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Weight Loss Before/After Thread! (with pics)


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
That was a great post by Evilore... kind of a good summary of what I've learned the last few years researching weight loss/nutrition/healthy living.

Great advice.



Definitely my favorite fish oil. No afterburps or anything.



so is two weeks enough to see results from a lower carb intake?

I decided to cut down on 100-150 carbs on rest days and 150-200 on weight lifting days(Madcow 5x5) and everything else stays the same

2600 calories a day
260 grams of protein
50-80 grams of fat

so far. I feel the same, lost 2 pounds this week and no lost of energy. my carb intake used to be closer to 300.



Just thought I'd throw that up there. Was so stuck around 240 for a good month, but now I can officially say I'm under 240 and have been for two weeks!

Feels good. I'll post pictures eventually. Maybe.


Hello Weight loss Gaf !

I need your help =).

My Current Weight is 89kg [196.2 lbs] and my height is 5'8/5'9.

I wish to reduce 20 to 25kg.

I am a pure Veg. So i would be gladful if someone could suggest me a nice diet which includes only Veg food and also some exercises.

My aim is to reduce these weight within 5/6 months ! Is it Possible ?
Hello Weight loss Gaf !

I need your help =).

My Current Weight is 89kg [196.2 lbs] and my height is 5'8/5'9.

I wish to reduce 20 to 25kg.

I am a pure Veg. So i would be gladful if someone could suggest me a nice diet which includes only Veg food and also some exercises.

My aim is to reduce these weight within 5/6 months ! Is it Possible ?

Yes, it's absolutely possible. I'm your height and I did that. Roughly 200-205 pounds to 160 pounds in less than 6 months. I did a vegetarian diet for the first 3 months just because I felt like doing something different. Eat a variety of raw fruits, vegetables, whole grains. Yogurts, protein shakes and high fiber green shakes to keep you full. Snack several times a day on seeds, nuts or salads. Drink an excessive amount of water. Cut out any unhealthy sweets. Avoid pasta, white bread and fried food. Move, move, move. You don't need to spend 3 hours in the gym everyday, but try to get some walking, jogging, running or biking in several times a week. Lift weights when you can. If you find yourself sitting down watching TV, playing games, browsing GAF, studying or working for several hours without moving, get on the floor and do some push ups, crunches or do some jumping jacks. Just move.

I've been lurking this thread for ages. I wish I had good pics to share of me at my fattest and where I'm at now. I've always been terrible with my weight. Throughout my teens I went from being slightly overweight-to healthy weight-to too skinny-back to slightly overweight and then at the tail end of my teens I hit the point of obesity. Right after high school I stopped giving a shit and ate fast food and drank soda several times a day and never exercised. I ballooned up 30 pounds in just 3 or 4 months. Painful and ugly stretch marks all over my body. None of my clothes fit me. Somehow, I didn't fully notice my weight gain until I was obese. I was completely embarrassed when I started seeing my high school friends again that summer. I did a lot of damage to my body in just a handful of months. Thankfully I didn't stall for too long and lost the weight as fast as I gained it. I went from a healthy weight-to obese-back to a healthy weight in less than 1 year. I'm about to turn 21 and I'm feeling good about my body again. I'm of average build and have more muscle than ever before. The stretch marks are still very noticeable. Unfortunately they run all along my biceps too, so people notice them if I wear short sleeves, but they're beginning to fade. The more water I drink, the more vitamin e I take and the more bio oil I use the less nasty they look for a while. They're a reminder not to let myself go again, that just a few weeks of binge eating can damage your body for life.

The best things I've ever done is weigh myself several times a day vs a few times a year. If I see that I've gained 2 or so pounds I go on lock down. There's no more gaining 30 pounds without me noticing. Unless I get put on some extreme medication or something, I think it'll be near impossible for me to gain weight again now that I'm so aware.
Wow, I've been lurking this thread for a few years and some of you guys are really inspirational!

I'm a pretty small guy, and people think I'm a stick when I'm wearing clothes, but I've got a little bit of a tummy coming. Other than working out (which I'll be starting soon), what else can I do to get rid of that tummy before it becomes bigger? :(
teh pwn reccomended Carlson's Fish Oil two years ago and I've stuck with that ever since. Best fish oil supplement I've seen so far.

800mg EPA, 500mg DHA, 300mg "other omega 3s" per teaspoon. I take two teaspoons five days a week.

Cool, just got these


2 soft gels per day, time to start it.

Other question, does anybody take multi-vitamin and/or fiber supplements too?


Hello Weight loss Gaf !

