I do this, I don't want it coming back. I want to live for a long time.

Anyway, /rant, this is my time. The last couple weeks have been my time to start planning this out.
ok, I've been doing low cal for a while now and I'm seeing some improvements. I want to start low carb along side the cal and see how far I can go with it.
It's just that my limited food choices paired with my limited time I think I'm just gonna have to skip everything and just eat dinner(meat and veggies). The only thing I might have in mind for breakfast is a handful of shredded cheddar cheese.
ok, I've been doing low cal for a while now and I'm seeing some improvements. I want to start low carb along side the cal and see how far I can go with it.
It's just that my limited food choices paired with my limited time I think I'm just gonna have to skip everything and just eat dinner(meat and veggies). The only thing I might have in mind for breakfast is a handful of shredded cheddar cheese.
I feel like every time you post what you're doing in here, it's wrong. Why can't you eat more? Why do low cal AND low carb at the same time? Can't you prep food ahead of time to eat?


3am... Once again can't sleep.. Hungry as hell, just made a huge salad with iceberg lettuce, a ton blue cheese dressing, blue cheese crumbles and a can of tuna. I feel satisfied hunger wise, but I now have huge aneixity like I just cheated on my eating plan (low carb) I just can't get ever be confertable with eating this late. But I guess it's a hell of a lot better than a big Mac combo? Maybe that's why I always have aneixity eating so late, is that it ussally is large amounts of junk food?

I guess what I'm doing here is just venting, and looking for some morale support lol

Anyone else feel the same way I do, eating a meal at such a early hour?


relies on auto-aim
3am... Once again can't sleep.. Hungry as hell, just made a huge salad with iceberg lettuce, a ton blue cheese dressing, blue cheese crumbles and a can of tuna. I feel satisfied hunger wise, but I now have huge aneixity like I just cheated on my eating plan (low carb) I just can't get ever be confertable with eating this late. But I guess it's a hell of a lot better than a big Mac combo? Maybe that's why I always have aneixity eating so late, is that it ussally is large amounts of junk food?

I guess what I'm doing here is just venting, and looking for some morale support lol

Anyone else feel the same way I do, eating a meal at such a early hour?
No regrets. Gotta watch my StarCraft.


I was 250-280 throughout high school and into my late teens. I ended up losing 125 pounds the fairly unhealthy way (ate one meal a day and half portions, popped ephedrin like candy, worked out 2 hours a day out of boredom).

I literally don't remember going from fat to skinny. I don't remember the change and no one ever mentioned the change (I later found out this was because my stepmother had convinced my close family that I was taking meth or crack, which "led to" my weight loss and so no one was there to say "good job man!"). One day I walked into my bathroom and for the first time in 6 months I looked in the mirror. I had literally been too busy to look at myself in the mirror. The last time I had I was about 230-250. I was now about 160-165 (I would end up at 155).

It felt like I had fallen asleep fat and woke up skinny. I remember sucking my belly in and seeing a "bowl" there. And I fucking cried. I cried for half an hour, I was so happy. My life was so much better for the next couple years until I gained it back.

And now I'm heavier than ever because I didn't lose weight the proper way. That's my biggest fear. If I do this, I don't want it coming back. I want to live for a long time.

Anyway, /rant, this is my time. The last couple weeks have been my time to start planning this out.

What you want my man is a lifestyle.

Make your lifestyle healthy; your body will follow.

If you, like me, suffer from motivation problems - then pick the lowest hanging fruit. Pair it with something you enjoy.

For me... that's just walking. I'm lucky enough to have an awesome park nearby, and I do about 5km at least 5 times a week. I listen to audiobooks and learn a whole lot of shit while walking - the breeze and movement of the body feels great as well.

Also, mix it up; call up friends, family, whatever - have them come walk with you. It's fun to chat and walk. A much healthier option than sitting around in some cafe or restaraunt and talking/eating.

I can definetly see myself doing this for years to come. It feels good, natural.

The other side - the diet - it's easier to be conscious about eating in a healthy manner when you're walking everyday. You want that walk to mean something... and the best way to do that is not to overeat and throw those calories burnt out the window.

