Hello Weight loss Gaf !
I need your help =).
My Current Weight is 89kg [196.2 lbs] and my height is 5'8/5'9.
I wish to reduce 20 to 25kg.
I am a pure Veg. So i would be gladful if someone could suggest me a nice diet which includes only Veg food and also some exercises.
My aim is to reduce these weight within 5/6 months ! Is it Possible ?
Any recommended fish oil supplement to buy?
teh pwn reccomended Carlson's Fish Oil two years ago and I've stuck with that ever since. Best fish oil supplement I've seen so far.
800mg EPA, 500mg DHA, 300mg "other omega 3s" per teaspoon. I take two teaspoons five days a week.
Hello Weight loss Gaf !
I need your help =).
My Current Weight is 89kg [196.2 lbs] and my height is 5'8/5'9.
I wish to reduce 20 to 25kg.
I am a pure Veg. So i would be gladful if someone could suggest me a nice diet which includes only Veg food and also some exercises.
My aim is to reduce these weight within 5/6 months ! Is it Possible ?
I take a multivitamin/mineral once a day, even though I eat lots of veggies the multivitamin is more of a "covering my bases" kinda thing.Other question, does anybody take multi-vitamin and/or fiber supplements too?
Another great supplement for good oils and amino acids for your body are Hemp Seed Oil and Flax seed oil. Lot of good DHA and EPA.
teh pwn reccomended Carlson's Fish Oil two years ago and I've stuck with that ever since. Best fish oil supplement I've seen so far.
800mg EPA, 500mg DHA, 300mg "other omega 3s" per teaspoon. I take two teaspoons five days a week.
People are typically the most successful with weight loss via a low carb diet. There are many variations. I've done several months of ketosis (staying under about 20 grams of carbs per day, getting plenty of fiber from leafy greens, and otherwise mostly not restricting anything else).
Hemp and flax are high in ALA, some of which the body converts to EPA and DHA, but they contain no actual, measurable EPA or DHA.
alright i need some help gaf.
Been taking Fish Oil for 3 months, just now had my first fishy burp.
That was disgusting. My mouth feels gross.
Is there no sugar free gum u could try?
I gained a few pounds over the months & started what I thought was a diet.
I been eating nothing but fruits, with 2 cans of small tuna every 4 days. I actually gained some small weight from that!
I googled fruits on getting fat & yup. Eating fresh natural fruits will cause you to gain weight. Fuck me, a month & a half for nothing.
I been eating absolutely no grains/breads of any sort & drinking low carb, low calorie tea.
Besides the can of tuna I eat once or twice every few days, I have been eating ZERO meats.
I thought eating a few bananas, oranges, kiwis & pears periodically throughout the day would be healthy & cause some weight lose. Wrong.
Some site even mentioned you might as well just start eating chocolates as they could cause less fat for you.
I guess I have to stop buying fruit & start buying (ugh) vegetables. Yuck.
hmmm read this:I gained a few pounds over the months & started what I thought was a diet.
I been eating nothing but fruits, with 2 cans of small tuna every 4 days. I actually gained some small weight from that!
I googled fruits on getting fat & yup. Eating fresh natural fruits will cause you to gain weight. Fuck me, a month & a half for nothing.
I been eating absolutely no grains/breads of any sort & drinking low carb, low calorie tea.
Besides the can of tuna I eat once or twice every few days, I have been eating ZERO meats.
I thought eating a few bananas, oranges, kiwis & pears periodically throughout the day would be healthy & cause some weight lose. Wrong.
Some site even mentioned you might as well just start eating chocolates as they could cause less fat for you.
I guess I have to stop buying fruit & start buying (ugh) vegetables. Yuck.
I gained a few pounds over the months & started what I thought was a diet.
I been eating nothing but fruits, with 2 cans of small tuna every 4 days. I actually gained some small weight from that!
I googled fruits on getting fat & yup. Eating fresh natural fruits will cause you to gain weight. Fuck me, a month & a half for nothing.
I been eating absolutely no grains/breads of any sort & drinking low carb, low calorie tea.
Besides the can of tuna I eat once or twice every few days, I have been eating ZERO meats.
I thought eating a few bananas, oranges, kiwis & pears periodically throughout the day would be healthy & cause some weight lose. Wrong.
Some site even mentioned you might as well just start eating chocolates as they could cause less fat for you.