I need your help =).

My Current Weight is 89kg [196.2 lbs] and my height is 5'8/5'9.

I wish to reduce 20 to 25kg.

I am a pure Veg. So i would be gladful if someone could suggest me a nice diet which includes only Veg food and also some exercises.

My aim is to reduce these weight within 5/6 months ! Is it Possible ?

It's very possible. I was 210 at 5'8 in June/July, and am now down to 163. I just ate less, cut out all soda, candy, fried food (which as a veg. shouldn't be an issue) and only ate at meal times.

It's definitely doable, but dropping weight that quickly depending on how much you drop can be bad...most of december I was having really bad dizzy spells and by xmas it got to the point where I was blacking out once a week. They've stopped but I have no idea what caused them and the doc thinks it was losing 30-40 pounds in 4-5 months.

So just be careful and don't lose too much too fast.

OG Kush

Another great supplement for good oils and amino acids for your body are Hemp Seed Oil and Flax seed oil. Lot of good DHA and EPA.


Other question, does anybody take multi-vitamin and/or fiber supplements too?
I take a multivitamin/mineral once a day, even though I eat lots of veggies the multivitamin is more of a "covering my bases" kinda thing.

I also take vitamin D since here in Sweden during winter/spring there isn't much sun (sunlight on your skin stimulates vitamin D), especially when I'm indoors at uni when the sun actually may be out those times of the year.


I started leangains-styled IF two weeks ago and I just love it. I train at empty stomache and then eat my first meal around 1:00 and after that I eat only one more meal.
THe fact that I can't eat untill my training is done is a blessing. It stops me from putting off working out. I often did that before and then went "oh..so late, no time to do it today I guess". Plus two meals a day (plus a whey protein in between if I don't hit at least 160g of protein) make keeping all the calories and carbs restrictions so easy.
Thanks to that I finally went below 248 lbs yesterday. Still a long road ahead of me, but I'm pumped up :)


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
teh pwn reccomended Carlson's Fish Oil two years ago and I've stuck with that ever since. Best fish oil supplement I've seen so far.

800mg EPA, 500mg DHA, 300mg "other omega 3s" per teaspoon. I take two teaspoons five days a week.

Doesn't that taste absolutely disgusting? Teaspoons? lol...

I'm looking for a the best option... but the thought of... drinking it... idk man.
alright i need some help gaf.

People are typically the most successful with weight loss via a low carb diet. There are many variations. I've done several months of ketosis (staying under about 20 grams of carbs per day, getting plenty of fiber from leafy greens, and otherwise mostly not restricting anything else).

i would like to try this. i have been on a low carb diet for a lot of last year keeping it under 50g a day not 20. although towards the end of the year i started to go over that not by eating tons of sugar stuff but eating too much of low carb foods like peanuts or almonds. then in december i got off the diet all together and overate much of the month. in november i was in the low 230s not im in the high 240s im 6'5 btw. i would like to give the under 20 grams of carbs per day thing a try and do it for 90 days after that maybe go back to the under 50 or stick with it. but i think 90 days is long enough to get some benefits from it but short enough i can gut it out if i dont like it.

i need to get some weight loss i feel like if i dont things will snowball and i will really start to put on the pounds. i run (started june of 2011) now i do about 20-25 miles a week thats my main exercise. i was planning to start marathon training in feb (done with half marathon training) but i want to wait until i am below 230 before i start, i will still keep running just wont kick it up until i lose some pounds.

i chew gum when i run i can cut back but i dont think i can cut it out. its about a gram of carb per piece (trident white) i dont think there is no carb gum is there? i usually run 3 to 4 times a week and during each run have 2-6 pieces depending on the length of the run. also 3 of my 5 days a week i work 3rd shift and i usually have a monster energy low carb drink right before work or before my run that i do before work. the can is a total of 6 grams of carbs. would i have to cut both gum and monster to make it work or can i get my carb from those sources as long as i dont exceed 20 for the day? also i started having the monster drink for work but i have one every day even if i dont work the third shift or not. i plan to just drink water (and hopefully a daily monster drink) while on the under 20 gram diet. i dont like water by itself i usually have crystal lite or polar diet cream soda.

should i try to have a few carbs before my run if so whats something i could have. i also need some help on what to eat. breakfast is easy im fine with eggs but lunch, dinner and snack is where i need some ideas. i need more structure. i would like to start monday. any help is appreciated
I gained a few pounds over the months & started what I thought was a diet.
I been eating nothing but fruits, with 2 cans of small tuna every 4 days. I actually gained some small weight from that!