The biggest thing I struggle with is portion control and grazing. When I don't keep track, the calories stack on fast. Also, I'm always happy to eat a big meal... and while it's ok to do it from time to time - when it becomes more than once a week regular, those big meals are going to have dramatically negative impacts on your overall diet.

I personally use a meal and fitness tracker called Noom weightloss on my android phone - really big help in helping me be more aware and more conscious of my daily energy intake and expenditure.

You're not going to be super lean and cut doing the things I suggest - but it'll be that much easier to sustain as a lifestyle over the course of decades. And ultimately, may be the path to the greatest degree of longevity...
I posted here a couple weeks ago about how I was ready to try to lose weight. I have been pretty skeptical about the low-carb thing, but RubxQub recommended checking out "Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes. I'm a skeptical person by nature, so rather than blindly buying the book I did a fair amount of research about Gary and listened to a few of his presentations on YouTube. Researching diet and nutrition information has always been a headache for me because there's always so much conflicting information, but Gary's approach just kind of clicked for me. So, I bought the book and started dramatically reducing my carb intake. I'm 5'11" and I started out at 257 lbs. After 10 days I'm down to below 250:


And the thing is, it's effortless. I feel like I've found a hack for my body or something. I am eating a lot of meat, eggs, and cheese. As far as vegetables, I have been eating primarily green beans and spinach, but I have a hard time eating most other vegetables that I am "allowed" to eat. I'll often have some nuts as a snack. Most of all, I don't even feel like I am on a diet. I eat whenever I get hungry and eat until I am full, and weight just comes off. I am sure this has all been said before, but I just figured I'd chime in with my own experience so far. I know the weight loss will slow over time, but results like this make it easy to stick to.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I posted here a couple weeks ago about how I was ready to try to lose weight. I have been pretty skeptical about the low-carb thing, but RubxQub recommended checking out "Why We Get Fat" by Gary Taubes. I'm a skeptical person by nature, so rather than blindly buying the book I did a fair amount of research about Gary and listened to a few of his presentations on YouTube. Researching diet and nutrition information has always been a headache for me because there's always so much conflicting information, but Gary's approach just kind of clicked for me. So, I bought the book and started dramatically reducing my carb intake. I'm 5'11" and I started out at 257 lbs. After 10 days I'm down to below 250:


And the thing is, it's effortless. I feel like I've found a hack for my body or something. I am eating a lot of meat, eggs, and cheese. As far as vegetables, I have been eating primarily green beans and spinach, but I have a hard time eating most other vegetables that I am "allowed" to eat. I'll often have some nuts as a snack. Most of all, I don't even feel like I am on a diet. I eat whenever I get hungry and eat until I am full, and weight just comes off. I am sure this has all been said before, but I just figured I'd chime in with my own experience so far. I know the weight loss will slow over time, but results like this make it easy to stick to.[/QUOTE]

Awwwww yeah, man! Congrats on the early progress, and I'm glad my recommendation passed the sniff test for you that you wanted to jump in.

You started out very close to where I was when I first started so you should probably enjoy anywhere from 10-15 pounds a month if you keep at it. Just make sure to keep your protein intake on the higher side and exercise a little so you don't sacrifice any muscle along the way like I did.

The best part is that as long as you make this a lifestyle change, you don't even have to worry about your weight anymore. Like you said, it's like a hack to get thin and then stay thin.
And the thing is, it's effortless. I feel like I've found a hack for my body or something. I am eating a lot of meat, eggs, and cheese. As far as vegetables, I have been eating primarily green beans and spinach, but I have a hard time eating most other vegetables that I am "allowed" to eat. I'll often have some nuts as a snack. Most of all, I don't even feel like I am on a diet. I eat whenever I get hungry and eat until I am full, and weight just comes off. I am sure this has all been said before, but I just figured I'd chime in with my own experience so far. I know the weight loss will slow over time, but results like this make it easy to stick to.
My experience also! The hack analogy is very true :)


I think I need to quit the scale. Pre strong lifts 5x5 I was around 173. Now I'm taking in a lot more protein and water and I'm hovering around 176-178.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
If you haven't changed much else in your diet, you can almost safely assume that that is either due to increased water retention due to working your muscles, or actual muscle mass gained!

Either way, probably nothing to worry about.