I guess I have to stop buying fruit & start buying (ugh) vegetables. Yuck.
You seem to have been eating way too much fruit. Fruit is perfectly healthy in moderation, but you ate some of the most sugar-filled fruits (I would pass on bananas from now on if I were you). Just switch over to blueberries/raspberries/blackberries and don't eat them all day every day. Your low fat, high sugar diet was causing you to gain weight. Eat meats/nuts, berries, skip the grains, and go light on the carby fruits/vegetables. Stay away from carrots on the vegetables side.
So basically you're eating sugar and a small amount of protein. I'm just curious as to why you chose to eat like that? You're depriving your body of nutrients that it needs to function properly and healthily.
I just wanted to lose 10 pounds in a span of 2 months, not necessarily get healthy.
Doesn't that taste absolutely disgusting? Teaspoons? lol...
I'm looking for a the best option... but the thought of... drinking it... idk man.
Hello Weight loss Gaf !
I need your help =).
My Current Weight is 89kg [196.2 lbs] and my height is 5'8/5'9.
I wish to reduce 20 to 25kg.
I am a pure Veg. So i would be gladful if someone could suggest me a nice diet which includes only Veg food and also some exercises.
My aim is to reduce these weight within 5/6 months ! Is it Possible ?
I googled fruits on getting fat & yup. Eating fresh natural fruits will cause you to gain weight.
For exercise I walked briskly to and from work every day (~2 miles each way), did 15 miles a day on an exercise bike, and then went for ~10-mile walks at the weekend. I was competitive at beating my best times on the bike and was aching a lot doing it daily, so I shifted that to 20 miles three times a week and brought in some light weight training, but other than that I've kept that routine.
Now I'm just looking at ways to keep it off. I'm building up what I eat carefully while diversifying my exercise to keep it interesting by playing football with some friends from work weekly and thinking of taking up karate again, which I quit 12 years ago before I got my black belt. I've also got offers from friends to start going to the gym with them, so we'll see.
Hey guys. I've been lurking here for a while and thought I'd come out of the shadows to talk about my weight loss success. I don't have pics, so sorry
I've been chubby since I was a kid, and crossed the line into obese territory in the last couple of years. I finally decided enough was enough and I was going to have to change my lifestyle in the run-up to my birthday last year, when I thought I wasn't getting any younger and should stop coming up with excuses.
So one Sunday in October I weighed myself at 224lbs (102kg, 5'9" tall) and changed my diet and started exercising. Cut out all junk food and snacking and changed to cereal for breakfast, fruit and a light sandwich for lunch, and then some chicken or fish with vegetables for dinner, with only water to drink. No low-carb diet or anything like that; just pure calorie-counting, limiting to 1,500-1,800 a day. For exercise I walked briskly to and from work every day (~2 miles each way), did 15 miles a day on an exercise bike, and then went for ~10-mile walks at the weekend. I was competitive at beating my best times on the bike and was aching a lot doing it daily, so I shifted that to 20 miles three times a week and brought in some light weight training, but other than that I've kept that routine. Let myself have Christmas Day as a cheat day, but that was all.
Weighed myself today and I'm 162lbs (73.5kg). Still a bit of fat to lose but I feel like I'm in the best shape of my life (went from able to do 3-4 press-ups at a time to 40+) and very happy, and also a little surprised at how easily I lost it. Getting compliments from anyone who hasn't seen me since I went on a diet is always nice. Not so much having to replace most of my clothes (waist went from 40" to 34", and shirts are M down from L/borderline XL), but it's for a good cause.
Now I'm just looking at ways to keep it off. I'm building up what I eat carefully while diversifying my exercise to keep it interesting by playing football with some friends from work weekly and thinking of taking up karate again, which I quit 12 years ago before I got my black belt. I've also got offers from friends to start going to the gym with them, so we'll see.
My Mom came and visited me and gave me a ton of vitamins and pills and whatnot. What is the purpose of fish oil and omega 3?
My Mom came and visited me and gave me a ton of vitamins and pills and whatnot. What is the purpose of fish oil and omega 3?
Just thought I'd throw that up there. Was so stuck around 240 for a good month, but now I can officially say I'm under 240 and have been for two weeks!
Feels good. I'll post pictures eventually. Maybe.
Good for you, man. I've stalled out. I was going down steadily. Now I'm up and down up and down, but haven't gone back down to my lowest by about a pound to two pounds. I don't know what the fuck to do.