I googled fruits on getting fat & yup. Eating fresh natural fruits will cause you to gain weight. Fuck me, a month & a half for nothing.

I been eating absolutely no grains/breads of any sort & drinking low carb, low calorie tea.
Besides the can of tuna I eat once or twice every few days, I have been eating ZERO meats.
I thought eating a few bananas, oranges, kiwis & pears periodically throughout the day would be healthy & cause some weight lose. Wrong.

Some site even mentioned you might as well just start eating chocolates as they could cause less fat for you.

I guess I have to stop buying fruit & start buying (ugh) vegetables. Yuck.
I gained a few pounds over the months & started what I thought was a diet.
I been eating nothing but fruits, with 2 cans of small tuna every 4 days. I actually gained some small weight from that!

I googled fruits on getting fat & yup. Eating fresh natural fruits will cause you to gain weight. Fuck me, a month & a half for nothing.

I been eating absolutely no grains/breads of any sort & drinking low carb, low calorie tea.
Besides the can of tuna I eat once or twice every few days, I have been eating ZERO meats.
I thought eating a few bananas, oranges, kiwis & pears periodically throughout the day would be healthy & cause some weight lose. Wrong.

Some site even mentioned you might as well just start eating chocolates as they could cause less fat for you.

I guess I have to stop buying fruit & start buying (ugh) vegetables. Yuck.

You seem to have been eating way too much fruit. Fruit is perfectly healthy in moderation, but you ate some of the most sugar-filled fruits (I would pass on bananas from now on if I were you). Just switch over to blueberries/raspberries/blackberries and don't eat them all day every day. Your low fat, high sugar diet was causing you to gain weight. Eat meats/nuts, berries, skip the grains, and go light on the carby fruits/vegetables. Stay away from carrots on the vegetables side.
There is nothing wrong with fruits. Just because you eat them doesn't mean you will get fat. Much like how fats won't make you fat. As mentioned, fruits in moderation is fine. A banana a day is fine post workout.

OG Kush

I gained a few pounds over the months & started what I thought was a diet.
I been eating nothing but fruits, with 2 cans of small tuna every 4 days. I actually gained some small weight from that!

I googled fruits on getting fat & yup. Eating fresh natural fruits will cause you to gain weight. Fuck me, a month & a half for nothing.

I been eating absolutely no grains/breads of any sort & drinking low carb, low calorie tea.
Besides the can of tuna I eat once or twice every few days, I have been eating ZERO meats.
I thought eating a few bananas, oranges, kiwis & pears periodically throughout the day would be healthy & cause some weight lose. Wrong.

Some site even mentioned you might as well just start eating chocolates as they could cause less fat for you.

I guess I have to stop buying fruit & start buying (ugh) vegetables. Yuck.
hmmm read this:
http://www.everydiet.org/diet/80-10-10-diet its sort of similiar to what you were doing.


I gained a few pounds over the months & started what I thought was a diet.
I been eating nothing but fruits, with 2 cans of small tuna every 4 days. I actually gained some small weight from that!

I googled fruits on getting fat & yup. Eating fresh natural fruits will cause you to gain weight. Fuck me, a month & a half for nothing.

I been eating absolutely no grains/breads of any sort & drinking low carb, low calorie tea.
Besides the can of tuna I eat once or twice every few days, I have been eating ZERO meats.
I thought eating a few bananas, oranges, kiwis & pears periodically throughout the day would be healthy & cause some weight lose. Wrong.

Some site even mentioned you might as well just start eating chocolates as they could cause less fat for you.

I guess I have to stop buying fruit & start buying (ugh) vegetables. Yuck.

Dude, do something more sustainable. Eating fruit and tuna doesn't sound like something you'll enjoy in the longterm.


So basically you're eating sugar and a small amount of protein. I'm just curious as to why you chose to eat like that? You're depriving your body of nutrients that it needs to function properly and healthily.
You seem to have been eating way too much fruit. Fruit is perfectly healthy in moderation, but you ate some of the most sugar-filled fruits (I would pass on bananas from now on if I were you). Just switch over to blueberries/raspberries/blackberries and don't eat them all day every day. Your low fat, high sugar diet was causing you to gain weight. Eat meats/nuts, berries, skip the grains, and go light on the carby fruits/vegetables. Stay away from carrots on the vegetables side.

I have been off of meats for a while now & don't feel I need or want to eat them during my diet. Just chicken soup from time to time.
I just wanted to lose 10 pounds in a span of 2 months, not necessarily get healthy.
I been eating fruits in moderation throughout the day (to keep up my metabolism) because they taste good & on the misconception that they were not a fat causing food.