...but I'm just as guilty as caring about what the scale tells me. I'm trying to rely more on my body measurements than the scale these days.


gonna reintroduce my cheat day this weekend.

Enjoy! My Cheat Day starts tonight with pizza :)

I think I need to quit the scale. Pre strong lifts 5x5 I was around 173. Now I'm taking in a lot more protein and water and I'm hovering around 176-178.

You should only weigh yourself at the same time each day / every few day. Me, I weigh myself in the morning after using the bathroom & my morning run, and I try not to drink too much water beforehand. Dropped a couple pounds this week, and now I'm 1 lb less than before my holiday splurge.
You started out very close to where I was when I first started so you should probably enjoy anywhere from 10-15 pounds a month if you keep at it. Just make sure to keep your protein intake on the higher side and exercise a little so you don't sacrifice any muscle along the way like I did.

I am planning on starting regular exercise at some point, just not sure when. Honestly, I don't think I could right now. When I first started my muscles felt pretty weak, but I read that it was a side effect of ketosis and should go away. I don't feel as weak now, at least not in general, but when I have to exert myself (stairs) I can still feel it. Did anyone else experience this, and if so when did it go away? I at least want to wait until I feel "normal" again before I start doing some cardio, and eventually weights.

This may be better suited for the fitness thread, but does anyone in here have any experience or thoughts on doing CrossFit while on a carb-restricted diet? This is something I have seriously considered trying once I get down closer to 200.
I am planning on starting regular exercise at some point, just not sure when. Honestly, I don't think I could right now. When I first started my muscles felt pretty weak, but I read that it was a side effect of ketosis and should go away. I don't feel as weak now, at least not in general, but when I have to exert myself (stairs) I can still feel it. Did anyone else experience this, and if so when did it go away? I at least want to wait until I feel "normal" again before I start doing some cardio, and eventually weights.

This may be better suited for the fitness thread, but does anyone in here have any experience or thoughts on doing CrossFit while on a carb-restricted diet? This is something I have seriously considered trying once I get down closer to 200.

Crossfit is almost all anaerobic, which is heavily reliant on glycogen. Going under 100 grams while trying to maintain a 3-on, 1-off CF schedule is probably counterproductive. A lot of people burn out doing it.
My experience also! The hack analogy is very true :)

It's exactly that.

I got my first blood test results since starting paleo around 11 months ago and passed with flying colors.

My regular doctor (who was on board from the minute I told her about the diet) was on maternity leave, and the doctor and nurse who I ended up seeing were actually really skeptical when I explained exactly how much animal fat I eat while consuming absolutely zero "whole grains". Nice to have proof that what I'm doing is working.


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Evilore's post reminded me to start taking fish oil.

How many milligrams per day does GAF recommend? Should I take it at meals?

Not sure if you need to take it with meals, but I do. Taking 1000mg of Omega-3 (not fish oil, omega-3...have to read the labels to make sure you're getting the right amount of the actual thing you want...a lot of fish oils will say 1000mg but only have 300mg of actual omega-3 in them).

My general rule of thumb is that the more processed foods you eat, the more Omega-3 you should take.

Eating clean with whole foods? 1000mg
Eating clean with packaged foods? 2000mg
Eating whatever the eff you want? 3000mg
Evilore's post reminded me to start taking fish oil.

How many milligrams per day does GAF recommend? Should I take it at meals?

For the first few months I did a bit of cod oil (I just bought a bottle of the lemon flavored stuff off of Amazon and would take a teaspoon or two everyday). Didn't really follow anything too closely.

There was a study a while back that showed improvement when taken for about the first year of someone who is kind of reversing the trend of abuse, but after that the excess fat (even healthy fishy fat) turns against you and starts to hurt more than it helps. At least that's how I remember it [Citation needed I suppose ;)].


Evilore's post reminded me to start taking fish oil.

How many milligrams per day does GAF recommend? Should I take it at meals?
DietDoctor (a Swedish LCHF proponent and blogger) recommends 1000mg a day of actual omega 3 (like RubxQub said fish oil supplements aren't always 100% omega-3). I'm assuming that 1000mg recommendation is if you are eating LCHF and relatively good quality food.


Alright so I have been lurking around this thread for long enough and I now think it's time for me to become more active; it's a new year and I need to start doing things differently.