I guess I'm going to stick with low sugar berries it seems. Also what's up with nuts? Can I buy a bag of Planters mixed nuts & be good, they always seemed to be something to cause weight gain & I always avoided them at stores.
If I can get some cashews, peanuts, almonds & go nuts (no pun intended) eating them throughout the day, I'd be fine with that.
So basically you're eating sugar and a small amount of protein. I'm just curious as to why you chose to eat like that? You're depriving your body of nutrients that it needs to function properly and healthily.

I actually stopped eating all junk foods, McDonalds, Taco Bell, Pizza, Soda, fried anything.
You know, all the shit that get a bad rep. I thought doing that alone would have helped, but not so.
Right now I'm going to throw away the bananas I have & purge on some Ice Cream & M&Ms from the local liquor store before starting my diet anew on Monday.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Doesn't that taste absolutely disgusting? Teaspoons? lol...

I'm looking for a the best option... but the thought of... drinking it... idk man.

I mix it in a small cup with water, but most people usually put it on a salad or meat or something. It was tough to handle at first, but I've gotten used to it.


Hey guys. I've been lurking here for a while and thought I'd come out of the shadows to talk about my weight loss success. I don't have pics, so sorry :(

I've been chubby since I was a kid, and crossed the line into obese territory in the last couple of years. I finally decided enough was enough and I was going to have to change my lifestyle in the run-up to my birthday last year, when I thought I wasn't getting any younger and should stop coming up with excuses.

So one Sunday in October I weighed myself at 224lbs (102kg, 5'9" tall) and changed my diet and started exercising. Cut out all junk food and snacking and changed to cereal for breakfast, fruit and a light sandwich for lunch, and then some chicken or fish with vegetables for dinner, with only water to drink. No low-carb diet or anything like that; just pure calorie-counting, limiting to 1,500-1,800 a day. For exercise I walked briskly to and from work every day (~2 miles each way), did 15 miles a day on an exercise bike, and then went for ~10-mile walks at the weekend. I was competitive at beating my best times on the bike and was aching a lot doing it daily, so I shifted that to 20 miles three times a week and brought in some light weight training, but other than that I've kept that routine. Let myself have Christmas Day as a cheat day, but that was all.

Weighed myself today and I'm 162lbs (73.5kg). Still a bit of fat to lose but I feel like I'm in the best shape of my life (went from able to do 3-4 press-ups at a time to 40+) and very happy, and also a little surprised at how easily I lost it. Getting compliments from anyone who hasn't seen me since I went on a diet is always nice. Not so much having to replace most of my clothes (waist went from 40" to 34", and shirts are M down from L/borderline XL), but it's for a good cause.

Now I'm just looking at ways to keep it off. I'm building up what I eat carefully while diversifying my exercise to keep it interesting by playing football with some friends from work weekly and thinking of taking up karate again, which I quit 12 years ago before I got my black belt. I've also got offers from friends to start going to the gym with them, so we'll see.


Went to a German buffet last night and got stuffed on various meats. Skipped the dessert table.

My weight is still all over the place but a guy I haven't seen in a while at the gym commented on how my chest is looking better. Compliments always help.

My fiancé has been giving more but sometimes I feel like she's obligated to :p


:lol Cheat DAy damage is always ridiculous. The scale said I gained 5 lbs yesterday, but today I was only 2 lbs heavier. I expect it all to be off by Wednesday, and to have lost ~1.5 lbs by Thursday :)

Weather down here in FL has been cooperative, so I went for my morning run (1.5mi) and did 2 sets of push-ups & sit-ups before work. Great start to the day!

I think my new goal is to have lost 35 lbs total by Valentines Day. But if I stay on track, I should hit that goal in about 2wks.

Hello Weight loss Gaf !

I need your help =).

My Current Weight is 89kg [196.2 lbs] and my height is 5'8/5'9.

I wish to reduce 20 to 25kg.

I am a pure Veg. So i would be gladful if someone could suggest me a nice diet which includes only Veg food and also some exercises.

My aim is to reduce these weight within 5/6 months ! Is it Possible ?

Same height here, and I was about that weight when I decided to get serious. It's definitely possible, just don't try to lose too much weight quickly. I would target losing 1-2 lbs a week.

I googled fruits on getting fat & yup. Eating fresh natural fruits will cause you to gain weight.

:lol No. Fresh fruits are fine, in moderation. Any of them. But they can't be the majority of your diet. I typically have a banana in the morning, and some other fruit (apple/grape/berries) with my lunch. Been doing just fine with my weight loss.

For exercise I walked briskly to and from work every day (~2 miles each way), did 15 miles a day on an exercise bike, and then went for ~10-mile walks at the weekend. I was competitive at beating my best times on the bike and was aching a lot doing it daily, so I shifted that to 20 miles three times a week and brought in some light weight training, but other than that I've kept that routine.

Now I'm just looking at ways to keep it off. I'm building up what I eat carefully while diversifying my exercise to keep it interesting by playing football with some friends from work weekly and thinking of taking up karate again, which I quit 12 years ago before I got my black belt. I've also got offers from friends to start going to the gym with them, so we'll see.

You seem to be doing a ton of cardio. A little too much cardio, IMO. At least it's been low-impact cardio. I do recommend taking your friends up on the gym offer, scaling back the cardio, and replacing it with weight training. Build some muscle on your frame. You'll gain some weight (eventually), but it'll be in all the "right" places, not forcing you to buy new clothes.


Hey guys. I've been lurking here for a while and thought I'd come out of the shadows to talk about my weight loss success. I don't have pics, so sorry :(

I've been chubby since I was a kid, and crossed the line into obese territory in the last couple of years. I finally decided enough was enough and I was going to have to change my lifestyle in the run-up to my birthday last year, when I thought I wasn't getting any younger and should stop coming up with excuses.

So one Sunday in October I weighed myself at 224lbs (102kg, 5'9" tall) and changed my diet and started exercising. Cut out all junk food and snacking and changed to cereal for breakfast, fruit and a light sandwich for lunch, and then some chicken or fish with vegetables for dinner, with only water to drink. No low-carb diet or anything like that; just pure calorie-counting, limiting to 1,500-1,800 a day. For exercise I walked briskly to and from work every day (~2 miles each way), did 15 miles a day on an exercise bike, and then went for ~10-mile walks at the weekend. I was competitive at beating my best times on the bike and was aching a lot doing it daily, so I shifted that to 20 miles three times a week and brought in some light weight training, but other than that I've kept that routine. Let myself have Christmas Day as a cheat day, but that was all.

Weighed myself today and I'm 162lbs (73.5kg). Still a bit of fat to lose but I feel like I'm in the best shape of my life (went from able to do 3-4 press-ups at a time to 40+) and very happy, and also a little surprised at how easily I lost it. Getting compliments from anyone who hasn't seen me since I went on a diet is always nice. Not so much having to replace most of my clothes (waist went from 40" to 34", and shirts are M down from L/borderline XL), but it's for a good cause.

Now I'm just looking at ways to keep it off. I'm building up what I eat carefully while diversifying my exercise to keep it interesting by playing football with some friends from work weekly and thinking of taking up karate again, which I quit 12 years ago before I got my black belt. I've also got offers from friends to start going to the gym with them, so we'll see.

We share the exact weights. I was 225, now 160. Good job man!
I've recently moved and joined a gym near my work, which works out nicely because I'm now able to go on my lunch breaks. I'm gone from going maybe 3x a week before, to 4-5x now because I would rather do something productive during lunch.

But between getting changed / showering, I only get about 45 minutes before I have to head back. Is it recommended that I switch off on cardio and weight days, or would it be beneficial to do about 20-25 minutes of cardio / 20 minutes of weight training? Is that enough time on either to be beneficial or is it better to focus the limited time I do have on one activity? Thanks! Great reading through these posts.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
My Mom came and visited me and gave me a ton of vitamins and pills and whatnot. What is the purpose of fish oil and omega 3?

Omega 3 is an anti-inflammatory fatty acid. Inflammation is the cause of pretty much every disease, ailment, bruise, pain, etc. It promots optimal eye, heart, brain, skin, and bone health.

And many recent studies have shown solid evidence of omega 3s enhancing muscle growth.

To quote Sony, it only does everything.

Just thought I'd throw that up there. Was so stuck around 240 for a good month, but now I can officially say I'm under 240 and have been for two weeks!

Feels good. I'll post pictures eventually. Maybe.

Good for you, man. I've stalled out. I was going down steadily. Now I'm up and down up and down, but haven't gone back down to my lowest by about a pound to two pounds. I don't know what the fuck to do.


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Good for you, man. I've stalled out. I was going down steadily. Now I'm up and down up and down, but haven't gone back down to my lowest by about a pound to two pounds. I don't know what the fuck to do.

What are you doing in general diet and exercise wise? (I'm not implying you need to exercise if you currently aren't, just looking for the full picture)
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