So let me start off with a little backstory; I'm 23 years old 6' 3'' and about 335 lbs. Live in Queens, NYC and currently working a bullshit customer service job. I'm the big guy among my friends, not really obnoxiously fat but tall and big (friends call me Big B LOL!). I don't necessarily mind being a big guy either. There are really only a couple reasons why I want to lose weight:

1. Health - I've always felt like a skinny guy in a big guys body. I know I can push myself to do things that I shouldn't be doing at my weight but I do it to prove that I can and in the process hurt/embarrass myself. Sometimes simple things like climbing 2 or 3 flights of stairs has me panting and I know I can go farther than that. I honestly already feel like I am a healthy guy but just out of shape and I really want to be an in shape big man.

2. Clothes - As trivial as this sounds, I want my clothes to fit better on me. I always have a vision of an outfit I'd like to wear when going out but I can almost never find the right clothes in my size and it frustrates me so much. I know I'm a good looking guy and I know how to dress to well everyday if I had too but I just simply can't find the clothes to do so and I just won't shop at Causal Male XL or another store similar to it.

3. And probably the most important reason is this one - Gynecomastia - for those who may not know what this is I would suggest you Google it; short version is man boobs. In my case though it is quite severe, and I'm not just saying that because I am embarrassed and I'm being over zealous in my description, I mean literally breasts on my chest (ha that rhymes). I've had this condition since I was 13 years old so for basically the most important time in a guys life I've had to deal with this. It's probably the worst thing that I have ever had to deal with. Only 'cure' is to have surgery and I want to avoid any chance of it coming back or not being happy with the results.

So there you have it GAF...I need help. I don't really want to go on any type of diet that isn't long term. I am really trying to change my life here. I'm the type of guy that needs details so I would appreciate that instead of the run of the mill 'diet and exercise' post or 'eat right'...what have you done specifically that helped you lose the pounds? How did you stay focused even when you were at work? Any comments, questions or suggestions are much appreciated.

I think you're lying to yourself a little about how you feel. I was more out of shape than you when I started (same height but more overweight and older than you) and now after just ~7 months I'm <250 lbs, I feel so much better, I look way better, I'm buying awesome clothes... It's just all around good. I still have more weight to lose and I'm still working on it, but I spent a lot of time in denial too, I have a friend who's shorter and heavier than I was when I started and he's even in more denial.

I'm not gonna force you but even if you think you're not lying to yourself you probably kinda are. For me it was just feeling that desire to finally lose the weight that got me started.

I exercise 6 days a week, started off with little walks, bought dumbbells, after about 4 months I started P90 and joined a gym to tackle the stuff I couldn't do at home (assisted pull ups, 'real' bench presses, and indoors cardio other than P90).

As far as diet I just wrote specific notes of what I eat and calories rounded to 50's. I avoided white flour stuff, ate less bread but not none. I've tried periods of lower carbs (~150g a day) but lately I eat about 300g and I'm still losing weight. I eat lots of protein (white meats, yogurts, nuts). But overall I'm just eating less calories (2100-2400 these days, more like 2000 when I first started, which was probably a bit low but whatever). I don't go overboard eating fatty stuffs like bacon like some low carbers will, but I may give low carb another shot. Usually low carb dieting put me in a depressed mood.

In addition to all this my doctor says my heart health is now excellent even compared to athletes.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Any recommended fish oil supplement to buy?

Whatever you go with, get one that's molecularly distilled. Removes the potential mercury.

I've tried Kirkland and Trader Joe's, both gave me occasional fishy burps, despite the Trader Joe's one being enteric coated. Been good with Whole Foods brand (this one) so far, maybe because of the lemon oil, ymmv of course. You can eliminate any possible fishiness concerns by taking fish oil before bed rather than during the day, anyhow.
Also, from what I read, the fish oil that one should be taking must contain both EPA and DHA. EPA must be greater than DHA, and when you add both of them up, it should be over 1000mg. If you are taking Cod Liver Oil, the Vitamin A to Vitamin D ratio must be as close to 10:1 as possible. If it contain Vitamin E and/or Vitamin K2 that weren't added but instead fermented, it is a bonus.
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